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Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?

23 Jun 07 - 04:58 PM (#2085085)
Subject: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: cookster


23 Jun 07 - 04:59 PM (#2085088)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: John MacKenzie

Events dear boy, events

23 Jun 07 - 05:12 PM (#2085098)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,mg

I doubt they have the same reasons. I know that some more traditional cultures, which the world is still full of, don't necessarily hate us but see us, rightly I would say, as degenerate, with drugs, teen pregnancies, STDs and AIDs crippling and killing populations and they don't want to go down that path, which they most likely will if they adopt too many of our practices aka freedoms. Young people out of control, wasted on meth, often violent, often in jail. As I have said before, they do not want little Fatma or Kim Su Yung to follow in the footsteps of our teen idols such as Brittney, Paris etc. They probably don't want filth like South Park broadcast into their homes or listen to rap lyrics full of abuse and violence. The tyrants of course don't want to lose power and financial benefits to themselves. The politically enthusiastic don't want to lose systems they have fought and died to defend and/or set up. Some of course don't want to exchange guaranteed life support (and I would probably be one of them) for the risk inherent in a different system. But I think the moral degeneration is a huge factor and one that is not discussed enough. To say they "hate us because we are free" is not sufficient. To say they hate us because we are arrogant is not sufficient. To say they hate us because we seem to hate ourselves and why not jump on the bandwagon is not sufficient but it is a factor. There is of course economic jealousy of us and those who have made it here and I bet whole big bunches of those who "hate" us would certainly like to be here nevertheless. It is complex of course. mg

23 Jun 07 - 05:19 PM (#2085102)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Barry Finn

The school yard is full of kids that hate the bug bully.


23 Jun 07 - 05:21 PM (#2085106)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: artbrooks

Countries don't hate countries; people hate people and governments, for whatever reason seems best to them.

There are two very different countries on the Korean Peninsula; many of the people in North Korea hate Americans, although very few have ever met one, because that is the way their government has taught them to think over the past 55 years. On the other hand, few of those in South Korea (and I have personally met many) hate Americans, because they have had close contacts with Americans over the past 55 years and their nation is a close trading partner of ours. Some don't care much for the current government of the US, but that is equally true of many citizens of the US.

Much the same is true of Iraqis; individuals don't necessarily hate individuals but, as a group, they hate what the US has done, and is doing, in their country. They notice the reconstruction, of course, but realize that it is largely a result of the destruction of the past few years - and the fact that much of it was not done by the American (or allied) military in the first place, but rather by people fighting the Americans, is largely irrelevant to them. Jihadies are a different case, of course, but they tend to hate all "Crusaders", Americans only slightly more than others.

23 Jun 07 - 09:43 PM (#2085251)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: cookster


23 Jun 07 - 10:09 PM (#2085270)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,Gza

Come on, man. You have to ask why those countries would get a wee bit ticked off at the USA??? Get real. ;-D

You been living under a stone for the last few decades or what?

23 Jun 07 - 10:18 PM (#2085278)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: cookster

I DID!!!!!!!

23 Jun 07 - 10:26 PM (#2085287)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: The Walrus

One problem is the "Teddy Roosevelt" syndrome.

TR said "Talk softly and carry a big stick"

To put it in 'cartoon terms'

The USA 'know' that they mean well.

America's allies can hear the soothing words and feel they can trust the US.

Some friendly states can't hear but hope the US can be trusted

But some states are further out and just see a muttering giant with a club.

As I say, just a cartoon like example, but it may help.

As for why there are hostile relations between any two states? As has been said - events and the perceived view of a society.


24 Jun 07 - 12:17 AM (#2085330)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Amos

The proposition, as artbrooks mentioned, is flawed in the asking. Individuals hate; groups like nations do not. When media, or noise and brouhaha create enough Fear Uncertainty and Doubt to make it appear that a whole group shares a hatred it is time to start talking to individuals; they are the only ones who can properly own an emotion or an attitude, and generally you will find most of them much more rational than any cloud of black-PR smoke will ever seem to be.


24 Jun 07 - 01:56 PM (#2085725)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: cookster


25 Jun 07 - 12:40 PM (#2086555)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

You have to ask yourself a few crucial questions, cookster, like...

"Why did I get up this morning?"

"Who am I?"

"What's it all for?"

25 Jun 07 - 12:44 PM (#2086560)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Stringsinger

US hegenomy is no secret. It is a systemic problem with the development of our country starting from the displacement of Native Americans through African American slavery not to mention the brutality of the Mexican American war.

I don't think that Iraqis or Koreans hate the American people. In many ways, they would like our material advantages. Jazz, rock, R and B, Rap and folk music are exportable ambassadors for American culture. Unfortunately, many Americans are ignorant of Iraqi or Korean cultures. It's an ignorant one-way street.

The people in power in the US have no regard for other cultures. They see them as money-making machinery to satiate their greed. The rest of the world knows this and rejects this provinciality. It appears as hatred but if you dig deeper you will find that it's the behavior of the ruling-class America that incites reaction, not that of all the American people.

Also, religious zealotry and intolerance are at the basis of much of the usual.


25 Jun 07 - 01:17 PM (#2086604)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Rent the movie "Network" and watch it. It was made in the 70's. It's about how television has slowly but surely in the last 60 years turned American society into a sick joke. Everything you could really want to know about why the world has begun to see America as an insane and dangerous monster can be grasped if you simply watch that movie through and think about the implications of what it's showing you...

And you know what? I hear it's even worse in Japan. TV is like air there. It's omnipresent. They have huge TV screens on the side of buildings and TVs in their trains and buses. Japan is not well liked by its neighbours either.

You take a nation of Americans, people who once had the patience and the grace to read books, plough fields, raise horses, write handwritten letters to each other, and engage in real physical daily life...and you plunk them down in front of a babbling TV for 4 or 5 hours every day of their life, bombard them with ceaseless inane advertising, and feed them potato chips and Coca-Cola...and, my friend, you are headed for something so collosally stupid, wasteful, and ugly that it simply has to be witnessed to be believed....and it has to be witnessed by someone who is capable of standing outside it and looking at it objectively, from an independent point of observation.

Unfortunately, when people are born right into the middle of it, they hardly even notice what's going on. They don't know any better, because it's all they've ever known. Thus are the young people trapped in the quicksand of the TV age, and swallowed up by what they take for granted.

This present age will not be remembered too kindly by whatever follows in its wake, in my opinion. We are living in something akin to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, the latter days.

26 Jun 07 - 12:26 PM (#2087465)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: pirandello

People have long memories; especially in Korea's case. America was, and is, perceived as an Imperialist aggressor. America's invasion of North Korea and the subsequent defeat of hers and Allied forces by the Red Army of China which came to the aid of the Koreans is still remembered.
America tried to fight an idealogical war and failed dismally. The same happened in Vietnam and the same thing is happening in the Middle East.
Isn't it about time America got the idea that losing wars isn't a great idea?

26 Jun 07 - 12:35 PM (#2087472)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Cookster, you might as well ask why the Gauls, Hispanic peoples, Britons, Germanic tribes, Jews, Egyptians, Numidians, Greeks, Helvetii, Belgii, and all those other tribes back then hated Rome....

Same basic reason.

26 Jun 07 - 02:33 PM (#2087577)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Teribus

pirandello - 26 Jun 07 - 12:26 PM

"People have long memories; especially in Korea's case. America was, and is, perceived as an Imperialist aggressor. America's invasion of North Korea and the subsequent defeat of hers and Allied forces by the Red Army of China which came to the aid of the Koreans is still remembered."

Now that has got to be the most twisted take on the Korean War that I have ever read.

From Wikipedia:
The Korean War began as a civil war fought from 1950–1953 on the Korean Peninsula, which had been divided by the post-World War II Soviet and American occupation zones. The civil war began on June 25, 1950, when North Korea attacked South Korea. The civil war was greatly expanded when the United States, and later China entered the conflict. The conflict ended when a cease-fire was reached on July 27, 1953.

The principal support on the side of the North was China, with limited assistance by Soviet combat advisors, military pilots, and weapons. South Korea was supported by United Nations (U.N.) forces, primarily from the United States, although many other nations also contributed personnel. When the conflict began, North and South Korea existed as provisional governments competing for control over the Korean peninsula after the Division of Korea by the United States and the Soviet Union.

Points of Note:
1) The aggressor was North Korea - documented fact
2) Defence of South Korea was undertaken by a United Nations Force of which the US provided the major part - documented fact.
3) The "Red Army of China" played no part in the conflict, no such force existed. It certainly did not defeat anybody - documented fact.
4) The Chinese force that took part in the conflict was the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, not the Chinese People's Liberation Army - documented fact.
5) I would be prepared to wager quite a sum that the people of North Korea now look at their brothers in the South and dearly wish that the Chinese had stayed at home - personal observation.

26 Jun 07 - 03:04 PM (#2087599)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Leadbelly

"Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?"

Do you really wanna be loved by these countries? And are you resp. your government are willing to love these countries?

After all, what do you expect? Think of your president.

26 Jun 07 - 03:47 PM (#2087629)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Hatred arises out of fear. Clearly, those countries as well as many others are afraid of America. Ask yourself why.

Without any fear, you do not have hatred. You may have other negative emotions, such as contempt, etc, but you will not have hatred unless it has arisen out of a significant level of fear.

That, for instance, is why most North American Indians hated the white Americans in the 1800s...and it's also why the white Americans hated the Indians. Mutual fear, due to conflicting interests.

There are conflicting interests causing fear between America and much of the rest of the world. Those interests are primarily matters of economic competition and competition for scarce resources and markets.

And thus it has ever been. The Romans and Carthaginians hated each other for the very same reasons.

That's why I consider mutual cooperation to be a better idea than competition. I always did.

Example: I found that I enjoyed playing table tennis a lot more if me and the other person didn't keep score...but just played for the fun of it. It was way more fun. It also led to more interesting play, because one wasn't worried about losing a point by trying a specially risky shot. It was better in every way. I discovered that I would much rather play for the sheer joy of playing than for the brief and pointless joy of "winning" (at the cost of making somebody else "lose"). I like winning, but I don't like to make someone else lose, so it's a conflicted situation.

Some people just can't relate to that at all. They only care about winning. I had a friend, Larry, an excellent player, and he simply couldn't bear to play without keeping score, because then he couldn't tell if he was "winning" or not, and winning was everything to him.

The Romans and Carthaginians could have decided to trade with each other in a friendly fashion, share in their knowledge, and co-exist as brothers. Both could have prospered. Entire cities of innocent people could have been spared from annihilation. They lacked the imagination to make such an arrangement.

I'm sorry to say that national leaders today also appear to lack the imagination to make such an arrangement. They're still playing to "win"...which means that somebody else must lose.

It's a shortsighted and destructive attitude. Today's winner will not necessarily win tomorrow...and even if he does, other people must suffer and die to secure his win...and their descendants will probably seek vengeance upon his descendants...or on someone else entirely.

You see, if you keep kicking the dog, then the dog will eventually get nasty and bite someone. Maybe not you. Maybe someone else. The person the dog bites will get upset and probably dump it on someone else. And so it goes....

26 Jun 07 - 05:10 PM (#2087699)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: kendall

When Truman's sec. of State,Dean Acheson, stated that there was nothing in Korea that was of interest to us, the North invaded the south.
When Bush's ambassador to Iraq said we don't care what they do in the middle east, Saddam Hussein took that as a green light to take BACK Kuwait.

26 Jun 07 - 05:18 PM (#2087705)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,meself

And apparently somebody in Thatcher's govt said something that led the Argentine junta to think that they could take the Falklands without any resistance ...

I think there's a lesson in here somewhere. Something to do with wishful thinking ...

26 Jun 07 - 06:12 PM (#2087755)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

The Korean troubles go way back. Japan had wars with Korea in their medieval times. Japan later conquered and occupied Korea under a brutal colonial regime, then went on to invade China and fight a border war with Russia. So the Koreans, a single nation, were under the heel of Japan for a sustained period. Following Japan's defeat in 1945, the USA and Russia basically starting playing their own imperial games in the Korean peninsula. That resulted in Korea being divided into 2 sections with totally conflicting agendas, which was bound to lead to war.

To say that this was unfortunate for the Koreans is to understate it! It was not in their interests to be used as pawns of Japan or Russia or the USA.

Countries which are artifically divided by competing empires usually end up trying to reunite themselves...either peacefully, as Germany eventually did when the Cold War ended....or through has happened in Korea and Vietnam.

In the case of Vietnam the war ended in a victory for the North, and the country was reunited. In the case of Korea the war ended in a stalemate, and the country remains divided...and still in danger of further warfare at any time.

Think what would happen if two foreign powers forcibly partitioned and divided the USA, and started arming both sections of it against one another. Do you think it would not lead to future warfare in what is now the USA?

All the history has to be taken into account when looking at Korea, not just the history since 1950.

It is a great shame that the victors of WWII saw fit to artificially divide Korea, a single nation, and fight each other indirectly across its battered body. Perhaps Japanese, Russians, and Americans should all admit their own complicity in what has happened in Korea.

26 Jun 07 - 09:01 PM (#2087884)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Teribus

Good heavens Little Hawk you do spout some complete and utter bollocks at times!! Your latest contributions in this thread defy description.

Now let's take a look at few examples:

"Hatred arises out of fear. Clearly, those countries as well as many others are afraid of America. Ask yourself why."

Yes Little Hawk I'll ask myself why. In actual fact most countries do not fear America. In actual fact most countries rely on America for their defence and well being. When you are talking about countries are you talking about the population of those countries or the governments of those countries?

"Without any fear, you do not have hatred. You may have other negative emotions, such as contempt, etc, but you will not have hatred unless it has arisen out of a significant level of fear."

You do not mention jealousy? You do not mention that the "evil" influences eminating from America actually liberate the individual according to some doctrines and that, of course must never be allowed to happen - why? - because the unelected mullahs and immams then lose control. Imagine a world in which the renaissance or reformation never happened? Imagine the fear and ignorance we would have been condemned to live in!

"There are conflicting interests causing fear between America and much of the rest of the world. Those interests are primarily matters of economic competition and competition for scarce resources and markets."

Here Little Hawk you are viewing things from one perspective and one that defies history, particularly history that promotes the betterment of mankind. The conflicting interests at present are between those who promote democracy/free will/self-enlightenment against constrained religious freedom and strict adherence to Sharia Law. Now I don't know about you Little Hawk but I certainly know under which regime I would rather live. Maybe you would argue that that desire must not be "imposed" on others - Only thing is that if you take a good look at where illegal immigrants are heading for it is not towards the middle-east or to countries advocating the universal benefits of Sharia Law - does that tell you anything at all Little Hawk?

"That's why I consider mutual cooperation to be a better idea than competition. I always did."

Lovely concept, let's see what it looks like in practice. Please point out to me which stance is incorrect:

Hamas/Hezbollah avowed aim clearly stated in their charters is the destruction of Israel, the erradication of the Jewish people and wiping the stain of the Jewish State from Arab lands.

Recognise our right of peaceful co-existence and there will be peace.

OK Little Hawk, which of those parties appear willing and totally committed to following your advice - Hamas/Hezbollah or Israel?

"Example: I found that I enjoyed playing table tennis a lot more if me and the other person didn't keep score...but just played for the fun of it. It was way more fun. It also led to more interesting play, because one wasn't worried about losing a point by trying a specially risky shot. It was better in every way. I discovered that I would much rather play for the sheer joy of playing than for the brief and pointless joy of "winning" (at the cost of making somebody else "lose"). I like winning, but I don't like to make someone else lose, so it's a conflicted situation."

Please tell me, under those circumstances what is the point of even playing?

What is the point of even having rules for the game?

You could enjoy yourself by just hitting the ball up against a wall. But there again maybe that is what you want, something that is completely anti-social - are you really that much of a misfit? Basic fact of life, in every sphere and in every facet of human endeavour there are winners and losers, the more you lose the more you learn, the more you must aspire to, without that concept human endeavour is nothing, it's what keeps us moving forward, and we have contiued to move forward (but not in Gaza or in the West Bank), no matter what you attempt to teach your children - by the bye I take it that Little Hawk has no children, I, on the other hand have four, all well educated all through university, all well settled and happy

26 Jun 07 - 10:04 PM (#2087896)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Oh, come now. There is no need for you to trouble yourself so over my opinions, Teribus. I would answer your diatribe point by point...but to do so, I'd have to be as obsessed with attacking you as you are with attacking me.

And I'm not.

It's perfectly okay with me that you and I have very different lives and utterly different philosophies.

But I will answer one of your questions, regarding the ping pong.

"What is the point of even having rules for the game?"

The rules are precisely what make the game the game, and make it enjoyable to play, and possible to play. You don't have any game without the rules. One doesn't have to keep score to follow the rules, my friend, but one does need the rules to understand how to conduct any given volley until it is ended. Obviously. The fun is in making it as good a volley as possible while it lasts. Each volley is its own complete fun. I've played a lot of ping pong, and I can attest to that. Just playing flat out, volley after volley, without worrying about the score is as great as just sailing a boat, or riding a horse, or any other physical activity. And you do have to know exactly what you're doing in all of them and follow certain general rules in order to do it efficiently and enjoy it.

I have no interest in arranging for more winners and losers, T, none.

I also have no interest in dividing the world up into more archetypal "good guys" and "bad guys" and going off to kill someone over it.

But that's okay. There will always be plenty of people who do have an interest in that, so don't worry about me being some kind of threat that is going to end it all. ;-)

Hitting the ball against a wall, by the way...or against the raised table top on a folding a great way of speeding up your play and improving your technique, but it's not nearly as interesting as playing against another human being.

27 Jun 07 - 02:42 AM (#2087981)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Teribus

By all means Little Hawk, have a bit of a pop at me and ignore the points I raised against your diatribe against the US, that is after all the specific topic of this thread, concentrate on your ping-pong analogy.

The fact still remains that - "most countries do not fear America". That is purely the product of your rather jaundiced and totally biased opinion - always for the underdog eh? Oh, favourite hobby-horse of yours Little Hawk - most people, within their "Empire", did not hate the Romans either, they too provided security, prosperity, order, good governance and improvement - the people, in general, tended to appreciate all that.

27 Jun 07 - 06:27 AM (#2088090)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: The Walrus

Gentlemen Please!

The point about 'Folk Histories' and 'National Attitudes' is that they are not driven by fact, they are driven by PERCEPTION.

As far as the North Korean people are concerned, the USA (or the UN) WERE the invaders, not because of fact, but because that's what they have been taught for the last Fifty-odd years.

By the same token, I have spoken with Americans who solomnly declare that the USA has never lost a War (?!!!) when challenged over Vietnam, that was put down to the collapse of the South Vietnamese while the War of 1812 was declared a victory because impressment of (nominally) British born seamen* from American ships ended (Ignoring the fact that the cause for impressment - the Napoleonic Wars - had ended and the Invasion of Canada had failed badly) - Again, this was not a matter of Fact, but of Perception, they had been taught that way, if not by the schools, then by the likes of Hollywood and TV.

I'm sure that I, and everyone else on this forum, have similar problems as none of us grew up in isolation.

It's not what 'Nation A' plan to do (or not) to 'Nation B', it's what the people of 'B' believe that will shape their attitudes.
It's never about what really happened, it's what people believe.

Tom (Walrus)

* The official excuse for impressment of seamen from foreign ships, More honoured in the breach than the observance

27 Jun 07 - 07:44 AM (#2088132)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: pirandello

Teribus, it is FACT that the Allies invaded North Korea at the insistence of MacAthur when Truman was happy for the Allies to stop at the 38th parallel. It is FACT that the Allies managed to get as far as the Yalu River which marks the geographical and political border with China. It is FACT that the Allies were ignominiously thrown back to the 38th prallel by vastly superior Chinese forces.
The only reason that China did not go further was because her supply lines were becoming dangerously over-extended.

27 Jun 07 - 09:15 AM (#2088186)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: artbrooks

It would be a surprise to the soldiers fighting on the side of the South Koreans, including my father, that the Chinese stopped at the 38th parallel. In fact, the Chinese took Seoul, the Korean capitol, and held it for several months.

27 Jun 07 - 09:34 AM (#2088200)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: bubblyrat

Perhaps it"s the Americans' APPARENT disdain for anything and anyone outside their own admittedly rather large and complex country? Before the D-day invasion of Normandy, it was considered necessary to issue all American troops with a booklet outlining the history of France and its people, and the achievements of its engineers and scientists in the fields of aviation,medicine,electricity, mathematics,civil engineering, town planning, and the list goes on, whilst the average GI could only think of cheese, garlic, and women with hairy armpits ! Not that they were not CORRECT in that assessment, of course, but when carrying out an invasion of someone elses' country, whether hostile or for "liberation", it makes a huge difference if the "invader" shows respect for, and knowledge of, the ways ,habits and customs of the "invaded" .In virtually every film that I have seen, featuring the US army or Marines fighting in Germany, Korea, Vietnam, or wherever, the enemy are ALWAYS portrayed as being dumb savages, and ALWAYS referred to as Krauts, Gooks, Slopeheads, or whatever, which is very arrogant. History shows us that people who fail to understand or respect their enemies get their arse ( ASS) kicked !!! When I saw those pictures of that US Army woman humiliating her Iraqi prisoners in that disgusting way, ( and I don"t care how justified she thought she was, and anyway she seemed to be enjoying it too much) , I thought " Uh OH !! The Yanks have lost us this one---every Arab in the world is going to be against us NOW !!" And , of course, they are . And you can bet North Korean TV had a propaganda field-day with that one, too. !!

27 Jun 07 - 10:05 AM (#2088212)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Dickey

Amos: I totally agree that "The proposition, as artbrooks mentioned, is flawed in the asking. Individuals hate; groups like nations do not. When media, or noise and brouhaha create enough Fear Uncertainty and Doubt to make it appear that a whole group shares a hatred it is time to start talking to individuals; they are the only ones who can properly own an emotion or an attitude, and generally you will find most of them much more rational than any cloud of black-PR smoke will ever seem to be."

It is difficul to see through the media and government hype. Also foreign propaganda has a lot to do with it.

A further flaw in the question is that it implies everybody in Iraq and North Korea hates everybody in America and rather inflammatory. It is like asking why do wives hate their Mothers in Law?

27 Jun 07 - 11:35 AM (#2088274)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: heric

The question is further flawed in the asking beause of the comma after Iraq. You've got to ask yourself, cookster, do commas matter?

27 Jun 07 - 11:52 AM (#2088285)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,meself

Well, I can't see that the comma in that sentence matters much one way or the other. While unnecessary, and incorrect, it does not create any ambiguity.

27 Jun 07 - 11:55 AM (#2088287)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Teribus, I do think that the USA is the most feared country in the world at present, and is seen by a majority of people in the world as a rogue nation that is dangerous and out of control. I don't think there's really any doubt about it. And I don't think they truly protect anything but their own corporate mercantile interests.

Remember what Benito Juarez said?

"Poor Mexico. So far from God and so near the United States."

He was speaking from experience.

Walrus made a good point. National attitudes are not driven so much by fact as they are by perception. Perceptions are shaped by whatever mythology a government feeds to its people, in its schools and its media. North Korea teaches its kids to hate and fear the South Koreans and the USA. The USA teaches its kids to hate and fear North Korea, Iran, and various other such boogeymen. These things are not done to help anybody in the ordinary public, but to serve some grand and shadowy domestic or international purpose which is never clearly explained to those kids growing up. They are done to prepare people to go out and kill other people.

It's the ultimate game of competition, played out on the world stage, and it is founded upon lies, greed, and hypocrisy.

Great empires always do a lot of that...and yet, you can defend them by saying that they also establish order and bring various advancements (as the Romans did) (as the British did) (as the Americans have done in various cases too) (as still other empires have done). Well, yes, that's part of the picture. As you say, they (the Romans) brought "security, prosperity, order, good governance and improvement". I'd agree with that. Still, they were certainly resented, because they brought all of that at the point of a sword, and they came into other people's land and took it for their own...not because they loved other people or loved freedom and, because they loved conquest. They did it to satisfy their own appetites.

So again, it's a matter of perception, isn't it?

When Rome was governed well and wisely, then their subject peoples would have felt more respect for them. When Rome's rule deteriorated badly under a series of corrupt emperors, their subject peoples began to lose respect for them.

So, how wisely is America now being governed?

That again is a matter of perception, isn't it?

27 Jun 07 - 12:01 PM (#2088291)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: heric

>So, how wisely is America now being governed?

That again is a matter of perception, isn't it? <

No, the quality of the current administration and the Congress is pretty much passed as a subject of debate.

27 Jun 07 - 12:07 PM (#2088297)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: kendall

Osama Bin Laden has told us in plain English why they hate us. We invaded their land and we still have troops ,(infidels) on their holy ground. Sure, we can disagree with him all night but that's not what it's about. It is THEIR attitude that we have to deal with.

One of the well known secrets of military success is, "Know your enemy".

27 Jun 07 - 12:14 PM (#2088304)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: heric

The comma is a distraction. A very small one, sure, but with the page layout bringing it repeatedly to the top and to one's attention, it grates. The annoyance grows, ever so slowly . . .

02 Jul 07 - 11:37 PM (#2092920)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Dickey

My plea to fellow Muslims: you must renounce terror

As the bombers return to Britain, Hassan Butt, who was once a member of radical group Al-Muhajiroun, raising funds for extremists and calling for attacks on British citizens, explains why he was wrong

Sunday July 1, 2007
The Observer

When I was still a member of what is probably best termed the British Jihadi Network, a series of semi-autonomous British Muslim terrorist groups linked by a single ideology, I remember how we used to laugh in celebration whenever people on TV proclaimed that the sole cause for Islamic acts of terror like 9/11, the Madrid bombings and 7/7 was Western foreign policy.

By blaming the government for our actions, those who pushed the 'Blair's bombs' line did our propaganda work for us. More important, they also helped to draw away any critical examination from the real engine of our violence: Islamic theology.

Article continues
Friday's attempt to cause mass destruction in London with strategically placed car bombs is so reminiscent of other recent British Islamic extremist plots that it is likely to have been carried out by my former peers..."

        "..people are again articulating the line that violence carried out by Muslims is all to do with foreign policy. For example, yesterday on Radio 4's Today programme, the mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, said: 'What all our intelligence shows about the opinions of disaffected young Muslims is the main driving force is not Afghanistan, it is mainly Iraq.'

He then refused to acknowledge the role of Islamist ideology in terrorism and said that the Muslim Brotherhood and those who give a religious mandate to suicide bombings in Palestine were genuinely representative of Islam.

I left the BJN in February 2006, but if I were still fighting for their cause, I'd be laughing once again. Mohammad Sidique Khan, the leader of the 7 July bombings, and I were both part of the BJN - I met him on two occasions - and though many British extremists are angered by the deaths of fellow Muslim across the world, what drove me and many of my peers to plot acts of extreme terror within Britain, our own homeland and abroad, was a sense that we were fighting for the creation of a revolutionary state that would eventually bring Islamic justice to the world...",,2115832,00.html

03 Jul 07 - 12:14 AM (#2092944)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Uh-huh. Well, here's a plea to all people and their governments:

We must renounce the use of terror, whether it is carried out by hidden cells (such as Al Queda) or by national armies (any of them) or by covert agencies (such as the CIA) on behalf of national governments. All actions of organized and premeditated violence are the use of terror...since they are clearly intended to terrorize someone else into surrender...or to simply kill someone else who is regarded as "undesirible" from the point of view of he who orders to the terror attacks to be carried out.

We must renounce the use of aggression. (based on the notion that one has the right to attack others first, as Hitler did to Poland, as Japan did to Pearl Harbor (etc), and as the USA and Britain did more recently to Iraq and Afghanistan.)

We must renounce the use of torture.

We must renounce the abrogation of our own people's civil rights in the name of "security".

We must renounce the further building of weapons of mass destruction.

We must renounce the unwillingness to honestly confront evil when it is we, our own governments, agencies, and armed forces who are doing it.

There's a reasonable start. Apply it not only to the Muslims worldwide, but also to all other people on this planet, and tell me when you think you can achieve it.

Remember what it says in the Bible, Dickey? (I know you respect the Bible.) It says not to go on and on about the speck in the other fellow's eye, while ignoring the beam that is stuck in your own eye. What do you think all these governments are doing when they pretend that evil can be seen only on the face of their chosen enemy?

They're lying. And they are committing evil acts themselves in the process.

Of course, this sort of thing has been going on for centuries, so why should anyone be surprised...?

06 Jul 07 - 08:29 AM (#2095540)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Dickey

It's a mean old world ain't it Little Hawk? But if you study it closely you will see it is getting less mean all the time.

The gist of the words by the former Muslim terrorist is that the "hate" is not caused by foreign policy but a desire for fundamental muslim justice to prevail in the world and not just in the middle east. I think you will agree that Muslim justice, stoning to death of women and homos for example, is very mean indeed.

The Bible and the Qur'an both are books where you can find anything argued both ways. For and against peace. For and against killing those that disagree with you. Therefore they can be used to support or condemn any position thay anyone takes. As far as I can see, religion has been used as a reason for wars and killing more than anything else. Remember Patton used to pray to God for good conditions so his men could kill the Germans?

"Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations."

I am not a religious person but I seek to get along with anybody of any religion, to coexist, to not force my beliefs or non beliefs on anyone else. But when someone announces they want to kill me because I do not believe what they believe, I tend to resist being either killed or being converted to their beliefs.

I live within sight of a brand new "Islamic Learning Center" that is still under construction. I am wondering if it will change the character of the neighbor hood. I am wondering if Muslim families will buy the neighboring houses that go up for sale. I am wondering if they will start imposing their belief system on others and be biased in their treatment of non Muslims.

I am fully hoping I can coexist with these people if the move in as I anticipate but if they show me intolerance, they will get intolerance in return but I am not going to be the to cast the first stone.

By the way did you know that when Muslims buy a house they can't pay interest so the interest is added to the price of the home up front? Or it is called rent paid over and above the payment toward the principle.

06 Jul 07 - 01:13 PM (#2095736)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Yes, Muslim justice as set out in the Qran (and in the Christian and Jewish Old Testament) is a viciously mean set of rules, Dickey. It's an insane set of rules. I don't subscribe to it. Fortunately, there are plenty of more liberal and modern Muslims, Christians, and Jews who don't either.

Every religion has its extremists, I'm afraid, and they're no fun to deal with.

Yes, the Bible and the Qran can be used to justify anything. You just select the passage that suits your purpose, and interpret it the way that suits your purpose.

People are tricky that way... ;-)

Anyway, I've got a brand new theory as to why Iraq, Iran, and North Korea hate America....(quite aside from the fact that America has overtly threatened them on a number of occasions...)

It's unrequited love! They feel that America has rejected them. And remember, there is no anger like that of a lover spurned. I think you could also say that about Castro's Cuba. Shortly after his revolution succeeded, Castro went to New York to speak at the U.N., and he went with the expectation that he would then go to Washington and speak to the president and Congress and work out friendly trade agreements and stuff.

They wouldn't even talk to him. Total rejection. Nothing hurts like rejection, Dickey. (smile) The gloves were off after that. He went to Russia on the rebound.

06 Jul 07 - 10:52 PM (#2096117)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,philgarringer

I suspect that we are hated now for many of the same reasons that the British were hated for so long.

White Man's Burden

Take up the White Man's burden--
Send forth the best ye breed--
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild--
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.

Take up the White Man's burden--
In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times made plain
To seek another's profit,
And work another's gain.

Take up the White Man's burden--
The savage wars of peace--
Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hopes to nought.

Take up the White Man's burden--
No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper--
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go mark them with your living,
And mark them with your dead.

Take up the White Man's burden--
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard--
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light:--
"Why brought he us from bondage,
Our loved Egyptian night?"

Take up the White Man's burden--
Ye dare not stoop to less--
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To cloke your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples
Shall weigh your gods and you.

Take up the White Man's burden--
Have done with childish days--
The lightly proferred laurel,
The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peers!

I would suppose that those Iraqis that hate us (I am not referring to the jihadis or the Baathists) hate us because they see us as the cause of their all of their problems. There is also the undeniable influence of their religion and racial pride.

The Koreans? Most of the Koreans that I have met do not hate the US, unless you are speaking about the North Koreans. Who knows about them? It's kind of hard to take an opinion poll up there, what with the Glorious Leader's thugs with AK's everywhere. I would imagine, though, that any North Korean who would say he hated the US would risk life and limb if he thought he could get himself and his family over here.

I am sure there were plenty of folks over in the Soviet Union that "hated" us the same way, as well.

I think a BETTER question would be why the Western Europeans (as well as our good neighbors to the north) hate us so...

Another good question would be, should we care?

"It is better to suffer the hatred of evil men than their company"

06 Jul 07 - 10:58 PM (#2096120)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Peace

Are you he who is trying to save the St Lawrence River manatees? If so, my sincere thanks to you.

06 Jul 07 - 11:46 PM (#2096138)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Speaking as a Canadian...we don't hate you, philgarringer. We don't hate ordinary Americans at all. We fear your irresponsible government leaders, your secret service agencies, your military leaders, and your giant corporations. We fear that they may commit irrational imperial acts which will in the end destroy our way of life and our well as yours. We fear that they will drag the world into another great war.

We are not evil men. Not in the least. We are ordinary men, just like you. Our hopes and dreams are much like yours. We are patriots, just as you are.

Your comparison to the British empire's unpopularity at its height is rather apt, as is the poem, but I think the British usually ran their empire a bit more wisely and sanely than yours is being run at present. They were self-serving despots, true, but they were still a good deal more rational and legally consistent than most despots are. They were a lot like the Romans...ruthless, but at least dependably consistent in their ways.

I would not have blamed people for hating the long arm of British Imperial power in those days, nor would I have called those people "evil men" for so doing.

07 Jul 07 - 12:51 AM (#2096149)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: artbrooks

The US is, has or wants an empire? That would be news to most of us, including the idiots in Washington.

07 Jul 07 - 01:05 AM (#2096153)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Peace

Well, if the US doesn't have an empire, who will call the World Series games? Huh? Huh?

07 Jul 07 - 10:54 AM (#2096354)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Dickey

I never heard of the Manatee tribe before.

07 Jul 07 - 01:04 PM (#2096415)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Empires are run a bit differently now. Official colonialism is dead, not being politically acceptable anymore. But economic colonialism is alive and flourishing. Present day empires are run by banks, corporations, marketing men, and media conglomerates. Money moves freely around the world electronically, and most of it is in the control of a small number of huge commercial and banking entities. Backing up that money and marketing machine are the largest military forces in the world, nuclear weaponry, biological weaponry, space weaponry, the CIA, professional hit men and torturers, paramilitary death squads, bought judges, bought politicians, and bought governments in Third World countries.

If you happen to get in the way, you get run over like an ant.

The best you can hope for is that you don't happen to get in the way.

If you lack conscience...or just lack full awareness of what you're actually can get a job working for the empire as a cog in its machine. If so, you will probably be more or less allright as long as your health holds up...and you don't get in the way.

But it all depends on how you look at it. Every empire has its enthusiastic followers and loyal soldiers. Britain did. Rome did. Germany and Japan did. America does. China does.

Just don't get in the way.

07 Jul 07 - 10:05 PM (#2096716)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,Philgarringer

Yes, I am the lonely defender of the St. Lawrence manatees. Thanks for the support!

07 Jul 07 - 10:45 PM (#2096737)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,Phil Garringer

Bonum est confidere in Dominum, quam confidere in homine.
Bonum est sperare in Domino quam sperare in principibus.

It is good to confide in the Lord, rather than to have confidence in man.
It is good to trust in the Lord, rather than to trust in princes.

Little Hawk, I am SURE you and would disagree politically on son many issues, but I think you and I can agree on this quote.

ALL governments suck. Yours sucks. Mine sucks. Your country is run by multinational corporations, just as much as mine is. In Canada, they give you the illusion that you are being taken care of and that your hands are clean, but that's about the only difference.

I do disagree on one thing, though. There are those who do hate my people and culture (not just my government), in Canada and the Western European nations that have been in the past "allies".

The phrase "oh, we don't hate the Americans as PEOPLE, just their government" is the same as when someone says "don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are (fill in ethnic group here)!"

I have seen it, and experienced it in my travels to both England, France, and Canada. When children's hockey teams have their bus attacked by a mob of screaming Canadians, don't tell me that the mob is attacking an international corporation!

I guess the Canadians just hate our teenage multi billion dollar corporate hockey team CIA thugs, not us as a people.

And our good amigos del sur...they must just hate our evil corporations, wait, our evil corporations WANT to grant amnesty to the illegal aliens... Maybe it's our support of the jews, then. Who can keep up with this kind of thing? Not me, as an untravelled, uneducated, insular American.,2933,275993,00.html

And the Palestinians (of course, they just hate our evil corporations, which are run by the jews, who had advanced notice of 9/11, and so none were hurt in the attack...),2933,34187,00.html

Maybe this all started as legitimate concern over the direction that American is taking in foreign policy. Or maybe, just maybe it's actually a real and deep seated (however irrational) hatred of the USA and of her people.

07 Jul 07 - 11:00 PM (#2096744)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Joe Offer

I think the Manatee crusade deserves a clicky. Bless you, Phil, for this wonderful service....

Also see: Phillip the Manatee. A sample:
    A Manatee
    by Travis

    A manatee is playful.
    A manatee is fun, but our
    Manatee is Philip and
    He's an endangered species.

Are those Canadian or American manatees you're trying to protect, Phil?
-Joe Offer-

07 Jul 07 - 11:09 PM (#2096752)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Well, Phil, most people have trouble seeing things clearly, because they think in symbols. Nations become symbolic in their minds. Races become symbolic in their minds. They forget that all individuals are unique and cannot be defined by those symbols. The hostile mobs you speak of were attacking someone who served as a momentarily available symbol of something else entirely, a symbol they were carrying in their minds of something that they were angry about. The same ridiculous thing happens when people hurl abuse at the members of a visiting football team, for heaven's sake, and that's equally absurd. American citizens destroyed Japanese trees in USA botanical gardens after Pearl Harbor. Stark insanity, but they were caught up in mental symbols. This is a problem everywhere. It causes non-Americans to misjudge Americans. It causes Americans to misjudge non-Americans. It causes blacks and whites in America to misjudge each other.

The only solutions I know are spiritual ones. Forgiveness, compassion, mercy, non-judgement of others. Political solutions will not be found, because politics deals with the use of raw power, not with compassion or understanding.

You said, "Your country (Canada) is run by multinational corporations, just as much as mine is. In Canada, they give you the illusion that you are being taken care of and that your hands are clean, but that's about the only difference."

Yeah. It's a real drag, isn't it? Matter of fact, the same multinationals that rule in the USA rule my country too, and I know it. I am well aware of the illusions that you refer to. I do not think our hands are clean.

07 Jul 07 - 11:23 PM (#2096757)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: pdq

Phil Garringer,

Please join Mudcat. Membership costs nothing.

You seem to have a lot to contribute.

07 Jul 07 - 11:37 PM (#2096761)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,meself

There is a streak of crass and petty anti-Americanism among Canadians, undoubtedly. Certainly not among ALL Canadians, but it is there. As a Canadian, I find it embarrassing, and at times shameful.

08 Jul 07 - 01:18 AM (#2096804)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

True enough, "meself". Such emotions and prejudices can always be found in less powerful countries which live next to more powerful neighbors. That's an old story. Don't the Mexicans resent the USA? Moreso than Canadians, I think. Don't the Dutch resent the Germans (and I don't mean just since WWII)? It's a very common thing.

It is usually matched by different sorts of crass prejudice on the part of those in the larger powers toward their smaller neighbors. It goes both ways, but it evidences itself in a different fashion.

The less powerful develop a sense of envy and victimization, while they imagine themselves to be morally superior. The more powerful develop a sense of arrogance and paternalism, and a sense that they can and should be the arbitors of the affairs of the less powerful...and they also imagine themselves to be morally superior.

Each claims the high ground.

Double irony.

It's probably about equally distasteful in either case, and we may all be guilty of it from time to time.

08 Jul 07 - 08:27 AM (#2096901)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: philgarringer

I actually AM a member, but I keep forgetting to to log in when I post!

I am the voice for ALL of the St. Lawrence Manatees, North and South of the border! So far, I am the only voice they have. The struggle continues.

Joe Offer, thanks for the link to Phillip the Manatee. I hadn't seen that. It just so happens that I have been trying to write a folk song about the manatees, and I just might lift some of those kids material!

"Manatee, O' Manatee
my little river cow, How I love thee..."

As far as Canada, I love the place. I spent Canada Day in bath, Ontario, and had a great time. We were made to feel quite welcome, and the beer was GREAT!

08 Jul 07 - 10:29 AM (#2096977)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Why do Iraq, Korea and other countries, hate America? (that's for you, heric).

It could be because they can't be trusted. Might be that America disregards the rules (even when they make they rules).

Probably for the same reason people hate crooked cops.

08 Jul 07 - 12:52 PM (#2097058)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: heric

A noble cause and an outrageous situation. Phil, you may feel lonely facing the bureaucratic ineptitude and inertia, but your colleauge Robin is also a brave man indeed.

I would wholly support having a significant percentage of Mudcat profits being dedicated to Phil's endeavours.

08 Jul 07 - 12:57 PM (#2097062)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Peace

Phil, since you have been working on that project regarding the manatees (and yes, they are beautiful, gentle creatures, where could I best direct letters in terms of helping to get Ottawa off its arse?

08 Jul 07 - 01:20 PM (#2097081)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,Uncle Boko

First of all, America is North, South and Central America. I don't think South and Central America, and Canada would like to be put in the same pot as the USA. Frankly, right now I doubt if 10% of the world likes the USA!

08 Jul 07 - 01:56 PM (#2097086)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,meself

Aren't "North, South and Central America" referred to collectively as "the Americas" rather than as "America"?

More and more Canadians these days do in fact refer to the US as "America". I don't know why, but I seem to be hearing it a lot lately.

08 Jul 07 - 02:11 PM (#2097090)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

We do it because Americans themselves constantly refer to the USA as "America" (as if it was the whole of the continent(s))... ;-)

By God, Phil, I am glad that someone is finally standing up for those poor, oppressed St. Lawrence Manatees! Way to go, man.

08 Jul 07 - 02:17 PM (#2097095)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Peace

LH, he's not alone. I have just finished composing a letter to the DND requesting their help to have the remaining breeding pairs airlifted to the St Regis River near Parishville, New York. When they answer, I'll post the response.

08 Jul 07 - 02:29 PM (#2097105)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Good man. I really should get off my ass and do something about it too, but I am already deeply committed to the Mount Kilimanjaro relocation project.

One can only do so much.

08 Jul 07 - 02:41 PM (#2097115)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Peace

OK. How's about you just CO-sign the letter. We get Shane and Chongo's signature.(What the hell, we'll forge Shatner's signature.) That could only help, right?

08 Jul 07 - 02:50 PM (#2097127)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Now you're talkin'. I'll do it! By God, if we get Shatner to back this thing we're gonna see some real action! You remember what he did for Tribbles...we could end up with the Manatee gracing the Canadian 5 dollar coin when it comes out, which could be any time soon, eh? We could end up with a Manatee in every swimming pool!

08 Jul 07 - 03:20 PM (#2097153)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Peace

Man, we can DO this.

08 Jul 07 - 03:45 PM (#2097172)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: philgarringer

That's what I'm talking about! People, getting together, to make a difference! Even Iraqis and Koreans can agree on this.

I am truly overwhelmed...

08 Jul 07 - 03:51 PM (#2097177)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Peace


Phil, great idea. Now, to a serious question. Regarding the manatees in Florida. They are continuing to be killed at an alarming rate by boat props. What other problems are besetting these creatures? What can be done? Would you consider starting a serious thread on this?

08 Jul 07 - 04:48 PM (#2097206)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: robomatic

manatees need to be become maneaters

09 Jul 07 - 03:33 AM (#2097487)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: goatfell

well maybe if you stop being a bully and try and help these countries like Israel then maybe they would like America

09 Jul 07 - 07:51 AM (#2097604)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: goatfell

I'm talking about the Country America or should that be the USA

09 Jul 07 - 04:20 PM (#2098028)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Canada and Mexico are part of North America,too. American is a term for those who live in any of the Americas. Those from the U.S. who call themselves Americans are, indeed, ethno-centric to the exclusion of all others. It's this arrogance that sets them apart.

In B.C., the U.S. is referred to as the States ie: they are from the States. Yes, it is necessary to call them Americans at times because they have no other names for themselves. Here's calling on all Americans to find a new name for yourselves and quit assuming that you are the only people that matter in the Americas. Somehow the "Uniters" doesn't quite fit. How about 'Staters'
or 'Statelings'? Its your name, you decide, but hands off a handle that we should all share. (Oh, I forgot, the U.S. doesn't understand sharing).

09 Jul 07 - 05:22 PM (#2098094)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: CarolC

We in our household (one from the US and one from Canada) say "USAn" (pronounced, oosan). Works for us.

09 Jul 07 - 05:23 PM (#2098095)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: CarolC

...and we often call the US, Oosa (USA).

09 Jul 07 - 05:49 PM (#2098112)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: philgarringer

Dianavan, my wonderful fellow American,

Who cares what you call us, just don't call us late for dinner.

As for "not sharing", please notice that the list that I am linking to here has BC (I am assuming you are an "American" from British Columbia, and not an "American" from Baja California. Maybe you should watch which initials you use. I think my friends in Baja California might not like that. Maybe it's that American ethno-centrism at work. Please watch that in the future)

Anyway, BC ranked 46 overall. At least you tied New Hampshire! (not to be confused with "Old" Hampshire. We do apologize for stealing all of those English place names. It's the "not sharing" thing.) My home state of New York (again, apologies to England!) was only number 7.

Also, in an effort to combat our ethno-centrism to the exclusion of all others, we shall now refer to ALL people on the planet as "Americans". How's that for inclusiveness?

Come to think of it, the Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno- Centrism has citizens from every nation on Earth (I'm sorry. I meant to say Planet America)!

I also apologize to my fellow anthropomorphs.   We shall also refer to all living creatures as "Americans".

Except manatees. They remain stateless. Sorry. The United nations (oops, United Americas) is working on this problem.

I sincerely apologize to all of my "American" friends for our past ethno-centrism.

In the interest of appeasing our neighbors to the North, we here in our little part of America shall forever be known as Residents and Subjects of the Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno-Centrism. I hope this heals the rift between your America (the Canadian part) and my homeland, the Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno-Centrism. .

That, and we will try to share just as much as you folks from Baja California, Canada, America, not part of the Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno- Centrism.

Pax tecum, my you American!

Phil Garringer
Resident and Subject of the Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno-Centrism.

The Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno- Centrism commit suicide in an attempt to mollify some of the poor Canadian Americans that we have oppressed over the years, but the United Americas considers that genocide of some sort, and we all know how serious you Americans are about stopping genocide! So, again, my apologies.

Sorry, Dianavan. We discussed having everyone here in

09 Jul 07 - 06:57 PM (#2098180)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

"Statelings" is kind of cute. I vote for it.

Did you know that the full name of Mexico is The United States of Mexico (Los Estados Unidos de Mexico)?

Canada used to be The Dominion of Canada, but now I believe it is just Canada.

09 Jul 07 - 07:41 PM (#2098219)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,petr

well lets see the US flipped the bird to the rest of the world as the only industrial country other than Austr. to opt out of Kyoto protocol (even though it was the largest polluter)..
the same follows for landmine treaty, refusal to recognize the World Court but at the same time trying to use UN resolutions to justify its war on Iraq. (lets see,.. if some country were to mine New York harbor that would clearly be a terrorist act.. on the other hand when the instigator is the US and it mines Managuas harbor thats ok.)

(I know Iran isnt mentioned on the list but Id say the CIA backed overthrow of a democratically elected president and installation of a
dictator with a ruthless secret police- should be sufficient reason)

why not ask instead why Iraq and (North) Korea are/were considered part of an axis of evil? Along with Iran (a nonsensical situation anyway since an axis does not have 3 points, two of which are avowed enemies..)

the more likely reason is the 'successful defiance' of those states.

09 Jul 07 - 08:15 PM (#2098236)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Cute but lacking true wit, Phil. Most of it made no sense at all. What is it you wished to be called? I like 'Amerats', myself.

The Fraser Institute is a right wing think tank and a bunch of bean counters. I don't think we're talking about private contributions to charities, anyway. I think we're talking about American foreign policy, in general. I got caught up in some thread drift.

When I say that Americans, in general, are well known for their selfishness and their penchant for breaking the rules, I think we can all come up with some good examples. Petr and other Mudcatters named a few. Free trade is a very good example of making rules and then breaking them. Torture of prisoners is another. You need only to look at the way the government ignores its own citizenry for examples of selfishness. Sorry Phil, America may have the biggest guns but that doesn't entitle you to use the title, "American" and ignore your neighbors. You really aren't that precious, anymore.

09 Jul 07 - 08:35 PM (#2098246)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

1. Sociology. the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture.
2. a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own.

09 Jul 07 - 08:48 PM (#2098255)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: artbrooks

The citizens of the US are hardly the only people to use part of the name of their nation as their national use-name. The United Mexican States has been mentioned, and then there is the Republic of South Africa (should they be Republicans?...nah - what would be left for the Peruvians, Azeris and others? And Greece is really the Hellenic Republic - maybe they should be called Hellions rather than Greeks); Great Britain (perhaps we should call them Great British? or, since it is really the United Kingdom, how about UKers?) and, oh yeah, Canada used to be the Dominion of Canada - which would make them the Dominators, right? Believe it or not, there are other things to argue about!

09 Jul 07 - 09:21 PM (#2098274)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Art - I think you are missing the point. Americans are not the only Americans. It is a name that all of us in the Americas should share.

Does anyone but Greeks call themselves Greek? Maybe we should refer to all Greeks, Italians, Germans etc. after the name of their continent rather than their nation. Thats what the people of the U.S. have done. They have named themselves after a continent. All of the inhabitants are American. People of the U.S. are not the only Americans.

Get a real name. Staters is more accurate but Statelings or Statelets will do.

09 Jul 07 - 10:45 PM (#2098321)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: artbrooks

Why do you think the anyone in the US (except the bone-head ignorant) thinks that they are "the only Americans"? And why do you think the name originated with the inhabitants of the United States? English politicians were referring to the "American colonists" and "the American problem" long before the American revolution, and they weren't referring to anyone who spoke Spanish! See, for example, William Pitt's speech on the Stamp Act.

09 Jul 07 - 11:14 PM (#2098337)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Don Firth

Re:   The word "American" as referring to citizens of the United States of America.

Well, if the purpose of language is to communicate meaning, I don't see that it constitutes much of a problem.   "Citizens of the United States of America" is a bit long and awkward. "United Statesians" fails to distinguish if one is referring to the United States of America or the United States of Mexico (hey, waitaminit! Isn't Mexico part of America?). All of the other permutations that come to mind are equally awkward, clunky, or verge on the downright silly.

As it stands now, it is not just citizens of the United States of America who refer to themselves as "Americans," but most of the rest of the world as well. But how, you ask, do you distinguish between the citizens of the various nations on the two American continents (and, of course, the isthmus connecting the two, generally referred to as "Central America")? Well, most people (including most or all of those who live in other parts of the world, including in the Americas other than in the United States of America) refer to those who live in Canada as "Canadians," in Mexico as "Mexicans," in Puerto Rico as "Puerto Ricans," in Peru as "Peruvians," in Brazil as "Brazilians," in Tierra del Fuego as "Tierra del Fuegans" (need I go on?). Almost all these people refer to the folks who live in the country that lies between Canada on the north and Mexico on the south as "Americans." And that, generally, without prompting or coercion from the country in question.

I don't see that the fact that the citizens of the United States of America also generally refer to themselves as "Americans" implies—per se—that the citizens of the United States of American are inherently arrogant, egotistical snob-slobs who took it upon themselves to usurp the word "American" to use exclusively in reference to themselves. When practically everyone else in the world does it. (After all, there are other reasons, far more to the point, why many of the world's peoples might regard many Americans [pardon my use of the term], particularly the government, as a collection of arrogant, egotistical snob-slobs.)

Now, some First Nations (or Native Americans) object to being called "Indians," cognizant of the fact that Christopher Columbus may have been one of the great explorers of the world, but he didn't know where in the hell he was. He assumed he was in "the Indies," and referred to the people he encountered as "Indians." Now, many First Nations folk (or Native Americans) don't mind being referred to as "Indians," and, indeed, refer to themselves with that term.

Now, how, I wonder, might this go down with someone named something like, say, Rajiv Brahmagupta, living in Bangalore, or, perhaps, Maharastra? When hearing someone born of aboriginal stock on the North American continent referred to as an "Indian," might he not, with some justification, say, "Hey! Now just a darn minute here!"

Life can get very complicated, if one chooses to make it so. . . .

Don Firth

10 Jul 07 - 05:14 AM (#2098458)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

"Now, how, I wonder, might this go down with someone named something like, say, Rajiv Brahmagupta, living in Bangalore, or, perhaps, Maharastra? When hearing someone born of aboriginal stock on the North American continent referred to as an "Indian," might he not, with some justification, say, "Hey! Now just a darn minute here!"

My point, exactly.

Er, not quite.

People from India are Indians. People from China are Chinese. People from Europe are Europeans. People from Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, etc. are not Americans. Americans are the only Americans. Why are they so entitled?

10 Jul 07 - 07:30 AM (#2098511)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: artbrooks

People from Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, etc. are not Americans.

Is this your unilateral assertion? As an American (a citizen of the United States of), I unilaterally disagree. On the other hand, each of these nations has a unique name which events of a few hundred years ago deprived us. On the third hand, as a Canadian (and, if I recall, a former citizen of the United States), are you saying that you want to be referred to as "an American"?

10 Jul 07 - 08:25 AM (#2098537)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: philgarringer

1. Sociology. the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture.
2. a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own.

You know, I listen to the CBC everyday. This sure does sound like part of their mssion statement.

10 Jul 07 - 09:01 AM (#2098570)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

LOL! Well, there is certainly a tendency toward ethnocentricity in any nationality or distinct group of people. I note that the first thing they emphasize on our Canadian news when there's a plane crash in, say, the Phillipines is...

...they let know you know whether or not any Canadians were on the plane, and if so how many, and whether any Canadians were killed.

So what's that about? Well, on the one hand, it's ethnocentricity. On the other hand, it's just doing your job as an extended "family" (which is what a nation or ethnic group is, in a sense), and keeping the family informed as to what is going on with its members.

So you can look on it positively or negatively, as you choose.

Don Firth's last post has pretty well got the "American" thing covered, I think.

What we see now in the use of these terms is the end result of what happened when a group of rebellious British colonists got together in the 1770's and decided to join several colonies into a new nation. They apparently couldn't think of or at least agree on any specific name to call that new they named it for the entire continental area.

They might have, for example, called it "Columbia", I suppose. Just one possibility. Or they could have called it "Cascadia" or "Appalachia" or "Arborea" or really anything like that. But you had the representatives of thirteen different colonies, now becoming independent a cooperative association together...

Can you imagine the difficulties of getting men from thirteen different states to all agree on what to call their new country??? It would be a real hassle.

So I figure that's probably why they went for the literal statement of simply calling it "the United States of America". They were short of time to decide, having a war to fight, and it was the only thing everyone was willing to agree on at the time.

10 Jul 07 - 11:46 AM (#2098755)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: philgarringer

Little Hawk,

It goes even further than that. When they first set up these United States of America, it was in a loose confederation of what they considered seperate states (as in nations). Back then, someone from Viriginia would call themselves a Virginian, not an American. It wasn't until our War Between the States, which we Yankees refer to by a different name, that the question was settled.

In most places that I have lived here in the US, people STILL mostly identify themselves by their state (or city) first, although we all consider ourselves Americans.

Then, there's the whole hyphenated American. That's a different story. I would be considered an Irish-, English-, Armenian-American. I prefer the term Hiberno-American, or Eurasian-American.

My observation is that there is a similar mind set in Canada. I happen to live and work near the border of NY State, Ontario and Quebec. The Quebec situation greatly confuses many of us 'mericanos. I am sure it confuses y'all, too!

I love living here, and being able to go to Canada. It gives me a greater range of music listening choices. I am an hour or so from Ottawa, and 2 hours from Montreal. There are some GREAT musicians up this way, and the cross border influences make it even better.

Oh, and I get to eat poutine!

10 Jul 07 - 12:12 PM (#2098792)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Amos

The point that is missing here is that the US is the only nation that uses the word America in its national name, and therefore naturally finds it being shortened to Americans. The Canadians do not call themselves the United Provicinces of Canadian America, not doesa any other Central American or South American country use "America" in its title.

So I submit we are quibblilng about a non-issue here, much like those who cannot differentiate between the common name for the human species and the common name for the male gender of the species. Two different meanings using the same phonemes. No-one gets upset by the abuse of felines when a twin-hulled boat (or an eath-mover) is called a Cat, or a website, either. We live in a language rich with homonyms anfd multiple, differing definitions for one set of alphabetic characters. Suggest we just get bloody used to it, after more than 1500 years.



10 Jul 07 - 12:45 PM (#2098830)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Phi, that's right, by gosh! In those days someone from Virginia was "a Virginian". Well, dang...

It's a bit like that in Canada. I'd say that the Newfoundlanders and the Quebecois in particular tend to identify themselves first by their provincial label, rather their their national label.

And yeah, the Quebec situation puzzles us, all right. That's putting it mildly. ;-)

Amos, you are right. It's a non-issue that people are quibbling about here.

10 Jul 07 - 01:12 PM (#2098859)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Don Firth

Amos doth speak with great sagacity.

Actually, I consider myself to be an Earthling. But in the long run, this appellation may turn out to be far too provincial.

You know, I really didn't know that Canadians, Mexicans, Bolivians, Chileans, Argentineans, and Patagonians were all so eager to call themselves "Americans," and are so filled with resentment at the citizens of the United States of American, that sometime back in their history, they somehow managed to pass some sort of Universal Law that only they have God's permission to use the term "American" in reference to themselves. Or that anyone really gave a damn. After all, all of the inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere (not to mention the Eastern Hemisphere as well) have a fairly brief word by which they can identify themselves in relation to their national origin or chosen country of residence. [How do Namibians feel about South Africans calling themselves "South Africans?" After all, Namibia is in south Africa, too.]

Let me ask this:    Are there any—say—Canadians who are really eager to walk up a group of dark-haired, hot-eyed young men in Afghanistan who are sitting around cleaning their AK-47s and making bombs and say cheerily, "Hi guys! I'm an American!"


Don Firth

P. S. On the other hand, I do know a few Americans (please pardon my use of the term when referring specifically to citizens of the United States of Americans) who, when overseas, don't let people know they are Americans (please pardon—etc., etc.), but tell people that they are Canadians.

10 Jul 07 - 01:19 PM (#2098869)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Yes, that's a very handy cover, Don. Wearing a Canadian flag on your backpack works the same way. ;-)

How about walking up to those same Afghans with their AK-47's and saying, "Hi, guys! Praise the Lord! I am an American Baptist from Dallas, Texas, U.S. of A...not too far from where George Bush has his ranch, and I'm just spreadin' the good word of Jesus in these here benighted parts. Say...have you fellas been saved yet?"

10 Jul 07 - 01:45 PM (#2098914)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Don Firth

Well, there's this old saying about "putting the cat among the pigeons." But that's a bit more like the pigeon voluntarily landing among the cats.

'Course, what may save the American Baptist would be the possibily that the Afghans might die laughing. . . .

Don Firth

10 Jul 07 - 01:56 PM (#2098927)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Interesting thread drift.

Actually I consider myself a human being living in Canada on the North American continent with an ethno-centric bias. In short, an American hybrid or an Amerindian.

10 Jul 07 - 02:36 PM (#2098965)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: CarolC

I have to admit that Canadians are the only people I've encountered in the Americas who really care about the continent they live in being a part of how they self-identify. And they usually forget to include Mexicans when they talk about North Americans. I think most of the rest of the people in the Americas don't really think about it too much.


But I also have to admit that the jingoism that has become one of the more obvious characteristics of our civil religion here in the US has completely put me off of using the term "American" to refer to myself and the country in which I live.

10 Jul 07 - 03:36 PM (#2099025)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,mg

I think everyone anywhere can call themselves an American, but being nasty to us when we call ourselves that, when it is our name, is grossly immature and petulant....I have a technicality to call you on and I am one of the many who looks down at my nose on Americans so there I gotcha. It is silly and mean and they do it to put us down and not to make sure others are included, which they certainly are if they wish to be known that way. And that includes Greenland, which is on the continent of America..north America... America is a concept as much as a place and it has some very ideas in it and jumping on people for no particularly good reason is stupid. mg

10 Jul 07 - 05:55 PM (#2099172)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

I would like to call myself an American except that people would then assume I have no allegiance to Canada. I will continue to call myself Canadian and until you, as a Nation, can get your foreign policy straightened out, I will call those living in the U.S., Amerats. I will no longer call you Americans (like I said, you're not that precious anymore) and if you do not wish to be referred to as Amerats, you should call yourselves something more appropriate.

10 Jul 07 - 07:08 PM (#2099248)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: CarolC

Amerats. Has a kind of ring to it, doesn't it? Like Japs, and Gooks, and Ragheads, and Wetbacks, and Camel Jockeys...

10 Jul 07 - 07:11 PM (#2099250)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: CarolC

( ...or any other kind of name we create to refer to an entire group of people of whom we disapprove)

10 Jul 07 - 07:16 PM (#2099251)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,meself

Just a reminder: please don't take what one Canadian citizen has to say as representative of any what any other Canadians think.

10 Jul 07 - 07:20 PM (#2099258)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: CarolC

Good point, meself. And I've noticed (and commented on another thread), that the only Canadians I ever see behaving in this particular way are ones who immigrate there from other countries. It seems a pretty unCanadian way to behave, from my experience of Canadians.

10 Jul 07 - 07:21 PM (#2099259)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Hey Carol, you said you preferred to be called a 'USAn'. So be it.

As for those who call themselves, American, I just don't buy it. If they can't give themselves an appropriate name, then others can call them anything they like. They leave themselves wide open for being so smug.

10 Jul 07 - 07:25 PM (#2099263)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

Which gets back to the topic of this thread.

Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?

Answer: Because they are so smug. In Korean thats

Àß³­ üÇÏ´Â, »µ±â´Â

I think the Iranians just call them ass-holes.

10 Jul 07 - 07:26 PM (#2099264)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,mg

Oh dear..who is being smug? I think calling someone an Amerat is hate speech and does the world need it really? mg

10 Jul 07 - 07:27 PM (#2099265)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: CarolC

Yes, I do prefer USAn. But you said you were going to call, all "Americans" (USAns) Amerats, as long as any of us call ourselves Americans. But still, Amerat sounds like a pretty hateful term to be using against an entire group of many millions of people.

10 Jul 07 - 07:52 PM (#2099281)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,mg

We as individuals did not give ourselves that name. It has been what we were called forever and has deep meaning..nothing else comes close or sounds nice. As far as I am concerned everyone in the world can call themselves that but I intend to continue to call myself an American. Hatred spreads. We have enough. We don't need more. mg

10 Jul 07 - 08:18 PM (#2099292)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Don Firth


Yep. Right up there with Japs, Chinks, Spicks, Wops, Krauts, and Frogs. . . .

And thus another racial/ethnic/national slur goes into the world's lexicon of hate speach.

Way to go, dianavan! Just what the world needs.

Don Firth

10 Jul 07 - 08:45 PM (#2099302)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,dianavan

O.K., O.K.

You are definitely Americans.

What about the ones who call other people names. Can I call them Amerats?

10 Jul 07 - 08:53 PM (#2099311)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: cookster

And Jerries.

10 Jul 07 - 08:56 PM (#2099314)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: cookster

And charlies.

10 Jul 07 - 09:00 PM (#2099318)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: artbrooks

Why invent a new name like "Amerirats" for people who call others names? Bigot will do.

10 Jul 07 - 09:02 PM (#2099322)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: cookster

Where are you from?

10 Jul 07 - 09:06 PM (#2099324)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: cookster

10 Jul 07 - 09:17 PM (#2099337)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Some informal names for Canadians....

Newfies (regional - Newfoundland)
Tabernacs (regional - Quebec)
Black Fly Bait (semi-regional, but really almost anywhere north of, oh, Orillia, I guess)
Snow Eaters (insulting variant: Yellow Snow Eaters)
Moose Shaggers
Beaver Lovers

Heh! Remember, I'm Canadian. Just goofing around here...

10 Jul 07 - 09:20 PM (#2099338)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,meself

I've only ever heard of Canucks and Newfies - I think you just made the rest of those up. Let's face it: we're not important enough to warrant a real epithet.

10 Jul 07 - 09:26 PM (#2099344)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, "meself"...heh! I did make up most of them...but not "tabernacs". Most definitely not. That's a real one. The Mexicans have been known to refer to Canadian francophone tourists as "tabernacs". Guess why...

Say, here's another one. I think people used to call rural Canadian workmen (such as lumberjacks and railway workers) "pea-soupers" at one time.

10 Jul 07 - 09:53 PM (#2099362)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: CarolC

Beaver Lovers

This just sounds like bragging to me.


10 Jul 07 - 10:03 PM (#2099370)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,meself

I always understood 'pea-soupers' - or 'pea-soups' - to be French-Canadians.

10 Jul 07 - 10:26 PM (#2099378)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: cookster

I've always understood Rednecks as people who live in Arkansas.

10 Jul 07 - 10:31 PM (#2099381)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, you're right, come to think of it. "Pea soupers" referred to French Canadians.

10 Jul 07 - 11:44 PM (#2099427)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Stringsinger

The real question is why does the American Adminstration hate Iraq and Korea? The psychologists call this "projection".

OK, the answer is that some groups mobilize politically by creating enemies. It's a way of consolidating power.

11 Jul 07 - 12:18 AM (#2099445)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: Little Hawk

There are further reasons. When you create a gigantic defence (actually, it's offence) industry and a huge military and an enormous covert spying agency which deals in drugs, assassination, undeclared wars, and takeovers, you need official enemies in order to justify the allocation of funds and resources, and in order to justify using your dogs of war. If one official enemy goes down, another must soon be found. Otherwise there are huge vested interests who will find themselves in deep trouble, and important people will start losing money.

That can't be allowed to happen, so further enemies are always found...either abroad...or at home...or both.

This doesn't mean there aren't some real enemies. After all, anyone with such destructive programs underway as I described above is bound to have real enemies...a lot of them. It's the inevitable result of being the biggest criminal on the block.

Al Capone and Bugsy Siegel had real enemies too...and for the same basic reasons. He who lives by the sword and by treachery and by force is always in danger of dying by the sword and by treachery and by force. What goes around comes around.

This is also true of despots such as those in power in North Korea and Iran, by the way. They too create their own bad karma by their own negative actions and bad attitudes toward those they have assigned as their enemies.

So it goes both ways.

11 Jul 07 - 10:09 AM (#2099769)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: artbrooks

When you create a gigantic defence [sic] (actually, it's offence [sic]) industry and a huge military...

One of the major problems the US is having in Iraq (besides the moral one of being there in the first place) is that the defense budget is about half of what it was during the Reagan years (in constant dollars) and the Army itself is much smaller than it was during the Cold War.

11 Jul 07 - 11:44 AM (#2099858)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: GUEST,meself

(Note: "defenCe" and "offenCe" are the standard British and Canadian spellings).

11 Jul 07 - 11:55 AM (#2099868)
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
From: artbrooks
