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Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?

02 Nov 07 - 06:24 PM (#2185296)
Subject: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: coldjam

I've tried a few times to email those who are listed, and send photo and info to be posted, and never receive a reply. Is it cause they hate me or is the contact info obsolete? Anybody got a clue?

ps not sure if I posted this before and forgot or if I just thought about it, sorry if I did...

Mudcat Photos (click)

(Temporary Location)

send photos for posting to

02 Nov 07 - 06:48 PM (#2185313)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Fidjit

I tried too to no avail


02 Nov 07 - 07:01 PM (#2185318)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?

Jeff, a volunteer, handles it. He may be at the Getaway. Give him time. I think he waits until he has a bunch and loads them all at once.

02 Nov 07 - 08:41 PM (#2185380)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: catspaw49

Let me try to help out here.......and it isn't the help you really want, but...............Jeff, aka Pene Azul, handled this for a long time as well as many other features of the 'Cat. Jeff is an old friend of Max, the site owner.

Awhile back, both of these fine fellows were thrown into real world situations that precluded them from doing much more than keeping the basics around here working. Add to that "The Crash" that happened and truthfully I am amazed and very pleased AND thankful that we have as much as we do and can still enjoy the camaraderie, laughs, and fights as well that make this place so special.

So let me apologize but also say, just hang in there and at some point down the road things will improve for Mudcat and also "level out" for both Max and Jeff.

From an old-timer here----I hope it helps.


02 Nov 07 - 10:27 PM (#2185431)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: wysiwyg

There was an alternative plan to help the guys out, but we couldn't talk them into letting us all move into either of their houses. Maybe you'll have better luck. At least you won't have to share a room with Catspaw..... eeeew. :~)


03 Nov 07 - 04:01 AM (#2185499)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Mr Red

Hey - it's free and worth every penny. It is what it is and they wouldn't percevere unless they loved you and your contributions. The Cat provides me with lunchtime relief from a very busy, time consuming job.

09 Nov 07 - 02:47 PM (#2190022)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: coldjam

Thanks spaw, appreciate the encouragement and the skinny on the situation. I'm in no particular rush even though it was three or so months least now I won't take it personally! (yeah, like they even know I exist! As my hubby quotes, " WE wouldn't worry so much about what people think of us, if we knew how seldom they do!)

Thanks again.

09 Nov 07 - 03:37 PM (#2190068)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: PoppaGator

The member photos and profiles were "frozen in time" (as far as I can tell) when The Crash occurred, however long ago that was... Not only have no new submissions been accepted and posted, nothing old or obsolete has been deleted, either.

(I'm not sure that any pix or profiles had ever been deleted, for that matter, but you need to understand that much of that information is old and getting older, and some of the members depicted may no longer be hanging around.)

If you're trying and failing to email a currently-active member at the e-address shown in his/her profile, why not use the PM function instead? Of course, you can't attach files to a Personal Message, but you stand a better chance of making contact, and then you should be able to get a current, working, email address for future use.

I never got around to posting a profile before it was too late, but I do have a nice collection of my favorite pictures of ME preserved in cyber-amber as Mudcat Member Photos...

09 Nov 07 - 08:13 PM (#2190264)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: RTim

With the advent of the Mudcat Group on Facebook - it could be said that this feature of Mudcat is no longer needed?
Now all you have to do is create your own Facebook page; Join the Mudcat Facebook Group and then ask anyone who interests you to become a Friend - and you can see so much more about them - AND their friends!!!

Tim Radford

09 Nov 07 - 08:16 PM (#2190266)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?

Will you be my friend????
How pathetic is that?
SINS< tired and grumpy

09 Nov 07 - 08:16 PM (#2190268)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

I'll tell you what - If you'd like to submit a photo, send it to me -
I'll find a temporary posting place until we can get them posted at Mudcat. Now that I have a broadband connection, it's a lot easier for me to do.


09 Nov 07 - 08:31 PM (#2190275)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Leadfingers

A lot of us havent got round to doing the Face Book thing ! May well be worth a look !

09 Nov 07 - 10:51 PM (#2190318)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: maeve

Some of us have no intention of posting on Facebook, while others don't have the technology required. Joe's offer may open the possibilities for a place for Mudcat photos to those two groups as well as those who've chosen to use Facebook.


09 Nov 07 - 11:47 PM (#2190324)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Joe, I have a Mudcat album at myopera. I've got a couple things up there already. If you want to send them on to me, I can include them there.

10 Nov 07 - 10:29 AM (#2190485)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: GUEST,Bert on Kelly's machine.

I have a few links to Mudcatters here.

I was thinking of upgrading this to provide contact info for anyone at Mudcat (or any songwriter) who wants a line or two.
so if you want to email me your info I'll put it here.


10 Nov 07 - 12:53 PM (#2190561)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Jeri

PoppaGator, how is your house now? It looked lovely before Katrina!

10 Nov 07 - 04:19 PM (#2190670)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

Kat and Bert, since you two already have something set up, I'll gladly pass the torch to you. Can you decide between yourselves which one is going to host the photos? People can submit photos to me [ ], and I'll forward them to the appropriate party (thus keeping e-mail address publication to a minimum). I'll also post a link on the PermaThread index.
I think it's best if people can access the photos without a password - is that possible for either of you?
Hey, I like the photo of a pink Micca, Kat.

10 Nov 07 - 04:26 PM (#2190672)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: John MacKenzie

Be aware that Facebook is very intrusive.

10 Nov 07 - 10:13 PM (#2190899)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: coldjam

Hey Thanks Bert, we're on your link page right smack-dab-in-the-middle of the Mc's!

10 Nov 07 - 10:35 PM (#2190909)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

What do you mean by access, Joe? If you mean can they post themselves, then no. If you mean can they look at them without a password, yes, no problem as long as they have the URL or know what to search for on myopera. I think Bill might need a day or two, no pun intended, to come back to earth, so we'll decide in a day or two, okay?:-) How's that for decisive?
    Access with a direct link and view without a password (and without having to go through a chicanery of menus). Uploading without a password is a bad idea.

11 Nov 07 - 08:40 PM (#2191619)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Rowan

I'm not sure of the relevance of this message to the system that Kat and Bert have established but my understanding is that everything posted onto such forums is copyrighted by the owners of the respective forum. I'd rather have Mudcat owning the copyright on anything I posted (however little it might be worth) rather than having major league lawyers getting their hooks in.

Cheers, Rowan

11 Nov 07 - 08:52 PM (#2191628)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Bill D

Rowan...I use MyOpera a lot, and I can find nothing suggesting that they can, or would try to, copyright my images.

11 Nov 07 - 08:56 PM (#2191631)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Bill D

see this page

That's about the shortest terms & rules list I have seen. It says "be nice, and be sure YOU have the right to upload what you do, and you may have 300 megabytes to play with"

11 Nov 07 - 09:48 PM (#2191650)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Good advice Joe....Mudcat is fortunate....many locations will not allow HTML.

Some pretty mean-spirited folk out there.

However, Mudcat has always been more than benevolent in allowing references to ourside links.


folkies....there are mountains of photobuckets, flicker, g-image, brithishpathe, youtube....

BANDWIDTH - CONVERSANCY is again a concern although the days of 300 baud and ANSI are long past.

11 Nov 07 - 10:41 PM (#2191674)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

Oh, and for anybody wanting a photo of Gargoyle, take your pick. I've always thought of the Notre Dame gargoyles as the quintessential ones....


11 Nov 07 - 10:53 PM (#2191678)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: bobad

He's cute.

11 Nov 07 - 10:55 PM (#2191680)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: number 6

rather dramatic I'd say.


11 Nov 07 - 11:58 PM (#2191703)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Janie

All I know is - I want a birthday thread this year. Ya hear! Been waiting long enough to have my personal info posted so Alba can check and start me a birthday thread. I've waited long enough, damn it!

So...somebody take note....November 24 I'll be 56 years young. I'm gonna wait to hit the submit button for 5 minutes so I can say you have 12 days to work on composing your birthday wishes to Yours Truly. If nobody notices or bothers, why, I'll...I'll...well...I guess I'll just....ummmm....turn 56 anyway!

So there!

12 Nov 07 - 12:00 AM (#2191704)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Janie

Arrrrrgh - Oh nooooooooo Mr. Bill, the Mudcat clock and mine are not synchronized....!!!!

12 Nov 07 - 12:19 AM (#2191709)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Sandra in Sydney

the main reason I used My Opera when Kat recommended it, was the short, simple plain English agreement BiLL mntions, there was none of the usual intrusive questions, I didn't need to give them my bank password, a pound of flesh or first born child!

happy pre-Birthday, Janie. Others only have a Birth-day, or even a Birth-month, you can also have a pre-Birthday/month.

sandra (a bit further away from 56, but closing in fast)

12 Nov 07 - 12:51 AM (#2191720)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Rowan

You're both spring chickens, but Happy PreBirthday anyway.

Thanks, BiLL, for setting me straight on MyOpera.

Cheers, Rowan

12 Nov 07 - 12:55 AM (#2191723)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Azizi

Yeah Janie!!!

Another Sagittarius in the house!

I love it! {since I'm a triple Sag-Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in astrology terms}.

Happy Pre-Birthday!

12 Nov 07 - 10:40 AM (#2191957)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Janie, post-it note in the middle of my monitor. I will NOT forget! You will get your thread!**BG** In the meantime, Happy Pre-Birthday! (Is that anything like pre-Men O'Pause?:-)


12 Nov 07 - 01:59 PM (#2192083)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: PoppaGator

Jeri: Thanks for asking about our house.

We're about to celebrate our one-year anniversary of living back home: after Katrina we spent about four months (Sept-Dec '05) in "exile" in New Jersey, then eleven months (Jan-Nov '06) in a New Orleans apartment while waiting on insurance money, waiting for a licensed electrician and licensed plumber, and working on the renovation. We were finally able to move back into our home at Thanksgiving last year.

I have before-and-after pix of the homestead in low-resolution (e-mailable) form that I have sent out to various friends. Actually, a set of three pictures is the most instructive: before Katrina, immediately afterwards, and today, after rehab. The biggest difference between before and after is not so much the house as the surrounding and overhanging shade canopy. The hurricane destroyed 70% of the tree canopy citywide, and it's very evident at my property. Our biggest trees survived (didn't fall down completely), but lost most of their limbs. The background of any photo of our house taken before Katrina showed nothing but green above and behind the building, while all pictures taken since then reveal a bare open sky.

I'll try to remember to send copies to joe-at-mudcat, since he was kind enough to offer.

Janie: Speaking of birthdays, I just had one of my own last Thursday: turned SIXTY on the eighth. I'll be wishing you a happy b-day, and will galdly accept belated greetings for myself...

12 Nov 07 - 02:49 PM (#2192124)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Janie

And here they are, no less well meant for being belated!   Dark, drear February has spawned a lot of November babies (Or maybe it has to do with Valentine's Day.)

12 Nov 07 - 03:18 PM (#2192144)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Azizi

Happy Belated Birthday, Poppagator!!!

12 Nov 07 - 03:41 PM (#2192161)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Happy POst-B-day, Poppagator! I remember the BEFORE pix of your lovely was indeed all green and beautiful. Glad you have been back in your own home for a year now. Seems like it was only yesterday...

all the best,


12 Nov 07 - 04:01 PM (#2192170)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: PoppaGator

Hey, y'all, thanks for the nice quick greetings. Kat, I read about your recent troubles and hope you're doing better.

12 Nov 07 - 04:09 PM (#2192177)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: autolycus

Happy birthday Dad.


12 Nov 07 - 05:08 PM (#2192214)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Jeri

Poppagator, I asked because of the photos in the Photo Section. (Under 'Events') Pretty little house, and I hope it eventually gets back to being 'home'.

I think that maybe Jeff didn't add photos for so long that people quit trying to send them. At least in the 'Events' section. There may be something else going on with the other parts.

12 Nov 07 - 05:41 PM (#2192242)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: PoppaGator

Hmm, I had forgotten that I submitted pictures of my house to "Member Photos/Events," but there they are, matching "before" and "after" shots plus an additional "after" closeup of the front door, with its first-responder inscription:

As you can see, the house itself doesn't look much different, but the absence of surrounding greenery after the catastrophe makes for a really stark contrast.

I'll send Joe just one additional picture, showing the same house from the same angle another 26-27 months later. The sky will still be largely empty, but the overall impression should indicate substantial improvement. If you look closely, you'll see that the "FEMA hieroglyphics" are mostly gone now, since I repainted the shutters, but that a fragment of that spray-painted symbol is still visible on the doorframe. I may never paint over those few square inches, but rather keep a tiny reminder of Katrina that will probably remain unnoticed except when specifically pointed out...

12 Nov 07 - 07:27 PM (#2192325)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Forgot to mention.

Two other EASY ways been around several years (even a Mac user can do it) to send files over the internet:

PANDO requires a free download

But there's an even simpler service, which works right through your browser window and doesn't require the download or istallation of any softwar.


Needed two WAV files for a funeral on Thursday. Request for dying request came after shower and before suit, less than two hours. Phonecall, friend, download, burn and out the door.


13 Nov 07 - 12:39 AM (#2192465)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Sandra in Sydney

amazing photos, PoppaGator

Belated birthday greeting to you, too


14 Nov 07 - 01:07 PM (#2193644)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: coldjam

Wow PoppaGator-what a beautiful place you have. I can't imagine the feelings you must have had finding the aftermath...but I'm glad the body count there was "0"!

14 Nov 07 - 05:29 PM (#2193869)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Looking good after two years, PoppaGator! Folks take a look at a new picture of his place. Just CLICK HERE.

Here are the before pix linked in a previous posting by PoppaGator:

Be sure to scroll down for his comments.

14 Nov 07 - 06:00 PM (#2193894)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: PoppaGator

Kat, you beat me to the punch!

I just emailed that photo to Joe a couple of hours ago. I had planned to give him a little more time before checking "Photos/Events," and then making a little announcement here when folks could see my updated "after-after" picture there, along with the longstanding "before" and "(immediately) after" shots.

Actually, as of right now, that Mudcat Photo/Events page has not yet been updated, but you got hold of my picture quickly, somehow, anyway, and got it up on the web yourself ~ nice work!
    I'm acting as a permanent forwarding resource for the photos, and I sent them on to Kat for posting. Right now, we're not able to change the main Mudcat photo section, so the photos will be located elsewhere until we can move them.

14 Nov 07 - 06:05 PM (#2193896)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

It's a pretty simple process at myopera, Poppa. Your house looks beautiful. You've done a lot of really fine work.

It may be quite a while before the Mudcat photo pages get any kind of work, so up thread, somewhere, BillD and I both offered to put folks' photos up in our albums, if folks would send them to Joe, then he'd send them to one of us, which he did quite sprightly, it seems.:-) I hope that is okay with you?

14 Nov 07 - 06:39 PM (#2193911)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: coldjam

You did a great job Poppa!

After all the conversation on this I started, my pics are on my pc which is not hooked up to the internet...when I figure out how to put it on my mac I will re-submit them to...well someone!

14 Nov 07 - 06:42 PM (#2193914)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Sandra in Sydney

kat - would it be worth putting the Mudcat Photos link PoppaGator posted (12 Nov 07 - 05:41 PM) with the latest pic so folks could see all 3 pics at the same time?


14 Nov 07 - 07:38 PM (#2193944)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Could, Sandra, or if he'd like, I can copy the photos on the Events page and post them to my Mudcat album right along with his latest. What sezya, Poppa?

14 Nov 07 - 07:55 PM (#2193959)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Janie

Thanks, Kat and Poppa!

14 Nov 07 - 10:43 PM (#2194078)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

I am rethinking this, folks. I think I will start a Mudcat membership at myopera, so it will be exclusively Mudcat photos, etc. and BillD, Joe and I can post things for ya'll, if that sounds okay to them and the rest of ya. I don't mind the stuff being on my pages, but I think it may grow, quickly, and I'd like to be sure we have enough space. Give me a day or two, okay?

14 Nov 07 - 10:56 PM (#2194086)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Sandra in Sydney

excellent idea

14 Nov 07 - 11:05 PM (#2194090)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing


14 Nov 07 - 11:20 PM (#2194100)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Okay, folks. Check it out: MUDCAT CAFE Photos at myopera. Joe and Bill, I'll PM you the details.


15 Nov 07 - 12:11 AM (#2194120)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Sandra in Sydney

I checked it out.

It needs more pics! do you want a few of my Ozcatter pics?

sandra (waiting patiently!)

15 Nov 07 - 02:06 AM (#2194151)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Bugsy

Tried your link Kat, and got the following:

500 Internal Server Error

An error was encountered and the page could not be displayed.

Continue to the home page »

Tried to continue to home page and got the same message



15 Nov 07 - 02:13 AM (#2194152)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

I think it was down temporarily. It worked for me a while ago, then went down, and now it seems to be working. I even posted a couple pictures.
If somebody wants to touch up that Mudcat logo and make it on an oblong white background, that would be nice - just e-mail the replacement to me.

15 Nov 07 - 10:05 AM (#2194380)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Joe, I think that black is a myopera thing. I have several versions of the logo, different sizes, etc., none of them with a black border. Each time I have uploaded any of them, the black shows up. I haven't figured it out, yet.:-)

15 Nov 07 - 11:36 AM (#2194477)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Question...maybe for Bill? Should we limit this to 2-3 or more photos per person? I don't know how much myopera allows?

15 Nov 07 - 11:36 AM (#2194478)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Oh, it just occurred to me, we could make an album for each person and then it might not be such an issue, PLUS that'd be an easy way to categorise?

15 Nov 07 - 11:39 AM (#2194482)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Bill D

As Kat mentioned above, she has made me an alternate for posting pics. If Joe is not available, (or even if he IS), I'll be glad to post pics at the Mudcat MyOpera site. (Thus, Joe or Kat or I can edit names, delete pics, add descripions..etc.)
   I think we have agreed to limit it to 2 or 3 pics till we see how it goes.

PM me, and I'll give you an email addy.

15 Nov 07 - 11:42 AM (#2194484)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Bill D to keep this information available so folks can find it when they have something to submit?


15 Nov 07 - 12:06 PM (#2194506)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: PoppaGator

OK, now I understand.

It hadn't occurred to me that anyone might need my permission to copy and repost my pix that I had already submitted. But now I know, and hereby give permission: post away!

(That "after-after" picture, and its caption, are of coures more informative and more interesting when seen inconjunction with the earlier before-and-after shots.)

16 Nov 07 - 01:10 PM (#2195411)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

What's that, Bill? How to find the information? Good thought. I posted it at the top of this thread and in the FAQ. Here 'tis again:

Mudcat Photos (click)

(Temporary Location)

send photos for posting to

16 Nov 07 - 02:01 PM (#2195459)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Is there any way you can post a link on the Members' Photo and Info page, Joe? That way if folks look and wonder how to submit their own, they can find it there. How's that for logical thinking, fellahs?!

16 Nov 07 - 02:56 PM (#2195502)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: PoppaGator

Great idea, Kat. I was thinking that a logical permanent place needed to found for the link, but did not come up with a concrete suggestion. Now that you have done so, it seems so obvious!

At the risk of abusing my privileges, I just sent Joe another photo ~ not of my house this time, but as myself as Santa a couple of years ago.

The current BS discussion of "Santa forbidden to say Ho Ho Ho" prompted me to remember this particular shot, featuring a couple of exotic-dancer types perched on Santa's (my) lap. Not necessarily "hoes," but close enough...

16 Nov 07 - 04:24 PM (#2195550)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?

Joe (and/or joeclone[s]):

Thanks for making links in the previous post and also in my last message posted to the "ho ho ho" thread.
    Alas, 'twas I." -Joe O-

16 Nov 07 - 05:35 PM (#2195594)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: PoppaGator

Sorry, I didn't realize I wasn't logged in...

16 Nov 07 - 06:32 PM (#2195616)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

Now, the thread title is a good question - Who IS in charge?
If  I  were in charge, I certainly wouldn't post a sleasy Santa picture like that.

But since I'm not in charge, I did.....


16 Nov 07 - 07:58 PM (#2195660)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Fidjit

don't want to be pedantic but fidjit is spelt wit a "j"

Now who made the comment?

Anyway nice one Joe. I have views like that around here I'll send you one.

    Don't know whose mistakes they were, but I fixed 'em.

16 Nov 07 - 09:35 PM (#2195696)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Oops, that was me, sorry about that. Thanks for taking care of it, Joe.:-)

17 Nov 07 - 10:40 AM (#2195960)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Fidjit

Ok my Cheshire beauty. You are forgiven.

There's a meaning in the "j". It's pronounced with a fake Irish accent. Then the initial "F" can become prominant!

Only other group I know with the same name is a heavy metal band!
In Chicargo.

However, we always say that it's because we can't keep still.
Ants in our pants, like.


Joe. You should come walkies over here.

17 Nov 07 - 11:03 AM (#2195979)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: wysiwyg

That is pretty cool. Jeff can nab those from online anytime he wants to update it here, or anyone else can if they're worried this new location may start to get fee-oriented.

This whole thread is an example of how Mudcat actually works, you know, and how the concept of "in-charge" actually operates here. It's--- it's downright folky!



17 Nov 07 - 07:39 PM (#2196338)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Very Nice work KatLaf!

Truly, enjoyed the tour.

Your recovery since the recent incident is wonderful.


There is a hunch hunkering on the howser-line that you will have tomatoes in this year before April 01.

17 Nov 07 - 07:59 PM (#2196354)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Before April 1st and they would freeze. Nothing gets planted until after May 8th, when we once lost everything to a hard freeze with snow.

18 Nov 07 - 12:19 AM (#2196482)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Just added two nice pix from Down Under! (I wonder, when down under, does one say the others are Up Top?:-)

18 Nov 07 - 12:29 AM (#2196487)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Sandra in Sydney

we just say OS (overseas!)

dunno what Google ads are up to - one for 'The Unadorned Gospel. A Slow but Certain Journey to ...' And 'Am I An Alcoholic. Learn the Signs of Alcoholism & ...'

all right, who wrote what on this photographic thread to attract those ads?


18 Dec 07 - 05:09 AM (#2217894)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Fidjit

Has any more been done to this


18 Dec 07 - 09:56 AM (#2218085)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Sandra in Sydney

well, I just put a caption on my captionless pic -

by-the-by, Joe, who could you not identify?


20 Dec 07 - 03:35 PM (#2219845)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Fidjit

Well was it Charlie ??


15 Jan 08 - 03:15 AM (#2236733)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

Click here for our album - I just posted another photo from Oz, commemorating the visit of Crane Driver and Formerly Sussex Carole to Oz.

28 Jan 08 - 01:15 AM (#2246731)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

We now have a photo of....

Don Meixner!!!

Hey, I didn't think he looked like that. Did YOU think he looked like that?

er...sorry, Don.

-Joe Offer-

28 Jan 08 - 08:03 AM (#2246880)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: JohnInKansas

The slightly unwieldy thread at BS: flickr photos--do you have a page? collects quite a few links to member (and some guest) photos at Flickr, Opera, and some other photoblog sites. (Link is to the first 50 post segment, the thread is at about 280 posts)

Within the thread, ragdall collected links posted in the thread at 14 Jan 07 - 03:25 AM to show links posted up to that time.

A later collection, also by ragdall, is at 06 Oct 07 - 08:06 AM and includes the ones from the earlier "collection."

This last summary/update is near the bottom of "page 5" of the thread, so a few additions since then would be on the last page – currently page 6.

For anyone interested in Flickr, 26 Jan 08 - 09:00 PM summarizes some of the "details" for that site, along with a couple of links where more info is available. Discussion follows in a couple of posts after this one.

It appears that several people "missing" in mudcat photos can be seen elsewhere.


16 Apr 08 - 12:37 AM (#2316951)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

Runswick Bay Rescue Boat photos from Raggytash posted - (click)
Which one is you, Raggytash??


22 Jul 08 - 02:13 PM (#2395273)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

I've got a nice, friendly picture of Topical Tom.
Thanks, Tom!
-Joe Offer-

22 Jul 08 - 02:27 PM (#2395285)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

Nice picture. Thanks Joe and Tom!

22 Jul 08 - 04:11 PM (#2395364)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Beer

I hope you got his permission because I know he does not want his photo on Mudcat.

22 Jul 08 - 04:50 PM (#2395396)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Joe Offer

Hey, Tom sent me the photo and asked me to post it.
Right handsome feller, ain't he?
Oh, and Beer, I didn't want to leave you out, so I posted a photo of you, too - (click)

22 Jul 08 - 05:06 PM (#2395414)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: reggie miles

Hmmm, I've yet to figger out who to send my info to regarding including my mug and stuff. I think that I've now sufficiently grayed so as not to feel quite like the youngster of this bunch. Even friends who are much newer members have their info and picture included on the site. Wassupwidat?

22 Jul 08 - 05:18 PM (#2395424)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: Beer

Thanks Joe, that was good of you. I was serious about Tom. I know he sent you the photo. Who else would you have gotten it. But I don't think he expected a link to be made to Mudcat. I will contact him to clarify. If I am wrong about this I do apologize.

23 Jul 08 - 12:37 AM (#2395674)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: topical tom

To clarify the situation, there was a misunderstanding but I believe that Adrien and I have cleared it up.The bottom line is that I have no objection to my picture appearing on Mudcat.Bobad, I have changed my mind.I am revealing that, in your picture of someone watching his money disappear in the hands of Bruce Murdoch(Most willingly,I might add!)the one being tricked is me.Jeri seems quite aloof to it all!LOL!

23 Jul 08 - 01:41 AM (#2395683)
Subject: RE: Members Photos and Info-Who's in charge?
From: katlaughing

reggie, send your mug to joe@mudcat dot org and he can include it in the myopera mudcat album, too!