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That's proper folk!!

10 Apr 08 - 01:54 PM (#2312202)
Subject: That's proper folk!!
From: Dave the Gnome

Bought this album today for the princely sum of £2 at the local Zavvi. Listening to it now and it is very good indeed but does it warrant the title? Why is it proper folk? What is improper folk?




10 Apr 08 - 01:58 PM (#2312206)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: The Borchester Echo

It warrants the title in that Proper distribute it.
It's a tie-in promo for the current Channel 5 Sunday morning series of doccos.

10 Apr 08 - 02:04 PM (#2312215)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: Dave the Gnome

I know that, Diane, - Anyone intersted, it is in fact CD Properfolk06 (Who were on the other 5?) - but why go and spoil the fun? Now no-one will jump in and say that it isn't folk because or it is folk because or just because because. Or will they..?


10 Apr 08 - 02:55 PM (#2312262)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST,Sapper STILL at Carstairs

Holds breath and digs out tin hat!

10 Apr 08 - 02:57 PM (#2312266)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST,The Mole Catcher's tin hatted Apprentice

looks up from foxhole and waits for the shells to start flying over head

Charlotte R

10 Apr 08 - 05:30 PM (#2312410)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST,Sapper between Locherbie & Gretna

Still quiet.

10 Apr 08 - 05:42 PM (#2312422)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: gnomad

Well improper folk would have to be where the chaps stand on the right.

Sounds like a good value disc (assuming the tracks are full-length) though not all to my taste. Do you suppose there may be more?

10 Apr 08 - 05:49 PM (#2312432)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST,The Mole Catcher's unplugged Apprentice

I might be quibbling here, but only one of the artists appearing on the disc (Eliza Carthy) is actually a subject of the My Music series, yet the general descriptions of the album, I've seen on the web, leads one to believe that this is a series 'tie-in' product.

Charlotte R

10 Apr 08 - 05:54 PM (#2312436)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: Dave the Gnome

Aye - all full length tracks - VERY full length 6/7 minutes some of 'em. The Eliza track is very odd. Sounds like she has had a sex and nationality change at first.

(You have to hear it or that's not funny. Well, it's not funny anyway I suppose...)


10 Apr 08 - 05:55 PM (#2312439)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: Peace

Great people on the album (OK, CD).

IMO, proper folk is them wot doesn't fart in elevators.

10 Apr 08 - 07:27 PM (#2312511)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST, Mr Grumpy

It grieves me to say so, but on this occasion SWMBO is correct.

10 Apr 08 - 08:39 PM (#2312559)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: John on the Sunset Coast

I have a couple of Proper CDs (cowboy music) which cost about $6.00 US each.
I'm looking at one, "A PROPER (records) Introduction to Tex Ritter."
It's a cute pun on being properly introduced to someone. PROPER is an English company at if you're interested in their offerings.

10 Apr 08 - 08:47 PM (#2312565)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: sapper82

Finally got to Carlisle, 40 miles back to Beatock to pick up 8 miles lost on Monday, then back to Carlisle again. I'm finally tucked up in bed at 01:45!!

Not quite sure if it's the same CD, but other½ got me an el cheapo Folk CD from Crich Tramway t'other week. Did play it and quite enjoyed it. Will have to look it up when I get home.
She bought it because it was mainly English Folk instead of the Irish or Scottish albums that seem to predominate the low price compilation end of the market.

11 Apr 08 - 03:34 AM (#2312703)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: Dave the Gnome

Well, the Drever lad and Shannon lass is on it but apart from that it is mainly English, sapper. Hope you are refreshed after a good nights sleep and looking forward to your next series of traveling posts:-)



11 Apr 08 - 04:10 AM (#2312714)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: Bryn Pugh

I am put in mind of a 'sampler' of 'contemporary folk music' called "Listen Here" which I bought brand new for 14 shillings and eleven pence waaaaaaay back then.

It had some corkers, like the Johnstons singing Joni's 'Urge for Going' and the Ian Campbell Folk Group singing Joni's "Circle Game" ; |Gordon Giltrap ; Ron whatsisface, who used to scat and play the banjolele . . . heigh ho !

Improper folk ?

11 Apr 08 - 05:03 AM (#2312736)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST, Sminky

If you scroll down the Amazon page to the review section, you'll find:

"I don't even especially like folk but what a great compilation this is for the money: it makes me want to follow up on some of the artists, see some live etc"

11 Apr 08 - 05:45 AM (#2312756)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: treewind

The Amazon recommendation is almost too good to be true. It must be exactly what was intended by the release of the album.

When I was a student and didn't know nuffink about folk except that some of my friends were into it, I bought a folk sampler album. It certainly gave me a chance to listen to a variety of performers and think about what I liked and what I didn't.


11 Apr 08 - 06:06 AM (#2312765)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST, Sminky

treewind - I confess I too was a tad suspicious of the review at first: I know that some are 'planted'. But the guy had also reviewed a USB disk drive, so it seems genuine.

I've discovered many new and wonderful avenues of music by listening to compilations.

11 Apr 08 - 06:20 AM (#2312770)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: Folknacious

"I might be quibbling here, but only one of the artists appearing on the disc (Eliza Carthy) is actually a subject of the My Music series"

I quibble your quibble - it's two. Eliza Carthy & Athena. I don't think Proper distribute the other three artists in the series. I just got this CD in Virgin, sorry Zavvi (or Chavvi as its known round here) for £2 and see that several of the tracks are "exclusives" too. Not a bad deal to keep in the car glove compartment, and it would be churlish to complain about very amateurish design.

11 Apr 08 - 01:19 PM (#2313100)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST,Sapper at Carlisle.

Whilst the Ultrasonic Technician does his pre run checks;

Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST, Sminky
Date: 11 Apr 08 - 05:03 AM

If you scroll down the Amazon page to the review section, you'll find:

"I don't even especially like folk but what a great compilation this is for the money: it makes me want to follow up on some of the artists, see some live etc"

That is typical of a lot of people who can't be bothered to try something different, be it Folk, Jazz or Classical, until something hits them and makes them consider there may be more than they thought!

Number of people who, knowing I'm also a classical fan, have said "I don't like classical music, but that bit the use for the Old Spice (or whatever) advert is good!"

11 Apr 08 - 01:27 PM (#2313112)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST,The Mole Catcher's unplugged Apprentice

"I quibble your quibble - it's two. Eliza Carthy & Athena."

I do apologize for that one...

and I'll await the arrival of Eliza Carthy's Dreams of Breathing Underwater. :-)

Charlotte R

11 Apr 08 - 06:45 PM (#2313332)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST,HaulAwaySong

Think the others prior to Properfolk06 are the compilation Cds of the BBC Folk Awards. According to Amazon, it's No. 1 in their compilation chart which is unusal for a folk Cd, albeit a very cheap one.

11 Apr 08 - 06:52 PM (#2313335)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: Folknacious

"I do apologize for that one..."

Accepted, providing you're over there. If you're over here it's apologise and I quibble your quibble with a quibble. ;-)

19 Apr 08 - 02:51 AM (#2319844)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: Reinhard

Properfolk01/02/03/05 are the BBC Folk Awards compilations of 2005-2008.
Properfolk04 is a compilation called "Folk Rising" related to the Folk Awards Horizon / new artists category.

20 Apr 08 - 10:54 AM (#2320682)
Subject: RE: That's proper folk!!
From: GUEST,psychosue

It may not be proper folk, but it's proper good, and excellent value. Good intro for non folkies, I like the way it get's folkier as the CD progresses.