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BS: Election Idiocy

29 Apr 08 - 08:21 AM (#2328500)
Subject: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Greg F.

Talk about folks who "just don't get it":

Associated Press
Last updated: 7:52 a.m., Tuesday, April 29, 2008

In the AP-Yahoo poll --

Those Obama backers who don't like Hillary Rodham Clinton say they would vote for Republican candidate John McCain over her by a two-to-one margin...

As for Clinton supporters, those with unfavorable views of Obama have grown from 26 percent to 42 percent during this same period -- including a doubling to 20 percent of those with very negative opinions.

The Clinton backers with unfavorable views of Obama say they would vote for McCain over him by nearly three-to-one...

Oh, ye nation of morons.....

29 Apr 08 - 08:24 AM (#2328505)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Donuel

I think that is the kind of talk that is designed to influence/scare super delegates who may want to throw the popular vote under the mini van/bus.

29 Apr 08 - 08:24 AM (#2328506)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: GUEST,Fantasma

The biggest morons are the MSM pollsters, and the candidate focus groups, IMO.

Voters can only vote for what they see, after all.

29 Apr 08 - 08:31 AM (#2328514)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Donuel


MSNBC talking heads are repeating that Obama is a sinking ship and that hillary is riding a rising tide.

Meanwhile if big media hypnosis wins again we will all be washed up on the rocks.

29 Apr 08 - 08:56 AM (#2328531)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Rapparee

Yup, just as I predicted.

The Democrats are beating each other to death over petty non-issues, failing to chose their battles, and in general acting like the divided party they have acted like since about 1980.

Repeat after me: President McCain. President McCain.

Get used to saying it.

29 Apr 08 - 09:06 AM (#2328539)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: GUEST,Fantasma

The ONLY winner will be MSM hypnosis, unless everyone wakes up and pulls the lever for Nader.

Sorry pdq, I just can't bring myself to utter the two words together.

I just can't.

29 Apr 08 - 09:07 AM (#2328540)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: GUEST,Fantasma

Sorry Rapaire! I don't know why I called you pdq (pours more coffee).

29 Apr 08 - 12:01 PM (#2328690)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: CarolC

I won't vote for McCain under any circumstances, but if Hillary gets the nomination I will probably write in Kucinich's name. I had previously planned to write in his name in the primary as well, but I ended up deciding to give Obama my vote in the primary instead. The Democratic party really is a disaster, though.

29 Apr 08 - 12:10 PM (#2328710)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Donuel

Its time for Diebold to release the election results early.

wake up and smell the treachery.

29 Apr 08 - 12:35 PM (#2328751)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: JohnInKansas

The election results have Already Been Released by Diebold.


29 Apr 08 - 12:44 PM (#2328766)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Little Hawk


29 Apr 08 - 12:46 PM (#2328767)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Teribus

"The Democrats are beating each other to death over petty non-issues, failing to chose their battles, and in general acting like the divided party they have acted like since about 1980."

Couldn't agree with you more Rapaire. The ammunition they are giving their opposition in this bun-fight is amazing. The whole selection process is an absolute joke.

29 Apr 08 - 12:50 PM (#2328772)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Little Hawk

It's always an absolute joke. It's the longest joke on record too. You have to live in North America, though, to get the full effect, and it's really not that funny.

29 Apr 08 - 01:54 PM (#2328846)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Bonzo3legs

They say that a village somewhere in Texas is missing it's idiot, but it sure will get it back soon!

29 Apr 08 - 02:10 PM (#2328865)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: GUEST,Voice of Truth

Have to agree with Rapaire. Is there ONE Obama supporter who can watch the Reverend Wright (better named the Rev. Wrong)and his recent posterings on tv, and not have a single doubt about the so called "uniter not a divider" candidate, who has followed that self aggrandizing fool for decades?

Unless the Dems pull it together and nominate Hillary, we are in for a landslide victory for the Repubs once again.

29 Apr 08 - 02:12 PM (#2328868)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Peace

Wright isn't running in this election. Good thing.

Obama is running in this election. Good thing.

29 Apr 08 - 02:12 PM (#2328869)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: CarolC

Hillary can't win against McCain. She's too much like McCain, except that he's better at it than she is.

29 Apr 08 - 02:14 PM (#2328872)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Peace

Obama can and will beat McCain.

29 Apr 08 - 02:23 PM (#2328882)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Little Hawk

If she tucked a lemon into her left cheek, Carol, she might be able to close the gap on McCain a little. She could also work into flying into sudden vicious rages when people don't agree with her. I'm afraid it's too late, though, for her to arrange to get captured and held by Al Queda or some other merciless foreign enemy for a couple of years and subjected to torture and humiliation before returning triumphantly to the USA as a "war hero". There just isn't enough time for that.

29 Apr 08 - 04:49 PM (#2329018)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: GUEST,Chief Chaos

Just how many Obama and Clinto supporters do any of you think that MSM/MSNBC has on speed dial? More likely Republicans trying to influence the vote again.

Damaging? Maybe, but it's better than everyone falling lock step behind the presumptive nominee. That's what got us the current administration! At least at this point we still have a choice to make instead of having had the choice made for us! Unfortunately for all of their bluster, the republicans will all vote for McCain come election day regardless of who the democrat candidate is.

29 Apr 08 - 04:57 PM (#2329030)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: beardedbruce

Unfortunately for all of their bluster, the democarts will all vote against McCain come election day regardless of who the democrat candidate is.

It is the vote of the 30- 35% independents that will determine the winner- and Obama has the best chance to win a significant chunk of them. BUT the present efforts ( by BOTH Clinton and Obama) are helping to turn those voters to McCain.

If Clinton is the Candidate, then the far right will be mobilized and the additional votes will more than counter any moderates she might get.

The best that the country ( as opposed to the far right OR far left) can hope for is that it is McCain vs Obama, and the moderate vote is on the basis of what those two candidates put forward ( and justify the cost of).

29 Apr 08 - 05:04 PM (#2329037)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Ebbie

"If she tucked a lemon into her left cheek, Carol, she might be able to close the gap on McCain a little. She could also work into flying into sudden vicious rages when people don't agree with her. I'm afraid it's too late, though, for her to arrange to get captured and held by Al Queda or some other merciless foreign enemy for a couple of years and subjected to torture and humiliation before returning triumphantly to the USA as a "war hero". There just isn't enough time for that."

A bit ham-handed, wouldn't you say, LH? Doesn't sound like your spirit.

29 Apr 08 - 05:11 PM (#2329043)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Joe Offer

Hey, I just found out the MSM means "mainstream media." I wonder why people can't talk English when they post here...

29 Apr 08 - 05:12 PM (#2329044)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Rapparee

I'm glad I wasn't a POW in North Vietnam, because I know someone who was.

29 Apr 08 - 05:12 PM (#2329045)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Bobert

BB is right... Dems will vote for Hillary...

Problem is that the millions of folks who the Dems have signed up in the course of this campaign aren't Hillary supporters... They are by-in-large Obama supporters who have no real allegience to the Democratic Party and, yeah, some would vote for McCain over Hillary but most of these newbees will just take a pass should the McClintons and McMedias steal this nomination away from Obama...

As for this ol' Greenie/Nader-ite, I'll just take a pass and vote on local stuff...


29 Apr 08 - 05:17 PM (#2329048)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: beardedbruce

"Bobert - PM
Date: 29 Apr 08 - 05:12 PM

BB is right... "

NOTE THIS DATE!!!!! The internet may cease to exist at any time!!!!!!

29 Apr 08 - 05:32 PM (#2329063)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Ebbie

Congratulations, BB! :)

29 Apr 08 - 05:36 PM (#2329068)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Bobert

Awwwwwww, shucks....

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn on occasion...

LOL, and congrates, BB...


29 Apr 08 - 05:44 PM (#2329078)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Ebbie


29 Apr 08 - 05:54 PM (#2329105)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: CarolC

I'm one of those independents, and I've already said what I will do.

29 Apr 08 - 06:13 PM (#2329123)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: GUEST,Chief Chaos

I guess my post must have been offensive to someone.
Yes, the dems will vote for the Dem candidate. Didn't mean to suggest otherwise.

29 Apr 08 - 07:14 PM (#2329186)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Little Hawk

Ebbie, I am particularly cynical about the hackneyed "war hero" routine that is being used to propel McCain to the White House. It's so predictable and so meaningless. There is nothing about getting captured by the North Vietnamese and held prisoner that prepares a person to run a country or indicates that he should get the chance to. Nothing. All it indicates is that he had bad luck on the day he got captured. Period. It doesn't mean he is any better for the office than anyone else would be or any braver than the average soldier. It should have no bearing on a candidate's electibility, and the fact that it does is a sad comment on the American psyche, in my opinion.

However, the remark about the lemon in the left cheek was crass, yes. I'll definitely admit to that. A cheap shot for sure.

The remark about flying into rages was based on McCain's reputation for doing so....said reputation acquired among many of his fellow congressmen.

29 Apr 08 - 07:17 PM (#2329189)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Ebbie

I do agree with you. But the lemon set me off. (By the way, what's up with that?)

29 Apr 08 - 07:19 PM (#2329194)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Bobert

Yeah, LH... I don't want McRage talkin' with any of our enemies or even allies 'cause with his temper he could get US into a nuchear war with the UK in a heartbeat so I can't imagine how quickly e'd have US nukin' Iran... I mean, I'm afraid he might order up a few air strikes on 1/20/09 just fir grins...


29 Apr 08 - 07:22 PM (#2329195)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: GUEST,Chief Chaos

LH, to some of us the fact that he fought for his country and went through such an ordeal instead of cutting and running north or deferring (because it didn't fit his chosen path in life) or getting put in the TX Nat'l Guard by daddy, means alot. It doesn't mean enough for me to vote for him just becuase of that.

It would seem to me that you would want someone with at least a basic understanding of the military (through experience) to be in charge of the armed forces of a country. The only requirements are currently that you are over 35, a natural citizen, and are breathing. Not much of a way to pick a leader I'll admit.

29 Apr 08 - 07:22 PM (#2329196)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Little Hawk

Oh, the lemon...well, I keep seeing these pictures of John McCain and it looks to me like he's hiding something fairly sizable in his left cheek, that's all. Kind of like Nixon's nose or his just can't help but notice.

29 Apr 08 - 07:30 PM (#2329206)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: GUEST,Chief Chaos

I'm wondering if McCain is going to meet that third part by the end of this campaign. I don't mean that as a threat, just he doesn't look as well as he did when this began.

29 Apr 08 - 08:38 PM (#2329261)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Ebbie

I mean, LH, why is his jowl so swollen/overexercised/stuffed? I keep feeling that a surgeon should go in there.

29 Apr 08 - 09:57 PM (#2329315)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Rapparee

McCain also refused an early release from POWdom when it was offered, because he felt that the NV government would use it for propaganda. His father was, at the time, the head of US Naval Operations in the Pacific.

This does not make him a "war hero." It does make him an honorable man, but so are many others.

29 Apr 08 - 10:02 PM (#2329321)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: CarolC

It means he was behaving honorably when back when it happened. But I think his record since then would determine whether or not he still is an honorable man. I'm not convinced that his record since he returned from Vietnam has been entirely that of an honorable man.

29 Apr 08 - 10:05 PM (#2329323)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Rapparee

Correction noted, but I view everyone as honorable (in the traditional sense of the word) unless they prove or have proven themselves to be otherwise.

29 Apr 08 - 10:20 PM (#2329344)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Slag

Regardless of who finally ends up winning the primary, if they insist running against George Bush, they will lose the election. No matter how much they want to paint McCain as Bush #2 or 3 he is not THAT person. You Dems are going to finally have to concede that you lost the last two elections and deal with John McCain because that is who'll be running against your candidate. Idiocy is trying to rewrite the past. It would be a wise Democrat candidate who only mentions Bush in historical context and dumps the sour grapes and vituprative.

29 Apr 08 - 10:27 PM (#2329349)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: CarolC

Correction noted, but I view everyone as honorable (in the traditional sense of the word) unless they prove or have proven themselves to be otherwise.

Ok, I will rephrase. There are several aspects of McCain's record since retuning from Vietnam that I would characterize as being inconsistent with that of an honorable man.

29 Apr 08 - 10:34 PM (#2329354)
Subject: RE: BS: Election Idiocy
From: Bobert

Well, Slag, yer half right... Bush should only be half the story and McCain the other half...