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BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month

01 Mar 08 - 03:33 PM (#2276747)
Subject: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing


Please post your fitness/letting go of weight goals, as you meet them by the day/week/monthly. Also, feel free to post your goals in your first posting. Encouragement/chatting is okay, as long as it is kept to a minimum. I will delete any extra stuff. Also, at the end of the month, I will delete all and we will start over.

(I had cleaned up the old thread and started it over, last night, but cannot find it, so this is an entirely brand-new, shiny thread!)

Have fun and good luck!

Feel free to make suggestions!

01 Mar 08 - 05:51 PM (#2276880)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Mrrzy

So far a full day with Mom and I haven't lost my temper with her yet! Only half a day to go...

01 Mar 08 - 06:13 PM (#2276898)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Goals for this month:

Treadmill or walking - 10-20 minutes per day
Qi Gong - 3 times per week
Spirometer - daily

Find a dance therapy tape or class

Goals met for today:

Walking - 35 minutes, grandson towing me along at a good clip!

02 Mar 08 - 02:56 AM (#2277143)
Subject: RE: Holding ourselves accountable - Month Three -
From: Joe Offer

I'm at a conference in Los Angeles with a friend, a priest from Rwanda. I'm usually the one who does all the talking because his English isn't very good, but I've been working hard on having the patience to listen.
As a result, I've learned a lot from him.
Listening is a good thing - even when it takes patience.

02 Mar 08 - 03:31 PM (#2277595)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

March 1, 2008

Walking, Hill Intervals

Mindfulness, Website and Joy!

Michelle :)

***Down 86.5 pounds

02 Mar 08 - 07:09 PM (#2277773)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Walking: 60 Minutes

Short Winter Hike

Mindfulnes, Website & Joy :)


02 Mar 08 - 11:09 PM (#2277927)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

I - really successful, sustained 750, finally, and edging close to 1000 on the gauge. (THIS is what will get me off the O2 for the pneumonia leftovers, finally!)

04 Mar 08 - 12:10 PM (#2279308)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

adding new goals:

dancing each day
do creative movement for at least a minute or two each hour

04 Mar 08 - 11:03 PM (#2279845)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

T-15 20

06 Mar 08 - 06:44 AM (#2281023)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

March 5th: Yoga 90 Minutes
Mindful and I'm off to catch up my website! :)


06 Mar 08 - 09:55 AM (#2281174)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

March 5th - T-10, I-up to 1000 on guage, D-2.5

06 Mar 08 - 05:20 PM (#2281557)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Down 2 pounds making a loss of 88.5 pounds!

:) Michelle

07 Mar 08 - 11:09 AM (#2282116)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Due to work I haven't had the time to get in my regular routine of exercise and I am MISSING IT! I have SO MUCH energy today that I am about to burst out of my skin!

Come on 3:15....I am SO ready for a walk and an intense yoga class (BRING IT ON!!!! *GRIN* )


*wiggle wiggle*

07 Mar 08 - 11:13 AM (#2282122)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

I missed yesterday altogether. Had a doctor's visit in which I was made to realise, yet again, how evil and insidious sodium can be and how hidden! My grandson will be here in less than an our, so I'll get plenty of workout today.:-)

07 Mar 08 - 11:45 AM (#2282149)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Becca72

This morning in the mirror putting my 'face' on I'm pretty sure I saw on each side!! :-)

07 Mar 08 - 11:13 PM (#2282668)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Walking: 40 Minutes in the afternoon rain
Yoga: 60 Minutes

Mindfulness, Joy, Website and made a new friend tonight! Nice!

Michelle :)

07 Mar 08 - 11:54 PM (#2282687)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

I had a day of semi-rest even with my grandson here from 10a-5p. (He took a loooonnng nap:-) We did about 15-20 minutes of in and out of shops. Tomorrow, I will catch up as we've to go shopping for groceries and it always take a good long while with me pushing the car even!

Yeah, Becca and Michelle!

09 Mar 08 - 12:49 PM (#2283669)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

I have been doing yoga for months now. Recently, at a drop in class, only 2 of us showed up...3 if you count the instructor. So we played and did fun poses and postures....we were asked what our favorite poses were and both of us answered that we love inverted poses. We did a bunch of them and the teacher asked us if we would like to try a headstand. The other woman went first...she runs the gym at the university...young and in incredible shape. Then it was my turn. I tried but got scared and backed out. So this handstand is in my head, I have really wanted to do it. My 40th birthday is coming up soon and so I have made doing a headstand a goal for that day.

Today, a month ahead of schedule, I can do a headstand, unassisted! LOL I know it's silly but it's so much fun and really great for many parts of the I'd like to add a headstand a day to my regular goals for this month!


09 Mar 08 - 12:50 PM (#2283671)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Um...I see I posted handstand in my last post, it should read HEADSTAND! Thanks!


09 Mar 08 - 08:35 PM (#2283995)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing


We went to the park, WALKED, and watched our son and step-grandson, and grandson set off rockets. What fun!

10 Mar 08 - 12:44 PM (#2284407)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing


10 Mar 08 - 10:01 PM (#2284966)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes, Intense Ashtanga
Walking: 30, Hill Interval, Cranked Speed
Headstand: First thing in the morning! :)

Mindful, Website, Joy YES!

Michelle :)

10 Mar 08 - 10:07 PM (#2284972)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Another T-10

11 Mar 08 - 05:19 AM (#2285129)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Hawker

1 stone 2 pounds (16 pounds) 6 inches off waist, got into size 14 skirts! sit ups and tummy work daily!

11 Mar 08 - 06:05 AM (#2285144)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Early AM: 1 mile walk, 3.2 mph/3-7% blood is PUMPING!

Off to work!

Michelle :)

11 Mar 08 - 07:37 AM (#2285182)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Eye Lander

Well done Lucy, you clever girl. You must feel so good.


11 Mar 08 - 12:21 PM (#2285371)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

That's great Lucy!

T-10, but more importantly I am taking good care of myself through eating healthily and that is making the visualizing go a lot easier, too! Off to the coumadin clinic to have them tell me they have to lower my dosages again, I hope!

11 Mar 08 - 08:24 PM (#2285839)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 90 Minutes, Vinyasa Flow (Moderate to High Intensity)
Mindful, Website and Joy, CHECK! :)

Michelle :)

11 Mar 08 - 11:56 PM (#2285992)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

T- 15 which means I've added another 5 minutes to my daily goal of 20 minutes! Feels so good!

12 Mar 08 - 12:08 PM (#2286446)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Walking: 2 miles in 40 minutes (with my 1st graders in tow). :)
It's snowing out and it was a great day for an adventure!!!

More later!

Michelle :)

PS. are doing an incredible job!!! :)

12 Mar 08 - 12:35 PM (#2286484)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Pistachio

Well done all of you. It's been ages since I checked in and your results are great.
I've not had the right frame of mind lately - and I wonder if, by suggesting I'm going to try to achieve better health/weight, I'm actually letting myself 'feel like' I've got the right idea when, to be perfectly honest, I'm doing very little to be conscientious about weight loss.
Does that make any sense?
I've done it all before and lost 2 stone(1988). It's taken 20 years to regain 21 lbs, (5 since Christmas!!!) so it's not been all bad - BUT I MUST get back on track.
I have been good today - so that's always a start.
Please explain the 'Mindful, Website and Joy' posts.

12 Mar 08 - 01:08 PM (#2286521)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Hazel, don't beat yourself up. I repeat, don't beat yourself up. You've just come off a MAJOR stressor with your daughter's health and all. We women tend to do that, beat ourselves up, much too much.

Breaking a *rule* of this thread, but this feels important. Feel free to join in, I can always delete it later.

I heard an author speak the other day and what she said made a lot of sense to me. So much so, that I have been able, for the first time in about 10-15 years, to make a MAJOR, positive change in how my days play out which is having a direct and immediate effect on my weight and physical ability.

She speaks of emotional eating which I just thought of as one more "bad" thing I do out of frustration, pain, sadness, happiness, etc. She pointed out that women, esp. will think to themselves if they don't help this one more person, or do this one more task, or whatever they push themselves to do, they will be a BAD person because they might actually put themselves first. Remember a "good girl" helps others, etc.? I always thought I was being a selfish bitch by "making" others take care of me. Yes, for a time I needed that because I was so sick, but it became a bad habit and I think I've finally broken it. She went on to use the analogy of a flight attendant telling a mother to put her own O2 mask on before her children's as, if she did not, there might not be anyone to help her children in the event of a crash. Putting herself first. I thought I'd been doing that until now.

Now, instead of getting my breakfast and coming into the computer first thing, I eat in the kitchen and take my time. That's another thing she said, we take care of everything and every one else and think we have NO time to take care of ourselves. IF we take care of ourselves first, we will find more time to help others and/or do the things which have to be done. So, even after I eat, I still do not come in here to work. I wash my hair or do some dishes, then I get on the treadmill. This feels so good, this routine. Putting myself first, NOT feeling stressed for time, thinking I HAVE to get this or that done asap.

I am not making it as clear as she did, so I would urge you to visit her website at Geneen Roth dot com

Oh, one more thing: T-10


12 Mar 08 - 08:50 PM (#2286930)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 90 Minutes
Mindful: Paying particular attention to my body and mind
Website: Maintaining my weight loss adventure website on a daily basis tracking both activities of the body and mind
Joy: Did I find some kind of joy in this day, no matter the circumstances.

So, I post my physical goals here as well as the other 3 that keep me on track. :)


13 Mar 08 - 10:44 AM (#2287367)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Becca72

Just came from the nutritionist... In October my fasting blood sugar was 123 (2 more point and it would have been the big D). Just had it redone a couple weeks ago and got the results this morning...fasting blood sugar is down to 98! :-) This is better news than the fact that I've lost almost 20 lbs.

13 Mar 08 - 11:07 AM (#2287385)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

last night T-10

Great news, Becca!

13 Mar 08 - 07:52 PM (#2287840)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Way to go Becca!!!!!

Yoga: 90 Minutes, Moderate
Mindfulness, Website, Joy & Headstands! :)


14 Mar 08 - 06:36 PM (#2288646)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

I only managed 8.34 minutes on the treadmill yesterday.

Back on track this morning with T-10, more to come.

14 Mar 08 - 08:20 PM (#2288714)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Stilly River Sage

You are all doing some great work!

I haven't weighed myself for a while, but my clothes stopped getting tighter. :) I am now mowing the lawns again, so the weight gained over the winter and the last 15 pounds I wanted to lose are on the block. Off they will come, with slow and steady progress.

I did a long walk with the dogs yesterday, and got a workout because they were quite unruly. I made the mistake of walking into the woods first, not working my way through the neighborhood and coming back through the woods when they had worked off some energy. They found some dead thing's tail and were so excited they couldn't quite just walk after that, they had to sniff everything to see if they could find the rest of whatever that was. :-/


14 Mar 08 - 09:16 PM (#2288752)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy!

Michelle :)

15 Mar 08 - 02:23 PM (#2289181)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

What fun, Maggie! That'll *larn ya*!

T-10 this morning. Now going to tackle the books!

16 Mar 08 - 08:23 PM (#2290163)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Walking: 30 Minutes on Hill Intervals (0-6% rapid changing incline)
          15 Minute Speed Interval (2.6-4.0 mph at 1.5% incline)

Mindfulness, Website and Joy! :)


16 Mar 08 - 09:59 PM (#2290228)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

About 20 minutes walking - grocery store:-)

T-10 this evening

Lots of handiwork around the house, today. (We got some of the shutters up! They look so pretty!)

17 Mar 08 - 03:05 PM (#2290793)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing


18 Mar 08 - 01:20 PM (#2291732)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Qi gong - 20

19 Mar 08 - 04:41 AM (#2292417)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: GUEST,Eye Lander

Does the T stand for target? I only pop into here now and again as I am not doing very well with my accountability! I usually come into praise Lucy and praise to all others who are doing well.


19 Mar 08 - 01:26 PM (#2292752)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Jillie: T=Treadmill:-) Just take each day on its own. When you have a good day come in and tell us about it.:-)

For last night, another T-10 and dancing!

Today: T-10, Qi Gong-30

Everything is starting to feel so good. I think I have finally convinced my muscles to loosen up and enjoy the work. (I think my hips have been *frozen* for years. No more...I am shakin' 'em, now!)

19 Mar 08 - 01:31 PM (#2292759)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Stilly River Sage

Didn't get in a couple of days ago, but I can add

Sunday: D - 45

Monday: D - 60

*D is "Dig," of course! I'm putting in several new flower beds this year. Oh, my aching butt, from all of that bending and lifting! But this is when the weight comes off of me, when I get out in the yard.


19 Mar 08 - 05:27 PM (#2293010)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: GUEST,Eye Lander

I understand stiffening, as I have got heavier I am getting stiffer.

Have to go catch ferry now


19 Mar 08 - 11:28 PM (#2293259)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Catching a ferry has to count for some kind of exercise!:-)

Another T-11 for today.

20 Mar 08 - 11:35 AM (#2293609)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 90 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy!

Michelle :)

20 Mar 08 - 12:28 PM (#2293665)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing


20 Mar 08 - 01:46 PM (#2293771)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Catherine Jayne

Keep forgetting to log in here but I have at last reached my weight goal.....and passed it by half a stone! I've reached the dress size I've wanted to be for years. I'm now the lightest and the smallest I've been in 9 years and I feel great.

Keep up all the hard work people. It's worth it!

20 Mar 08 - 02:44 PM (#2293822)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Forgot, as of this morning, I am down 11 pounds!

21 Mar 08 - 12:22 AM (#2294249)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

T-10 for the evening of the 20th

21 Mar 08 - 04:01 PM (#2294702)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Walking - 30

22 Mar 08 - 01:33 PM (#2295238)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Hey! Where'd ya all go?!:-)

Qi Gong - 30

And, I've lost another pound! Down 13 now!

22 Mar 08 - 07:16 PM (#2295474)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Walking - 40-50 minutes

I had a long, important to me, posting written up and hit the wrong "close" button on Opera (still learning what is where)and cannot redo it right now. Just wanted to say thank you and share a bit of what having this thread to post to has meant to me. I have turned a huge corner, one I wasn't sure I'd ever get round. I might try to reconstruct my post a bit later. In the meantime, THANK YOU!


22 Mar 08 - 07:20 PM (#2295478)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Walking: 1.5 miles, Hill Interval
Mindfulness, Website and Joy! :)


24 Mar 08 - 01:07 PM (#2296589)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

QG- 20

24 Mar 08 - 03:18 PM (#2296678)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Stilly River Sage

The perfect dog walk on Saturday--45 minutes. They were so good! No pulling, walking quietly and happily beside me, stopping for treats a couple of times.

I didn't dig up the basketball post yet. Not quite sure how to calculate the calories on that. Dig a great big hole around the periphery of the thing, tip and roll a many-hundred-pound gob of concrete up and out of the hole and roll it across the driveway to rest on the side yard. Dig up the agave I want to transplant, lug it across the drive, fill the hole enough so it doesn't vanish, and plop it in.

I bet there isn't a formula for that. :)


24 Mar 08 - 04:49 PM (#2296754)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Gotta be a thousand calories at least in all of that, Maggie! Hope you have some help rolling that thing. It sounds big....and heavy!

25 Mar 08 - 04:41 AM (#2297062)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: freda underhill

I've just spent 4 days walking around a folk festival, listening to music, with some horizontal contemplation in tents in between.

today after work i had a rolfing session - rolfing is a form of massage which focuses on postural alignment - deeply relaxing and aware-making - then followed by a 40 minute walk.

part of my commitment to long walks this year is also a commitment to a more peaceful life, and to creative development. they're all intertwined, i think.

catherine, you are an inspiration, I'll keep on moving ...


25 Mar 08 - 04:58 AM (#2297073)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Catherine Jayne

Walking round a folk festival, listening to music, sounds a fantastic way to keep fit without even knowing it! Keep up the good work Freda x

25 Mar 08 - 03:46 PM (#2297504)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing


25 Mar 08 - 08:12 PM (#2297654)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Walk: Half a Mile
Yoga: 90 Minutes Vinyasa Flow/Power Yoga

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!

Michelle :)

25 Mar 08 - 11:40 PM (#2297746)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing


26 Mar 08 - 12:20 PM (#2298033)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing


27 Mar 08 - 02:48 AM (#2298538)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: freda underhill

walking from Central station (sydney) to Darling Harbour to the James Craig (v old boat) for.... shanty singing........


27 Mar 08 - 06:35 AM (#2298602)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Last Night: Yoga: 90 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy! :)


27 Mar 08 - 03:18 PM (#2298953)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

QG-30 in between my grandson's surprise visit:-)

27 Mar 08 - 06:47 PM (#2299142)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Down 89 Pounds!

Michelle :)

28 Mar 08 - 12:23 AM (#2299343)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing


28 Mar 08 - 06:26 AM (#2299431)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Eye Lander

89lbs down - wow that is brilliant, mmm makes me realise how much I need to lose, I am very impressed though, well done for sticking to it. I don't have the will power, if I knew where to get that life would be easier, I have made enquiries about a local gym today - well it's a start anyway.


28 Mar 08 - 10:51 PM (#2300148)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 90 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy! :)

Thanks Jillie! It's all about the attitude and what you want for's not motivation but rather dedication. :) Personally, I think getting started is the hardest part.

Michelle :)

28 Mar 08 - 11:28 PM (#2300154)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing


29 Mar 08 - 10:51 AM (#2300352)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: Eye Lander

Come on Kat, you told me what the T meant and now I have to ask about the QG. I know I'll feel silly when you tell me and I am sure I should know!!


29 Mar 08 - 11:04 AM (#2300365)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

I thought I did, upthread, Jillie.*bg* It stands for Qi Gong, a precursor to Tai Chi.:-)

30 Mar 08 - 11:00 PM (#2301701)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability -counting goals 3rd Month
From: katlaughing

Don't forget, I will delete all postings later Monday night so we can start our 4th month! (I will keep a copy if anyone needs to check back.)

Moved furniture, went through books and moved them, along with other household chores...I *felt* it when I was through!:-)