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BS: E Day in the UK

27 Feb 08 - 08:33 AM (#2273591)
Subject: BS: E Day in the UK
From: GUEST,Dazbo at work

Just got this at work, not heard of it before now -

The UK's first Energy Saving Day (E-Day) will
happen between 6pm on Wednesday 27 February
and 6pm on Thursday 28 February. The day will
highlight the potential for energy saving measures in
the course of a typical 24 hours and will be trying to
show how even small energy saving measures can
be made to add up, and potentially play a part in
tackling climate change.
During this experiment everyone in the country will be
invited to see if they can save energy in their home,
school or office, by leaving off electrical items such as
lights in rooms that are not being used, televisions left
on standby, mobile phone chargers left plugged in.
The National Grid will assess what difference the day makes to
national energy consumption and the cumulative effects of
millions of energy saving measures will be updated on the EDay
website, on a minute-by-minute basis.
From 6pm on Wednesday 27th February please remember to switch off all
unused items at home and at work, and to check the E-Day website to see how
well the country is doing.

27 Feb 08 - 09:01 AM (#2273611)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: Dave Hanson

E by goom.


27 Feb 08 - 09:08 AM (#2273623)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: GUEST,Cats

Truro Cathedral is switching off its floodlights.

27 Feb 08 - 10:10 AM (#2273676)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK

I'll go round and unplug all the wall warts in my workshop/ office that aren't necessary. I've just found one that belonged to some equipment that broke down 3 years ago- still plugged in and switched on!

27 Feb 08 - 01:14 PM (#2273878)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: the lemonade lady

but then again...


27 Feb 08 - 01:21 PM (#2273890)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: McGrath of Harlow

Ecstasy Day?

28 Feb 08 - 12:59 AM (#2274435)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: The Fooles Troupe

Yep - Some Aussie nut started THIS trend.

Problem is that it is only for an hour, so the big 'base load' generators have to be kept spinning - the same amount of coal/steam produced... so what is saved is 1/3 0f 1/4 of f*ckall...

28 Feb 08 - 03:23 AM (#2274469)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK

Don't believe that wishful-thinking stuff, ms lemon.

28 Feb 08 - 04:59 AM (#2274503)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: the lemonade lady

But it's logical. The earth can heal itself, and always has done.


28 Feb 08 - 05:41 AM (#2274525)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: GUEST,Arcadia

Yes we can hope that Earth will,as always ,heal herself but sadly without the presence of humankind to witness the healing - and more unfairly,without the presence of all the forms of life we negligently, if not wantonly,take with us.

28 Feb 08 - 06:41 AM (#2274566)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK

That's it, Arcadia. You could take the longer term view, and calculate that with about 6 billion years left on the latest estimates before the Sun fries the Earth, intelligence could develop again 3 or 4 more times even if we kill everything back to the bacteria. Or we could try to use our intelligence to make our version last a little longer.

28 Feb 08 - 08:44 AM (#2274638)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: GUEST,Cats

Foolestroupe ~ it's for 24 hours not an hour. Did you mean day?

28 Feb 08 - 11:03 PM (#2275388)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: The Fooles Troupe

The original Aussie one - the first - was for just one hour. One day seems far more sensible.

29 Feb 08 - 05:36 AM (#2275522)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: JohnInKansas

...check the E-Day website to see how well the country is doing.

But where is the E-day website? (For those of us who don't have a UK newsrag to read about it.)


29 Feb 08 - 07:01 AM (#2275556)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: GUEST,Dazbo at work

E Day website

29 Feb 08 - 07:08 AM (#2275562)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: The Fooles Troupe

Oh Dear - looks like MORE energy was used than the predicted 'normal' day...

29 Feb 08 - 08:13 AM (#2275599)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: the lemonade lady

Well what a daft time of year to hold the experiment. Surely it should be maybe one day, monthly, then averaged out? Was this a scientific experiment or a whim?

Ah and... There is no actual proof that we are harming the earth or having anything to do with global warming at all. Maybe the human race is arrogant to believe that we are. We are small. What about in the days of coal fires and the industrial revolution? Surely we were poluting the atmosphere a tad then? Is there any actual evidence? There might be a possibility that it's world government hype leading us to believe we are doing harm just to get us to part with even more money in taxes?


29 Feb 08 - 09:07 AM (#2275653)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK

What about in the days of coal fires and the industrial revolution? Surely we were poluting the atmosphere a tad then? Is there any actual evidence?

Don't you get the point? It's when we started using fossil fuels that the atmospheric carbon dioxide started to grow. As you'll see from this graph (careful reading it, dates at the LEFT are later), carbon dioxide has been increasing rapidly since the Industrial Revolution. It was measured in 2005at 379ppm. This compares to a pre-industrial level of 278 ppm, and a range over the previous 650,000 years of between 180 and 300 ppm, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The other thing to remember is that the world's population pre- industrial revolution was only about a tenth of todays, so a lot more people are contributing.

29 Feb 08 - 12:55 PM (#2275855)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: the lemonade lady

As you said "according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)." We are told by the world governments!

I am quoting here what I would like to say but can't put it as simply as this...

""Imagine a period of intense volcanic activity which releases billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The Earth's temperature will then increase, and so will rainfall due to increased evaporation from the oceans. Warmer temperatures and more rainfall together increase the weathering of calcium-bearing rocks, which in turn draws out some of the additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thereby cooling the Earth. But on a cooler Earth rainfall decreases, and so there is less weathering of calcium-bearing rocks, and so carbon dioxide leaking into the atmosphere from volcanoes can accumulate, thereby once again increasing the Earth's temperature. However, now that the Earth's temperature has again gone up, so has rainfall, leading to more weathering and so to cooler temperatures, and so on. This kind of never-ending loop is called a negative feedback because the whole system is negative to change — it tries to stabilize conditions, despite outside shocks.""

29 Feb 08 - 07:21 PM (#2276179)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: GUEST,Arcadia

Your beliefs seem to be a mixture of complacency based on cod science and neuroses based on conspiracy theories. 'Arrogant',the Human Race, yes - we have choices - I regret the other Life we destroy by the selfish choices we make.

01 Mar 08 - 05:46 AM (#2276377)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: the lemonade lady

But can you prove you beliefs?

01 Mar 08 - 06:14 AM (#2276387)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: GUEST,helloooooooo

The link to the graph posted is another example of emotive, contorted poppycock largely orchestrated by bearded tree huggers and their good old mates. The graph has been extratacted from the original scientific data based on delta oxygen 18 values in formaminifera, GRIP data,deepsea sediment cores and temperature measurements taken by man dating back to the 18th century. The crucial point is that the graph has been used by you as propaganda to support your cause and it is entirely untrue. The original data included global temperature and it is seen from the data that temperature leads carbon dioxide levels. If you are intelligent enough, try and release your emotions and think about my statement subjectively.Then when you will realise the truth, please come back to me and comment on..

1. Earth's positive and negative feedback mechanisms.
2. The present global mountain ranges, the Tibetan plateau and chemical erosion.
3. The effect of Milankovich cycles
4. The effect of sunspot cycles.
5. The Maunder Minimum.
6. The Worldwide global cooling from 1945 to 1967.
7. The Laki Fissure eruptions.
8. The Cretaceous age and the white cliffs of Dover.
9. Any Governments vested interest to be voted back into power.

01 Mar 08 - 05:43 PM (#2276873)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: the lemonade lady

Well, great minds think alike!


01 Mar 08 - 10:49 PM (#2277063)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: Jim Martin

Ms Lemon - there is plenty of evidence that the biodiversity of the planet is disappearing at an alarming rate, if we're not doing it, who/what do you think is?

02 Mar 08 - 05:44 AM (#2277196)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: the lemonade lady

Look, this is not an emotional issue, it is all part of a natural progression towards ultimate planetary balance. Human Beings are animals. At present this animal is reaping havoc and chaos on all biodiverity. It was no different 70 million years ago in the Cretaceous. I wouldn't have liked to be bitten and eaten alive by a raptor, would you?

We have passed peak oil producion and within the next few decades or until America unleashes it's new hidden technology, human beings as a species will either become extinct or diminish to such an extent that biodiversity will find its own balance.

All that is important here is, we understand that the earth is in perpetual balance, and when a species dies it is easily replaced by another. We are so insignificant in consideration of geologic and evolutionary time. So please don't worry yourself, Mother Earth has always had it sussed.


02 Mar 08 - 07:06 AM (#2277231)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: Mo the caller

Well, that E day had such a big impact on me that I've only just found out about it!
I'm sure that anyone who didn't already believe in the need for it would hav eignored it if they had heard.
But maybe we need the drip, drip, drip of publicity.

02 Mar 08 - 07:19 AM (#2277236)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: Liz the Squeak

I doubt very much that the human race will become extinct without oil - we managed pretty well before the invention of the infernal combustion engine and other machines...


03 Mar 08 - 06:22 AM (#2278064)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: GUEST,strad

I live in the disunited kingdom and no-one told me about E-day. Were they saving energy by not telling folk?

04 Mar 08 - 01:04 AM (#2278939)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: The Fooles Troupe

Well Dear Old Oz is about to do the "one hour switch off nonsense thing" again this year....

10 Mar 08 - 05:05 AM (#2284146)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: the lemonade lady

So when's another of these days coming up?


11 Mar 08 - 07:31 AM (#2285178)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: The Fooles Troupe

Earth Hour - Australia wide - more or less - Mar 29 8-9pm.

I won't be bothering to turn any lights off for just one hour in that time, as for the last 20 years I have

1) used CFL lamps
2) used a minimum of lights & other appliances all the time
3) done things like turn off the hot water heater when away for more than a day or two....


01 Apr 08 - 07:09 PM (#2303924)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: the lemonade lady

refreshing isn't it?

Sal (look you, bach!)

27 Mar 09 - 05:56 AM (#2598371)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: Little Robyn

It's happening again - at least in NZ.
I haven't seen anything about any other countries - are you doing it?
It's 8pm your local time tomorrow - Saturday 28th March.
We'll be sitting in the dark for an hour (but watching telly - Midsomer Murders)(couldn't miss that).

27 Mar 09 - 11:33 AM (#2598602)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: the lemonade lady

What a load of cod's wallop!


27 Mar 09 - 12:02 PM (#2598634)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: Liz the Squeak

Hopefully it being a Saturday evening, more businesses will make a point of turning off their power over the weekend - I know my office building intends to - an Email went to the whole building asking us to remember to turn everything off and warn the building manager if anyone is going to be working Saturday evening.


27 Mar 09 - 02:15 PM (#2598718)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK

What's a cod's wallop?

8:30-9:30 on Saturday, we will all turn our lights out and get by with the light from the TV, computer and microwave.

28 Mar 09 - 04:13 AM (#2599058)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: Little Robyn

I'm in the middle of it right now, here in NZ, working by the light of the telly and computer. The light in the microwave broke last year and I haven't had it fixed yet.
Actually, I only switched the kitchen light on for 10 minutes, about an hour back, to make a cup of tea. Otherwise we've had lights off all evening and we might keep it that way until bedtime.

28 Mar 09 - 06:10 AM (#2599102)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: Doug Chadwick

I think I might demonstrate my individuality by switching the lights on for an hour in all the unused rooms in the house.

That'll show 'em.


28 Mar 09 - 06:49 AM (#2599118)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: Doug Chadwick

I've just thought of a new game for bored teenagers that could rival the annoyance of trick-or-treat and carol singing.

During earth hour, kids could run up drives and into gardens to activate the security lights. With a little bit of co-ordination is should be possible to keep whole streets floodlit throughout the 60 minutes.

If people started to disable the security lights to thwart the game, a few well chosen words in the right places about burglars would create enough paranoia to make sure they were working for next year.


28 Mar 09 - 09:55 PM (#2599575)
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
From: Liz the Squeak

I fell asleep so didn't turn off the lights at 8.30... went to bed at 9.15pm and got woken up at 12.30am so I'm here with the light on at 2.50am... pointless excercise really.