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BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!

08 Feb 08 - 01:31 PM (#2256985)
Subject: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

I woke up on Thursday morning, opened my eyes, took a look....

16 INCHES!!!!!!

I was stunned. I could hardly believe it, so I went to the workshop and got the yardstick, took an exact measurement....

16 INCHES!!!!!!

It hadda be a record.....

16 INCHES!!!!!!

So what could I do, faced with such a situation? I did what any red-blooded Canadian man would do, and engaged in Canada's national pastime for the next 3 or 4 hours...

Snow removal.

Man, I hate the stuff!

Yup. The Orillia newspaper says that we got 40 centimeters of snowfall on Wednesday night, and that it has set a new record since the records first started being kept in the 1800s. Yippee.

Aren't we lucky, eh? Pray for Spring!

08 Feb 08 - 01:33 PM (#2256988)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Ebbie

In Juneau the forecast for snow between Saturday night and Sunday night is 24 inches on top of what we already have. And then, wind.

I've never been a snowbirder but I may change my habits.

08 Feb 08 - 01:34 PM (#2256991)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Richard Bridge

Canada got the snow.

America got GW Bush.

I think the Canadians must have had first choice.

The winter in the UK has been very mild (so far, it seems to get later every year), but I hear that in the middle of Canada it has been down to -52F without any windchill. That is not weather for humans.

08 Feb 08 - 01:35 PM (#2256992)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

Yikes! I guess we Orillians can consider ourselves lucky after all.

08 Feb 08 - 01:37 PM (#2256994)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Peace

Anything after -40 is too cold to do much of anything except freeze. And -52, ya can't even freeze it's so cold.

08 Feb 08 - 01:37 PM (#2256997)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Peace

And winter is on the way I heard . . . .

08 Feb 08 - 01:37 PM (#2256998)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

It tends to get bitterly cold on the Canadian prairies, it does in central Russia...and for the same reason. Dry air and no large bodies of water nearby to provide some stored-up warmth.

08 Feb 08 - 01:50 PM (#2257013)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Peace

Coldest I have been in was -55 (no wind chill in that). Truthfully, at those temps it's difficult to tell how cold it really is; hard to distinguish between -42, -47, -55. Ya just know not to go out side, and if you must, do not sweat or expose too much skin that covers anything you may want in later life. Keep the old toes moving when ya walk, and wear mitts, not gloves.

08 Feb 08 - 02:01 PM (#2257026)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Richard Bridge

I understand you use a "minute" rating to tell you how many minutes you MIGHT be safe out of doors. I have a friend who has a house near Tumbler Ridge, but he only goes there in the summer.

08 Feb 08 - 02:01 PM (#2257029)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

And touch nothing metal with bare flesh.

It wouldn't be so bad down here in Idaho if them Albertans would close the gate in the damned barb-wire fence up there!

08 Feb 08 - 02:03 PM (#2257030)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

16 inches? A Viagra overdose?

Back to the weather, the paper and TV give the snowfall in centimeters, but I still have to convert to inches before I can grasp how much that is.
A little snow here, cold, with the windchill -43.

08 Feb 08 - 02:09 PM (#2257041)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: CarolC

Hey, LH... sunny and 63 degrees F here at the beach. Not a flake of snow in sight. I heard crickets the other night, and I'm thinking I may have to cut the grass soon. Come on down for a visit.   ;-)

08 Feb 08 - 02:21 PM (#2257048)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Amos

We were having so much trouble with cold weather we installed a new thermostat. It immediately reported it was a near-death 68 degrees F in our hall. Needless to say we cranked it up...


08 Feb 08 - 02:28 PM (#2257056)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: gnu

40cm is a record? Anywhere in Canada? Well, excluding Lotus Land (on the Left Coast fer ye ferriners), of course. Heck, I could actually move to a tropical climate and still be in Canada?... excluding... you know.

08 Feb 08 - 02:29 PM (#2257058)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

Wimps. It was -273.2° C. here last night. Lemme tell ya, folks weren't moving real fast!

08 Feb 08 - 02:37 PM (#2257066)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Georgiansilver

You are well Blessed the UK we are fortunate if we manage to get 6".......and the particular part of the UK I am in..the Trent Valley..which has numerous power stations...we can only manage a 3" maximum.

08 Feb 08 - 02:37 PM (#2257067)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: gnu


08 Feb 08 - 02:43 PM (#2257069)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Richard Bridge

And, in the Trent Valley, the 3 inches is black! It's the cooling towers and other chimneys that do it you know.

08 Feb 08 - 02:48 PM (#2257074)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: kendall

I spent 21 days in the Davis straights in January back in 1955. I can't say how cold it was, the thermometer only went down to -40 F. It must have been made in California.

08 Feb 08 - 02:58 PM (#2257087)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Ebbie

A couple of nights ago in Tok, Alaska, the official temperature went down to -73F. No wind, though.


08 Feb 08 - 03:03 PM (#2257092)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: CarolC

I lived for 12 or 13 years in Garrett County in western Maryland (USA), where in 2003, 49" / 124.5 cm of snow were dumped in one storm. That was on top of 120" / 304.8 cm that was already on the ground (total - 169" / 429.3 cm). Fortunately I wasn't living there then, but we had some similar snowfalls while I did live there. It wasn't unusual to go outside after a big snowfall and not be able to find your car, and there were places where you couldn't park your car from November or December until April or you might get snowed in for the whole winter. The county's average yearly snowfall was about 100" / 254cm. Coldest temps I experienced there were 30-40 degrees below zero without the wind chill.

This is one of the reasons I live in the Sunny South today.

08 Feb 08 - 03:45 PM (#2257130)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

When I lived in Geauga County, Ohio the average annual snowfall was 120 inches -- and every year I lived there (13 of them) was above average.

08 Feb 08 - 03:49 PM (#2257135)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

I wish the gods of weather would shift some of that snow here. The mountains are doing OK, but here on the prairie it is badly needed.

08 Feb 08 - 04:04 PM (#2257145)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: frogprince

"A couple of nights ago in Tok, Alaska, the official temperature went down to -73F"

...One Tok over the line, sweet Jesus, one Tok over the line..

08 Feb 08 - 04:16 PM (#2257159)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: gnu

Back in 92, we got just over 1.6m in two days. Of course, that ain't much compared to some. But, when I was shovellin, I didn't really care.

08 Feb 08 - 04:29 PM (#2257165)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

And back in Indiana, when I convinced my wife that we needed a snowblower, I didn't buy one of those punky little paddle jobs, but a genuine two-stage auger-driven one with a 22 inch high mouth on it (and electric start). She thought I was nuts, but then we got 24" of snow one night...and when I was in Kentucky and she was living in Indiana and had to deal with 44 inches of snow...suddenly I became the most brilliant man who ever lived.

08 Feb 08 - 04:30 PM (#2257166)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

Oh, by the way...I've used it four out of the past five days. Had to.

08 Feb 08 - 04:32 PM (#2257173)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: kendall

My snowblower has 11 horse power. How big is yours?

08 Feb 08 - 04:38 PM (#2257180)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

Yes, I've been getting much use out of ours too, Rapaire. They are a necessity around here.

Sorry to hear about the 3" maximum problem in parts of the UK! I guess maybe that is what all those "tractor" enhancement ads I keep getting are on about when they promise to "add 3 inches"...

08 Feb 08 - 04:43 PM (#2257186)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

12 horsepower, Kendall. Mine's bigger than yours and it's got two speeds in reverse and about eight forward speeds, too.

08 Feb 08 - 04:48 PM (#2257191)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Ebbie

"One Tok over the line..." Indeed, frogprince.

(Tok is on the Alaska highway system (many places in Alaska are not), not too far from the Canada border.)

08 Feb 08 - 04:54 PM (#2257196)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Metchosin

gnu, I hate to dissuade you of all your preconceived ideas of Lotus Land, here on the left coast, but in 1996 we got 51 inches of the white stuff, over a two day period.......and then it rained on top of it. The roofs of more than a few buildings collapsed under the weight. So while we escape some of the fury of the Canadian winter, we are not always entirely immune.

08 Feb 08 - 05:00 PM (#2257202)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

Yup. Rain on top of heavy snow can be a real problem. It gets very, very heavy.

08 Feb 08 - 05:17 PM (#2257230)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Metchosin

Yeah, its one of the reasons the snow load rating for our roof is 85lbs. per sq. ft. Some of the flat roof commercial concrete block buildings, with top chord bearing trusses, didn't stand up to well, that go around.

08 Feb 08 - 05:41 PM (#2257249)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

I would send the dachshund up on the roof to check out the situation, but I can't because...

1. He can't climb ladders.
2. He flatly refuses to go up there anyway, even with assistance...
3. He's so fat now that I'm afraid he might tip the balance past the "red line" and bring the whole damn edifice crashing down!

Matter of fact, he's not too pleased about the recent snowfall. He seems to want me to hire some servants to carry him outdoors on a cushioned palanquin, like an Oriental potentate, and allow him to peruse his realm from a position of safety and comfort whilst deciding on where to leave his calling card this time.

"Go out for a walk?" Not a chance! He looks at me as if to say, "In THIS weather? Surely you jest!"

08 Feb 08 - 05:48 PM (#2257253)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Metchosin

You'll just have to get yourself a poodle instead Little Hawk, they love climbing ladders.....mind you, they seem to have some problems getting back down again. We were looking after my Mother's poodle one weekend when he disappeared. We found him on the top rung of a 20' ladder that was leaning against the house.

08 Feb 08 - 06:07 PM (#2257260)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Bert

I know I've said this before but Napoleon only introduced the metric system because 10 centimeters sounds better than four inches.

08 Feb 08 - 06:39 PM (#2257286)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Sorcha

Chama New Mexico has at least 33". The roof fell in on the only supermarket in town. State has declared it a disaster area.

08 Feb 08 - 06:43 PM (#2257290)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Deckman

I just returned from a week in Payson, Arizona. Saturday I helicoptered around the cliffs of Sedona in 60 degree weather. Sunday I woke up to 6 inches of snow. It was so damned cold that I had to get up at midnight and move into the house! Bob(deckman)Nelson

08 Feb 08 - 07:05 PM (#2257308)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: gnu

Metch... where was the 51"?

Bert.... it's 250mm rather than ten inches... get it straight.

08 Feb 08 - 07:45 PM (#2257329)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Bert

Maybe for you gnu, but I was talking about Napoleon!

08 Feb 08 - 07:49 PM (#2257331)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Amos

Hell, don't worry about Little Hawk. He can't measure anything right. He thinks this:


is six inches.


08 Feb 08 - 08:23 PM (#2257353)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk IS if you take it and reproduce it on the photocopier at the right degree of magnification, right?

08 Feb 08 - 08:43 PM (#2257361)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Charley Noble

So far it's snowed every day of the week here in Midcoast Maine and there is no end in sight. There's no place to shovel the stuff any more. Inch by inch it keeps piling up! I suspect in July we'll still be trying to dig ourselves out of this one. And the snow is falling onto about two inches of ice that's accumulated in the parking lot behind our house. It's always fun to get a head start in the morning as one slips out the doors...down the steps...and half way across the parking lot. Weeee!

I understand that some folks live year around in Guam, and never get to shovel snow. Some live in San Diego, I hear tell, and know not one end of a snow blower from the other. What a strange and curious world!

Charley Noble

08 Feb 08 - 08:52 PM (#2257367)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Sorcha

Charley, I remember a June like that in Evanston, Wyoming. June, and the highways were clear, but I had to take a tomahawk and bust the ice out from around the tires of my No Snow car.

The path to the house was still 5' high with shoveled/tossed snow on June 1. I think it had all melted by July 1.

Hawaii, Guam, San Diego......looking better all the time.

08 Feb 08 - 09:34 PM (#2257385)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Metchosin

I'm about 17 miles outside of Victoria, gnu. Victoria itself only got around 4 feet and they eventually called the Armed Services in to assist. One of the local radio stations was way better at coordinating emergency responses, than the damned government. Shoveling roofs became a priority too. It was a wake up call for some, to realize, if one really needs a quick response, don't rely on the government come a real emergency, look to yourself, your friends and your neighbours first.

To give you some idea of the amount of snow we receive in some areas of this soggy Island, the mid mountain base on our local ski hill is over 14 feet right now. And down below, we don't even notice 6". It's got to be at least a foot and a half before anyone pays attention.

I seem to be talking at cross purposes here. LOL

08 Feb 08 - 10:03 PM (#2257399)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Ya shovel sixteen inches, and wadda ya get?
Bloody cold, and goddam wet...

08 Feb 08 - 10:33 PM (#2257414)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

State of Idaho has called out the National Guard up in the Northern Parts (Coeur d'Alene, Sandpoint, etc.) to shovel roofs and things like that. My city is $40,000 over budget for snow clearing and sanding, but Idaho Falls, 50 miles north, is $800,000 over and they're shoveling off roofs up there. I hate to think of places like Salmon, Stanley (last I knew they couldn't open the back door to the library there), and Island Park (-36 F. there one day last week).

08 Feb 08 - 11:11 PM (#2257422)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Amos

Well, we've had hard times too, down here. Couple days I had to pour a glass of water on my windshield to clear the frost, and some of us have had to dig out our jackets and taken to wearing 'em about. What's worse is today, for example, it seemed a little warmer so I left my jacket to home, content with a light sweater, you see, and all at once in midmorning, the weather backed around and the damn skies cleared up so bad you could hardly look at them without wincing from the brightness all around.

It got worse. By two o'clock there was a veritable deluge of sunlight coming down from the sky, warming up every goddamn thing until you couldn't hardly see a shadow anywhere. It got so damn warm I tried to roll up my sleeves, but the sweater was bulky and wouldn't roll proper. By the time I got home we must have had 7 inches of sunlight on the driveway, and I was nearly sweating by the time I got inside. Why I had to go and change out of that sweater in the middle of the day!! If this sort of thing keeps up, I don't know where we'll end up, I swan. It's not convenient, I can tell you that. Not what I'd call convenient weather, no sir.


09 Feb 08 - 12:03 AM (#2257455)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

We've had quite enough of that sort of persiflage, Amos! Have pity on those who are climatically disadvantaged.

09 Feb 08 - 12:22 AM (#2257458)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Amos

You should consult your pharmacist about that, there, amigo. Switch brands of Viagara or somethin'.


09 Feb 08 - 12:30 AM (#2257459)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rowan

Well, if Charley moved to the other New England he could leave his snow shovel/blower behind; we do get a few cm every three years or so, though. Currently I don't even have to have Amos' sweater; its warm and sunny.

Sorry for y'all, but I do remember serious ice blink and blizzes at Mawson, where if it got above zero (Celsius) and there was no wind (Average for the year was 30 knots) you'd break out sweating.

Cheers, Rowan

09 Feb 08 - 03:29 AM (#2257504)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: GUEST,Richard Bridge elsewhere on the network

The weatherpersons are telling us that in North Kent, today will be "spring-like" and I'm planning to cut the grass.

If you all move over here, and bid for houses, it will cure the mild threat we see of a house price crash.

I suppose there must be something to be said for the very mildly left-ish but alas stil capitalist government we have.

09 Feb 08 - 04:48 AM (#2257515)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: eddie1

Little Hawk
Dachshunds are well-known for their love of climbing ladders. The important thing is to ensure he is in no way "excited". This makes climbing ladders physically impossible!


09 Feb 08 - 05:51 AM (#2257527)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: gnu

Wow, Metchosin... I did not know. Every time I talk to my cousins, they are complaining about the rain.

Kendall, I have a twelve as well, but with only five forward speeds.

09 Feb 08 - 09:17 AM (#2257612)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: kendall

You people don't know what snow is! I'm watching my neighbor; he's out poking around with a pole trying to find his chimmney.

Amos, I'd smack you if my arm was 3000 miles long!

09 Feb 08 - 10:00 AM (#2257631)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

Last Monday I woke up to darkness, Kendall. The snow was over the house, but I was lucky because I still had food. But after a few hours I noticed that the house was cooling off and I realized that the gas for the furnace had plumb froze up in the lines. I opened one of the sliding doors in the basement and started tunneling out, figuring that it was just a snowdrift. Well, it wasn't.

I must have gone a couple hundred yard when I bumped into a big ol' tree. So I tunneled upwards, climbing the tree as I went. I tunneled up about a hundred feet when I broke through to daylight and what I saw astounded me.

As far as the eye could see was a flat, white blanket of snow. The only indication of the mountains was the top of Chinese Peak, looking like a tiny bump in the snow.

Howard Mountain, Kinport Peak, Scout Mountain -- all of them were buried. The only sound was the traffic on the Interstate moving through the tunnel they'd created. I dropped the shovel and climbed down to get my camera because I knew that without a photo there wasn't anyone who didn't live here who'd believe it. But as I walked back to the house there was a "crunch" and the tunnel was caving in behind me! The snow as too dry to support the tunnel! Well, I ran and made it back okay, didn't even lose the shovel, but the collapse of the tunnel roof did take the heel of my boot of just as I got into the house.

Digging the tunnel had let in enough sunshine so that the gas line thawed and I had heat again. And you won't believe this, but that snow had so little water content that it pretty much dried up completely so that just before noon I was able to drive to work on the surface of the street.

You might not believe this, you might think I'm stretching the blanket or pulling the long bow a might. But I've still got both the shovel and the car, and I can show you the tree I climbed and that oughta be enough proof for anybody.

09 Feb 08 - 11:01 AM (#2257666)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Amos


If your arm was three thousand miles long, I'd let you!! Then I'd haul you in for spaghetti and vino.


09 Feb 08 - 12:15 PM (#2257721)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

He makes okay spaghetti, Kendall. I've had some and I somehow managed to choke it down and make it stay down.

His wine's okay, too.

09 Feb 08 - 12:18 PM (#2257726)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Amos

(And his was re-heated!! For you, fresh-made!).


09 Feb 08 - 12:23 PM (#2257732)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: kendall

If you ever get more than a dusting, tell us about it.

09 Feb 08 - 12:32 PM (#2257742)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

You should come to the Liar's Festival in Blind River, Ontario, Rapaire. Every August 15-23rd. I think you could win the top prize there, the famous Liar's Cup. If so, Don and Shane McBride would both be your fans for life, follow you around and beg for your autograph, give you free beers, and hook you up with local skanks most likely too. Who could resist that, eh?

09 Feb 08 - 12:49 PM (#2257759)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Amos

What is a "local skank", exactly, in your parlance, Little Hawk?


09 Feb 08 - 12:59 PM (#2257764)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

It's Shane and Don's lingo, Amos, not mine. It can mean 2 things:

1. When uttered contemptuously or in a hostile way "skank" means:

- an unattractive, sluttish, slatternly girl/woman who is low class, foul-mouthed, and undesirable. ("I would not flippin' waste my time on her, eh?")

however....what it REALLY means in that case is...

"She flippin' turned me down, man!"

2. When uttered in a good-humoured way on the other hand, it means:

- "A local babe who I figger is pretty easy, eh? So maybe she turn me down..."

3. The equivalent British term is "slag".

09 Feb 08 - 01:00 PM (#2257766)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

OOPS! I made a typo in that last post. Number 2 should read...

2. When uttered in a good-humoured way on the other hand, it means:

- "A local babe who I figger is pretty easy, eh? So maybe she WON'T turn me down..."

09 Feb 08 - 01:41 PM (#2257808)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Neil D

Right now in NE Ohio it is 42 F and raining. In 12 hours it will be -3 F with a wind chill of -26 F. With heavy snow on top of the all the ice from all the flood water freezing. They're calling it an Alberta Clipper and I wish you damn Albertans would just, for God's sake, stop it already! What'd we do to you guys, anyhow?

09 Feb 08 - 01:44 PM (#2257815)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Mrrzy

Hee hee - thread name game: This thread appeared directly below the one on slang terms for female masturbation...

09 Feb 08 - 01:53 PM (#2257826)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

Yessiree, Neil, I know them there Alberta Clippers all too well! Driving to work I used to pass through eleven (11) snow bands, one of which was all of about 100 yards wide (heading north towards Hiram, north of Ravenna and just south of the Turnpike). Drove through three blizzards (so defined by the weather service) in one winter.

Ya wanna see Lake Erie? Look out the window!

Y'all have fun there now, ya hear?

09 Feb 08 - 03:16 PM (#2257908)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: kendall

I did a storytellers workshop with Glen Orlin down in ElPaso TX back in ,1988. I told the biggest whopper I could dredge up, (I call it Beginner's Luck" and he looked me right in the face and eyes and he said, "WHare in the hell did you come from"?

Did another one with Art Thieme at the Hartford folk festival that I will never forget. What fun! I declare, if I owed the devil 1000 liars and he wouldn't take Art Thieme as a down payment, I'd call him a tough one to deal with.

09 Feb 08 - 06:12 PM (#2258024)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee

Well, I'd like participate. But I've been banned from Ontario because I tell the too much of the truth. Ya see, Ontarians like their truth with a bit hidden away to be discovered later, sorta like finding a little pearl in a bushel of oysters. I'd go for the whole thing, oysters, shells, pearl, slime, and all. And that's why I got banned in Ontario -- the OPP said something about "slimy" and so I can't enter Ontario until the year 2000.

09 Feb 08 - 06:41 PM (#2258047)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

Are you implying that Ontario is still living back in the 20th Century? ;-) Or is it you?

09 Feb 08 - 08:07 PM (#2258093)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Rapparee


02 Mar 08 - 06:35 AM (#2277213)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: gnu

Hehehe.... got this from ranger1 this morning...


02 Mar 08 - 06:36 AM (#2277214)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: gnu

Oops... that didn't work... oh well, you get the idea, I am sure.

02 Mar 08 - 08:49 AM (#2277282)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: gnu

Right. A lovely way to start March. 300mm down and at least another 100mm on the way with a wind and blowing snow warning issued within the past hour. And the radar shows the storm just sitting over us, swirling...

Oh well, in like a Lion, out like a lamb. Of course, the lamb could be rather wooly.

It's Maeve's fault.

02 Mar 08 - 09:09 AM (#2277286)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Sorcha

Just a skiff. And that is JUST fine, thank you very much.

02 Mar 08 - 09:29 AM (#2277296)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Charley Noble

We just got leftovers this time around, another 10 inches followed by rain, freezing, and another little dusting just to keep it interesting.

We were planning a major benefit auction for our annual town festival at the local watering place. We were really worried in the early afternoon when it was still snowing hard but it eased up, and we were able to bring in a critical mass of the cabin fever crowd. We raised $3500, and had a great time doing it. Of course, we're really exhausted now and the cash box doesn't really balance but we got rid of a lot of great stuff for our goodly cause.

Charley Noble

02 Mar 08 - 10:53 AM (#2277337)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: Little Hawk

Still a hell of a lot of snow here, and the dachshunds are still mounting a campaign to avoid their outdoorsly duties...filthy little brutes!

02 Mar 08 - 03:12 PM (#2277569)
Subject: RE: BS: 16 INCHES!!!!!!!!!
From: gnu

THE SUN!!! was out for about ten minutes.

I just delivered supper to me mum. I didn't take my reading glasses off the bridge of my nose. It wasn't wasn't bad when I began my journey of about twenty steps (she lives next door). At about step ten, the wind gusted and the last three or four steps shoulda been videoed. It was like someone turned out the lights. I was clutching the cloth covered plate of grub against my chest with one hand and had my other hand at full extenson, feeling for the house. Of course, I had my keys in that hand and dropped them when I contacted the house... yup, in the f***in snow!

Hey the sun is... well, it was.