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Tech: Myspace vs Youtube

07 Aug 07 - 06:50 AM (#2120732)
Subject: Tech: Myspace vs Youtube
From: GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie

Thought I'd have a whinge and get other peoples opinions.
This morning I had a look at my MYSPACE profile, haven't been on it for a while cos I use YOUTUBE, which I find a lot better. I've got about 15 movies of me singing and playing on Youtube now.
I put in my email address, put in my password and gets the 'Your password is incorrect' message, tries again, same, tried all the various password combinations I can think of (despite the fact I knew it was right) caps, lower case, cap first & lower etc, looked up my password to make absolutely sure it was right, it was, typed it in slowly to make sure I didn't hit any other keys, still no luck, so cursing I typed into the 'forgotten your password you fucking drooling halfwit?' bit and awaited the email reply with the password, of course it didn't arrive until I checked at work and guess what? I'd been typing it right all the time! ...a right fucking 'waste of space' they ought to call it! I've also found that when loading up movies onto myspace they don't always load correctly, whereas I've never had any problems with Youtube.
Anyone else had any problems with either?

07 Aug 07 - 08:28 AM (#2120793)
Subject: RE: Tech: Myspace vs Youtube
From: Richard Bridge

Generally speaking I have more trouble with Youtube demanding excessive bandwidth, and so spending most of its time spooling and not a lot providing moving pictures with sound.

07 Aug 07 - 11:04 AM (#2120830)
Subject: RE: Tech: Myspace vs Youtube
From: JohnInKansas

Re login: Since you got a reply to the "forgot password" it probably can be assumed that you were using the same email when you tried to log in? And obviously, did the reply for the forgotten password come to exactly the same email adress you were trying to use to login?

With some password systems, it can make a difference whether uppercase characters are typed using the shift key or caps lock. This apparently applies at MSN ISP loging. It doesn't seem to be too common on the web, but you might want to see if "the other way" works.

With some password systems, it can make a difference whether you type an uppercase with the Left Shift key or the Right Shift key. I wouldn't expect it to matter at Youtube, but you might try the other shift key. It also sometimes makes a difference if numbers are typed on the keyboard top row or in Numpad. It always makes a difference if you use the number pad without turning on NumLock.

Youtube has been under a lot of "pressure" to remove copyrighted posts, and they may have blocked you from logging in if they've found suspect stuff that you've posted. Reports are that they've been slow about telling people about such activity - if they ever notify them - and they may have blocked you and not gotten around to cancelling you on the system that sends the forgotten login reply.(?) What seems reasonable to you might not be clearly reasonable to them - or to one of the multitude trying to sue them.

With my dial-up connection, either site is largely useless. I do occasionally look at a Youtube link if someone gives me an extremely persuasive reason, but a couple of minutes of video is a half hour download for me. I find lots of profile pages at MySpace that I don't look at, when they haven't shown anything after 30 seconds, or 3 or 4 minutes if it looked like it might be really interesting. Most "business" or "hobby" pages aren't too bad, but a lot of "personal pages" are just too much trash.


07 Aug 07 - 11:45 AM (#2120846)
Subject: RE: Tech: Myspace vs Youtube
From: katlaughing

I have some friends on dialup who prefer myspace IF it is a page with just sound files and/or a video they can manually start/stop. They don't even give youtube a try because of the automatic video loading which usually times out on them. I also like the way myspace lets you post so much info about yourself, your music or whatever. I really like youtube but it just doesn't work for a lot of folks, imo.

07 Aug 07 - 01:39 PM (#2120929)
Subject: RE: Tech: Myspace vs Youtube
From: GUEST,John Robinson

I've found myspace to be very flaky. YouTube has been much more reliable. Although there are some issues with video/audio synch on YouTube, generally if you hit the pause button and let YouTube get ahead of itself on the stream it works fine. Myspace seem to fail very frequently.

I'll keep both sites running for the forseeable future, although I'm not ready to add yet another "networking" site to our portfolio (facebook, acousticfriends, secondlife, ........ actually I made that last one up).

07 Aug 07 - 09:54 PM (#2121305)
Subject: RE: Tech: Myspace vs Youtube
From: The Fooles Troupe

Would never have guessed, John...

Hey you wanna put some money in to a new net personality location idea?


08 Aug 07 - 07:40 AM (#2121577)
Subject: RE: Tech: Myspace vs Youtube
From: GUEST,John Robinson

Hey Foolestroupe - we're onto a winner. I'll go halves with you.

On the other hand how about:

Remember those old tech walkmans? They had two headphone outputs so that you and your partner could walk down the street listening to the same music. Then they added a microphone .... so you could talk to each other !!!

The technology driven life doesn't get any smarter does it (and that comes from someone who earned his living in the IT industry for 20 years - before crying enough and walking away).