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Abram Pace Egg Play

22 Mar 05 - 04:39 PM (#1440935)
Subject: Folklore: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Dave the Gnome

The Abram Pace Egg Players will be performing their wonderful interpreation of the age old tradition, along with special effects, witty repartee and more killings than a Quentin Tarantino movie this week. Where and when?

Weds. Swinton Tour - White Swan - Park Inn - White Lion. Starting 9pm
Thursday. Westhougton and Environs. Starting 8:45pm. Bridge - Hart Common - Railway - Bull and Butcher.
Friday. Lancaster maritime festival. Not sure of the start time. (See a progran while you are there for heavens sake. Want everything on a plate?) 2 performances behind the maritime museum. 1 outside the Three Mariners and some other 'unofficial' performances on the way:-)

Dave 'how cans't thou break my head' the Gnome

22 Mar 05 - 05:53 PM (#1441004)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: John Routledge

Dave you are on twice on Friday at Lancaster :0)

12.30 and 1.45pm Behind the Museum. So says the programme.

Sorry can't make it this year.Have a good one.

23 Mar 05 - 03:59 AM (#1441327)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Dave the Gnome

Thanks John - I knew there'd be someone who could read a program out there:-) I'm sorry you can't make it as well. Hope you are doing something just as good!



24 Mar 05 - 09:40 AM (#1442558)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Dave the Gnome

1 day down. 2 to go. Liver saving day today. I'm driving;-)


24 Mar 05 - 10:14 AM (#1442588)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: JohnB

I will have to settle for last years video, it's too long a train ride from Ontario. Hope it does not rain on your parade and there are dry places to die for everyone. And don't forget to turn off your mobile this year Dave, it's terrible when people get phone calls just at the exiting part.

28 Feb 08 - 01:54 PM (#2274956)
Subject: Abram Pace Egg Play (Wigan - UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Didn't get done last year due to people not being available and various other things conspiring against us but...

We are back! Only 2 tours this year Weds 19th around the Westhoughton area and Thursday 20th (Maundy Thursday) around the environs of Abram. But they will be good uns:-)

I am the Doctor this year and am replacing my fighting sword with healing hands to re-erect my member, er, no, ressurect this member of my family. That's it!

We have not positively confirmed the pubs yet but as soon as we do I will post an itinery.


Dave the Doctor
(With many letters after my name. And not all English ones...)

28 Feb 08 - 01:59 PM (#2274962)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Dave the Gnome

BTW - I have a wmv of the whole play if anyone is interested - 165Mb so it would take some transfering. Anyone have anywhere for me to post it publicly?


28 Feb 08 - 04:29 PM (#2275120)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Desert Dancer

Sure would like to see it whenever you find a server space...

29 Feb 08 - 01:37 AM (#2275427)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: The Fooles Troupe

Do you think it could be put on a CD or DVD?

29 Feb 08 - 03:03 AM (#2275456)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Dave the Gnome

I looked through the whole wmv and it is the play peformed 3 times - Se each one should only be approx 55Mb. I will pick the best and try to post it somewhere. Yes it could be put on CD easy enough Foolestroupe - PM me your address and I will mail it you. I also have footage of the Bacup Coconut Dance which I can add to it.



29 Feb 08 - 03:12 AM (#2275461)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Geoff the Duck

I would have thought that Yutube would be the place to put something such as that.
Obvoiusly there would be some file conversion, but I presume the web site provides something which will convert to the type of file they use.

29 Feb 08 - 08:52 AM (#2275640)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: GUEST,Sue Allan

Why not send an enquiry, in the first instance, to the Traditional Drama Research Group - Folk Play Research home page is at

I note there are no videos of plays on the site, at least as yet, although there are photographs. Might be good to suggest uploading videos, or providing links to YouTube if you decide to go that route.


16 Mar 08 - 07:13 PM (#2290116)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Dave the Gnome

Ok - we have the finalised itinery.

Weds 19/03/08. Westhaughton Tour.

Red Lion @ 8.45 p.m.
Hart Common @ 9.15 p.m.
Alexandra @ 10.00 p.m.
Bull & Butcher @ 10.30 p.m.

Thursday 20/03/08. Abram Tour.

The Paddock (formerly known as The Strangeways) 9.00 p.m.
The Queens
The Village Club
Dover Lock

Turn up. Drink. Enjoy.


16 Mar 08 - 08:43 PM (#2290185)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: RTim

Hi Dave,

Please give Geoff Hughes my very best regards - it has been too long since I last saw him.

Tim Radford

17 Mar 08 - 05:03 AM (#2290360)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Bryn Pugh

And my regards, please, for the Manchester Morris Men and Bolton Rumworth Morris days.

17 Mar 08 - 05:18 AM (#2290362)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Folkiedave

And my regards to Geoff from Sheffield City Morris. (I haven't asked them but they won't mind.......)

17 Mar 08 - 07:59 AM (#2290437)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: John J

Dave, is the play going to be performed in Hindley? No2 son (Nick) who is TC in the Warburton Souling Play now lives in Hindley and I'm sure he'd like to compete in the drinking stakes!

Also, if you're around on Good Friday on your bicycle it's the Mobberley 8. Beer will be drunk, songs will be sung, tunes will be played, and bicycles will get fallen-off. Again. It would be great if you could be there - you would enjoy it!



17 Mar 08 - 08:47 AM (#2290462)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: GUEST,JohnB

Hi Dave, If your 3 versions are like the one's which I filmed at the Lancaster Maritime Festival in 2004, then they are all different. It's not that they forget the words or anything, they just change bits here and there.
Try not to run into any young drunken hooligans this year as well, or just in case get those toe irons sharpened and set.
Congratulations on your promotion to Dave MD, break a leg.
Regards to all JohnB

17 Mar 08 - 12:20 PM (#2290623)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Hawker

Dave, Have a great time! I used to live in Higher Ince, in one of the canal-side cottages, when I lived there I had no idea where all the folky things happened round there! - didn't have a mudcat back 20 years ago!
Cheers, Lucy

17 Mar 08 - 03:37 PM (#2290841)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Dave the Gnome

Thanks for the good wishes one and all. I will pass them around appropriately:-)

John J - I think the Abram tour is pretty close to Hindley. I'm sure that when we do the Abram dance, part of the tour is bits of Hindley - and we walk it starting and finishing at the Dover Lock. Last Saturday in June for future reference. If Son #2 fancies dancing or performing then we are always looking for new recruits as well.



I can cure the itch, the stitch the palsey and the gout
Pains within and pains without...

18 Mar 08 - 05:14 AM (#2291421)
Subject: RE: Abram Pace Egg Play
From: Bryn Pugh

And the Molly Grubs ? :-)