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Redundancies at the RSAMD

22 Jan 08 - 07:26 PM (#2242469)
Subject: Redundancies at the RSAMD
From: Susanne (skw)

BBC Online, Glasgow section, 22 Jan:

Hundreds of staff at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama are being asked to consider voluntary redundancy.

The academy in Glasgow [...] must make savings of £600,000.

The post of head of traditional music was already earmarked before the cuts.

Although Brian McNeill, who has held the position since 2001, will be replaced, it is understood the job will now be part-time.

I'm dumbstruck! Does anyone have more details?

23 Jan 08 - 05:19 AM (#2242637)
Subject: RE: Redundancies at the RSAMD
From: sian, west wales

Oh, b*gg*r. I'm going to ask around about that. I understand that there's going to be an update on the Trad Music Exams in the next little while but it sounds like those will be moving along as planned.


23 Jan 08 - 08:56 AM (#2242756)
Subject: RE: Redundancies at the RSAMD
From: Leadfingers

They have to fund the Olympic Games somehow !

23 Jan 08 - 09:37 AM (#2242785)
Subject: RE: Redundancies at the RSAMD
From: redsnapper

Think it's more to do with not being able to fully fund a recent pay increase to staff from what I've read... nothing to do with the Olympics.


02 Feb 08 - 04:13 PM (#2251814)
Subject: RE: Redundancies at the RSAMD
From: GUEST,PaulS

02 Feb 08 - 04:30 PM (#2251828)
Subject: RE: Redundancies at the RSAMD
From: GUEST,PaulS

This is a serious worry. Although it is officially denied that there are cuts to the traditional music course I have it on good authority that these are very real - for example tutors (who now receive minimal/no admin support) find that there is no means of arranging rooms to do their work. There is a thread on the implications of this on FootStompin' at

This raises a bigger issue - pay increases are by and large outside the control of educational establishments: why should students suffer from the lack of a wider strategy by central government for funding of such training?

02 Feb 08 - 05:24 PM (#2251881)
Subject: RE: Redundancies at the RSAMD
From: The Vulgar Boatman

You may be right Redsnapper, but consider this: throughout our academic institutions, research councils, heritage organisations, the arts and music, national archives, libraries and more, cuts are being made. The finest geological library in the world, British Geological Survey has just been told that it is to lose 20% of its staffing budget in April. Now either a lot of very intelligent people are letting their budgets go to ratshit, or funding is being withdrawn over a broad spectrum. It is probably simplistic of me, but I can see a great big black hole in which to put all the money trimmed off organisations which only "elitist minorities" have any interest in. Are you familiar with the phrase "panem et circenses"?

03 Feb 08 - 04:27 PM (#2252640)
Subject: RE: Redundancies at the RSAMD
From: Bonzo3legs

Issues issues issues...............what is wrong with the word PROBLEMS for christ's sake?????