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Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song

01 Aug 07 - 02:39 PM (#2116701)
From: Mick Tems

I've just come across a song called New Labourites By Name. It was written by folk journalist Karl Dallas on July 17 and word is being spread by Joe Stead (of Kimber's Men.) Take a look...

New Labourites by Name

New Labourites by name, lend an ear, lend an ear,
New Labourites by name, lend an ear.
New Labourites by name,
You cannot escape the blame.
You're the cause of Labour's shame, you shall hear, you shall hear.
You're the cause of Labour's shame, you shall hear.

Your leader Tony Blair told us lies, told us lies.
Your leader Tony Blair told us lies.
Your leader Tony Blair,
Promised to be fair,
But for us he had no care, now we're wise, now we're wise.
For the poor he had no care, now we're wise.

The rich got richer still, than the poor, than the poor
The rich got richer still, than the poor.
The rich got richer still,
And their coffers he did fill,
And our children he did kill in his war, in his war.
And our children he did kill in his war.

And now we've Gordon Brown in his place, in his place.
And now we've Gordon Brown in his place.
And now we've Gordon Brown,
And the story goes around
That he'll soon be putting down, all the waste, all the waste.
That he'll soon be putting down New Labour's waste.

But he is guilty too for what's been done, what's been done
He is guilty too for what's been done
He is guilty too
And the whole New Labour crew
And we know what we must do with them all, with them all
And we know what we must do with them all.

Put New Labour in the bin, make them go, make them go.
Put New Labour in the bin, make them go.
Put New Labour in the bin,
For we know we'll never win
Till rebellion we begin, what we'd reap we must sow.
If a harvest we would win we must sow.

01 Aug 07 - 02:41 PM (#2116703)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: GUEST,albert

Tip top !

01 Aug 07 - 02:48 PM (#2116712)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: GUEST,Jim Carroll

Not bad from a born-again Christian
Jim Carroll

01 Aug 07 - 02:50 PM (#2116714)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Big Al Whittle

I thought Karl had byggered off to America. What does he know about anything. Ralph McTell's parrot will applaud anything that calls itself traddy.

01 Aug 07 - 03:02 PM (#2116726)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Micca

We'll have Cameron in his place in his place
we'll have Cameron in his place
we'll have Cameron in his place
Then god help the British Race
for he's multiple of face
and the bankers wait and then trump his ace

He will promise you the moon and the stars, and the stars
He will promise you the moon and the stars
He will promise you the stars
while he kisses the Citys Arse
and his policies a farce
and common sense in him is so scarce

Hes a Tory and will lie in his teeth, in his teeth
Hes a Tory and hel'l lie in his teeth
Just like Thatcher and her crew
or like Heath and Major too
he'll be pissing down on you
put the Tories back the people they will screw

01 Aug 07 - 04:43 PM (#2116806)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: MoorleyMan

No, Big Al - Karl has not "byggered off to America" I'm glad to say -he is alive and well and thriving here in God's Own County. And as active as ever. He's one of the good guys, right enough, so don't write him off. Just take a look at his website at for a start.

02 Aug 07 - 05:29 AM (#2117212)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Mick Tems

02 Aug 07 - 05:57 AM (#2117223)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: GUEST,Darren Giddings

The problem with putting new Labour in the bin is that all the alternatives are every bit as bad. Politically, we are pretty stuffed over here! IMHO, of course ...

02 Aug 07 - 06:19 AM (#2117233)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Vin2

'You tyrants of England, your race soon be run,
You may be brought unto account for what you've sorely done!'
(John Grimshaw)

02 Aug 07 - 06:28 AM (#2117236)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: shepherdlass

I always liked comedian Mark Thomas' analysis of the 'better a rubbish Labour government than a rubbish Tory government' argument - if you're going to get run over and killed, does it make much difference whether it's by a 2-ton or a 10-ton truck? This particular 2 ton truck have done nothing to help the poor, only complicated everyone's lives through the work of myriad quangoes.

02 Aug 07 - 06:48 AM (#2117245)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: GUEST,Darren Giddings

I certainly would think 'better a rubbish Labour government than a rubbish Tory government' - if anything, I despair of the lot of them. Abolish party politics, I say, make MPs responsible only to their constituents. But then I am an obscure little man who no-one takes any notice of :-)

02 Aug 07 - 08:37 AM (#2117323)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Folk Form # 1

while he kisses the Citys Arse
and his policies a farce
and common sense in him is so scarce

It don't rhyme properly.

02 Aug 07 - 09:00 AM (#2117344)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: GUEST,Tam

Pretty dull.

02 Aug 07 - 09:03 AM (#2117345)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie

...Having read Karl Dallas's efforts at songwriting I'd say the Labour governments no worse at governing than he is at writing stuff, I've read a lot of the tripe he writes in letters to Bradfords own organ the Telegraph & Argus.

02 Aug 07 - 09:32 AM (#2117374)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Big Mick

It is interesting to me, as a Yank, that this closely mirrors the Democrats here in the States. I usually support Dems because the beat the alternative, but not by much. As a Union Organizer, I am constantly dismayed and outraged by the selling off of the rights of average folks in favor of the rights of, and to the advantage of, capital. The balance certainly isn't being maintained between the two, and the traditional standard bearers for the rights of labor are quickly selling us out for the campaign contributions.

All the best,


02 Aug 07 - 10:10 AM (#2117413)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Folk Form # 1

To be fair to Karl Dallas, I use to read the Meody Mader in the 70s, to which he contributed, and I found him an interesting journalist.

02 Aug 07 - 10:51 AM (#2117447)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Dave Hanson

I Ewan MacColl saw fit to record one of Karls songs, thats a good enough recommendation for anyone.


02 Aug 07 - 11:00 AM (#2117453)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Big Al Whittle

Its not nice making comments about a song you haven't heard. Music and interpretation can lend an intensity that is quite unimaginable.

However readers of the BS section will know that I feel protective of New Labour, cos I'm shit scared of the tories getting in again.

Karl, I always feel abit sorry for - Colin Irwin (who inherited Karl's MM job) - to some extent too.

Someone said about Harold MacMillan that he wrote memoirs that savoured of Talleyrand, whilst under his guidance the British Empire politely left the room and left him staring up his own arse. Cruel...... but in some ways poor old Karl chronicled the folk revival in a similar sort of way.

Karl is a good writer. His reviews were brilliant - vividly descriptive, and for the main part laudatory and supportive of all folksingers. Unfortunately it was at this time the Chieftains were recording 25 minute laments, and Martin Carthy - not to be outdone, was creating the style that so many of his country men find incomprehensible, folk club audiences were enjoined to clap along to jigs and reels til their hands bled - whilst an unheeding nation danced to disco and reggae.

Somewhere along the line the audience lost interest - sometimes politely, sometimes not, and left us all..........

02 Aug 07 - 11:17 AM (#2117473)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Micca

I think Penguin Egg you are not familiar with the tune that Mr Dallas (and therefore I) has set his words to , it is " Ye Jacobites by name" and I simply mirrored the number of "feet" he used in his lines.

02 Aug 07 - 11:41 AM (#2117494)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: GUEST,Darren Giddings

I just noticed above that I wrote "I certainly would think ..." when I meant "I certainly wouldn't think ...". It completely changes the sense of what I was trying to say, how embarrassing (he blushes).

02 Aug 07 - 07:06 PM (#2117801)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Lanfranc

Parcel of Rogues 2007 (or "The West Lothian Question")
Alan Francis (with no apologies to Robert Burns)

Farewell to all our English fame,
Farewell our ancient glory!
For Scots have rendered England tame,
And scorned our martial story!
For Sark runs over Solway sands,
And Tweed runs to the ocean,
To mark where Scotland's province stands -
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!

What force or guile could not subdue
Through many warlike ages
Is wrought now by a coward few
For hireling traitor's wages.
The Scottish steel we could disdain,
Secure in valour's station;
Now these Scottish thanes drive us insane -
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!

O, would that I had not seen the day
That Parliament would sell us,
And my old grey head had lain in clay
Before the day of these heirs of Wallace!
For while Gordon Brown rules in London town
I will make this declaration
'England is brought down by this Scottish clown -
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!'

Without Scottish and Welsh MPs at Westminster, New Labour could not rule. Despite Scottish and Welsh devolution MPs who do not represent English constituencies still vote on English matters. This would not matter so much if it were not for the growing number of issues where Scotland fares better than England - not least in respect of student fees and the abominable 2003 Licensing Act that is killing off live music in England.

A pox on the Caledonians!


03 Aug 07 - 02:16 AM (#2118013)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Mick Tems

... and Wales, too. Don't blame me - I voted Plaid Cymru!

03 Aug 07 - 03:28 AM (#2118052)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Big Al Whittle

makes more sense when you know the tune, can't really say I'm much in sympathy with the sentiment - but there you go.

03 Aug 07 - 03:37 AM (#2118057)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: GUEST,Pavane

Whoever thinks that Labour are aiming to support the working man should look at the way all new laws are introduced (Not only the Licencing Act which hits musicians) in such a way that contesting them leads to court action, beyond the means of most.

See, for example IR35, where the IR (now HMR&C) want to make everyone an employee, and aim to specifically deprive freelance workers of the rights they have under company law (aka the John Birt Envy Tax). It is based on obscure case law on self-employed status, which even the IR don't seem to understand - they have fought and LOST hundreds of cases, and won only a few. The government won't admit to the figures -because it is costing much more to implement than it brings in as revenue -i.e. it is COSTING all other taxpayers money, rather than raising any. But it costs so much to fight that they are hoping to scare people into paying up. Even if you win, you don't get your costs back.

03 Aug 07 - 06:02 AM (#2118123)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Mick Tems

"Without Scottish and Welsh MPs at Westminster, New Labour could not rule..." (Alan)

The Westminster elections may be a long way away, but the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly elections were held on Thursday May 3, 2007. The SNP gained a majority of one following Labour's defeat, and Alex Salmond is the new First Minister for Scotland.

In Wales, Labour is no longer the majority party. Plaid Cymru, the largest opposition party, sought to oust Labour by negotiating a "rainbow" coalition including Conservatives and Lib Dems, but the Lib Dems showed they are not ready to rule by scuppering this shaky range of different parties with different policies. A coalition has now been hammered out between Plaid Cymru and Labour; Labour will still rule but with Plaid policies. Ieuan Wyn Jones is the deputy First Minister and the first Plaid member to be a Welsh government minister in the Plaid's 82-year history.

I hope this information helps.

03 Aug 07 - 07:52 AM (#2118180)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: GUEST,Beatrice

It's so easy to knock but a damn site harder to do something constructive.
Would Karl not give credit for making things better in Northern Ireland? I bet the Irish do and that wouldn't have happened without a Labour Government!!

03 Aug 07 - 10:56 AM (#2118301)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: The Borchester Echo

The much belated thread name change ruins the joke.
Referring to Mr Frederick Karl's song as 'anti-Labour' made me wonder if he'd done yet another U-turn: from Communist to Maoist back to Marxist orthodoxy to born-again Christian to Thatcherite union basher.
But no. 'Tis only Islington fish restaurant 'Labour' he's bashing.
Which is fine as he's moved to Bradford . . .

16 Aug 07 - 02:14 PM (#2127243)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Rog Peek

".....Labour government" Beatrice?

I'm with Tony Benn on this one, "still waiting for a 'Labour' Government to be elected.

16 Aug 07 - 02:14 PM (#2127244)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Rog Peek

Bye the way, Loved the song!

16 Aug 07 - 04:52 PM (#2127375)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: the button

"And the animals looked from man to pig and from pig to man...."

(Or whatever the quote is)

Time for a shameless plug for anarchism, I think.

(It's not all throwing chairs through Starbucks' window, you know).

16 Aug 07 - 05:34 PM (#2127412)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: akenaton

Yea that's it Button...Anarchism is not an option...its a necessity.

16 Aug 07 - 07:13 PM (#2127471)
Subject: RE: Karl Dallas's anti-New Labour song
From: Lanfranc


Anarchy reduced to a mere -ism!

Ban the Marricades!
