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BS: A Poem for Maria

20 Sep 07 - 08:39 PM (#2153913)
Subject: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: GUEST,Joe Offer, at the Women's Center

I'm here at the Women's Center working on the computer, and I came across a poem I meant to share with you. Wellspring Women's Center in Sacramento is a drop-in center in the poor part of town. Our slogan is "hospitality...with dignity and love." We serve breakfast, and give women a pleasant, social gathering place where they can get away from poverty for a few hours.
Last month, one of our long-time guests, Maria, was shot and killed by her ex-husband, who then shot himself. The murder was witnessed by their five-yer-old son, so it was especially tragic. The murder has affected our whole community for the last several weeks. One of our guests - I don't know her name - wrote this poem.
May Maria rest in peace - and her husband as well.



It's so hard to say goodbye.
It's hard not to have your presence.

You left so unexpectedly.
They took your wings when your
happiness and love towards life was still full.

Now you are happy,
For you are with God.

God shows compassion and is generous with his
Children and he will welcome you with
Open arms.
Have no worries, for he will fortify, love
And care for your children.

Enjoy your life wherever you are.
We will miss your presence among us.
There is an empty seat,
But we will fill that spot with
your image and happiness.

We cherish the best of you:
Your companionship, jokes and laughter in
Our minds and our hearts.

Rest in peace dear friend.

20 Sep 07 - 08:50 PM (#2153930)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: Peace

That is a beautiful testament to Maria, Joe.

20 Sep 07 - 09:00 PM (#2153936)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: wysiwyg

Amen, Joe.


20 Sep 07 - 09:25 PM (#2153952)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: Sorcha

Blessed Be Maria, her husband, and their son.

May they all find peace somewhere. Joe, it's heartbreaking work. I know. All you can do is keep trying to save just one. Just One.

20 Sep 07 - 10:06 PM (#2153984)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: open mike

Thank you for sharing this with us, Joe
and thank you for sharing your energy
with others who are in need.

I send best wishes and blessings to their son,
who i hope can have good dreams despite all this.

20 Sep 07 - 10:31 PM (#2154000)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: Beer

Thanks Joe.
That hurts man.
The child will never forget no matter what. How tragic.
Beer (adrien)

21 Sep 07 - 12:05 AM (#2154037)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: katlaughing

{{{HUG}}}} for you, Joe, and thanks for your service and for sharing with us. How tragic and sad. May they all find peace.

21 Sep 07 - 12:49 AM (#2154055)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: Ebbie

I grew up with brothers and along the way took in the notion that it's 'sissy' to cry. I held on to that nonsense until I was way past grown.

One day at a restaurant several of us were in a restaurant when the friend of one of them sat down with us and told us what was going on in her life.

She and her family were a rescue home and they wre caring for three children, the oldest one 5 or 6, who had been present when their fathre killed their mother.

I sat there and wept.

Thank you, Joe, for being there.

21 Sep 07 - 02:16 AM (#2154071)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: Joe Offer

Our social worker, Cathy, started a weekly session she calls "PoetTea." She got some elegant teapots and cups and saucers, and a group of ten to fifteen women gather every Monday afternoon to write poetry and read it to each other. They sometimes do readings for the rest of us volunteers, and they publish a book of poetry every year.

The participants are an interesting mix. One is the best-known storyteller in Sacramento. Another is a tall, elegant, willowy woman near seventy who dances as she recites her poetry. Others are homeless and barely literate, and some are the "working poor." Their gathering is a sacred time. Sometimes, I try to do my maintenance work within earshot so I can eavesdrop on this wonderful event. The poem above is unusually powerful, but our poets have written many things that have moved me to tears. And they have such a wonderful time doing all this.

-Joe, privileged to be a man working at a women's center-

21 Sep 07 - 10:34 AM (#2154264)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: Bee

Joe, I'm in tears, but thank you for sharing with us.

It also gives me another hint that you are a very good man.

21 Sep 07 - 10:38 AM (#2154269)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: katlaughing

There is hope for the child. I have a dear friend who, when a child, witnessed her mother being killed by her father. She has grown into a very healthy, very wonderful person who is living a wonder-filled life. It took some work and many years, but she did it. I hope Maria's child can do the same.

21 Sep 07 - 02:57 PM (#2154454)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: Bill D

Here's a prayer for the day when no one will NEED to write a moving poem like that.

21 Sep 07 - 03:56 PM (#2154480)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: Alba

Right with you on that Bill D.
From Tragedy comes unconditional Love.
Blessings on that wee Boy.
Thanks for sharing Maria's Poem with us Joe.
With Love

21 Sep 07 - 04:01 PM (#2154484)
Subject: RE: BS: A Poem for Maria
From: gnu

"...sissy to cry..." Well then, I am a sissy. Thanks Joe.