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BS: What are you up to this weekend?

23 Nov 07 - 06:50 AM (#2200570)
Subject: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Trevor

Just wondered about the diverse ways 'catters were going to be spending the next couple of days.

I'm wassailing with a few people I've not sung with before at the Mediaeval Fair in Ludlow, UK, tomorrow, out for dinner with my sweetie and and friends tomorrow night, bit of a lie in on Sunday followed by more singing at the fair and home in time for Top Gear.

Sounds a bit boring when I read it back, but, hey, I don't care!

23 Nov 07 - 07:04 AM (#2200575)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

I'm having a 'drink like a pirate' day, whilst watching the three 'Pirates of the Caribbean' films, making cards for our choir to sell for charity and then on Sunday it's 'have a hangover like a pirate' day with any luck.

Where's the rum?


23 Nov 07 - 07:40 AM (#2200591)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: The PA

Out tonight for a curry with family.

Saturday usual horsie jobs and a gallop through the woods, weather permitting. Evening, music, TV depending whats on and a bottle of wine.

Sunday usual horsie jobs, mom over for lunch. She's 84 and off to Australia next Wednesday for a birthday party for one of her 'old' friends. I will be worried to death until she gets there, and then worried to death again until she gets back, but she loves travelling.

23 Nov 07 - 07:42 AM (#2200594)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

Or I could be lying in a dark room with the migraine that's hovering just behind my right eye...


23 Nov 07 - 08:03 AM (#2200607)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Sandra in Sydney

well, it started a few hours ago with a concert, then tomorrow afternoon the Nov/Christmas meeting of one of the organisations I belong to. Gotta get some food for the party, also a little pressie, and mustn't forget to take my library books back as I missed the Oct meeting.

Then in the evening (after voting sometime during the day!!) it's my folk club - we all have out fingers crossed the the Govt will change & the Prime Miniscule (aka Little Fascist Johnny) will lose his seat, as well as government.

Sunday afternoon a concert at JennyO's club, then a CD launch at a pub in the evening.

Apart from that, nuffin' much.

sandra (sniffing away with a nasty little summer cold)

23 Nov 07 - 08:28 AM (#2200623)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: jacqui.c

I've just been to the local craft store and bought $500 worth of yarn for $50.

We're going to have a turkey dinner at SINSULL'S tomorrow night, ride out with the antique cars and then coffee with a good friend on Sunday.

A bit quieter this weekend than it has been for a while.

23 Nov 07 - 08:40 AM (#2200634)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Sorcha

As little as possible after I get the laundry done.

23 Nov 07 - 08:56 AM (#2200644)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Georgiansilver

Gainsborough Folk Club tonight.....Castle Donington Giant Antique Fair in the morning.....gym/sauna/steam room in the afternoon.....prayer meeting in the boot Sunday morning...then church.....dinner out.....afternoon with daughter/husband and three again in the evening...then TV and internet. Exciting or boring? Suits me fine!
Best wishes, Mike.

23 Nov 07 - 09:56 AM (#2200672)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: catspaw49

Yesterday, Thaursday and Thanksgiving, we spent the whole day with my son Michael. Several things we planned didn't work out but we had a good day together anyhow. On Sunday we are going back to the residential center he is in and move him to a Therapeutic Foster Home.....He's making progress.

Saturday we'll be with Connie and Wayne and I'm making Cioppino......I make GREAT Cioppino! We'll have an antipasto salad and garlic bread then sit around, BS, and digest.....Hey...we're a fun group(;<)).....but we do eat well!

Tristan is also out of school on Monday which is garbage pick-up and he'll be able to talk to the guys and he's having Mom make up a plate of tin of her homemade cookies to give them. He loves ALL trucks but the garbage truck is a BIG deal. One of the owner/drivers is an old student of mine who has done really well in the business and Ryan enjoys Tris. He's let him help sometimes which makes Tristan's day/week/etc. In all seriousness, down the road a bit that is a job Tris could do and would LOVE to do. Ryan might play a large part in that. He always said I was the best teacher he ever had so maybe we have an "in" ****Big Grin***.............


23 Nov 07 - 09:57 AM (#2200673)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Peace


Yearly bath

Assorted writing

Walk in the sub-zero clime

23 Nov 07 - 10:09 AM (#2200682)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Linda Goodman Zebooker

A twelve-hour Contra dance - the ButterBall

23 Nov 07 - 10:12 AM (#2200685)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: JeZeBeL

Celidh tonight

Gym tomorrow

card making and craft shopping on Sunday

23 Nov 07 - 10:20 AM (#2200691)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: katlaughing

Kewl, Spaw, glad to hear about the progress for Michael AND Tris' joys.

We have a few errands to run, today. I hope the station will NOT call Rog in for anything, or even call him for trivial crap like they did four times yesterday! (I think they forget some people rarely have days off and should not be bothered unless the place is burning down!)

Later on, I am sure we'll watch a movie or something whilst eating leftovers.:-) Yesterday we had a blast watching the old Disney animal version of Robin Hood, with Roger Miller's great songs, with my brother and grandson. I love that movie!

Tomorrow, we will relax, maybe try getting the gutters cleaned or finish painting the shutters or just clean up after Tksgiving dinner. (I have a list and I am not afraid to wave it around.:-)

Sunday is Rog's day to do absolutely nothing, if that's what he wants. We'll both be on the internet; I will probably try to finish up some editing work that's way past due. I am sure there will naps taken at some point and maybe a short drive in the country.

Thanks for asking,


23 Nov 07 - 10:28 AM (#2200701)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Rasener

Gaisnborough Folk Club tonight
Lincoln tomorrow to take daughters trampolining
Bugger all Sunday other than going to see Bill Whaley & Dave Fletcher at Grimsby Folk Club - yes our very own bit of Lincolnshire magic.

Broing or what :-)

23 Nov 07 - 10:38 AM (#2200706)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Mooh

About five foot nine inches. They pile it at least that high 'round here.

Peace, Mooh.

23 Nov 07 - 11:07 AM (#2200724)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Alice


23 Nov 07 - 11:19 AM (#2200731)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Morticia

I'm with Alice, 'cept for the usual laundry and housework, seeing some friends tonight and about half a ton of small christmas craft projects for a friend who needs them for her charity stall and getting the house ready for Pixie who is coming to spend a couple of days since the spare room is covered in crap. Aside from all that, definitely resting.

23 Nov 07 - 11:21 AM (#2200732)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Scooby Doo

Saturday watching South Africa play Wales in Rugby and on Sunday lazy day reading the newspapers.


23 Nov 07 - 11:23 AM (#2200734)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: MaineDog

There was a great contra Wednesday nite at Peterboro (NH)
Thursday, ate too much turkey with some of the family.
Friday : recovery
Saturday: Dress Rehearsal for

Sunday, 2:30 PM, The Annual Strathspey and Reel Society of New Hampshire Gala Concert at the Concord (NH) City Auditorium! Y'all come and see MaineDog try to keep decent on stage while wearing a kilt in the front row.
The concert is suitable for all ages, featuring Scottish music and dancing, and hopefully not too many unexpected exposures. The Audi is at Green and Prince streets in downtown Concord.
Happy holidays to all

23 Nov 07 - 12:19 PM (#2200773)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Sooz

Gainsborough Folk Club tonight to see Paul Pearson and Chris Treebeard, Christmas craft fair at Gainsborough Old Hall on Saturday and Sunday selling Mike's woodturning then seeing Sultans of Squeeze in Lincoln on Sunday evening.

23 Nov 07 - 12:51 PM (#2200785)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,rock chick

I will be entertaining a deaf friend on Saturday, then in the evening we are both off to an award ceremony as we both achieved our level 3 in BSL, then I expect we will pop into the pub to further celebrate.

Unfortunately the most important person will not be there on this occasion, but will be the next time! Yes I am now planning to do my pre level 4 in the New Year ;-))


23 Nov 07 - 07:41 PM (#2201007)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Bill D

The wife (Ferrara) & I do crafts, and the weekend after Thanksgiving is out biggest show of the year. We set up on Wed. and then have Friday, Saturday & Sunday to sit and collect the BUSHELS of money.....theoretically. One day done as I type, and not 'too' bad, though crowds are a bit light. (gas prices, mebbe)

   You'd never believe how tiring it is to sit or stand in one spot all day, trying to be cheerful and answer silly questions. "Do you make all those YOURSELF?" "Well, yes...if we didn't, they wouldn't allow us in here."

But it nice anyway, and some folks do, indeed, bring money.

23 Nov 07 - 07:53 PM (#2201016)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Mooh

Housework, prep work for the business, band practice, church (and choir), play with Rosie The Wonder Dog and Cosmo The Other Dog, Move some snow around, watch some hockey, call some family, hang out at the music shop, do the family thing...


Peace, Mooh.

23 Nov 07 - 08:24 PM (#2201035)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

Well, that's another half dozen cards made and drying out... which means I'm approaching 200 cards for sale for East London Chorus to sell at their next concert in 2 weeks time, to raise money for the choir and for Cancer Research.

Ho hum... got to make the Christmas pudding this weekend... ARGH!!!


23 Nov 07 - 08:42 PM (#2201041)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Bobert

Yesterday: Cookin' 'n eatin' with P-Vine's son and grand-youngin'

Today: Eatin' leftovers with the P-Vine's son and grand-youngin'

Tomorrow: RORY BLOCK!!!! Playin' in Luray... I got my ticket... I'm so happy... Gonna take my cigarbox geetar and get her to sign the back of it... Hooray... I loves Rory Block... I just do...


23 Nov 07 - 08:54 PM (#2201047)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: number 6

Going to our son's wedding tomorrow.


24 Nov 07 - 03:07 AM (#2201153)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Phot

I was hoping to have a nice relaxing weekend with the beautiful PoD, but after getting home and feeling really wacked, it seems I probably have Chicken Pox(At almost 42 it could be fun!)

So when I finally stop coughing I'm going back to bed!

Wassail!! Chris.

24 Nov 07 - 05:24 AM (#2201184)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Catherine Jayne

Get well soon Chris!

Got a couple of friends over today, then tonight we are going to join in with Liz's Drink Like a Pirate Day!!

24 Nov 07 - 07:50 AM (#2201227)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: autolycus

Listen to loads of unplayed music, watch The Captive Heart on tv ?, go and give a Polish lady an English conversation lesson, watch an hour prog about Laurel and Hardy, and, tomorrow, meet some fellow gestalt therapists for a natter about 42, and more music and reading and resting from a load of training at work.

And entertain my friends here, and be entertained by you all. And on one or two other sites.


PS Might eat, too.

24 Nov 07 - 08:40 AM (#2201262)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Mr Red

Looks like all those going to Bed'th Festival are there.
Me? - Monthly Bath - Ceilidhs that is. see and new boiler tomorrow.

24 Nov 07 - 08:40 AM (#2201264)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Mrs.Duck

Marking, planning, cooking and shopping. Maybe I need to join the get out of teaching thread lol

24 Nov 07 - 09:33 AM (#2201281)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: foot

anyone know of any sessions in and around Cambridge area??

24 Nov 07 - 09:40 AM (#2201286)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: skarpi

well , am sick at the moment , so I dont do much , practice my guitar
though and singin .....

All the best skarpi

24 Nov 07 - 10:16 AM (#2201301)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,rock chick

Get well soon Skarpi


24 Nov 07 - 10:50 AM (#2201313)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: bobad

I am heading off to a lakeside cottage to engage in an annual male bonding ritual centered on football, beer and carnivorism in celebration of the Grey Cup, Canada's equivalent of the Super Bore Bowl.

25 Nov 07 - 06:01 AM (#2201725)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

SSsssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh... no-body move, I've dropped me brain.

We drank like pirates last night and today we're having hangovers like pirates.

I'm off for a quiet hour in the bath now, after an hours rehearsing of The Messiah that I'm performing in the week after next....

Hopefully I'll have garnered enough energy to make the Christmas pudding by then, it's Stir Up Sunday today!

For the non-church going or terminally confused, the Collect (prayer) for today, the Sunday next before Advent, according to the 1549 prayer book is "Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may of thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Better get those almonds blanching... after a nice long soak for me!

25 Nov 07 - 07:22 AM (#2201746)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: skarpi

uhh Liz !! did you find you r brain ?

25 Nov 07 - 07:36 AM (#2201754)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: jacqui.c

Sunday is cancelled for me - woke up with sore throat and achy face - not the condition to go out in our unheated 1930 car!

I think that I will be spending the day wrapped up in my recliner doing as little as possible.

25 Nov 07 - 07:40 AM (#2201757)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Catherine Jayne

House work today. I've done the washing, the washing up and done some baking! Going round to the outlaws this evening.

Liz....have you found your brain yet?

25 Nov 07 - 08:04 AM (#2201763)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: skipy

Ran a quiz last night as a fundraiser for a local village hall (Stanford in the Vale). Sadly only 7 teams, there are usually about 12. Still not a bad night & they raised a few bob, it all adds up!
Thomas is away dancing with the local morris for the day, Kate has taken Matthew to play football. So I am hanging out the washing, shopping for dinner, cooking it & then baby sitting while Kate goes to a quiz in the local pub. And you wonder why I wear dresses sometimes!
Oh! and I've got to go buy a battery & fit it to nannys car.

25 Nov 07 - 10:07 AM (#2201789)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Scooby Doo

I woke up with a chesty cough and sore throat so i am taking everything i can find as i am not suppose to let my immune system go down due to a drug i am on.


25 Nov 07 - 10:12 AM (#2201795)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

Found me brain, it was down the back of the sofa.

Now to blanch me almonds!!


25 Nov 07 - 11:10 AM (#2201812)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: katlaughing

Skarpi, Scooby, and Jacqui get well! {{{{HUGS}}}}

I spoke too soon, earlier. On Friday, the station called. We had to drive up on to Mesa Point, which, once one leaves the highway, entails three hours of driving across an ancient lava field with nothing but rocks just as it would seem, even in the very primitive road. The contrasts of the dried grasses and shrubs along the way were beautiful, though, and I got some good pix, I think. So that took up most of the day.

Saturday we were doing pretty well, even got some housework and other stuff done. Had plans for our grandson to come over. Not so. The station called. We had to go up on Blackridge where the main transmitter is. More pix to come, though I missed the quails, they ran too fast, and the rabbits. I may have a good one of a deer. We went up at sunset and came down watching a yellow full moon hang out over the valley. We were at about 8,000 feet above sea level while the valley is about 4,500. Just beautiful. I got some interesting pix of the moon with streaking and multiple orbs as the shutter in my digital was really slow as it was getting dark.

Just as we were headed down the snaky road, the station called again. They were getting ready to put on the news and left things to the last minute. Something wasn't working right, so there we go, heading off to the station. We finally got home about 7p. Our grandson gave up on us.

We have plans for today but I am NOT speaking them until we are done...maybe they won't call today. Some four days off it's been for my Rog!:-)

25 Nov 07 - 11:44 AM (#2201823)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Scooby Doo

Thankyou Katlaughing for your thoughts and Hugs.


25 Nov 07 - 12:33 PM (#2201846)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,ifor

Sang at the Song Of Earth concert in Glynneath which was fantastic and on saturday afternoon saw Wales go down to South Africa in rugby...there were some signs of the green shoots of recovery.........done nothing today which is a bit shaming!

25 Nov 07 - 01:42 PM (#2201887)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: katlaughing

The light was tricky last night so some of the pix didn't turn out very well. There are four that at least show a bit of the sunset and full moon both of which were spectacular, esp. given they were at the same time. CLICK HERE if you'd like to see the drive to and from "work" last night.

25 Nov 07 - 02:32 PM (#2201898)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,282RA

Did an acoustic open mic show last night.

25 Nov 07 - 04:20 PM (#2201959)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

Pudding done and in the steamer, another couple of hours tomorrow and it'll be perfect. Just need to feed it the odd glass of rum every week and it'll be well on it's way to burning like a small fireball again. Made one about 8 years ago that burnt for 20 minutes!

Now I think it's off to bed early for a change.


25 Nov 07 - 05:30 PM (#2201996)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Pistachio

mixed bag of things done this weekend included: Shopping for shoes,
Major clean around (as I've not had time and I've got so much clutter) for 'drinks' before meal out with 10 friends, to celebrate our 10th year in business!
Photocopying, collating and 'comb binding' 100+ training books for next weeks work load,
including 3 hours to repair a broken tooth on comb binder! (on third rebuild attempt)
Returning friends car to their house, having driven them home after a fantastic chinese banquet at Mr Chu in Hull,
returning un bubbly bottle of 'bubbly' to Tesco for full refund, Lucky I'd bought two for Sat pm!
Making Sunday lunch
Collecting son from friends house,
Loads of laundry, 4 I think,
Missed opportunity to sing this afternoon, more comb binding and had to clean parts of the photocoopier as we'd got bad black lines instead of print!!! (Ugh)
Phone calls to twin sister about brother, then to brother,
Now, shell shocked and ready to switch off but not until Hubby calls to say he's safe in Northampton .... so in all it been a busy one.
. Grreat that I've now got all surfaces clean ready for those cards that will be arriving over the next month. Must get my card list out now and see if I can be ready in advance with at least one task ! One month and it'll be nearly over!
Just re read this, no wonder I'm tired. Think I'll have a rest day tomorrow. Hope you all had a great time!

25 Nov 07 - 05:35 PM (#2201998)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: jacqui.c

Thanks for the good wishes Kat. Lovely photos!

I hope today went better for you.

I spent the day resting up mostly and Kendall has made me pea soup for supper - just the right comfort food.

25 Nov 07 - 06:05 PM (#2202025)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Pistachio

Kat, fantastic photos, I love the first shot and the moon at sunset. It tempts me to visit the US again for an excess of scenery!

25 Nov 07 - 07:03 PM (#2202054)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Sorcha

For some reason, just missing our deceased dogs, Annie and Gillie, and my dad more than usual. Don't know why. It's not an 'anniversary' of anything that I can think of.

25 Nov 07 - 07:53 PM (#2202081)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: skipy

Sorry to read that you are hurting Sorch,

25 Nov 07 - 08:19 PM (#2202095)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: katlaughing

Thanks, folks. It was a beautiful night. Today is almost over, goes: quiet morning doing mostly nothing, except some laundry. Morgan came over at 11a. At noon we went over to our son's and his partner's house, with Morgan who loves playing with her five year old, Patrick. They are best buds. Our son made chicken kabobs on the grill, we had great food, a fun time visiting and playing. My only regret was I didn't take over the dulcimer and limberjacks. Need to do that next time. I love our son's partner. She is very easy to be with and just a doll. She's also got a great son.

Home by mid-afternoon after dropping the grandson off with his mom and "dad," then we both mostly slept the afternoon away. NO phone calls (knock on wood!) So it's been better, yes and thanks!

{{{{{HUGS to ALL}}}}

26 Nov 07 - 04:37 AM (#2202256)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Trevor

Thanks for all of these. Do you remember that book that came out in UK a few years ago - I think it was called 'A Day in the Life' - full of photos of how people spent just one day. I love to think of all of us going about our business, doing our stuff - like on a Sunday in summer when you see cars with bikes on the rack, fishing rods, surf boards, trailers with horses, caravans, just everybody being ordinary and extraordinary, doing ordinary and extraordinary things.

I sang at the mediaeval fair in Ludlow, Shropshire (trying to figure out a way of getting to show you some pix). Thw wassailing was done with such gusto that I now have no voice.

Thanks for letting me in to your weekends.

26 Nov 07 - 12:19 PM (#2202512)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

True wassailing should be done with more beer than voice I find...



29 Nov 07 - 06:33 AM (#2204516)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Diva

We are heading up home and looking forward to catching up with my family. My auntie and I are planning a car boot on sunday hope its at least dry. Poor Hobbit stuck with in a house with four wimmin.......ach he loves it!!!!!

29 Nov 07 - 07:28 AM (#2204542)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

THIS weekend (1st Dec) members of my chorus are singing carols in House of Fraser, Oxford Street. We're moving around the floors and doing half hour sets, but it'll be live music in half hour sets and there may even be the odd folk carol snuck in!

It's VIP Day this Saturday (Very Important Pedestrian) so Oxford Street itself, along with Regent Street is vehicle free - that includes busses and taxis so there'll be lots going on.

On Sunday, I'll be making more cards to sell!


29 Nov 07 - 07:33 AM (#2204544)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Emma B

Heading over the Snake Pass in autumn splendour, visiting a good friend and going to the Carols at The Royal, Dungworth.

29 Nov 07 - 09:40 AM (#2204616)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Catherine Jayne

We are finishing off our Yule shopping and buying a fake tree and decorations. we'll be popping over to Pauls mum's to help put up her decorations...every year the first weekend in December.

Sunday should be a nice relaxing day, a walk adn a nice meal

29 Nov 07 - 12:33 PM (#2204772)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Becca72

Friday night is my christmas party for work. No one rocks the house like a room full of Radiologists.   NOT!

Then working as usual on Saturday with Sunday and Monday off. Most likely spend one of those days with my sister, as usual. I'm nearly finished my christmas shopping and she's just getting started so I'm there for moral support. :-)

29 Nov 07 - 01:09 PM (#2204798)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: bobad

The problem with radiologists Becca, is that they always look right through you.

EmmaB, the name of the town where you are headed does not make it sound like too inviting a place.

29 Nov 07 - 02:59 PM (#2204905)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: katlaughing

Trevor, it reminds me of that book, too. If you'd like, you could send some of your pix to Joe Offer at joe@mudcat dot org (spelled out to avoid phishers.) He can send them on to me or put them up himself at the new Mudcat Cafe page we started just for pix over at

Thanks for a great thread!

29 Nov 07 - 03:53 PM (#2204972)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Emma B

Don't be put off by the name bobad The Royal commands lovely views from the bar and the
Carols are a highlight of the season.

When you come to the UK to claim your whiskey - make it Christmas :)

29 Nov 07 - 08:28 PM (#2205185)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Tattie Bogle

Well it's now St Andrew's Day, so I shall be going to a presentation on "Our Scotland" using film, narration, music and dance.
Then early suturday will be off up to Fort William for the scottish Trad music Awards: see

29 Nov 07 - 09:29 PM (#2205205)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: jacqui.c

Jeri will be visiting with us this weekend, hopefully to make music with Kendall and get into some craftwork with me. I'm looking forward to a good one!

29 Nov 07 - 10:26 PM (#2205233)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Ron Davies

Behind the times, oh well. The weekend 23 -25 Nov, was of course Thanksgiving in the US, as I believe was noted--so for many it started Thursday. That day I went to my brother's place. After eating, I heard one of my nieces play the harp. Not a Celtic harp, nor a concert harp. Something between.

Then my brother played what I think he called a "xanphoon"--something like that. Cross between a clarinet and a saxophone. Sounds like it too. And very portable--he takes it on trips a lot. I bet it's a good conversation-starter. He played "Has Anybody Seen My Gal?", "Cheek to Cheek" and a few more. If I could play a reed instrument, I'd definitely be interested in this instrument.

Friday I sang 2 concerts of "Showboat" at the Kennedy Center, Marvin Hamlisch conducting. Not staged, just a concert version--some selections. Wonderful cast, picked by the conductor. In "Old Man River" we sang "Some of us work on the Mississippi." "Some of us"? Sounded weird. But that's what Marvin changed it to. Another "Showboat" concert Saturday night. Standing ovations all 3 times. The cast deserved them.

Sunday, Jan and I had a music party. Harp (David Scheim--so wonderfully versatile), also fiddle, viola, clarinet, guitar--but mostly singing. I love that sort of gathering--but missed you, Bill and Rita!

30 Nov 07 - 05:50 AM (#2205381)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Cats at Work

Last weekend we had Christmas with Cllr and Champagne carol and did loads of school work.
Apart from doing work for school... packing the hall stairs landing, front bedroom & bathroom up as we have the decorators in on Monday, making mince pies and sausage rolls and freezing them down ready for Christmas.
Next weekend Christmas shopping on Saturday while Jon plays trains in Taunton, and on Sunday buying and decorating my Christmas tree and decorating the dining room ready for the TV cameras on Wednesday[so all Catters who have sent me things to hang on my tree, they'll be on tele!].. and school work of course

30 Nov 07 - 05:51 AM (#2205382)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Cats at Work

Sorry, clicked the wrong button. Most importantly this weekend we'll be down to Padstow for the carols.

30 Nov 07 - 06:00 AM (#2205386)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: The PA

Lots of the usual stuff. But most importantly waiting for a call from my mum. She should be landing in Australia any time now, she's 84 (going on 21) and off on one of her expeditions !!

30 Nov 07 - 08:28 PM (#2205928)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

Only another 15 cards to make and it'll be 200 to sell next Saturday... then I have to do ours.

I love this time of year, I get to do cutting and sticking as much as I like!


01 Dec 07 - 12:21 AM (#2206055)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: mg

I think we have a hurricane scheduled for the coast this weekend. mg

01 Dec 07 - 12:34 AM (#2206057)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Amergin

What I do every weekend....try to take over the world....

01 Dec 07 - 03:07 AM (#2206073)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

Amergin - my pile of ironing is also trying to do that... maybe you should get together?


01 Dec 07 - 08:30 AM (#2206183)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Becca72

LOL Amergin. Narff!

01 Dec 07 - 08:32 AM (#2206186)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: beardedbruce

working... like last weekend, and the one before that...

01 Dec 07 - 08:49 AM (#2206194)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Scooby Doo

Watching Rugby on sky at 2.30.


01 Dec 07 - 10:27 AM (#2206243)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Alice

Keeping warm. It is around zero or below zero farenheit.

Alice in Montana

02 Dec 07 - 03:37 AM (#2206652)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

Yesterday I sang for a total of 3 hours, today I sound like a bullfrog and my feet hurt.

Last bits of shopping today, after church. Manitas is out bothering the good people of Oxford with the sword dancers. Still have 18 more cards to make, but they should be relatively easy. Then lunch tomorrow with a special friend - Whoo hoo!!


02 Dec 07 - 07:15 AM (#2206692)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: jacqui.c

we had a good day yesterday - Jeri and I went to bother SINSULL at a craft fair and then sat down to supper cooked by Kendall. Turns out that pot roast is Jeri's favourite meal! Lots of music last night and this morning we're up to go out in the antique car for a drive with all the other loonies then over to a friend's house for coffee and to put the world to rights for a while.

02 Dec 07 - 12:03 PM (#2206857)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Ron Davies

I knew I left somebody out. How could I?-it was one of the highlights of the party (last Sunday) Judy Cook was there, and in addition to her magnificent singing, she played the concertina. The duet between Judy's concertina and David's harp was just wonderful--it seems to be a perfect combination.

02 Dec 07 - 01:18 PM (#2206911)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: skipy

Ran a bar for the local ceilidh last night. The organiser applied for the licence with 8 days to go, you need 10! so no licence, so I had to GIVE the beer away!
Great night!

03 Dec 07 - 10:11 AM (#2207515)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Catherine Jayne

Shopping was done, yule tree and decorations were bought and made and on Sunday we had an excellent celebratory meal at our local Thai restaurant. A wonderful weekend!

Next weekend we are going to the Winter Wonderland German Market in Hyde Park.

"'tis the season....!

03 Dec 07 - 05:07 PM (#2207829)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

Bugger... I'm busy all day Saturday - are they there on Sunday too?


03 Dec 07 - 05:13 PM (#2207836)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Emma B

Off to see Canadian catter Noah Zacharin in concert midweek and then getting ready for our annual weekend "house ceilidh".

If you're in Cheshire pop in for a drink, a bite to eat. some good company and a tune.

03 Dec 07 - 05:49 PM (#2207865)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Little Hawk

This weekend has been a long exercise in ice and snow removal...

04 Dec 07 - 03:43 AM (#2208082)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Catherine Jayne

Liz...Winterwonderland in Hyde Park is on all through December (but not xmas day) Click here for details

04 Dec 07 - 03:51 AM (#2208086)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

Found it, planned it, had plans scuppered, reverted to plan B, now just need to drag husband and child out with me!



04 Dec 07 - 06:08 AM (#2208140)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Catherine Jayne

Might see you there then!

04 Dec 07 - 04:09 PM (#2208560)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,sinky

i shall be watching my beloved middlesbrough being murdered by arsenal

05 Dec 07 - 01:03 AM (#2208861)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: jacqui.c

I'll be in the UK (hopefully) - Shepperton Saturday, driving to Newark Sunday.

05 Dec 07 - 01:14 AM (#2208866)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Rasener

Yes you daft bat Jacqui :-)
One day earlier to Newark and you would have been able to see Flossie Malavialle with John Conolly as support at faldingworth.

How long are you here for? Are you in the Newark area on the 14th December? Mrs Sooz's village has Coope Boyce & Simpson on.

I hope I get chance to bump into you whilst up here. Still have the pictures of creating your masterful shawls at Gainsborough Folk Club :-)


05 Dec 07 - 01:17 AM (#2208867)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Rasener

That obviously gives a clue wher I will be for the next 2 weekends :-)

06 Dec 07 - 12:48 AM (#2209650)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Genie

What am I up to this weekend?   Probably my knees, or at least my axles, in muddy water if I follow through with my plans to drive to Seattle from Portland early Friday morning.

The alternative is turning a 180 mile trek into one of about 400 miles, over the mountains, via Yakima.

Or I could cancel or reschedule a couple gigs and stay in Portland a day or two longer.   I won't know till tomorrow sometime.

Hope the weather's been treating the rest of you cats better.


06 Dec 07 - 04:00 PM (#2209969)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: ranger1

Flying back to New England from this hellhole on Sat, then driving home to Maine to my man, my dog and The Stupid Cat on Sunday. Hopefully arriving before the Pats game at 4:15pm.

06 Dec 07 - 04:03 PM (#2209973)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: skipy

We have a stall for folk for MS at the Dickensian evening in Wantage tommorrow, should raise a couple of hundred pound, depends on the weather.
Sat & Sun painting living room, new suite arrives Tuesday.

06 Dec 07 - 04:05 PM (#2209974)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: beardedbruce

work, as usual.

06 Dec 07 - 07:00 PM (#2210105)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: terrier

We're setting up a Christmas Grotto for when the mad terrier people return from their ramble on Sunday (with their terriers). The noise will be excrutiating but I dare say everyone will have a good time. Goodness knows what the neibours will think!

07 Dec 07 - 05:51 PM (#2210879)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Diva

been to get my chrissy pressie from the hobbit and had a lovely chat with the lady who made it I can imagine we'll be back for more of her jewellry as it is sooooo unique. Bought my hobbit his lunch at our fav chinese.....went shopping, gutted the wardrobe.....and its still only friday....I'm knackered

07 Dec 07 - 06:22 PM (#2210896)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: ClaireBear

I'm going to the Revels in Oakland tonight for opening night. Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be guest singing with Dogwatch Nautical Band at a family holiday event at the Hyde Street Pier in San Francisco. Sunday will be church choir, some token housecleaning and, with luck, some time to breathe before coming back to work Monday morning.

07 Dec 07 - 06:32 PM (#2210907)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Tyke

07 Dec 07 - 07:30 PM (#2210946)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: skipy

Back from running the stall, cold night but dry so we took just short of £300 for folkforms, so a good night!

07 Dec 07 - 11:22 PM (#2211067)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Alice

I'm going to one of my son's theater productions at the University.
Yay! Finally, something fun to do on the weekend.


08 Dec 07 - 12:17 AM (#2211089)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Art Thieme

I'm telling as many people as I can to read the thread titled "The Grand Deception Continues" ---- and I am practically certain it will have no effect at all on the heinous crimes of this Bush administration and their storm troopers.

Utah Phillips once told me, "Art, if elections could really change anything, they'd be illegal!"

Art Thieme

08 Dec 07 - 08:27 PM (#2211643)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Joe_F

It is now Saturday evening. I have spent the day reading _American Scientist_, listening to Cyril Tawney, eating, blowing my nose, mending my bedspread, and doing my usual Internet things. I am about to go to a bar, have a couple of beers, and watch furry men hug each other. Tomorrow I will go shopping for groceries & booze.

09 Dec 07 - 02:33 AM (#2211768)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: jacqui.c

I woke up too early - just now waiting for my son to wake up and help me load up the car and then it's off round the Magic Roundabout (AKA M25) and up the A1 to visit with my daughter and family.

Roast lamb for dinner and time to spend with my grandson. BLISS!

09 Dec 07 - 03:09 PM (#2212034)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: maeve

Mounds of laundry in the old wringer washer yesterday; damp and drying clothes festoon every possible surface today. Church this morning, singing "Oh Come, Little Children" as a trio, then "Brightest and Best" solo. This afternoon I attended the funeral service for a friend's son, then came home to start Kendall's apple pie.


09 Dec 07 - 03:55 PM (#2212063)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Amos

I spent all Saturday and today so far plowing through excruciating rewrites. It's like tearing off old bandages that were laid down over hair.

Now I am off to a jam with Banjoist and some others down Spring Valley way.

I have earned the break.


09 Dec 07 - 04:01 PM (#2212068)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Pistachio

My Mum and big sister drove down from Scotland to visit, asked to borrow something and on searching in the attic /loft conversion I discovered my roof has a leak...and many packs of photos, stored in their paper wallets have got damp and stuck together. Grrr. The pictures from when my kids were still happy to smile for the camera!!

Any bright ideas on how to rescue them please?

I'm not pulling them apart 'yet' but have my fingers crossed I'll be able to salvage some of the negatives

I'm gutted!
Still, have to be 'pleased' to have noticed the leak is even there and be able to take action. ******* and it was great to see Mum and Sheila too.

09 Dec 07 - 05:07 PM (#2212091)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: maeve

Water-damaged photo links:

Good luck,


10 Dec 07 - 04:53 AM (#2212336)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

Schlepped 280 handmade Christmas cards across London to Waterloo, unstacked chairs, set out wine glasses, bottles, mince pies, plates and napkins, schlepped across the river to the City to sing at a wedding in the Wesleyan Chapel (it was beautiful, by the way, singing 'Silent Night' in German and making the bride's mother smile like a lighthouse), back to Waterloo to set up 280 handmade Christmas cards out on tables, sing in the chorus for Handel's 'Messiah', serve wine, mince pies and cards to the audience, go back and sing the second half of 'Messiah' - note to self: didn't realise the Hallelujah Chorus was the original Standing Chorus, must try it in the Middle Bar at Sidmouth and see what happens - clear up and schlepp back home with 260 handmade Christmas cards, 120 glasses, 2 cases of leftover wine and about 80 mince pies.

Sunday. Cleaned house, cooked lunch, helped child with homework, washed 120 glasses.

I've already been shopping today (Monday and it's not even 10.00am) and about to start on the rest of the cleaning... and writing out some of those 260 Christmas cards!

Next weekend is cancelled... unless someone else does the cooking.


10 Dec 07 - 05:44 AM (#2212348)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Grab

A bit late now for Foot, but if it's Cambridge England (not Cambridge Mass) then there's a whole bunch of past threads with people looking for music in and around Cambridge...

Emma, you're lucky being able to just nip up and over Snake Pass! Kinder Scout is pretty much my spiritual home, second only to Rannoch Moor.

Sat was Xmas shopping (me and the rest of the world). Sun mostly involved converting a lot of flour into a lot of buns and loaves, and converting a lot of crumpled fabric into ironed shirts and pressed trewsies. Liz, I would have offered to do yours as well, but I had quite enough for one full afternoon's work!


10 Dec 07 - 05:57 AM (#2212353)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Catherine Jayne

We went to a very soggy winter wonderland but had a nice time on Saturday. Sunday we went shopping...again, visited the sinlaws and sorted out the dining room for Saturday's party. Remaining decorations have been put up and I'm in the middle of making a holly wreath.

10 Dec 07 - 06:37 AM (#2212365)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: skipy

Painting, painting, painting & then some painting! A little bit of Ebay, a little bit of facebook, a little bit of mudcat & some cider.

10 Dec 07 - 06:42 AM (#2212370)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Emma B

Two lovely weekends (and a midweek concert/meal) spent in the company of good friends with fine music and singing.

Oh dear time to get down to some serious Xmas shopping...

When the going gets tough the tough go shopping!

10 Dec 07 - 08:37 AM (#2212425)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Liz the Squeak

Whereas the organised finished theirs this morning.

Je gloat
tu gloatez
Vous gloatons.


10 Dec 07 - 09:59 AM (#2212460)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Catherine Jayne

We finished ours at the weekend...first time in many years that I have been organised yule shopping wise!

10 Dec 07 - 03:28 PM (#2212642)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Rusty Dobro

On Saturday night, 15 December, the locals at the Cratfield 'Poacher' pub, in Suffolk, will be driven screaming into the night by a group which is a spin-off, or perhaps a 'reeled away drunkenly', from the regular Thursday night sessions at the notorious 'Eel's Foot'. There will be country, blues, vulgarity, insults and a bit more vulgarity, all from a bunch of people old enough to know better. Usually going out under a different name each time to avoid writs, and paternity orders, they have been prodded by 'Mojo' magazine into adopting the name of the Trembling Wheelbarrows. A search for them on YouTube will serve to frighten off any remaining punters. Entrance is free, for reasons which will become obvious.

11 Dec 07 - 01:26 PM (#2213221)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Trevor

Those of you who have plugged in to the 'nightmare' thread will realise that the last couple of weekends have been pretty extraordinary here. Haven't had much sleep, but things are settling into something of a routine now. Next weekend is Rapsquillion's Christmas gig - a welcome distraction to concentrate on for a few days.

11 Dec 07 - 07:46 PM (#2213481)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Tattie Bogle

2 weekends gone by since my last posting (oh let's not talk about last postings - only sent my overseas cards today so no-one will get them before Christmas!)
Trad awards weekend in Fort William was fab, even if some thought that not all the right folk won! (Some very difficult choices in some categories, esp Composer of the the year: all 4 nominees excellent!)
Last weekend - Saturday rubbish, Sun night good with plenty of song and music.
Coming weekend: Carol concerts x 2, dinner cooked by my daughter, meet her in-laws, pub session with plenty of Bah humbug songs I hope!
I must write some more Christmas cards
I must write some more Christmas cards
I must write some more Christmas cards
I must write some more Christmas cards
I must write some more Christmas cards
I must write some more Christmas cards
I must write some more Christmas cards
I must write some more Christmas cards
I must write some more Christmas cards
I must write some more Christmas cards
Or not?

12 Dec 07 - 11:06 AM (#2213853)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,Rock chick

Well I have finished the Christmas shopping, all presents wrapped, cards all posted, so what's next I ask myself…… ahhh I have the answer!!

12 Dec 07 - 11:44 AM (#2213877)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: jacqui.c

Out Friday evening to see Coope, Boyes & Simpson on Corringham. Not sure what's happening for the rest of the weekend but I'm thinking of possibly heading down to Hertford and East London if the energy levels get better.

13 Dec 07 - 06:28 AM (#2214370)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,LTs pretending to work

Jacqui - You'll be made most welcome in east London if you get here, bed can be made ready for you at short notice and we have gin! Micca is a bit busy this weekend and we're out and about Saturday, but you're welcome to come and relax with the cats. There's a Christmas fair in Hyde Park if you get down in time! You could help us with our decorations again on Sunday...


14 Dec 07 - 03:04 AM (#2215053)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: GUEST,suzi

Buy some christmas cards ... and begin shopping. Hate shopping..

14 Dec 07 - 03:40 AM (#2215067)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Morticia

At least you smug gets who have finished shopping won't get under the feet of those of us who require a good dose of panic to get anything accomplished.

14 Dec 07 - 04:04 AM (#2215075)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Sandra in Sydney

tonight I'll be making cards, Chrissy & general as I'll be giving cards as pressies with some chrissy cards. I might even finish off my kimono/housecoat, all it needs is handsewing. Or I just might read that murder that needs reading. Or maybe some other library books that are sitting around waiting to be read.

Saturday make cards, especially if I have read that murder, then at night we have the last Bush Dance for the year where I help set up & collect the money & do other stuff, but not dance (too many sore bits) & distribute a few cards I've made.

Sunday I dunno, there is nuffin' on my diary! Maybe I'll keep making cards if I get on a roll on Saturday, or work on some other crafty stuff. Or read library books.

Whatever, I'll listen to some of my new CDs.


14 Dec 07 - 06:08 AM (#2215124)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Emma B

After that dreadful shopping - the nice part.

I LOVE wrapping presents, all that shiny coloured paper, the ribbons and bows........

and finish reading the Dresden Files....... looks like a lovely Sunday!

16 Dec 07 - 06:19 AM (#2216380)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Diva

More bags for the charity shop!!!!!   Then out at night for the archive christmas meal.....lots of fun, nice to have a natter with folk you don't normally get a chance to catch up with. Making a nice roast dinner for my hobbit and the starving wean.

16 Dec 07 - 09:23 AM (#2216441)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Cats

Last night Jon and I sang in a memorial concert for our 2 friends [husband and wife] who have both died in the last year. Mike had been a player in many famous brass bands and the concert was organised by his last band for them.. I've never had a brass band backing before! Tonight we are carolling at Padstow - Where else?

16 Dec 07 - 02:29 PM (#2216600)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Mrs.Duck

I spent the morning polishing and blow drying Geoff's top hat and then in the afternoon stood on the touch line while he had his first dance out with Green Oak Morris men! Dedication - 1 degree!

16 Dec 07 - 04:09 PM (#2216680)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: skipy

Last night went to "Ladies night" with local morris, company was great, food was crap!

16 Dec 07 - 07:55 PM (#2216819)
Subject: RE: BS: What are you up to this weekend?
From: Joe_F

Now it's another one. Yesterday (Saturday) I did some work, went to a MASSFILC meeting, and went to the Alley for beer & bears. Today I did some work, went to a chantey sing at MIT, and did Indian dinner with the participants. Expect to take a nap & do some more work tonight.

A lot of sweet people put up with me.