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BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

27 Jan 08 - 09:32 AM (#2246082)
Subject: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

In the biggest shift in the Democratic party, we are seeing the liberal Democratic annointment of a conservative Democrat--Obama--today. From the Huffington Post to the New York Times, from the Hollywood set to the horsey set, the celebrity Dems are out in full force today for Obama.

Here is Arianna and here is Caroline.

So, is Clinton already gone? Are we looking at Obama vs McCain?

27 Jan 08 - 09:46 AM (#2246089)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Ron Davies

McCain vs Obama?

Here's hoping. And very likely. With McCain losing unless there is a serious national security crisis between now and the fall.

Since Obama will get not only the Democratic votes--enthusiastically-- but many independent--and moderate to liberal Republicans--especially any anti-war votes--including Republicans.

While Hillary would get precisely zero Republican votes, very few independents, and--since she has now poisoned the well she intended to drink from--would lose quite a few Democrats too--who just wouldn't vote.

27 Jan 08 - 09:46 AM (#2246090)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: wysiwyg

Well, when I heard about this earlier this AM, my thoughts were that (A) Gee, I wish Caroline had entered politics herself at an earlier age because every time I have heard her speak about anything, I have been so impressed with her level head and her ability to so warmly communicate information and values; (B) has she just adopted Obama into the family curse. Not making ight of this-- he was already a target, and now IMO he is a bigger one. I fear for him.

In terms of national politics per se-- no it is not "over." The candidates still have to figure out how they will slice up the pie IF they win the whole pie, in order not to lose that pie to the opposition before they even get a taste. In that much, nothing has really changed, nor IMO can it change.

In that vein, Hillary has already been out-maneuvering Obama on grooming her Dem rival to be positioned as her VP (or any other high-ranking administration member). Obama has taken every bait she's offered in public, without knowing how to adroitly work around her little surprise invitations and co-optings-- poor skills that can only hurt him in foreign policy talks with other world leaders, eh? He may make a good president someday, but IMO not THIS day.

Obama will have to show me his ability to actually form coalitions instead of just talking about wanting them, to get my vote. And a little more experience on the Big Stage of world politics. I am just not sure where hae can gain that, outside of the Senate, without blundering the US into something scary.... I can't even see him at the UN just yet, much less in the Oval Office. Certainly not heading the State Department.

However there are many who prefer the hope to the reality, in life, if they even can discern the difference. It's an old, old political bamboozle to work that preference... with disastrous consequences for nation, world, and both party and candidate, when it works.


27 Jan 08 - 10:04 AM (#2246098)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

You are absolutely right about the coalition building and some serious errors in judgment on Obama's part, Susan, and voters will start looking at that now that the Obama celebrity/rock star train is pulling out of the station in earnest.

As the primary season progresses (people seem to forget it is in it's infancy, and has a LONG way to go until it wraps up--Ohio in March, Pennsylvania in April, and a smattering of primaries in May that could end up making a very large difference in terms of delegates), Obama is going to have do some serious coalition building--and fast. But I'll give him this. With some of the heavy hitters from the Democratic Leadership Council coming out swinging for him this week (John Kerry & Tom Daschle), will undoubtedly help him. He is bound to get a big rush of significant African American endorsements now too.

But the Democratic Leadership Council without the Clintons can't deliver the South. And outside California, none of the 3 candidates can deliver the West (which is why we are now hearing from Daschle, but he doesn't have that strong of support and deep organization outside South Dakota, which is completely insignificant in the big picture). Look to see if Bill Richardson endorses anybody.

It will be an interesting couple of weeks between now and Super Tuesday.

I think the biggest news coming out of South Carolina is there is a big shift happening within the Democratic party itself, and the Republicans are completely demoralized because Obama just plunked SC in the possibly purple column in the general election.

27 Jan 08 - 10:06 AM (#2246099)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Ron Davies

"Not over yet." I didn't say it was. But if Edwards signs on with Obama it will be over. Mostly since Hillary has marginalized herself--needlessly.   For instance, her stubbornness, in contrast to Edwards, in refusing to admit she was wrong to authorize Bush to use force against Iraq, has hurt her deeply.

The scorched- earth campaigning against Obama--implying, for instance, that he supports Reagan's policies when she knows he does not--has alienated yet more voters.

And there are still lots of unclaimed "superdelegates" who will ally themselves with the perceived winner--which the Obama/Edwards team would be.

Even in Tsunami Tuesday, unless Hillary sweeps the field--unlikely now--they will split delegates, and the nominee will be unclear afterwards

Hillary's coronation has been postponed--and likely cancelled.

27 Jan 08 - 10:09 AM (#2246103)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

Also, I think this is still a clusterfuck set up that doesn't reflect current demographic realities in the US. Black political power is waning, and Latino political power is waxing--again, that counting thing.

And none of the Democratic or Republican candidates seems to have that fact on their radar, except McCain.

27 Jan 08 - 10:21 AM (#2246115)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Ron Davies

Again, an oversimplification. The Hispanic population is increasing certainly--but I've just read in the WSJ--so sorry about the filthy capitalist connection--that though there was a huge drive which did sign up a great number of new Hispanics wanting to vote, they have been told the process will take over a year--so won't be effective til after fall 2008.

And there evidently are a lot of people in South Carolina who have had the vote for a while--but haven't felt incentive to support the top of the Democratic ticket. With Obama, that has changed drastically. And consider the new voters in New Hampshire. No reason to think one or both of these scenarios cannot happen elsewhere.

What's more, the "Hispanic vote" is not locked up for Hillary.

Among other things, Hillary voted for the proposed 700-mile long fence along the Mexican border. Even if some Hispanics don't vote for Obama--who also voted for the fence--they may not come out to vote for her either when this is made known.

27 Jan 08 - 11:00 AM (#2246147)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Riginslinger

While I think the fence is a stupid waste of resources, and was merely funded as a way for people in Congress to pretend the are doing something about illegal immigration, many folks lose sight of the fact that a large percentage of the Hispanic population in America want something done about illegal immigration, as much as most of the rest of us do.

27 Jan 08 - 11:11 AM (#2246156)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

Yes, but the fence isn't the solution Latinos are looking for. Solutions like the EU has with it's citizens, where they can freely cross borders back and forth to work, vacation, and conduct business. THAT is the type of solution Latinos are looking for--one that isn't based upon race, and recognizes the geopolitical importance of open borders for trade AND immigration, not just the former.

Latinos are looking at very specific positions, like candidate positions on CAFTA, NAFTA, ending the embargo and opening relations with Cuba, etc.

While everybody was screaming about race in SC and on the MSM this week, guess where Bill Richardson was?

27 Jan 08 - 11:14 AM (#2246160)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Amos

"Wanting something done" is an awfully big range of possibility. The problem with most positions on this issue is that they are venemous, bigoted, hate-filled, inhumane, and a breeding ground for future racial trouble.


27 Jan 08 - 11:26 AM (#2246171)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Ron Davies


Good point on Richardson. But no use crying over spilled milk.

Obama is here--and a huge step forward for the US. And aside from the fence-- which, as I note, Hillary also supported-- Obama's record on immigration issues is pretty good.

i.e.--Rig can't stand it. (though he supports Hillary--whose record is virtually the same except for her pathetic waffling on the illegal immigrant driver's license question.)

27 Jan 08 - 11:28 AM (#2246173)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Riginslinger

"Latinos are looking at very specific positions, like candidate positions on CAFTA, NAFTA, ending the embargo and opening relations with Cuba, etc..."

                Latino spokesmen sometimes say that's what they are looking for, but I don't think they often consult their constituents. NAFTA turned out to be a huge disaster for small farmers in Central America, and there's no reason to think CAFTA wouldn't have the same effect.

                Relations with Cuba would have little effect nation wide, it would relate to communities in Florida with ties to Cuba, and, of course, Cuba itself. But even if an American President wanted to do something with Cuba, how would he/she get Cuba to cooperate?

27 Jan 08 - 11:35 AM (#2246183)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

Yes, that is what I meant when I said that Latino VOTERS look at candidate positions on CAFTA and NAFTA, which the majority of them view as disastrous as well as established to keep them out of the US, their economies as "third world" as the US can keep them to allow for cheap labor pools for US corporations, that sort of thing.

A US president doesn't have to get Cuba to cooperate. Ending the embargo would open the floodgates.

Funny how so few politicos of any stripe ever mention Mexico's oil too, innit? With at least 3.4m barrels per day, Mexico is Latin America's largest crude producer ahead of Venezuela and Brazil, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

27 Jan 08 - 11:51 AM (#2246196)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Riginslinger

GG - Yes, I can see what you mean. I took it the wrong way because it is usually offered the wrong way--I mean, on NAFTA and CAFTA.

                And it somebody were serious about the illegal immigration problem, they could go a long way to a solution by simply mandating that the migrant workers were paid an acceptable wage with benetits, industrial accident insurance, unemployment benefits, and etc.

27 Jan 08 - 12:10 PM (#2246205)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: McGrath of Harlow

What need is there for Cuba to "cooperate" in order to end the USA's unilateral embargo?

27 Jan 08 - 12:22 PM (#2246213)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Rapparee

I think that ending the embargo of Cuba would do more to get Castro out of power (and that's what the "exiles" in Florida want) than anything else. Problem is, the "exiles" seem to think that they will then be able to regain whatever they had when Castro came into power -- and it won't happen. Time has passed, their grandchildren have grown up in the US. I doubt that those grandchildren care about the big deal grandpa was back in 1959 (nearly half a century ago now).

Obama and Edwards (or Richardson) could sweep the US, and I include The West. This "red state" (Idaho) is plumb sick to death of what's happening in DC by "their" party.

27 Jan 08 - 12:25 PM (#2246221)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

Actually, I think an Edwards/Richardson ticket would be pretty tough to beat.

27 Jan 08 - 02:36 PM (#2246329)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Little Hawk

It would, but what chance is there of it ever happening?

27 Jan 08 - 02:40 PM (#2246333)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: wysiwyg

One of the reasons I usually avoid these political threads is because other posters so often co-opt one another's posts. Alliances or aggression are thus assumed that have no basis in reality.

For example in the immediate responses to my post above...

1. I do not need anyone to tell me I am "right." Agree or disagree, my post is just a reflection of my personal thought process at the time of the post.

2. I don't post hoping someone will argue back who mistakenly assumes that I have "quoted" them-- further arguing back with "how" I "quoted" them. Agree or disagree, my post is just a reflection of my personal thought process at the time of the post.

Maybe it's an odd or rare thing, but I don't post in political threads in order to argue, debate, prove a point, etc. Reflection is my preferred mode of communication when it comes to politics. In that respect, I prefer the hope to the reality; because that hope is so often disappointed, I tend to just leave these threads to people who like stirring more adrenaline than reflection.


27 Jan 08 - 02:46 PM (#2246344)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

Of an Edwards/Richardson ticket or just of Edwards getting the nomination?

As to the latter, considering there have only been 4 primaries so far, Edwards still has a great chance at coming from behind, especially if it gets dicey between Clinton and Obama. He doesn't need to be the front runner at this point, to win a delegate battle at the convention in August.

I don't know why everybody thinks the whole friggin' shootin' match is a done deal after 4 dinky state primaries. Because the MSM says so?

27 Jan 08 - 03:09 PM (#2246363)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

Actually, I can't count. There haven't been 4 Dem primaries, there have been 5 primaries so far, but none of the Dems except Clinton went to Michigan, as I recall. And performed really badly there too, considering she was unopposed by the other two first tier candidates.

Considering that Clinton's fortunes may be waning, why does everyone assume that only Obama will benefit from that? If Clinton keeps sinking, that doesn't mean everyone is jumping on the Obama bandwagon.

So of course Edwards is still in the running. You can't count any of the top tier candidates out at this early stage because a million different things can and will happen to shake things up in a 3 way race.

27 Jan 08 - 03:18 PM (#2246372)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Riginslinger

GG - The Daily Kos was encouraging Democrats to cross over and vote for Romney in an effort to scramble the Republican race in Michigan, so I don't think too much can be made of her performance, or lack of it, there

27 Jan 08 - 03:36 PM (#2246388)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: katlaughing

It would be interesting to know how many of the following are Latina/o just in terms of how they might vote.

(I agree, I'd love to see an Edwards/Richardson ticket.)

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- More than a million people who want to vote in November's general election probably won't get the chance because of a delay in processing applications to become U.S. citizens, according to the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.

A backlog processing naturalization applications could keep over a million immigrants from voting this fall.

The dream of voting in the upcoming presidential election -- along with a scheduled increase in fees -- motivated 1.4 million people across the country to apply after June 1 last year to become naturalized U.S. citizens -- double the previous year's number, the bureau said.

The huge jump in applications also increased the time normally needed to process them from about seven months to as many as 18 months.

Serena Perez moved to the United States from Ecuador more than 10 years ago after marrying an American citizen. She applied for citizenship in May, thinking she would have plenty of time to become a citizen and be granted the right to vote. But now, she probably won't get that chance.

"What is the reason for this backlog when there are so many people in an election year that are willing to participate?" Perez asked.

Immigrant advocate Jose Lagos is furious at the slowdown.

"They say they are doing what they can, but we think they can do more," Lagos told CNN.

At a congressional hearing last week, the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services said it's hiring 1,500 more employees to handle the delays. But officials say that even with the additional resources, there's little chance the backlog will be significantly reduced by the November election.

Immigrant rights groups estimate as many as 200,000 legal residents in Florida alone are waiting to learn if they'll become citizens in time to vote. And in Florida, where the results of the 2000 election hung in the balance, thousands of new voters could swing the 2008 vote.

Historically, Florida immigrants -- many of them Cubans -- tended to vote Republican. But as more apply for citizenship from other countries, experts say the immigrant vote is now up for grabs.

Mitch Ceasar, a Democratic party chairman in South Florida, says there are suspicions about the delay.

"Conspiracy theorists may say this is grinding to a very slow movement or halt specifically to disenfranchise these new legal citizens from finishing their process and becoming voters," Ceasar said.

That view is dismissed by Jose Riesco, the Republican party vice chairman in Miami-Dade County.

"We don't have voter suppression here," Riesco said. "That is ludicrous. It is an election year, and that is political rhetoric."

Either way, Perez thinks her vote could make a difference.

"I'm going to feel I'm missing an opportunity to change the way the government is running this country. ... And I really feel that I want to be able to be part of that change," Perez said

27 Jan 08 - 03:46 PM (#2246395)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

I suppose we'll never know. But now she says she is going to Florida too. So much for abiding by the party rules, eh?

27 Jan 08 - 04:24 PM (#2246445)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Riginslinger

"Serena Perez moved to the United States from Ecuador more than 10 years ago after marrying an American citizen. She applied for citizenship in May, thinking she would have plenty of time to become a citizen and be granted the right to vote. But now, she probably won't get that chance."

                   This is the kind of thing that drives me nuts. Why did she wait 10 years to apply? There was a story out last week about some woman who waited 20 years to apply for citizenship. If they really wanted to vote in the 2008 election, why didn't they fill out the papers a year earlier, or 5 years, or 10 years, or...

27 Jan 08 - 04:41 PM (#2246457)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

Because lazy people like to whine? Seriously, it is inconceivable to me that once someone qualifies, they don't do the paperwork--especially post-9/11 when the Bush administration could decide to deport everybody on like 15 minutes notice.

27 Jan 08 - 04:48 PM (#2246466)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Rapparee

Uncle Ted is going to back Barack tomorrow, according to the AP.

27 Jan 08 - 05:10 PM (#2246480)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

Now that will bring the under 30 stampeding towards Obama! What a coup.

Kind of anti-climactic though, don't you think? Or Uncle Teddy just jealous Caroline stole his thunder?

Enquiring minds probably don't know that, according to HuffPo's Sunday MSM pundit review today, "polls" say that 3 out 5 Democratic voters want BOTH Hil & Barak on the ticket TOGETHER!!!

Awwwww...that's so sweet.

27 Jan 08 - 05:31 PM (#2246490)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Bobert

Wwell, I am hopin' that Edwards stays in to the ned and garners enough delegates so that neither Obama (who I support) and Hillary (who I never will under any circumstance)will have the necerssary votes for nomination...

This would be perfect and would force the Dems to take a hard look at making the kinds of deals (coilitions) that would make an Obama/Richardson very attractive while also havin' to carry Edwards plank of ending poverty in the US...

That ticket, with the plank, will be hard to beat...

Then it's up to my Trojan Horse theory to kick in...


27 Jan 08 - 05:31 PM (#2246491)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: McGrath of Harlow

Why on earth should the lady have bothered to apply for citizenship, since she had the right to stay in the States anyway by virtue of her marriage? Nothing lazy about it, just not a very high priority. And why should it be?

I'd have thought that either Obama or Clinton would be very well advised to invite whoever comes in second to be VP. Increase their chances of getting elected, and decrease their risk of getting assassinated afterwards.

27 Jan 08 - 06:15 PM (#2246514)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Ron Davies

It would indeed be intriguing to know if Hillary would be VP under Obama. (Even though Edwards would be far better).

27 Jan 08 - 06:16 PM (#2246516)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Bobert

Well, IMO, if Obama is the nominee he will get Hillary's votes anyway while the converse is not true...

Now, if Obama is the nominee, Bill Richardson will blunt the Repubs charge that an Obama/Richardson ticket wouldn't have foreign policy experience plus Richardson can bring the Hispanic voters that might otherwise stay home...


27 Jan 08 - 06:29 PM (#2246527)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

Actually, we don't know if Richardson actually can deliver a solid bloc of Latino voters the way Obama can deliver a bloc of African American voters.

I really don't see a Clinton/Obama ticket in the stars, regardless.

I do believe that there is a HUGE power struggle going on at the top of the party right now, though. That power struggle, right now, is benefiting Obama. But if Clinton sweeps Super Tuesday, expect a blood bath worse than Sweeney Todd and No Country for Old Men combined. Kerry, Daschle, and Kennedy are old men in politics years, and completely irrelevant in the new political paradigm neither party seems to be aware of yet.

Not that a battle at the top of the party would spill out on the national stage, or anything...

I just threw out the Edwards/Richardson idea for shits and giggles. All three of them had Richardson on speed dial the minute word got out he was dropping out of the race. Right now, Richardson is a trophy endorsement, and all three need him a lot more than he needs them. He's probably smart enough to let this all play out awhile before he hands out the trophy though--see what folks are offering come February 6th. Richardson would be crazy not to hold out at least until mid-Feb or so.

I'm surprised we aren't seeing an avalanche of endorsements to go along with Obama's landslide too.

Ah well, maybe tomorrow there will be some surprises. But savvy politicians will wait it out until after Super Tuesday, at least.

27 Jan 08 - 06:38 PM (#2246536)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Big Mick

Hey, GG JR PM, didn't you get in Bill D's behind for parroting the morning news, CNN or something like that. Most of that astute analysis came straight off the morning news talking heads shows this morning.

Richardson, as I said months ago, is the odds on favorite for VP no matter who gets the nomination. He brings the western states, and is Latino. He is a respected figure on the world stage, and has great negotiation experience.

I agree that if Clinton comes out of the Super Tuesday primaries the clear victor, there will be a bloodbath. I can't see Edwards as anyones VP, and I don't see a Clinton/Obama ticket.

27 Jan 08 - 06:42 PM (#2246541)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Ron Davies

No sweep for Hillary on Tsunami Tuesday. That pipe-dream is gone forever. The opposite is remotely possible, but very unlikely. More likely is a split decision--with Hillary's support slipping away afterwards.

And I tend to agree with Bobert about the VP slot. Obama has better options than VP under Hillary--which will never happen anyway. Hillary will never be in a position to credibly offer it to anyone.

27 Jan 08 - 07:17 PM (#2246576)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: wysiwyg

See Dems Power Sharing thread, folks. The topic has already been raised.


27 Jan 08 - 07:51 PM (#2246615)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Riginslinger

Big Mick - I agree. Richardson managed to conduct an honest campaign and got out of the race when he had to without getting splattered with any of the garbage. He's in a good position now to help whichever candidate gets the nomination, and he's proven himself big enough to do it.

27 Jan 08 - 08:07 PM (#2246627)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: katlaughing

Regarding citizenship: immigrant must live here at least three years before applying:

An immigrant can become an American citizen by naturalization by living in the United States for a specified period, usually five years (three years if married to a citizen) and passing a naturalization examination. However, there is no requirement that an immigrant become a citizen and s/he is free to live in the United States as long as s/he wishes regardless of his citizenship, so long as s/he abides by the laws of the land, which are applicable to citizens and aliens alike.

Also, according to one website I found, a government one, as of last summer, it costs almost $700 to apply for citizenship and that is non-refundable if you are denied. They do have some provisions to waive some fees if you jump through enough hoops. Those costs do not include any classes to learn about our country, as near as I could tell.

The other reasons I can see for someone not jumping right up to become a citizen would have to do with their circumstances, i.e. was the marriage going to last, do they have hopes of going home, again, possibly having come from a country at war, will they be able to find work and make a go of it, etc. etc.

27 Jan 08 - 08:10 PM (#2246631)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

Ron Davies seems to have downed the Kool Aid.

Richardson may or may not want a gig in an upcoming administration. He could, with a serious return to Democratic rulership (ie White House & a bigger margin in Congress) he might want to remain an influential Western governor. And then run again later.

I think he would be great in a bigger role though. No one is talking about elevating our diplomatic ties to Latin America at this point, but they should be. And Richardson does seem to have an interest in working in that direction.

He was the most intriguing of all the candidates, I thought. Even came straight out and declared himself a social justice Catholic--you don't see that every day in the US of A among presidential candidates!

27 Jan 08 - 08:16 PM (#2246634)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Bobert

Yeah, Richardson can and will deliver the Hispanic votes if for no other reason, he is Hispanic and speaks fluent Espanol... Those are biggies...

And he also brings more foreign policy experience than the entire Republican slate combined...

Richardson is a no-brainer... This has been my position forever... Plus, he may be the most intellegent man to run for president in years....

Obama and Richardson would be unbeatable...

Now if Billary takes the nomination then the Dems are absolutely screwed... Yeah, she will carry the states that Kerry carried and no more... I don't think that even Bill Richardson could help her...

Forget John Edwards... He can't bring any state wi8th him... Like none...

The only other guy out there for VP is Mark Warner, Virginia's former governor, who can bring Virginia with him... Maybe even West Virginia and maybe North Carolina... He is very popular... He would be another compliment to Obama but...

...not as good as Ricardson...


27 Jan 08 - 08:34 PM (#2246641)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy

So you guys really think Richardson would sell out his stand on the border wall to Mexico, just to take a VP job? Remember, both Obama and Clinton have come out as pro-border wall.

And even if he did, you think he could still bring the Latino vote with him?

I dunno if that horse will trot.

And if Romney gets the nom, I think Clinton has a far better shot at beating him than she does McCain.

Why is everybody around here suddenly so sure that because Obama swept SC (as expected, I might add) that Clinton is suddenly dead in the water? Maybe you all are drinking the Kool Aid today!

Now, I detest the Clintons, but I'm not going to delude myself into believing an Obama hallucination instead.

I keep trying to figure out who Obama could pick as a running mate that could beat McCain, for instance (this is the best chance for a woman GOP veep ever, IMO), but short of Caroline Kennedy herself, I really can't figure out who would work as a running mate for him that is realistic.

Richardson doesn't seem like a realistic choice to me. I could be wrong, but I'm certainly not ready to start playing let's pretend either.

27 Jan 08 - 08:37 PM (#2246642)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Big Mick

Hell no, GG, I don't think they are dead in the water. They are still one of the most powerful couples in the world. But there is no denying that they hurt themselves last week.

I'll tell you why he makes sense. VP's are never chosen because they are clones of the candidates. They are chosen for what they bring. Richardson brings it on any number of levels.


27 Jan 08 - 08:45 PM (#2246649)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: GUEST,Guest

Well, some of us know what a double standard looks like, and Obama's spouse is getting away with 'em BIG time.

This sort of shit isn't below the belt? Come on now, be fair and impartial. How is that shit OK, but Clinton comparing Obama's win yesterday to Jackson's wins in the 80s, or claiming that Obama's position on the Iraq war is a fairy tale--how is it those things are somehow beyond the pale?

I mean, you can't get any sleazier than Michelle Obama in that video, IMO.

Apparently that part of the past is going to be fair game?

27 Jan 08 - 08:53 PM (#2246653)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: GUEST,Guest

I can't get the video to play--any one else have that problem? If so, just go to You tube & search for "Michelle Obama takes a shot at Hillary Clinton".

Big Mick, I think it is way too presumptuous to start assuming that the candidates who have dropped out are home waiting for phone calls from Barak and Hillary.

Like I said, I can't see a scenario where Richardson would climb on board either of their trains, because of their regressive positions on immigration, CAFTA & NAFTA. Now, politicians I admire usually prove me wrong--and I admire Richardson. But it seems to me saying Richardson would climb in bed with Clinton or Obama is like saying Kucinich would. I just don't see that happening, no matter how much folks think it would be great.

27 Jan 08 - 09:29 PM (#2246670)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Charley Noble

An Obama-Richardson ticket makes the most sense to me, assuming Obama emerges from Super Tuesday with the majority of delegates. There are less winner-take-all states now than in years past which makes a decisive majority less likely.

Edwards should have some bargaining power at the convention, maybe even enough delegates to deny Obama or Clinton the nomination. He doesn't appear to bring much needed experience to the ticket as a VP but he might make a good Attorney General, and settle for that.

So far no one has mentioned anything specific with regard to Obama's track record that would raise major concerns about his priorities. He doesn't seem to fit my image of a "Republican-Democrat" but I am willing to be enlightened.

Charley Noble

27 Jan 08 - 09:33 PM (#2246676)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Riginslinger

GG - I think there are many positions on immigration that have not been presented to the public yet. All the public knows, at least in general, are the ones their handlers want to see presented.

                         Of course, if you think Richardson is locked into La Voz de Aztlan, that would limit his options.

27 Jan 08 - 10:13 PM (#2246689)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: GUEST,Guest

No, I don't think he is locked into anything, especially since he worked under Bill Clinton in the 90s. And god knows how "flexible" one must be to do that!

I know there are people abandoning the Clintons in droves right now, but will Richardson end up being one of them? I keep trying to think of a scenario in which Obama has anything to offer Richardson, and just am stumped. Anyone got any realistic ideas of why Richardson would want to jump on the Obama wagon as his veep?

Call me crazy, but I think Richardson is a man on the rise. Frankly, when both Obama and Clinton could still crash and burn, what is his incentive to wander into the fray?

Charley, maybe you haven't heard about the campaign contributions quesions raised by the LA Times and I forget what other news outlet, about a donor of Obama's who is under indictment in Illinois? The Obama camp said they got rid of the contributions, but then I think it was the LA Times who investigated further, and found that they still had the money?

If Obama were the nominee, you will see the Republicans attack, attack, attack on his "Muslim" connections, his drug use, etc etc.

Remember, Obama hasn't been vetted the same way Clinton and Edwards have.

The worst Obama has been able to hurl at Clinton is her seat on the Wal Mart board. And last time anyone checked, that wasn't in violation of any laws and didn't lead to any indictments (that time).

And Michelle Obama going after Hilary for "not keeping her house in order" when her man strayed with Monica--that is supposed to be legitimate? Not in my book.

There is a real double standard here regarding the candidate spouses.

27 Jan 08 - 10:21 PM (#2246693)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: katlaughing

I don't care for what Michelle Obama said in that video, either. I also did not like the manner in which she said it. I have said all along that I wish Richardson was running for Prez. I hope he continues to rise and gets there some day.

27 Jan 08 - 10:24 PM (#2246697)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: GUEST,Guest

Yeah, it is really just sleazy and cringe-inducing.

A real step forward for women, that video.

27 Jan 08 - 10:29 PM (#2246699)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Amos

I don't think it was below the belt to suggest role modeling is part of the Presidential aura -- certainly that's what Clinton got impeached for more than any real harm he did.


27 Jan 08 - 10:30 PM (#2246701)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: freightdawg

Bobert, you almost made me gag on my chocolate chip cookie. I'm glad I re-read your post and saw that you said the Richardson "may be" the smartest man to run for president in years.

Come, come. Richardson became governor of NM because he is a Hispanic and because he has a political machine that runs over people like steam rollers run over eggs. It's true he has some international experience, but it amounts to a lot less than most people imagine.

Richardson is not the dimmest bulb in the box by any stretch of the imagination. But he certainly is not the brightest, either. A person could argue that even entering the race knowing he was competing against the first female running for president and the first credible black running for president is proof that he's not the most intelligent of candidates. Unless, of course, he was running for VP all along, and if he gets the nod then he will be seen as a genius.

Richardson is what he is - an extremely powerful power broker in a very, very small pond. As has been noted above, he might deliver the hispanic vote for Obama, but the negatives against Clinton may make it impossible for him to help her very much. A large majority of Hispanics are Catholic, and if Clinton is viewed as being anti-church then Richardson could be seen as a sell-out as opposed to being a positive image on her ticket. Obama comes across as being far more pro-faith. Richardson is a far better fit with Obama.

Also, I don't see Richardson's ego meshing with Clinton. You can't have two sharks in the same wading pool.


27 Jan 08 - 10:34 PM (#2246704)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: GUEST,Guest

Not to mention he, like Kucinich, threw the rope to Obama.

I'm also still not convinced Richardson can deliver Latinos as a bloc to anybody, including himself.

Also, it is good to remember there is no shortage of philandering Latino Catholic men, no? Shit, they ain't THAT friggin' religiously inclined!

27 Jan 08 - 10:42 PM (#2246707)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: GUEST,Guest

Glad to see you get it Amos.

28 Jan 08 - 08:16 AM (#2246890)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Bobert

Well, well, well...

Bill Richardson not the brightest bulb in the shop??? Or whatever???

I've heard him several times on NPR and it takes a lot to impress me but every time I've heard him my impression was "This is one smart guy"...

But that's my opinion and without opionions there would be no horse race...


28 Jan 08 - 08:42 AM (#2246916)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: McGrath of Harlow

without opinions there would be no horse race... Why not?

28 Jan 08 - 08:52 AM (#2246925)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: GUEST,Guest

Because until they cross the finish line, opinions are just more horsehshit.

Including mine, of course.

28 Jan 08 - 09:14 AM (#2246942)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Bobert



28 Jan 08 - 02:14 PM (#2247205)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama anointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Stilly River Sage

The idea of a little over 9 more months of this agonizing blow-by-blow churlish behavior by all of the candidates makes me flip my radio over to classical music and skip reading the two front sections of the newspaper.

It's amazing how they all forget all of the nasty name-calling once the candidate is selected. But the way they get to that point--not pretty.

I wouldn't wish the job of president on anyone. Whoever is elected is liable to be a one-term president with chronically low ratings as they try to undo the vast amount of damage Bush II did to the U.S. economy, put the federal government back the way it was, put reasonable checks and balances and regulations on American financial institutions, reign in the FCC, and apologize for the carnage around the world done by American troops and diplomats.

The first act the of the new president should be to compel every idiot who ever voted for Dubya to take a mandatory civics class to learn the role of the various levels of government, the importance and necessity of the constitution and bill of rights, and the powers of the various federal branches. Just so they know why things went so horribly wrong.


28 Jan 08 - 02:27 PM (#2247226)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: katlaughing

IF we can get a majority in Congress of the same party as a new president elect, they could theoretically get a lot done, SRS. It's a just a metter of do we want that, esp. if it's GOP?!**bg**

28 Jan 08 - 03:00 PM (#2247262)
Subject: RE: BS: Caroline Kennedy
From: Donuel

Obama annointed by BB KIng might be more meaningful

28 Jan 08 - 03:03 PM (#2247265)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Peace

And Donuel has indeed pointed to a problem in politics. The office filled by a President is meant to be the ultimate job in the country because that person takes final responsibility for the good of all citizens. Problem's been that the bastards THINK they've been annointed.

28 Jan 08 - 03:05 PM (#2247270)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Peace

Then they look out for themselves alone--oh, yeah, and a few friends here and there.

28 Jan 08 - 03:16 PM (#2247279)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Stilly River Sage

Remember how the Republican Senate was threatening the "nuclear option" to ban filibusters when they were the majority in the house? That threat has gone away now that it is a Democratic Senate, and the Republicans happily use, or threaten to use, it frequently. I think there might be some more civility and respect for the rules now in the Senate, but at the same time, when all three are in the hands of one party, things can go awry as power goes to ones' head (as we saw with Bush). Checks and balances are good. But like I said, a few more people need a good primer on how their form of government works and why "signing statements" and "warrantless wiretaps" are problematic in a Democracy.


28 Jan 08 - 03:17 PM (#2247282)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Donuel

Its always about whose Ox gets gored.
The Republicans Oxed our Gore 8 years ago.

28 Jan 08 - 03:37 PM (#2247296)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: oggie

From this side of the pond I can see Obama and Clinton doing so much damage to each other, and being so divisive, that neither will win in October. Obama won big among the Black community but got less of the white vote than Clinton or Edwards.

The ammount of mud slinging will probably get worse and down the road there are the Republicans who sure as hell will be taking notes. Where is Al Gore when you need him most :)


28 Jan 08 - 10:06 PM (#2247559)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Ron Davies


Consider Iowa, however. Obama has no problem getting white votes.

And has huge popularity on college campuses.

Team Clinton, however has rather efficiently destroyed Bill Clinton's positive record in the black community. And in record time.

And they themselves have poisoned one of the wells Hillary planned to drink from in the fall.

29 Jan 08 - 08:28 AM (#2247731)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: GUEST,Guest

Oh, the one other victory among whites that Obama has counts, but not all the states with white voters that he already lost?

Sure, any of the candidates would pay the big bucks to have you as their campaign consultant, Ron.

Name one president who has been elected by the "college campus" vote? Considering most young people can't afford to go to college, and aren't on a college campus?

I also think it is far too early to predict a poisoning of the well by Bill Clinton. Or that Obama won't pull Latinos behind him.

Me personally, I'm still trying to figure out what Obama's positions are on the friggin' issues.

But this I'll give him--he has the America's Next Top Rock Star Politician vote all sewn up.

29 Jan 08 - 09:08 AM (#2247759)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Bobert

Well, yeah, G,g.... His *stated* positions aren't that different than Billary's...

But it isn't really his "stated" positions that has gotten him this far... It's his "unstated" positions which are, at the very least, are suggested in body language and nuances...

Yeah, I know this is no way to elect a president... I'll be the first to admit that... But looking at the rest of the pack, he does stand out as being different... And I don't mean in regards to race... But demeanor...

It's kinda like going to the horse race... Most folks just pick numbers or pick from the stats in the racing guide but there are others, myself included, who walk into the paddock and check out the horses while they are being warmed up and you look for little things like the right combination fiestiness, lather (horse racing term--don't ask) and the looks in the horses eyes...

Obama, to me, has the right combination with the exception of the "lather, of which Bill Clinton has the market captured... Personally, I think the US has been a little lathered up with all of Bush's woofin' and could use a little less lather and just run to place or show... We ***don't*** have to win if winning means going bankrupt...

Jus' MO...


29 Jan 08 - 09:10 AM (#2247762)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Charley Noble


I do worry about Obama's new "celebrity" status. It's taken down many an experienced politician before, and the media loves a feeding frenzy.

Just how to become better known, demonstrate leadership but acknowledge mistakes, be non-arrogant but willing to question basic wrongs, no easy job. I'm surprised how well Obama does.

Michelle may need some additional coaching, watch her own video performance and think more before her next public performance.

Bill needs some "cellar time."

Charley Noble

29 Jan 08 - 09:58 AM (#2247799)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Amos

Good aynal-eesis, Bobe.


29 Jan 08 - 10:18 AM (#2247806)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Big Mick

I share your concern over his positions, GG, but this country has become so cynical (rightfully so, for the most part) that it is my opinion that we need someone to believe in, someone who is inspirational. Mix that up with a community organizer's desire to change and knowledge of life in the community and I think you have a leader with an eye on the right issues. Edwards is still my number 1 choice for Pres, but imagine an Obama Presidency with a cabinet that would include Edwards as Attorney General or Secretary of Labor, Richardson as either VP or Secretary of State, a strong environmental person, maybe Waxman or someone like that at EPA..... man, the possibilities are endless. Labor is obviously a post I am very interested in seeing who he would pick.

I would rather see Edwards, because I feel as though he would draw a line in the sand. But I must admit to feeling old feelings from my youth during the Kennedy years astirring with this young man. I wish him well, and applaud the Kennedy's for stepping up.


29 Jan 08 - 10:39 AM (#2247821)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Bobert

Yeah, Mick...Two of my good blues buds work for the EPA and are absolutely disgusted with their flat-earth bosses that Bush has appointed...

Yes, Waxman would be a great EPA appointment...


29 Jan 08 - 09:37 PM (#2248319)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: GUEST,Guest

Sorry guys, I just ain't buyin' it. He doesn't inspire me, doesn't make me hopeful. He has that churchified preacher tone...nope.

I'm not to terrible crazy about Edwards either, as I've stated a number of times. I just see him as the underdog at this point, and if you don't care what the candidate says, his talk--as others have pointed out--is closest to Kucinich.

Obama and Clinton, to me, are saying pretty much the same thing on the issues (when you can figure out what the hell Obama is talking about besides "unity" and "new kind of politics" that is).

29 Jan 08 - 10:23 PM (#2248334)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Riginslinger

Okay! Where would you go, GG?

29 Jan 08 - 10:30 PM (#2248340)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: GUEST,Guest

I think I've made it pretty clear I'm sittin' this one out--IMO it is a choice between no choices and no choices. I ain't votin' for none of these eejits.

30 Jan 08 - 12:00 AM (#2248371)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Stilly River Sage

You sit it out, then. That's very helpful, fence sitting.

Kucinich had a lot of sound ideas, and if Edwards has adopted some, that's a good thing. Sometimes those front runners have to adopt those kinds of ideas to bring more people around to electing them.

Texas Democrats haven't had much say for years now, but we're watching, and wishing Molly Ivins was around to spread some truth-telling common sense and good humor over the field.


30 Jan 08 - 11:04 AM (#2248651)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: oggie

We had "new politics" and "the big tent" over here with one Tony Blair. Turned out he was less liberal that Maggie Thatcher and well to the right of her on many issues including civil liberties, surveillance and personal freedom. His "big tent" was well policed by the spin doctors and any sign of dissent was stamped on.

When Roy Hattersley managed to get painted as a leftover, reactionary, hard left stick in the mud I realised just how right-wing TB and his cohorts were.


30 Jan 08 - 11:15 AM (#2248663)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
From: Amos

Barack Obama is a different crittur than Tony Blair by very far.

HE is deeply internally civilized in ways Blair could only pretend to be.

IF the country veers off toward Hillary Clinton, they will be buying the TOny Blair equivalent version of the future.

It is time, IMHO, for someone who can Think Differently.

(Note to Steve Jobs: note adverbial construction).

Send him (Barack) in and watch him run -- I urge you.