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About Catspaw - Part III

06 May 99 - 06:05 AM (#76028)
Subject: About Catspaw - Part III
From: Roger in Baltimore

To read the prior thread, CLICK HERE.


06 May 99 - 06:11 AM (#76031)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - Part III
From: Roger in Baltimore

As usual, Catspaw is creating consternation. Except this time its because he's gettin' well quicker than anyone suspected. I'm sendin' my card to the ICU in hopes that he never gets it because he keeps gettin' better faster than the card can move along.

My prayers continue along with thanks for the progress made so far.

Thanks to Katspaw and 'Spaw's Maw for keeping us updated in the midst of their own duress.

Roger in Baltimore

06 May 99 - 06:12 AM (#76032)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - Part III
From: Banjer

Roger, it seems that great minds do think alike, I was writing my part three at the same time you were doing yours....Neat!!! Joe Offer, where are you???

06 May 99 - 06:19 AM (#76035)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - Part III
From: Banjer

This whole thing is starting to smack of the "Jaws" syndrome...remember how many sequels there were to that overworked flick idea? BUT, that is NOT to say that the Catspaw thread is overworked, just looking at the possibilities of the sequels, "Return of the 'Spaw", "The 'Spaw Joins A Tiple Band", "The 'Spaw Meets The Mummy", my Gosh the possibilities are endless!!

06 May 99 - 07:57 AM (#76051)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - Part III
From: katlaughing

Joe is in Denver for a couple of weeks or so and resigned to use of library computers, as far as I know.

'Spaw and the tiples along with the possum ocarina should be coming along any minute. The black helicopters reported a siting last night!

06 May 99 - 09:04 AM (#76067)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - Part III
From: Bert

There's gotta be a song there but it's for catspaw to write. "Stick it up a possum's ocarina"

06 May 99 - 02:18 PM (#76149)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - Part III
From: Mo

The only thing is - the 'Spaw ain't returned yet - so we can't use that for Part II - how about "The 'Spaw Strikes Back"? And he's definitely met The Mummy - 'cos he married the daughter! Before 'Spaw Maw-in-Law or Katspaw gets offended (not for the world!)- I hope you realise I use "Mummy" in the affectionate British sense! So glad he's on the mend though... Looking forward to your first post-ICU post Catspaw! love,


06 May 99 - 11:25 PM (#76272)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - Part III
From: BK

Hey, 'catters - guess what? we done met the mummy too! No wonder the 'Spaw will confound & amaze the ICU staff - ('n they heven't even seen the teenage mutant ninja gorilla Tipple band, yet...) It's all that formidable help from Karen & her clearly formidable laptop-totin' mummy! ('n of course all the cosmic energy from the mudcat, as well..)

Cheers, BK

22 May 99 - 04:32 PM (#80813)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - Part III
From: Roger in Baltimore

Just a link to get you back on track if you are reading these threads from start to finish. Catspaw the Recovery, Part III.

Roger in Baltimore, thanking Banjer for starting on a positive note.

23 May 99 - 02:27 AM (#80929)
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - Part III
From: gargoyle

Joe - if you"re "stuck for a good computer system" as Kat implies

Go to the university in Greeley, Colorado, just north of Denver....there's is top notch.

Roger - I am usually a "day late and a dollar short," but my FIRST card was sent two weeks ago. You are more out of touch than even poor Joe.