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Sign Up for Mudstock 99

20 Apr 99 - 01:31 PM (#72211)
Subject: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Lonesome EJ

Mudstock 99, to be held at The Musician's Rendezvous in Columbus, Montana the weekend of August 14, is fast approaching. Since Mudstock will be a festival within a festival, we would like to give the Musician's Rendezvous folks an idea of how many of us are coming. If you plan to attend, please e-mail me at and I will add your name to the list. We would also like to print some tee-shirts to commemorate this historic event. If you are interested in the shirts, please note how many and what sizes. For info on the event including a map, see the MUDSTOCK 99 thread. Thanks, Phoaks!


21 Apr 99 - 12:48 AM (#72354)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Big Mick

I WANT A TEE SHIRT!!!!!! Shit.....I really, really want to go to this. But I will be there next year.


21 Apr 99 - 01:51 AM (#72360)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Rick Fielding

Now lookee here "Lonesome", I got me a little idea. This year's out 'cause I gotta work and the gigs are booked...but next year... what if (and I'm just thinking out loud) some of the (way) out of town Mudcatters put together a Mudcat dance band. I figure that 5 or 6 of us could (even without actually meeting) organise one hell of a band that could keep the square dancers, country dancers, swing dancers, Irish tune freaks, blues cats, and folkies pretty happy. Then maybe there might be a bit of travellin money for the ones of us who were too stupid to get day jobs, and just flat out can't afford vacations that far away. Hmmm, I'm sounding like a Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland movie here.."Hey, we can use my daddy's barn, and you get mom to sew the costumes...."

Lemme look at this tomorrow and see how insane it seems then.

21 Apr 99 - 10:03 AM (#72418)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Sam Pirt

Sorry catters but I can't get to this one even though its the place I really want to be, Mudstock 2000 on the other hand, see you there!!!!

Bye, Sam

28 Apr 99 - 11:59 AM (#74026)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Alice

Here's a link to the original thread. It took me awhile to find it again. MUDSTOCK 99

28 Apr 99 - 12:15 PM (#74028)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Big Mick


Count me in for a tune or two


28 Apr 99 - 01:54 PM (#74055)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: katlaughing

Here're a coupla more thoughts. What if we each sent in one dollar per month for a special Mudcstock 2000 Band fund? That way, we would be able to offer gas money, at least, to those who are a bit distant but want to come and are willing to put forth the effort Rick and Mick have agreed to?

Also, my sister, bet, wields a mean dutch oven and is an expert at cooking in the great outdoors. Now, she and i are NOT offering to sling hash for one and all, but we did wonder, for this year, if phoaks would like to plan one get-together meal, over a campfire, for sure, and if so, how many? It's just a thought at this stage, but we'll see where it goes.


28 Apr 99 - 02:01 PM (#74058)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Rick Fielding

Although my suggestion DID look insane the next day, I am in the process of trying to set up a western tour that would coincide with Mudstock. Got potential gigs in Oregon, Seattle, and Vancouver....and if we could swing it , I'd love to play with some 'catters. Big Mick should we make em pay a buck apiece if they request Danny Boy?


28 Apr 99 - 02:03 PM (#74061)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Joe Offer

Hey, is all this anywhere near a city with an actual airport? Looks like I might have enough vacation time to go, but my 10-yr-old car might not like the trip.
-Joe Offer-

28 Apr 99 - 02:06 PM (#74065)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Rick Fielding

I'll bet there's a 300 foot landing strip used by hippie entrepeneurs in the 60s.

28 Apr 99 - 02:38 PM (#74080)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Alice

...ummmm... well, let's see now, Joe, we can drive that highfalootin new Montana style S.U.V. up alongst the canyon wall, an' then you can roll out in yer parryshoot and aim for the dust trail down on the riverbank, whilst you lookout for a clear, soft patch in the sagebrush and prickly pear, roll down the hill, and right through the sliding side door into the comfort of the back seat. ( yep, "Life's more excitin' in Montana.")

Airport? Well, would you prefer Delta or Northwest Airlines? Closest airport to Columbus, as LEJ said, is in Billings. Rent a car and drive from there to Columbus. Here is the state of Montana website on travel. Montana Travel Guide

28 Apr 99 - 02:52 PM (#74085)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Alice

Here is more specific info on the park at Columbus.

Itch-Kep-Pe Park


South of Columbus on Montana Highway 78. The city
(!population just over a thousand) of Columbus is north of
the Yellowstone River,
continue traveling south and right before crossing the
Yellowstone River, you will find Itch-Kep-Pe Park.v

Camp Sites: 30
Trailers: Yes
Toilets: Yes
(oh, good)
Water: Yes
Boat Launch: Yes
Fishing: Yes
Swimming: Yes
Stay Limit: 14 days

Season of Operation:

On the Montana Travel website, you will see the tourist bureau has divided the state into different regions they have named (for marketing purposes, of course). Billings is in "Custer Country" and Columbus is in "Yellowstone Country".

28 Apr 99 - 03:15 PM (#74090)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Joe Offer

Hmmm. I see that United has connections from Denver to Billings (by dogsled, I assume....), and I can get round-trip tickets for $351 if I act now. It's starting to sound tempting, but I can't commit myself until late May. Is that too late to make a reservation?
Put me down as a "maybe."
Is there a chance we could rent a large vacation house in the area for those of us who are allergic to camping?

-Joe Offer-

28 Apr 99 - 10:21 PM (#74203)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Big Mick

Ahhhh, I am beginning to like the sound of this. Rick, if you see Big Mick singing Danny Boy at this thing, look around for someone with a pistol. Cause they are going to have to have a pistol on me to get me sing it. Unless, of course there is a reason to sing it. When I get it as a request in a pub, I will only perform it if it is in memory of someone, and the gig is appropriate. I hate the trivialization of a beautiful song. If I sing it in memory of someone, I usually do it at the break, and at the table of the person who requested it.

Rick, I have a sister that lives in Seattle, maybe I could schedule some vacation...........Shit, my mind is going crazy with possibilities here. This is insane. But maybe, just maybe, we can make it work. Let's keep talking.

Slán go fóill,

Mícheál Mór(Big Mick)

29 Apr 99 - 12:00 AM (#74229)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: LEJ:

Hey Mick n Rick... if you guys decide to take the show on the road, I think I can help with a gig or two in the Denver area. The drummer in my band is on the Denver Gaels Irish Football Team, and knows all the bar owners of all the Irish bars in town (small wonder that,eh?)Let me know if it's gonna happen!..LEJ

29 Apr 99 - 12:28 AM (#74237)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: katlaughing

And Casper is ONLY four hours away from Denver!

29 Apr 99 - 09:33 AM (#74306)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Alice

Joe, I've been thinking of driving over to Columbus one of these weekends and scoping out the best motels, etc. I'll see if there is a chance of a house that could be rented for a week or so if enough Mudcatters really are interested in sharing one. alice

29 Apr 99 - 10:56 AM (#74322)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Joe Offer

Hi, alice - It would be nice if we could put something together, wouldn't it? So far, though, I don't see more than half a dozen people who think they'd be able to attend this year. If that's the case, maybe I should save my money and go to the FSGW Getaway. Still, the thought of making music with Kat and Bet and Alice and LEJ sounds like a lot of fun.
-Joe Offer-

29 Apr 99 - 10:57 AM (#74324)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Alice

If I drive over to Columbus, I will take some photos and post them on my website so you can all get an idea of what the town and the park look like. If I do this soon, you have to realize that by August there will be more leaves on the trees! (It is still spring here, which means I woke up to a spring snowfall, here in the mountains.) Columbus is warmer than Bozeman because it is lower in elevation... it is out on the plains. To give you some idea of the town, there are about three pages for Columbus in the phone book. There are NO McDonald's, Burger King, WalMart, nor JC Penney. You will find a community hospital, the Stillwater county courthouse, the Yellowstone Bank, and about ten churches, with residential neighborhoods established around a ranching economy (there are two veterinary services). Billings, population about 120,000, is 40 miles East of Columbus, via a major interstate highway. Plenty of Big Macs in Billings.

29 Apr 99 - 11:36 AM (#74330)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Vixen

Joe, if there are really only a half dozen 'Cats attending Mudstock 99 this year, I may reconsider driving from CT. I was hoping it would attract more like a hundred or more. Is there any way to get an accurate count???

Not that 6 Mudcats wouldn't be fun to hang with, but I can probably find 6 Mudcats within an hour's drive of my front door.

Dare I suggest a VIRTUAL Mudstock, where we all go to 1-day song circles with other 'Cats closer to home? If the song circles were held at the houses of someone on-line, we could all check in on the same day, and report on what we did and who we met...

Just a thought--


29 Apr 99 - 02:35 PM (#74355)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: A. Strange

Now hold on there Alice, there's lots of stuff to do in Columbus. Mac & Don's golden rainbow room came in about 5 years ago along with Taco Bell and the Colonel. And if thats not enough every saturday night a group of us gather at the local Exxon and take turn jumpin on the air hose. Sowhadoyawan? On the real side, I appreciate what you and lonesome have been doin to enlighten all the Mudcatters on Columbus. I'm a brand spankin new member of the orgination, a 20 year resident of Columbus and the originator of the Musicians Rendezvous (1990). I'm trying to put together a webpage on the rendezvous, however until then if anyone has any questions feel free to give me a call @ (406)322-4143 (days) or (406)322-4745 (night) A. Strange

29 Apr 99 - 02:55 PM (#74357)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Alice

Hey, Aron, I just looked your # up in the phone book and planned on calling you before the day is out... later. (aaarrrgghh Golden Arches in Columbus? I had not noticed that the last time I was by.) alice

29 Apr 99 - 06:37 PM (#74386)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: A. Strange

Here is a website that all you mudcatters can look up to see what there is to do in Stillwater county. It is the Stillwater County Chamber address: A. Strange

29 Apr 99 - 09:14 PM (#74432)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Liam's Brother

When Mudstock was first floated as an idea, I thought it was great. I still do. I intended to attend... to fish and sing away. Just one thing's changed since then and that is that I have "deretired" after having been made the proverbial offer I couldn't refuse. The new job, which may not last forever, comes with 0 vacation days in Year 1. This is Year 1. Fellow Mudcatters, I am sorry to have to inform you that I may not be able to join you. Time will tell.

All the best,

29 Apr 99 - 09:26 PM (#74435)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Alice

congrats on your new job, Dan. Next year.

29 Apr 99 - 09:27 PM (#74436)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Alice

congrats on your new job, Dan. See ya next year.

29 Apr 99 - 09:35 PM (#74440)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: katlaughing

Man, Dan, you MUST be good at whatever you do! This is in addition tot he music, right! Our loss at Mudstock :-(((, but congratulations anyway. Is it me or is Mudstock 2000 gonna be a real Mudder!? Everybody's making promises, but apparently only a few of us will be able to claim to be the originals! Hahahah, just like when I went ot the the first couple of yers of the Telluride Festival.


29 Apr 99 - 10:21 PM (#74450)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: alison


I'm hoping to go home sometime next year.... make Mudstock 2000 somewhere handy for a stop over (Hawaii sounds good to me)... and I'll be there....



29 Apr 99 - 11:01 PM (#74460)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Big Mick

LEJ, do you ever go to John Nallons Pub and call a pint with the Denver Gaels. I had to work in Denver for about 4 and a half months a couple of years ago. Of course, the first thing I do when I have to stay in a town for any length of time is to find the best Irish pub in town. Nallon's was it. John and herself knew the right way to pull the proper jar of Uncle Arthur's. And every so often they would send a wee drop o' the crather over. Lovely people who made a lonely Irishman feel, if not at home, certainly less lonely. I used to sit there and sing songs in the afternoon. Stop in and tip one for the old Big Mick

All the best,


01 May 99 - 01:01 AM (#74804)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Lonesome EJ

That have I done, and that shall I do again in yer honor, Mickey Lad!

And for all of you that can't make history as part of Mudstock 99, let me paraphrase Henry V:

"...the fewer the Mudcatters, the greater share of honor! That he which hath no stomach for this festival, let him depart; we shall not rejoice in that man's company, that fears his fellowship to rejoice with us. This day is called The First Mudstock; he that outlives this day and comes safe home, will stand a-tiptoe when this day is nam'd, and rouse him at the name of Mudstock. He that shall live this day and see old age,will yearly on the vigil feast his friends, and say- to-morrow is Mudstock; then will he strip his sleeve, and show his scars, and say these wounds I had at First Mudstock- here the fleeting blemish left by an errant plectrum- here the mark caused by coming to near bet's dutch oven full of Mudcat stew- Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot, but he'll remember, with advantages, what feats he did that day.Then shall our names, familiar as household words- Lonesome EJ, Lion, Katlaughing and Vixen,Joe Offer and Max- Be in their flowing cups freshly remember'd: This story shall the good man teach his son; and Mudstock shall ne'er go by from this day to the ending of the world, but we in it shall be remember'd: We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he that shares ale, roast trout, and music with me at Mudstock shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition: and Mudcatters, safe at home,shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here. And hold their Mudcathoods cheap, while any speak, that feasted with us upon The First Mudstock!"

01 May 99 - 01:07 AM (#74805)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: katlaughing


18 May 99 - 10:12 PM (#79681)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: WyoWoman

How could anyone with the slightest possibility of attending NOT respond to that call to arms.

For musicians going from Denver and thereabouts to Montana and thereabouts, perhaps Kat and I can offer to try and scare up a gig here in Casper. If not, at least we have spare beds so's none of you will have to put money in the Motel 6 coffers. (I have animals who will attempt to share the bed with you, but none are vicious when scooted off to the floor...)


19 May 99 - 12:36 AM (#79709)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: katlaughing

Me, too, KC! Only one cat might draw blood, but she's a voice that warns ya first! Like me!


19 May 99 - 03:17 PM (#79879)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99-Airport
From: Fadac

For those who fly their own birds. Columbus, Mo has an airport. the ID is:6S3. Runway is about 2600 ft. Only 760 miles NE of Hayward Ca. Could be there in about 7 hours, counting fuel stop. Perhaps in 2000. (How come 99.9% of the good stuff happens in Aug.? I wish things would get spread out a bit more.)

19 May 99 - 04:06 PM (#79889)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Alice

Fadac, it's Columbus, MT, not Colubus MO (not to get confused with Missouri). --alice

19 May 99 - 04:22 PM (#79891)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: Fadac

OOPS (blush) Yes, I have the right airport, in the right state, but when I typed here on mudcat, my hands wandered down south a bit. MO is also about 1400 miles from Hayward Ca. The old Cessena would have to stop for fuel more than once on that trip.



22 May 99 - 07:09 PM (#80842)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: bet

LEJ, I thought I had responded but don't see any message from me on here so, Mat and I are planning on Mudstock 99. We'll be camping! It'll be fun to meet every one. bet

28 May 99 - 08:20 PM (#82515)
Subject: RE: Sign Up for Mudstock 99
From: katlaughing

Leej:any idea of a headcount? Just wondering. Bet and I were trying to figure out if everyone wants her to do one of her famous campfire dinners for one of the nights. I think I mentioned it and her "dutch oven" in this or the original thread.

Thanks, katlaughing