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Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu

25 Feb 08 - 10:26 AM (#2271805)
Subject: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: George Papavgeris

Muppitz has been busy recording her album over the last few days, and on Sunday I dropped in at her invitation to add grouchy vocals and out-of-tune guitar to two songs. I grabbed the opportunity and asked her to record a song of mine (well,the lyrics are, the tune is trad) which she has been practicing for our gigs together, and which I will never sing myself.

It is called "Farewell, Adieu", and is a loose translation of the Flemish song "Ik Zeg Adieu" from ca 1645. It's a daughter-to-mother song supposedly sung by a mail-order bride leaving on her way to Java. I love both the tune and the original, and I hope I have done it justice; but I especially like the way Tina sings it.

I have put it up on my mySpace page: . Form the songs on the player, select "Farewell Adieu". And let's have your comments here...

With a voice like that, and some cracking self-penned songs, Tina's forthcoming album should be a corker!

25 Feb 08 - 10:34 AM (#2271816)
Subject: Lyr Add: FAREWELL ADIEU (George Papavgeris)
From: George Papavgeris

Here are the lyrics by the way:

(George Papavgeris)

Farewell, adieu,
We two must now be parted.
I leave in hope
And yet so heavy-hearted.
For future's promise to pursue
I leave behind the life I knew.
In joy or pain, in joy or pain,
My thoughts will always here remain

Farewell, adieu,
The eyes alone are speaking,
And hand seeks loving hand,
In touch the comfort seeking.
My lips your kiss, my cheeks your tears
Will remember through the years.
In joy or pain, in joy or pain,
My thoughts will always here remain

Farewell, adieu,
Your side as I am leaving.
Soon to be torn,
Our hearts together cleaving.
The picture of your parting wave
I will carry to my grave.
In joy or pain, in joy or pain,
My thoughts will always here remain

25 Feb 08 - 10:49 AM (#2271835)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: mandotim

Love the song George! I also did a few bits (on mandolin) on Tina's album; I entirely agree, what a voice that young woman has! Her songs are great too, with some real emotional power and depth.

25 Feb 08 - 10:55 AM (#2271839)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: Rasener

I have to agree - Tina has a very nice voice.

25 Feb 08 - 11:13 AM (#2271856)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: GUEST,Tom Bliss

Thanks for the heads-up George - I'm doing the CD cover, so I'd better squeeze it onto the list!

I've been convinced for a long time that we'll all be hearing a lot more from this very talented person.


25 Feb 08 - 11:30 AM (#2271873)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: George Papavgeris

Tom, this song will not be on the CD, as far as I know; I just grabbed the opportunity to ask Alistair to record Tina's singing it, for my own devious purposes (of which this thread was but one).

Another one is to play covers of my songs during the interval at the launch concert this Saturday; so Tina's voice will join those of Andy and Vin and John & Nicole, and Bill & Dave etc.

25 Feb 08 - 07:46 PM (#2272311)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: Sandra in Sydney

Tina sounds all right to me, too!

And what a wonderful idea to have covers of your songs @ your launch!

26 Feb 08 - 08:16 AM (#2272637)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: muppitz

Shucks gang, thanks for the kind words!

Tom, this song won't be on the CD, maybe if me and George decide to do a CD together we'll think about it!

Good luck with the launch and enjoy Oz!


26 Feb 08 - 08:55 AM (#2272659)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: GUEST,Moor & Coast

Who's Tina???

26 Feb 08 - 09:29 AM (#2272678)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: GUEST,leeneia

I'm interested in early music, George. Where did you find the Flemish lyrics? And what is the tune to which you set your translation?

It is nice to encounter a song about emotions which is not about romantic love.

Thanks for posting.

26 Feb 08 - 11:34 AM (#2272769)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: George Papavgeris


I have the Flemish lyrics from a performance by the Dutch group Flairck, from their 1995 production "Gouden Eeuw" (the whole of which I adore, by the way, I have it right up there with Carmina Burana). Gouden Eeuw is all their composition, music and lyrics, except for this one song. The tune I also got from their version, but I double- and triple-checked it with midi files available on the internet.

I understand the song was first published on the "Antwarpse Liedboek", in 1645.

As near as I can recall, the Flemish lyrics are:

Ik zeg adieu,
wij twee wij moeten scheiden.
Zo lang ik leef,
blijf ik in gedachten bij je.
Ik laat bij jouw dit hart van mij
want waar jij bent, daar zal ik zijn.
In freucht of pijn, in freucht of pijn,
ik zal altijd bij je zijn.

Ik zeg adieu,
ik wijk nu van je zijde.
'k heb jouw steeds lief gehad
ook in droeve tijden.
Ik draag dit troost die jij me gaf
met mij mee tot in het graaf.
In freucht of pijn, in freucht of pijn,
ik zal altijd bij je zijn.

Try googling "Ik zeg adieu", and you ahould get quite a few leads.

26 Feb 08 - 11:49 AM (#2272780)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: George Papavgeris

Oh, I should have explained: Gouden Eeuw (Golden Era) refers to the ill-fated maiden voyage of the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC) flagship Batavia, a well-documented story involving shipwreck, two mutinies, rape, multiple murders, rescue coming from Java, and only 125 eventual survivers out of the 341 that sailed from Amsterdam. In the Flairck production, the girl that got raped between Cape Town and the shipwreck (Lucia in the story, I forget her real name now, but it was she that documented much of what went on) sang this song on her departure from Amsterdam.

Gouden Eeuw goes beyond the story of the Batavia, using it to describe all that was good and bad about the Dutch Golden Era, how it was built on inhumane treatment of the lower classes for the benefit of the profiteering merchants that commissioned ships such as the batavia, etc etc. As the Batavia wreck was in 1629, I guess Flairck felt that this 1645 song would be appropriate for the purpose.

If you speak Flemish, I strongly advise you get this marvellous piece of work (even if you don't, the music is amazing, written in styles of that period). There are two more songs I'd like to translate from there one day: The Six-Week Gentlemen (about the sailors spending their money in six weeks and then needing to go to sea again, a wonderful description of all the riff-raff and deserving causes that made up the average cre of the day); and the Dance Of The Wooden Legs (describing an evening of revelry in a Cape tavern).

26 Feb 08 - 11:51 AM (#2272783)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: George Papavgeris


26 Feb 08 - 01:40 PM (#2272869)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: GUEST,aeola2

I think she has a great voice but I hope it wo'nt affect my late night supper!!!!!

26 Feb 08 - 02:26 PM (#2272909)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: GUEST,leeneia

Thanks for the information, George.

Who wouldn't love a Dance of the Wooden Legs?

26 Feb 08 - 07:49 PM (#2273183)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: Celtaddict

Thanks, George, any project with your name on it is fine by me. But interested people still want to know: who is Tina? I don't know the 'real life' person behind 'Muppitz' which makes it hard to seek her out!

26 Feb 08 - 09:26 PM (#2273244)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: George Papavgeris

Tina is an ever-smiling redhead 23-and-a-bit year old lass from Nottinghamshire, daughter of another Mudcatter (crikey, what is Julie's handle? I forget). Born and bred in folk, she suckled folk music at festivals from day one. Slowly and unassumingly making a name for herself, from festival showcases to full gigs now. Doing mostly covers till now, she has also been writing some great songs on the quiet, and is about to release her first album with 100% self-penned material - there are some classics in there!

I knew Tina for 3 years or more, then last year I heard one of her sets and was most impressed by her delivery. Her singing in "Farewell Adieu" hides her real strength - she is one of the few female singers that can put real spit and muscle into "Mary Ellen Carter", and her "Vincent Black Lightning" is to be heard to be believed. Something between Janice Joplin and Joni Mitchell.

I asked if she'd like to try singing together for fun sometime, as I thought our voices would blend well. At Alcester Festival last year we tried it out in the beer tent and gathered a crowd around us, getting a festival gig as a duo on the strength of trying out a few choruses.

Never has a better voice served fish and chips and bacon butties at the Moor & Coast food tent at festivals.

27 Feb 08 - 03:31 AM (#2273423)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: Rasener

Jules George :-)

Well there is always the chance when you come up to Faldingworth George with you shared concert with Duncan McFarlane & Anne Brivolese.

In fact there are pictures of her at Faldingworth Live if you scroll down far enough's.htm

27 Feb 08 - 07:58 AM (#2273568)
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
From: muppitz

Fear not!
Whatever happens with the music side of my life, I shall be around to deal with festival supper until the wee small hours for at least a few more seasons! (I daren't turn up to a festival that Moor & Coast do and NOT offer my culinary services for fear of being cast asunder and branded a 'Prissy Madam'!!!)
If I didn't attend to my duties Chris would be left all on his own and I dare not think about the consequences of that!

Oh and the 'Moor & Coast' postee above who asked "Who's Tina?"...... How very dare you! You've booked me for your festival, you've got problems if YOU don't know!! ;-)
Thanks again for the kind words!
