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BS: UNcharitable charities..

06 Jun 07 - 11:17 PM (#2070460)
Subject: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: GUEST,gilles312t

investigate before you donate, before funding A N Y charity. please visit. (learn how many charities M I S S P E N D research dollars and place us at grave risk!) &, read what the march of dimes spends (30 million a year) your money on..

06 Jun 07 - 11:42 PM (#2070475)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Mickey191

CharityNavigator is also a great site to check on the spending habits. March of Dimes gets only 2 stars out of possible 4. They spend 36 million on fundraising & 15 million on administrative costs.

I like that after explaining where the money goes-they also tell you how much the head honcho gets paid. They also have a pie chart - if all the figures boggle the mind.

It is a smart thing to check up on.   Thanks, Guest.

06 Jun 07 - 11:54 PM (#2070482)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Peace

The original post in this thread looks like bullshit to me.

gilles312t appears on about 570 sites and the ones I read have the same basic message (Google gilles312t and have a look). If this is legit, it would be nice if whoever the heck that guest is could post a hotlink to the site he mentions (and which I can't fing anywhere) and stop the games and fuckin' around. No offgense.

06 Jun 07 - 11:57 PM (#2070487)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Stilly River Sage

I had the same thought, Bruce. Maybe a clone will do a little tidying and clear this one away.

06 Jun 07 - 11:59 PM (#2070488)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Peace

I just reread my post. I'm surprised you could read it through the typos.

07 Jun 07 - 12:00 AM (#2070489)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Bob Bolton

G'day Peace,

I think our GUEST actually posted three sites ... but rather badly... Perhaps we have this simply as an object lesson in bad (and decidedly unproductive) posting technique.



07 Jun 07 - 12:10 AM (#2070494)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Bill D

well, some people's minds work in sound bytes and run-on sentences with not-too-coherent transitions. It's like people who jump up and interrupt at speeches...they seem to feel they have to blurt out some simplistic slogan before they get tossed out.


07 Jun 07 - 12:18 AM (#2070495)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Peace

Sorry. I'm gettin' older and crankier, and I have a low tolerance for bullshit.

07 Jun 07 - 12:41 AM (#2070503)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Mickey191

That was why I posted CharityNavigator. I didn't want to criticize his mess. I just figured he was into the sauce.

07 Jun 07 - 01:07 AM (#2070506)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

It is a fact of charitable fund-raising that more is spent on professional help, staff, advertizing, printing, accounting, legal services, etc. than on the object of the charity.

We send out contributions once a year, but during the year we receive several solicitations from almost every one of those we support. Fund-raising staffs in our fast-moving world must be active throughout the year, and must be professional to keep the public contributing funds.

In addition to the national and international charities there are the local hospitals, ambulance service, Animal Shelter, etc. who raise funds with lottery tickets for $25-100 each. All are professionally handled, as required by regulations, and are costly.

07 Jun 07 - 05:30 AM (#2070580)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Georgiansilver

'Q' you say..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It is a fact of charitable fund-raising that more is spent on professional help, staff, advertizing, printing, accounting, legal services, etc. than on the object of the charity.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<.
I work voluntarily in the Charity shop run by my Church. The Church(the people who attend it) pays all the costs of running the shop including rent/rates/lighting/heating and any incidental bills. All the staff in it are volunteers including the person who runs it. Every penny of the money we raise is spent on street children in Columbia, Philipines and Romania and the people who are working there who get the money to use are self funding voluntary missionaries so they get nothing from it. The point I am making is that you cannot tar all the charities with the same brush! Some are doing exactly what charity demands and others make a living from it. So when you say it is a may be partly right but not in full possession of the facts.
Many people think the same way as you and do not give to charities as a result......if you consider giving to a charity ( anyone that is) then please look into where your money is going and who will benefit from it...... 'some of them' are as 'Q' described.
Best wishes, Mike.

07 Jun 07 - 07:57 AM (#2070631)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Bee

My donations are either to local charities, or to national charities that still use volunteers. There are quite enough local charities to satisfy my conscience as to my charitable-ness. I never, ever respond to telephone solicitations.

07 Jun 07 - 08:03 AM (#2070636)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Sorcha

And if they send me 'free gifts' they don't get any money. Ditto for 'opportunities'. I decide where my money goes.

07 Jun 07 - 08:48 AM (#2070661)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: skipy

Well, I'm pleased to able to say that 100% of the monies raised at our forth coming ceilidh & concert (this weekend) will go directly to worthy causes!

07 Jun 07 - 10:18 AM (#2070725)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Peace

"That was why I posted CharityNavigator. I didn't want to criticize his mess. I just figured he was into the sauce."

If he was into the sauce, he's been into it consistently for quite a while because that same message appears on a gang of sites. Google


07 Jun 07 - 10:24 AM (#2070732)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Kim C

"And if they send me 'free gifts' they don't get any money."

No kidding. I haven't had to buy address labels for years.

I have a hard time giving money to people to print more labels to ask for more money.

07 Jun 07 - 11:09 AM (#2070756)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..

After the World Trade Center fiasco, I haven't given a dime to the Red Cross. I tend to give money directly to people who need it. When I see the salaries paid to non-profi executives, I have to wonder why I should be expected to give freely. I do however give toi the Salvation Army. I don't agree with their politics but can see that the money goes where it is needed.

07 Jun 07 - 11:20 AM (#2070765)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Kim C

Sins, a friend of mine who lived in Pass Christian during Hurricane Camille says the same thing. He will not give anything to the Red Cross. He said it was the Salvation Army that did most of the helping in their community then.

07 Jun 07 - 11:20 AM (#2070766)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: skipy

gilles312t birthdate is 19/4/55.

07 Jun 07 - 02:51 PM (#2070905)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Georgian silver is talking about the miniscule local charities which fall below the guidelines where the activities require accounting to the various governments.

An example of a larger charity with high expenses is the Salvation Army. I get their mailings four times a year at least.
All of the environmental charities (Nature Conservancy, etc.) have expenses exceeding their charitable outlay, which for some include purchase of sensitive land as it becomes available for reserves.

Many of these charities deserve support.

07 Jun 07 - 03:28 PM (#2070941)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Sorcha

My dad said wwwaaaayyyy back that he would never give a dime of money to the Red Cross. Time and blood, yes, but no money.

During WW2 they were SELLING the donated sandwiches, cigs, etc to soldiers overseas. There is one of the lung cancer funds, I can't remember which, that mom and dad wouldn't give to either but there are several of those now.

My grandad collected Easter Seals, full plates but he flat refused to send the society any money. This is not a new thing, folks.

I am still getting address labels for my mum, died in 98, her name, this address. She NEVER lived here. She is still getting opportunities too. At first I marked them Deceased and returned them. Now, I don't bother. Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund and Southwest Indian Foundation are the worst offenders there.

07 Jun 07 - 06:07 PM (#2071011)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Joe Offer has a pretty good summary of the charity watchdog organizations in the U.S. They recommend three:
Sometimes, I think these "watchdog" organizations are too damn fussy, and it's better to rely on personal experience and donate to organizations you know. I'm not sure I completely agree with Charity Navigator's criticism of the Red Cross, for example. All organizations make mistakes - corporations and governments make mistakes that can waste lots of money, too. And the cost of fundraising isn't always just wasted advertising - I get a lot of good information from the mailings I get from many charities.


    Yeah, I know the message starting this thread was bogus, but it DID start a worthwhile discussion.

07 Jun 07 - 06:45 PM (#2071050)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: Mickey191

How is one to know what is done with the donations? I'm speaking of those not close to home,church or school.
When my husband passed I mentioned in his obituary - in lieu of flowers please donate to the LOCAL humane society. Their address was given. They were supposed to send a note to each person & a list of the donors to me--didn't happen. Over the years I've heard from people who followed my request and didn't hear either.

I've also heard bad things about the Red Cross. Mainly from soldiers who were on troop trains & had to pay for coffee & donuts. Wasn't there also a big scandal when a storm hit a few years ago & money earmarked for the victims was "Saved" for something else? Think the some had to resign over it.

08 Jun 07 - 06:57 AM (#2071243)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: GUEST,Surprised

The Red Cross has let many people go due to mismangagement of funds at all levels.

08 Jun 07 - 08:28 AM (#2071308)
Subject: RE: BS: UNcharitable charities..
From: skipy

gilles312t is a resident of Dearborn Michigan.
He is into indi 500 racing, has placed the original message all over the internet, the earliest I have found so far is mid Dec. 2006.
Skipy, have a trawl!