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BS: What made you happy today

13 Sep 07 - 10:38 AM (#2148325)
Subject: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

So what made you happy today, for me it was in my work.

I visited a young GP, who had suddenly lost his hearing, suffered with severe Tinnitus and had been diagnosed with Menière's disease. This young man was thinking he may have to give up being a GP as he was struggling and was desperate. I visited him as a specialist for the deaf and hearing impaired, and after about 1.5 hours we had found equipment that supported him and found a particular electronic stethoscope that was also suited. It gives me a great feeling knowing I have made someone happy and brightened their day, how about you?


13 Sep 07 - 11:04 AM (#2148350)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Wesley S

Watching cartoons with my 6 and a half year old. He likes to snuggle up under my left arm and get under the covers in our bed before we go downstairs for breakfast.

13 Sep 07 - 11:09 AM (#2148353)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Walking the beach with Seamus, on a beautiful autumn morning, with blue skies, fluffy white clouds and warm sun. This was the last time for a while that I can take him to the beach as I'm in for a hernia repair tomorrow and will be taking it very easy for the next few weeks.

The other thing that made me happy was that Kendall had a little bit of voice come through in conversation this morning.

Life is very good.

13 Sep 07 - 11:17 AM (#2148358)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Desdemona

A nice long walk with my lovely partner and our lovely doggie on a beautiful New England September morning; as it's only 11am, I have high hopes for the rest of the day!


13 Sep 07 - 11:42 AM (#2148388)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

A birthday card in the post from a very special friend, and yes... I'm following the instruction to not open til tomorrow!

That and the beautiful little brooch that Limpit's piano teacher, Ludmilla presented me with - little sparkly crochets (music notes)!

I like birthdays that come a day early!


13 Sep 07 - 11:43 AM (#2148390)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Rapparee

Waking up alive.

It's been downhill since then....

13 Sep 07 - 11:45 AM (#2148391)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: The PA

Car started first time - how good can it get !(I'm easily pleased)

13 Sep 07 - 11:58 AM (#2148399)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Ahhh all those gave me a lovely warm feeling inside, and made me smile also for you all. Good luck tomorrow jacqui c with hospital and brilliant news re precious moments are just wonderful.


13 Sep 07 - 03:57 PM (#2148438)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

The plumber showing up, on time(!), to unstopper the commode, so the tub doesn't back up, again! Well, and so we can pee in the toilet, again! If he'd done it right the first time....mutter, mutter.**bg**

Since my day is only half past, I am looking forward to a very good time when I pick up Morgan, my grandson, from preschool. We always have happy times together.

Great thread!

13 Sep 07 - 04:15 PM (#2148452)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jeffp

Actually felt good enough to go back to work today after having all my teeth extracted on Tuesday and getting dentures. It's nice to have a smile that I don't mind people seeing.

13 Sep 07 - 04:32 PM (#2148463)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

My speech therapist is all but ecstatic for my progress, and she says if things continue as they are, all I need is therapy and probably no more operations.

13 Sep 07 - 05:40 PM (#2148527)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Rapparee

Kendall, you really should shout for joy!

13 Sep 07 - 06:45 PM (#2148570)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: wysiwyg

Sunshine, after a week of fog and clouds.


13 Sep 07 - 06:57 PM (#2148582)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Ebbie

Kendall, that is marvelous news. There won't be any stopping you.

Jacqui, good luck on the hernia repair. I had one done a few years ago - in the diaphragm - and was glad to get past it with minimal pain and discomfort.

What makes me happy today? Several of us met at noon in a downtown arts place and played for an hour and a half. Mostly instrumentals- but very nice.

13 Sep 07 - 07:23 PM (#2148605)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Pauline L

Kendall, I'm glad to hear the good news.

I always get satisfaction from teaching, but today was unusually good. I've been working for a few weeks with a young man with autism. He plays very well, and he really did a good job today. What makes me feel especially good is that he started talking to me today. That was a breakthrough that made me very happy.

13 Sep 07 - 07:58 PM (#2148630)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: RangerSteve

I recieved some CD's in the mail today, Tex-Mex and New Mexican music, and they're excellent. Also got word that my custom-made cowboy hat from Wyoming is in the mail today. The local produce stands now have squash, sweet potatoes, apples and cider. I watched the movie "Topper" today, which for some reason I have managed not to see until today.

13 Sep 07 - 08:03 PM (#2148637)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

A little more...Morgan made up a song and sang it to me:

Won't you be my cheerio, won't you be my cheerio, won't you be my cheerio, All day long?!

When I put him on the phone to sing it to his mom, he changed it to Won't you be my *fuzz-head, etc.

*funny head


13 Sep 07 - 08:29 PM (#2148655)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Woke up, got out of bed, nothing important fell off.

13 Sep 07 - 08:43 PM (#2148662)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Sandra in Sydney

nuffin' particular yet (it's only 10.30), but yesterday I had lunch with an ex-colleague & stayed in reception for a while talking with other (ex) colleagues (I love watching wage slaves working!!) then wandered off to our fanciest department store to look at their 'Fabulous Festival of Fantastic Flora' inspired by Graeme Base's famous and much-loved children's book 'Animalia'. Spring has definitely sprung.

I kept going wow! eyes popping out at the displays & intend to go back with my camera before it's pulled down.


14 Sep 07 - 12:00 AM (#2148784)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Ebbie

Another reason this was a happy day is that the weather was perfect. Colored leaves have floated everywhere and I picked up one that I decided was a color called 'Autumn Birch' and two others, a deep umber and the other a red-orange one. There was a light gusty breeze blowing and the sun was warm. The air has a clarity unmatched anywhere. It is Autumn, for sure. Lovely.

14 Sep 07 - 12:17 AM (#2148790)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: KT

GREAT thread idea, rock chick!

I worked all day, and when I got home, headed for a walk in the mountains to enjoy the last light of a glorious autumn day! Heard the crunch of dry leaves underfoot and could smell fall in the air. Gratitude was the prevalent feeling....

Pauline....what a wonderful breakthrough for you and your student today.....Jacqui-speedy recovery and do take it easy. Kendall-Yahoo! Keep it up! Thanks everyone for sharing those happy moments!


14 Sep 07 - 12:25 AM (#2148795)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: JennyO

This is actually yesterday's post which I couldn't submit because the Cat was down, so it's about what I did yesterday.

It was a perfect warm sunny Spring day today, so I took a few minutes to walk around the garden and look at the new growth everywhere and be assailed by all the gorgeous Spring smells.

First stop was the lemon tree, so I could bury my nose in the first fragrant flowers of the season. The tree is covered with pink buds, as well as some of last year's lemons. The passionfruit vine is recovering from the snail invasion now that I've picked them all off, and new growth is everywhere on it. The Chinese Star Jasmine has fresh green tendrils waving around looking for something to grab on to, the sage has new bright green leaves, and the peach tree is covered with pink blossoms and new little green leaves are just starting.

There's my sweet scented jasmine pretty in pink all over the fence, and as I walked past my big climbing rose that is covered with new red leaves and buds, I was struck by the strong scent of rose, even though none of the flowers are out yet. I picked a few little freesias that sprang up in the front lawn and put them in a vase with a few sprigs of jasmine next to my bed. Heavenly! I love Spring!

14 Sep 07 - 12:48 AM (#2148805)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Ebbie

Jenny O, the seasons are opposite but the emotion is the same!

14 Sep 07 - 01:18 AM (#2148811)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: JennyO

Absolutely, Ebbie. I can really relate to your feelings about Autumn too! In general, I think I prefer the in-between seasons, especially around the time of the equinox. Often the best sunsets are around those times - and I do love a good sunset!

Today the weather has been somewhat different. It was warmer, but overcast - working up to a thunderstorm. It was only a little storm, but fun while it lasted. Big splashy drops, enough to soak the ground and freshen up the garden, a few rumblings, and it was gone. All those negative ions are great for boosting one's energy, so I'm off to clean the house :-)

14 Sep 07 - 01:38 AM (#2148817)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Metchosin

Took the day off work today and got to cheer on a couple of friends and watch them and their team mates ultimately win gold medals in Dragon Boat racing at the BC Senior Games. Good company, beautiful weather and a fun day all round.

14 Sep 07 - 03:13 AM (#2148840)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: JennieG

Knowing that we are one day closer to being with our son again - haven't seen him for 2 1/2 years and we miss him. 9 days to go.


14 Sep 07 - 03:56 AM (#2148852)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

The smile my son gave me this morning when I lifted him out of his cot and a lovely phone call from a good friend about meeting up this weekend with her daughter and fiance.

Great thread RC, good to see you about x

14 Sep 07 - 04:07 AM (#2148861)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Liz the Squeak pretending to work

The naughty Birthday text message I got from a friend... she really shouldn't do that when I'm trying to pretend to work!


14 Sep 07 - 04:31 AM (#2148873)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: autolycus

Oh, ok, happy birthday,Liz.

   Wishing you well kendall and jeff - all? your teeth, my commiserations.

   Yesterday's today is today's yesterday - had tea/coffee with a younf polish woman from work, met a fellow astrloger, found a performance of Mahler 1 that I didn't know about and nor does the Mahler discography compiler, enjoyed the summer/autumn sunshine, found some beat jokes in a book I found ("I've Taken a Page in the Bible!" compiled by the late Alfred Marks" - see latest joke thread for an example); had lors of laughs with a current brilliant improvised beeb show Mock the Week.

And finished watching young performers at the Proms - national Youth orchestra of Great Britain, European Community Youth Orchestra.

Above all, the wonderful, awe-inspiring Simon Bolivar youth Orchestra of venezuela. They are the product a la sistem (?) where street children who've fallen into crime are given the choice of prison or intennsive music study leading to orchestral plating.

the results are stunning - they play terrifically, have a gifted young conductor,Gustavo Dudamel, (who's now to be the next director of the L.A. Philharmonic), and played some items in spectacular and colourful (to say the very least) outfits, swayed in their chairs some of the time, danced about too, twirled instruments, and generally brought the house down.

now if more concerts were done like that,.................

Slept good.


14 Sep 07 - 08:13 AM (#2148993)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: el_punkoid_nouveau

See thread on Folk 'n Cricket - Maddy Prior as opening batsman for England!


14 Sep 07 - 08:19 AM (#2148997)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Cats at work

Phoning up a student who has not been able to come into school for over a year due to her Tourettes tics being so severe to invite her back into mainstream school next week.

14 Sep 07 - 08:27 AM (#2148999)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

When i feel a bit down, or come to that when anyone feels a bit down just come and read these threads and all your happiness rubs off on me, and who ever needs it at the time. X

14 Sep 07 - 11:08 AM (#2149134)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

Being able to breath through my nose again (came down with a head cold a couple of days ago)
And the good news from my dad.

14 Sep 07 - 02:33 PM (#2149324)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Sean Belt

Looking forward to a pleasant evening of busking with my musical partner, Dan. It's always a great joy to play tunes with that fellow even if no one throws money!

14 Sep 07 - 02:37 PM (#2149331)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: gnu

Kendall, Becca... do you have any good news on Jac yet?

14 Sep 07 - 02:57 PM (#2149345)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

I've not heard anything yet, Gnu.

14 Sep 07 - 02:57 PM (#2149346)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: annamill

I was able to pay some of my most important bills today. Nothing compared to enjoying the beauties of life around me, but it made me happy TODAY.

Love, Annamill

14 Sep 07 - 03:43 PM (#2149380)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Emma B

While looking up some information for a request on a thread I re read the folk tribute to a wonderful man whose funeral I attended some 4 years ago.

It made me happy to know there ARE people and friends like that in the world.

14 Sep 07 - 03:48 PM (#2149385)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

I'll put up a thread on Jacqui

14 Sep 07 - 08:41 PM (#2149562)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Joe_F

I saw three chipmunks, the second chasing the third.

14 Sep 07 - 09:19 PM (#2149577)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: mg

I got rid of a van I bought but regretted so worked out a deal with the owners (title was screwed up so I never had clear title) for husband who is auto mechanic to do some work on my old less rickety car to worry

14 Sep 07 - 09:57 PM (#2149603)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Helen

I went to the Police Station and filed a report on the accident which wrote my car off on 3rd Sept, and from which I have whiplash, i.e. muscles in neck, shoulder, left arm, lower & middle back are sore.

I needed to file the report to claim some insurance to pay for treatment, but the up side is that, in Oz, if someone is injured in a crash then the driver in the wrong could be investigated by the Police. I'm hoping he gets charged for something like negligent driving. But at least he doesn't get to just mouth platitudes at me: "I'm sorry for the inconvenience". Hopefully he'll be given a hard time, at least.

I've had to walk to station/catch train/walk from station to and from work, making a half hour trip into an hour's "inconvenience" each way. And the insurance on my car will never pay for a car as good as that one. I bought it from my Dad who had it for about 8 years. He's a motor mechanic so he had it running like a dream. It would have stayed on the road, stayed as reliable as ever, for at least another 10 years. It wasn't "just another car". It was a family heirloom. Sentimental value.

So, at least I get the satisfaction of knowing that there is a police report on the other driver, and that it is now rated as a major motor accident.

A screwed up sort of happiness, of the what-goes-around-comes-around variety, but I feel better emotionally now than I did when I woke up this morning.


15 Sep 07 - 07:17 AM (#2149754)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,guest

I was feeling very low this morning but then spoke with the man I truly love, he never fails to brighten my day and make me smile .

15 Sep 07 - 01:35 PM (#2149949)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: KT

Someone with alzheimer's and almost no word retrieval abilities sang with me today!

15 Sep 07 - 03:05 PM (#2150003)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

KT things like that seem to make my worries so insignificant, i have not had a good day but thank you for this, it made me feel warm inside, and i smiled ;-)

15 Sep 07 - 06:28 PM (#2150103)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: mg

wearing my sort of new cashmere

15 Sep 07 - 06:32 PM (#2150105)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Rapparee

A more-than two hour nap, after spending better than four hours at work this morning. After an hour there long after closing, accompanying the cops around after a door was found open.

At least I'm around to complain about The Week From Hell.

15 Sep 07 - 09:04 PM (#2150163)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Alba

What made me happy today? Reading KT's post. Thanks for sharing that with us Darlin.

Love and Light

15 Sep 07 - 09:16 PM (#2150169)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: KT

My pleasure, Jude. I wish you could have been there with us. Your presence would have made it all the more wonderful.

You too, rock chick. (I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you, rock chick. May there be an unexpected, wonderful surprise somewhere in your day! Something to warm that beautiful heart of yours!)


15 Sep 07 - 10:31 PM (#2150203)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Nice, KT.

I was very pleased to see Jacqui eat her orange ice (all 2 oz of it)after insisting she couldn't eat anything.

It is chilly cold tonight and I have four cats and a dog cuddling close.

16 Sep 07 - 05:58 AM (#2150284)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

lots of love to Jacqui..... XX

16 Sep 07 - 12:53 PM (#2150489)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: pattyClink

Going for a walk this morning, and the weather flawless, and the temperature at last has fallen to actual 'cool'.

17 Sep 07 - 03:50 AM (#2150943)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

After a rocky start, finding that my Family History CDRom appears to have dumped all my family trees, (that's over 800 people and 300 years of history), I may have discovered where a lost relative and his families ended up, by looking for someone completely different!

I'm hoping the disc problems is just upgrades not recognising the programme, but you may well see a thread titled 'what made you crabby today' coming later!


17 Sep 07 - 01:57 PM (#2151226)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Oh well after just posting on ' what made you crabby today' I thought I best cheer up, so now I have stopped working, well for a while anyway, now I feel much happier, even have a smile on my face, although the back is still very sore!


17 Sep 07 - 03:11 PM (#2151292)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

I've discovered a whole batch of family members that I might have otherwise missed, because I lost all my computer files... and I'm getting a new Family history CDrom out of it too!

Oh, and I found a potential family member living next door to Thomas Hardy!


18 Sep 07 - 03:35 AM (#2151685)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Blimey've got faamily everywhere!!! *G*

Yesterday I met some new people, had a fantastic time at baby massage and walked 6 miles!

Today is a bright crisp morning!

18 Sep 07 - 05:13 AM (#2151719)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Eye Lander

Kendall, I don't know what happened, but it's made my day reading this thread and seading your progress, long may it continue.


18 Sep 07 - 05:19 AM (#2151721)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Eye Lander

and...... I just got on the scales! The diet is working YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only 6lb gone yet but I am in a mode, and hope it stays a while. Sorry if that seems selfish.


18 Sep 07 - 06:19 AM (#2151739)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Emma B

18 Sep 07 - 07:16 AM (#2151763)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

I've baked a chocolate cake, and it turned out good. I've got an ex work collegue coming round for a cuppa, and some of the cake! this afternoon after I've taken Harry for his that will make him crabby, I should sign him up to the crabby thread!!

18 Sep 07 - 08:41 AM (#2151813)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

I'm making chocolate cake too!!

I'm also making a fuss of Raven kitty who, as you may have seen on the crabby thread, vanished yesterday. We didn't see him for about 24 hours but he turned up this morning just after 7.00am, which makes me think he was being nosey 3 doors down and got shut in when the builders left last night. They start at 7am and he showed up here at about 10 minutes past...

He's been asleep in the sunny window ever since, so I suspect he had a rough night!

So I'm a happy bunny again.


18 Sep 07 - 10:46 AM (#2151913)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Just finished making the topping for the cake and it all looks good!

Glad Raven has come home safe and sound, perhaps he will be a little less nosey now!

18 Sep 07 - 02:04 PM (#2152023)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,ibo

Grandson born,healthy and beautiful and Newcastle beaten by DERBY,Life is great,oh,and its my birthday

18 Sep 07 - 03:13 PM (#2152061)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: skipy

Seeing as this thread started on Sept. 13th & that's my birfday!
I think the fact that my military pension trebled on that day was quite a cheering thought!

18 Sep 07 - 06:14 PM (#2152192)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: skipy

However, there was no "Happy birfday Skipy" thread!

18 Sep 07 - 11:17 PM (#2152367)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: mg

moving to an office with actual windows and hopefully getting a wireless router installed in my house. mg

19 Sep 07 - 12:32 AM (#2152389)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: JennyO

Happy birfday skipy and ibo!

What made me happy today was having fun on Facebook. Also I'm feelin' good, the sun is shining, and the end of the week is looming!

19 Sep 07 - 06:32 AM (#2152508)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: The PA

The fact that the 34 year old Range Rover only failed its MOT on the 2 bolts which anchor the rear seat belts.

See thread, What Made You Crabby Today.

19 Sep 07 - 03:12 PM (#2152850)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Waking up in my own bed today. Bliss!

20 Sep 07 - 12:00 AM (#2153184)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Getting back from work, and relaxing into a nice bubble bath. Simple pleasures can be great.


20 Sep 07 - 12:11 AM (#2153193)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: KT

Knowing Jacqui is home and well on the way to recovery!

20 Sep 07 - 09:55 AM (#2153400)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

Just talked to the vet's office and after a night there with a catheter in to remove a urinary tract blockage I can go pick up my kitty this afternoon. I can't express how relieved I am as a friend's cat died from the same problem a year ago, although admittedly her cat was a bit older than mine. I can't wait to go home and snuggle up in the comfy chair with him.

20 Sep 07 - 11:36 AM (#2153458)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Glad your cat is on the road to recovery Becca.

Harry sat up unaided today! oh my, how they grow up so fast!

20 Sep 07 - 12:17 PM (#2153493)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Using my recliner - unaided.

Glad the kitty's better Becca.

20 Sep 07 - 12:56 PM (#2153522)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Neil D

Yesterday was a beautiful day in NE Ohio. Eighty degrees and lots of sun. I was able to walk 5 miles on the O&E Towpath after work. An old man fishing in the canal said "Kinda hot for walking" and I said "But won't we miss it when its gone." I saw a magnificent blue heron glide low over the river and my heart flew with him.
    When I got home my wife, the beautiful Christina, my Immortal Beloved, had prepared a feast of low-carb pasta and homemade sauce with hot Italian Sausage. Then we watched "Other Peoples' Lives"(the movie, of course, not really other peoples' lives). I highly recommend it.
    Today I am still stuck at work, but it's another gorgeous day out there waiting for me when I get off at 4.

20 Sep 07 - 01:28 PM (#2153551)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Guest, Neil D that sound all so lovely it makes me happy to just read it ;-))

jacqui c really happy you are well on the mend.

Catherine Janyne, yes they DO grow up very quiickly, enjoy their growing up years cos it goes too quickly. My twin girls, fraternal, are now 28 half, the youngest ones and I still think of them as my babies......... till they stress me ;-))


20 Sep 07 - 05:01 PM (#2153740)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

I had the wound drain taken out this afternoon - that really was causing me a lot of discomfort. I'm a lot happier moving around now!

RC - my 'baby' is 38 and yes, she still is my 'baby'. Somehow she's gotten the idea that she's my mother though! You may still have that to come!

21 Sep 07 - 03:46 AM (#2154086)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

I had a drain once not very comfortable so know what you mean when you say you're a lot happier moving around now. As for 'my baby' well my son is 30 and if I creep in late at night (like they used to try) he will call out 'night mum' just to let me know he has waited up for me!!! So yes they do try to reverse the parent role as they get older ;-))

I am feeling very happy today, I woke up feeling good, do to have to work, well have the house work but I dont count that, and the sun is not even shining! ;-))

21 Sep 07 - 12:31 PM (#2154349)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Neil D

Just about 16 months ago I was having 2 chest tubes removed after cardio bypass surgery. I was happy to get rid of them but they sure felt weird coming out: like a pair of snakes slithering out. Sorry for the disturbing image, but that was the day I really felt like my recovery began. Best of luck with yours Jacqui.

21 Sep 07 - 12:37 PM (#2154352)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Telephone call from a good friend.

21 Sep 07 - 12:41 PM (#2154355)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John MacKenzie

Fingers crossed, but I have accepted an offer on the motor home I've been trying to sell for about 4 months. If all goes well I will be a VERY happy bunny indeed.

21 Sep 07 - 01:54 PM (#2154411)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Bert

I was sitting down playing with Ayla when she started making this weird noise in her throat kinda high pitched squeak with her mouth closed.

I asked Tree what was the problem and she said "Ah, that's her poopy noise. She has started making that noise every time she poops."

21 Sep 07 - 02:32 PM (#2154442)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Rasener

My daughter was very distressed at school becuase of verbal bullying.
Being Autistic, she was very very upset.
After many e-mails betwen myself and school, the problem seemed to be solved.
She came home from school in a very happy mood and it would seem the issue was sorted.
Its too early to know how it was sorted as my daughter will not offer any comments to us.
However, I don't give a shit. She is happy again as its her birthday this weekend and she won't be worrying about the other issue.

People can be so horrible to special needs people. Bastards.

21 Sep 07 - 02:39 PM (#2154445)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Bert

You're right Villan. You have to keep bullying the school until they get it fixed.

Wish her a happy birthbay from all of us.

21 Sep 07 - 03:33 PM (#2154465)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Genie

What made me happy today - actually last night - also made me sad.   My father has been in very poor and deteriorating health for at least a couple of years and his quality of life had become increasingly poor (macular degeneration, poorer and poorer hearing, asthma and restrictive lung disease, complications from hip replacements leading to poor mobility).   To see a formerly athletic, intelligent, educated man, who was accustomed to being in leadership roles and very active, deteriorate so much in his last 5 to 10 years has been very sad and frustrating for all concerned, not to mention placing a heavier and heavier burden on my mom, who is now 91.    After being officially on "hospice" status at home for the past 15 mo. or so, he finally passed on, very peacefully last night, just 2 months shy of his 92nd birthday, with my mom and my sister (who is also his family physician) at his side.

We will all miss him, and I am concerned for my mom's transition to not having him around after almost 75 years together and 70 years of married life.   But on the whole this is a relief to all of us, including my dad, and a welcome transition.   He is at peace now and the happiness we feel is the sort so beautifully expressed in this song:
"Flyin' Shoes" by Terry Pinnegar


21 Sep 07 - 03:53 PM (#2154474)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Alba

Bless your Father's Soaring Heart Genie.
Thank you for sharing your feelings with us
Holding You and Yours in my thoughts.
Have a safe and peaceful Flight Sir for that is surely what you have earned
Love, Light, Blessings and {{{Hugs}}}

21 Sep 07 - 03:54 PM (#2154477)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Rasener

Thanks Bert

Genie my condolensces and I understand how you feel.

Last year my father passed away at 90 (almost 70 years married), leaving my mother alone in a nursing home with macular degeneration, angina, arthritus, poor circulation, wheelchair bound and in nursing care.

He could have run in the olympics but his parents couldn't afford the cost in those days. Fit as a fiddle up to 6 months before he passed away. Then he went really down hill and wanted to end it. I was happy when it was over.

My mother is not handling it at all and is so depressed and has had enough. The kindest thing anybody could do is help her on her way.

Keep at it and think of the good things about you Dad.

best wishes.


21 Sep 07 - 04:02 PM (#2154485)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Alba

Oh and Villian ma dear
Give your Daughter a Big Hug from me and please wish her a Very Happy Birth Day from Jude in America if you don't mind.

Love to You and Yours

Yes, I agree with you. People can be very cruel but like a wheel turnig with time their actions will always comes back to them one way or another...then..well let's just call it cosmic justice Villian:)

21 Sep 07 - 04:04 PM (#2154488)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Rasener

And thanks to you Jude. I will do that. :-)


21 Sep 07 - 04:55 PM (#2154523)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Genie

Les and Jude, thanks for your condolences and blessings. Les, it sounds like your mom's situation is much like my mom's.   My mom is physically in great shape for 91, partly because caring for Dad gave her a pretty good workout every day and partly because she has a wholistic-medicine oriented MD daughter nearby.   She's also an independent spirit who's not inclined to feel sorry for herself, but I fear that sometimes extends to not acknowledging some of her own emotional and social needs.   With Dad having gone on, she could be free to enjoy her "golden years" without having to spend so much time and energy on "housekeeping," but finding yourself suddenly free of responsibilities and with lots of time on your hands can be traumatic in its own way.   It won't surprise me if she "follows Dad home" within the next few years.   And, since her short-term memory has begun to deteriorate noticeably, that might not be a bad thing.   She does not want to have her mind 'go' for 10 years before her body finally follows suit.

It is, indeed, a joy when leaving this world is both timely and peaceful.

Bert, congratulations on your daughter's "poopy noises."

And, Les, happy birthday to your daughter and it's good to know that the bully situation is under control, at least for now.

21 Sep 07 - 05:50 PM (#2154561)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Bert

Oh, Ayla's the Granddaughter really.

21 Sep 07 - 10:38 PM (#2154706)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,leeneia

Got the first coat of paint on the new porch floor. I've been telling myself to do it all summer.

[whispering] Now it's storming, but the weather demons messed up. They should have waited until the SECOND coat was new and vulnerable.

22 Sep 07 - 03:08 AM (#2154767)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

Putting the 280th person into the family tree, on just the one side. They can all trace their (or their partner's) ancestry back to one William Dunford, born in 1731.

About 250 of 'em lived in the same village over about 190years. Those 32 kids at mother's school with the same surname that she said we weren't related to? She was wrong!


22 Sep 07 - 05:11 AM (#2154801)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

chatting with a lovely friend yesterday, then spending time with a truly wonderful person and waking up to blue sky and sunshine, what more can you ask for. x

22 Sep 07 - 09:26 PM (#2155365)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Riginslinger

Acknowledgement by the mainstream media that Blackwater is actually working behind the scenes to keep the war in Iraq going.

23 Sep 07 - 12:51 PM (#2155717)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

shopping and more shopping!!!!

23 Sep 07 - 01:45 PM (#2155737)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John Hardly

halfway down the left column

23 Sep 07 - 03:06 PM (#2155790)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Leadbelly

To wake up again after lots of years of living.
Afterwards, to see my 5 cats, when walking through the garden and to give them love.
Listening to singing birds and taking a deep breath of the early morning fresh air.
Walking back into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for my darling.
And above all: to read this great thread,

Manfred from Germany

23 Sep 07 - 03:49 PM (#2155807)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Metchosin

I'm getting a new hydro pole and this time, I don't have to dig the hole for it, like I did for the first one, many years ago. We're hiring someone else with a backhoe to do the job. Yippee! No more days and days of ramming a hole with an iron bar and carefully scooping out the hard pan, from a prone position, using a garden hoe. Yup, we've come a long way. We've entered the machine age.

We're also getting a standby generator! I'll be able to flush the toilet when the power goes out and not have to haul water for the horse. Ain't technology grand?

23 Sep 07 - 03:59 PM (#2155812)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Metchosin

I'm so happy I could hang myself. LOL...... 100!

23 Sep 07 - 03:59 PM (#2155813)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Alice

Chatted with Mudchat friends early this morning when I woke up...
it is great to have friends all over the world.
Woke up remembering that I am taking this week off from work..
and glad to actually have a job to support myself!


23 Sep 07 - 05:12 PM (#2155854)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

The sick kitty is feeling better and actually wanted to play with his brother a little bit this morning.

Spent a few couple at the County Fair and had my yearly treat of hot apple crisp with vanilla ice cream. YUM! Now I'm set until next September.

23 Sep 07 - 10:13 PM (#2156000)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Joe_F

Kindness from people I admire.
A brass band.

23 Sep 07 - 10:55 PM (#2156018)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Stilly River Sage

My daughter was down for a visit and when asked how classes are going in college, expressed frustration about her English lit class. World lit, but with all of these essays in between the lit readings that don't make a lot of sense. Seems my daughter skipped the prerequisite for the class, the intro to theory (the contents of all of those confusing essays). FORTUNATELY, Mom has her master's in English lit and was able to do a crash course over the next couple of days on how to understand what the theory is trying to get at. Now how often can a mom teach a teenager something new, and have her appreciate it? :)


24 Sep 07 - 03:58 AM (#2156094)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Harry slept from 7:30pm last night right through until 7am this morning. Normally he's asleep by 8:30pm.

I've got a dining room table at last! Now we can have friends round for dinner!!!

24 Sep 07 - 08:27 AM (#2156212)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

He he Catherine you see the sleep, or lack of it, finally caught up with him in the end, little devil, remember he would not nap the other day. Aren't babies such joy. Lol x

24 Sep 07 - 09:39 AM (#2156252)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

*G* your right Shelagh!

Had a lovely walk and a nice conversation with a complete stranger and her baby in Starbucks. It really nice when people just say 'hello'

24 Sep 07 - 10:08 AM (#2156274)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John MacKenzie

The deposit cheque for the Motor home arrived in the post, and is even now resting in the warm and loving arms of my bank. Looks like it's going to happen at last. I shall go YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY, when I get the balance in my hands on Thursday afternoon.
With pinkies crossed ;->

24 Sep 07 - 10:32 AM (#2156285)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Alba

So Giok, whit yir saying is yir good for a tap on Thursday then....LOL
Jude x

24 Sep 07 - 10:34 AM (#2156288)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John MacKenzie

I'm open to bribery and corruption Jude

24 Sep 07 - 10:38 AM (#2156293)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Alba

Ah noo that's very handy to know Giok. Somehow I jist knew yi wid be open minded like masel....;>)

24 Sep 07 - 11:30 AM (#2156320)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

John Hardly, congratulations! That's a great thing to be happy about!

24 Sep 07 - 11:38 AM (#2156325)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Somehow i feel at peace today x

24 Sep 07 - 11:40 AM (#2156328)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Thats wonderful Shelagh, speak soon xxx

24 Sep 07 - 11:54 AM (#2156345)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

I read the joke 4th joke thread and it made me chuckle lots!!! Lots of good ones in there!

24 Sep 07 - 01:38 PM (#2156424)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

He he just read some of the jokes in the 4th joke thread, and yes they made me laugh lots, some real goodens for sure.
Just what the doctor ordered as i was having some moments of sadness.

24 Sep 07 - 04:51 PM (#2156548)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

I got a get well card from my daughter in the UK.

25 Sep 07 - 12:11 AM (#2156831)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: mg

picking cranberries in the warm sun..they are great berries to pick..grow in huge clusters almost like grapes, you can sit on them and not squish thorns...nice mossy little bed. mg

25 Sep 07 - 11:47 AM (#2157141)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Just finished work..early today. Had a really good day with a deaf student, and its great seeing her mix now ,with confiendence, with hother hearing students in her group. She was so shy at first. Its so nice doing something really constructive with a day.


25 Sep 07 - 03:37 PM (#2157271)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,mg

Finding $75 worth of stamps I had left somewhere. mg

25 Sep 07 - 03:45 PM (#2157275)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: fat B****rd

Not having the "bug that's going around" like I had yesterday.

25 Sep 07 - 06:58 PM (#2157383)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Just received a phone call ;-))

25 Sep 07 - 07:03 PM (#2157385)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: bobad

Replaced my bath/shower fixtures, sweated the joints, turned the water back on, and - no leaks.

25 Sep 07 - 09:47 PM (#2157461)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Bert

You don't tell people that bobad. You wait until they ask if there were any leaks and then you say indignantly "Of course not!"

25 Sep 07 - 09:54 PM (#2157463)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jeri

It started last night. I turned out the lights to go to bed then had to stand by the window for a while. One barred owl called, then another, then two, then the lot of them. It sounded like about 5 or 6, maybe more. I've heard one or two at a time, but not that many. Maybe the full moon meant good hunting.

Today, I went to the beach - something I haven't done for a few years. I walked barefoot in the surf and found a large hunk of black quartz. Some days are just about perfect.

25 Sep 07 - 10:12 PM (#2157470)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: bobad

I didn't think people would be interested in my having a leak, Bert.

26 Sep 07 - 05:56 AM (#2157583)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Paul got a phone call today from his solicitor giving him some very good news about the woodland he now owns in his own right!!! It's the good news we have been waiting for!

26 Sep 07 - 06:25 AM (#2157595)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

Whoopee!!! Good news indeed CatherineJayne, now I have somewhere to bury the bodies!!!


26 Sep 07 - 06:27 AM (#2157597)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

*G*....the space under your patio getting a bit cramped now Liz??!! *G*

26 Sep 07 - 01:33 PM (#2157829)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Mmmm good idea that Liz, I have a VERY big patio, alas no one I really want to bury though ;-) except BT!!!! But even they had a very nice helpful man who cheered me up today, and temporary sorted my internet problems, so I am smiling, well a little ;-)

26 Sep 07 - 07:28 PM (#2158115)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,petr

I wasnt having a good day as its really busy at the printshop and one of our machines is down and will be costly to repair it and all sorts of things are piling up, some customers are really slow to pay.. but...

I called home at lunch time and my 2 1/2 year old daughter answered the phone and said hi..I went to nana and papas (one of her recent conversation starters) even though that was last month, and we chatted for a good 5 mins, (well mostly she chatted) I felt much better afterward.

27 Sep 07 - 06:26 AM (#2158369)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

It's so lovely to hear how the simplest of things can bring a smile to our faces ;-))

27 Sep 07 - 06:52 AM (#2158382)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Mooh

Got my biopsy results back...CLEAN!

Peace, Mooh.

27 Sep 07 - 07:02 AM (#2158386)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Alba

Brilliant News Mooh!
Your happiness is catching:)
Have a great Day!
Warmest Wishes,

27 Sep 07 - 07:50 AM (#2158416)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Wonderful news Mooh - been there and I know how good that feels!

27 Sep 07 - 07:51 AM (#2158418)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Wilfried Schaum

An e-mail from my elder daughter Karoline who started a carreer as songwriter and composer. She divulged that she had put some songs to myspace in May and is now requested to sing from France to Switzerland. In a French magazine she was apostrophed as one of the "beautiful young women armed with guitars" ...
On her website there is also a link to her younger sister Kristina, my wee little nightingale, a classical singer.
What can a father having lost his voice expect more from life than such gifted daughters?

27 Sep 07 - 12:24 PM (#2158601)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Diva

Couple of hours extra work in the archive and getting last minute tickets to the Young Trad on Tour concert this evening

27 Sep 07 - 01:19 PM (#2158647)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Emma B

PMs from true friends - you know who you are :)

27 Sep 07 - 03:22 PM (#2158732)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John MacKenzie

Sold my motor home today, collected the bankers draft, and paid it into the bank.
Now I am REALLY happy.


27 Sep 07 - 04:00 PM (#2158765)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Got the staples taken out today and it didn't hurt at all!

27 Sep 07 - 04:04 PM (#2158768)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Little Hawk

My chiropractic treatment made me happy today. Nice work on the neck and back, and all the kinks are out.

My health food store made me happy. Got a bunch of good stuff there.

Plus, the weather is great today.

27 Sep 07 - 08:25 PM (#2158943)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,hg

My Thursday Friends

27 Sep 07 - 08:48 PM (#2158957)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Joe_F

I got my Internet access back.

27 Sep 07 - 10:08 PM (#2158997)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

Congratulations, Mooh. Great news!

You, too, Giok! And, Jacqui!

I ate the sweetest grapes off my Rog's first grapevine, which I bought for him last year. There's so many we gave some to the neighbours! Next year he says I'll have to stomp some for his "winery." **bg**

28 Sep 07 - 12:32 AM (#2159029)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Art Thieme

Calories! But then I felt guilty!!!!


28 Sep 07 - 01:01 AM (#2159037)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: KT

Had a wonderful dinner with my son.....then came home to read all about what made all of you happy today.......lovely....


28 Sep 07 - 01:06 AM (#2159041)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: JennyO

Well mainly I'm happy because it's my birthday today and we're going out for dinner tonight. Tomorrow my son and daughter and family are coming over for lunch, then tomorrow night I'm going to the Harp with freda underhill and hilda fish to see Dick Gaughan. I reckon that's a lot to be happy about!

28 Sep 07 - 07:44 AM (#2159196)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

When I arose at 6 am, I looked into the mirror and got a reflection.
Morning is always a good time for reflection. If you don't get one,you are probably not going to have a good day.

28 Sep 07 - 08:34 AM (#2159222)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: KT

And if you get two, you probably won't have a good day, either, but you may have had a great evening, LAST night!

28 Sep 07 - 09:20 AM (#2159258)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Mooh

Thanks folks, it's a huge weight off my shoulders.

Peace, Mooh.

28 Sep 07 - 10:35 AM (#2159306)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Walking the beach this morning with my husband and our very happy dog.

28 Sep 07 - 11:17 AM (#2159338)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Alba

Happy to hear that you are well on the mend Jacqui.
Glad the staples have gone.
With Love
Jude xx

29 Sep 07 - 02:29 AM (#2159757)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

Looking at the sofa I started to reupholster last night, and finding it a) still in one piece (rather than several, which is why I had to reupholster it) and b) looking as good as I thought it did last night!

I'm discovering hidden talents - like a complete inability to estimate how much fabric I really need to finish a job... so now I have to go to the fabric store and the market this morning, and that makes me REALLY happy!!

I love our market.


29 Sep 07 - 07:35 AM (#2159842)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

KT, that was a good one!
Been there, done that...

29 Sep 07 - 07:37 AM (#2159843)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: fat B****rd

The smile on my 3 year old grandaughter's face when she listened through earphones to my mp3 player. Buddy's "Everyday" was on at the time.

29 Sep 07 - 04:00 PM (#2160043)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

being home thia weekend ;-)))

29 Sep 07 - 07:52 PM (#2160167)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Little Hawk

I had some great conversations today at the local cafe with a friend I had not seen in some time, and with a couple of interesting people I met who are visiting from Toronto for a couple of days.

30 Sep 07 - 02:50 PM (#2160532)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Yesterday we had a wonderful walk in beautiful woodland and took lots of photos. In time Harry will be running round in the forest finding trees to climb and hide behind. Then we went to pick up my eBay bargain, my new dining room table!

Today we went on the London to Brighton Landrover run. The weather was gorgeous and there was about 900 land rovers of all different ages. We went with a group of friends, had a nice walk along the sea front and dinner in a gorgeous country pub.

A fantastic weekend!, shame it's Monday tomorrow

30 Sep 07 - 03:01 PM (#2160539)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

Jacqui and I went on a long tour with the old car gang. She got tired, but held up well.
I met up with an old friend whom I hadn't seen in over 20 years.

30 Sep 07 - 05:25 PM (#2160634)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Alba

Waking up and thinking "Thank you for giving me another day to plan my evil take over of the World oh wonderous Zarlarg"

It's the simple things every time:)

30 Sep 07 - 05:27 PM (#2160636)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Rapparee

Bernie and Iliamna dropped by on their way from Klamath Falls to Pinedale, WY for some hunting. They brought photos, syrups and some antelope sausage and we had a great visit.

30 Sep 07 - 05:41 PM (#2160653)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

Zarlarg? Don't you mean Gralraz?**BG**

My Rog did all of his "honey-dews" without my reminding him to get them done, in fact he's been quite active and taken the initiative on some of them today which is REALLY kewl! What a wondrous day!

01 Oct 07 - 09:31 AM (#2161049)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Crystal

The hope of another good result in my research, the joy of showing my current results to my supervisor, and the thought that I'm going to a real advanced SCD class tonight and doing dances I've never heard of with a teacher who really teaches to an advanced level!

Oh and the sun is shining too!

02 Oct 07 - 01:03 AM (#2161630)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

Allocating the Secret Santas and having some really serendipitous pairings!!!

PMs later today folks!!


(that's Personal Messages, not PMS and crabbiness....)

02 Oct 07 - 04:07 AM (#2161690)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

LOL Liz!, glad you are having fun doing this!

Harry slept all through the night again, and in his own hand made cot!

05 Oct 07 - 05:31 AM (#2164272)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

The sun shining, well sometimes the simplest of things is enough.

05 Oct 07 - 08:12 AM (#2164340)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Yesterday really - a long phone conversation with my darling daughter and even a few words with my wonderful grandson. Then we went to see Kendall's speech therapist and he knocked her socks off with the progress he's made. Bought lobster for supper on the way back home - a superb day.

Today we're heading over to Vermont for the foliage festival - life really is good!

05 Oct 07 - 10:50 AM (#2164458)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Had a cuppa and lunch with a friend and a good old natter!

05 Oct 07 - 11:09 AM (#2164476)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Stilly River Sage

Yesterday--in my office staff meeting I heard a great story. One woman noted this was her second anniversary working here in the Library Administration office, and was asked to recount an event from the day before. We all attended a library fundraiser luncheon, and she was seated beside another long-time library employee from stacks management. They are of an age, and got talking. When the long-term employee mentioned her maiden name, my office mate realized this was a childhood playmate from 50 years ago. They lived in the same neighborhood and used to walk to elementary school together every day. She was alight when she told us this story.


05 Oct 07 - 09:20 PM (#2164833)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Micca

My Moggie, Morgana the Flatulent seems to be recovering from her operation this week at the vets (she still isnt "talking" to me for visting such indignities on her)and I am so pleased and if you are wondering why it made me happy See Here

05 Oct 07 - 10:58 PM (#2164870)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Ms Morgana often complains via long distance about the inadequate conditions she is forced to endure. Poor little pussy. She and Alice should commiserate about the poor treatment of calico cats worldwide.
Meantime, Seamus is out on the back porch probably for the night after he insisted on pissing off a skunk.
He stinks; my house stinks; the world stinks.
I see a long night and week ahead.
Morgana, you are quite beautiful.
Auntie SINS

05 Oct 07 - 11:02 PM (#2164872)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

I am happy because I have a real job with a real salary and benefits. This afternoon I stopped by to drop off my paperwork and join in a party for the man I am replacing. They have a Friday afternoon cocktail party - whoo whoo.
I am less than happy about Seamus' meeting with a skunk. I stink; Seamus stinks; the house stinks.

06 Oct 07 - 12:07 AM (#2164881)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

Oh, Micca, she is SUCH a doll...reminds me so much of my Miss Pitty-Pat. She will forgot all this and forgive you quite soon.

Sins, has no one told you of tomato juice bathing for skunked dogs?**bg**

I had a wonderful lunch date with my Morgan and his mom, my dau. Rue. Stayed over at their house for 2-3 hours and played with them, the dogs and watched Brother Bear for the umpteenth time. (Morgan loves it!) I don't often get the two of them alone to myself, so it was quite nice.

06 Oct 07 - 03:53 AM (#2164951)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: mg

my car heater came on today and yesterday. It usually only does a couple of days in the summer. mg

06 Oct 07 - 11:12 AM (#2165141)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Taking the bandage off my knee and walking with only one crutch today. Still I could be a bit happier, but my knee is still uncomfortable.

06 Oct 07 - 11:20 AM (#2165146)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

rock chick,
That pain will get easier and easier every day. One step at a time, literally.

06 Oct 07 - 12:24 PM (#2165196)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

Oh, Micca what a beautiful girl! She'll forgive you soon enough. My Mikey had some troubles a couple of weeks ago and it didn't take him long at all to make peace with me for bringing him to the horrible vet's office where they shaved his peeper area (to insert a catheter) and made him stay overnight without his mum or brothers. Now he spends much of his time trying to style his new "haircut" as it grows back in. :-)

06 Oct 07 - 12:27 PM (#2165198)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

A Brazilian, Becca?

06 Oct 07 - 12:36 PM (#2165206)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

LOL...yes, Sins..that's it exactly. Poor guy.

07 Oct 07 - 03:46 AM (#2165683)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

It is called a Brazillian because it shows his nuts?

I'll get me coat.

So far today nothing, but as I've not actually made it downstairs yet....


07 Oct 07 - 11:25 AM (#2165830)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

Ready this thread has made me happy after a crappy drive to work for some OT.

Oh and Liz, Mikey now only has the sack his nuts originally came in...

07 Oct 07 - 11:31 AM (#2165835)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

Ready? Duh...I meant reading.

I have a question for our friends from across the pond. Where does the term Moggie come from?

07 Oct 07 - 12:44 PM (#2165882)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Being out with a friend just window shopping and then the cherry on top was a phone call from a extra speical person.

07 Oct 07 - 06:04 PM (#2166112)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,ed

He Died In Childbirth

I am happy I am not the guy in the short story, in the clicky above.

08 Oct 07 - 01:20 PM (#2166617)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Work work and more work, it coming in quite nicely now....yes I am happy I have work, why?? Because I work for myself, no work no money, lots of work, a reasonable amount of money... thats after the tax man has had his share, but that's another subject and not for this post!!

09 Oct 07 - 01:00 AM (#2167028)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Neil D

Watching The Evil Empire of all sports, the Yankees, go down to defeat to my beloved Cleveland Indians.

09 Oct 07 - 04:49 AM (#2167080)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

We're going to Scotland today!! *G* Looking forward to the Gathering a week on Saturday. Beautiful scenery, quality as a family with my family, then singing and music with friends.

09 Oct 07 - 05:22 AM (#2167097)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Hawker

Well, having such a great group of supportive friends when times get hard really hit home today, thank you all, life is good.
Cheers, Lcucy

10 Oct 07 - 04:43 PM (#2168317)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

I just heard a chickadee out my office window! I'd given up ever hearing them here in the Valley as they seemed to have disappeared. What a joyful and comforting sound!

10 Oct 07 - 05:36 PM (#2168363)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

I was feeling really down yesterday after being told I need crutches for walking for 6 weeks when originally told just a couple of days, although only need them when walking about a lot, and not around the house. Feel a little better today even after being stuck in traffic, not moving, for over an hour! Still as I feel a lot happier this evening I thought it deserved going on here ;-)

10 Oct 07 - 06:18 PM (#2168381)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

I had a really good fundraising meeting with one of my choir members today and she likes my hand made cards! Hopefully this means more money for Cancer Research UK/Breast Aware because she is a lady of taste, so if she likes them, they'll probably sell well!

Plus I made French Onion soup that turned out better than I expected.


10 Oct 07 - 06:25 PM (#2168385)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: maeve

Lovely mushroom soup is bubbling away on the stove, after a chilly, damp day of apple picking for our "new" old cider press. The seckel pears are ready to pick, as are the Airie (aka Hidden Rose) apples. The old dead wood furnace has been dismantled and hauled away for recycling, and the good sturdy Tempwood stove put in its place. Fresh eggs from our bantams are ready for breakfast tomorrow, and we have maple syrup to touch up a cuppa tea.

These are a few of my favorite things...


11 Oct 07 - 03:18 PM (#2169019)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

The wonderful sunset this evening, I just stood there and took it all in; the colours were so wonderfully rich. Life can be truly beautiful at times. Then I remembered why I went out in the first place …to put the rubbish in the bin!!

11 Oct 07 - 04:12 PM (#2169033)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

The anticipation of company from Vermont for the weekend. 2 of my best girlfriends are coming for a weekend of shopping and hanging out. We're going to check out some local music tomorrow night and just have a great time, as we always do when they're in town.

Tomorrow I'll be happy because the day they arrive has finally....arrived. :-)

12 Oct 07 - 12:16 PM (#2169651)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

A very good friend who i thought was living in Spain called and we are going out to catch up tonight ;-)))

12 Oct 07 - 12:23 PM (#2169658)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

I had enough energy to cook breakfast for the house party at SINSULL's this morning, after a wonderful concert last night.

12 Oct 07 - 12:44 PM (#2169678)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: skipy

A major ceilidh band agreed to do my 2008 Folkforms ceilidh on June 6th!
But, I'm not saying who, yet!

12 Oct 07 - 02:17 PM (#2169749)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

My friends arrive from Vermont this afternoon and it sounds like the rainstorm of biblical proportions that started about 3am and woke me up has finally subsided.

12 Oct 07 - 02:22 PM (#2169756)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

Oops...looks like I spoke too soon about the rainstorm....

12 Oct 07 - 03:40 PM (#2169802)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Alba



12 Oct 07 - 04:47 PM (#2169850)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

201 but i dont a day older than !!!! (;^)

13 Oct 07 - 02:04 AM (#2170081)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

Not today but yesterday - lunch with a dear friend whom I've not seen for months - we used to meet up almost weekly, but circumstances have prevented our getting together since June... I'm now wandering round with a stupid grin on my face : )

And I didn't have to pay for lunch this time!


18 Oct 07 - 09:58 AM (#2173604)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Emma B

A small step for many but a gigantic leap for me!

Installed, and actually got to work, the equipment/software to enable me to transfer/edit recordings from my (first ever) camcorder onto CD.

Em, dragged finally into the 21st century :)

18 Oct 07 - 10:53 AM (#2173643)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Ella who is Sooze

a photo of a horse 'smiling' and wobbling it's legs. Fab!

18 Oct 07 - 10:56 AM (#2173645)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Ella who is Sooze

it's the toothy smile sort of horse smile... makes me laugh everytime...

18 Oct 07 - 10:59 AM (#2173647)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Ella who is Sooze

and this morning Flossie chasing her toy rabbit she's reclaimed from a gift I was going to give to someone a year ago. (It's a small cuddly toy she pinched from the bag and has been very attached to - she carries it around) and now and then it gets played with and pounced on...

BTW Flossie is a tabby cat

18 Oct 07 - 07:40 PM (#2174078)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Donuel

not smoking

18 Oct 07 - 09:42 PM (#2174134)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

Good for you, Donuel!

Go, Flossie!:-)

18 Oct 07 - 09:47 PM (#2174138)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Emma B

smoking, and a friend back home from hospital

18 Oct 07 - 09:54 PM (#2174142)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Little Hawk

The silliness on my birthday thread...

And this:

Nina and Monk

19 Oct 07 - 03:56 AM (#2174244)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Eye Lander

Well it was yesterday actually. We were passing a local 'Hongkong Express' and there was a knock on the window, I turned round to see a friend I hadn't seen in a very long time. We went in sat down and had a long chat (and a beef chow mein!) Such a nice suprise.

And the day before - I called into Carphone Warehouse because to get a new card holder for my phone as I had lost the original and the chap in the shop said, 'no no there's no charge, we have loads of them'   

Faith slowly being restored.

19 Oct 07 - 07:32 AM (#2174369)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Ella who is Sooze

had hysterical laughing session in work today for 10 minutes. That cheered me up...

23 May 08 - 07:15 AM (#2347514)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Diva

My apple tree is full of blossom and is if i could just find the camera under the clutter I could take a pic.......

23 May 08 - 07:54 AM (#2347531)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Monday was Harry's birthday. We had a party at Nana's and he had a fabulous time! Oh my, how time does fly. He's walking and 'chatering', all grown up.

Yesterday we had our scan and saw the twins on the screen....truly amazing, we both had a little cry (but that's ok!) They are growing well and are both healthy. We found out what they are too so we can start thinking about names!

A friend is popping over for a cuppa this afternoon and a good catch up natter. And my brother is visiting this weekend as he has got a couple of days leave!!

Your apple tree sounds beautiful take a picture when you find the camera.

23 May 08 - 06:43 PM (#2347865)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Eye Lander

Seeing my grandson of 6 months and being able to have a cuddle.


23 May 08 - 06:52 PM (#2347868)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

My Rog, faithful every day of our almost thirty years together, coming home, safe and sound, at the end of another day at work.

23 May 08 - 07:05 PM (#2347874)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: frogprince

I put in a shift at out local art association gallery today. Right now one section of the gallery is full of art from all the high schools in the county. A lot of these young people are doing excellent work; not "good for their age", just excellent, no qualifiers. We also had a pretty good turn out of appreciative viewers.

23 May 08 - 07:08 PM (#2347876)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Joe Offer

I've been homeschooling my stepson through high school, and we have two weeks left. He had a lot of learning and social problems coming out of eighth grade, so we decided on homeschooling. He has blossomed in the last four years, and now he's eager to start college and I think he's ready for it. And today he's off on a flying lesson.
I'm proud of him (and of his mother).

23 May 08 - 07:11 PM (#2347877)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: LilyFestre

Following my gut.

23 May 08 - 07:45 PM (#2347890)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Big Al Whittle

A really good day.

This morning I managed buy my wife a cheap car at the car auctions.

This afternoon my cardiologist discharged me and said my condition was as stable as he could achieve.

But what has given me most joy has been a series of PMs from Ard Mhacha - we've been discussing Patrick Kavanagh. I have got really interested in On Raglan Road after hearing a Pete Rowan version of the song on Ard's website.

Its really opened up a song   for me that I've never liked much previously - having heard all the versions that people regularly go doolally about (Luke Kelly, Ronnie Drew, etc). I'm just loving my life working on this great song.

I wish you all such good days


23 May 08 - 09:22 PM (#2347921)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

I spent the day with my daughter and grandson, over on a short visit from the UK. My wonderful husband cooked dinner for all of us and I sat and watched Superman Returns with Lewis until he went to sleep.

A very good day.

24 May 08 - 11:37 AM (#2348160)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

My brother is here! Last saw him for his passing out parade at the beginning of April. It's fantastic to see him and catch up on his adventures!

24 May 08 - 12:07 PM (#2348181)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

jacqui, enjoy them while they are there. That's great they can come across to see you!

I was happy to get a phone call form my daughter and my grandson, Morgan, who are travelling in Wyoming this weekend. They were in a spot with no cellphone service, so I hadn't actually heard from them since they went up there. They hit snow all of the way up. I was very happy and relieved to hear from them!

24 May 08 - 01:01 PM (#2348208)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Kat - I hope they're having fun in the snow - I bet Morgan likes it!

Another good day - we went yard saling all morning, got some bargains and spoilt Lewis well and truly. We're out to TRUBRIT's for a cookout tonight.

24 May 08 - 01:12 PM (#2348220)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jack Blandiver

Watching The Pierrotters in ther sun-lounge of the North Pier in Blackpool this afternoon; pointless perfection & a rendition of Pasadena that beggared belief...

24 May 08 - 01:35 PM (#2348230)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

In tears at the passing of Utah Phillips but very glad that I had the chance to meet him and share a meal.

24 May 08 - 02:34 PM (#2348265)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Too true Mary - the Golden Voice of the West has gone to join the Choir Invisibule...........

25 May 08 - 03:31 AM (#2348607)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Goldrush Paul

the smile on my sons face this morning and his outstretched arms. warms the heart.

25 May 08 - 02:42 PM (#2348903)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: rock chick

My mum was taken ill yesterday with a stroke, but today she seems to remember my brother, yesterday she did not recognise any of her family.

My wonderful loving partner

My eldest daughter expecting my first grandchild (Christmas day)

One of my twin daughters passing her driving test the other week

The warm sunny day with the brilliant sunshine

Spending the day in Edinburgh....... shopping ;^)) and having the first ice cream of the year.

My new hairstyle

Oh it's a grand day today, and its 7.35pm and the sun is still shinning with bright clear blue sky.

Knowing all is well with you and the twins Catherine Jayne, not forgetting both the boys also ;-)

Now to relax with a nice glass of wine…perfect


25 May 08 - 04:14 PM (#2348954)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Sorry to hear about your mum RC, we are sending emergy for a full and swift recovery. Stay strong.

Drove my brother back to Hythe and went for a country drive around the Kent coast in the sunshine. London was misty and damp when we got back but it's been a lovely day.

25 May 08 - 04:22 PM (#2348959)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Ooo...forgot to say....Congrats to you and your daughter!

25 May 08 - 04:35 PM (#2348968)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Amos

On the streets of San Diego, California, this morning, waiting for breakfast, a new father came up with his perhaps 10-month daughter in his arms. She was so alive, and alert, and had the friendliest goofy grin on her face, looking out at the world, that it was impossible to take life half as seriously as "one is supposed to", just looking at her bright and hopeful spirit.


25 May 08 - 05:49 PM (#2349006)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

A wonderful day for me---I didn't work at all which is quite unusual for me -- except for two phone calls that secured one of my clients their new home. The sun is shining - I weeded the garden -- stopped at a coffee shop and had a cup of coffee with Tom - and generally felt that life was soooooo good...

25 May 08 - 05:55 PM (#2349013)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John MacKenzie

Kids eh, once they get too big for the oven, they're no good to anybody.


[I'm under the table if anybody [nice] wants me.]

25 May 08 - 06:12 PM (#2349019)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: gnu

I put the potted flowers out at dawn. There was a touch of frost on the rooves. After I hung the last basket of mini-petunias from the eave of the garage, he appeared. I froze in mid sip of my tea. He worked his way along each of the five flower baskets I hung from the garage. Then, he was arm's length away. He came closer and stared, as if to say thank you and went back to feeding.

He visited me twice more, even though I wasn't near the flowers. Once, he was again just arm's length away. I guess he figures I am in charge of the flowers... God of the Hummingbirds.

I painted, mowed lawns, took Mum out for more flowers and cooked for her, chatted with neighbours, etc.

But, that little bird made my day.

25 May 08 - 06:52 PM (#2349042)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

ah, gnu, how wonderful. My uncle put out feeders every year. Every year he had generations of hummingbirds show up, land on his hat and hand, feeding constantly from the feeders and his garden. Aren't they incredible creatures? Good for you for feeding them, etc.

No kidding, Giok!**bg** Three under two could be holy terrors!

25 May 08 - 08:48 PM (#2349082)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: LilyFestre

What made me happy today? Sleeping in, spending most of the day at home working outside, prepping my pots for my container gardening (some things really DO do much better in a pot), playing with my dogs, having some unexpected company, an impromtu BBQ and a trip to our favorite ice cream joint and taking the long way home. Yes, it's been a wonderful day and all of it made me happy.....I'm looking forward to another day like this tomorrow!!!


25 May 08 - 10:01 PM (#2349107)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: JennieG

Feeling better! I have been off work for two weeks with shingles which I would not wish on my worst enemy. But I have the all-clear to return to work and I am feeling much better. And it's only 313 days until we retire.

But we're not counting.......


26 May 08 - 05:28 AM (#2349230)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Roger the Skiffler

A local pub advertising these two events ON THE SAME EVENING: 8pm Morris Dancers; 7 pm Monthly meeting of local Conservative Association. Just imagining the free and frank exchange of views in the bar later, might almost be worth popping along!


26 May 08 - 05:39 AM (#2349237)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

We don't have an issue with 3 under 2. Twins run in both families and with pretty much the same age gap too. We're looking forward to it. It's a blessing and we have an excellent support network!.

26 May 08 - 06:39 AM (#2349258)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: maeve

It's a wonderful blessing. How lovely to be looking forward to having a family of three much-loved children.

26 May 08 - 07:13 AM (#2349273)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: LilyFestre

Blue skies, birds singing, plans to be kayaking all day and a day off with the love of my's that for a start? :)


26 May 08 - 07:22 AM (#2349278)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John MacKenzie

Interesting post Roger the Skiffler, looks to me like you assume, as do I, that the majority of folkies are lefties. (Apart from Mike Gibson ;))
Why should they not have got along like old friends?


26 May 08 - 11:18 AM (#2349370)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jeri

I woke up to a beautiful day.
I didn't want to get out of my warm bed but had things I wanted to do.
I have music, melodies and words that I love.
I have friends I love.
There is a full summer ahead and at least for now, I can afford petroleum products.
What has hurt me or pissed me off or just made me feel crappy just doesn't matter today.

Nothing made me happy today. I just started out that way.
Disgusting, ain't it?

26 May 08 - 02:45 PM (#2349494)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: fat B****rd

I completed my History Exam (FInal) at 12.05 PM.
The weather is good, so I watered the garden.

26 May 08 - 05:06 PM (#2349598)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Charmion

I had a really great bowl of steel-cut oatmeal for breakfast with an even better cup of coffee and a truly excellent orange, the huge navel kind. Great start to the day!

26 May 08 - 07:18 PM (#2349666)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

We got everything done we set out to do today. See the de-cluttering thread for more specifics!

26 May 08 - 11:39 PM (#2349790)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

One more late in the day! My grandson, Morgan, was on the road, today, coming home with his parents from a trip to Wyoming. He called me from the car to tell me he got me a present. He then called back to ask if I wanted to know what he got me. Without giving me a chance to answer, he told me he had a squirt gun for me and it was purple! (He knows I like that colour.) Two hours later, they made it home, came over to give me my "gift." He handed me a plastic bag, I peeked in and took a deep breath. He'd surprised me. My daughter had stopped by the roadside and cut a few swatches of sagebrush for me. Almost made me cry and Morgan had played a trick on me, teasing me about a squirt gun! I shall dry it and make smudge sticks from it...nothing like fresh sagebrush. Love that smell!

27 May 08 - 07:37 AM (#2350002)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

how wonderful Kat! They do like tricking there nannies, don't they?

Happies this week include watching two of my favourite guys getting together on the same level, it seems. Kendall and my grandson have bonded very well and are enjoying each other's company. Kendall calls Lewis 'The Little Englishman' and Lewis can't wait to get outside for a water fight with Kendall.

27 May 08 - 09:19 AM (#2350062)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

I had Louis for the day Sunday. We had breakfast as a group then off to watch the parade with Genevieve, Kendall's car, as a star performer. Louis and I went to the Christmas Tree Shop and "stocked up", then to my house for time with the kitties then a ball game at Hadlock Field where Louis caught a ball. I am dead lobster red and hurting but smiling - smiling hurts.

Louis managed to unearth at least ten dancing singing contraptions and had them all going at once. He was somewhat taken back by the abundance of cat hair but still asked me not to call his grandmother. Maybe they would forget he was with me and he could spend the night. LOL He is such a joy.
Auntie SINS

27 May 08 - 10:47 AM (#2350125)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Finally managed to mend the gate and trim some random maples. I, of course, am responsible for the water gun Louis purchased. He said that "they are almost impossible to find at home." No water guns in the UK? Or am I a sucker?

27 May 08 - 11:48 AM (#2350164)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Micca

Sins, you have been well and truly conned!! I think.
what gave me great joy, well
Yesterday the Closing Ceremony of the Beltane bash was a Handfasting in the heathen tradition that seemed to have a lot of mead and shouting of Howzat!! (well thats what it sounded like to me) as someone I know that was standing near me said,"a bit like cricket but with less balls" It was a Joyous occasion with some seriously good drumming and lots of mead (did I mention the mead?) and generally a feeling of shared presence, The Bash was also a chance to meet new, and renew old, friendships and to general mix with people with similar beliefs. I feel quite renewed

27 May 08 - 05:39 PM (#2350464)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

A renewed Micca!


Now that could spell trouble!

27 May 08 - 06:48 PM (#2350533)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: rock chick

Just being myself ;^)

27 May 08 - 06:59 PM (#2350539)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Pistachio

Wishing Linda Kelly a Happy Birthday - after singing (with her) all weekend, in Beverley. Listening to a couple of new(to me) CD's and catching up on Mudcat .

27 May 08 - 09:16 PM (#2350629)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Just got a call from my nephew, Chris, known to some of you for his on-line column "Neither Here Nor There". He and his bride, Hope, are pregnant. I am to be a great-aunt once again and am delighted. The baby is due Thanksgiving Day.

The grandparents-to-be are equally pleased - their first grandchild. Life is good.

27 May 08 - 11:16 PM (#2350663)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Wonderful news Mary. If the baby is as talented as it's father the world is in for a treat.

Baby blanket being planned now...............

28 May 08 - 03:02 AM (#2350733)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

Not today, but last Saturday - I bought another pair of handmade sandals from Roosters (Yorkshire, UK, damn fine shoes and sandals) after my other pair died over a year ago.

These are robust, well made and will hopefully last for years. Oddly enough, I've never worn a pair out, but I have had to have one certain strap repaired every time... it's something to do with the way I walk. Anyway... they're so comfy and worth every penny... much better than the nasty things I had to buy last month when my backup sandals decided to fall apart (after a good 5 years of intermittent service). What felt such a good fit on first try turned out to be sheer hell after the first mile. It's all very well having a deep sole that the foot fits into, but the lumps and bumps only correspond to the shape of my foot when I'm standing still. Walking in them gave me a pressure bruise where my foot didn't fit the lump!

I'm sticking to Roosters from now on! (He's getting my other pair in the post to be repaired so I'll have some decent 'backup' sandals again!)

I may not be entirely happy myself, but my tootsies are overjoyed!


28 May 08 - 04:02 AM (#2350765)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Was woken in the early hours by a thunder storm. I sat up and watched the lightening and rain through the window and I feel completely re-energised. It was a wonderful sight.

28 May 08 - 04:06 AM (#2350768)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

I thought I heard thunder, but you know our house.. it could have been Manitas' snoring... or worse.

After a long weekend in a tent with the rain pattering on it non stop all night, I was probably too tired to realise what it was. Could explain why I had a three cat duvet again though.


28 May 08 - 04:50 AM (#2350785)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John MacKenzie

Old Chinese saying Liz.

Woman with three pussies, very popular.


28 May 08 - 06:37 AM (#2350835)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

GIOK! Cellar!

I know what you mean Liz, I have to walk about in a new pair of shoes before making the decision to buy, otherwise it gets expensive for about twenty minutes wear, by which time it's clear that they ain't going to be worn if I have to walk in them!

It's 6.30am here, the sun is shining, my grandson has just emerged from sleep to join me in taking Seamus to the beach for a run, and we've got the whole day ahead of us for fun.

Life doesn't get much better.

28 May 08 - 06:40 AM (#2350842)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: maeve

I'm happy for all of the folks here who have children and grandchildren to enjoy. Such pleasure and treasure there!

28 May 08 - 08:19 AM (#2350925)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

You haven't lived until you have gone shoe shopping with Jacqui. She puts on the shoes and walks away followed by a concerned clerk who thinks she is stealing them. Then she will stop suddenly, announce that they hurt and change back to her own shoes mid-aisle.

I am so happy that Chris and Hope are pregnant. Makes work bearable.

28 May 08 - 11:57 PM (#2351634)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

My son and I are not fighting -- a GREAT day!!!!!!

29 May 08 - 12:03 AM (#2351638)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

Morgan and I started putting his cardboard dulcimer together. We painted it first. He chose green for inside and blue for the outside and stained the wood fretboard all by himself!

29 May 08 - 05:33 AM (#2351753)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Woke up to a beautiful day!

29 May 08 - 07:07 AM (#2351804)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Yesterday Lewis discovered that snakes are wonderful creatures and that he would like one of his own one day. Then we spent the afternoon watching the latest Indiana Jones film in an almost empty cinema (absolute bliss!).

29 May 08 - 08:16 AM (#2351879)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Someone left a Gag It Pink flamingo on my front lawn yesterday. Her accomplice gave her away. "Nanny did it! I saw her!"
I smiled. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

29 May 08 - 08:21 AM (#2351887)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Finally got all the emails out to the performers for our August 2 affair. All are still planning on attending. Flyers and posters are under way. Website is about to go active.
What have I forgotten?

I am so excited. I feel like a kid with a new toy.

29 May 08 - 09:33 AM (#2351943)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: rock chick

Had a call from my eldest daughter, who is 10 weeks pregnant, poor love is suffering morning sickness all day every day, she has lost a lot of weight, BUT the call was to tell me the hospital are not worried and that the scan showed all is well with the baby. She is sending me, by email, some scanned pictures they gave her of the baby. ;^))) My first grandchild :^)))


29 May 08 - 09:49 AM (#2351955)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

rc - trust me, you are in for some of the best times ever. Grandbabies are an absolute joy!

29 May 08 - 10:22 AM (#2351980)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: rock chick

Well I live in Scotland now 470 miles away BUT there will be lots of visits and baby shopping.... can't wait to 'spoil' mum and baby both. ;-))

Thought it may have been twins as she was being so ill, as I had twin daughters on the 3td pregnancy and was the same, but nop just the one, which is still wonderful.


29 May 08 - 10:32 AM (#2351985)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

Today is a mixed day...sadness almost cancels out happiness. My cousin is going in for an ultrasound this morning to see if today is the day that we get to meet her 2nd child..a BOY, which is a rarity in my family.

BUT, my sister called last night to say that the end is near for their 17 year old pug, Maxwell, who has been like my own dog over the years. The vet is coming round on Tuesday for the 'final visit'. I am completely and utterly heartbroken.

29 May 08 - 10:59 AM (#2352010)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: rock chick

I know exactly what that feels like, we lost our dog just before Christmas last year, he was just a month over 17, and we had had him since he was a few weeks old. It's hard, very hard.

rc x

29 May 08 - 01:42 PM (#2352178)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Mrs.Duck

Lovely sunny day so the family including new pup went for a long walk in the forest. The best things in life really are free!

29 May 08 - 04:47 PM (#2352384)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Jacqui -- glad the snake visit went well -- I have to say, of all Mim's pets, these appear to be the least trouble....wish I had been here to visit.

29 May 08 - 08:17 PM (#2352589)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Maxwell has been a classic of good looks, sweet temperament and all a dog should be. How sad. I am sorry Becca and Deb.

29 May 08 - 08:25 PM (#2352596)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Gervase

Collected a dozen eggs from the chooks this evening and - most importantly - arranged with a fit young local lad to do the shearing in exchange for some home-brew and some tree-felling. I'm too old and stiff to shear bloody sheep!

29 May 08 - 08:27 PM (#2352597)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Micca

" Oh the shearings not for you bonny laddie o!!!

30 May 08 - 03:39 AM (#2352722)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

We went to see the No Fit State Circus as part of a family works do last night. Absolutley fantastic! Nothing like traditional circus. A group of very talented people a must see if they come to your area. They are in Victoria Park, Hackney until this Saturday.

30 May 08 - 08:19 AM (#2352883)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

It's Friday! It's Friday.
Managed to be in the office kitchen when the day's fresh fruit arrived and I snagged an orange that was heavenly. Now the sales office smells of orange. Life is good.

30 May 08 - 10:01 AM (#2352948)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

I woke up!**bg** AND, I just found out we are going to make a family outing of this weekend with my ever-faithful Rog, darlin' boy'o, and various other family members to see the Lippizaners. I love those horses and can't wait to see what Morgan thinks of them!

30 May 08 - 10:25 AM (#2352966)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

It's Friday and better still it's PAYDAY!!!

Day out with the child tomorrow, and a special birthday lunch with a gorgeous man who is not my husband on Sunday... all I need is the good weather back!


30 May 08 - 10:46 AM (#2352982)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Dani

A perfectly gorgeous May morning, frosting on the cake after spending the last two days doing only exactly what I felt like doing.

If I told you more, you'd send me to the cellar.


30 May 08 - 01:10 PM (#2353093)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

I just got Kendall a birthday present that he really wanted. Life is VERY good.

30 May 08 - 01:30 PM (#2353111)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

And it pleased me no end. Something I would never buy for myself, being unworthy and all...

30 May 08 - 01:31 PM (#2353114)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Becca72

Leather pants to go with the jacket?

nevermind...I DO NOT want to know!! :-)

30 May 08 - 03:36 PM (#2353226)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Dani

Ooh, I want to play!

Does it require a permit?

Does it fit Jacqui?


30 May 08 - 04:12 PM (#2353250)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

No and No Dani.

30 May 08 - 04:15 PM (#2353255)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: fat B****rd

Finding out from my tutor that I'd passed my end of term Psychology test. Finals next week.

30 May 08 - 06:28 PM (#2353371)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Pistachio

Hubby came home today - and my Mum called to say my divorced sister has 'officially' got a new man!

Reading ALL the happy news above has mad me smile too.
Rock Chick, you've moved to the best country! (Be warned, my twin lives south of Edinburgh - you might do a double take!!) Congrats on your 'grand' news.


30 May 08 - 07:49 PM (#2353420)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: ClaireBear

What made me happy today was seeing my name on the list of Mudcatters expected to be in attendance at the Portsmouth (NH) Maritime Folk Festival this coming autumn. Like a balm to my fevered soul, it was!


30 May 08 - 11:50 PM (#2353500)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

I got an email about a volunteer, very important to me, editing job I have been working on, from a person whom I hold in the highest personal and business regard, telling me I had done an excellent job and he wants to get my input on more content and says I have done wonderfully! I am walking on air right now!

31 May 08 - 07:32 AM (#2353642)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Reading that ClaireBear will be on the East Coast again!

31 May 08 - 07:38 AM (#2353644)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Diva

having a lie in...we are back off to Coldstream today to try out the new (to us) van....and have a session it should be fun

31 May 08 - 12:35 PM (#2353752)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Ebbie

This actually happened yesterday but my spirit is still singing this morning.

Flying from Fairbanks to Anchorage in a gorgeously sunny day, the pilots went off course and flew us around Denali, the Great One (Mt. McKinley, 20,320 feet above sea level). It was awesome ("The black specks down there are climbers on the mountain"), blue and white and jagged and immense and almost eerily beautiful.

Later I heard an airline man tell someone that the pilot had said he planned to do this- and that it was the first time he had done it since 9/11.

31 May 08 - 07:35 PM (#2354006)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Sussex Carole and Andrew and Claire Bear - all for the Portsmouth Festival. Is the Christmas Tree Shop ready for this lot?

31 May 08 - 07:55 PM (#2354018)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Joe_F

A manhattan before dinner.

31 May 08 - 08:11 PM (#2354029)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c


Is MAINE ready for this?

31 May 08 - 08:28 PM (#2354043)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Amos


It was the underwear.

Feels even better than the jacket.


01 Jun 08 - 02:26 PM (#2354473)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Damn Capslock!

01 Jun 08 - 04:20 PM (#2354583)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

I was made happy today with a fabulous 2hour lunch with an extremely handsome (nay, gorgeous) gentleman, a bottle of MontePulciano and a steak that was actually cooked to perfection - rare to medium - rather than the usual medium to well done boot leather usually presented.

But mostly the company.


01 Jun 08 - 04:53 PM (#2354620)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

well the days almost over and i am still looking for something to make me happy!! still have 2 hours left so who knows

02 Jun 08 - 07:16 AM (#2354988)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

Mary, what Jacqui gave me for my birthday does not require a permit in Maine.

02 Jun 08 - 08:04 AM (#2355025)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,rock chick

Not so sure about the steak part Liz, but the company sound rather 'nice' hope you were on your best behaviour…..not ;^)


02 Jun 08 - 08:20 AM (#2355037)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

Best bib and tucker, posh company manners and I didn't burp at the table.


02 Jun 08 - 08:22 AM (#2355041)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Liz- how did he know it was you, then? :0)

02 Jun 08 - 08:25 AM (#2355050)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

You mean Jacqui has been lying to me about it? Even i can get one?

Spent the weekend running around and finally gardening, sort of. My neighbors took pity on me and helpd with raking up the soil, spreading this green fiberglass-like stuff with seeds in it and watering. Doesn't look like the picture on the box but...

Call from Micca last night - he is planning a formal dinner at my house in August. I love formal dinners as long as some one else cooks it especially in August.

my only concern - when Micca is through cooking, the litchen looks like a tornado hit. Small price to pay...

02 Jun 08 - 09:18 AM (#2355102)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: fat B****rd

I put up a bathroom cabinet without smashing the tiles and without nearing the brink of divorce with the foreperson.

02 Jun 08 - 11:16 AM (#2355196)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Mary - It's not that you need a permit, it's just the idea of you running around with one without adult supervision............

02 Jun 08 - 12:39 PM (#2355267)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

What's that, Jacqui? A banjo player?

02 Jun 08 - 12:41 PM (#2355271)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Adult supervision? You and Kendall?

no comment

06 Jun 08 - 08:29 AM (#2359238)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

It's Friday! WHOO WHOO!!!

06 Jun 08 - 08:13 PM (#2359739)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: SussexCarole

Thinking of my bargains from the Christmas Shop.

06 Jun 08 - 08:20 PM (#2359746)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: LilyFestre

Watching all of my students graduate to the next grade....very bittersweet. :) *sniff*


08 Jun 08 - 01:05 PM (#2360744)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

We went to the Colchester Oyster Fayre today and had a fantastic time walking round the market, watching sword fighting, archery and falconry. Got to catch up with lots of friends and had a lovely picnic by the duck pond. It was a tad muddy round the craft market but it didn't ruin the day.

08 Jun 08 - 02:20 PM (#2360805)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: mg

my weedwhacker quit working so I was forced to stop weedwhacking. Now I get to go to McDonald's and read the Sunday paper and then several miles on to work. mg

08 Jun 08 - 02:43 PM (#2360825)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

I completed a 6 mile sponsored walk in aid of Cancer Research UK this afternoon... a pleasant afternoon in the sunshine, with some good friends and an icecream. Great fun!

You can donate by clicking here and scrolling down.

Thanks all.


08 Jun 08 - 04:15 PM (#2360896)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Congrats on the walk Liz!!! Great charity too.

08 Jun 08 - 04:24 PM (#2360903)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Good one Liz!

We managed to pick up a brand new Portapotty for the trailer for $2 at a yard sale. If we'd bought it in a shop it would have cost close to $90. This was after getting a beautiful year old sofa bed at a yard sale yesterday for $50 - the sellers had changed the decor and this didn't match!

16 Jun 08 - 03:34 AM (#2366722)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Just got back from a wonderful weekend in not so sunny Scarborough and spent some quality time with my Grandma. Harry had a fantastic time with his Great Grandma and her littl dog. Grandma gave me lots of photos including a copy of her wedding photo from 1955 so we can do a photo family tree for the children so that names have faces.

Our new sofa has been delivered....well picked up!

The sun is shining and it's a good day.

16 Jun 08 - 08:27 AM (#2366858)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

I just called Captain and Mrs. Morse and Kendall answered the phone. A voice - a bit raspy but a voice. Made me very happy.

20 Jun 08 - 07:55 PM (#2371125)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

As is often the case: My Grandson, Morgan!! It's been in the 90's all week; the hose has been used a lot to cool us off!

21 Jun 08 - 12:43 AM (#2371227)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John O'L

While tooling around on Youtube yesterday I found this, and it brought a real smile to my face. I don't know what it is exactly, but I think there's something very heartening about this

Where the Hell is Matt?

21 Jun 08 - 08:30 AM (#2371342)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: LilyFestre

Well, it was really yesterday afternoon but...RidgePlucker and I went for a ride in the woods. He stopped to check out a fishing spot and I picked wild strawberries while thunder rumbled over a faraway hill. It didn't take long before the thunder was very near and we continued on our journey.

    Feeding freshly picked wild strawberries to my honey made me very happy!!! :)


21 Jun 08 - 11:40 AM (#2371434)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

What a wonderful picture Kat!

I was happy today - I picked up SINSULL's Christmas present.


21 Jun 08 - 12:00 PM (#2371441)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

That deserves its own thread. I laughed and cried. Papua, New Guinea is my favorite.

21 Jun 08 - 12:50 PM (#2371470)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: LilyFestre

Finding a yoga studio to practice in during my travels, Ashtanga no less! YEAH!



21 Jun 08 - 01:51 PM (#2371502)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Rasener

My Autistic daughter coming home from France with her school. She really enjoyed it. She is 11.
For those who know, that is a major acheivement.
That made me very happy.

21 Jun 08 - 04:04 PM (#2371568)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: LilyFestre

Putting up strawberries for the winter. I made quite a bit of jam (plenty for us and lots to share) and froze several packs for winter oatmeal/muffins/pancakes, etc. I feel wonderful!


21 Jun 08 - 04:08 PM (#2371573)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

Our dear friends, Gordon Bok and his lovely bride, Carol stopped on their way through. They were very pleased with my progress in the voice dept. He made a suggestion that helps me with a certain part of the exercises.
They always brighten our day when they appear.

21 Jun 08 - 04:46 PM (#2371595)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Def Shepard

The simply fact of living is reason enough to be happy

21 Jun 08 - 05:31 PM (#2371623)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

It's the first day of summer, and the weather here is perfect.

21 Jun 08 - 07:12 PM (#2371661)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Yesterday, I met with the Maine endocrinologist and wasn't sure where we going or what to expect.
All good news:
No cancer - he is quite sure. No more biospies - likely ever. My meds needed increasing so a blood test in six weeks and then in six months and then yearly. A far cry from biopsies twice a year and the stress of waiting for results. I was beginning to feel like a pincushion.
Eye tests also show no cataracts or glycoma.
So - today I allowed myself a day of complete rest - sci-fi, naps, and no phone.
Life is very good.

22 Jun 08 - 12:03 AM (#2371721)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

Yeah, Sins!!! VERY good news and definitely HAPPY-Producing!!!

Jacqui, thanks!

JohnL...I agree, that deserves its own thread!

Kendall, wonderful!!!

22 Jun 08 - 01:17 AM (#2371730)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Mr Boxingenthusiast

watching on TV late tonight
a cocky young UK boxing superstar
taking a sucker punch that could so nearly have ended his over-inflated
world title career aspirations
in a moment of arogant carelessness..

but then seeing him stand upright again and fight through
to win,
but with a sense that this sudden painful shock
might be the reality check he needs on the road to maturity
as a world class sportsman.

good luck Amir.

22 Jun 08 - 01:31 AM (#2371731)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: mg

Getting the toilet and refrigerator out of my yard. Finding a few roses mixed in with the weeds. mg

22 Jun 08 - 07:01 AM (#2371808)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Catherine Jayne

Last night actually, but we went on the Kent and East Sussex Railway and had a fantastic meal in a wonderful setting with excellent service. The train was made up of Pullman carriages pulled by a steam engine. Our carriage was originally built in 1926 and was stunning with gorgeous wood inlays and big comfy armchairs. The weather stayed dry and the sunset was gorgeous. A very romantic evening and setting.

Today...still moving into the new house. Smiles from my little one and snuggles from the cat!

22 Jun 08 - 07:43 AM (#2371823)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Bee-dubya-ell

As long as I can wake up, look out the window and see grass, I'm happy.

I figure that as long as I can see the grass, I must still be on the right side of it.

22 Jun 08 - 09:49 AM (#2371854)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Sandra in Sydney

listening to an interview with a young woman, a refugee from Africa & her 6 or 8 year struggle to stay in Australia. She is now in her second year of Nursing training & getting high marks & has recently been re-united with her sister who had far less trouble getting to Australia.

Talking with her later & sharing her happiness.


22 Jun 08 - 12:38 PM (#2371918)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Finding the answer to an earworm that had been bothering me for a few days and which was identified by another Mudcatter.

22 Jun 08 - 12:48 PM (#2371930)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Donuel

Listening to the poetry of Carl Sagan as he moderates the great series 'Cosmos' which is now playing on the sci fi channel as an all day marathon.

22 Jun 08 - 01:16 PM (#2371956)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Stringsinger

Life is a gift.

22 Jun 08 - 03:29 PM (#2372031)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

It's been twenty-nine years this month, I think it was today(!) since Rog and I moved in together with my kids whom he adopted, plus a dog, and several cats and his horse. His loyalty is astounding to me, sometimes, and it makes me very happy!

22 Jun 08 - 03:46 PM (#2372047)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Congratulations Kat - here's to the next 29 years.

22 Jun 08 - 07:52 PM (#2372182)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Morgan is aptly named. He is morning sunshine. I envy you, Miss Kitty.

Today we are having thunderstorms - wonderful loud, flashing thunderstorms. I love it.

23 Jun 08 - 12:53 AM (#2372266)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Jacqui and Sins! we think so, too!

There's more which has made me happy today and yesterday. You have to go to the de-cluttering thread to find out, though.:-) That, and I had a GREAT phone call from London, today!!

23 Jun 08 - 01:00 AM (#2372269)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Emma B

I saw my first ever rattlesnake in the wild.

It didn't see me! :)

23 Jun 08 - 03:22 AM (#2372315)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Diva

The company and support of good friends and the likelihood of a booking at a local folk club in the autumn

23 Jun 08 - 01:34 PM (#2372609)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Congratulations, Diva.
Found my first sponsor for the maritime festival - $100 Whoo Whoo!
From a 'Catter too.

23 Jun 08 - 07:49 PM (#2372872)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Call from London counting down the days. Plans afoot for a formal dinner with Colorado wines. And - though cheated out of premiums and health coverage, I have received a check for $1100+ today as a settlement of a class action lawsuit I never knew existed.
Life is good.

24 Jun 08 - 11:24 AM (#2373279)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

I know I am in gushing mode but...I just saw who the latest addition to the Portsmouth Maritime Festival is. I can't wait.

24 Jun 08 - 02:17 PM (#2373418)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Micca

Booked my Getaway flights today!!!!

24 Jun 08 - 04:05 PM (#2373488)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Bert

I just got a big sloppy kiss from Ayla, my one year old Granddaughter.

29 Jun 08 - 04:19 PM (#2376863)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Diva

Well yesterday really...flirting outragously with a lovely Austrailan bloke..real sweetie.

29 Jun 08 - 11:12 PM (#2377075)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: LilyFestre

After traveling away from home for a few days for a conference, I came home to find this email waiting for me:


Welcome home hot stuff. I will be wrapping my arms around you soon. OOOOOOXXXXXXXXX

Love you,"


30 Jun 08 - 12:19 AM (#2377106)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Little Hawk

Playing music for a few hours with friends did it for me today.

02 Jul 08 - 09:14 AM (#2379027)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Maritime Festival is one month away and all the ducks are in sight if not yet in rows.
I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas.

02 Jul 08 - 10:01 AM (#2379064)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

My mosquito bites have gone down to just itching, rather than being painful. BLISS!!!!!

02 Jul 08 - 10:20 AM (#2379083)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jeri

In the 'It Don't Take Much' department: talking to a friend on the phone last night, imagining my cheapie (gas not included) vacation to Canada. THEN I get to think about the Portland Maritime Festival.

Can't be no funner'n that! A long summer road and friends & music all along the way.

03 Jul 08 - 01:10 AM (#2379733)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

Finding a new MP3 player for less than £20 (it was reduced from nearer £40) yesterday.

What made me crabby was finding that the wretched thing won't start... so it's going back to the shop today.

Still, I got a lovely daffodil yellow top as well.....


03 Jul 08 - 01:55 AM (#2379738)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jim Dixon

My boss didn't show up for work today. She was due to be back from vacation, and she didn't show up, and didn't call in. Can't think what it might mean. Maybe she's dead. Maybe she got another job. Maybe she decided to take early retirement. Maybe she finally realized we can get along just fine without her. Maybe HER boss told her not to bother coming back. All of these possiblities make me smile.

03 Jul 08 - 04:54 PM (#2380419)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

I worked out why the new MP3 wasn't working and now it's sitting happily loading 12 hours of music into its little innards.

I'm a happier little bunny now!


04 Jul 08 - 10:00 AM (#2380961)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

I just picked up a load of nice yarn at a yard sale for $5.

The sun is shining and I just made someone's day by finding their cell phone on the beach and getting it back to them.

15 Jul 08 - 05:07 PM (#2390101)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Being on Mudcat and sharing in all the support and love.

The first one to burst into The Honey Song gets smacked.

15 Jul 08 - 06:42 PM (#2390196)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: mg

I read something in the Andrew Sullivan blog..someone said the war in Iraq was over..and won even. I am sure many would totally disagree but nevertheless I was astoundingly happy at even the possibility it could be true or coming in the future. mg

15 Jul 08 - 06:49 PM (#2390198)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Emma B

A gift of music from a friend.

15 Jul 08 - 06:54 PM (#2390201)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Peace

"The first one to burst into The Honey Song gets smacked."

Would someone send me the lyrics? That slapping bit grabs my attention because usually I have to pay for that.

15 Jul 08 - 06:58 PM (#2390204)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Peace

To be serious for a sec, I was really happy to see the support folks here are giving to Laurel. This place is the craziest mixture of stuff I have ever seen. (Except for one three-year period in the 1960s, a four-year stretch in the 1970s, that time from 1983-97 in the whatevertheyares, and I just noticed the lady said smacked not slapped.)


15 Jul 08 - 07:02 PM (#2390206)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Emma B

Peace, tha's askin' fer a clout :)

15 Jul 08 - 07:09 PM (#2390209)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jeri

Hey Baruuuuuce:
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)
(Mickey Newbury)

(Yeah, yeah, oh-yeah, what condition my condition was in)

I woke up this mornin' with the sundown shinin' in
I found my mind in a brown paper bag within
I tripped on a cloud and fell-a eight miles high
I tore my mind on a jagged sky
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

(Yeah, yeah, oh-yeah, what condition my condition was in)

I pushed my soul in a deep dark hole and then I followed it in
I watched myself crawlin' out as I was a-crawlin' in
I got up so tight I couldn't unwind
I saw so much I broke my mind
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

(Yeah, yeah, oh-yeah, what condition my condition was in)

Someone painted "April Fool" in big black letters on a "Dead End" sign
I had my foot on the gas as I left the road and blew out my mind
Eight miles outta Memphis and I got no spare
Eight miles straight up downtown somewhere
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

I said I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in
Yeah    yeah       oh-yeah

Mickey Newburry???!!! I thought Kenny Rogers wrote it!

15 Jul 08 - 07:17 PM (#2390221)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jeri

Oops - my bad.

He wanted the lyrics to Honey, not the ones to the 60s, 70s and whatevertheyares.

15 Jul 08 - 08:29 PM (#2390258)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

See the tree, how big it's grown
But friends it hasn't been too long
Since it wasn't big


And Honey I miss you
But I'm being GO-oo-ooood
And I long to be with you
If only I could.

I wonder how much money we could raise for Laurel betting that Peace will not sing it beginning to end in public???? With Big Mick????

LOL THe last time I started something like this,Max spent months trying to come up with an acceptable version of "THe Bird In The Guilded Cage" to perform on the radio. He never did.

15 Jul 08 - 08:31 PM (#2390260)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Joe_F

Succeeded in understanding & following some of the advice from a mailinglist on how to customize my Conkeror, removing a couple of continual irritations.

21 Jul 08 - 12:18 PM (#2394280)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

What's a Conkeror? Or should I ask?

Saw Brett for the first time in five years. I miss the old guy!

21 Jul 08 - 12:44 PM (#2394299)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Micca

Found a book for Sinsull in a second-hand bookstore here in Juneau ......

Called "The Doo-Wop Sing-along songbook"!!!!!

21 Jul 08 - 12:45 PM (#2394302)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

I don't need no stinkin' song book!

Thank you, Micca

21 Jul 08 - 02:00 PM (#2394384)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Micca

ins, it is so you have the words and dont have to do all that oooh-ahhh wop wop to cover the bits where you dont!!

Ducks and runs for cover

21 Jul 08 - 02:13 PM (#2394397)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Back in the 60s I had a silver M-ring - a Magician's Ring - which I loved and wore all the time. As I got older (and presumably more sophisticated) I put it away until it resurfaced many years later. My son, an amateur magician, coveted it and so I gave it to him. True to form, he lost it.
So for about 20 years I have been haunting silver jewelry stalls at fairs and silver jewelry shops in various towns. I have contacted Magician suppliers and even tried to make one myself. I have shown the design to many silversmiths but no one had the time to make a single ring.
About a month ago I discovered a place that carried the ring - SOLD OUT! Every day I check their website and am disappointed. Still OUT OF STOCK.
Today, they had it and I ordered it - the last one! Now I can't wait until it is delivered. I am so happy. It is rare that I want jewelry. A painfully simple silver ring but I am very happy.

21 Jul 08 - 03:59 PM (#2394479)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

I won the auction for the Peggy Seeger songbook.

22 Jul 08 - 12:17 AM (#2394773)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

I got a wonderful, unexpected call from Alaska and got to talk with KT and Ebbie, too! It sounded as if they and Micca were having a rare ol' time! Made me smile and laugh!

22 Jul 08 - 04:58 PM (#2395405)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Donuel

I thought of Ebbie today while watching Sunrise video of Homer Alaska. I wondered if she ever takes the majestic scenery for granted.

22 Jul 08 - 05:03 PM (#2395410)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Donuel

Sinsull, Your ring story was great. I too had a ring I commissioned that had a dna twist on the main body and a full moon made of silver with a small creseant of platinum. The silver would slowly tarnish and make the moon look like it was going through its phases. Then I would polish it again.
I lost it in a location where several bad things happened like my car dying etc.   I don't go there anymore

21 Aug 08 - 09:10 AM (#2419348)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Took a breath this morning and realized that the festival was over and we did good. Jacqui and I enjoyed it thoroughly as did most of the performers. The audience was happy; the museum people are happy.

The only person who wasn't happy was the bride who tried to get us to pay for half of her wedding tent. She was told that her tent was in our way and we could insist that she take it down. LOL

So today I am celebrating good friends and good music and taking another deep breath.

04 Sep 08 - 02:16 PM (#2431047)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Our company's profits are tracking at 900% over last year. Looks as if there will be a Christmas Bonus again. Light at the end of the tunnel!

04 Sep 08 - 02:19 PM (#2431052)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Peace

Good for you, SINS. I hope it's lotsa bonus.

"What made you happy today"

Well, the wireless laptop is working, so I can sit at home in my underwear, drink coffee, smoke cigarettes and scratch my unmentionables. It don't get much better'n that.

04 Sep 08 - 03:43 PM (#2431172)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

I got to speak to my husband today on Skype and to see him via the webcam.

04 Sep 08 - 04:01 PM (#2431204)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Bat Goddess

Today I solved a computer hassle that's been annoying and getting worse for the past several weeks. The mouse would go into squirrelly mode making it almost impossible to get anything done. Then it wouldn't move at all. Sometimes a reboot would help. Sometimes it made no difference at all.

Turned out to be the obvious -- my keyboard is partially fried. Other than one day last week when the whole keyboard refused to work for about a half hour, they keyboard part of the keyboard is currently working okay, but a mouse plugged into it works barely at all.

So...since I can't afford a replacement keyboard (G4 USB) right now, I've got pleas out to friends in hope someone has one in their pile of techno crap that I can use/barter for/promise money at a later date. My workaround is working but a bit awkward -- I've got my spare non-Apple mouse with the longer cord (operative term here is "longer cord") plugged into the hub (which is on the wrong side of the computer).

So that makes me happy, too -- a workaround that works!

I updated my resume this morning and will send it off to a staffing agency I've been working with right after I put the plaintext version together and make sure the line endings don't cause problems. That makes me feel better, too -- first step in the search for another job, one that will (unlike my current job) actually pay a living wage.

Oh! My first by-lined article in over 30 years is in NH To Do magazine -- on the stands today! It's not that I haven't been writing for the past 30 years, it's just that I've been anonymously keeping my clients from embarrassing themselves in print.


04 Sep 08 - 04:15 PM (#2431222)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Donuel

I made this!

04 Sep 08 - 04:23 PM (#2431232)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Clever, Donuel!

Peace - that is your second mention of your unmentionables in a matter of days. (See Bruce Murdoch thread). You don't have crabs again, do you?

Jacqui sees " so I can sit at home in my underwear, drink coffee, smoke cigarettes and scratch my unmentionables. It don't get much better'n that" and immediately is erminded to call Kendall.

04 Sep 08 - 04:33 PM (#2431240)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Keyboards are at every yard sale I visit, every Sally Ann and every Goodwill Shop. Go buy one cheap.

04 Sep 08 - 04:52 PM (#2431258)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John MacKenzie

I picked about 5 lbs [2 kilos] of chanterelles in a local wood this afternoon.


05 Sep 08 - 04:43 PM (#2432183)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: mg

Going to McDonald's drive-in in a big pickup truck. Listening to Fiona Ritchie's show on radio. Knowing it is Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow. mg

05 Sep 08 - 04:52 PM (#2432187)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Just won a $5 gift certificate for Beal's Ice Cream in the weeklyffice drawing. I don't like ice cream but I love winning.

05 Sep 08 - 05:13 PM (#2432195)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: olddude

Nothing, I am a grumpy old bastard today

05 Sep 08 - 05:29 PM (#2432207)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: maeve

As long as you enjoy it, olddude. :)

Hope tomorrow will be full of happiness.

05 Sep 08 - 05:51 PM (#2432221)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: DougR

I heard a report that the CBS poll figures released today showed that McCain and Obama are neck and neck. The poll was taken BEFORE the major speeches at the Republican National Convention last night and one might expect an even more positive report this weekend (positive for my party that is).


05 Sep 08 - 06:35 PM (#2432248)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jeri

Friends. I know - big deal, but it don't take much! Aside from the basic necessities of life, there isn't anything I can think of more important to me than friends and music.

I also got a weed eater/brush cutter yesterday, so once I put it together and buy gas, I can go find the ground surrounding my house.

Bruce, I forgot to send you the photo of which I was just reminded: 'Still Life with Underwear and Flyswatter' (Guy has a novel way of drying his unmentionables--not THOSE unmentionables but the ones you buy in a store.

Linn needs a Mac keyboard. Otherwise, I have a couple here she gave me that I'd happily give back. I think keyboards for Macs cost about $600.00, but I'm not sure.

Now if I could finish this stupid song, I'd be turning handsprings on the front lawn...

05 Sep 08 - 06:36 PM (#2432251)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jeri

Ooh- 400!

05 Sep 08 - 06:38 PM (#2432253)
Subject: Who wants to know, huh?
From: Peace

"RE: BS: What made you happy today"

05 Sep 08 - 06:40 PM (#2432255)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Peace

Jeri, a hundred don't rhyme worth sh--well, it is difficult to work with as an end-rhyme.


05 Sep 08 - 06:50 PM (#2432259)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jeri

FOUR HUNDERD! She thundered, and wondered who plundered and blundered. Yeah, you're right.

Regarding 'Who wants to know, huh?' - just the legal stuff, please. We don't wanna know 'bout nuthin' else.

05 Sep 08 - 07:13 PM (#2432266)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Now it rhymes but the dunderhead tore her conunder assunder and the meter is all shot to hell.

05 Sep 08 - 07:14 PM (#2432268)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

good though...duhrrrrr

05 Sep 08 - 07:26 PM (#2432271)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Peace

THAT was a good exchange.

05 Sep 08 - 07:45 PM (#2432284)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Jeri

Humor makes me happy, and I have no where else to put this. I just heard a lawnmower, and since it's dark out, I had to investigate. My neighbor has a riding mower with a headlight. I wonder if I can get one on my push mower. Maybe they have them with horns and turn signals? Ah well, back to the normal happy thread.

05 Sep 08 - 08:10 PM (#2432305)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Teribus

That today on the seventh anniversary of his mother's death my eldest son named his new fishing boat after her.

05 Sep 08 - 08:15 PM (#2432306)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Peace

That is at once beautiful and sad, Teribus.

05 Sep 08 - 09:09 PM (#2432328)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: olddude

I take it all back. A mudcat friend sent me a Dave Van Ronk DVD out of the blue just because he wanted to. And that just made a terrible day a pretty good day

thank you DW

05 Sep 08 - 09:20 PM (#2432332)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Joe_F

If Dave Van Ronk's ghost appeared and I got to offer him a drink, that would make me happy.

As it is, I am content with the fact that vomiting made me feel much better.

05 Sep 08 - 09:37 PM (#2432334)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

olddude - I just Googled an old friend on line and found out that not only did he "make it big" but he kept the promise he made to himself 38 years ago, Better yet, he grew up.
Enjoy your CD

11 Sep 08 - 08:47 AM (#2437240)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Awaiting news of the birth of a friend's baby, due today. 9-11 may finally lose its sadness.

11 Sep 08 - 10:10 AM (#2437323)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: maeve

We harvested 100 ears of ripe corn yesterday, thus not losing it to the raccoons. I'll finish freezing it all today. That in addition to what we've eaten and frozen already makes it a pretty good harvest for a first year planting.

Good news about your friend's baby-in-transit, Sinsull! I wish you and the family much joy!

11 Sep 08 - 10:12 AM (#2437326)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

The thought of Amos flirting and making a pass at Sarah Palin....

11 Sep 08 - 04:13 PM (#2437656)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

A friend today had twins, one of each, and everyone is well and happy.


11 Sep 08 - 05:24 PM (#2437731)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: kendall

A friend called to say he has a parking light lens for our 1940 Chevy.

11 Sep 08 - 06:08 PM (#2437781)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John MacKenzie

Try not to drop it this time Cap'n!


11 Sep 08 - 06:40 PM (#2437803)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

Fighting tears all day - September 11th. When I got home - a CD from Linda Kelly of Hissyfit. It is John Conolly's Grumpy Old Men Of Old England. I am off to play it.

11 Sep 08 - 07:22 PM (#2437832)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: katlaughing

I was teary all morning, reading through the old 9/11 threads and watching coverage online, then I got my grandson, Morgan, this afternoon. He's going through an even sweeter than usual phase. I had to get up to go to the other room. He said, "Wait, Mama, I'll hold your hand and pull you there so you won't have to use your cane." (I've had a sore foot.) Just a little thing, maybe, but it meant the world to me, as does he.

11 Sep 08 - 08:14 PM (#2437867)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

We went on an antique car parade past the Freeport Flag Ladies this morning.

Yesterday I had a phone call from my daughter and my grandson told me how much he enjoyed his first guitar lesson!

13 Sep 08 - 07:22 AM (#2439094)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Emma B

A warm and amusing PM from a forum (sometime) adversary.

13 Sep 08 - 08:50 AM (#2439118)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: John MacKenzie

I got the cheque for my Indemnity Insurance which matured this month.


13 Sep 08 - 05:43 PM (#2439464)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Liz the Squeak

I got taken to a hobby shop for my birthday present!! I didn't go too mad but I do have some lovely bits of fabric, some glittery paper and a couple of little cross stitch kits.


13 Sep 08 - 06:36 PM (#2439503)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: skipy

A meal out with some of my family (my 56th. birfday) but "big" son is at Bromyard, but he is happy there so that's O/K.

14 Sep 08 - 05:46 AM (#2439839)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today

an early morning walk on the dock, (sans cruise ships), with a hot cuppa and a good friend, a telephone call from a dear, elderly friend, and remembering the lessons taught to me by a small person with a very large spirit. And reading this thread. KT

14 Sep 08 - 07:36 AM (#2439868)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: jacqui.c

Last night, really.

John Roberts singing Bringing Nelson Home. Sublime!

And being with all my lovely friends in Maine.

24 Sep 12 - 12:13 PM (#3409445)
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
From: Claire M


Getting my magic necklace next week. I'm happy my parents, 64 & 67 respectively will finally be able to do what they want, when they feel like it rather than structuring their entire lives around me/my wants – still very nervous though, you read so many bad reports of care homes.

Dad's just booked up for Steeleye Span next year for me. It's just a shame I/we have to wait 6mo. Who else is going ?? & Maddy's cd from her other tour's out soon. Not as soon as I'd like, of course, but at least it's coming out.

Usher's Well has arrived – for those who know, that's the reason I wanted a well ornament for the garden, & that's what we call it.