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BS: Who are you a cross between?

26 Aug 07 - 09:16 PM (#2134189)
Subject: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Donuel

Of course you are the cross between your parents and all their ancestors with nature and nurture expressing their own unique influences...
but for fun...
Who do you feel you are a cross between philosophically, metaphoricaly, physically, clandestinely, or any other way...

I would say I am a cross between the Dali Lama and Larry the cable guy.

btw the Dali Lama will be at Radio City music hall in November.

26 Aug 07 - 09:18 PM (#2134190)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Donuel

btw I bet Larry the cable guy gets to play Carnegie Hall before the Dali Lama does.

26 Aug 07 - 09:38 PM (#2134192)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: GUEST,mg

Joan of Arc and Madonna. mg

26 Aug 07 - 09:47 PM (#2134197)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Bill D

Immanuel Kant & Sid Caesar

26 Aug 07 - 09:51 PM (#2134199)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Rapparee

Cyrano de Bergerac and Gandhi.

26 Aug 07 - 10:32 PM (#2134213)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker


[Daily Mirror UK comic strip hero way back in the 60's]

Yul Brynner

[ The King and I - baldy sex god]

The Hood

[Thunderbirds villain - baldy bad guy bad c@nt]

Josep Conrad

[very depressing Polish Seafaring Author]


[old grumpy yet still cuddly....]

Bruce Willis

[Old cuddly yet still grumpy...]

Johnny Depp

[fine bone structure..]

John Holmes

[fine.. errrrmm.. ok.. i might be fibbing.. or i might be not ladies.....?????]

The Beast

[Walerian Borowczyk's almost house trained pet]


[yeah but.. on a sub-atomic particle level.. aren't we all..!!!!????]

26 Aug 07 - 10:35 PM (#2134215)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Little Hawk

Joan Baez, Buffy Sainte-Marie, and Bob Dylan. And then mix in Siddartha and various other spiritual seekers, I guess.

26 Aug 07 - 10:38 PM (#2134220)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Ebbie

Great subject, Donuel. I'll have to do some thinking. New one on me.At this point I'd hazard Ma Kettle and Woodward Wilson. :)

26 Aug 07 - 10:38 PM (#2134222)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Amos

Richard Bach, John Steinbeck, Peter Pan and Jeeves.


26 Aug 07 - 10:39 PM (#2134223)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: catspaw49

Bertand Russell and Richard Pryor


26 Aug 07 - 10:59 PM (#2134236)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Slag

My Mom and Dad

26 Aug 07 - 11:18 PM (#2134253)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: GUEST,Tom's nephiew

and Uncle Tom Cobly and all.

and Uncle Tom Cobly and alllllllll...

26 Aug 07 - 11:21 PM (#2134257)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Janie

Oh Great. Another identity crisis for me to get through. this timed? Is the clock ticking?

26 Aug 07 - 11:23 PM (#2134259)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Janie

Wait! Ohhh...umhh...I got it, I got it. don't let the buzzer go off, it is right on the tip of my tongue....

26 Aug 07 - 11:24 PM (#2134261)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Janie

Thelma and Louise!

26 Aug 07 - 11:25 PM (#2134262)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Ebbie


27 Aug 07 - 01:45 AM (#2134293)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: KT

Amos, Richard Bach? What was your favorite?

27 Aug 07 - 01:45 AM (#2134294)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: KT

Of Bach's, I mean

27 Aug 07 - 02:10 AM (#2134299)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Shanghaiceltic

At moment a one legged man in a bum kicking competition and a man up to his neck in crocodiles.

Been really busy trying to organise the aus' move and travelling.

27 Aug 07 - 02:40 AM (#2134300)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Dave Hanson

David Grisman, Jerry Garcia and Forest Gump.


27 Aug 07 - 02:58 AM (#2134302)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Little Hawk

Richard Bach wrote a whole series of absolutely wonderful philosophical/spiritual books.

27 Aug 07 - 03:24 AM (#2134308)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: open mike

a line in a greg brown song says we are a cross between our parents
and some hippies in a tent..

i might be a cross between mother teresa and jane fonda

or mother jones and julia butterfly

27 Aug 07 - 03:47 AM (#2134314)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: MBSLynne

Gidgit and Nannie Og

Love Lynne

27 Aug 07 - 04:00 AM (#2134320)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Philip Marlowe, Sam Spade, Tarzan, and Umboto.

You people might not know about Umboto. He was a chimp action star of the silent film era. Sorta like the "Indiana Jones" of chimps.

27 Aug 07 - 04:30 AM (#2134326)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: redsnapper

Richard Feynmann and Ardal O'Hanlon


27 Aug 07 - 05:04 AM (#2134329)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Big Al Whittle

Ena Sharples and Randy Newman - so think on!

27 Aug 07 - 06:46 AM (#2134353)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: kendall

H.L. Mencken and Henny Youngman

27 Aug 07 - 06:56 AM (#2134355)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: MBSLynne

The problem with this is that I haven't heard of most of the people...

Love Lynne

27 Aug 07 - 06:56 AM (#2134356)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Howdy Doody and Karl from "Sling Blade".

27 Aug 07 - 07:23 AM (#2134369)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Bee

Bee-dubya-ell, you scare me. That puppet was eeev-il!

Myself? Cross between Alison Gross (of ballad fame) and Mrs.Hedgehog.

27 Aug 07 - 07:38 AM (#2134376)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: 3refs

Elvis-Tiger Williams-Julia Child

27 Aug 07 - 09:40 AM (#2134435)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Rapparee

Well, shucks, I thought you could only pick two!

Okay, add Hazel Stone, the archangels Michael and Uriel, Woodrow W. Smith, Sam Clemens, Ed McGivern, Grace O'Malley, Jack Slade, Catherine of Alexandria, PDQ Bach, and N. Machiavelli.

27 Aug 07 - 09:43 AM (#2134437)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: mack/misophist

If I were one person, or even two, I might be able to answer this. Over the course of my life I've been at least 5 or 6 different people, so... Who can say?

27 Aug 07 - 09:49 AM (#2134439)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Amos


I am partial to "Bridge Across Forever", and I revere "Jonathon Livingston Seagulll" for its iconoclastic impact.


27 Aug 07 - 10:08 AM (#2134449)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

We have an island in our farm pond which is accessed via an arched bridge over a narrow channel. As a faux homage to Richard Bach, I named it the "Bridge Across Whatever".

27 Aug 07 - 10:12 AM (#2134453)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Alaska Mike

I was performing at a festival in Alaska one summer years ago and the emcee came out to introduce me to the audience. "If Tennessee Ernie Ford and Roger Whittaker could have a baby," he said, "it would sound just like Mike Campbell." I've always appreciated the comparison.


27 Aug 07 - 10:47 AM (#2134472)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Alice

Judi Densch, Felicity Kendall and Jane Eyre

27 Aug 07 - 11:36 AM (#2134529)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Donuel

wow some of these made me lol.

Regarding the Dali Lama...
The only other person I know whose actual name begins with "the" is
the Donald.

A good lunch place... the Deli Lemma.
A bad lunch place ... Sam & Ella's.

27 Aug 07 - 11:37 AM (#2134532)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: JennyO

Lynne, you said the one I was thinking of.

Nanny Ogg was my first thought, but I'm having trouble picking just one other.

So far, I've considered Zaphod Beeblebrox, Yoda, Katharine Hepburn, Robin Williams, Roald Dahl and Bugs Bunny. A diverse bunch - no wonder I'm confused!

27 Aug 07 - 11:55 AM (#2134552)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: HouseCat

Hermione Granger and Phil Cunningham.

27 Aug 07 - 12:46 PM (#2134598)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: MBSLynne

Well Jenny, I would have liked to say Granny Weatherwax, but I'm afraid it had to be Nannie Ogg to be truthful.

Love Lynne

27 Aug 07 - 01:02 PM (#2134614)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: JennyO

Yeah Lynne, I know what you mean. Granny Weatherwax is more like what I aspire to. Pretty formidable.

27 Aug 07 - 03:10 PM (#2134705)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Bill D

Had to look up "Nanny Ogg"....I see that my reading of Sc-Fi/Fantasy ended too soon...

27 Aug 07 - 03:43 PM (#2134723)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: MBSLynne

If you haven't met Nannie Ogg and Granny Weatherwax, then it did. You'd better resume!

Love Lynne

27 Aug 07 - 03:44 PM (#2134724)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Rapparee

Not Granny Clampett?

27 Aug 07 - 05:50 PM (#2134842)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Janie

Funny you should mention that, Rapaire. I considered that I might be a cross between Granny Clampett and Walter Brennan!

Naw. I'll stick with Thelma and Louise.

27 Aug 07 - 06:14 PM (#2134859)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Bill D

Remind me not to go driving with you, Janie....

27 Aug 07 - 06:41 PM (#2134872)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: GUEST,rock chick

my mum and dad ;-)) but maybe that answer is just too easy......... I have no idea, maybe some suggetions for those that know me, only polite ones though please ;-)

27 Aug 07 - 06:52 PM (#2134881)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: John Hardly

John Sebastion and Art Carney

27 Aug 07 - 07:21 PM (#2134894)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Nick

>> Regarding the Dali Lama...
The only other person I know whose actual name begins with "the" is
the Donald.

Winnie The Pooh has it as a midle name. The Count of Monte Christo. The Pope. The Dali Telegraph etc etc

27 Aug 07 - 11:45 PM (#2135030)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: JennyO

There's also The Queen. Which makes me wonder...

How would it be to be a cross between The Queen and Freddie Mercury?

28 Aug 07 - 12:29 AM (#2135047)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Depends on the day, really...

Alot of the time I'm a cross between Toad and Piglet... but never for an entire day.

There are some, who don't know me btw, who are insisting I must be a cross between the Phantom of the Opera and Moriatry... Heck... where do you begin with people who think thoughts like that? I just smile.

Sometimes I'm a cross between John Q. Public and that guy who's name escapes my mind at the moment... but it's usually right when I 'should' be someone special...

But really... if I could be a cross between Dougie Maclean and Vivaldi... I'd be satisfied musically...

But as far as I can stretch it? Well let's see now... How about a cross between Chuck Yeager and Robert Burns?

Yep... Uh... you ha'en tae ha' a stee o Beeman's?

28 Aug 07 - 04:11 AM (#2135104)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: GUEST,micca at work

Omar Khyyam, Don Quixote, Cuchullain, Benny Hill and Eeyore and a Gnome of unknown origin, with maybe just a smidgin of Galileo thrown in

28 Aug 07 - 05:03 AM (#2135116)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?

I'm a cross between two thieves.

28 Aug 07 - 05:18 AM (#2135123)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Nick

I always rather liked the cross that was suggested in The Fast Show -

Cross between a frenchman and a pygmy - fantastic cook but too short to reach the oven...

28 Aug 07 - 08:02 PM (#2135670)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Ebbie

By the way, way up top I mentioned former President Wilson. His first name was Woodrow, not Woodward.

It looks to me as though I should have nominated someone else. That man would never have misspoken.

28 Aug 07 - 09:59 PM (#2135733)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Slag

Donuel: The Conqueror, The Bruce, El Cid, to name a few.

28 Aug 07 - 10:30 PM (#2135748)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Donuel

the Pope?
sorry thats a title and not a proper name.
When the appointed name is used it is Pope Blah Blah the 6th
but you got me with Winnie the Pooh. IF the church ever needs a strong arm Pope they should name him Nick the Pope.

John Sebastion and Art Carney ?

Thats almost like Senator Kennedy and John Kerry.

This thread being more than just funny has shown me that everyone with androgenous forum names that I assumed was male is probably female...not that there is anything wrong with that ;)

28 Aug 07 - 11:11 PM (#2135772)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Liz the Squeak

At the moment I feel like a cross between a yeti and the creature from the Black Lagoon... but it is 4.00am here in Yookland and after 5 nights sleeping on the cold hard ground, 300yds from a working generator, it's too quiet and too soft here!

Usually I'm more Hermione Granger and Garfield.


29 Aug 07 - 03:29 PM (#2136257)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: frogprince

Visually, maybe Christopher Loyd and Jed Clampet.
Mentally, perhaps Jerry Falwell and Larry Flint.

29 Aug 07 - 04:56 PM (#2136326)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Uncle_DaveO

A bump on the log and a stick in the mud.

Dave Oesterreich

29 Aug 07 - 06:56 PM (#2136406)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Bert

There's a great difference between who ARE you a cross between and who would you LIKE to be a cross beween.

I'd LIKE to be a cross between I.K Brunel and Archimedes but if the truth be known I'm much more like a cross between a deckchair and a squirrel.

29 Aug 07 - 07:49 PM (#2136456)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Uncle_DaveO

I'd like to be a cross between Pete Seeger and Richard Dyer-Bennet!

Dave Oesterreich

29 Aug 07 - 08:54 PM (#2136512)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: John Hardly

"John Sebastion and Art Carney ?"

Though I don't really see it, I've been told I look like Sebastion. I'd take that as a compliment. Carney plays the awkward, goofy one that I usually feel more like.

30 Aug 07 - 12:18 AM (#2136598)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: GUEST,Don Firth

Generally, a cross between Aristotle and Hagar the Horrible, with a little Rumpole of the Bailey thrown in.

In appearance, maybe sort of a cross between Jean-Luc Picard and--um--Shrek.

Musically, a bit of Richard Dyer-Bennet, a dollop of Gordon Bok, and a large portion of wounded buffalo.

Don Firth

30 Aug 07 - 04:57 AM (#2136697)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Genie

I guess I'm a mix of Bonnie Raitt, Greer Garson, Debbie Reynolds, Ann Blyth, Katharine Hepburn, Susan Hayward, Noreen Corcoran, and Maureen O'Hara (looks-wise), Joan Baez and Judy Collins (singing-wise), and Larry David (personality-wise -- at least according to my brother).

These, of course, are things people have told me over the years. People, of course, generally tend to be flattering when making such comparisons. (No one ever said "You look just like Leona Helmsley" or "You sound like Minnie Pearl.")   And I haven't been compared to Noreen ("Bachelor Father") Corcoran since we were both teen-agers.

But thinking of all these people I've been compared to, I can't help thinking of the "If They Mated" shtick that Conan O'Brien uses on his show. I can picture some really funny combos!

30 Aug 07 - 06:21 AM (#2136729)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: GUEST, Topsie

Apparently I share a birthday with the Rev. Ian Paisley and Sir John Betjeman (different year, obviously), so if there is anything in astrology I ought to be like a cross between those two - luckily the astrology hasn't worked in my case, I'm not even anything like they say an Aries should be.

30 Aug 07 - 10:59 PM (#2137307)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: The Fooles Troupe

My mother always said I was a cross to bear...

31 Aug 07 - 12:26 AM (#2137376)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: JennyO

Or was that a cross-eyed bear? As in "Gladly the cross-eyed bear..."?

31 Aug 07 - 12:29 AM (#2137381)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Janie

STill in the midst of an identity crisis - damn you, Donuel!

Jane Addams and Edith Bunker?

31 Aug 07 - 12:42 AM (#2137397)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: The Fooles Troupe

"luckily the astrology hasn't worked in my case"

Sadly - the planets are not in the same places on the same calendar day every year...

31 Aug 07 - 01:32 AM (#2137430)
Subject: RE: BS: Who are you a cross between?
From: Lepus Rex

Huh. Well, physically, I'd say I'm a cross between Baby Huey, this guinea pig, and Dylan Thomas in his "fat Elvis" years.

Philosophically, I like to think that I'm an unwholesome mixture of Leon Trotsky, Imam Shamil, Godzilla, Juraj Jánošík, Edward Said, Peter Griffin, Dian Fossey, and this dog.

---Lepus Rex