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Lyr Req: Five Pounds of Possum

09 Apr 99 - 09:01 PM (#69530)
Subject: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Hiroshi Ogura

Does anybody know the lyrics to "Five Pounds of Possum (in my Headlights Tonight)"?

09 Apr 99 - 09:06 PM (#69532)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: catspaw49

Either a huge piece of irony or a great joke...right?


09 Apr 99 - 10:47 PM (#69551)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: bseed(charleskratz)

If I run one down, I'll save the ass for you, Paw. --seed

09 Apr 99 - 10:51 PM (#69554)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Barbara

Seed, I think it's like the guitar goods Sandy keeps trying to sell -- just save him the hole.

09 Apr 99 - 11:05 PM (#69557)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Rick Fielding

Hey, now "Cats", I'm willin' to bet this is a legit song, and that someone will prove me right. I'll put up my I won't.

09 Apr 99 - 11:16 PM (#69561)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: bseed(charleskratz)

One night last summer my dogs were raising a ruckus in the back yard and I came out with a flashlight and saw gray fur and naked tail and thought they had killed a rat. I put on a leather work glove, picked it up, and tossed it into an empty plastic garbage can in my patio. The next afternoon I was going to dump the rat in the regular garbage can but when I lifted the lid, I saw that not only was it a possum, not a rat, but still very much alive, if suffering from heat exhaustion from the sun shining on the can. I put the glove on again, lifted him/her out and put whichever into a box with water and a little dog food. I don't know if it ate or drank anything but when I came back after a while, it was very much revived so I put the glove back on again and picked it up and released it next to the side fence, under which it quickly disappeared. It was just about ocarina size--and if it ever happens again, I promise to hollow it out, dry it, and turn it into an ocarina for you, Paw.

10 Apr 99 - 01:56 AM (#69617)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: LEJ

" Five pounds of Possum in my Headlights Tonight

Five pounds of possum, Eyes lit up with Fright

Although I'm just a sinner

I'll thank the Lord for sendin dinner

there'll be 5 pounds of possum in the Fryin Pan tonight"

Is that the one?...LEJ

10 Apr 99 - 02:06 AM (#69619)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: catspaw49

You are, of course, the one who'd know. Simply amazing.

BTW...try Luhol-vul, that's as close as I can get's almost Lall, but with more u sound.


10 Apr 99 - 02:34 AM (#69628)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum

Lej. that's terrific. I committed that to file. How do you sing it? Tune of "Plastic Jesus"?

10 Apr 99 - 02:43 AM (#69629)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: LEJ

Cats...believe it or not, I AM NOT Hiroshi Ogura, and this was not a setup. OK, so I did make up the lyric. Cause if their ain't a song like that there oughta be. I was gonna work "Berea" into it but couldn't think of an appropriate rhyme.

tucker...sorry, I'm a lyricist only. If you wanna work up a tune, I'll share songwriting credits with you. Of course, this really MAY be a song, in which case the full force of ASCAP may be marshalled against us both...LEJ

10 Apr 99 - 09:45 AM (#69661)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: AlistairUK

Oh Joy Oh Joy a possum thread. I am flipping cartwheels evena s I speak, which makes typing a little tricky, but I'm nothing if not resourceful. Oh let my little grey cells get on this one.

10 Apr 99 - 11:24 AM (#69682)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Barbara

Seems like there was a mention of this on one of the earlier roadkill threads. Check 'em out.

10 Apr 99 - 11:35 AM (#69683)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: MMario

I seem to remember having heard a song about some point when the kids were having contests to see who could spot the most "road pizza". That would have been ABOUT 10 years ago


10 Apr 99 - 11:40 AM (#69684)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: MMario

Okay, yup, it's a real song. Haven't found the words, but it's for sale out on the web.


10 Apr 99 - 12:59 PM (#69705)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Bob Schwarer

There was a thread on this awhile back. I know some of the words, But my tape is poorpoor. If nobody else come through I'll try a decifer again.

Anyhow the chorus is:

There's 5 pounds of possum in my headlights tonight
If I can run him over, everything's goin' to be allright
We'll have some possum gravey
Oh what a wonderful sight
There's 5 pounds of possum in my headlights tonight.

Bob S.

10 Apr 99 - 11:36 PM (#69843)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: tmtucker

I am committed ( or should be ) to this song now! It screams to be heard (sic). How do I play it for anyone on the net? Tucker

10 Apr 99 - 11:55 PM (#69845)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Susan A-R

Hmmm, belongs in that Food songs link doesn't it? I once wrote one entitled four miles of frost heaves (we grow them like that here in Vermont. Perhaps we could meld the choruses of those country/western/number songs together and come up with sonmething REALLY um interesting Oh, and how many buffalo was it? 64 verses puts us in the same league with 99 bottles of oh well . . .


11 Apr 99 - 12:38 AM (#69851)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: tmtucker/ ala impromtu 2nd verse

that scraggly face it haunted me,I swear it did all night. tums and Rolaids tried their best but they couldn't pull the fight That possum grease and floured roll it was such delight but now my inards scream out loud and my bowels are in a flight

want more of this punishment?

11 Apr 99 - 03:42 AM (#69884)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: catspaw49

Of course!!!!!

Ah Possum, the other yellow meat.

catspaw, soon to be owner of the worlds first Possum ass whistle pig.

11 Apr 99 - 03:57 AM (#69887)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Joe Offer

I did a search for Possum threads, and found this and this.
"Road Kill" brought up just one thread. We must be slipping.
Oh, but I forgot to look for roadkill and dead skunk and more dead skunk.
I can't believe we haven't had an armadillo thread, and the database doesn't have a single song about armadillos.
-Presented in the Public Interest by Joe Offer-

11 Apr 99 - 04:18 AM (#69888)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: catspaw49


Possum on the half shell!!!



11 Apr 99 - 04:26 AM (#69889)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Barbara

Say, crew, here's an exercise for you. Pretend you are Hiroshi Ogura, and the first time you have visited the Mudcat is to ask for this song. Got it?
Now read through this thread and see how much of it makes sense to you.
Maybe we should make it a point to answer people's queries straightforwardly before we take the idea and run with it. I'm guilty, too.

11 Apr 99 - 04:44 AM (#69893)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Joe Offer

You've got a point, Barbara.

Click here

for the "Five Pounds of Possum" song.
-Joe Offer-

11 Apr 99 - 09:08 AM (#69908)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: catspaw49

You are of course right Barbara, and I do apologize, as I immediately went the wrong way. But I gotta' say that in this case, there was and still is something fishy. I think we're being had ... uh, maybe. I dunno'......As I look back, I think I'll stay with my first post:

"Either a huge piece of irony or a great joke.....right?"

Actually, I shouldn't have touched it with a 10 foot possum tail! Sorry.


11 Apr 99 - 10:13 AM (#69914)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Susan A-R

I gues I just assumed that anyone who was looking for that song had a mudcat sense of humor, you know, kinda out there. As for me, I prefer squirrel(sp). Susan

11 Apr 99 - 10:47 AM (#69916)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE ARMADILLO JACKAL (Robert Earl Keen)
From: katlaughing

Joe: in the thread about ronrocos and tipples, I mentioned a song about armadillos by Robert Earl Keen, on his "No Kinda Dancer" CD. Found these on the net:

by Robert Earl Keen

This song uses a capo on the 3rd fret and all the chords are listed as the 3rd fret being open.
 Am                                  G
The evening sun was sinkin' down, a chill north wind a-blows
The new-plowed ground was coolin' fast, the river rolls and flows
Am G
Beneath the two-lane concrete river bridge between my place and town
On that hot-bed Farm to Market road they call 1291
Am G
I'm sayin' son you'll see me searchin'; sizzlin' down that broad hi-way
Dollar signs in both my eyes, I'm seekin' out my prey.
Am G
I'm prayin' "Jesus, will you send me just another three or four?"
They pay two-fifty down in Halletsville, 3 dollars, maybe more.
Am G
And more than likely they'll be out tonight a-wanderin' from the farms;
Waddlin' down 1291 to keep their bodies warm
Am G
I'm talking walkin' belts and neckties, and boots for rodeo;
They don't run too fast, don't waste much gas. I'm makin' lots o' dough.
Am C G Am Am C G Am
The armadillo....o....o...o The armadillo....o....o...o The armadillo
(After this use the same chord progression as the first verse)

The armadillo never sees me when I hit him with my brights.
His life don't flash before his eyes, he's blinded by my lights
And so I hit him with my bumper doin' sixty, sixty-five
They take 'em frozen down in Halletsville They don't take 'em alive.
The jackal cri....i....i...ied, the jackal cri....i....i...ied

The jackal cried, "Good God there's two of them a-walkin' down the line.
I can't believe my luck tonight this here makes twenty-nine!"
And so he rolled the first one runnin'. The second was too fast.
His brakes and laughter squealin' as he stomped down on the gas.
Good-God, his
The impact shook the river bed, his foot went through the floor
Forevermore....or....or...ore, Forevermore....or....or....ore

Forevermore was his last moment from the bridge wall to the stream;
From the speckled blood around his smile a-spewin' gasoline.
And then he screamed his raspy epitaph, before he turned to flame:
"They pay two-fifty down in Halletsville.... I ain't the one to blame....."
Ain't it a sha....a....a...ame, the jackal cri....i....i...ied
The armadillo....o....o...o The armadillo....o....o...o(repeat until fade)

12 Apr 99 - 05:15 AM (#70125)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Tucker

I'm back. Still facinated by this macrabe subject. Susan, squirrel is fantastic and makes the best gravey I have ever tasted, especially with a liberal dose of black pepper. so much for receipes. Not many armadillos here in Ohio but we sure do have a lot of Racoon and woodchuck to accompany Mr. Possum into the frying pan. Increasing amounts of deer too. Now if only a vegtable truck would wreak.......Driver surviving of course.......don't need him in the pot

12 Apr 99 - 07:18 AM (#70147)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: AlistairUK

Hey the query was answered I thought...nows the fun bit :o).

only joking ( I think)

12 Apr 99 - 12:02 PM (#70225)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Bill D

this 'ranks' right up thre with that great ballad "Pa Went to Sleep, and the Hogs Ate Him".....

12 Apr 99 - 03:34 PM (#70293)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Bob Schwarer

And my favorite:

"Twenty Naked Pentacostals in a Pontiac"

Bob S.

12 Apr 99 - 05:01 PM (#70324)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Joe Offer

Hey, bob and Bill, how can you taunt us with song titles like that without giving us LYRICS? I gotta hear these tow.
Say, Katlaughing, did you follow the armadillo links I posted? I'll admit the Jerry Jeff Walker song isn't about road kill, but it's a good one.
-Joe Offer-

12 Apr 99 - 08:38 PM (#70394)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Hiroshi Ogura

31 messages in this thread, and only two or three that deal with this song... Sheesh...

For those of you who are wondering, I did not make up the title: I heard this song in a local bluegrass jam. The chord progression is a typical bluegrass:

(G) I've got five pounds of possum in my (C) headlights (G) tonight And if I can get a piece of him (A) it'll be (D) alright (G) Biscuits and possum gravy -- (C) whatta (G) delight! Yeah, I've got five pounds of possum in my (D) headlights (G) tonight!

Thanks to Joe Offer for providing a link to the lyrics, but I'm sure that there were more verses than just those two that are listed there. It's up to all of you to hunt down (ugh) the song and post the complete lyrics.

12 Apr 99 - 11:58 PM (#70446)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: catspaw49

Uh-Huh............Oh yeah....Sure.....

..."messages" in this "thread"
...providing a "link" to the "lyrics"
..."post" the complete lyrics

AND "Thanks to Joe Offer"......not Joe, mind you, but "Joe Offer"

All very Mudcatty for a guy who has posted twice, both on this thread!!!!! And Hiro my laddie buck, I guess you don't have a personal page yet huh? No e-mail either, right?

And Boy Oh Boy, what a stroke of luck hitting on a topic like Possum when so many of the "unwashed" have been having a good ol' time with the subject!!!

Will the coincidences never end???

Gimme' a fokkin' break here...SHEESH is right!


13 Apr 99 - 08:47 AM (#70544)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: MMario

Excuse me? " but I'm sure that there were more verses than just those two that are listed there. It's up to all of you to hunt down (ugh) the song and post the complete lyrics. "

I may be a bit thin-skinned, but THAT is a tone I do NOT care to hear...


13 Apr 99 - 12:28 PM (#70584)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Bob Schwarer

That's all the verses I have ever heard.

Joe: Posted the words to "20 Naked Pentacostals" in another thread awhile back. Even if I find it I don't know how to link to it.


I found it and added a link, Bob.
-Joe Offer-

13 Apr 99 - 12:53 PM (#70588)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: catspaw49

Mario...Bob...Hey guys, read my last post and the post by Ogura.......We're being HAD here guys...don't buy off!!!


13 Apr 99 - 11:16 PM (#70746)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Susan A-R

Ah Catspaw, who cares if it's real or not. It's FUN!! and sick enough to be right up our alley.

(I stil prefer squirel, and pigeon (or squab if you will)


13 Apr 99 - 11:36 PM (#70754)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: catspaw49

Possum is funnier Susan, but I think rabbit makes the best gravy!!!


14 Apr 99 - 01:20 AM (#70783)
Subject: RE: Five Pounds of Possum
From: Margo

Hey! you're talking about eating these critters, but I was bitten by a squirrel a week ago. Now the glands in my throat are swollen.....what's that? A glass of water? Oh no! NO! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........