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BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.

03 Nov 07 - 10:59 PM (#2185953)
Subject: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Nick E

I made the mistake last year, so I don't want you to do the same. I had set back all the timepieces, computers, VCRs etc, but I totaly forgot the rooster. SO when he went off the next morning it was an hour early! LOL!!!
It is also a good time to change the batteries in your ferret detector.

03 Nov 07 - 11:15 PM (#2185957)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Slag

You know, I've never tried that but what the hey! Sounds kinky but I may try it once.

03 Nov 07 - 11:33 PM (#2185961)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Sorcha

I would if I could.....sob sob. No cock. I'm soooo sad. So are the hens.

03 Nov 07 - 11:34 PM (#2185962)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Amergin does one turn their cock back?

03 Nov 07 - 11:57 PM (#2185966)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Stilly River Sage

This thread turns up when one Googles the term "Freudian slip."

04 Nov 07 - 01:34 AM (#2186001)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Gurney

Remember, if you do turn your cock back....

There was a young man from Tashkent
whose tool was exceedingly bent.
One day, in great trouble
he stuffed it in double.
Instead of coming, he went!

04 Nov 07 - 05:20 AM (#2186049)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: GUEST,BusyBee Paul "Away"

We Brits are ahead of you, we turned clocks and cocks last weekend, and some men are still limping because of it!

04 Nov 07 - 05:29 AM (#2186055)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: John MacKenzie

Cock a doodle don't

04 Nov 07 - 06:23 AM (#2186077)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: David C. Carter

Stay off the Viagra!

04 Nov 07 - 06:35 AM (#2186082)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: TheSnail

Has anyone seen my cock
My big Rhode Island Red
He's mostly pink with a little bit of blue
And purple on his head
He stands straight up in the morning
And he gives my wife a shock [scream]
Has anybody, anybody, anybody, anybody
Anybody seen my cock

04 Nov 07 - 07:30 AM (#2186100)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Richard Bridge

Alas, I wish I could. He used to wake me every morning.

04 Nov 07 - 08:05 AM (#2186117)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Victor in Mapperton

My wife did many years ago after she caught me with the cleaner. There is still a slight kink to one side of it. Now I'm in the Autumn of my life I tend not to notice the effects of the damage so much.

04 Nov 07 - 08:09 AM (#2186120)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: John MacKenzie

Vacuum cleaner?

04 Nov 07 - 08:48 AM (#2186136)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.

Very carefully, Amergin.

04 Nov 07 - 09:03 AM (#2186141)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Metchosin

Back to what?

04 Nov 07 - 09:10 AM (#2186145)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: John MacKenzie


04 Nov 07 - 11:50 AM (#2186254)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Richard Bridge

So, Vic, there are benefits in class consciousness after all....

04 Nov 07 - 11:59 AM (#2186257)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: topical tom

Do you mean turn around?

04 Nov 07 - 12:01 PM (#2186260)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Peace

OK. I turned my cLock back. Now I can't read the thing. This is stoopid.

04 Nov 07 - 12:25 PM (#2186273)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: John MacKenzie

Penis fugit

04 Nov 07 - 12:30 PM (#2186277)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Victor in Mapperton

Yes Richard, there is a lot to be said for a good scrubber.

04 Nov 07 - 11:28 PM (#2186562)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Genie

My computers (e.g., in my VCR and my laptop) have been wreaking havoc with my life by trying to set my clocks back on their own.   Trouble is, they don't know that the gummint changed the rules this year, so they jumped the gun.   I was late to one gig because of that (sitting at the 'puter blithely thinking I had a whole hour more than I really did before I needed to leave), came close to being late for a couple others (the machine kept resetting the time, after I had reset it, without realizing why the clock was wrong), and I missed recording a couple of TV shows I had set the VCR to record.

With all these cyber SNAFUS, it's a danged good thing my computers haven't got their hands on any cocks to try to "adjust."

05 Nov 07 - 09:28 AM (#2186738)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Valmai Goodyear

Victor, did you mean the vaccuum cleaner?

Lynne Heraud and Pat Turner have a magnificent but eye-watering song about hospital A & E reports on people turning up with injuries sustained during injudicious use of a Hoover Dustette. A good thing these are all unsuccessful as I wouldn't like to meet the offspring.

As for the Snail's contribution - well, you can tell he spent his early life on chicken farms.

Tootle pip,


05 Nov 07 - 09:37 AM (#2186742)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Victor in Mapperton

No, if only it had been.

05 Nov 07 - 10:41 AM (#2186779)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Little Hawk

I turned mine back just to see what would happen. Now it's got stuck there and it doesn't work properly anymore.

05 Nov 07 - 01:16 PM (#2186891)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Little Hawk

Yes, but they are great for wrapping fish in and putting padding into parcels for your Ebay stuff.

05 Nov 07 - 01:43 PM (#2186918)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: GUEST,Rog Peek

GUEST at 12.59 was me!

    [text of deleted message - fixed by Joe Offer]
    Years ago when we used to have a Sunday newspaper deliverd, I got up one Sunday morning to find the newspaper had not arrived. Annoyed to think they had forgotten it, I told my wife I was off down to the shop to play hell.

    When I got down there and complained about the lack of paper, the fellow asked if I'd changed the clock. I went away feeling a right pratt.

    When I got home I recounted my embarrassment to my wife, saying "Of course the clocks changed last night." "I know" she said!

    Of course, I long since stopped buying any sort of a newspaper on the grounds they are simply full of rubbish, propaganda and lies.

06 Nov 07 - 04:05 AM (#2187321)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: GUEST,Rog Peek

This time I posted from work and forgot to put my name in 'From'. Think I'll give up!
    In spite of having used my own computer a posting I made here posted as GUEST. Consequently I posted again. Now the original posting has disappeared, the most recent one makes no sense.


06 Nov 07 - 02:36 PM (#2187716)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Lonesome EJ

I tried to turn my cock back once, but they told me it was out of warranty and I'd have to keep it.

06 Nov 07 - 04:27 PM (#2187809)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.

Thanks Joe


06 Nov 07 - 05:58 PM (#2187907)
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Forget To Turn Your Cock Back.
From: Little Hawk

I was told that "that model has been discontinued".