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BS: Silly Silly Santa!!

21 Sep 07 - 04:20 PM (#2154497)
Subject: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: GUEST,Somebody's Secret Santa

Is it time yet? Is it time yet? I wanna know so I can start giving my Santee obscure hints and otherwise making his or her life interesting!! Come-on Liz...get offa the pot!!

21 Sep 07 - 06:53 PM (#2154590)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: artbrooks

Be patient...all good things come to he who waits.

21 Sep 07 - 07:56 PM (#2154616)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!

to him who waits or he who waits? And what about us shes (or hers)?

21 Sep 07 - 09:42 PM (#2154682)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Rapparee

They also serve who sit around and drink beer while waiting.

22 Sep 07 - 04:03 AM (#2154782)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Liz the Squeak

I stay on the pot for another 8 days... the draw will take place the first week in October, so just hang on to it for another week or so.

And I'm not drinking beer.


22 Sep 07 - 04:09 AM (#2154786)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Megan L

What about us who drink tea and wait?

22 Sep 07 - 06:20 AM (#2154814)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: JennieG

Or coffee?


22 Sep 07 - 09:12 AM (#2154869)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Severn

"Wait for Liz!" is the only tip that can be given to the waiters out there. You'll have to exist on salary until then, washed down by beverige of choice. Or on pot, if Liz is willing to share. Be patient (in- or out-), until the Santy-Christ shall be reborn and reappear yet once again to save us all from cluelessness!

22 Sep 07 - 09:18 AM (#2154875)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Catherine Jayne

Fancy a sloe gin liz??

22 Sep 07 - 09:19 AM (#2154876)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: jacqui.c

I stay on the pot for another 8 days...

Liz - what HAVE you been drinking???????

22 Sep 07 - 09:26 AM (#2154880)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Liz the Squeak

Not beer, that's for certain!


22 Sep 07 - 09:30 AM (#2154883)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Severn

Is Liz too well-oiled to squeak, by this point?

22 Sep 07 - 09:39 AM (#2154887)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: artbrooks

Got a bad batch of chocolate, did you? Can one get around to remove the seat?

23 Sep 07 - 08:46 AM (#2155568)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Liz the Squeak

No such thing as a bad batch of chocolate... only poor digestive tract health!


23 Sep 07 - 10:13 AM (#2155621)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Leadfingers

Liz - can I put in a bid for a Santa who DOESNT get barred from mudcat before sending my loot out ? Last year was a bit of a let down ! LOL

23 Sep 07 - 10:19 AM (#2155626)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Severn

What? You had an order of Hammond-Ex that the wait staff never delivered?

23 Sep 07 - 10:23 AM (#2155630)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: GUEST,ed

Santa is a marketers marvel.
Most everyone thinks he is a good guy.
Even though he gives better gifts to rich kids,than poor kids.

24 Sep 07 - 08:22 AM (#2156209)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: GUEST,SECSY LTS pretending to work

Santas are as Santas does... if you've been a bad, bad boy, you'll get your just desserts. And I don't mean jelly and icecream!

I didn't get him banned, he got himself banned, so don't blame me.. Like I keep saying, I'm in charge, but I'm not responsible!!!


25 Sep 07 - 11:18 AM (#2157118)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: artbrooks


26 Sep 07 - 02:25 AM (#2157530)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

I'm still not responsible!!


26 Sep 07 - 06:50 AM (#2157602)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: artbrooks

We know, Liz.

26 Sep 07 - 05:19 PM (#2158028)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!

Joy! Joy! Jolly John opened a store right next to Petco. MOre useless crap than even I could imagine. The best? A whole table of FREE THINGS! I fell in love with one item and convinced them to sell me a shitload as birthday gifts for the Getaway. They were thrilled to charge for a giveaway item.
This place makes the Christmas Tree Shop look classy. Rows of open tables with handmade cardboard signs and the worst icrap ever.
But the best is a whole wall of MAINE souvenirs. A whole wall!
PLease tell me who my Santee is. I am ready to shop!

26 Sep 07 - 05:25 PM (#2158032)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Alba

Oh shit this is bad News for some poor Santee...very bad News indeed...:)

eh Mary might be bad news for 2 Santees if this "new" store is open when I come up...*evil laugh*

26 Sep 07 - 05:59 PM (#2158051)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Becca72

Sins, Jolly John sells cars (Hi Ho).. The dude you're thinking of is Bob or somebodyorother, and I agree that it is a huge selection of shit. Did you see the flamingo toilet paper holder? :-)
My question is, why is it that all of these places to buy truly awful crap smell so weird? I am highly scent-sensitive so that's the first thing I notice about a store and that place smells funny.

26 Sep 07 - 06:31 PM (#2158082)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Alba

Now those toilet holders 'Pink' Flamingos I assume/hope?

oh and Mary notice the topic of smells has arisen again


26 Sep 07 - 06:38 PM (#2158086)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: bfdk

Uhm... singing lobsters? flashing santas? I'm sure they'd look great somewhere in Scotland :o))

Liz... I was *good* to Limpit last year, wasn't I?? Pleeeze...!!

26 Sep 07 - 07:14 PM (#2158104)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Becca72

Very pink, Alba It was a statuette of a flamigo with one leg cocked up into the air on which to rest your role of toilet tissue. Very classy crap indeed. I'dve had one, except I cannot leave the TP out without it being shredded by 2 very energetic cats. Although...that flamingo might just scare them away from it... :-)

26 Sep 07 - 10:21 PM (#2158182)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!

Must have sold out, Becca. I missed it.
And yes it does smell funky like mildew or wet cardboard.
I particularly liked the tall sharp stake with a stuffed moose or lobster glued to the top. Must be for destroying Maine vampires. Or maybe for Maine Morris Dancers.

27 Sep 07 - 02:34 AM (#2158271)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Peter Kasin

I was very disappointed that I didn't get my Calvin Coolidge talking action figure last year. i don't know if I can even believe in Santa anymore.


27 Sep 07 - 05:03 AM (#2158322)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

Chantey - don't say thing like that!! Don't you know that when you say you don't believe in Santa, another plastic flamingo pops into existence!!!


27 Sep 07 - 10:50 AM (#2158549)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
From: Becca72

Yes, Sins...those "hobby horse"- like things were pretty weird. You don't see too many Maine children galloping around on a lobster, really..