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BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime

04 Oct 07 - 08:17 PM (#2164064)
Subject: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: Donuel

Which one will get you jail time or fine

Bong water
Black water

Spying on NFL coaches signals
Spying on everyone

Torture by fire ice and incisions
Hugging in High School

Taking an oath to uphold the Constitution and breaking that oath.
Demonstrating to uphold the Constitution

Wagging your foot in the mens room
Wagging your wiener in the mens room

04 Oct 07 - 08:54 PM (#2164081)
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: Amos

a. Lying about fellatio.
b. Lying about mass abuse of others by military force.

a. Causing the death of a patient in a permanent vegetative condition or long term coma
b. Causing the death of ten thousand civilians trying to get by

a. Causing the death of 3,000 citizens in one operation?
b. Causing the death of 2,000 soldiers with one signature?
c. Providing medical marijuana for the terminally ill?

a. Lying to the American nation about what you know
b. Telling the truth in public about how you feel.

a. Carrying s 7 ounce jar of Pond's Cold Cream onto a passenger plane?
b. Being a 190 pound bag of shit on a fighter plane?

Fun game you've invented here, Donuel!


04 Oct 07 - 11:22 PM (#2164134)
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: Donuel

Thanks Amos

Whistling (the kind with your lips) in Jacksonville FL, Detroit MI and LA CA.
creating 150 decibles within Wash DC city limits.

04 Oct 07 - 11:38 PM (#2164138)
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: Stilly River Sage

Let's see if I've got it:

a. Giving the order to commit egregious and wanton war crimes.
b. Being a cab driver in the wrong place at the wrong time in Afghanistan.


05 Oct 07 - 02:52 AM (#2164187)
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: Mr Red

a) lying about creationism's maths errors
b) creating a lie about mass destruction

05 Oct 07 - 08:51 PM (#2164815)
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: folk1e

1) Conniving to falsify a democratic election in America

2) Complaining that the election in your country was not fair

1) Selling torture impliments to foreign governments

2) Allowing your own nationals to suffer "rendition"

3) Not doing anything about eather of the above

1) Invading another peacefull country

2) Supporting the invaders above by letting them host the Olimpics

06 Oct 07 - 02:11 AM (#2164922)
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: GUEST,bert on kelley's machine


I know of two babies now who wouldn't be alive if it hadn't been for the (illegal) use of marijuana.

06 Oct 07 - 02:31 AM (#2164930)
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: Lonesome EJ

Stealing an apple, or borrowing an apple pie. (Just trying it on a lighter note.)

06 Oct 07 - 03:35 AM (#2164946)
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: Liz the Squeak

Posting anonymously or
Bitching about others posting anonymously...


06 Oct 07 - 08:21 PM (#2165522)
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: folk1e

1) Singing (with MY voice)
2) Not singing

07 Oct 07 - 01:36 AM (#2165663)
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play - Which one is a crime
From: Stilly River Sage

a. Deregulating the Savings and Loan Industry (and allowing widespread looting of said institutions)
b. Being a president (with a well-financed vicious enemy) who had a fleeting, legal association with an individual who in his past life owned a savings and loan that failed.