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BS: Mormon handcuff incident

02 Jul 07 - 04:19 PM (#2092617)
Subject: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Arnie

I was at a barbeque yesterday (yes, it rained!) and for some reason got onto the subject of the mormon bloke who was kidnapped, handcuffed to a bed and sexually assaulted by a Canadian woman who was besotted with him. This happened in the early '70's and none of us could remember the name of the woman, who achieved quite a bit of notoriety at the time. It's driving me mad - does anyone remember her name? What I couldn't quite understand at the time was why this bloke objected!!

02 Jul 07 - 04:21 PM (#2092622)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: beardedbruce

We are taliking about a Canadian woman here. Only about 60% are breathtakingly beautiful, so he may have had good cause to object...

02 Jul 07 - 04:21 PM (#2092623)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: katlaughing

Was it this one: In 1977, a Wyoming beauty queen, Joyce McKinney, kidnapped a twenty-one-year-old Mormon missionary and handcuffed him to her bed in an attempt to become pregnant.

02 Jul 07 - 04:23 PM (#2092625)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: beardedbruce


Thay have beauty queens in Wyoming?

02 Jul 07 - 04:26 PM (#2092630)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Peace

Jus' the facts, ma'am, jus' the facts.

Caution - Link has Adult Content

02 Jul 07 - 04:27 PM (#2092631)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: JohnInKansas

Joyce McKinney and the Manacled Mormon does look like the story described.


02 Jul 07 - 04:29 PM (#2092632)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: JohnInKansas

It appears that Peace beat me to the same link. I should'na stopped to read it.


02 Jul 07 - 04:30 PM (#2092634)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Peace

I jus' looked at the pitchurs.

02 Jul 07 - 04:30 PM (#2092635)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: beardedbruce

"Ms McKinney was a brilliantly intelligent, erstwhile Miss Wyoming who came out of the Appalachians to join the..."

OK, she had moved to Wyoming.

02 Jul 07 - 04:38 PM (#2092645)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: JohnInKansas

Peace - there were pictures?

I guess my years of only reading the articles in Playboy must have trained me not to see them.


02 Jul 07 - 04:40 PM (#2092649)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Peace

There were articles in Playboy?

02 Jul 07 - 04:42 PM (#2092650)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Peace

JIK--it strikes me that we coulda shared a subscription.

02 Jul 07 - 04:43 PM (#2092653)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: beardedbruce

At one point Playboy published a number of Shel Silverstien's lyrics. Great source material!

Anyway, reading Playboy has to be "in the tradition"...

02 Jul 07 - 04:45 PM (#2092657)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: katlaughing

The 'papers lapped it up. So apparently did the magistrates, who released her on bail and then presumably went home for a quiet lie-down.

I'll bet they had to have a quiet lie-down! The windows must've steamed up in the courtroom.

02 Jul 07 - 04:46 PM (#2092659)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Arnie

Yes, that's the one!! Funny how the old memory plays tricks - I could have sworn she was Canadian! Anyway, Joyce McKinney was the woman involved so thanks everyone for putting my mind at rest - nice link John.

02 Jul 07 - 04:49 PM (#2092663)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Peace

She was Canadian. You can tell that by lookin' at her. She's part of the 40% that aren't breathtakingly beautiful. The lover part I might add.

02 Jul 07 - 04:58 PM (#2092671)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: McGrath of Harlow

I see there's a punk band called The Joyce McKinney Experience with a record "Love Songs For Kirk", that being the name of the young man who got tied up in this case.

This thread isn't a cunning promotion is it?

02 Jul 07 - 05:02 PM (#2092673)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Peace

It's a cunning stunt for a stunn--forget it.

02 Jul 07 - 06:01 PM (#2092722)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Roughyed

Always liked the Alberto y Los Trios Paranoias line from the period "We were expecting Donny Osmond tonight but he was all tied up"

02 Jul 07 - 07:01 PM (#2092754)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: gnu

Hey.... I used to buy Playboy only for the interview articles... Castro, Gacey, Carter, on and on and on... the fact is that the T&A (talent and athletics 8>) ) made the money that allowed them to hire the best journalists around to do the best interviews published in those days.

Of course, if the reading didn't let you drift off to sleep late at night, there was always.... ah, er, nevermind.

02 Jul 07 - 07:20 PM (#2092765)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Big Al Whittle

They interviewed John Wayne Gacey - or some other Gacey?

02 Jul 07 - 07:58 PM (#2092789)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: gnu

OH!!!! Gary Gilmore (spg?) SORRY. I get my sick and twisted killers mixed up. Real insight. If anyone ever thought that Playboy was just tits and ass, think again... one of the best publications ever... educated millions with respect to current events, politics, racial issues, the law, social freedoms... on and on. Plus, like Chris Rock says, "Ain'o one don't like a big titty woman." Buy it for the pussy, stay for the truth.

Gosh.... I haven't bought one for years and years. I feel as if I have shirked my duty.

02 Jul 07 - 08:31 PM (#2092810)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Stilly River Sage

I made this case recently on a discussion forum that is primarily focused on film. There is to be a new Hefner biopic out one of these days. I have subscribed several times over the years (usually dropping it when the bill came and I was broke). Great short stories also. If you're published in Playboy, you have arrived.

I must say, this woman doesn't sound remarkably intelligent. She'd be considered a stalker today.


02 Jul 07 - 08:44 PM (#2092824)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: kendall

I'll bet the cuffs were toys.

02 Jul 07 - 09:20 PM (#2092832)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: JohnInKansas

If Playboy hadn't been around, no one would know who "James Bond" or Ian Fleming was.

My first intro to Shel was his cartoons in PB. It was years before I knew he wrote some of my favorite songs.

The only "picture" I remember (vaguely) is the one ca. 1960 that happened to look exactly like my first wife. (I think her sister mentioned it out to me, so I actually bought the mag to see if it was true.) I suppose they're both all saggy and wrinkled by now.


02 Jul 07 - 10:09 PM (#2092863)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Stilly River Sage

But you aren't?

02 Jul 07 - 10:11 PM (#2092868)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Peace

I got wrinkles on my wrinkles.

02 Jul 07 - 11:01 PM (#2092898)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: JohnInKansas

Stilly -

I thought it obvious enough that I didn't need to add the

", like me."


03 Jul 07 - 12:23 AM (#2092950)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Stilly River Sage

Just wanted to be sure! (You might have had a few face lifts along the way. I haven't watched Dr. Who in years, but I saw one episode some weeks back with the last "human" who was a stretched out patch of skin. "Moisturize! Moisturize!" seemed to be her most common demand. :)

03 Jul 07 - 03:39 AM (#2093009)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Helen

When I heard first about the Mormon handcuff incident it was also when I found out that the Mormon men (and probably women) wear underwear specifically designed to deter impulsive sexual behaviour, kind of a neck-to-knees/combinations garment. Now that is weird!

But, on the topic of understanding Mormon culture, has anyone seen or been watching the tv show called Big Love (currently airing on Sunday nights on Oz tv station SBS)? It's the sort of story I wish I had written, because whenever I hear about a man having many wives (simultaneously, not sequentially) I start to wonder what would happen with all the personalities & emotions involved. It's a good show, IMHO, because it has believable characters and interesting and involved plots and sub-plots. And we're only up to about the fourth episode here in Oz but the s#%t from various directions is making its way slowly but inexorably towards the fan.

Worth a look.

I was friends with a Mormon couple living here in Oz a decade or so ago. Interesting insight, but as far as I know, the polygamy thing doesn't happen here.

And then there is the famous line of Groucho Marx's when he offers to marry two women, and Margaret Dumont says, "But that's bigamy!" and Groucho replies. "I thought it was big o' me!" (i.e. to offer to marry two women).

Aside: I can't imagine a woman wanting multiple husbands. One is enough! (Ducking & running!)


03 Jul 07 - 10:08 AM (#2093021)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: skipy

I was serving at BZN at the time & I remember stickers all over the place saying   "Joyce McKinney, does it with chains!"

03 Jul 07 - 12:41 PM (#2093190)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Grab

Peace, I wish you'd warned me before I opened that on a work PC! Good job IT here aren't generally too alert... ;-)


03 Jul 07 - 02:55 PM (#2093280)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Uncle Boko

Mormons are nutters. In Cedar City Utah (where else!) an old dear in a museum told us that non white folks all bore the curse of god! (Eric Clapton?)

03 Jul 07 - 03:21 PM (#2093302)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Peace

OUCH, Grab. Sorry about that. I seldom link that kind of thing. I'll do a warning in future.

03 Jul 07 - 11:59 PM (#2093639)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: RangerSteve

One of the early contributions to this thread has the phrase "Joyce McKinney and the Mannicled Mormon". That sounds like a J.K. Rowling title, possibly from her next series of books after the Potter series is done.

04 Jul 07 - 02:30 AM (#2093694)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah yes... 1977 was the year of the Silver Jubilee. I was a naive 12 yr old who didn't really know what was going on, didn't really like the Osmonds (just discovered Hawkwind)... but the phrase 'skiing down Everest naked, with a carnation up my nose' did bring some unwelcome images to mind.

I suspect this was one of the first cases to publicise male rape and may even have been one of those landmarks that get the laws changed.

Is it any wonder she's vanished into the ether with that year long sentence still pending? Or has the statute of limitations run out on it yet?


04 Jul 07 - 03:15 AM (#2093716)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Helen

RangerSteve, if Kylie Minogue's (and Britney Spears') transformation into a highly sexual being is anything to go by, just imagine what Harry Potter would become when (or is it "if") he comes of age. Aleister Crowley?

04 Jul 07 - 04:27 AM (#2093761)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: Liz the Squeak

imagine? You don't need to imagine... just look at the reviews and pictures of Daniel Radcliffe in 'Equus' on the London stage last winter....

Thinks... is it me or has there been a scene of Harry nearly nekkid in every film so far?


04 Jul 07 - 05:42 AM (#2093788)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: JohnInKansas

Noting that the link provided by Peace has been edited to show "Adult Content," perhaps the same mudelf should add a similar note to my link in the following post:

Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: JohnInKansas - PM
Date: 02 Jul 07 - 04:27 PM

Now that Peace has informed me that there are pictures, and having taken my attention from the engrossing text to take a look, I note that the same picture linked by Peace is contained, albeit slightly smaller, at my link, and that mine has two additional slightly risque images further down.

I'm really sorry(?) about that but being the pure and innocent soul that you all know me to be I can claim that I just didn't notice them, can't I?

(At least mine did have some text,why should Peace get all the advertising?.)


04 Jul 07 - 07:46 AM (#2093831)
Subject: RE: BS: Mormon handcuff incident
From: GUEST,Darowyn

Not only do I have a library, but I also have a copy of "Joyce McKinney and the Manacled Mormon" in it.
I think it was by s reporter for the News of the World.