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BS: Hurricane Dean

13 Aug 07 - 09:09 AM (#2124694)
Subject: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Donuel

Nope... it doesn't even exist yet but let me be the first to welcome Hurricane Dean to the North Atlantic as the first storm of the season which promises to be a busy one for second string news broadcasters who will have to stand out in the rain for their 30 second segments on TV.

Perhaps this year our cloud seeding techniques will steer hurricanes more reliably compared to the dismal results we had with Irene and other storms 2 years ago.

Yes Virginia, there is a santa clause which enables us to fight hurricanes from the air.

Last night I learned that a level 3 storm hitting NYC would bring 30 feet of water to most of Manhatten streets amidst a shower of glass from above.
PS stay out of the Subways

13 Aug 07 - 09:12 AM (#2124696)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean

Does anything happy exist in your world?

13 Aug 07 - 09:17 AM (#2124701)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Donuel


I am one of the most whimsical characters you could have the pleasure to meet. I wish I could be more witty on my feet but the science of controlling storms is still a positive story on its face.

13 Aug 07 - 09:39 AM (#2124715)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Alice

If we could plant forests and crops in the desert of Africa, that would diminish hurricanes in the Atlantic.
Solar water wells? Reforestation? Is their enough political stability to do it?

13 Aug 07 - 09:50 AM (#2124721)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Alice

Or maybe NOT. I guess the desert dust cools the Atlantic a bit.

"Dust storms happen when thunderstorms over the Sahara desert kick up sand and carry the plumes to large parts of the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists speculate that the dust blocks some sunlight from the water."

13 Aug 07 - 09:50 AM (#2124722)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Donuel

Reforestation - Brilliant! but I suspect that you are right that the profitability of such a teraforming scheme would be undercut by the immediate profts of arms trading and World Bank schemes.

The sand and dust that blows into the Caribean from Africa is said to be a major health concern.

13 Aug 07 - 10:11 AM (#2124744)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean

That is a brilliant idea. Planting would provide work and income for locals. Maintenance would provide jobs, shade, water. New habitats for dying species. Imagine if we took the billions poured into destroying Afghanistan and Iraq into a business venture in Africa. Would everyone benefit? Or am I missing somthing?

13 Aug 07 - 10:13 AM (#2124747)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean

My comment was as much a tease as a criticism, Donuel. I know we have to watch the weather, the politicians, the bad guys, etc. but there has to be time to laugh and enjoy our lives and our children or life isn't worth living.

13 Aug 07 - 09:48 PM (#2124915)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Bee

Not to mention, as I learned on Discovery Channel last night, a reasonable number of hurricanes are an indicator that the atmospheric air movements and the oceanic currents and temps are still working to keep the planet from becoming uninhabitable by present lifeforms - like us. The year that we have no hurricanes will be an ominous omen indeed.

14 Aug 07 - 11:09 AM (#2125216)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: wysiwyg

We have a Mudcatter whose first name is Dean. Everytime I see this thread my brain auto-translates the thread name..... a couple of recent big 'canes can be considered the same way, with some odd results!


14 Aug 07 - 11:35 AM (#2125234)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Ebbie

Since we have Flossie on the scene, didn't we somehow pass by Dean?

14 Aug 07 - 11:45 AM (#2125239)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: ClaireBear

Flossie's Pacific; Dean's Atlantic.

Isn't it always male names in one ocean, female in the other, these days?

14 Aug 07 - 12:08 PM (#2125254)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Ebbie

Just checked: In both oceans, male and female names alternate.

14 Aug 07 - 12:20 PM (#2125262)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: frogprince

You'll know if I blow into town...

14 Aug 07 - 12:20 PM (#2125263)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: ClaireBear

Ah -- sorry, of course you're right, Ebbie. I remember now. It was I who assumed when they decided to "alternate" that it would be by year, rather than by storm. How predictable that [whatever bureaucracy is in charge of naming storms] would complicate matters by deciding to name hurricanes using names of both genders, yet neglect to designate one gender per ocean, per season. Were they to alternate genders year over year, rather than storm over storm, we'd all have a way to know instantly which ocean they were talking about.

I suppose that would be cheating...

14 Aug 07 - 09:20 PM (#2125665)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Hurricane naming in a very small nutshell:

Atlantic - First storm = boy's name in even-numbered years, girls name in odd-numbered years

Pacific - Reverse the above

14 Aug 07 - 10:13 PM (#2125690)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Sorcha

Maybe we'll get a Lolita this year? hee hee.....

14 Aug 07 - 11:05 PM (#2125703)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Bee-dubya-ell

My own concern is "Erin", which is the next name, after Dean, on the Atlantic list for this year.

Except for severe storms whose names are retired, storm names are recycled every six years. All but one of the storms I've experienced in my lifetime has had its name retired, the exception being "Erin". 1995's Erin was a weak Category 2 storm that scored a direct hit on Pensacola, but didn't do enough damage to merit name retirement.

To the best of my knowledge, there have never been two storms of the same name to hit the same metropolitan area years apart, but it's been noted before that the universe isn't lacking for a sense of irony. There's probably some T-shirt printer in town who's already designed the graphics for an "I Survived Hurricane Erin Twice" shirt, just in case the opportunity to sell a few thousand should arrive.

15 Aug 07 - 04:40 PM (#2126361)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Donuel

When Hurricanes collide!

This is Josh Turbid reporting from the coast of Bermuda where the beaches are full of news reporters commenting on the waves and ocean breeze.
Today hurricane Anna slammed into hurricane Nicole. I have to say it is sheer pandamonium down here, I have seen fathers in search of a child and mothers digging for gold.

20 Aug 07 - 09:42 PM (#2130078)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Janie

Although it will be little comfort to those in the path, sending out thoughts, prayers and hopes for safety and survival to those in the path of this fierce storm, especially in the Yucatan and central Mexico.

Their lives are already hard.


20 Aug 07 - 10:49 PM (#2130115)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Amos

Just been upgraded to a Cat 5, bound for the Belize border.


20 Aug 07 - 11:29 PM (#2130130)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Stilly River Sage

Sounds like another hurricane name will go into retirement this year.

20 Aug 07 - 11:35 PM (#2130134)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Sorcha

Sounds like it will be at least as bad as Katrina and those people are worse off to begin with...and I doubt the Mexican gov't is quite 'up' to this. We can hope.

Cat. 5...what a mess.

21 Aug 07 - 12:10 AM (#2130151)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Bee-dubya-ell

If anything can be said to be a bright spot where a 160 MPH hurricane is concerned, it's that Dean's forward motion is at 20 MPH, which is about as fast as hurricanes ever move. The last thing anyone in Cntral America wants is a replay of 1998's Hurricane Mitch which, due to it's slow forward motion, beat hell out of Honduras for days and killed thousands. Dean will be bad, but it will be over with pretty quickly.

21 Aug 07 - 12:51 PM (#2130469)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Scooby Doo

Why are the Hurricans named by people?.


21 Aug 07 - 01:19 PM (#2130482)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Wesley S

Are there other options?

21 Aug 07 - 01:54 PM (#2130509)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Why are the Hurricans named by people?

Because if they were named by dogs they'd run out of names after "Arf" and "Bow-wow".

21 Aug 07 - 02:24 PM (#2130527)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Scooby Doo



21 Aug 07 - 02:25 PM (#2130528)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Alba

Your right Bee-dubya-ell. I also think the present method works a lot better than say, naming Hurricanes after Flowers.
For example what if 'Hurricane Dean' had been named 'Hurricane Passiflora cerulea'? or what if Hurricane Katrina had been called 'Hurricane Lanicera caprifolium'?

I mean those names don't exactly roll of the tomgue now do they....
Yeah, Peeps names are much easier...Hurricane Dan there you go, no worries with saying that eh! *smile*

Best to all as always,

21 Aug 07 - 02:29 PM (#2130530)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Amos

But if all the animals got together we would have a longer list by far.

Hurricane Meow
Hurricane Tweet
Hurricane Grrrr
Hurricane Roaaar
Hurricane Heeehaw
Hurricane Twitter-wit Twitter-woo
Hurricane Willow, tit-willow, tit-willow
Hurricane Brakakekekek kerax kerax
Hurricane Whuuunnnhhhnnnhhhnhhh
Hurricane Bzzzzzzzzzz
Hurricane Purrrrr
Hurricane Squeekity-eep
Hurricane Sisssssss
Hurricane Skritchityskritch
Hurrican Whufffsnufflewhump

...and many, many more.

Of course, we don't know how to implement this plan, because it is hard to tell an animal that it is time to come up with a name for a hurricane. They usually don't get the concept immediately.   


21 Aug 07 - 02:29 PM (#2130532)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Alba

.. and those names don't roll off the tongue that easily

21 Aug 07 - 03:33 PM (#2130568)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Bill D

I think Hurricanes should be referred to by number "this is 2007-A".until they are past...then named according to result. Thus, Katrina would be something like "Hurricane HOLY CRAP" and others would be like "Hurricane Poof" when they swung wide & missed.

21 Aug 07 - 05:10 PM (#2130623)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Amos

We could extend your idea, Bill, and reserve the lower end of the spectrum for the naming of farts.


21 Aug 07 - 06:58 PM (#2130703)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Bill D

well, Amos- not ALL ill winds need individual names. Though the National Lampoon used to have an occasional cartoon series on "Great Farts of the Century"

"Omnia Gaulia est divisa in fartes tres" (pardon the improvised Latin spelling)

22 Aug 07 - 02:45 AM (#2130882)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Liz the Squeak

Hurricane Squeekity-eep

One named after me!!!

Seriously, hang tight chaps... I know how rough bad wind can be.


22 Aug 07 - 10:39 AM (#2131104)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: GUEST,Donuel the unemployed psychic

Hurricane Dean is destined to flood the US midwest in a manner that has not been seen for hundreds of years. IT will add much un needed rainfall to the remains of Erin.

The other hurricane yet to be, that I sense in my crystal balls, will be hurricane Flo or Florence.

22 Aug 07 - 11:34 AM (#2131139)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Jeri

Nah, it'll be Felix. I don't know about flooding the midwest, but I think Galveston (not to mention poor Padre Island) is gonna get pretty damp.

22 Aug 07 - 06:28 PM (#2131482)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: GUEST,the unemployed psychic

Did I say Flo? Flo is clearly impossible! No wonder I'm unemployed.
Its time to take the white neon psychic sign out of my 42nd st. window.

22 Aug 07 - 08:18 PM (#2131555)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: Jeri

White neon - there's your problem!!

Get a black one - it's more occult looking.

22 Aug 07 - 08:24 PM (#2131565)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane Dean
From: The Fooles Troupe

Why not have nakes like 'Dan 2007' or 'Mary 2020' - this would allow names to be recycled, and also allow one to clearly and quickly remember a few centuries later the year the devastation took place...