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Canada's First Lady of Folk

20 Sep 07 - 12:19 AM (#2153198)
Subject: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

So Who Is She?
And why haven't we spoken more of this great person who has a handle that truly represents folk music.

20 Sep 07 - 01:02 AM (#2153207)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: johnross

You're absolutely right. Edith Fowke deserves a great deal more respect and credit than she has ever received.

20 Sep 07 - 01:14 AM (#2153210)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Wilfried Schaum

... and I thought it's Dr. Helen Creighton

20 Sep 07 - 01:33 AM (#2153216)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Joe Offer

Creighton and Fowke were contemporaries. Fowke died in 1996, and Creighton in 1989. Did they collaborate at all?

20 Sep 07 - 01:54 AM (#2153223)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Barry Finn

I didn't know they were both Canadians, I thought they were both from North America.

Gotta duck & run


20 Sep 07 - 05:03 AM (#2153266)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: John MacKenzie

That must mean they're of Irish descent then Barry!

Seriously though, I am a great fan of Edith Fowkes, and consider her a visionary in the Cecil Sharp mould.

20 Sep 07 - 07:21 AM (#2153310)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: bobad

Penny Lang

20 Sep 07 - 09:07 AM (#2153372)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Russ

What does "First lady of folk" mean?

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

20 Sep 07 - 05:02 PM (#2153742)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Jim

I read that Edith and Helen did not agree politically. Edith was left wing in her views and was criticized by Helen for her "Communist" leanings.

20 Sep 07 - 05:48 PM (#2153769)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz

Penny Lang...

20 Sep 07 - 06:40 PM (#2153820)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

I don't know if there is a meaning other than what the title says. In some way much as we are given nick names, or handles that we give ourselves on this discussion forum. I would love to know how Penny got hers. Maybe someone out there remembers when she was working those long hours singing in the pubs/clubs/coffee houses in the Montreal area.

20 Sep 07 - 06:48 PM (#2153826)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Peace

I have always liked Penny, both the person and the singer/performer. I have never particularly cared for that 'title'.

20 Sep 07 - 06:56 PM (#2153832)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

Hear hear.

20 Sep 07 - 07:33 PM (#2153859)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: bobad

The first time I saw Penny was, if i remember correctly, at my first year of university. She was performing at some event like homecoming or carnival or something like that. Being all of seventeen years old I was smitten with her, who wouldn't be, it was the sixties, she had long straight hair, played a guitar and sang folk songs. Much to my shame I haven't seen her perform live since but I have heard her recordings.

20 Sep 07 - 08:44 PM (#2153915)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: frogprince

I looked at Beer's opening post and immediately said "Penny, of course". Wish she would get down to Michigan again one of these days.

20 Sep 07 - 09:04 PM (#2153941)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

Go to her web site and drop her a line. But go to her booking agent whose name is Heidi Flemming. Great lady as well. She will respond to your inquiry or request. As far as I know Penny has never played in Michigan but hay!, it's attached to Canada and I'm sure if she was close things could happen. she also loves to do kitchen parties and small intimate venues. P/m me if you want more particulars.
Beer (adrien)

20 Sep 07 - 10:13 PM (#2153989)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: frogprince

Humph; shows what you know, Beer! It's been a few years now, but Penny did a house concert in Rochester Hills, Michigan for a series that my wife and I usually attend. We enjoyed her immensely, and her voice still issues from our CD player regularly. I'm not in any position to book performers myself, or I would check out any possiblities in a heartbeat. The one thing I could do is put in a word at the Flint Folk Music Society, and loan a CD to their booking person to back it up. I suspect that their schedule is set through next spring, though.       Dean.

20 Sep 07 - 10:44 PM (#2154010)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

Sorry frogprince. I was just stating from a quote she had made.

Says Lang: "I don't write songs that... lesbian women want to hear. I've never been invited to Michigan." That's the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, and the "y" gives you the politics. Lang doesn't do "womyn's music... it just hasn't happened."

I guess I miss interpreted it.
Anyway. She is one hell of a great lady.

21 Sep 07 - 08:56 AM (#2154218)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Russ

I'm just an ignorant yank, but I always assumed that Sylvia Tyson was "Canada's First Lady of Folk."

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

22 Sep 07 - 03:35 PM (#2155054)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz

Hi Kids!: Just read Peace's comment on "titles" and it brought to mind "President", which in George Bush's case, doesn't seem to relate or have much meaning. But then, "First Lady of Folk", to me, is one of those kind gestures/titles that all the women mentioned are deserving, but my vote still goes to Penny...
This is a great lady who gave me a helping hand and friendship and although personal contact has been sparse over the near 40 year period since I first met her, whenever I do see her, there's always a big smile and a hug...
If you are in the Montreal area November 16/07, Penny will be doin' her FOLK THANG at Sala Rosa on Blvd. St. Laurent, or so I hear tell from David Young, who along with John Carson and myself are grouping together a serious posse, or pack of bandidos, who will descend like paratroopers("supertrooper love is gonna find you, shining like the sun," my God, I just had an ABBA attack) on the aforementioned Sala in a form of modest YELLOW DOOR REUNION. Be there or be square...
p.s. Peace: You better be workin' on that album. Don't make me come over there...

23 Sep 07 - 08:46 AM (#2155570)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: topical tom

I suggest that the title be changed to "First Ladies of Folk". Both Edith Fowke and Penny Lang are equally important to folk music in Canada and with the new title who knows? Perhaps there are other ladies equally deserving.
   Is absolute supremacy that important?

25 Sep 07 - 03:38 PM (#2157273)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: George Seto -

Well, Helen Creighton is considered the First Lady of Folk as she started her career earlier I believe. As well, Helen is credited with the largest body of collected items, both in recorded items, & photographs than any single person did in their life time. For more on Helen visit

Helen Creight Folklore Society
NS Archives & Records Mgmt - Helen Creighton Collection

Also parts of her collection can be found at the Library of Congress & at the Cdn Museum of Civilization.

25 Sep 07 - 04:04 PM (#2157284)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

"Penny Lang, one of Canada's best loved folk musicians, is this year's recipient of the Helen Verger Award. This award is given annually to someone who has made sustained, valuable contribution to Canadian folk music". As stated in an article in the Ottawa Folk Festival Program by Joyce MacPhee.
Beer (adrien)
P.S. Interesting George.

26 Sep 07 - 09:31 AM (#2157680)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: EBarnacle

C'mon, there have to be more than 4 people to be considered!

26 Sep 07 - 10:16 AM (#2157714)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Peace

The title is stupid. She's a great singer and guitar player. Ain't that enough?

26 Sep 07 - 01:07 PM (#2157815)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: open mike

I nominate Buffy Sainte Marie!

26 Sep 07 - 01:59 PM (#2157860)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: bankley

chronologically speaking, Mary Travers, aka "La Bolduc", from the Gaspe, brightened up a lot of lives in Quebec with her 78s, shows and radio broadcasts during the 'dirty thirties' Depression era. Her audience was primarily French speaking working class (or non-working)... not bad for a girl with Irish heritage....

anyhow, here's to all the great ladies of folk thru the years on the long road to 'Canada's Last Lady of Folk'!

26 Sep 07 - 02:13 PM (#2157884)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: bankley

p.s."La Bolduc"..
This Mary Travers had nothing to do with 'Peter, Paul and....'

26 Sep 07 - 02:16 PM (#2157886)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Peace

Edith Butler rings any bells?

26 Sep 07 - 04:56 PM (#2158020)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: bankley

Edith , la belle Acadienne from NB.

Angele Arsenault, Marie-Claire Seguin, Fabienne Thibault aussi... (though not well known outside the French speaking areas). vive la difference!

26 Sep 07 - 09:44 PM (#2158167)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Jack McCann

Don't forget Margaret Christl and Teresa Doyle and Linda Morrison

26 Sep 07 - 09:49 PM (#2158170)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Jack McCann

Oh, I forgot to mention...
Suzie Leblanc, one of the world's brightest shining baroque sopranos has recently ventured into her native Acadian and now Celtic music.
Really worth a listen.
She'd be the first to deny she's a folk singer, but you've got to hear this voice.

26 Sep 07 - 11:09 PM (#2158196)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

George, I think there is a difference between a person who collects folk songs and a person who sings them. I agree that Helen did a tremendous deed in her contribution to the preservation of folk music(in the Maritines)and deserves the recognition as Canada's First Lady of Folklore. But to me Penny owns the title as "First lady of Folk" because she is known as a singer across Canada. I think there is a distinction in the works that they have done and in Penny's case still doing. How Penny got the title I don't know and there are certainly others out there who have been mentioned on this thread that could very well be deserving. But the bottom line in this. Penny has the title, it was started somewhere, and cannot be taken away. Even if contributors to this thread disagree.
Most of us have nick names.   I've been dubbed a few like Age, Abe, Ad. and others I won't mention. They belong to me because they were given to me whether I like them or not. Bruce Springsteen "The Boss" comes to mind. Hank Snow "Hank Slush". The list goes on and would be fun as a separate thread.
Lets not get to serious on this thread. It was just started as fun
Beer (adrien)

26 Sep 07 - 11:11 PM (#2158197)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Peace

Good by me, Adrien. BTW, I have been a fan of Penny's since before some folks here were born.

26 Sep 07 - 11:52 PM (#2158220)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

Just got off the phone with Penny. She is great and had a tremendous time at the Ottawa Folk Festival where she, Buffy and Kris Kristofferson did a work shop together. Penny as her humble self was in awe to have been included with these two idols of hers.
Bruce, she was so happy to hear that you have started writing again How she wished she could have been at the festival to hear you, Bob and Chris.
Bob Ryszkiewicz I read to her what you wrote above on this thread. She laughed and laughed. It was beautiful.
I then asked her if she knew how she got her handle. Get this, Don McGowan who was a great weather man on C.F.C.F. t.V. had a musical program before his weather stint. She couldn't remember the name of it. She said it was in the 60's and he had her as a guest. It was here that she got the handle as "Canada's First Lady of Folk"

27 Sep 07 - 03:50 AM (#2158292)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: open mike

see, i told ya about Buffy!

27 Sep 07 - 04:19 AM (#2158300)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Jim Lad

Thought this was going to be a thread about Connie Calder.
I'm not too keen on such titles either. There are so many fine performers, some you've never heard of, ignored when one (whom I've never heard of) is bestowed or adopts such a title.
I've never really measured any folk entertainer by the size of their audience but rather, their ability to stay true to themselves despite the audience or lack there of.
And then there's Buffy.... Different league.
I'll check out Suzie Leblanc now.

27 Sep 07 - 01:13 PM (#2158642)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz

Thanks Beer: Hey Penny, playing with Buffy and Kris is where you should be Wildwoman!
Don McGowan, yes. There was a Blood Donor Clinic way back when and the neurons are trying to remember if I was playing there to entertain the troops, or if I was giving blood, or both. The Mind, what a tool! Anyhound, Don McGowan is a class act all-around. Met him at the clinic. One of those personalities you just don't forget. Humble and with the dry humour and wit. Some of you may remember his wearing of the Canadian flag on his back during the Referendum vote in Quebec during his weather forecast on T.V. Not allowed to say anything, but that spoke volumes...
CFCF, yes,(Or maybe CBC, my goodness...) did one of my first appearances on T.V. there. They let Folksingers out of their cages and put 'em on T.V. back then, for all of you young-un's. I believe it was me, Sean Gagnier, and one other performer(maybe Tex?) I just don't remember...Anyway, I'm sitting on the stool in front of the cameras and I see the mic's a bit low, so I try to touch it and a voice comes out of the darkness/control room, " Don't TOUCH that!" Then 3, count 'em 3, stagehands come over and lift the mic 1". The Union... Silly little Folksinger. I still remember walking in the darkness of the soundstage going in. I'm pretty sure it was Sean, who turns to me, and here I can't remember who said it. THE BIG TIME! Lol. But, I remember that weird little chuckle that Sean used to have when he met up with something truly strange...
Back to the thread. Didn't know it was Don who gave Penny the title, but it seems to have stuck....Penny, if you're reading this...big Hugs from Cyberspace and the new album is just great. Roma got you to use that voice in new ways and it's workin' fine! xoxo bob

27 Sep 07 - 01:25 PM (#2158651)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Peace

I once sent Penny a telegram the first night of a club gig she was doing somewhere--don't recall where. It read, "Dear Penny, a warm hand on your opening." I understand it was read aloud to the audience. She never did hit me for that.

27 Sep 07 - 01:33 PM (#2158659)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: llareggyb (inactive)

I have a notion that Edith Fowke's appellation as Canada's First Lady of Folk may have come from her CBC days - there were a couple of radio shows that punned on her name.

27 Sep 07 - 02:20 PM (#2158693)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: topical tom

Beer, you're right! Penny's title is hers and no one can take that away.
By the same token, kudos to all the other great ladies of folk. How about Helene Baillargeon who often performed with Allan Mills. There are so many but Penny well deserves the title.The others, if unofficially,deserve it as well.

27 Sep 07 - 04:40 PM (#2158797)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: bankley

Joni Mitchell recently got her face on a stamp. Now, that's hard to lick.......... It's self-adhesive.

27 Sep 07 - 05:43 PM (#2158838)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

Joni is great. Wonder how and who decided it should be her?

28 Sep 07 - 09:12 AM (#2159246)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,HiLo

I would agree that Helen Creighton should be near the top of the list. Also, Rita MacNiel, Edith Butler, Sylvia Tyson, loads more, but these women have had great impact.

28 Sep 07 - 04:50 PM (#2159544)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: bankley

Beer, the decision to include Joni, Anne Murray, Lightfoot and Anka, under the heading 'Canadian Recording Artists'...was made by the Cdn. Stamp Advisory Committee. This is an independent group of 12 people from diverse backgrounds and regions, not employed by Canada Post. They are appointed for 3 years to make recommendations for the stamp program regarding new issues.... obviously some music fans in this batch. Oscar Peterson was also chosen a couple of years back.... I'm still waiting for 'Doug and the Slugs' and Ashley McIssac, but...... that might take awhile....

28 Sep 07 - 05:13 PM (#2159557)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: bankley

p.s. On Sept. 25th, Joni released her 1st album in 9 yrs. It's entitled "Shine".. I'm sure it'll be a treat for her fans...

28 Sep 07 - 05:40 PM (#2159575)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz

Hi Kids! Ah Stamps. If you can't lick 'em, stick 'em. (If you figure out what that means, let me know. It just popped into the 'ol noggin from the depths.) Was thinking about Ron's comments on stamps and Joni and all. What a nice collection for stamp afficianados. "Canada's First Ladies of Folk." A melange/series of the famous and not so famous regional performers. All the women mentioned here could fit in. What a collector's item.
I guess the powers that be might want to keep the people who get on stamps as a select group, but it sure would get the word out about women's contribution to this art form to the entire world. Oh well...


29 Sep 07 - 09:35 AM (#2159873)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: bankley

Bob, you can submit this idea to Canada Post in Ottawa.. Almost all new stamp ideas, such as yours, come from 'ordinary' folks then go through a lengthy selection process....finally being recommended or not by the 'Committee'. The 2009 issues are now being decided through this process... so most of what you lick, stick, or collect start as interesting ideas such as yours.... and Ms. Lang would look good although it would cost more than a Penny.... go for it.... Ron

p.s. I'm a recovering philatelist. What an odd word that is.."philately".... reminds me of something that maybe used to happen out behind the barn !

29 Sep 07 - 01:05 PM (#2159970)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Don McGowan

My my, the places you're taken to when you Google yourself.

With all due respect to Penny Lang, I certainly had nothing to do with dubbing her "Canada's First Lady of Folk." First of all, I didn't have a music program in the 60s before I became a weatherman. However, while I was a weatherman in the 70s and 80s, I did have a series of talk and interview shows that often included musical guests. First there was "McGowan & Company," then "McGowan's Montreal" and then "McGowan's World." I also had "Travel Travel," but that's another story.

I do remember having Penny Lang as a guest, at least once or twice, on McGowan & Company, and I remember enjoying her very much. But I certainly wouldn't have, with my very limited knowledge of folksingers and folk music, given anyone such an exalted title.

29 Sep 07 - 01:08 PM (#2159975)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: John MacKenzie

No mention of Joni Mitchell?
I heard a clip from her new album yesterday, my only comment is, 'I wish she hadn't come out of retirement' I was SO disappointed, as I have loved her for 30+ years.

29 Sep 07 - 01:55 PM (#2159986)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

Hi Don and glad you picked up on the Mudcat. I am just repeating what Penny told me a few nights ago and I will give her a call and explain what you said. She, as a lot of us are, getting a little older and sometimes we make an honest mistake. But one that she would appreciate me informing her about.
Stick around Don, this site "Mudcat" you may find very entertaining.
Thanks again for the correction.
Beer (adrien)

30 Sep 07 - 02:48 AM (#2160286)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Fliss

Eileen MaGann is another very good Canadian singer songwriter. A lot of her songs are about Green issues and the loss of the forests. Ive met her a couple of times at concerts in the UK and occasionally exchange emails.


30 Sep 07 - 10:33 AM (#2160409)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz

Don: Welcome! and Thank You for all you have done...bob

01 Oct 07 - 05:09 PM (#2161406)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: bankley

okay, since the 'First Lady' is a done deal, I have suggestions for other titles..

Don McGowan : Prime Minister
Joni : Governor General
Willie Dunn:   Minister of Indian 'Affairs'
Mendelson Joe:   Heritage Minister
Splitting the Sky:   Public Safety
Tommy Chong:   Ambassador to Holland
Scott Thompson:   Queen

01 Oct 07 - 10:23 PM (#2161578)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

Called Penny about 2 minutes ago and read threads to her that some of you wrote.
Read what Don said and in the end she remembers that being on Your show Don was her first T.V. appearance and she was there with Bass player Mike McConnell(sp.)and another guy which "I" forgot to write down. Sorry. Now I have got her thinking. I mentioned that maybe it was possible as Don introduced her he said something like "Canada's First Lady of folk" and other people picked up on it.
Anyway it seems to be a mystery.   Does anyone out there know Mike McConnell? Maybe he has an answer.

15 Nov 07 - 03:20 PM (#2194655)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz

Hi Kids: Its happenin'. PENNY LANG & KEN WHITELEY at La Sala Rossa, 4848 Blvd. St. Laurent in Montreal.    514-284-0122
That'd be Friday Nite @ 8:30 p.m

It looks like it's shapin' up to be one of those wild and wacky events that promises to be a memorable, fun-filled time for young and old alike...

WHAT! You think this is ADVERTISING? In a First Lady of Folk thread? No way. Just tryin' to substantiate the talk by walkin' the walk... Come out of cyberspace, SUPPORT FOLK MUSIC! You know you want to... and find out for yourself if what's been said here is true...Suggest you CALL first! Room holds 250...

:>) bob

15 Nov 07 - 03:25 PM (#2194665)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz

OOPS..Durn near forgot the date, in case you didn't figure out that Friday is TOMORROW, Nov.16/07...Penny Lang @ La Sala Rossa, Montreal...


18 Nov 07 - 10:14 PM (#2197174)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: C. Ham


How was the show?

19 Nov 07 - 11:27 AM (#2197523)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz

C. Ham: Penny's show was one of the strongest, most memorable times that I've ever seen. I got a chance to speak with her backstage for a few minutes before the show, Her baby-brother, Scotty had passed away this past year, so I wanted to give her a hug...
It was one of those times where everything came together. The audience was filled with singers and musician's who sang back-up. Just beautiful. Ken Whiteley and Annabelle Chovstek opened, and then provided some inspired back-up. Mike Regenstreif was there. New job. Still one of the strongest supporters of Folk Music around. David Young, a singer/writer/web-developer, organized the dinner for about 12 people at the restuarant before the show. Spanish theme, paellas, tapas, flan(I got 2). I kept wanting to sing "boots of Spanish leather". Ha...
Penny made sure she brought along some songs written on sheets of paper. Apparently some fans had made some requests, so she didn't let them down. She really covered the bases with her "kitchen music," sing-alongs, and well-known pieces. "Get on that train to Jordan, you don't need a ticket, you just get on-board..."(People get Ready).
You see these references in Mudcat threads about "Folk Clubs", "Support", and keeping Folk music alive. It's really about Spirit, isn't it? It's about choices. Getting off the couch, and DOING it. What else would drive a woman in her mid 60's(In her heart, sweet 16, a knight would never reveal a damsels true age) to get on a plane in near winter and come to Montreal? It's way past money...
It reminds me of a story I might have told in one of these threads before. I was tired from working in a metal factory, but I wanted to play the Blues. So, I went down to Jo-Jo's, a local club that has a jam on Sundays. It was getting late, and I had to get up early the next day. The fatigue was kicking in...Then, on the wet, muddy floor(it had been snowing outside} crawling toward the stage, was a man with no legs. He had a harmonica in his hand, and wanted to play. I wasn't tired anymore. I stayed, and played...

Support Folk Music...Bruce Murdoch/Jan4/08 La Sala Rossa, 4848 St. Laurent, Montreal...


19 Nov 07 - 09:01 PM (#2197950)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: C. Ham

Thanks Bob. Wish I could have been there.

19 Nov 07 - 11:40 PM (#2198003)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: GUEST,JohnB

You guys have obviously never heard Pamela Morgan.

20 Nov 07 - 12:54 PM (#2198455)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
From: Beer

Great write up Bob. Thanks for the up date.
Beer (adrien)