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poynton ceilidh

10 Dec 07 - 04:23 AM (#2212329)
Subject: poynton ceilidh
From: Mo the caller

I've copied this from the webfeet ceilidh forum. Albireo are an excellent band. I'll be there for sure

"Albireo are playing at Poynton next Saturday. Please give it your support since future ceilidhs are in danger of being cancelled, and a good turnout may persuade the organiser to change his mind.

Poynton Community Centre
Park Lane

Directions here:

I think their website is 12 months out of date!

Howard Jones

albireo, "

10 Dec 07 - 06:56 AM (#2212376)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: John J

I thought Poynton Ceilidhs were a thing of the past, that's certainly the word on the street in South Manchester. Their adverts in the Manchester Evening News haven't appeared for years.

Do you know if they're advertised anywhere else? If they're struggling for numbers they should publicise more, I'm sure they would get more numbers - I would go anyway.


10 Dec 07 - 07:52 AM (#2212405)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: Mo the caller

If you're interested in ceilidh dancing try webfeet.
Scroll down to Bands and Callers, and click on events.
If you join their discussion list they send a list of What's On, every week, as well as the ceilidh discussions.

10 Dec 07 - 09:22 AM (#2212440)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: Hawker

I used to go to the Poynton ceilidhs when I was at school! Im 46 now! I'd go if I lived nearer, its a bit far to commute from Cornwall, but I will look up whats on in webfeet next time i visit my Mum.
Cheers, Lucy

16 Dec 07 - 06:15 AM (#2216379)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: Mo the caller

An excellent night last night, and good news for the series.
The organiser has retired and Albireo are taking it on (they really are stars!)
This was wished on them while they were playing last night so no details yet. They think they will have them alternate months so the next will be Feb 23rd (they were already booked for that one).

Go to their website and sign up to the Poynton ceilidhs mailing list

I doubt if you could get a better band, they managed to sound exciting without the dancers needing earplugs. Wild fiddling, and it sounded as if they were enjoying themselves, we certainly were.
Rhodri's choice of traditional English dances mixed with American squares and Contra had a lot to do with it too.

16 Dec 07 - 01:37 PM (#2216576)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: GUEST,Howard Jones

Yes, it's all been a bit sudden, a spur-of-the-moment decision, but we'll get something onto the website as soon as possible. There will be no Poynton Ceilidh in January, and as Mo says the next one will be February 23rd, again with Albireo and with Dave Ball calling. So far we haven't got beyond that, but as soon as we decide what we're doing we'll announce it here.

We always enjoy playing at Poynton, and last night was one of the best, so we didn't want to see the ceilidhs there come to an end. It's always good to play to an enthusiastic and knowledgeable audience, and although Rhodri called some pretty complicated dances they were well able to cope. We had a really great time.

Howard Jones

17 Dec 07 - 06:25 AM (#2217035)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: Mo the caller

We live an hours drive away, and if they're all like that we'll come regularly.
But not to dance 'Bridge of Athlone' etc. all night.
What sort of dances does Dave Ball call?

22 Dec 07 - 08:25 AM (#2220846)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: GUEST,Dave Ball


Howard has alerted me to this thread.

Regretfully I shall ignore the temptation to claim an international repertoire of dances featuring amongst others: Ponte Atloni, Die Bricke von Achtlon and Le Pont d'Atlone.

I've been calling for even longer than Rhodri and share the same interests:
traditional English dances, US contras and squares.
However I also call material from the Jackson manuscript (N.Yorkshire , c. 1790), write quite a few dances myself like Rhod, and have recently adapted 3 couple minor set figures from 18th dances for use by less specialist dancers (and to accompany music from the Watts m/s from Peak Forest, Derbyshire played by The Risng Sun Band)

Hopefully we'll get a chance to try some of all of these different dance types in February. I don't use many of the standard repertoire dances.

I called at Poynton with Albireo about a year ago and the most common comment from dancers at the end of the night was that the bulk of the dances we had tried were new to them. I'd be delighted if you are able to come in February and we can have a chat during the evening.

I have shared the caller's platform with Rhodri at an IVDVF festival in Sheffield years ago. We called alternately for three dances without stopping the band or the dancers even though we managed to change the formation in the process.

I also play and lead bands and have a 23-piece ceilidh band (yes that is 23 musicians!) based in Derbyshire/Sheffield called The Well-Dressed Band .


22 Dec 07 - 03:29 PM (#2221049)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: GUEST,Howard Jones

We've now got a website running:

There's not much on it at the moment (we've only been doing this for about a week!) but there's an email address to request information or to be added to the mailing list. More details will appear in due course.

Watch this space!

22 Dec 07 - 04:17 PM (#2221058)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: sapper82

Can someone persuade Dave Ball to sign up to the 'Cat?
Also pass the message on that my lad Phillip sends his regards!

23 Dec 07 - 04:29 AM (#2221256)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: Mo the caller

Thanks Dave. I've nothing against dancing some well known dances, but a variety is nice. Sounds as if it will be fun.
Hope I didn't sound like too much of a dance snob, I'm all in favour of people having fun but I'm old enough not to want to be bounced on all evening, and some ceilidhs (usually the PTA type) can be a bit like that. I am in awe of RHodri's ability to explain call a programme that keeps the experienced dancers happy without getting the novices completely lost.
And if you want Bridge of Athlone translated into Welsh, I got a book which I can bring in Februaury. (I call in Wales sometimes, so I bought a book of Twpath dances!)

23 Dec 07 - 04:30 AM (#2221257)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: Mo the caller

I think I meant twmpath, sorry.

08 Jan 08 - 04:23 AM (#2230931)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: Mo the caller

After all that, they have cancelled the Feb ceilidh, due to a clash with All Blacked Up at Woodford, a mile or so down the road.
It also clashes with Chester's February Folk Day
But they have arranged monthly ceilidhs from March to June, on the last Saturday of the month.

08 Jan 08 - 05:11 AM (#2230946)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: Mo the caller

poynton ceilidh website

08 Jan 08 - 09:10 AM (#2231089)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh
From: Mr Happy

08 Jan 08 - 11:09 AM (#2231164)
Subject: RE: poynton ceilidh

Mo's beaten me to it! We've got an exciting programme lined up, starting with Pigeon English on 29 March. They are an excellent band and making quite a name for themselves.

They are followed on 26 April by Fidget Pie: this is a new band featuring Alistair Gillies (All Blacked Up), Ian Wilson (Peeping Tom) and John Buckley, with caller Baz Parkes (All Blacked Up). With that pedigree you can expect a superb evening

31 May: resident band Albireo are playing.

We've still to arrange a band for June, but will post information as soon as we can. Keep an eye on the website, which will be prettied up as soon as we can get around to it!

Please support us and help to keep Poynton Ceilidhs going!

Howard Jones