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BS: Favourite TV Ad

25 Sep 07 - 10:28 AM (#2157050)
Subject: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: The PA

Ok its a slow day at works and this is just for fun. Do you have a favourite (or really annoying) ad running on the TV at the moment? Which one and why?
Our's is the gorilla playing the drums on the Cadbury's chocolate ad.

25 Sep 07 - 08:50 PM (#2157430)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Mrrzy

Don't have TV - because of the ads!

25 Sep 07 - 08:52 PM (#2157433)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Mrrzy

But I did see one with an unexpected punch line - guys are bored at the opera, one opens his coat and says Hey, I have enough for everyone - some bottled beer. As they are quietly opening their beers, the soprano hits a high note and first their 2 beers shatter, then all the ones still in the one guy's coat.
Then the guy in front of them says Fellows, next time you're at the opera... and he has a CAN of beer.

I thought it was funny...

25 Sep 07 - 09:04 PM (#2157436)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Sorcha

Geico lizards and the chipmunk thing for some car or other....(US)

25 Sep 07 - 09:12 PM (#2157440)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: catspaw49

The ad agency that has the Geico account have got to be in line for some kind of award. They have more successful and talked about ads all running concurrently than anyone before I can remember. The Gecko, Cavemen, Eras, Hired Personality, Time It Takes, Loren Wallace........All of these plus more (Check out the YouTube stuff) have attracted a lot of attention and even here on Mudcat where the Gecko accent was explored in depth......LOL


25 Sep 07 - 09:20 PM (#2157446)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: bobad


25 Sep 07 - 09:39 PM (#2157458)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Jeri

Spaw, I'm with you on the Geico ads. The deadpan blonde guy was pure Christopher Guest, the Loren Wallace ("I'm not sayin' I wouldn't go fishin' with the man, but if he comes near me, I'm puttin' him in the wall") ads are genius, the caveman ads are funny (I think there's a TV show coming out) but my disbelief isn't sufficiently suspended. If there were cavemen, they'd live in caves, and where are the cave women?! Of course there's the one where the guy's having an argument with his therapist when his mom calls.

26 Sep 07 - 02:51 AM (#2157535)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Rasener

The Tesco UK advert with Borg and Connors shopping.

26 Sep 07 - 03:39 AM (#2157547)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

I'm sorry to have to say but it's the Pot Noodle ads.

The scenario is a Pot Noodle factory where the noodles, mined in Welsh mountains, are turned from their raw, blobby form into stringy noodles. The process involves pressing them between two large and prettily shaped plates and having half the salt content removed.

The worker being interviewed has a high pitched voice, overalls and a hard hat on his head. During the 'interview' he describes the process and says 'You got to be careful not to get anything "delicate" in the way, isn't that right Hugh?', whereupon he turns Hugh round to show that he is wearing two hard hats, one large upon his head and the other smaller, around his groinal area.

The payoff is the final still, where there are two moodily lit Pot Noodle pots and some of the product - one noodle and two peas, "artistically" arranged.

Has me smirking every time... but I'm easily pleased these days.


26 Sep 07 - 08:03 AM (#2157629)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: jacqui.c

For me it's the All Bran add shot on a building site with various items in the background dropping. You can see it here

Brilliant. It even made Kendall laugh and he's totally anti adverts.

26 Sep 07 - 08:51 AM (#2157652)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: dwditty

One of the cardinal rules of folkies is to deny EVER watching ANY TV...or so I thought.

26 Sep 07 - 09:01 AM (#2157658)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: GUEST,LTS Pretending to work

You're allowed to watch TV as long as you complain about the programmes and sing a 39 verse ballad about how good the programmes were in black and white.

'It was on the good ship Betamax'!


26 Sep 07 - 09:07 AM (#2157664)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: GUEST,strad

Favourite for me - any of the Famous Grouse ads

26 Sep 07 - 01:13 PM (#2157818)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Rasener

How about this one

Naomi Campbell

Here is the one I mentioned earlier except I got it wrong. It was mcEnroe Vs Borg

McEnroe Vs Borg

26 Sep 07 - 01:20 PM (#2157822)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: kendall

I hate commercials, especially GEICO.

I did get a kick out of the Capitol one ads with the unemployed Vikings.
I will watch any ad with puppies, especially if they are Yellow Labs.

26 Sep 07 - 01:44 PM (#2157838)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Ebbie

There is an asthma ad currently that I don't understand at all.

It starts by the woman saying that her asthma had gotten so bad that she sometimes had to use her asthma medicine (or inhaler; I don't remember which) twice a week but then her doctor put her on this other medication (or inhaler; I don't remember which!) and now she can get by with just one daily dose. What?

26 Sep 07 - 01:55 PM (#2157856)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Becca72

I like the Capitol One ad with the Vikings, also. Especially the one packing the ice cream cone with his grimy hand and wiping his nose at the same time, although admittedly it makes me cringe.

26 Sep 07 - 02:11 PM (#2157878)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Donuel

"no the OTHER German shepards"

26 Sep 07 - 02:12 PM (#2157879)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Folk Form # 1

I like the Marks & Spencer adverts with the girls on the train. The girls are dead classy and beautiful and that is why I like it. It also has Twiggy, who looks a down sight better now that she is older and not the stick insect that she was in the 60s. I also like the song, which goes something like, "I like-ah your face, I like ah your nose," etc, etc. Anyone know who it is by

26 Sep 07 - 03:12 PM (#2157954)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: fretless

There are pond issues here, but from the left side of the ocean, I've been enjoying the Sasquatch/beef jerky ads.

26 Sep 07 - 03:17 PM (#2157955)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Riginslinger

The kid that catches the wind in a bottle.

26 Sep 07 - 03:24 PM (#2157961)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Big Mick

I roared at the sasquatch ads, but I am with Jeri and Spaw. The ad, with Talia Shire as the therapist, that ended with the line, "It's my Mother, I'll put it on speaker" still makes me laugh out loud. I liked the Capital One ads at first but felt they carried them on too long. I also get a kick out of the original ad that shows the fella paying with cash and stopping everything in the diner.


26 Sep 07 - 03:52 PM (#2157976)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: GUEST,patty o'dawes

M & S ad music.

Here you go Penguin Egg, you can download the music - by The Charioteers. Yes I agree good song.

But for me it's got to be the Gorilla playing the Phil Collins solo like the opening poster - genius.

26 Sep 07 - 04:21 PM (#2157992)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: catspaw49

Hey Jeri.......The Loren Wallace ads are really a hit with the NASCAR set and Geico is getting a lot more than their money's wort in free additional ads as several racing shows are trying to get the kid and Mike on at the same time. It appears the first will be a pre-race show on SPEED channel. One of the racing forums had a thread wondering if he really was a Wallace (he's not, he's an actor) that ran to about 900 posts!

Speaking of racing ads, there is no low that Mike Waltrip will not sink to to shill for his sponsors, but that's the name of the game anymore. Some of them are really cute but many are just sadly embarassing.


26 Sep 07 - 04:34 PM (#2158001)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Wesley S

Years ago there was a Lifesavers candy ad that showed a little boy and his father sitting on a hill. The sun is setting in the distence and as it disappears the father whispers "Going....going....gone". At that point the little boy looks up at his dad and whispers "Do it again daddy". I got tears in my eyes every time I saw it.

26 Sep 07 - 04:39 PM (#2158006)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: gnu

Bjorn (spg?) & John at Tesco's? So... at Tesco's, it's not "first come, first served"? Damn rude of Tesco's!! I would have complained loudly to that woman and left my cart!

26 Sep 07 - 05:15 PM (#2158025)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Lonesome EJ

There's a commercial that features people observing other people in acts of kindness, for example, a pizza guy is crossing the street but not looking when a woman grabs his arm, a guy who sees this then helps a man with his carry-on bag, a lady who sees this does something else nice for someone. I don't even know what they are selling, but it warms my heart to see it.

26 Sep 07 - 05:37 PM (#2158041)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: PoppaGator

I'm sick to death of the Capital One Vikings, but then I have reason to really hate Capital One (don't ask....). I have a better attitude toward Geico (I buy my car insurance from them), but I'm almost as tired of the cavemen as I am of that "Dark Ages of Banking" crowd. But the gecko is still pretty cute, although I've never understood why he has that Aussie accent...

I thought someone among all you US folkies would already have mentioned "Viva Viagra," if only because it presents acoustic jamming as a plausible recreational activity for happy-go-lucky baby-boomer-age guys (or, if you prefer, midlife-crisis victims).

The ad shows a half-dozen or so fellows having fun, performing for no one but themselves on two guitars, a standup bass, upright piano and a minimal drum kit, singing "Viva Las Vegas" (per Elvis) with slightly amended lyrics.

Now, I understand that some people will hate it or find it offensive. Comedian Jeff Garlin is one; he was on Letterman a week or so ago, asking us to imagine how this was proposed at the ad agency:

"Well, you know I have this problem, but I really enjoy getting together with some of my buddies who have the same problem. We all bring our acoustic intruments and sing songs with lyrics we make up about our favorite medication. The one I like the best is 'Viva Viagra'........"

Now, Garlin went on to express total scorn for the music, expressing his opinion that nobody has any use for that corny old acoustic picking. I suppose that's where he and I differ. I find the music rather engaging, and the "Viagra" lyrics just plain funny.

26 Sep 07 - 05:58 PM (#2158049)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Big Mick

I told my wife and my entire family that if they should ever find me onstage singing "Viva Viagara" that they had my permission to shoot me on the spot and leave the body for the critters. Hate that ad.


26 Sep 07 - 06:18 PM (#2158069)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: PoppaGator

Well, Mick, to each his own, right?

In my defense, I'd like to clarify:

The first time I saw the ad, I had just changed channels from a TCM showing of, believe it or not, Elvis and Ann-Margret in "Viva Las Vegas," the movie. Hearing the film's theme song immediately, on another station, was kinda surprising, and seeing all those forty-something guys happily jamming away just plain suckered me in ~ I was buying the whole act before they got to the chorus and let us know they were singing the praises of Viagra.


26 Sep 07 - 06:22 PM (#2158075)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Little Hawk

That would be none at all.

26 Sep 07 - 06:23 PM (#2158076)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Big Mick

Hell yes, Tom. I didn't mean to imply anything about you, and forgive me if you took it that way. Truth is, I got sucked in the first time the same way. Saw the instruments, and guys around my age, then the words...... I thought to myself, "they have taken inanity to a whole new level....". Just the idea of singin' about this, the whole premise they built it around.... just seems ridiculous to me.


26 Sep 07 - 06:46 PM (#2158089)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: PoppaGator

No offense taken or meant, Mick, and I'm reassured that your first reaction was similar to mine. And I think we both agree that that whole deal is ridiculous. It's just, I suppose, that I seem to like ridiculousness more than most...

At the risk of going into TMI mode ~ Too Much Information ~ I am happy to report that, six weeks short of my 60th birthday, I don't really need the stuff, although of course (ahem) I'm not as young as I used to be.

A couple of years ago, I went in for a routine medical checkup when my regular doctor (a very conservative born-again type) was on vacation. The woman doctor who was substituting for him broached the subject of "ED," because she knew that Dr. So-and-so refused to prescribe the stuff for anyone. I allowed that, while not flat-out impotent, maybe I'd like to try some, just to see if things would, er, work a little bit better. So she wrote me a scrip.

When I went to the drug store, the pharmacist took me aside ~ way aside, in an effort to be extra-confidential ~ and advised me that my prescription was going to cost me something like $350 (!). Was I still interested? I told him to give me about $20 worth, which was about 2 or 3 doses.

It was an interesting experience. I could tell the stuff had an effect, but the Mrs. claims not to have detected anything different at all, so I never bothered to follow up. Not yet, anyway...

26 Sep 07 - 07:11 PM (#2158101)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: catspaw49

Damn Leej.....I sure am with you on the "do a kindness" commercials. They're for Liberty Mutual and here is ONEand then ANOTHER ONE on YouTube.

Karen likes the Nationwide ones using the "Life Comes At You Fast" slogan.


27 Sep 07 - 09:27 AM (#2158486)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Folk Form # 1

Thanks patty o'dawes. I am in your debt.

27 Sep 07 - 05:32 PM (#2158831)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad

The setting sun "Going Going Gone" and "Do it again" is actually from a book "Prince of Tides". I wondered how they got away with the plagiarism.

27 Sep 07 - 09:29 PM (#2158980)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Lonesome EJ

Well, Grease, as the old saying goes, "great minds..."

Your old opponent,

28 Sep 07 - 05:53 AM (#2159132)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Liz the Squeak

Or should that be 'fools seldom differ'...


28 Sep 07 - 12:13 PM (#2159371)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Lonesome EJ

Liz, have I told you about my Uncle Charles' rooster?

28 Sep 07 - 12:31 PM (#2159389)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Becca72

I like the Master Card "back to school" commercial with the 3 little skinny boys doing the Robot to some funk song.

29 Sep 07 - 12:41 AM (#2159739)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: John O'L

The Big ad for Carlton beer

29 Sep 07 - 01:50 AM (#2159747)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: John O'L

This Honda ad has a touch of brilliance about it too.

29 Sep 07 - 01:59 AM (#2159749)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Liz the Squeak

I can't help but wonder what happened to the huge Skoda Fabia cake they baked for the latest advert.

Little touches of genius like pouring golden syrup into the "oil intake" and using jelly (jello) for the lights were all beaten by the chocolate flake radiator grill!


29 Sep 07 - 05:54 AM (#2159806)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: GUEST,patty o'dawes

I couldn't manage a whole one.

29 Sep 07 - 03:51 PM (#2160040)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: fat B****rd

I believe, Liz, the cake went off and was thrown away.

30 Sep 07 - 01:23 PM (#2160484)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Riginslinger

Okay, I saw it again. It's a General Electric ad--one of America's largest defense contractors--and it's aimed at convincing the viewer that GE is promoting "wind power" because the company cares so much about the environment.

                     There's a little boy on a sea coast catching the wind in a bottle. He catches a ride home with a guy on a motorcycle with a sidecar, like you think you're in, maybe, Ireland.

                     But when he enters the house with the bottle, the family seem Latino. It's a little, old, rundown house, and they blow out the candles on the birthday cake with the wind in the bottle. So the tradition is American, or maybe British.

                     The wind in the bottle is powerful enough to blow the windows out of the little house. Everyone laughs and hugs the boy.

                     The viewer is left with the impression that wind power can make a difference, and GE can bring it to them, wherever they are.

01 Oct 07 - 12:39 PM (#2161210)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Y_Not

There is a Ford car Ad which is nothing special apart from the music which is "Banks of the Seine" in this version it is whistled, I first heard the tune by Tony Hall who recorded it on an album years ago, I would love to find out who the composer is.
Any ideas?

01 Oct 07 - 12:48 PM (#2161242)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: John Hardly

Sticking it to the man

01 Oct 07 - 01:21 PM (#2161271)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Lonesome EJ

Riginslinger, that ad reminds me of o ne that was in the old movie Tunnel Vision. The movie was a spoof of tv, with sitcoms, sports specials, news reports, etc. There were several great commercial satires, but the one the GE ad reminds me of started with scenes of pure mountain lakes, a clear tumbling stream, an eagle hovering, children playing in a pasture etc, while the voiceover says "in our world today, pollution threatens to overwhelm the beauty of our native land. Rivers, lakes and streams are threatened with chemical contamination. But after years of research, investment, and the combined efforts of our entire work force, we at Consanto were finally able to come up with this commercial."

02 Oct 07 - 07:53 AM (#2161773)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Riginslinger

EJ - Yeah, then there's all the adds put out by the oil companies about how much they're doing to save woodpeckers, little seedlings, and the planet.

02 Oct 07 - 01:58 PM (#2162148)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: DougR

Any sponsored commercial: revolting.


02 Oct 07 - 02:19 PM (#2162177)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Big Mick

Nothing that does can even come close, on the "revolting" front, to the Swift Boat ads and such that were put together by Rove and company, Doug. You conservative folks showed your true colors on that one. You took an honest to goodness military hero and denigrated him for political gain, even though you all claim to have the high ground on the issue of patriotism. How about the job your boys did on Max Cleland, a man who left a third of his body and plenty of his blood on the field of battle? Yep, I can see how you don't like Moveon. They hold a light up to the real agenda of the conservative patriots (he says while holding his nose).


02 Oct 07 - 02:28 PM (#2162184)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Kaleea

I chuckle at the ads with Ellen Degeneres. Geico is borrrring. So's the aflack duck. Cavewomen? Men may laugh at men covered with a hairy fur, but they aren't going to laugh at women covered with hairy furry faces, arms & legs, etc. Some women might, though.

03 Oct 07 - 12:34 PM (#2162806)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: GUEST,maire-aine

Love the Mastercard (i think) where the zookeeper gets sick and the elephant get a blanket & cold medicine and takes care of the keeper. So sweet.


03 Oct 07 - 12:50 PM (#2162811)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Jean(eanjay)

I love the car adverts where the children and adults swap places. I think they are advertising the Zafira.

03 Oct 07 - 01:43 PM (#2162859)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Emma B

one for sheepdog lovers everywhere

and a nice tribute to Phil Drabble who died earlier this year.

03 Oct 07 - 06:26 PM (#2163158)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Well, I kinda liked Edie Adams trying to seduce me into picking her up some time (as the Muriel cigar lady.) Do they still make those?

03 Oct 07 - 07:57 PM (#2163224)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Mickey191

I do still like the GEICO Gecco-mainly because I luv the accent & the quietness of it.Can't stand Geico's cave men.

Real Favorite is:
There ain't no bugs on me,
There ain't no bugs on me,
There may be bugs on some of you mugs,
BUT there ain't no bugs on me! TEE HEE!

Sung by the cutest lil puppy ever. He's at the swimming hole with his K9 friends. Can't thing of the product- a flea remover-Frontline?

03 Oct 07 - 08:42 PM (#2163241)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: John Hardly

Agreed: Ellen Degeneres commercials are a riot.

03 Oct 07 - 11:23 PM (#2163314)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Mickey191

Tonight 3 new commercials:

The Best: Five Chimps in a line doing Irish Step dancing with great lively music.

Geico using a film clip of Jed Clampett's old shack & because he switched to Geico--he's now in a mansion.

THE MOST PECULIAR: Barbara Bush CLOSE-UP telling us to spend more time with our kids so they will not drink, smoke, or inject vile potions into their limbs. JEEZE-She must have been camped out on the back forty while BushBaby was growing up! I had to laugh out loud at the bloody nerve. Funny time to put this up--Just after GWB vetoed the kid's health coverage bill.

04 Oct 07 - 02:54 PM (#2163849)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: GUEST,Neil D

My favorite Caveman commercial is the subtlest. No dialogue at all. Just a lone Caveman rolling along on a people mover at the airport when he roll up on a sign with a "So easy even a caveman can do it" ad. He turns and walks the opposite way on the conveyor belt thus staying even with the sign for a couple seconds then turns, crosses his arms and rolls away with a disgusted look on his face.
    Does anyone know the song that plays throughout this ad?

04 Oct 07 - 03:23 PM (#2163868)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Becca72

Mickey, I just saw the one wtih the Chimps this morning and thought it was funny, too. Don't remember what they were selling, though.

04 Oct 07 - 03:55 PM (#2163884)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: GUEST,Neil D

BTW the show "CAVEMEN" premiered two nights ago and was mediocre at best. It's not even yhe same Cavemen from the ad campaign.

04 Oct 07 - 04:10 PM (#2163892)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Joe Offer

I've been looking through The Vienna Collection, some wonderful advertising spots for Vienna tourism. Take a look - I think you'll enjoy them.
-Joe, exploring his new broadband connection-

04 Oct 07 - 05:39 PM (#2163948)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Mickey191

Becca, If you put a gun to my head I couldn't tell the product either.

Perhaps Chongo will know-I noticed a strong resemblance to him - 3rd from the left. Might be a shirttail relative of his.

05 Oct 07 - 02:00 PM (#2164582)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: GUEST,Neil d

I think the one with the step-dancing chimps is for Arbie's.

05 Oct 07 - 02:24 PM (#2164601)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Mickey191

Guest, Neil--IT's all coming back to me now--You are right! Thanks alot.

05 Oct 07 - 03:30 PM (#2164632)
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
From: Don Firth

Yeah, the "There ain't no bugs on me" commercial is one of my favorites. But I think my all-time favorite is this one:


Need I say more?

Don Firth