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BS: UFO over the Channel

25 Jun 07 - 05:44 AM (#2086214)
Subject: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: GUEST,Keinstein

Apparently a huge yellow UFO was sighted over the English Channel last week


(well there was a paragraph in the Defender of Britain, the Sun).

25 Jun 07 - 05:48 AM (#2086219)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: goatfell

I believe you, but the sun that's a different story.

25 Jun 07 - 07:34 AM (#2086274)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: JennyO

Strange - we've had brief sightings of a strange large round yellow object here in Sydney too. Not too sure though, because it keeps disappearing behind the clouds.

I'm sure if I think about it a while, I might remember it from some time in the dim distant past, when it was warmer. I think it begins with s..... er yes. I think it was an s.

25 Jun 07 - 07:53 AM (#2086290)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: goatfell

We have sightings like that here as in Scotland, and some of actually worship it like in Australia

25 Jun 07 - 08:43 AM (#2086325)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: JennyO

Yes Tom - the worshippers are having a bit of a lean time here at the moment - their god keeps disappearing :-)

25 Jun 07 - 12:18 PM (#2086531)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: JohnInKansas

If it's the same UFO occasionally reported in the Seattle region while I was there, this is an extremely dangerous object.

The rare few who saw it reported that it was capable of producing blinding pain, occasionally with permanent damage to the eyes, for those who attempted to observe its motions. It's effects have been likened to an "alien death ray" that produces reddened and burned skin with prominent blisters and peeling of the epidermal layers of the victimes. Long-term effects have been suggested, and are supported by some studies.

This is quite obviously a hostile and dangerous extraterrestial visitor that should be avoided until proper authorities can work out a way to remove it and prevent its return.

An experimental program based on the injection of shielding gases into the atmosphere is well into performance trial and evaluation, but ultimate success of this method remains somewhat ambiguous.



25 Jun 07 - 12:34 PM (#2086549)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Little Hawk


25 Jun 07 - 01:06 PM (#2086594)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Don Firth

Living in Seattle, I know how dangerous this strange manifestation in the sky can be. The last time it happened, all the moss fell off my north side.

Don Firth

25 Jun 07 - 01:17 PM (#2086605)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: JennyO

Which is your north side, Don? Is that your best side? And what happens if you turn round and face the other way?

25 Jun 07 - 01:18 PM (#2086609)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Little Hawk

It's your own danged fault, Don. You should move around more, and then the moss wouldn't grow on you.

25 Jun 07 - 02:23 PM (#2086672)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: JohnInKansas

LH -

You obviously have no significant experience with the Seattle area. Moss grows on everything there, moving or not.

Seven years after I left the area, the rubber moldings around the windws on my truck were still green, and that's in Kansas where it's comparatively dry. (WD-40 eventually retarded new growth, should you need a remedy.)


25 Jun 07 - 03:11 PM (#2086708)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Little Hawk

Sheesh! Sounds unhealthy. Is it as bad as Florida?

25 Jun 07 - 03:43 PM (#2086740)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

Don't flippin' joke about this stuff, eh? I was flippin' adducted by aleyens fer, like, almost 3 weeks and they flippin' did tests on me and everything, eh? It was brutal, man. If they had held ahold of me even one day longer I might of lost my flippin' mind! They don't drink beer! They don't eat pizza! They don't even have TV shows! They are totally flippin' inhuman, man. They never heard of Metallica! Flip me. I tried to tell them what really matters in, babes, and smokes...but would they lissen? No! They have this flippin' totally healthy society where, like, everyone spends time studyin' interesting flippin' stuff and figgerin' out how to make the flippin' planet healthier and they hardly even think about sex EVER.

You probally don't believe me, right? Well, FLIP YOU! You can kiss my flippin' winkie. I know what I know.

If them aleyens ever get to invade here and take over it will be the fault of peoples like youse who are makin' jokes and not payin' attendshun to what is goin' on around youse.

And if they do, dude, the fun will be over! No more beer. No more babes. No more wet T-shirt contests. No more monster trucks. No more wars. No more "Survivor". Nothin'.

Don't flippin' say I did not warn you, cos I just did.

- Shane McBride

25 Jun 07 - 04:12 PM (#2086770)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: JohnInKansas

LH -

From what I've heard, people in Seattle mildew, people in Florida rust.

At one place where I worked we did lots of business with "visitors" from many different parts of the country. A discussion ensued about the different "tans" exhibited by those from various locales. It was agreed that a typical Florida tan had an "orange cast" to it that was not apparent in the "brown" tans from the west coast/southwest. We decided it was rust stain.

Those of us in Milwaukee, where the plant was located, mostly just "faded."


25 Jun 07 - 06:18 PM (#2086887)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Don Firth

Well, it isn't too bad once you grow the webbing between your fingers and toes.

Don Firth

25 Jun 07 - 08:53 PM (#2086955)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Bert

Actually that thing you're seeing lives here in Colorado. Occasionally we'll let it loose for just a day to scare you.

26 Jun 07 - 09:12 AM (#2087320)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: GUEST,leeneia

Somebody went to Seattle once and said it was the first time he saw a whole city with indirect lighting.

Bill Bryson (author)once described the weather in England and said it was like living in Tupperware.

In River City where I live, we have a number of UFO's. I'd miss them if I had to move. Some of them are:

the hot yellow ball
the hot white ball (only appears behind clouds)
the cold shape-shifter
the orange shape-shifter
the white circle with the ring around it

09 Dec 08 - 04:46 PM (#2511083)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: JohnInKansas

This thread apparently went dormant a year ago, and is the shortest recent thread on "weird phenomena" so it's a good place to post an actual, credible, scientifically almost authenticated report on the search for extraterrestrial life *** *** (?).

Sweet find in search for alien life

Sugar found in a swirl of gas and dust around a collection of stars
By Jeanna Bryner
updated 1:50 p.m. CT, Tues., Dec. 9, 2008

A sugar molecule that's linked to the origin of life has been detected in a region of our galaxy where habitable planets could exist. The sweet find is good news in the search for alien life, the researchers say.

Called glycolaldehyde, the sugar molecule is considered a life ingredient because it can react with a substance called propenal to form ribose, a central constituent of ribonucleic acid (RNA), which is similar to DNA and considered one of the central molecules in the origin of life.

An international team of scientists used the IRAM radio telescope in France to detect glycolaldehyde in a massive star-forming region of space, some 26,000 light-years from Earth. (One light-year is the distance light will travel in a year, or about 6 trillion miles, or 10 trillion km.)

They looked for the emission of certain wavelengths within the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Molecules each emit a distinctive band of radio wavelengths, which can be used as a fingerprint for the molecules.

"This is an important discovery as it is the first time glycolaldehyde, a basic sugar, has been detected towards a star-forming region where planets that could potentially harbor life may exist," said researcher Serena Viti of the University College London.

Previously, the organic sugar had been detected toward the center of our galaxy, where conditions are extreme and not conducive to planet-forming compared with the rest of the galaxy.

The new discovery, which will be detailed in a forthcoming issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters, was in an area distant from the galactic center. In addition, the sugar was found in a swirl of gas and dust around a collection of stars. "Possibly, this material is actually rotating around the stars, which may imply that it's a disk and that's where planets may form," Viti told

She added, "Also the fact that it's just a normal star-forming region suggests that the production of this molecule could be common throughout the galaxy."

The detection of one life ingredient also improves the chances that the molecule exists alongside other molecules essential to life and in regions where Earth-like planets may exist, she said.

"The fact that a basic sugar so directly linked to RNA is common makes you think the basic ingredients for life are out there," Viti said. "They're not just on Earth."

© 2007

Or maybe the whole universe is just diabetic?


09 Dec 08 - 05:10 PM (#2511107)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Don Firth

"How sweet it is!"
       --Jackie Gleason

Don Firth

09 Dec 08 - 05:23 PM (#2511126)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Little Hawk

Pay heed to Shane's warnings! There may be little time left to enjoy the many sins and stupidities that we all love and take for granted.

09 Dec 08 - 05:30 PM (#2511142)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: olddude

In buffalo NY
ours isn't yellow, it is white and keeps dumping white cold powdery suff all over the place

09 Dec 08 - 06:58 PM (#2511248)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Amos

Dang!! Somebody from San Diego must have let it overflow. Damn surfer dudes are always goofing off on watch.


09 Dec 08 - 07:26 PM (#2511266)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Ebbie

Whatever can it be?

When my daughter was 3 or so, we were driving in dense fog. I decided it was time to expand her knowledge. I waved my hand around and said, Look! That's fog.

She peered into the distance. Where?

I waved my hand from one side of the car to the other and said, All around us. That's fog.

Almost in tears she wailed, Where? I can't see.

Ebbie, in Juneau, Alaska, where most of us resemble the underside of the beluga.

09 Dec 08 - 07:47 PM (#2511279)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Ed T

Another Uf'n O sighting, this one with moss falling off of it?
I'd keep an eye on the moss for awhile.

10 Dec 08 - 04:32 PM (#2512007)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: Donuel

Govenor Blagojevich whose head inspired the animated TV cartoon 'Jimmy Neutron' and whose political rise to power inspired 'Omen III', is going to be prevented from legally selecting himself for the Senate Seat by a new law to be passed by the Illinois Legislature.

Obama will be relieved to have Blago not sully his administration with Chicago political machine shenanigans.

Too bad Jesse Jackson Jr. is being connected to Blago as the secret candidate #5. Lets hope this doesn't become a witch trial by insinuation that destroys good people by rumor.

11 Dec 08 - 03:45 AM (#2512340)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO over the Channel
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Over the English Channel??? Damn! They screwed up their co-ordinates again!! ....Now I'll have to be late for the coronation.....I'll be right back!..Gotta make a call on my Inter-Galactic Space Telephone..Damn!..I hate when this happens!!!