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BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?

07 Jul 07 - 10:29 AM (#2096342)
Subject: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Mrrzy

Just tto make it a musical post, This is all around the world...

07 Jul 07 - 10:37 AM (#2096348)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Rapparee


07 Jul 07 - 10:59 AM (#2096356)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Alice

I'm signed up to but it is quite a drive out of town and I'm not feeling up to it..
plus don't want to burn the gasoline!ü

07 Jul 07 - 11:25 AM (#2096370)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: George Papavgeris

I'll hug the gum tree in my garden.

07 Jul 07 - 11:26 AM (#2096372)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: gnu

What's that? Lots of beans and molasses and brown bread and dark rum? That'll make ya do the Methane Dance!

07 Jul 07 - 12:13 PM (#2096396)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Mrrzy

Did you hear about those poor folks in the methane pit? Sorry, thread creep, never mind.

07 Jul 07 - 02:16 PM (#2096447)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: open mike

I guess this has something to do with "Live Earth" and
"Alliance for Climate Protection" and Al Gore...see:

a series of concerts....

07 Jul 07 - 02:19 PM (#2096450)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Little Hawk

I was going to, but it got cancelled on account of the weather.

07 Jul 07 - 02:38 PM (#2096466)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Live Earth concerts seem to be about who can make the most noise. I might attend one if they played music.

07 Jul 07 - 02:42 PM (#2096469)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: John MacKenzie

People should have smaller families, that would be of more use than pop stars displaying their angst. Having flown by private jet to be there.

07 Jul 07 - 02:47 PM (#2096475)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

I was completely convinced that climate change was a reality ... until pop stars started endorsing it. What the f..k do pop stars know about anything?

07 Jul 07 - 03:05 PM (#2096478)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Little Hawk

I bet they know a lot more about performing than you do...

07 Jul 07 - 03:05 PM (#2096479)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: open mike

global warming is in full effect here today..
temps over 100 will prevail...

best thing to do is stay OUT of the weather if you can.

08 Jul 07 - 09:06 AM (#2096921)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Mrrzy

Right, but airconditioning etc is bad for others... good luck staying cool, y'all!
Anyway, the one I went to went well... but boy, do I not like to watch concerts.

08 Jul 07 - 09:13 AM (#2096924)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: goatfell

all these musicians and singers did it because all they want to do is sell more records, if they truely want to save the planet, then don't fly or drive cars, instead walk or cycle

08 Jul 07 - 09:23 AM (#2096931)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

"I bet they know a lot more about performing than you do..."

Possibly. But what do they know about climate change?

08 Jul 07 - 10:12 AM (#2096960)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: wysiwyg

Anubody else notice the buzzword shift currently underway?

Global Warming just wasn't selling, and allowed too much room for scientific debate. Plus to deal with it in any form one needed a longterm view.

Climate Change on the other hand is a much better seller. Everybody knows that from their now-now-now view, the climate is changing-- no debate there! Only a short term view is needed, and all that "global warming" baggage melts away.


08 Jul 07 - 12:00 PM (#2097022)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: CarolC

Climate Change does a better job of communicating the problem in a way that people can understand in terms of the impact on their own lives.

They might not be seeing the overall global warming trends where they live at any given moment, but they are very likely being impacted where they are in many ways, like for instance, increased severity of storms, more erratic and severe weather, droughts or increased incidents of flooding, etch. When you say "Global Warming", people tend to think not so much in global terms, but in local terms, and they say, "It's cold here, so where's the warming?". If you say "Climate Change", people know exactly what you mean.

08 Jul 07 - 12:51 PM (#2097056)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Geoff the Duck

Might have a Global Warming Barbeque?

08 Jul 07 - 02:04 PM (#2097087)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: George Papavgeris

Well, the whole thing was as exciting as a Tupperware party and slightly less intellectually challenging. How anyone can claim that such an unthinking event can raise awareness about anything is beyond me. Put it this way - I saw no worried faces in that crowd - and why should they be? Life is good, as long as they can see such events, for whatever excuse the promoters can dream up.

The bandwagon was creaking last night.

08 Jul 07 - 02:37 PM (#2097111)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Little Hawk

Well, look at it this way, Shimrod...

Some people like to make a difference. They like to feel that they are contributing to a better world. This is as true of pop stars as it is of anyone else, but a pop star, like a politician or anyone else who is well known, is in a position to get the attention of a large number of people.

So the question is, is the pop star doing it just to further his or her own career, or does the pop star genuinely care?

Some of them probably do genuinely care. Anyone who does is capable of becoming well-informed, given sufficient motivation. The information is out there.

So I'm saying, why not give them some benefit of the doubt? After all, they could just say, "Aw, who gives a shit? Let someone else do something about it. I'm busy making hit records."

08 Jul 07 - 02:37 PM (#2097112)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: CarolC

I figure it's a good thing if it brings awareness of the problem to people who were previously unaware. But I have some concerns about at least one of the 'solutions' people are embracing as a way of addressing this problem.

Specifically, I am concerned with the promotion of the use of compact fluorescent bulbs. These bulbs contain enough mercury in them to become a serious environmental hazard if they are not disposed of properly (recycled), and if they break in the home, they can become a serious health hazard if not cleaned up properly. If the contents of a fluorescent bulb get into carpeting, it is necessary to have the carpet cleaned professionally by people who have special expertise in cleaning up mercury spills, or the carpet needs to be disposed of (which, of course means adding more mercury to landfills).

I'd like to see other, less environmentally damaging technology being promoted for this purpose.

08 Jul 07 - 05:47 PM (#2097238)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

"So the question is, is the pop star doing it just to further his or her own career, or does the pop star genuinely care?"

Excellent question, Little Hawk. You're probably an optimist - which is fine. I'm more of a grizzled old sceptic myself ...

The thing that worries me is the idea that you can make environmental concerns fashionable. I think that all you'll end up with is a lot of unthinking 'band-wagon-jumpers' competing with each other to see who is greenest; just a lot of 'hot air' - even though that is probably an unfortunate choice of words!

The big problem is that man's interaction with, and impact, on the environment is intensely complex (read Jared Diamond's recent book, 'Collapse', for example) and I doubt that pop star platitudes and soundbites will add much clarity.

08 Jul 07 - 06:00 PM (#2097248)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: John Hardly

A climate change party sounds so fun! Mortifying though to show up and see someone else wearing exactly the same change of climate you chose for the evening.

08 Jul 07 - 06:07 PM (#2097251)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: EBarnacle

I am less impressed by Mr. Gore and his people that I was when the Inconvenient Truth parties were going on.

I attempted to contact him or his people to discuss a product family which I sell. It makes internal combustion engines greener. It is not a solution, but a step along the way.

His web sites do not allow input other than dollars. When I found my way to seconday web sites, they were not interactive.

I believe that unless you are following their agenda their way they are not interested in hearing from you.

08 Jul 07 - 06:09 PM (#2097252)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

Probably not. Unless they have air conditioning...

But about 66 years ago I was born a Cancer. I decided, at age 40, that I didn't like the implied inplications of that.

So I had a sign chane operation!

We did have a great party to celebrate.

Art Thieme

08 Jul 07 - 06:24 PM (#2097260)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: CarolC

I attempted to contact him or his people to discuss a product family which I sell. It makes internal combustion engines greener.

Do you have a website you can show us so we can see this product? Maybe we can help get the word out.

08 Jul 07 - 08:34 PM (#2097333)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Genie

I'm having a Climate Change party next weekend.   Friends, family, and other concerned citizens are flying in from all over the country or driving here in their SUVs.   Then we'll gather around my heated backyard pool, blast earth-friendly music all over the neighborhood with my super-ppwered PA system, and have a huge bonfire in the evening to grill hot dogs and hamburgers trucked in from Mexico.

We all gotta do our part.



08 Jul 07 - 08:47 PM (#2097338)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: EBarnacle

Yup, it's: Just copy and paste.
The product reads like snake oil but it works. If you are interested in trying it, PM me and I will discuss it with you. The major caveat is making sure whether or not you have a filter screen in your fuel filler. Chryslers and all related products, including Mercedes have this screen. They have to use the liquid form of the product. If you are interested, I will tell you more.

Lady Hillary has been using it in her Toyota MR2 and between the fuel pills and the oil treatment, she has gone from 24 MPG to 30 MPG as of the most recent tankful.

08 Jul 07 - 10:21 PM (#2097372)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: GUEST,Rustic Rebel

Carol, I'm glad to hear others are concerned about those compact fluorescent bulbs. I am also, and I do let people know about the mercury in them.

The concerts were good. I caught Yusuf performing in Germany. The film crew did capture a woman shedding tears during the Melissa Etheridge show. Roger Waters played. He had a big balloon pig floating around the crowd with the message-"SOS-Save Our Sausage"(?-joke, cynical-don't know), I liked Joss Stone. She seems like an upcoming blues diva. The shorts on the Sundance channel were entertaining and enlightning (I'd provide a link but I can't get through on that site). In general I believe this was a good thing. If they captured even a few to start recycling or cycling it's a good thing.

Peace. Rustic

09 Jul 07 - 04:17 AM (#2097521)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Genie

Barnacle, is this product the same one that Ed Schultz has been touting on his radio show?   He's been raving for weeks about a fuel-line additive he's found out about that increases gas mileage by 10% immediately. I think it's called "CA" plus some number -- or something like that.

09 Jul 07 - 04:29 AM (#2097524)
Subject: Live Earth Concert, Global Warming, Climate Change
From: Genie

Rebel, I had mixed feelings, but mostly positive, about the Live Earth broadcast here in the US.   I could have done without the totally non-related songs (e.g., Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie" and Kelly Clarkson's "Since U Been Gone") but I recognize that it's probably stuff like that that attracts younger viewers in huge numbers.
Unlike some "benefit" concerts, this one actually did present quite a few usable, simple tips that may lead to positive behavior change on the part of quite a few people. They even gave a couple of pointers I hadn't yet thought of myself. (I can't remember what they were at the moment, but, trust me, they did register, and in the relevant context they'll come back to me. LOL )

Yes, I'm sure some of the artists were there to promote their current or upcoming products as much as to help the "cause," and, yes, there's a real danger when any good cause becomes "the in thing" for a while.   But IMO that's far, far better than the state of affairs where the bulk of the public either a) deny the reality of catastrophic climate change, b) deny that our behavior is a major contributor, or c) take the fatalistic view that it's too late (or too expensive) to do anything about it.

Let's just hope and pray this "bandwagon" isn't something most people will jump on for a few months and either a) pat themselves on the back too much for making minor changes such as using compact fluorescents or b) totally forget about soon thereafter.


09 Jul 07 - 04:49 AM (#2097529)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: goatfell

well I believe in Climite Change and trying to Help because I don't drive, and if I'm going on holiday, I'll try and cut down on the places I fly to ie Australia, every so often.

09 Jul 07 - 04:51 AM (#2097533)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: goatfell

And I do think that this was a sell more records than anything else, I love it when these greenpeace people drive big 4x4's or people carriers and then they talk about Global Warming.

09 Jul 07 - 04:52 AM (#2097534)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: goatfell

I forgot to mention I don't mind the 4x4's drivers in the country or they are vets, but not in the town, I mean when are they ever going to use the 4x4 car as a 4x4

09 Jul 07 - 09:28 AM (#2097667)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: EBarnacle

I don't know about Ed Schultz's show. The company is Fuel Freedom International. Our primary product is a fuel pill which catalyzes the fuel to make it burn better. It also acts as a lubricant and sealant, lubing the cylinder walls and providing better sealing at the rings and valve seats. The catalyst raises octane by about 1 point and accelerates burn rate. This keeps the burn within the cylinder, rather than allowing it to continue out the exhaust valves into the exhaust manifold. The more efficient burn means that all of the energy is within the cylinder. As a result, you use less fuel and have less carbon throughput. The product also significantly reduces CO, HCO's and NOx output. We are EU certified.

CAVEAT: If your vehicle has an inlet filter screen, as ALL Chrysler and Chrysler related [including Mercedes] products do, we advise that the pills will sit on the screen and not dissolve. In that case, we recommend that you use the liquid form, MPG-Boost, rather than the solid pill, MPG-CAPS.

The liquid is also better for Motorcycles, as it is easier to control the dose for the smaller size of the fuel tanks.

In answer to the other part of your question, the company advertises that you can expect a 7 to 14% improvement in mpg. I personally got 10% from my first tankful and, using our oil additive as well, get about 25%.

09 Jul 07 - 10:35 PM (#2098312)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: CarolC

Here's some of what Kucinich has to say on the environment...

He says he has a 100 percent rating on the environment from the Public Interest Research Group ( That's Ralph Nader's group. So I guess Mr. Nader approves of Kucinich's record on the environment.

10 Jul 07 - 01:27 AM (#2098380)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Genie

I believe that John Edwards does regularly talk about the need to take action to combat global warming and has talked about policies he would push for in that regard.

10 Jul 07 - 02:01 AM (#2098390)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: GUEST,listener

I listened to an interesting radio program today, about the plans for the mass culling of humanity by the financial elites of the world. The people made lots and lots of points and have done lots of research, and they mentioned lots of names. I made notes of what I could catch.

First of all, they said, there has always been a group of people who believe it is their fate to rule. Divine right of kings and all that. And they've seized control through terrorizing (always an outside threat to unite against), and manipulation of goods and labor (fiat money system is the latest scam). So, these people were plodding along kind of making it up as they went along, until Darwin published.

Darwin and another guy (Wallace?) who published about the same time. But Darwin's writings caught the public's fancy, and the ruling elite immediately began incorporating his theories on nature into their desire for social control. "Social Darwinism" appealed to them, and they viewed themselves as the fittest of the fit.

So Darwin's views were ballyhooed most notably by Thomas Huxley, grandfather of Aldous Huxley (author of Brave New World) and Julian Huxley (first Director General of UNESCO and a founder of the World Wide Fund for Nature).

The men on the radio then talked about lots of stuff leading up to the early 20th century, when "eugenics" began to catch on. Wikipedia defines eugenics as, "a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention."   At this point you might want to read what Wikipedia entry:

So, the idea of population control came out of Britain, but it reached its height in the U.S. before World War 2:

"The US was sterilizing its citizens long before the Nazi party existed. (17) American eugenicists, the advocates of sterilization, had convinced over half the states to enact legislation legalizing involuntary sterilization by World War II. (18) They were supported by such prominent men as Winston Churchill and (19) Theodore Roosevelt; (20) enjoyed the sponsorship of the Rockefeller Foundation; (21) had support of over half the American public; (22) and had gained the constitutional approval of the US Supreme Court. (23) By applying their 'scientific' eugenic dogma the Americans successfully fostered legislation restricting immigration and prohibiting miscegenation. (24)

The Nazis triumphantly adopted these racist policies. (25) Hitler disclosed his racial ideology and praised the exclusionary American immigration act in Mein Kampf. (26) He was praised by numerous American eugenicists (27) who, in turn, were praised by him. (28)

The radio people also talked about "beautiful baby" contests in America in the '20s and 30's, competitions for most perfect families, etc. All really nazi-ish. And blacks in America bought into the propaganda too:

"Sadly, DuBois' words of black churches being "open to intelligent propaganda" proved prophetic. Black pastors invited (Margaret) Sanger to speak to their congregations. Black publications, like The Afro-American and The Chicago Defender, featured her writings. Rather than attacking the root causes of maternal and infant deaths, diseases, poverty, unemployment and a host of other social ills—not the least of which was racism—Sanger pushed birth control. To many, it was better for blacks not to be born rather than endure such a harsh existence...."

So America was sterilizing in the name of cleaning out the gene pools, when Hitler took control of Germany. We all know what he did, but after the war, the key eugenicists escaped. Otmar von Verschuer was Joseph Mengele's boss at Auschwitz, and von Verschuer, amazingly, escaped prosecution at Nuremberg. He even went on to continue his "research," and Wikipedia says, "In 1951, Verschuer was awarded the prestigious professorship of human genetics at the University of Münster, where he established one of the largest centers of genetics research in West Germany. Like many "racial hygienists" of the Nazi period, and many American eugenicists, Verschuer was successful in redefining himself as a genetics researcher after the war, and avoided the taint of his work on Nazi eugenics."

So the work of eugenics went on unimpeded after WW2. And after the Nazis put a stench on the term eugenics, the global elite just began changing names. The eugenics sterilization organization that started out as the American Birth Control League is now Planned Parenthood. Lots of other lofty-sounding terms went in and out of use...transhumanism, sustainability, etc. Witness how adeptly the cumbersome "global warming" scam is now undergoing a makeover into "climate change."

Which brings up environmentalism. The world from the 1960's to the present, and the environmental movement, is going to be the last part of the radio program, but it was pointed out that groups like the Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace are anti-human. They are the modern incarnations of the eugenics programs from the past. Humans must be destroyed, whether it's from sterilization, murderous vaccination programs funded by the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Gates Foundations, or from reducing populations in the name of "saving the planet."

Anyway, the ruling elite isn't stupid. They saw the way of the future, which is why Julian Huxley got involved with "wildlife" long ago. And Prince Phillip says 80% of us should die, and he's involved with "wildlife." And Al Gore recited a 7-point pledge about the environment the other day that made him sound like he was doing a swearing-in ceremony for the Hitler Youth.

And the congressional swine known as Dingle has introduced a "carbon tax" in the U.S. House that will fine us for breathing. We're so baaaad for the planet. Or are we? Sounds like the eugenecists have just slapped a green coat of paint on their plans to get rid of us.

10 Jul 07 - 03:51 AM (#2098437)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: goatfell

As I said I don't drive and I use public transport whenever I can I like to walk the only thing that I do is wrong really is that when I go on holiday to Australia is that I fly, and that's all. These pop stars aren't interested in Climate Change all they are interested in is selling more records, the same goes for these celebs, that want to cut world poverty, well why don't they give more of their millions to Africa and other pverty stricken countries.

10 Jul 07 - 01:35 PM (#2098898)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Genie

Arran, you're probably right about many of the entertainment stars' motives. However, some of them do give a lot of their time and money to the causes they espouse, plus, their fame and fortune may actually go further (generate more money and other support) to help out if they use it to publicize the cause and possible solutions than if they just gave a few million $ directly.
It's not an all-or-nothing thing.

10 Jul 07 - 09:03 PM (#2099323)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Genie

Edwards advocates governmental subsidies for sustainable, renewable energy source development and weaning us away from dependence on fossil fuels.    He is one candidate not afraid to acknowledge that tax increases in some areas (such as the very wealthy) will be necessary to fund many programs for the public good.
(Meanwhile, the Bush administration and the Republican-dominated Congress for years had been not only cutting back on investment in non-polluting, renewable energy sources and conservation measures (e.g., energy-efficient equipment, insulation) but they had been actively promoting the purchase of gas-guzzling "light trucks" via huge tax credits.)

10 Jul 07 - 11:32 PM (#2099419)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: EBarnacle

Referring back to my earlier post, subsidies are not needed with MPG CAPS. They save more than their own cost, especially in high cost countries [the break even point is about $1.10 per gallon]. They also make car operation greener as well improving engine output.

11 Jul 07 - 12:00 AM (#2099434)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: Stringsinger

The problem is Carol that the label "Climate Change" absolves the responsibility by people to change the way they live. "Global warming" scares people and that might be a good thing inasmuch as it's something to really be scared about. I would prefer it be known as "the human destruction of the earth by desecrating biodiversity". Credible scientists are warning us and many of us are not listening.

Frank Hamilton

11 Jul 07 - 12:12 AM (#2099440)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: CarolC

I don't know, Frank. I know some people who think the idea of some parts of the earth getting warmer is a really great thing. And I know others who don't believe that the earth is getting warmer because it's not getting warmer where they live, at least not so they'd notice. But they do notice the increasing severity of the severe weather.

11 Jul 07 - 11:43 AM (#2099857)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: GUEST,ibo

Unfortunately the party was cancelled due to the rain

11 Jul 07 - 12:16 PM (#2099892)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: SharonA

I was going to ask, "Are you going to change the party climate?" but, judging from GUESTibo's post, I guess someone already did.

11 Jul 07 - 08:33 PM (#2100380)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: GUEST,listener

So, the Nazis have taken over the environmental movement. What began as eugenics is now climate change.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, of California, is a nazi. The June 14 cover of Time magazine shows him wearing an SS belt buckle. Probably belonged to his father, who was an SS officer:,16641,20070625,00.html

So after WW2 the death camp eugenics doctors were saved in order to continue their research. The sterilization programs continued under other names, and now the child of a Nazi officer is running California while he talks about "niggers" and issues environmental statements like:

"We begin a bold new era of environmental protection here in California that will change the course of history.... This is something that we owe our children and we owe our grandchildren. We can save our planet and boost our economy at the same time.... This is a win-win for safeguarding the planet's future and making our economy strong in a sustainable way."

So the son of an SS officer is now pushing the "green" movement in California. He wants to rid the world of what he calls "niggers" (his word, not mine) while he wants to save the planet, and he uses words like "sustainable" in a way that implies population reduction.

Anyway, there's Schwarzenegger on the "right," while on the "left" we have Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar, the scholarship named after Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes said, "I contend that we are the first race in the world and the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race…" The encyclopedia Britannica says the Rhodes Scholarship is an, "educational grant to the University of Oxford, established in 1902 by the will of Cecil Rhodes for the purpose of promoting unity among English-speaking nations." Some biographies of Rhodes say he wanted to conquer the world, and when he saw it couldn't be done in his lifetime he set up the scholarship program to make sure that his IDEAS eventually conquered the world. His ideas centered on thoughts about a Master Race.

And Clinton began implementing the murder of "inferiors" when he was governor of Arkansas. His wildly successful tainted blood program is still killing people:

So Rhodes Scholarship-trained Bill Clinton begins a mass eugenics career when he's governor of Arkansas, then he participates in slaughter when he's president (active participant in Yugoslavia, passive in Rwanda). He also expands into the area of environmentalism, as all his fellow Nazi-mentality peers are doing. Clinton is EXPECTED to support environmentalism, because he's a purported "liberal." His curtailment of individual freedoms in the name of "helping the planet" are too numerous to go into. Basically, if he could screw people out of property ownership and claim it was for the good of the planet, he did it.

Ditto for Hillary Clinton. She's voted against constitutional rights and freedoms time and again, and when she can, she does it behind the cause of environmentalism.

GWBush and Schwarzenegger on the right, the Clintons on the left. All working for one-child policies that will mean the end of humanity (takes two kids for a couple to replace itself). Carbon taxes, one-child policies, abortions being pushed worldwide, private property ownership being described as bad (governments can better manage the land). It's death by a thousand cuts.

The ruling elite of the world think they have the right to rule us (social Darwinism). They will kill us with tainted blood, warfare, abortion, starvation, etc. Whatever it takes to reduce the numbers capable of challenging them. Look up "codex alimentarius." That's the plan to regulate "dangerous" things like vitamin C. We are going to be literally starved into a smaller, more easily managed size, like the Romans used to do to their conquered peoples. People in the future will be fed a nutrient-poor vegan diet and will never grow to more than five and a half feet tall. Compliments of the chain of thought running from Nietzche to Darwin to the Saxe-Coburg-Windsors to Margaret Sanger to Adolph Hitler to Joseph Mengele to the George Bushes to the Clintons.

Environmentalism is just another way to cheat you out of your natural right of growth. The nazis in charge of the environmental movement want to kill you.

11 Jul 07 - 08:42 PM (#2100389)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Great Global Warming Swindle Nonsense

12 Jul 07 - 06:12 PM (#2101060)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: EBarnacle

"Three ha'pence a foot," he said, and he drowned.

14 Jul 07 - 12:06 AM (#2102171)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
From: GUEST,listener

On October 4, 2004 in a Texas Committee hearing on Psychotropic Drugs and Foster Care Children, human and children rights advocates were stunned when psychiatrist, Joe Burkett, informed the committee that one of the main reasons so many foster kids need to be on psychotropic drugs is "they are very sick, from a Bad Gene pool". Another psychiatrist, Dr.Sargent, re-emphasized how very sick these kids are, and how these children's brains are wired differently, requiring them to receive "expert" psychiatric care.

Why do the nazis want to kill us? Because they believe they now have or will soon have the means to live forever. And they don't want the non-elites cluttering up the planet. A book called Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever, touches upon this:

The idea behind Kurzweil and Grossman's Fantastic Voyage is that if you can make it through the next 50 years, you might become immortal. How will that be possible? Through some rather science fictional steps, it turns out, including taking advantage of the latest in biotechnological breakthroughs and not-yet-invented nanotechnology. Is all this longing for immortality driven by an obsession with youth or a fear of death? Readers can judge for themselves, as both Kurzweil and Grossman reveal the personal histories that led them to develop this plan. Fantastic Voyage is written in an easy-to-understand tone, with lots of sidebars giving examples of what the future holds for medicine and health. Whether or not you think that science will find a way to keep our bodies or our disembodied minds alive forever, this book is full of diet and lifestyle tips. For instance, the authors suggest carefully controlling the body's overall pH at an alkaline level, meditating, eating a diet composed mostly of vegetables and protein, and taking loads of supplements (Kurzweil downs about 250 pills each day). The dietary options presented here will mostly only be practical for people whose income levels can support buying organic produce, fresh fish and meat, and top-shelf supplements. The authors cavalierly state that we are living in a "time of abundance," but it seems likely that most who are able to follow this regimen will be Americans of a fairly high socioeconomic class.

The U.S. federal govt's "New Freedom Initiative" has a goal of putting all of the school kids in the U.S. on controlling drugs. The drugs will eventually kill them. Warfare, pestilence, etc. will take care of the rest. World leaders talk about race-specific bioweapons. We are being culled and the culling will intensify until the population is reduced to about half a billion. Then the elite can enjoy their immortality on a less populated and therefore less dangerous (to them) planet.

Environmentalism will be used to turn us against ourselves so that we help the 1% controlling the planet achieve their target goal of a 500,000,000 global population. This is the history of humanity--1% of the clerics control the religiously terrorized rabble, 1% of the royal court personages wage the wars, and today 1% of the financial elite will get us to wage war on ourselves through the misuse of the term "environmentalism." Same ol' same ol'.

Tonight was the end of the 3-part program on eugenics and environmentalism. I've presented the gist of the presentation.