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BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month

01 Apr 08 - 10:45 AM (#2303239)
Subject: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th mo
From: katlaughing

Anybody with me on this the lauch of our FOURTH MONTH of counting our positively met goals? Here we go!

Please post your fitness/letting go of weight goals, as you meet them by the day/week/monthly. Also, feel free to post your goals in your first posting. Encouragement/chatting is okay, as long as it is kept to a minimum. I will delete any extra stuff. Also, at the end of the month, I will delete all and we will start over.

(Okay, well I lied. I didn't delete any of last month's.) I decided that was kind of silly when I had started a new thread anyway, so here is a new thread for this month. Have fun and don't beat yourselves up! Do what you are able when you are able.:-)


01 Apr 08 - 12:19 PM (#2303355)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

T- 10

One of the benefits I've seen from all of this, besides letting weight go, is I have had to increase the speed on the treadmill every few weeks. I started out at the slowest it would go .5. I am now up 1.5 and doing 2.56 miles in that ten minutes. I never would have thought it was possible when I started this. When I started, I had to stop every 1.5-2 minutes to catch my breath and let my muscles rest because they hurt so much. Now, I make at least 6-7 minutes with no pause and when I do pause it is for less then thirty seconds. This feels wonderful! It has also improved my breathing and reduced the need for supplemental oxygen!

01 Apr 08 - 01:34 PM (#2303453)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

I'm with ya, Kat!

My goals this month include participating in a local Yoga Challenge. The challenge is to develop a daily yoga practice....every day....weekends included. I am committed to going each and every day, although the times will vary according to my schedule. This morning I was at the studio and doing yoga at 6:15am. Nice. Man, I wish I knew about this a LONG time ago. I can't remember a time when I have felt SO alive that early in the day.

Okay, so my goals for the month include 30 days of yoga, walking 2-3 times a week and to continue eating in a mindful manner. Also included in my goals of staying accountable are maintaining my website (which records all progress and/or setbacks in both the physical and mental aspects of my weight loss journey), staying mindful of both my activity and diet and finding joy in every single day.

Michelle :)

01 Apr 08 - 01:35 PM (#2303454)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Mindful, Website & Joy :)


01 Apr 08 - 01:56 PM (#2303478)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Good for you, Michelle!

Ah, I see I should add that I keep a webpage which keeps track of all of my nourishment goals, etc. It is another very important component which keeps me on track. My other goals are to continue on with the treadmill and qi gong six days per week with the increased speed on the treadmill as well as keeping my caloric count up where it needs to be. I had hit a plateau, then spoke with the doc. I didn't realise I was eating too few calories (it seemed like a lot!) and, contrary to what so-called common sense says, eating more calories (the good kind) has resulted in letting go of more weight! I love it..worrying over whether I have eaten enough!

T-10 - 2.56 miles
QG - 30

01 Apr 08 - 09:14 PM (#2304050)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Afternoon of the same day:

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Other goals met earlier! :)


02 Apr 08 - 05:38 AM (#2304291)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

Go Girls - I have the form to join a small gym that has a treadmill. are you walking, jogging or running? I'm not sure how my small frame (4ft 10in) but 192lbs will cope but I have to give it a try. It's just making the first move. I am nearly there.


02 Apr 08 - 07:51 AM (#2304341)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

I have been using a treadmill at home but now that the weather is nicer I am walking outside too.

Early this morning: Yoga

Michelle :)

02 Apr 08 - 10:30 AM (#2304481)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

I walk on my treadmill at home where I can control the environment. I have a small frame also, at 5'2" and about 50 lbs more than you. Make sure you have good shoes and it will go better for you. That was the key for me. I fumbled around paying over $100 for what I thought were good shoes, excellent brands, several times. They did nothing but reinforce how much it hurt to walk. I finally went to a certified pedorthic technician (NOT a pedorthist, all he did was make it worse!). He fitted me with orthopaedic shoes and has adjusted the inserts on an almost weekly basis since last August, free of charge, as my feet realign and get back into shape. It has been phenomenal the difference it has made for me. There were days when I could hardly walk it hurt so much and I kept damaging the soft tissue in my feet from mis-steps, ankle twists, etc. because I was so out of shape from being ill and then surgery. You CAN do it, you just need to make sure you have what you need to make it as comfortable as possible. The shoes were more expensive but they are made to last for years and with the adjustments I may never need to buy another pair for a long, long time. PM me if you'd like, for more info.

02 Apr 08 - 01:19 PM (#2304620)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

May I add that walking shoes don't necessarily have to be expensive to fit you well and provide the support you need. I lucked out in a big way and found some sneakers that cost $25.00. They are used for my walking exercise only. I am on my feet all day long and while I would enjoy wearing them for work, I think they would wear out far more quickly and there is something about the routine of getting ready to move that I own rhythm for getting ready to move. :)

Be kind to your feet!!! :) And the rest of you for that matter!


02 Apr 08 - 01:55 PM (#2304662)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

You are fortunate, Michelle. I wore birks for the past twenty years. A couple of soft tissue injuries, weakness from spending so much time in bed, pre-surgery, and surgery really wore out my feet and even the birks hurt. Even the expensive "good" shoes didn't help. I spent over $500 on four different pairs of supposedly high quality shoes as well as paid insurance deductibles going to docs about my feet. I went to the foot doctor several times. All he would recommend was surgery, no thanks!, and/or inserts with no adjustments available and wearing a cast boot, all of which made it worse. Docs don't like to tell folks about what a pedorthic tech can do for their feet. The fellow I go to explains how shoes are made and just how much it can effect not just your feet, but also your whole skeletal alignment. I have two pair of shoes from him and the cost me about $350. Well worth it. Sorry, I know I am on a soapbox, but it almost seems miraculous what he has done for me and my feet/body!:-)

QG -30

02 Apr 08 - 04:25 PM (#2304823)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Hey Kat,

   Whatever works, you know? I'm glad you have shoes that work for you...painful feet...YIKES...never a good thing! Luckily most of my exercise is yoga and that requires barefeet (which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!)

Michelle who is off to her 2nd yoga class of the day!

02 Apr 08 - 08:05 PM (#2305015)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy!

Michelle :)

03 Apr 08 - 07:51 AM (#2305347)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes (early AM)
No website yet but staying mindful & finding joy...absolutely! :)

Michelle :)

03 Apr 08 - 09:39 AM (#2305431)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

How about painting and decorating? I have recently put 3 coats on a ceiling and have just painted the walls 12 x 12 room 8ft high. Up and down steps so must be fairly good.

03 Apr 08 - 07:13 PM (#2305957)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

second coat on walls this evening and gloss on the skirting boards, Iache in places I dodn'tknow I could ache!


03 Apr 08 - 09:17 PM (#2306042)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Yeah, Jillie! Good going...keep that momentum going!

Yes, Michelle, whatever works is goooooood!:-)

Walking - 15
QG - 30

04 Apr 08 - 04:10 AM (#2306211)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

Thanks Kat, finished painting at 10pm last night, started about nine in the morning. Today I am a bit stiff but now I am up and around I'm fine. Bit of finishing off today then it's curtain rails and moving furniture. Burn calories burn!!!


04 Apr 08 - 11:54 AM (#2306522)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Phew, that's a long day of painting! Good for you!


04 Apr 08 - 11:15 PM (#2307112)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing


05 Apr 08 - 11:01 AM (#2307441)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

Hey Girls, You obviously have your own treadmill, does it just get you fitter, change your shape, do you lose weight. have just seen one forsale for £200 and wondered whether to buy it or not.


05 Apr 08 - 12:40 PM (#2307540)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

does it just get you fitter, change your shape, do you lose weight.

It depends on whether you use it or not!:-) I have one at home because I can control my environment, i.e. have air moving through use of a fan, an open window, keep the temperature at a comfortable level, etc. all very important points for me.

I have noticed I am getting fitter the more I use it AND I have lost weight. My shape seems to be changing, too. You really get out of it what you put into it. When I started on mine I couldn't keep walking on it, at the slowest speed (.5), more than two minutes at a time and only stayed on it for 3-4. That was in January. I have had to be patient and not push too hard, but I am now routinely doing 5-7 minutes without having to stop and that is at 1.5 for speed. I am also not huffing and puffing like I was back when I started.

I can also feel changes in my legs, hips, etc.

200 pounds sounds a little pricey, to me. I only paid about $140 for mine brand-new at Kmart, I think it was. It fold up to save space, but I found it is too heavy for me and folding and unfolding was too much trouble, esp. as I use it more and more, so I probably could have found an even cheaper one without that feature.

If you have any doubts about what walking can do, take a look at a book called Walk Yourself Thin. And, remember, you can start out slow with baby ALL counts!:-)

Good luck!

05 Apr 08 - 02:40 PM (#2307652)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

Thanks Kat, one last question, is it motorised. I think maybe things are just that things are more expensive this side of the pond!

for that price we would only get a non motorised version


05 Apr 08 - 02:54 PM (#2307666)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Dave the Gnome

Just thought I would touch base seeing as I was on the original thread. Major lifestyle change (moving back home!) has alterered my goals a little. I have promised myself Taiji and Xing yi at lunch times and to cycle to and from work.

Made a start on both last week. Fello off the bike on Weds and may have fractured my wrist! Still determined though and after next weds I should know if th ewrist is OK or not. I'll keep you posted.

And I'll keep coming back here for inspiration:-)



05 Apr 08 - 03:54 PM (#2307711)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga in the AM
Mindfulness...umm....I don't know about that....I was barely awake!
The rest of it to follow!


05 Apr 08 - 04:22 PM (#2307742)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Sheesh, Dave! Good luck on the wrist and let us know, okay?:-)

Jillie, YES, mine is motorized; I couldn't do much with one that isn't, at least at this stage. I didn't realise things like that would be so much more over there. Good luck!

Walking - 30 minutes
SparkPeople page - done

05 Apr 08 - 11:39 PM (#2307967)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Hey Jillie,

I just saw your post about the treadmill. I use my treadmill for weight loss and to help me become more fit. My weight loss has slowed considerably but my body is reshaping which is almost more fun! I put on a jacket today that I bought in February when it wouldn't quite button. I wore it today and it buttons easily and is almost too big. Sooooooo....the treadmill, like most any other kind of exercise is great for burning calories but also for helping a body to become more fit/tone.

And Kat...good for you for listening to your body. I think that sometimes that is difficult to do because we all want to GO! You are being very smart!


Michelle :)

06 Apr 08 - 01:55 PM (#2308397)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

Hey Girls

I have just been given a free non electric treadmill which has to bebetter than nothing. I'll give that a go and if I get on with it ok I may pay for one. We have a web site on the isle of wight called freecycle and you just log on and tell the members either what you want to give away or what you'd like. So I said I wanted a treadmill and someone came back to and said they had one to get rid of FREE, they themselves got it from freebay so it may not be any good but I wont have wasted any money!

06 Apr 08 - 05:53 PM (#2308537)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Jillie, good! That's a good start, but don't get discouraged if it is hard to get it going. It's not the only way to go!:-)

Thanks, Michelle, with the new heart valve and all I HAVE to listen, but I am also HEARING my body much better these days, esp. since then I know I can make it better. Before the surgery, it seemed an endless slide into dis-ability with not much hope for improvement.

Walking - 30
Yard cleanup - couple of hours with lots of help
Caravan muck-out - 30 minutes, intense!

06 Apr 08 - 09:55 PM (#2308689)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes....very easy today as I have a cold (BLAH!)
Mindfulness, Website & Joy :)

Michelle :)

07 Apr 08 - 08:01 AM (#2308950)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

I'm new to this Kat, surgery? what surgery, nothing too serious I hope - mmm must have been otherwise you wouldn't have needed surgery I suppose!


07 Apr 08 - 03:40 PM (#2309374)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Jillie, three years ago this May 10th, I had open-heart surgery to replace a worn-out, maybe that way from birth, aortic valve. It's been a long haul to recover from but I now have a LIFE with renewed LIFE instead of lying around dying from congestive heart failure.:-) I am REALLY happy about that and this thread has gone a long way in helping me in the next phase of my recovery, i.e. eating sensibly AND exercising. Thanks for asking.

T- 10 QG - 30

07 Apr 08 - 05:21 PM (#2309457)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

Stripping wallper in 2nd bedroom, 11am to 9.30pm 1hr for dins!

Sheesh I'm knackered, I think I may ache a bit tomorrow. Afternoon off though, going to visit a friend.


07 Apr 08 - 08:49 PM (#2309666)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy!

Michelle who is still sick but doing yoga anyway (shivasina works find in lotus)

07 Apr 08 - 09:24 PM (#2309690)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Not doing very well myself, tonight. Only 5 on the treadmill. Neither one of us slept well last night, so I think it's catching up with me.

08 Apr 08 - 03:21 PM (#2310436)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Back up and running on all cylinders this morning.:-)


Last night my Rog was rubbing my back and told me he noticed it being a lot looser, i.e. my muscles are not so tight and cramped up anymore. Yeah!

08 Apr 08 - 07:35 PM (#2310652)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy!

Michelle who is still coughing BLAH

08 Apr 08 - 10:52 PM (#2310776)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Walking - 20

09 Apr 08 - 12:19 PM (#2311178)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga (AM): 60 Minutes
Mindfulness & Joy, YES! Website to follow later today!



09 Apr 08 - 07:37 PM (#2311603)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga (PM): 60 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy! Yes!


Michelle :)

10 Apr 08 - 11:27 AM (#2312093)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga (AM): 60 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & lots of Joy today!



10 Apr 08 - 01:07 PM (#2312168)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Becca72

Jillie, that is exactly how I got my manual treadmill and it's been great, especially since winter here lasts FOREVER. Now that the weather is improving a coworker and I have been walking outside, too.

10 Apr 08 - 01:16 PM (#2312173)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

QG - 30

Missed yesterday altogether with some kind of "bug." Much better, today.

10 Apr 08 - 01:45 PM (#2312194)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Dave the Gnome

In plaster till April 30th:-( Ah well. Fresh goals once again -

Walk to work and back twice next week - about 10 miles altogether.

I'll keep you posted.



10 Apr 08 - 03:11 PM (#2312284)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: gnu

Ummm... sorry, but,

T- 10

= what?

10 Apr 08 - 03:16 PM (#2312287)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Qi Gong and Treadmill

11 Apr 08 - 12:18 AM (#2312651)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

April 10th:

Yoga: 180 Minutes (3 classes)
Mindfulness, Website and Joy!

Michelle who has now lost a total of 92.5 pounds!

11 Apr 08 - 12:12 PM (#2313050)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: GUEST,Eyelander

Michelle are you eating anything to have such brilliant results. Well done you. Maybe the Yoga is really good for you.

Wednesday: sanding ceiling 12' x 12' than a coat of paint.

Yesterday travelling to my home on the IOW.

Just collected my treadmill, not quite sure how to put it up, but I am sure that I am burning calories in brainpower trying to sort it out!!!!


11 Apr 08 - 12:26 PM (#2313062)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Good for you, Jillie, for getting the treadmill!

Yes, Michelle, is all the exercise, or have you done it through what you eat, also? Well done!

I have let go of 14 so far and didn't really get serious about all the aspects until about 1.5 months ago.:->


12 Apr 08 - 07:27 AM (#2313588)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

Ya Hey - puff puff pant pant, I have just finished five mins on the treadmill,   No! not running just out for a medium stroll but I have started! my pulse was 114 and I may have used 3 or 4 calories!!!

Ok ok - it's a start though.!


12 Apr 08 - 07:28 AM (#2313589)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

bugger - should have weighed myself

12 Apr 08 - 10:13 PM (#2314020)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Friday, April 11, 2008 = Yoga: 60 Minutes
Saturday, April 12, 2008 = Yoga: 60 Minutes

Mindfulness, Website & Joy! :)

Hey Kat and Jillie,

    I am following a program of whole foods and I am absolutely loving yoga! It has taken me awhile but while my progress has been slow (that's what *they* say is best for us), it's something I can live funky dieting, just healthy eating for better health....and that is what it's all about!! :) I have tons of energy and am feeling FABULOUS!!!!



13 Apr 08 - 03:19 AM (#2314079)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

Saturday: 3x T5, ate very little and weigh more that I didon Friday!!! But that just goes to show that I was probaly not eating enough. Hey Ho!

Well done Michelle, even though I don't know you, I am sooooo pleased for you. Iremember when I lost 40lb about 5 years ago I felt wonderful just a shame I've put it all back on again now.


????? Mindfulness, Website & Joy! sorry for so many questions

13 Apr 08 - 07:14 AM (#2314151)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Mindfulness: Paying attention to my body and what goes into it...this also includes paying attention to how my body feels...something that I have ignored for a very long time...hard to believe, but true.

Website: I maintain a website about my weight loss logs, activity records, blogs.....just a place to track my progress...good or bad (because no road is without an occassional pothole)

Joy: Did I find joy in my day? I look for it each and every day!


13 Apr 08 - 12:33 PM (#2314311)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing


13 Apr 08 - 09:44 PM (#2314711)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy! :)


14 Apr 08 - 12:06 AM (#2314822)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Walking - 20

14 Apr 08 - 08:04 PM (#2315726)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Walk: 20 minutes (a GORGEOUS day for walking!)
Yoga: 60 Minutes

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!! :)


14 Apr 08 - 10:37 PM (#2315806)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

More walking!

15 Apr 08 - 01:39 PM (#2316401)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

T-10 and more to come!

15 Apr 08 - 06:54 PM (#2316761)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: GUEST,Eye Lander

No decorating as we are at my home on the IOW, but:

T 5 x 3
and walking

15 Apr 08 - 09:33 PM (#2316858)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy!

:) Michelle

15 Apr 08 - 09:39 PM (#2316863)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Good going, Jillie!

T-another 10!

15 Apr 08 - 10:00 PM (#2316877)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

I've created a little space with some photos of my progress. If you are interested and want to take a peek, look here:



16 Apr 08 - 11:21 AM (#2317313)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes

Mindfulness, Website & Joy! :)


16 Apr 08 - 02:00 PM (#2317458)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Congratulations, Michelle. Great pix!


16 Apr 08 - 02:15 PM (#2317470)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Becca72

Wow, Michelle! Goodonya!

I haven't really noticed much scale-wise as of late, but I'm wearing my favorite jeans today and they are falling down (not all the way, silly!) every time I move. I must be in a 'reshaping' mode right now.

Still walking 30 minutes a day, whether it be outside or at home on the treadmill.

16 Apr 08 - 11:19 PM (#2317912)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Another 10 on the T...working my way up to 30 per day.

17 Apr 08 - 05:14 PM (#2318668)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Stilly River Sage

My exercise comes mostly on weekends, and with dog walks each evening. I try not to eat too much bad stuff during the week to undo the calorie burning on Saturday and Sunday. :)


17 Apr 08 - 10:16 PM (#2318883)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Mindfulness, Website & Joy!

Michelle :)

19 Apr 08 - 05:44 AM (#2319892)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yesterday: Yoga 60 Minutes

In five minutes, I'm heading out for today's activity:

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Fun Run/Walk = ?????

Later 'gators!


19 Apr 08 - 05:58 AM (#2319898)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Dave the Gnome

Walked there and back once and just there once. Total of about 7.5 miles. Not too bad.

Next week I intend to Drive down Monday and walk back. Walk down Tuesday, drive back. Same Weds/Thurs. Split it up a bit.

Arm feels well enough for Taiji if not Xing Yi, so I'll try the form a couple of times even if the hand placements may not be quite right.



19 Apr 08 - 02:47 PM (#2320188)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Take it easy, Dave.:-)


20 Apr 08 - 09:31 PM (#2321138)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Kayaking: 90 Minutes (WOO HOOOO!!!!!!)
Yoga: 60 Minutes

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!!!!



20 Apr 08 - 09:35 PM (#2321141)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Walking - 15

LOTS of extra work today around the house and's gotta count for something! Feels good to be able to do it.

21 Apr 08 - 10:46 AM (#2321501)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

Wow Michelle, those pics are amazing well done girl. I have brought my treadmill to Wales with me, where we are doing up Andy's house (it's still in the van at the moment though). several up and down stairs fetching and carrying today. Trying to drink more water as it's supposed to be good for me. Saw Hawker at the weekend, she looks beautiful, and seems to be pleased with herself as she should be.


21 Apr 08 - 12:06 PM (#2321577)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Stilly River Sage


I finally stepped on the scale this morning. Over the winter I gained back 10 of the 25 I lost last year. Good thing it is gardening season. Another 25 off and I'll be where I want to be. And maybe by getting there it will be motivated to stay there.


21 Apr 08 - 12:09 PM (#2321579)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

:) Thanks Jillie!

And hey, SRS....I think it's common and almost normal for us to put on weight during the winter....we hole up inside and eat to help keep ourselves warm. I ALWAYS lose more in the summer....I KNOW you are going to get where you want to be!!!!!!!

And hey Kat, how about coming to help with MY yard? Lots of limbs down from a very windy and heavily iced winter!!!! It's on my list of things to do...but you know what? Kayaking season is here....all waters are open and just calling my name....maybe the yard will wait a bit longer!!!!!!!!!!!!



21 Apr 08 - 02:10 PM (#2321705)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Just remember, gals, Susan Weed, in her book, Menopausal Years - the Wise Woman Way recommends we keep a little "padding" for our bones!:-)


21 Apr 08 - 07:30 PM (#2322073)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

<---will forever have padding...LOL

Let's see, today we have:

Walk: 1.5 miles (time doesn't count here has I had my class with me)
Kayaking: 45 minutes on windy, choppy water
Yoga: 60 Minutes

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!


21 Apr 08 - 11:32 PM (#2322212)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Another 10 on the T, this evening.:-)

22 Apr 08 - 10:04 PM (#2323234)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!


23 Apr 08 - 04:32 PM (#2323539)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing


23 Apr 08 - 09:51 PM (#2323803)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yoga: 60 Minutes
Mindful, Website & Joy!


24 Apr 08 - 04:19 PM (#2324669)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

QG - 30

Had a doctor's appt. yesterday. He is ecstatic with me. Really pleased that I have lost 14 lbs in six weeks. Me, too.:-)

25 Apr 08 - 09:47 AM (#2325324)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

Clever girl Kat. I on the other hand, still have a bad eating habit (late night snacking) and the treadmill is STILL in the campervan but we have made room for it in the house. Back to decorating though. Just scrubbed the skirting boards, and now for the painting, Oh my aching back!


25 Apr 08 - 10:52 AM (#2325402)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Jillie. I wasn't so clever six-seven weeks ago. I was in real trouble from wrongful eating! It will come for you, too, when you are ready. Have you looked at I am using the nutrition tracker there and really like it. It helps me plan my day and how I want to "spend" my calories. Your renovations are good exercise, too, so give yourself credit!:-)


25 Apr 08 - 10:54 AM (#2325403)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Becca72

Saw the nutritionist yesterday and I'm down another 1.5 lbs. Still walking 30 minutes 5-6 times per week. New goal is to add another 10 minutes per day to that.

26 Apr 08 - 09:38 AM (#2326174)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Dave the Gnome

Did the walking no problem this week - Feel an awful lot better for it.

Only managed 1 x Taiji session but it was a very good one where I learned a couple of new things from our Sifu. He is just back from China and I am looking forward to him passing on lots of new stuff over the next few months (12 animal forms in Xing Yi for a start!)

Walking there on Tuesday next. Probably back Weds and there Thurs. Will have the cast off on Weds so hope to start cycling again the week after:-)



26 Apr 08 - 07:59 PM (#2326572)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

April 24, 2008: Yoga, 180 Minutes

April 25, 2008: Yoga, 60 Minutes

April 26, 2008: Yoga, 60 Minutes

Mindfulness, All caught up with my website & JOY!!!!!


27 Apr 08 - 09:59 PM (#2327264)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

April 27, 2008

Kayaking: 120 Minutes
Yoga: 60 Minutes

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!!!!

(and lots of up close photos of turtles and favorite!)



27 Apr 08 - 11:28 PM (#2327288)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Arrgghh...I can count walking into and through a store whilst shopping but not long enough. Did work out in the yard a bit, painting an old wicker rocker and sweeping, so I guess I did something this weekend, as well as cleaned house.:-) Back on track tomorrow morning!

Dave, take it slow and easy!

28 Apr 08 - 12:52 PM (#2327754)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Stilly River Sage

Sunday night, 1 hour breaking up fencing panels and lugging them to the curb.

Monday morning, 1 1/2 hours breaking up the rest of the fencing panels and chucking them over the fence into the side yard for easy transport to the curb (or access to a chipper, if I get lucky and can get a bunch of stuff gathered together to make it a worthwhile rental).

I don't know any Yoga. Do the contortions I have to go through to catch and release a lizard before the pit bull catches it and eats it count? (It was in the paneling this morning. The dogs checked out and then gave safe passage to a toad--those don't taste good because they emit a fluid through the skin that basically insures that a dog will make that mistake only once. Apparently my two have already had that pleasure.)


28 Apr 08 - 03:10 PM (#2327877)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

painting skirting board again! only managed 3mins on treadmill -absolutely shattered.

Jillie x

28 Apr 08 - 03:18 PM (#2327890)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Maggie = Wonder Woman! You are amazing!

Jillie, three minutes is a start and that is very important. I could only do two minutes back in January/February. Give yourself a pat on the back!


29 Apr 08 - 12:31 PM (#2328742)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm here to report WYSIWYG--she's reporting weight loss over on the decluttering thread. I mean, really--kilocalories, are they really CLUTTER? :)


29 Apr 08 - 01:19 PM (#2328800)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing


29 Apr 08 - 01:27 PM (#2328809)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

Yesterday: Yoga, 60 Minutes
And all that good stuff. :)


29 Apr 08 - 09:48 PM (#2329302)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing

Everything was sore today!

Another 7 on the treadmill. Arrgh...:-)

30 Apr 08 - 06:35 AM (#2329566)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

29th: Yoga
30th: Yoga

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!!! :)

What a great month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


30 Apr 08 - 07:29 AM (#2329593)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: Eye Lander

me! I'm still decorating. Wallpaperers mate yesterday pasting measureing from 100am to 9.30pm with a quick lunch and dinner break. Too tire for treadmill but many up anddown stair though.

30 Apr 08 - 11:17 AM (#2329806)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing


30 Apr 08 - 11:31 AM (#2329822)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: wysiwyg

Thanks, SRS. Yes, summer clothes just put back into the main closet are confirming what Hardi's been trying to tell me.

I'd just like to offer a word of encouragement here. And that is, the scale DOES NOT give the most accurate, helpful feedback-- your woven clothes do. Knits may lie (stretch with age) but woven fabrics do not-- they show you what you lost, and where.

Unfortunately the body-sense also lies, and cannot be relied upon. A huge lesson I learned yesterday is that the "I'm so fat" feeling can easily come from the sensation of looser skin as fat melts off under that skin. In my program, the loss is calculated to go as slowly as possible so that the skin has as much opportunity to shrink as possible. I try to lose 10%, maintain till body sense catches up and skin shrinks, and then go for the next 10%. The ONLY way to monitor that is via clothing, because muscling up is also occurring and scales do not know the difference between fat and muscle.

Of course I also notice sinking more in the pool as I lose, because muscle sinks while fat floats. But it's surprisingly easy to talk myself out of the water feedback, when my loose skin is making me feel so icky. At my age, there isn't going to be much more shrinkage.

But the really nice thing is that ALL THIS has come without a focus on fat, fighting, or dieting. The healthy habits we instituted for our "training table" by focusing on the sports of choice has led to reduced portion sizes, better food choices, and an automatic daily adjustment in caloric intake according to what kind of sports activities we did or did not include in that day.

The daily tracking of progress on goals is clearly helpful at the start of such a program-- I did that myself at one point, tracking every little stat I could to try to learn what was actaully working and needed to be kept up.

But I want you all to know that there is a time to look forward to where the newer, healthy habits just integrate seamlessly into your life, and IMO you're all headed there.

Now I'll hve to learn to sew. :~) I LIKE that stuff in my closet, if it weren't so floppy.


30 Apr 08 - 11:49 AM (#2329836)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

I'm in complete agreement with not dieting but rather making healthy choices without even really having to think about it. And clothes really are a great indicator in how your body is changing. I have been stalling out on the scale for the last few months but my body is reshaping itself. My clothes show it without a doubt. The other morning I was running off to a yoga class, grabbed a dress out of the closet and when I got to work, I changed my clothes and was both mortified at how it fit and happy!!! So I floated through the day and tucked in where I could. My summer kayaking stuff from last year is ridiculous. I spent some money on new clothes last weekend for my upcoming adventures (sojourns and such) and when I commented to my husband that I shouldn't have spent the money, he said, "YES! You NEED some clothes that fit!!!"

    I am also loving that I WANT to exercise every day. Soon the bikes will come out of the shed, the kayak will be a permanent fixture on the car and weekend hikes will be the norm. I never thought this would be the life for me, but it is and I am loving it. Today ends the April Yoga Challenge, Thirty Days for $30.00. I have been every single day except for one (sick day....missed work too). Some days I only go to one class, some days I go to just depends on my energy level and the available time factor.

    I still keep track of my exercise or play time as I like to call it. It's very motivating for me and reminds me of what has worked well or not so well. I also participated in a local Step Up program which involved 10 weeks of keeping track of the minutes of exercise one does. I set a goal and was happily surprised at the end to see I had surpassed my goal by a great deal without really thinking about it or planning for it. The exercise just seemed to find it's way in.

    It's been a good month. I am feeling great and I hope you are too. Gotta go get my kids. Lator Gators!


30 Apr 08 - 01:28 PM (#2329915)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: katlaughing


Same here, loving that I am loving it. I like the motivation of coming in and sharing the good feelings with my friends. I have noticed a "cave-in" in my cheeks...I can see my high cheekbones again! I also have cave-ins around my waist and hips that feel great when Rog runs his hands over them to put on lotion at night. Funny thing, I told him for years I was sure, psychologically, that I would lose weight when I saw him actually TRY to quit smoking. Well, he started on chantix in December. He weaned down to 3-4 cigs per day AND, as of two weeks ago, today, he has NOT had one cigarette! I am so proud of him. I've noticed some great changes in him, too...take more care with his's so good for him to be rid of the nicotine. So here we are, the two of us, doing some good for ourselves and loving it.

01 May 08 - 11:24 AM (#2330649)
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
From: LilyFestre

April 30th:

Yoga: 2 hours

Mindfulness, Website & Joy!!!
