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BS: What do we know about 2012?

09 Sep 07 - 06:04 PM (#2144886)
Subject: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Llanfair

There are a lot indicators that there will be dramatic changes to the world around the time of the solstice in 2012. Does anyone have any information?

09 Sep 07 - 06:33 PM (#2144897)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Bill D

Indicators?? You mean like mystical predictions?

How can anyone have "information" about the future?

09 Sep 07 - 06:35 PM (#2144901)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Bill D

I'll predict it's gonna get warmer....(but I cheat and read scientific studies)

09 Sep 07 - 06:57 PM (#2144918)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Crane Driver

All I know about 2012 is that it hasn't got here yet.

09 Sep 07 - 06:57 PM (#2144919)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: katlaughing

Hear that? That's the RDBDBBD! Rapid DeeBunk DeeBunk of BillD. Jumping faster these days, Bill!

Llanfair, I'll ask my brother. I know he has some of the info on hand.

09 Sep 07 - 07:07 PM (#2144926)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

I'll be five years older (I hope).

And the screwballs will be looking forward to dramatic changes in 2020 or some other date.

09 Sep 07 - 07:09 PM (#2144928)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: folk1e

It's 4.3 Years off (aprox)

09 Sep 07 - 07:22 PM (#2144935)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: frogprince

Guys, ya'all make me want to pound my head against the wall. I would just laugh and shake my head, if I wasn't hearing this from people who say so much around here to make me like and respect them.

If I came up with some answer to this, and said I got it from details in the Bible, most if not all the regulars here would groan and roll their eyes. That would be the appropriate response .

But if I say I got my information from flipping cards with cryptic images, or charting the movements of the heavenly bodies, a bunch of the regulars scoot up on the edges of their chairs and go "ooh, tell me, tell me" So far I haven't heard anyone here say they got their data from sheep entrail; but, hey, that's an old established tradition, too...

I swear, you guys are as crazy in some ways as I am in some other ways.


09 Sep 07 - 07:41 PM (#2144945)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

Here's some of what the folks who predict such things say:

1. The US will have fallen behind both India and China in technology due to a continued decline in the US graduation rate in engineering and science.

2. We will be in the beginnings of a post-petroleum economy.

3. The US government, having taken notice of #1, will be rushing to "catch up" just as they did post-Sputnik.

4. India will have passed China in technology.

5. In regards to #4, there are two possible alternatives: war or cooperation. Being that India and China are pragmatic, they will be cooperating.

6. Western "culture" as represented by the EU, the US, Canada, and ANZAC will starting a decline.

Not my predictions.

09 Sep 07 - 07:55 PM (#2144957)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Ron Davies

So the sky will have fallen--again.

09 Sep 07 - 08:01 PM (#2144961)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Peace

It has been variously mentioned as a time of great change. Beginning of the 'sixth world' according to the Mayan calendar. End of time by others. Period of open 'alien' visitation. Depends on who ya read and what ya care to believe. Google

2012, world change

Don't get too excited about it all.

09 Sep 07 - 08:03 PM (#2144965)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: John O'L

Let's ask Nosferatu...
no, the Costa Nostra...
no, Nostradermis...
no, No...

09 Sep 07 - 08:07 PM (#2144970)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Bill D

Do I have to go up on a mountaintop as the 'time' approaches, and pitch my tent and wait for.....them aliens?

And, in 2013, I predict, the next set of predictions about **change** will be ready, as well as disclaimers about why nothing in particular happened in 2012.

09 Sep 07 - 08:08 PM (#2144972)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Peace

There is no such thing as la cosa nostra.

09 Sep 07 - 08:08 PM (#2144973)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Amos

There will be conflict in the Middle East.

There will be babies on Park Avenue.

Teenagers will still feel as though they have invented love, consciousness and insight for the first time.

Women will still shriek when they wake up on their fortieth birthday.


09 Sep 07 - 08:18 PM (#2144979)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: bobad

People will be going down into the ground
Buildings will be going up into the sky

Some will be busy being born
Others will be busy dieing

People will have a lot of forks and knives

Dylan will be writing songs

You now - the same ol' shit.

09 Sep 07 - 08:31 PM (#2144992)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I predict that, in 2012, the President and Vice President of the US will either be replaced or re-elected. The same will be true of about 1/3 of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives.

09 Sep 07 - 08:36 PM (#2144998)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: GUEST,Rapaire

There will be rioting in Africa
They'll be starving in Spain
There'll be hurricanes in Florida
And Texas'll need rain.

The whole world will be festering with unhappy souls
The French'll hate the Germans, the Germans'll hate the Poles
Italians'll hate Yugoslavs
South Africans'll hate the Dutch
And I won't like anybody very much.

But we will be tranquil and thankful and proud
For Man's been endowed with a mushroom-shaped cloud
And we can be certain that some lucky day
Someone will set the spark off
And we will all be blow away....

09 Sep 07 - 08:50 PM (#2145015)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Amos

The deaths directly or indirectly traceable to policy folly by the Bush Administration will have fallen to less than one thousand per year.


09 Sep 07 - 09:34 PM (#2145035)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Osama will convert Billy Graham, who will lead us all into the Muslim fold.
(Remember, you heard it here first)

09 Sep 07 - 09:51 PM (#2145042)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Mickey191

Cheney will be president. WHY? HOW? In Oct.of 2008 all of the "GOOD FOOL PROOF" voting machines were incapcitated beyond repair.A mysterious explosion will have taken place & elections have been put on hold indefinitely.

GWB went hunting with Dickie & George tripped & shot himself in the back of the head. Former Sen. Larry Craig has come out from the men's room long enough to be appointed Vice President.

Okay--Your turn:
Fema Head:
FBI Boss:
Homeland Security:Karl Rove

10 Sep 07 - 02:11 AM (#2145131)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Barry Finn

I will still be here
We will still be in Iraq
By then we will be out of Iran & Korea
We will be out of gas
We will be out of a few more spieces
There will only be 1/4 the amount of rain forest left as there is today & 1/2 the ice mass on the polar caps (polor bears will be one of those above mentioned spieces)
The home my mother can no longer afford due to taxes & flood ins on Cape Cod will be washed out to sea & Joe Offer will be living on beachfront property in the Sacramento area
New Orleans will rebuild itself only to be reclaimed by the raising seas.

I will say I told you so & it'll be warmer like Bill D says


10 Sep 07 - 02:49 AM (#2145148)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Liz the Squeak

I know it's already costing us extra in local rates, the developers won't have kept their promises about using local contractors and there won't be enough houses at affordable prices, but hey, that's what you get for having the Olympic Park dropped on your doorstep without your consent.

Well *I* never asked for them and no-one from the Council asked me if I wanted them...


10 Sep 07 - 03:25 AM (#2145164)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Partridge

click here

This is what some people think is going to happen in 2012

If you scroll down to the bottom of the page there are some interesting links.

Pat xx

10 Sep 07 - 03:41 AM (#2145172)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Liz the Squeak

Explains a lot about why this millenium has been so shitty for a lot of people so far!

I'm sort of hoping that when the Universe collapses in on itself, the central point will be the Olympic stadium... but that would be mean.



10 Sep 07 - 04:01 AM (#2145180)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: McGrath of Harlow

They've got some big sporting event lined up in London.

10 Sep 07 - 04:13 AM (#2145188)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Bainbo

So is the end of the world going to come before or after the London Olympics? If we could time it to coincide with the closing ceremony, that'd beat any fireworks display.

10 Sep 07 - 05:44 AM (#2145256)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: PMB

It's scheduled for December 21st, so that's after the olympics, but you can skip buying the Christmas presents. The Earth is going to reverse its poles, so is the sun, we're gong to he hit by an asterisk, the Long Count finishes, the Last Judgement will happen, Auntie Christ will appear, Last Orders will be called, Lord Lucan will be found, Elvis will return, and it will rain or go dark before morning.

10 Sep 07 - 06:05 AM (#2145270)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: TheSnail

From Partridge's link - "John Major Jenkins has pointed out that the detailed graphs of the cycles do not actually show significant termination points at the end of the Great Cycle

Hallelujah! We are saved!

(Although anyone who knows anything about UK politics will have trouble taking anyone called John Major Jenkins seriously.)

10 Sep 07 - 07:51 AM (#2145319)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

Yeah, 2012 the London Olympics!
TV programmes will be dominated by interminable shots of thin but muscular people jogging up and down, adjusting their too tight shorts over their skinny arses and occasionally (very occasionally) running round a track - I can't wait!

10 Sep 07 - 08:18 AM (#2145338)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: 3refs

My understanding is that according to the calender, 2012 will be a year of re-birth and like any birth it will be accompanied by much pain and blood!

10 Sep 07 - 08:36 AM (#2145353)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: kendall

As Kung Foo said, "If a man lives, he will die."

When, doesn't seem too important to me.

10 Sep 07 - 08:54 AM (#2145367)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Liz the Squeak

So will we all get extra belly buttons? I've already got the extra belly for it to go on!


10 Sep 07 - 08:57 AM (#2145369)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: 3refs

After years of considering data from varied fields such as astronomy, ethnography, archeology and iconography, J. Eric S. Thompson determined that of Mayan calander) correponded to the Julian date 584283, which equals August 11th, 3114 B.C. in our Gregorian calendar. This means that the end date of, some 5125 years later, is December 21st, 2012 A.D.1.

10 Sep 07 - 09:37 AM (#2145403)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: 3refs

Lord (Ahau) Pacal is depicted on the lid of his sarcophagus a headed for the great beyond(World Tree). Is it just me or does that lid look like a spaceship.
This stuff really does make for interesting reading.

10 Sep 07 - 10:54 AM (#2145459)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Amos

Find me the damn space ship. Then I'll get really interested.


10 Sep 07 - 11:01 AM (#2145466)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: 3refs


10 Sep 07 - 12:19 PM (#2145544)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Little Hawk

The thing about space ships is, they generally don't stay in one place for very long. Accordingly, they are very hard to find. If you do find one, though, and it is not capable of leaving, then be assured that military intelligence will arrive toot sweet, confiscate whatever they can, take it away, and inform you as to how to keepa you mouth shut...

10 Sep 07 - 12:48 PM (#2145573)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: GUEST,Neil

It looks just like all of the other rooms in the 20 story hotel.

10 Sep 07 - 04:43 PM (#2145788)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Donuel

The Mayan calender had several such ends of epochs.

We know that the climate will continue to change.

We know that US imperialism will continue to fight in order to diminish the appearence of defeat.

We know that a magnetic polar shift is on the way but impossible to predict.

10 Sep 07 - 08:24 PM (#2145974)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

I'll betcha night will fall, too, and nobody will be able to do anything about it!

10 Sep 07 - 08:32 PM (#2145979)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: John Hardly

I remember 2012. It was a bore. A crashing bore.

10 Sep 07 - 10:15 PM (#2146035)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Bill D

Wow...there sure are a lot of "was said to have" and "believed that" and 'had a great appreciation for' type phrases in those Mayaesque pages...*grin*.

Who was it said something to the effect of "The plural of anecdote is NOT data."?

10 Sep 07 - 10:54 PM (#2146054)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Amos

Actually, Bill, that little zinger is unworthy. An anecdote may perfectly well be data. It just doesn't meet rigorous scientific requirements. That doesn't make it any the less true (or untrue, for that matter).


11 Sep 07 - 07:40 AM (#2146264)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Wolfgang

Former prophecies

(only a very small collection, there are many many more)

So the usual fate of prophcies is (1) that they fail, (2) that failure doesn't deter new prophets, and (3) that each new one will believed by some people (not necessarily the same each time).

Wasn't there a fateful prophecy mentioned by Donuel for later this year? I don't recollect whether the date is still before us or has passed already with noone noticing.


11 Sep 07 - 09:28 AM (#2146342)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

If you make enough prophecies at least some will come true, especially if you make them vague enough. Take Jean Dixon: she predicted that a Democrat would win the 1960 US Presidential election and that he would be assassinated in office. Well, JFK won...but she'd predicted that he would NOT win the presidency.

She also predicted that Atlantis would rise in 1968, that the year 2000 would see the beginning of lasting world peace, that WW3 would begin in 1958, that a "Middle Eastern child" born on February 5, 1962 would unite all warring religions and sects, that there would be a holocaust in 1980, cancer would be cured in 1967, and that Richard Nixon would serve his country well.

Make enough predictions, make them sort of vague, get them hyped by the media...and you're a prophet!

(By the way, the odds of Kennedy being assassinated while in office are about the same for any president of the US: 7 to 3 that it won't happen. That's from professional odds makers and if you doubt it, go look it up yourself.)

11 Sep 07 - 09:53 AM (#2146360)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Amos


That list is a monument to the gullibility and illogical side of human nature. It is very funnty, especially when you think of all the serious pondering each of these predictions must have caused among followers.


11 Sep 07 - 10:31 AM (#2146388)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: PMB

I think Donuel posted something about the hadron collider. I don't think it's turned on yet, they had a bit of bother with some magnets.

11 Sep 07 - 11:28 AM (#2146433)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Becca72

"Women will still shriek when they wake up on their fortieth birthday."

Being as that is the year I will turn 40, this one may actually be true :-)

11 Sep 07 - 11:52 AM (#2146446)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Llanfair

So that's a no, then?

11 Sep 07 - 12:04 PM (#2146456)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

I'll stake my reputation on the following predictions:

1. Somewhere people will be killing other people.

2. There will be weather-related disasters.

3. Some people will be poor and some will be very, very rich.

4. The planets will continue to orbit the sun.

5. The Universe still won't give a tinker's damn about humanity.

11 Sep 07 - 12:16 PM (#2146466)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Amos

YEah, smart bet, Rapaire. First of all your reputation is dubious already, and by 2012, it will be moreso, and decayed to boot. Secondly, who would want to collect on such a bet? And thirdly, how would they collect even if they wanted to?

"Awright, wise guy. Trying to stiff the Family, are ya?   I got two big, mean friends here with baseball bats. Meet Luigi and Romeo. Now, hand over your reputation, or I'll hand you your kneecaps. What's it gonna be, pal??"


11 Sep 07 - 02:26 PM (#2146581)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Ebbie

The most recent date to beware of is September 21, 2007. Remember? There are serious betting people out there gambling billions of dollars that something will END on that day. Or something like that.

11 Sep 07 - 03:23 PM (#2146636)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

I hope to end my work week that day.

11 Sep 07 - 11:20 PM (#2146953)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Donuel

The Mayan words were written in knots in a rope.

It just might be that they ran out of rope at the 2012 mark.

11 Sep 07 - 11:26 PM (#2146959)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Ebbie

I just had the bemused thought that I couldn't tell you how many dates I have heard and read that were supposed to be the end. I even have a relative in the distant past who foretold the end as being 1848 and on the day in question, his flock, having sold (sold? They needed money where they were going?) gathered on a hilltop and waited. And waited. And waited. And finally went home. Then their leader sat at his desk with his papers and pencils and came back to them and said, I miscounted. The end is coming next year.

Damn and blast if they didn't gather again.

11 Sep 07 - 11:29 PM (#2146961)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Peace

Sounds like Thanksgiving.

11 Sep 07 - 11:38 PM (#2146967)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

Nah, it was the Incas who used knotted cords.

11 Sep 07 - 11:49 PM (#2146977)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Amos

Quipus, as noted, were an artifact of the Incan empire, not the Aztec.

The Aztecs used a writing system that was partially pictographic, which they inherited from the Mixtecs.


11 Sep 07 - 11:51 PM (#2146979)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Peace

It's interesting to 'look at' the history of astronomy. It amazes me that people we seem to think were 'primitive'--at least by today's standards--were really so advanced.

12 Sep 07 - 12:30 AM (#2146998)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

Actually, Peace, I have to disagree.

Could we build a pyramid in the Central American jungle without our power equipment? Carve and raise the heads on Easter Island? Create a base 12 mathematics system from scratch, much less one in base 16? Create buildings as astronomically precise as Stonehenge, Woodhenge, and tombs of the Boyne Valley? Create and sail craft to populate Oceania? Create a culture that not only survives, but flourishes, in the Arctic?

Our ancestors were quite as sophisticated and knowledgable as we are. True, their knowledge was in different directions than ours, but it was still as dazzling as our own -- and in some ways perhaps more so.

12 Sep 07 - 04:25 AM (#2147074)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: PMB

Could we build a pyramid in the Central American jungle without our power equipment?

Yes, though we wouldn't want our rulers to have the power over us implied by that.

Carve and raise the heads on Easter Island?

Little problem. Motivation is the only issue. Easter Island was a prime example of willy waving run riot, and they ended up destroying their own ecological system.

Create a base 12 mathematics system from scratch, much less one in base 16?

1, or 0x01 perhaps.

Create buildings as astronomically precise as Stonehenge, Woodhenge, and tombs of the Boyne Valley?

Yes, and far more precise, and regularly do.

Create and sail craft to populate Oceania? Create a culture that not only survives, but flourishes, in the Arctic?

People have done that not once but several times independently, BTW. The main thing stopping marginalised people from learning to survive in inhospitable environments today is mass communication and restrictions of movement, plus the fact that the numbers would soon overwhelm the resources available.

12 Sep 07 - 09:22 AM (#2147259)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

WITHOUT modern tools and knowledge.

I think I could survive in most climates, given a fighting chance*. But I take with me knowledge accumulated over a lot of years.

However...if you take an average person, the hypothetical TC MITS, and dumped him or her alone into a "hostile" environment, would they survive? Would a group not only survive, but create?

Previous civilizations, like ours, built upon

*Unhurt, clothed, and if dumped into water on something that will float and is big enough to move around on at least a little bit.

12 Sep 07 - 09:24 AM (#2147264)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

Dunno what happened.

I was going to say that every civilization, including ours, is built upon the knowledge of the past -- a pyramid of knowledge, if you will. Whether we actually investigate and learn to use that knowledge is a different story.

12 Sep 07 - 09:30 AM (#2147270)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Amos

Looks like you fell off the edge of the world, there, Rapaire. Hope you landed ok.

You were actually agreeing with Peace, I think.

In the ancient Mayan ruins high above Oaxaca, called Monte Alban, there are stone plates depicting all the variations on childbirth complications and their remedies, as well as a large pyramidal building with 3-4 foot thick stone walls. In the interior there is a hole in one wall drilled at a precise angle such that it aligns exactly with the location of (I think it is) Arcturus at sunrise on the solstice.

There was a lot of sophistication, in these civilizations. There was also a lot of barbarian impulses founded on whacko religious beliefs -- much like today. We've just had a few centruies to improve our processes and technical knowledge.


12 Sep 07 - 09:48 AM (#2147288)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

And, for the most part, we don't overtly engage in human sacrifice.

12 Sep 07 - 09:52 AM (#2147292)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

Story goes that a young reporter was sent out to interview an old cowboy, try to report what he'd learned from a long life.

His response is supposed to have been:

"Well, there's about 1 percent of the folks who study up and read and think things through and then decide whether or not to do 'em. And there's maybe another two percent who study up on 'em before they go on an' do 'em anyway. An' the rest of us jist keep pissin' in our boots."

12 Sep 07 - 11:52 AM (#2147386)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Donuel

The Earth is warmer from CO2 increases and other causes.
There are slow Earth tilts with cycles of 42,000 year cycles and so on. ( it is curious that ancient Buddist as well as Christian writings feature 42 with great significance, long before Douglas Adams was born)

Why have we found that Mars and several other planets are also getting warmer?
Do they also have these subtle wobble shifts?

Is anyone willing to entertain a non Euclidian, non Newtonian and non Occam Razor explanation?

Suppose that our Solar system has other orbiting mass and energy that we can't see. What if dark matter planets or small unignited stars of dark energy are in a highly elliptical orbit that comes around every 36 millenia?

What if there is a heating of normal mass from interaction with dark matter? What is the gravitational influence on our solar system if dark bodies are on their way in to make a close pass around our sun?

Personally I lean toward a cosmic electrical phenomenon as the cause for increased heating effects in the solar system due to hyper spatial interaction with our "normal matter".
But then again this may just be two different ways of describing the same thing like particle vs. wave.

Sure there are too many "what ifs" in this wild hypothesis and I do not even know what to look for in this invisible spectrum but at least this idea is imaginative. This idea mostly makes me ask more questions until the truth is revealed that my cosmic notions are totally full of shiste. Are invisble things headed this way again as a fait de complete or is this notion complete de merde?

PS Zakaria Sichkin is definetly full of it!

12 Sep 07 - 12:05 PM (#2147401)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Liz the Squeak

How would we know if invisible things were headed towards us? They may already be here... perhaps they are...

Where's the tinfoil?


12 Sep 07 - 12:17 PM (#2147413)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

We are bombarded every second by things we can't see: dust, various forms of radiation, etc. You might want to investigate Chandra and Hoyle's theory on influenza....

12 Sep 07 - 01:00 PM (#2147468)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Donuel

I was referring to an invisible "particle" perhaps the dark mass equivalent of Saturn headed this way.

Rapaire, I bet the chills one gets from space flu are wicked.

While some virus can exist in space in its unique quality of being neither alive nor dead, the flu that is already here is enough already.

Have you heard of the possible trans species mutatgenic ability of some virus? A scientist suggested that unexplained feline genes in certain animals including Man might be explained by a virus carrying some DNA from one hosst to a totally different species and reproducing it the hew host.

12 Sep 07 - 01:09 PM (#2147475)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

A mass equivalent to, say, Saturn would cause changes detectable by our level of instrumentation even if it came in perpendicular to the plane of the elliptic. This would be whether the mass was composed of regular or "dark" matter.

The first thing noticed would be orbital changes, possibly as late as the asteroid belt but probably sooner. Should such a mass come in 90 degrees to the elliptic you would see solar mass attracted in its direction.

I'd rather it came in that way, in fact. Zip, and it's past all the planets.

But you must also realize that the solar system is very, very large and even the Sun takes up by a very small fraction of the space. I haven't done the math, but even a wandering G-type star, dark or otherwise, impacting the solar system at or beyond say, the orbit of Uranus or Neptune, wouldn't do much damage to Earth. In fact I'd kinda like to see it.

12 Sep 07 - 01:22 PM (#2147488)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Amos

And, for the most part, we don't overtly engage in human sacrifice.

3700 strapping American soldiers, 3500 citizens here, and perhaps 100,000 citizens in Iraq and Afghanistan (who knows?) have died because God spoke to George Bush while Allah was whispering in Osama's ear. If that ain't human sacrifice, I dunno...


12 Sep 07 - 01:42 PM (#2147505)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: beardedbruce

The sun is a variable star. Thus the present climactic changes noted on Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. No need for additional "invisible" matter.

12 Sep 07 - 02:09 PM (#2147530)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: beardedbruce

Also, even if the sun was not variable, the following would cause changes:

1) Astronomical Causes

11 year and 206 year cycles: Cycles of solar variability ( sunspot activity )
21,000 year cycle: Earth's combined tilt and elliptical orbit around the Sun ( precession of the equinoxes )
41,000 year cycle: Cycle of the +/- 1.5° wobble in Earth's orbit ( tilt )
100,000 year cycle: Variations in the shape of Earth's elliptical orbit ( cycle of eccentricity )


12 Sep 07 - 06:15 PM (#2147745)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Bill D

Nothing like open-ended predictions with disclaimers and "already done" parts to keep the faithful clamoring...

These folks assert that "Maitreya, the World Teacher" is already here, but is biding his time for appearing to everyone until the world 'is ready'....etc...

12 Sep 07 - 09:57 PM (#2147880)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

I dunno. I think Kali is more likely to show up than Krishna.

13 Sep 07 - 12:10 PM (#2148411)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Liz the Squeak

Judging by what's been happening in the world, weather wise, in the last few years, Kali is already here in both demon and goddess forms!


13 Sep 07 - 08:25 PM (#2148654)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: GUEST,Annamill

Does anyone remember in the yr. 2000 everyone was coo coo over computer failure and the world ending? Well, as a programmer we modified a lot of code (a lot..) to adjust "010100" Jan 1, 2000 to
"000101" 2000, Jan. 1. Date calculations were used by adding or subtracting dates. Before 2000, you could subtract "010198" from "010199", but just try subtracting "010100" from "010199". oops!

Now, while we can see these numbers on screen, in computers they are stored quite differently. Using binary. I have forgotten the exact representation, but I remember fellow programmers stating that all was well now that we've made these changes, but... sometime in the future we would have to worry again because the space allocated for dates "120101" would run out!! Oops again! I don't remember the year this was suppose to happen. Perhaps its 2012??? The number 2034 comes to mind also. I don't remember, sorry, but maybe this is it.

If some other person who has this knowledge could enlighten me, is this the problem being referred to in this thread?

Thank you, Annamill

14 Sep 07 - 03:54 AM (#2148851)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: PMB

03:14:07 UTC on Tuesday, January 19, 2038

That's when signed 32 bit timers (as used by the Posix standard), measuring time in seconds from January 1st 1970, will roll over (, apparently making the date Friday December 13th 1901.

14 Sep 07 - 04:27 AM (#2148870)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

I think the problem refered to is one of global destruction by the forces of nature, rather than a man-made apocolypse... but I may be wrong!


14 Sep 07 - 04:45 AM (#2148886)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Llanfair

This has turned out to be a very lively thread!! I have to say that any diversion from the bloody olympics is a real blessing, apocalypse or no!!!
Did you know that the Arts council for Wales will be short of funds for the next 5 years because it's all gone to the olympics!!!

Anyway, back to the question in hand. Sources say that the solstice 2012 will mark the end of the era of the Hanged God, and the beginning of the era of the Hooded god.
As with most predictions, it is vague. Is the Hanged God christianity?, or more related to the tarot hanged man? Is the hooded God good or evil?

14 Sep 07 - 04:53 AM (#2148893)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Catherine Jayne

I'll be 32 and will be booking a holiday so we are no where near London for the Olympics!

Hanged God.....interesting concept. Might have to do some reading on that one!

14 Sep 07 - 06:04 AM (#2148924)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: PMB

Is the Hanged God christianity?...Is the hooded God good or evil?

Hmmmmm indeed. Will it make any difference? Remember that the Divil is only one of God's poor creatures just like us. the hooded god? Yeah, wha'ever.

14 Sep 07 - 09:13 AM (#2149037)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee


13 Nov 09 - 04:07 PM (#2765534)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Alice

13 Nov 09 - 04:16 PM (#2765536)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Lox

1. The US will have fallen behind both India and China in technology due to a continued decline in the US graduation rate in engineering and science.

I have a friend who works for a company that publishes scientific journals. I am informed that advances in China constitute around 80% of peublished work as we speak.

13 Nov 09 - 04:37 PM (#2765562)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Lox has a friend who likes to exaggerate a wee bit.

Production of Scientific Research papers:
1. U. S. A.
2. China
3. Japan and U. K. about tied.

"Chinese scientists published 172,000 papers in major international journals and meetings in 2006, accounting for 8.4 per cent of the world's total."

Brazil and India are increasingly important in publishing scientific material.

Becoming too much to comprehend, even with the various indexing materials.

13 Nov 09 - 04:49 PM (#2765569)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: katlaughing

On that note, Science Friday on NPR had a neat segment on Adult Graphic Novels such as one on Darwin's Theory of Evolution and what he went through to write it. It was a very interesting segment and I look forward to reading the comic.

13 Nov 09 - 05:37 PM (#2765604)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Bobert


Ahhhhhhhh, the end of life as we know it as...

... Sarah Palin will be elcted the next prrsident with Joe the Plumber as her VP...

Life don't get much stranger than that...


13 Nov 09 - 06:09 PM (#2765616)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Little Hawk

Quick! See the other 2012 thread for the real scoop!

13 Nov 09 - 08:05 PM (#2765676)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: kendall

90% of all the creatures that have ever lived are now extinct. Why should we be different?

14 Nov 09 - 11:29 AM (#2765954)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Stringsinger

The changes are happening now. Global warming. Storms and droughts. International corporate takeover. A return to 1929. Two meaningless wars.

14 Nov 09 - 03:05 PM (#2766068)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Stringsinger endorses Sarah Palin for president.

14 Nov 09 - 03:42 PM (#2766094)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: robomatic

thanks for the link. I heard that piece yesterday and it brought hope that just as cheap flathead christianity was popularized by J Chick publications spread around parking lots and campgrounds, the day may come when reprinted comic publications on behalf of Darwinism may return the favor and rescue the cultural IQ of mainstream america.
may the blessings of saint chuck be upon you all.

15 Nov 09 - 04:27 AM (#2766297)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: polaitaly

I read the thread from the beginning
the post from Barry Finn of the 10 of September brough tears to my eyes

15 Nov 09 - 08:25 PM (#2766705)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Stringsinger

Just follow the Hollywood press agents.

2012 ending of the world is a hoax.

15 Nov 09 - 08:38 PM (#2766713)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Art Thieme

I predictin 2012 more people will die playing golf---just like my uncle did.

He fell off the ball wasah.


15 Nov 09 - 10:27 PM (#2766748)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Rapparee

What do we know about 2012?

Well, it's divisible by 2, 4, 6 and itself, so it's not a prime, which you could tell because 2 is the only prime even number. It's square root is 44.855322984.... Its square is 4,048,144. 20 and 12 are popular shotgun gauges (bores). 12 is a dozen and 20 is a dozen and two thirds.

Does any of this anything?

15 Nov 09 - 10:41 PM (#2766754)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: GUEST,TheKing

I believe 2012 is whatever we believe will happen, we will go in the way we want to. The decion will be clear to every one.

15 Nov 09 - 11:08 PM (#2766758)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: Bill D

Oh, pooh! oh....excuse me... I mean, Oh, hogwash!

15 Nov 09 - 11:55 PM (#2766770)
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
From: John O'L

I wonder if the Mayans weren't looking a little too far ahead.
I mean, did they see the Spanish coming?