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TEST - ignore

11 May 99 - 09:31 PM (#77663)
Subject: TEST - please ignore

This is a test This is only a test I'm trying to learn I'm trying my best

11 May 99 - 09:45 PM (#77669)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Banjer

What is it you are trying to learn, can someone help you?

11 May 99 - 10:24 PM (#77680)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Cap't Bob

It could be that he/she is trying to find out how many of us are dumb enough to click on a thread that says IGNORE. GULP.

11 May 99 - 11:20 PM (#77692)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: SeanM

This sounds a lot like a psych project on 'forbidden fruit' I went through once. Funny, fell for that one too...


12 May 99 - 12:23 AM (#77713)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore

This is a test of line breaks
This is line two of the break
This is line three of the break
This is line four of the break

This is a centered line with break

This is a line aligned to the right

If you want to see the address click here

12 May 99 - 12:49 AM (#77727)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Mudjack

Great Thread
I've been wondering about some of this HTML STUFF< I can make bold but it does'nt always turn off,
We'll see


12 May 99 - 01:51 AM (#77733)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Sandy Paton


Apparently you do what I often do: neglect the darned slash mark before the final bracketed "b" that closes off the "bold" - I often do it with italics, too, and today I even left it off of the final bracketed "a" on a "blue clickety thingy" so that the blues ran clear to the end of the posting! Well, it's supposed to be a "blues and folk" site, ain't it? I was just spreading the blues around!


12 May 99 - 01:55 AM (#77735)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: alison


I'm sure you already have this.. but just in case.. here is the HTML thread where all was explained.. and where I learned the blue clicky things from..... tells you how to do most of it.

I printed out the info and kept it close to the computer for a long time... helped a lot..



12 May 99 - 02:03 AM (#77738)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Sandy Paton

Me too, Alison, and I still goof! I've explained that I'm a lousy proof-reader, but then, aren't most of us?


12 May 99 - 04:44 AM (#77762)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: The Shambles

You mean, we have forbidden fruit here?

12 May 99 - 05:45 AM (#77768)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: KingBrilliant

It seems so rude just to ignore it....

12 May 99 - 06:37 AM (#77777)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Banjer

How did anonymous center the line and right align the other? Inquiring minds want to know!

12 May 99 - 06:41 AM (#77778)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Banjer

Let's see if this works,
Trying this here

12 May 99 - 07:15 AM (#77785)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: MudGuard

Centering is very easy:

<center>Centered Text</center>

Right-aligning is a little bit more difficult:

<p align="right">Right-Aligned Text</p>


12 May 99 - 01:02 PM (#77866)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: SeanM

Amazing. This thread asking us to ignore it as it was about nothing has turned into something.

There's gotta be something Zen in there somewhere...


12 May 99 - 02:23 PM (#77877)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Mudjack

Thanks Sandy, I soon discovered the / after my last failure, It's amazing all you can see when you put your glasses on.So on this test it should have only your name flashing in the beginning.I'm feeling pretty brave now, lookout Mudcat world, I'm armed with a dangerous weapon,namely knowledge of some "How To PC HTML Stuff".
Mudjack, aka: PC Genius in training....

12 May 99 - 06:03 PM (#77906)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Banjer


Isn't it neat how never a day goes by that we can't learn something new? Yet I fear I have reached the age where I forget twice as fast as I learn!Which means that soon I'll be half as smart as I once was!!

12 May 99 - 06:34 PM (#77911)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Les B

Banjer: That reminds me of the line a friend spouted out the other day: "If that bugger was half as smart as he thinks he is, he'd still be twice as smart as he really is !"

12 May 99 - 07:55 PM (#77926)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: LEJ

why not try clickerdeal then select April stories, then The Picnic to read a true ghost story by Lonesome EJ?

12 May 99 - 07:58 PM (#77927)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: LEJ

Ok that was a failed experiment at creating a blue clicker deal- back to the old drawing board...

12 May 99 - 10:24 PM (#77964)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Jeri

In true folkie fashion, I just borrow info on how to do


tags from people's web pages.

If you have MS Exporer (or, I think, Netscape) you can
click "view" then "source," and see what the tags are.

(My apology if this ends up looking like do-do.)

13 May 99 - 12:31 AM (#78013)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Banjer

LEJ, I see what ya did, lad. Or more correctly didnt did. I used Jeri's "VIEW", then "SOURCE" method and saw that in the beginning of your HTML you neglected to space between the letter A and R in the
13 May 99 - 04:43 AM (#78050)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: John in Brisbane

And doing this does some weird things as well.

13 May 99 - 05:05 AM (#78052)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Dumbo

OK, I've tried ignoring this thread and nothing happened. What do I do now, do I ignore it all over again? Duh?

13 May 99 - 05:16 AM (#78054)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: dusterjim

I decided to test my "Mole-B-Gone" at this test site. Looks like it worked pretty good, I don't see any moles around here at all! (speaking of things to ignore)

13 May 99 - 09:13 PM (#78241)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Jeri

The rest of Banjer's message:"...HREF= statement. Do try again and share your story with us, please. Jeri, I wanted to see how you did the HTML in yellow with the border, but in decoding your message it seems to skip a lot of the parts. I am using Netscape. Any thoughts?"

If you still can't see this with Netscape:
In Netscape, you can click on "file," then "save as." Stick it someplace on your hard drive and name it something so you'll be able to find it again.
Then open Notepad, click "file," then "open."
Go to the little bottom window thing with the arrow and click on "all files," find where you stuck the file and open it.

What I did was insert a table. I confess I cheated and used MS Front Page, although you can do it without.



Stuff to do when you don't have a job

Less color, but more squares:

Your State's Name Here, or
try putting a blue clicky thingy

The number signs with text or numbers ("#FFFFFF" or "#FFFF00") is a color. Best to swipe these (I mean borrow) off other people's web pages. You can do "view," "source," then highlight what you want, copy and steal...I mean paste it. Colors are public domain :-)

14 May 99 - 01:32 AM (#78316)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Rick Fielding

Mandolin Bros.

14 May 99 - 02:20 AM (#78328)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Rick Fielding


14 May 99 - 02:23 AM (#78329)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Rick Fielding

Blah Blah Mandolin Bros.

14 May 99 - 10:29 AM (#78390)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Rick Fielding

click here

14 May 99 - 10:35 AM (#78391)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Rick Fielding

click here

click on albums.

Brother Fielding, thou shalt not use quotation marks in links, lest thou freezest the entire thread. Repent and reform.
-Brother Offer-

<a href=>Click here</a>

14 May 99 - 01:12 PM (#78439)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Jeri

Folkie's Dictionary

In case of "404," the website's at

I checked the message out by saving it as HTML and looking at it with MSIE - worked fine. There's something I don't understand going on if it's still messed up.

31 Jul 99 - 06:26 PM (#101186)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: a Help-less Bodhi

I'd do this at Mudcat Help, but it hasn't been available for weeks (at least)
Where is a list of available colors and their names?

31 Jul 99 - 06:56 PM (#101193)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: jon a

Thanks Alison I've been wondering how all the flash bits happen.


01 Aug 99 - 03:08 AM (#101241)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Joe Offer

Hi, Bodhi - HTML Goodies (click) will help you with colors and all sorts of other good stuff. Just look on the menu on the left for colors.
Seems that Netscape and MSIE accept words for colors now, so I wonder what's left that requires us to use those awful codes for colors.
-Joe Offer-

01 Aug 99 - 11:34 AM (#101289)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Art Thieme

They once asked Frank Profitt what he thought of Earl Scruggs' banjo picking and he said, "I'd like to be able to do it---and then not do it."


01 Aug 99 - 02:30 PM (#101338)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Same Bodhi

blackorange black blackgreen black

thanks for the recommendation Joe, I'll look at it later

02 Aug 99 - 09:17 AM (#101507)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore

someone mentioned Zen way back there in this wee garden, so...

The best of man is like water, Which benefits all things, and does not contend with them, Which flows in places that others disdain, Where it is in harmony with the Way.

TaoDeZhing of Lao Tze

PS Thank you all for this place.

03 Aug 99 - 02:24 PM (#101970)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: bbc

I tried ignoring tests, but my teachers kept failing me!

There must be something strange about me; I think this thread is fun!


03 Aug 99 - 02:38 PM (#101973)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Neil Lowe

bbc....then you must be working way too hard in the Mudcat Tavern (*BG*)...methinks you need a vacation from those like me who have a tenuous hold on reality....I think I hear Kerouac plunking away at his Smith-Corona, and I'll have a Corona (hold the Smith) with a lime wedge if you please....oops, not the time nor the place...I'll be there in a minute, Jack

Regards, Neil

03 Aug 99 - 03:45 PM (#102003)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: marion

Music in Literature

11 Aug 99 - 05:57 PM (#104050)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Bill D

I think I posted this before in the other HTML thread, but just in case, here is a freeware program to 'spell out' HTML for demoing to others...(like Joe Offer does all the time)as in


<a href=>LIKE THIS</a>

hope all that worked

11 Aug 99 - 06:01 PM (#104052)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Bill D

yep...all I did was type the HTML with the program open,,,highlight and copy it to clipboard--paste it into the box again, the 2nd time, it comes out NON-blue-clicky, but shows the code

12 Aug 99 - 05:26 AM (#104216)
Subject: RE: TEST - ignore
From: Wolfgang

very useful link, Bill.
