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BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?

26 Feb 08 - 05:19 AM (#2272553)
Subject: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Victor in Mapperton

I am proud to now be able to call myself a non smoker. For years I have tried every type of gum, patch and gadget on the market without success.
I quit a 30+ year habit 3 months ago with the aid of the incredible new drug Champex (Chantix in America). Its the first drug designed to stop smoking.It works by balancing out your dopamine levels to stop you craving nicotine and by blocking the nicotine receptors so you get absolutely no pleasure from the cigarette.I am not here to promote a drugs company, just to share with you something that worked for me and could possibly help any smokers out there.I recommend it highly.

26 Feb 08 - 06:43 AM (#2272586)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?

Do they do patches for being fat?

26 Feb 08 - 06:46 AM (#2272587)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Mr Happy

Yup, they're called plasters - you stick 'em over yer mouth!!

26 Feb 08 - 07:12 AM (#2272600)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Ernest

And they keep you from talking nonsense too...

26 Feb 08 - 07:17 AM (#2272602)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: kendall

Good for you Mate! Whatever works is the way to go.
I stopped smoking in 1996, and four years later I developed cancer on my right vocal cord. Forty seven years of that stupidity cost me my voice.

26 Feb 08 - 10:21 AM (#2272718)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Amos


Well done.

Are you still using the Champex? If not--how hard was it to stop using it?

If you are, when do you plan to drop it?


26 Feb 08 - 10:26 AM (#2272723)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Catherine Jayne

Well done Victor! It's been 17 months or so since I last had a cigarette and I feel so much better for kicking the habbit. Keep up the good work.


26 Feb 08 - 10:28 AM (#2272725)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Peace

Congratulations, Victor.

26 Feb 08 - 10:39 AM (#2272733)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Every now and again I have a smoking urge, which I do not follow-up on. I haven't quit...I just have gone a long time since the last one (1977).

26 Feb 08 - 11:01 AM (#2272752)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Victor in Mapperton

Thanks to you all for your kind words. I stopped taking Champex a month ago. It's a two month course. I have to say it really took the hard work out of it and my will to stop was no less than at any other time.

I am aware that damage has probably already been done, but I really feel great and it's never too late to stop. For the first two months I stopped I set aside the money I spent each week on cigarettes and it really adds up. I read in the local paper that a group of people were undertaking a community clean up project, so I donated what I saved to them.

If you do smoke, consider asking your G.P. about these tablets, as sooner or later G.P.'s will have to cut back on scripts for them as they are expensive. Get in there now, If I can do it, believe me anyone can stop.

26 Feb 08 - 11:06 AM (#2272753)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Victor and congratulations. My Rog is taking chantix now and has been able to cut back a huge amount. He isn't quite there in being done totally with them, but I think that's more psychological and stress at work than anything else. He's just started his third month. He says it not only blocks the nicotine receptors, but seems to effect all pleasure receptors. He's noticed a glass of wine or a beer really have no "pleasure" to them now. I have been watching him carefully for any mood swings, but so far all I've noticed is a bit more grumpiness and that, again, could be attributable to his job more than anything. Regardless, he no longer wakes up hacking up a lung each morning and that is GOOD!

26 Feb 08 - 02:40 PM (#2272919)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Victor in Mapperton

Kat, tell Rog to cut out the routines of a glass of wine with a meal for a period. I took water with a meal and my weakness of a cup of coffee and that morning smoke ended before I started the course, I stopped drinking coffee !

It's the routines that is the killer.

27 Feb 08 - 12:11 PM (#2273799)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: RangerSteve

There are numerous ads on TV here in the U.S. for lawyers that will handle lawsuits over drugs. One of them starts with "If you had a loved one who committed suicide after taking Chantix...". So, my question is: how did you guys feel while you were taking the drug? My doctor recommended it to me, and while I'm not depressed and have never contemplated taking my life, but I'm having second thoughts about getting the drug.

27 Feb 08 - 01:22 PM (#2273891)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Rog Peek

What I want is my 25 year old son to stop smoking!


03 Apr 08 - 06:31 PM (#2305913)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Becca72 is never safer to smoke..that's just silly.

03 Apr 08 - 06:41 PM (#2305926)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Bobert

I tried them patches a whilw back but zI couldn't get them sumabiches to stay lit... Awww' just funnin" and...

...congrates, Victor... I know the cigarette makers are doing alot more spiking of nicotine theese days then when I quit on October 10, 1985 so my hat is off to you and...

...yo, kat... You tell ol' Rog to hang in there... There is life after cigarettes... And a better one at that...

Okay, I might burn a little evidence now and then but you couldn't pay me to smoke a nasty cigarette...


03 Apr 08 - 07:09 PM (#2305950)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: gnu

Guest at 03 Apr 08 - 05:44 PM

My bro, 64 years old, just started that stuff about a week ago. He says it's great. He was a heavy smoker. So were the other three guys in his hospital ward room. They all think it's good shit.

03 Apr 08 - 07:17 PM (#2305965)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Amos

I just quit again, using on Commit tablets.


03 Apr 08 - 07:18 PM (#2305967)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: GUEST,heric

I really, really, REALLY hate to reference this article below, especially to Victor who has already beaten the odds. I am in week two of the patch again (having used it twice before, once for a two year successful quit and recently for a seven month quit), so I am of course interested in all of this. The article is from a clearly biased writer (highly biased – cold turkey support bookseller etc.), with no impressive formal qualifications, but the facts he lays out look pretty good on first impression by a layperson.

(The one point for Victor is: Watch out for a relapse after you've quit the drug - you will reportedly get a flood of dopamine that could turn you into a super-smoker.)

I worry most about Rog's recent bad moods. So check this out, don't get over-worked about it – and check with a doctor if it raises questions:

03 Apr 08 - 07:53 PM (#2305987)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: skipy

I gave up once for 11 years! so you have a long way to go yet!

03 Apr 08 - 07:54 PM (#2305989)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: gnu

BTW and for what it's worth... do NOT use the nicotine gum... that is what landed me in the hospital and in the OR for polyp removal in the first place... cold turkey is better than the gum.

03 Apr 08 - 08:07 PM (#2306004)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Peace

I have managed to get it down to about 8 a day. It just ain't gonna hit zero--well, it will, but then I won't need the nicotine.

04 Apr 08 - 10:16 AM (#2306439)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: goatfell

i think Skipy might

04 Apr 08 - 10:17 AM (#2306440)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: goatfell

only kidding

21 Oct 08 - 12:11 AM (#2471470)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: GUEST,me

tried champex and i was down to three cigs a day. had a relapse, and then gave up the drug, make no sense i know, but i am goinig to do it again. Stop working dangerous job friday to go to school, can handle nausia better then, have to eat when i take this pill.

21 Oct 08 - 12:57 AM (#2471486)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Gurney

I gave up the effortless way. I developed a pain in my chest that wouldn't go away.
Well, not for three months, anyway. I've never needed a cigarette since.

However, the damage was done. The pain was some kind of abcess or ulcer or something like that inside my aorta, which medical opinion firmly blames on smoking, and 26 years later, suddenly, I can't walk far because there isn't enough blood getting to my legs. The surgeon reckons that, because of the likelihood of collateral damage, he'd rather do a quadruple by-pass on me!
Do I want to stop smoking? Done that. Now I want to stop everyone else doing it.
I watched a friend die of emphysema. That may be worse than cancer.

21 Oct 08 - 06:42 AM (#2471595)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Backwoodsman

"I watched a friend die of emphysema. That may be worse than cancer."

I watched my mum die of emphysema. It was horrific. I agree with Gurney.

21 Oct 08 - 07:52 AM (#2471647)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Jack Blandiver

Realistically the only way to stop smoking is to - er - stop smoking. I did it 8 years ago, no patches, no pills, no hysteria, just a few quiet weeks of agonising withdrawal and the inevitable weight gain which, I feel, is a small price to pay. I smoked a lot too, unfiltered roll-ups, Drum mostly, and coming off the boat I got it cheap and smoked it by the shed load.

Even so, the day I realised I wasn't a real smoker was the day I was travelling from London to Durham and decided for the sake of economy to go by National Express. I was joined at Golder's Green by an agitated chap for whom the thoughts of a seven hour coach journey without a cigarette were too much. Two hours into the trip he was at breaking point; sweating, shaking, palpitations, even accusing me of being too calm to be a real smoker, having spied the Drum in my jacket pocket which market me out back in 1999 as a particular type of lawless smoker, Drum being then unavailable in English shops. Three hours into the journey he disappeared into the toilet, emerging some five minute later triumphant, but stinking of smoke and piss.
'Here's what you do,' quoth he. 'You get down on your knees, put your head into the bowl of the toilet and flush it every time you exhale. The suction takes the smoke into the tank so it doesn't get detected.'
At this point I knew in my heart I was not a real smoker; only a real smoker would endure this for the pleasure of a cigarette, over slopping National Express septic tank and all. Even so it took me another 8 months to stop, and eight years on I'm happy enough.

Now, if only I could the same with Mudcat...

21 Oct 08 - 02:52 PM (#2472037)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: RangerSteve

I tried the Chantix. I was fine for the first week, but during the second week, I couldn't keep any food down. Turns out that vomiting is a possible side effect, so I had to quit the chantix. Fortunately, the first week dosage was enough to ween me off of cigarettes. It's been 3 months since I last smoked.

21 Oct 08 - 03:22 PM (#2472066)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: jeffp

I used Zyban to quit smoking 7 or 8 years ago. I can't even remember how long now. My doctor said to start taking the pills and, when I felt ready, set a date to stop smoking. The cigarettes lost their pleasure component, but I was still smoking 2 or 3 a day. I decided that that wasn't quitting, so I decided that on my birthday, I would smoke as many as I wanted and then no more. Haven't had a cigarette since.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a little cigar. It was very nice, and I will probably have another next year at the Renaissance Festival for the Order of the Burning Leaf Smokeout. That much I can handle.

Your mileage, of course, may vary.

21 Oct 08 - 03:36 PM (#2472078)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: GUEST,Justin U

I got Chantix pills of my doc, they worked for me, still off ciggies, nine months now. You only have to take the corse for a month.

21 Oct 08 - 03:37 PM (#2472081)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: folkypaul


21 Oct 08 - 06:53 PM (#2472254)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: GUEST,Justin U

Did any of you see the ITN News tonight ? it showed 'smoking caused cancer in 92% of laboratory rats and mice tested', It might not be a bad idea if any of you smokers put your cigarettes on a high shelf, where the rats and mice can't get them.

22 Oct 08 - 06:39 AM (#2472575)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: nutty

Like jeffp, I gave up with Zyban in Dec2000, I just couldn't afford to start again. I really have enjoyed having all that extra cash.

Every time I think about smoking (yes, I still get the ocassional craving), I think of all the things I want to buy.

22 Oct 08 - 07:00 AM (#2472583)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: GUEST,Justin U

What I found was there is a big difference in "wanting" and "needing" a cigarette. Anytime I had an urge I asked myself this question. I fear Christmas, for some reason a lot of those who stop fall over Christmas period.

Maybe it's a single cigar that does it. My late father stopped in his 30's. He said 40 years later that he always had a craving over Christmas.

22 Oct 08 - 04:03 PM (#2473050)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: jeffp

I suspect that any stressful period can do it. For me it was the months after my wife's death. My sister told me that she didn't really worry about me drinking, she worried about me going back to smoking. There were a couple of times while going home from my support group that I had to talk to myself sternly to keep myself from stopping in for a pack of smokes. I'm really glad I did.

22 Oct 08 - 04:08 PM (#2473054)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: GUEST,Justin U

I am proud of you jeffp, you stood up against the toughest test in your life to date. You are bigger than cigarettes, that is what I tell myself.

Good one mate.

22 Oct 08 - 05:00 PM (#2473111)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Donuel

Good for you

11 Nov 08 - 07:11 AM (#2490640)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Rasener

You can only stop smoking if you really want to.
If you go a week without smoking and then have a fag. You have achieved greatly. Instead of thinking that you have failed, you say "right lets see if I can go longer than a week this time".
Just by giving into the odd fag over a length of time is definately not a failure.

How do I know. Well Idid it 32 years ago when I was smoking 50 a day.
Stopped overnight. Do I ever get a craving - NO

11 Nov 08 - 09:12 AM (#2490732)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: olddude

I still smoke, it is a demon that I have been struggling with for year. Maybe I will give it a try


12 Nov 08 - 09:15 AM (#2491663)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: wysiwyg

I count myself luck that the day the stress was high enough to need a cigarette, it tasted and burned like crap and therefore I didn't finish it.

I count myself lucky that I realized one day that I was getting re-addicted via second-hand smoke AGAIN and made a resolve not to let the nicotine floating in the air get me to put the paper-clad nicotine in my mouth.

I count myself lucky that Hardi had also quit long before I met him, and that he didn't restart when we met and I was a bedtime smoker.

I count myself lucky that pipe-smoking never really caight on in our house. It smells so yummy but it's such a bad thing to do!


12 Nov 08 - 06:36 PM (#2492235)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: LilyFestre

My best friend started to smoke in the late 80's and immediately dropped about 40 pounds. That really got my attention and I decided that I was going to have to try this out! So I went to the store, bought a pack of cigarettes, opened it up and stuck one between my lips. I couldn't, however, bring myself to light it. It's the closest I've ever come to smoking and for that, I am most thankful.

    Good for you for quitting. I know it can't be easy! I wish I could get my mother-in-law to quit. She and her new husband smoke like chimneys and he is in the early stages of emphysema. We rarely visit their home because it burns both of our eyes and throats. Recently we started the adoption process and my husband and I have decided that our child won't be spending time at his mother's house because the smoke is just TOO THICK. They can come here to see the baby.

    Anyway, again...congrats on quitting....I bet you feel GREAT!!!


12 Nov 08 - 07:02 PM (#2492252)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Ythanside

Yes! Absolutely! Trouble is, when it comes to my 50 year old nicotine habit I have less will power than a glass of water without the glass. :-)

15 Nov 08 - 05:48 PM (#2494777)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Amos

I am sorry to say that it sounds absolutely atrocious.


16 Nov 08 - 08:28 AM (#2495046)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: SPB-Cooperator

No because I would have to start smoking first to be able to give up and I have nop intention of ever starting

21 Jul 09 - 02:29 PM (#2684654)
Subject: HI Im a newbie
From: GUEST,Conshashy

Hi everyone i am new to this. Just thought that i would say hello to everyone! dont really know
what else to say.I love sms, nothing else to say so bye

21 Jul 09 - 02:54 PM (#2684681)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: olddude

Tried it, gave the olddude such nightmares that I nixed it
no kidding, more like night terrors ... my gosh it was awful but I know it worked great for a lot of people. I just gotta cold turkey it i guess I am running out of ideas and tried about everything even acupucture.

21 Jul 09 - 06:52 PM (#2684872)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Ebbie

I was the last in my family to quit smoking. Using just plain willpower I had tried to stop half a dozen times but it just didn't work for me.

And then my brother freed me. He advised me not to even try to quit until I was ready. He said that it is so much easier if a person really wants to.

So I stopped trying. I was a heavy smoker and I got to the point that instead of merely having an extra pack unopened in my purse I kept three or four extra packs in there.

And the day came when I realized that I no longer wanted to be a smoker. Mind you, I still wanted to smoke - but I didn't want to be a smoker. I knew that the fact that it would be difficult was not the point - the point was that I no longer wanted to be a smoker.

And so one Wednesday I told everyone that I was quitting on Sunday and I let myself smoke as much as I wanted to - and believe me, that was a lot.

Then Sunday night I washed all the ashtrays and put them up on the shelf and when I went to bed I threw the remainder of my open pack and one unopened pack into the fire and went to bed.

I haven't smoked in 31 years.

22 Jul 09 - 09:19 AM (#2685241)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: 3refs

I too have made the effort many times with out success. It's a dirty, rotten, filthy habit that I am fully prepared to give up a body part for in exchange for an easy transition. I have two, and I don't really need either of em now(got all the kids I want), and I've heard they have prosthetics now and you don't have to use little pickle onions anymore!

22 Jul 09 - 11:02 AM (#2685279)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: Ebbie

"prosthetics"? Are you speaking of "neuticles"? :)

22 Jul 09 - 01:55 PM (#2685391)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: gnu

"little pickle onions"... ahhhh, errr...

23 Jul 09 - 08:38 AM (#2685916)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: 3refs

Should have read "Pickled Onions"!

23 Jul 09 - 11:12 AM (#2686024)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: katlaughing

Be careful of the alternatives?:

Nation Digest

Federal Caution on Electronic Cigarettes

The Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday that an analysis of leading brands of electronic cigarettes, which deliver nicotine without smoke, detected carcinogens and a chemical used in antifreeze that is toxic to humans.

Officials at the FDA and other public health experts cautioned consumers against using the products, saying their health effects are unknown.

26 Jul 09 - 04:25 PM (#2687524)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you want to stop smoking ?
From: GUEST,et

I am currently using champex and have been able to stop smoking for the last four weeks this is a minor miracle. They do what they say on the packet