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BS: Games you like

05 May 08 - 11:51 AM (#2333321)
Subject: BS: Games you like
From: Bee

I know some of you have visiting grandchildren (or children) who might like to play on your computer. I found this lovely set of child friendly games that run from absurdly simple point and click to quite complex and hard. They are also very pretty. I am also addicted to several of them.

Anyone else know of some exquisite time wasters?

05 May 08 - 02:13 PM (#2333416)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Azizi

Anyone else know of some exquisite time wasters?

Besides Mudcat you mean?

No, I don't, but thanks for posting information about the games found on that website.

Best wishes,


05 May 08 - 03:16 PM (#2333473)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: katlaughing

Oh jeez, Bee, those could get addictive! Bloody cats!**bg**

Morgan and i have a lot of fun over the PBS Kids. There's lots of games.

I highly recommend downloading This One for stress reduction. It's in Czech, but i think you can change the language when you download. I learned about this at least ten years ago and have had a blast with it ever since. The sound effects are great!

There are a bunch more which I have not tried out, mostly for adults, I think, at that same website.

Have fun!

05 May 08 - 03:27 PM (#2333477)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Melissa

This thread reminded me that I really ought to thank you very loudly for posting the Witch in the Well game a while back..I played it with my bunch of girls and they loved it.


05 May 08 - 04:44 PM (#2333540)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Jim Dixon

Here are some games I used to play with my son a lot when he was a kid. The first two were on CD-ROMs that came with our first computer.

Lemmings (1991)
Lemmings are critters that, if you don't stop them, will mindlessly walk off the edge of a cliff (and disappear bloodlessly). Your object is to stop them, corral them, and direct them toward a safe place, saving as many as possible within a limited time.
Click for Wikipedia article
Click for a website where you can download the program(s).

Sam & Max Hit the Road (1993)
LucasArts, which developed this program, doesn't have it for sale any more, so it seems there ought to be a web site somewhere where you can download it for free, but I can't find it. I'm a bit outside my area of expertise here, so maybe somebody else can help.

First there was SimCity, which came to be called SimCity Classic. We started with a later version, SimCity 2000, and graduated to SimCity 3000, and now I understand there are later versions which I haven't tried. Though the newest version has always been kinda pricey, I believe you can get older versions very cheap. I'd say SimCity is best for older kids, 12 & up, but I think there is a version for younger kids called SimTown.
Here's the Wikipedia article about the earliest version, and you can follow links from there to later versions.

05 May 08 - 07:24 PM (#2333661)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Slag

Chess. Go. Checkers. Dominoes. Gin Rummy. Any Rummy or Canasta games. Pinochle. Texas Hold 'em. Boggle. 20 questions. World of Warcraft. Diablo II. Halo. Yes, Sim City. I really can't list them all. It takes away from my game time!

05 May 08 - 08:01 PM (#2333686)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Bert

Here's one that has been wasting some of my time recently.

05 May 08 - 08:19 PM (#2333699)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Azizi

Oh, I thought you meant websites where visitors played games.

If you're talking about games kids play, then I liked playing jacks, and pick-up sticks, running relay races, playing hide & go seek, and games such as Red Light, Blue Light, and Mother May I. I also liked playing circle singing games, doing handclaps, and jumping rope, although I never mastered how to jump Double Dutch. Then as I got older, of all the ball games, I liked playing volley ball the best.

And if you're [also]talking about adult recreational games, I used to like the card games Bid Whist, and 500, and I used to like to play Monopoly. But now, I find myself playing Mudcat.

05 May 08 - 08:32 PM (#2333708)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Azizi

Red Light Blue Light...Um... I guess I'm just too patriotic for my own good. I meant Red Light Green Light.


05 May 08 - 08:41 PM (#2333713)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Mrrzy

Mah Jongg! The REAL game, not the solitaire... also bridge.

06 May 08 - 07:06 PM (#2334433)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Slag

Ah, you must be young Azizi! God bless you.

06 May 08 - 07:18 PM (#2334440)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: *Laura*

those games are cute!! I've just got addicted to the bugs one designed for five year olds.
Lemmings is always good. I used to play it when I was little and I found it for a fiver in HMV... only now i've got a mac it won't play :(

06 May 08 - 10:42 PM (#2334555)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Bee


Heya, Azizi, nice to see you here.

Kat, I had Stress relief on my old computer, now I can get it again, kew-el!

All good games, guys, on and off the computer!

Laura, I'm totally addicted to that one! And the little mouse that wakes up butterflies one, and the High Delivery (flowers/balloon) one, and the Cats one, and the TeaTime one with the sugar collecting mousies....

06 May 08 - 10:52 PM (#2334567)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: GUEST,Chief Chaos

There was a game called Grim Fandango which I wish they'd upadate and re-release. Unfortunately being a Lucas Arts game every succession of the Microsoft Operating Systems makes it more and more unlikely.

07 May 08 - 01:15 AM (#2334607)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: BK Lick

Well, if it's time wasters you're after, one of these might do ya.
My own favorite is Seal Bounce.

07 May 08 - 02:39 AM (#2334619)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Amergin

Sam and Max hit the road, can be found on some abandonware sites....

07 May 08 - 02:44 AM (#2334620)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: alison


both very addictive



07 May 08 - 10:05 AM (#2334870)
Subject: RE: BS: Games you like
From: Bryn Pugh


Capital Adventure


Solo Whist