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BS: Bush and brains---say what?

18 Jul 07 - 07:59 PM (#2106345)
Subject: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: dick greenhaus

"But ours is an administration that attracts very smart, capable people. I'm very interested in their points of view and I expect people to speak out"

G.W. Bush, July 18,2007

18 Jul 07 - 08:04 PM (#2106347)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Amos

He's a liar. He stood in front of 12 people from different universities who were there to receive an award for brilliance and talked for ten minutes about Laura's needle work in the carpet, and never asked any of them what they were getting their awards for and what they were working on. This was about 1 1/2 years ago, according to one of the women who was there.


18 Jul 07 - 08:07 PM (#2106350)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: kendall

A lying, phony,incompetent moron.

18 Jul 07 - 08:07 PM (#2106351)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Greg B

Jumbo shrimp.

Military intelligence.

And other contradictions in terms.

18 Jul 07 - 08:07 PM (#2106352)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Sorcha

Oxymoron.The man is about as dim as they come. Inept, incoherent, and corrupt too.

18 Jul 07 - 08:12 PM (#2106353)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Alba

Both words have a 'B' and an 'S' in them. That's where any connection ends.

I thought this was a recipe thread! *grin*

18 Jul 07 - 09:14 PM (#2106382)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Premier Joh (Queensland) was a strong anti-intellectual - didn't stop him from demanding - and accepting a "doctorate' from Qld Uni...

18 Jul 07 - 09:23 PM (#2106388)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Rapparee

Please stop criticizing the President. You know very well he can't help it.

18 Jul 07 - 10:19 PM (#2106432)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Bill D

..neither can we

18 Jul 07 - 10:20 PM (#2106435)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Peace

I can. BUT, I choose not to.

18 Jul 07 - 10:26 PM (#2106438)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Little Hawk

Well, I think there are some very smart and capable people in the Bush administration. The trouble is, they are working toward objectives I don't agree with. They're smart in a destructive manner.

As for Bush, he seemed a hell of a lot smarter 10 years ago than he does now. I saw a video about that with excerpts of speeches when he was governor of Texas, and the deterioration in his speaking abilities and general mental coherence from then till now is extraordinary. It makes you wonder what the hell happened to him in the last 10 years, frankly.

18 Jul 07 - 10:31 PM (#2106442)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Alice

He started with a below average IQ and it deteriorated with alcoholism and cocaine use.

18 Jul 07 - 10:35 PM (#2106444)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: katlaughing

Alba, would that be brains smoked on branches from the mesquite bush? a veggie, I'd have to pass! Oh, wait, he's already smoked his brains, hasn't he?!**BG**

18 Jul 07 - 10:38 PM (#2106447)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Peace

Bush will increase the average IQ of Washington, DC--simply by leaving.

18 Jul 07 - 10:59 PM (#2106457)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Stilly River Sage

He was a dope as governor, also, Little Hawk. He was in a position to do less damage because Texas has a "weak governor" system of government. (Too bad the lege is pretty darned corrupt--he was in good company even back then).

18 Jul 07 - 11:02 PM (#2106459)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Little Hawk

Oh, I don't doubt that his policies were dopy, Stilly. What I am talking about is the stunning deterioration in his public speaking abilities since then. You would have to see the video to know what I mean. I'll see if I can find it again.

18 Jul 07 - 11:19 PM (#2106474)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Remember Ronnie Raygun and his mental disease.

Remember FDR and his polio.

How many other US Presidents were affected, and this fact kept secret.

In the case of FDR, his polio did not affect his performance till shortly before he died, as one would only expect.

19 Jul 07 - 12:28 AM (#2106493)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Bert

LOL Dick. Perhaps there's hope for him yet.

As a comedian!!!

19 Jul 07 - 05:50 AM (#2106638)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: GUEST,ibo

bush and brains should never appear in the same sentence

19 Jul 07 - 07:20 AM (#2106669)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: kendall

How would you like to be one of his parents? George is bad enough, but then, there's Neil. Where is Neil? Down in the cellar?

19 Jul 07 - 10:43 AM (#2106803)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: GUEST,ibo

has neil got big ears and ginger hair?

19 Jul 07 - 10:56 AM (#2106818)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Bert

Ah Neil, the hero of Silverado.

19 Jul 07 - 11:19 AM (#2106837)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Amos

Consider how fortunate we are that our opponents in the world, whoever they are, are not lead by leaders such as ours. Finding Bush an unsuitable leader, if a Bushlike person were leading, say, Germany, he might just as well launch a cruise missile to take him and Laura out, based on that judgement.

For some reason, though, this course of action was justifiable (because of their offenses) when applied to Saddam, Uday and Hosay (whatver...) of Iraq. Were it to be applied to our leader or vice leader (he who leads amongst all our vices) it would be instant outrage.


19 Jul 07 - 11:30 AM (#2106845)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: PoppaGator

Georgie's ongoing loss of brain function doesn't seem to hamper his ability to perform as Cheney's marionette.

19 Jul 07 - 11:34 AM (#2106849)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Donuel

Try and recall the movie Fail Safe. Now put George in the role that Henry Fonda played. Now play that movie back in your mind with George as the President.

20 Jul 07 - 12:13 PM (#2107666)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: GUEST,Norval

This colorful comment seems fitting here. Written by: Joseph L. Galloway of McClatchy Newspapers.

It was report card time this week, never one of George W. Bush's happier moments, and the news was anything but good.

Never mind the usual grades on English and math or Coloring inside the lines, or those teacher notes on the bottom about Plays well with others. It was that big fat "D" in the column War on Terror that had them sweating at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

20 Jul 07 - 02:18 PM (#2107724)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Try and recall the movie Fail Safe. Now put George in the role that Henry Fonda played.

Sorry Don, but the only movie role I can ever envision Bush in is Governor LePetomaine in "Blazing Saddles".

And I agree 100% with Little Hawk about Bush's apparent decline in mental ability since becoming President. If one compares speeches he made during the 2000 election with anything he says nowadays, it sounds like there are two different people talking. However, I attribute it to candidate Bush's willingness to listen to his campaign staff who basically told him, "Look, if you want to get elected you've got to sound intelligent." Then after he became President Bush he more or less told those same advisors, "Thanks for your help, but I'm President now so I can go back to being a dumbass."

20 Jul 07 - 03:01 PM (#2107756)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Rapparee

It's due to space aliens bombarding his head with Zigma Rays. I told him and told him to wear his tinfoil hat and he didn't listen. Now see?

20 Jul 07 - 03:12 PM (#2107769)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Don Firth

Slight thread drift (perchance) to make a side-point, since the matter came up:

I might point out here just as an aside (ahem!) that polio does not affect one's intelligence or thinking abilities.

FDR's physical disability was no secret to anyone—at the time. The voters knew it and voted for him in great masses. Four times! His political opponents knew it, and it's to their credit that most of them didn't try to make some kind of issue of it, trading on some of the ignorances and prejudices rampant at the time (and still).

It would have been easier for FDR to have used a wheelchair (which he did when not in public), but he was able to walk with leg braces and some assistance. He preferred leaning on someone's arm, usually one of his sons, when walking rather than using crutches or canes when in public. He did this (with considerable effort and discomfort to himself) because he was fully aware that many people were under the impression that having a physical disability meant "weakness" in all areas, including mental, and that would not be acceptable in a political leader. Everyone knew that he'd had polio and he knew that everyone knew (he, after all, was the one who started the "March of Dimes" fund). But using a wheelchair or canes when in public would have been a constant reminder to people, and he wanted them to focus on what he said and did, not on how he walked.

Such ignorance still exists today. Many times when my wife and I are out somewhere (me in my wheelchair), people (who don't know me) will talk to my wife, speaking of me in the third person, even though I am right there. "Would your husband care for a cup of coffee?" To which Barbara will respond (with a bit of heat), "Why don't you ask him?" (On those occasions, I often turn on my radio announcer voice.).

Roosevelt contracted poliomyelitis at the age of 39, although there are some medical men who now think that he may have had Guillain-Barré syndrome rather than polio. The effect on motor nerves is essentially the same, so if it was indeed a misdiagnosis, it's understandable due to the similarity of symptoms.

On the morning of April 12th, 1945, he complained of having "a terrific headache," and died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage (stroke) shortly thereafter. This was unrelated to his post-polio (or GBS).   He had recently returned from the Yalta Conference, had addressed Congress about the conference on March 1st, where it was noted that he looked very thin and drawn. It was also noted that, despite his appearance, he was as mentally sharp and eloquent as he ever was. He had been planning to go to San Francisco to attend the founding meetings of the United Nations when he died.

Reagan was a halfway decent actor (but no Lawrence Olivier). As a politician, he seemed to have a great deal of charisma, but he was not a deep-thinker by any means. To me, the "Great Communicator" spoke mostly in bumper-stickers. Quotable stuff, but pretty shallow. I don't know how—or if—his later Alzheimer's Disease may have effected his mental processes while President.

Bush strikes me as incredibly "average." Downright mediocre, in fact. An average student in school (goof-off and party animal), a gold-brick in the Texas and Alabama Air National Guards (although it was said of him that he was quite a good pilot, whenever he bothered to show up). As an oil man (his father bought him the business) he managed to drive the company into bankruptcy, and one of his first acts as owner of the Texas Rangers (daddy bought him that, too) he traded Sammy Sosa (record-breaking home run hitter) to the Chicago White Sox.

The only things Bush had going for him were name recognition and that he could be led. Had to be led. By people like Cheney.

It is said of George W. Bush that his father also bought him the Presidency. And he broke that, too!

Don Firth

20 Jul 07 - 06:51 PM (#2107884)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Peace

"Bush and brains---say what?"

He's going to have a colonoscopy. Y'all think there jus' might be a connection?

20 Jul 07 - 07:03 PM (#2107891)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and brains---say what?
From: Sorcha

Yes, Don..he has failed at every 'job' he's ever had, and Daddy seems to have bought them all. Where does he go now? Into obscurity, I hope.

Nearly ALL of the former US Presidents had their 'foibles'....but it didn't used to be so widely Announced in Public. As a friend of mine put it,

They are Alpha Males....and what do Alpha Males DO?????
I think he got it in one.