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BS: The Vatican telescope

14 May 08 - 05:08 AM (#2340057)
Subject: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel

They have a sub milimeter telescope atop a mountain in Arizona.
IT costs many millions of dollars as well as the working group devoted to extraterrestrial possibilities that they have been funded since WW2. It seems that the Vatican has funded NASA more than we knew.

The reason I mention any of this is because they will be giving a conference this week regarding their findings.

I do not know whether it will include the Fatima sightings in 1910 or not. It is my understanding that England and France will be part of the conference panel. Will the US be part of this disclosure project? NASA announced that they too have an important announcement this week. I wonder what it will be. A deflection of the Vatican's, or something compliant with the European announcment?
It will be interesting if it is front page news or even something smaller.

bottom line.
The Vatican always wanted to be in the position of spinning UFO facts or fiction to thier favor. As we are all blind men describing a portion of an elephant, it will interesting to hear about thier observed portion this week.

14 May 08 - 09:44 AM (#2340223)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Rapparee

And? Various Universities, both religion-affiliated and otherwise, have telescopes. Heck, I've got one myself.

14 May 08 - 09:58 AM (#2340235)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Peace

I expect the reasoning would go along the lines of 'talk with US because we represent the planet'. Let's ya get yer dibs in first.

14 May 08 - 10:11 AM (#2340252)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Rapparee

They're already talking with me. They put messages inside my head. Eight out of ten of the them are telling me to reload.

14 May 08 - 10:28 AM (#2340267)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Stu

'talk with US because we represent the planet'

Oh shite - we're well and truly rubber ducked then . . .

14 May 08 - 10:45 AM (#2340282)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel

Everyone missed the message.

The Vatican/France & England as well as NASA have announced that they will be making an important cosmological announcment this week.

I don't know if the US announcment is related to Europe's but they did intend to create some sort of anticipation.

14 May 08 - 10:51 AM (#2340286)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: bobad

They will announce that they have been able to see right back to the big bang - the beginning of time - and just beyond that to the end of time and that they are one and the same.

14 May 08 - 10:51 AM (#2340287)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Peace

Might be something to have folks stop telling us we wear tinfoil hats. There may be a few red faces around, huh?

14 May 08 - 10:57 AM (#2340297)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel


14 May 08 - 11:11 AM (#2340304)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel

The buzz is that it involves the solar system and something very old.
beyond that I don't know.

14 May 08 - 11:15 AM (#2340308)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Stu

Perhaps they've discovered something beyond Uranus.

14 May 08 - 11:15 AM (#2340309)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Amos

They finally found one of the original Diaspora Cosmica seedling and cout ships that brought the spore of humanity to this isolated intergalactic leper colony!!

What a relief. Finally, van Daniken will be able to come out of hiding.


14 May 08 - 11:16 AM (#2340314)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Wesley S

You can have my tin foil hat when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.....

14 May 08 - 11:31 AM (#2340337)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel


In my case that would involve hydrogen di sulfide.

this is some unexpectedly funny stuff.

hmmm.... I KNOW

They found heaven.

It is an enormous resort ship that has mile wide shuttle craft coming and going from several way points. It is capable of journeying far from our solar system is is currently making a close pass.
The cost of heaven's operation has been financed by the ancient Egyptians in gold and other commodities and later in history by the Vatican and the United States.
Entry does in fact have something akin to the Pearly Gates but the admission fee is not related to sin.
If you have to ask how much, you can't afford it.

14 May 08 - 11:38 AM (#2340347)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Beer

Yes, great to hear that all these learned folks are going to share with the common man their story. Hope I can understand what the heck they will be saying. Now if it is to tell us there is another planet with life on it great I'll understand that. If it's to tell us that they found another planet or the big bang theory is solved. How nice.
Beer (adrien)

14 May 08 - 11:38 AM (#2340351)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Goose Gander

Donuel -

The Vatican, UFOs, secret affiliations between power groups of the world . . . can the Bavarian Illuminati be far behind?

14 May 08 - 11:43 AM (#2340357)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: GUEST,Q as guest

But do they have the secret of the perfect bratwurst?

14 May 08 - 11:46 AM (#2340361)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel

There is a point where even I can not swallow the kool aid.

Far too often the most outrageous theories are made by people who have a narrow point of view about their favorite interest or affiliation and make absurd connections to back up their pet cause.

Cynically I think I will be as disappointed with the cosmic announcment as I was after the announcment of the Segway.

On the other hand if proof of ancient off Earth civilizations are proven I expect to hear alot of bible thumpers quoting the bible screaming I TOLD YOU SO... "Jesus said my father's mansion has many rooms"

14 May 08 - 12:05 PM (#2340383)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: frogprince

If their ar living things on other planuts, they cant be peepel. A very learnt fundumentlist deakon prooved that too me yeers ago. He said that the Bibel says, "The ERTH is given to the childrun of men". That prooves that their aren't eny childrun of men anyware else!!

14 May 08 - 12:11 PM (#2340387)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel

Maybe they will announce that we have struck a deal with the Galorcto-bamians from Alpha Centauri.
They will reverse our global warming in exchange for a dozen Wright Whales and all the women of Manchester.


The Planet Jupiter can provide all our gas needs for the next 1,000 years.


They would like to have George W Bush for their zoo

14 May 08 - 12:13 PM (#2340391)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Amos

May 13, 2008, 4:57 pm
Encouragement to Those Believing in Aliens
By Mike Nizza

"Feeling shy about believing in aliens? Don't worry, you are in good company this week — with scientific and religious minds alike.
On Monday, Mike Foreman, a mission specialist during the recent Shuttle Endeavor voyage, expressed confidence in the notion, saying "it's hard to believe that there is not life somewhere else in this great universe."
A day later, the Vatican sent another green light in the church's official newspaper. "How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere?" Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the head of the Vatican Observatory, asked in an interview titled "the extraterrestrial is my brother."

Mars. (Photo: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems)He went on to say that extraterrestrial life was consistent with the Catholic faith. "Just as we consider earthly creatures as 'a brother,' and 'sister,'" he said, "why should we not talk about an 'extraterrestrial brother'? It would still be part of creation."
The idea, however, is far from a new one for the church. Back in 1996, a Times article on the subject noted that "biblical creationists have been touting the existence of aliens for years." Further, "Mars itself has featured prominently in their scenarios," Margaret Wertheim, the writer, explained."

14 May 08 - 12:17 PM (#2340397)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Amos

The Vatican's extraterrestrial endorsement

What happened
The Vatican's top astronomer, Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, said the Roman Catholic faith was not incompatible with believing in extraterrestrial life. "How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere?" said Funes, the head of the Vatican Observatory, in an interview with the official newspaper L'Osservatore Romano. "Just as we consider earthly creatures as 'a brother,' and 'sister,' why should we not talk about an 'extraterrestrial brother'?" He said that ruling out extraterrestrial life would amount to "putting limits" on God's creative powers, and emphasized Pope Benedict XVI's assertion that faith and reason are not contradictory. (AP in Yahoo! News)

What the commentators said
At the risk of getting "all atheisty," said Allahpundit in the blog Hot Air, don't Funes' statements "raise certain uncomfortably absurd theological questions for the Church"? If God created aliens, you could reasonably ask why Christ "was created in our image instead of theirs," or "whether Christ's death also redeemed the Martians." The Catholic Church doesn't "get to sketch out an entire complex metaphysical system for the world and then just shoehorn the rest of the universe in by saying, 'Oh yeah, them too.'"

Somehow every "speculative discussion" about God and aliens raises that similar "inevitable question," said PJ Miller in her Sola Dei Gloria blog: "Are they sinners also in need of Jesus?" And Funes actually gives an answer of sorts: sure, why not?

If there are any aliens out there living "sinless" in "a garden-of-Eden type setting," said Brian Lardner in his Primordial Blog, we should hope "those ones don't invade." They would probably be "boring and self-righteous." Setting aside the question of sharing Hell "with Klingons," though, tackling the "burning theological issue of whether the atoning death of Christ actually covers space aliens" puts the Vatican newspaper at risk of being confused with "a spoof site like The Onion."


14 May 08 - 12:23 PM (#2340402)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel

Leave it to Amos to find and chronical the source of what was only a rumor to me.

Is this the announcment? I understand that NASA was going to offer up a special picture.

14 May 08 - 12:30 PM (#2340411)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel

aw crap

as usual it is just oil to grease the social and religious gears for some time in the future.

14 May 08 - 01:31 PM (#2340457)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: 3refs

Last night I listened to a radio program that comes out of the States call Coast to Coast and is hosted by George Noory. Much of what is discussed on this program would leave most of you shaking your heads in utter disbelief, but I'll guess not all of you!
The U.K., France and other major players have all decided to disclose information about E.T's and U.F.O's.
With regards to Jesus, they(Vatican)explained that he was unique to earth and humanity because E.T's are without "original sin" and had no need for Christ. It is speculated that they may also re-evaluated the Fatima and three sister story.

14 May 08 - 01:38 PM (#2340467)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: bobad

I'm sure the ET's are overjoyed to hear that the Vatican has pronounced them free from original sin.

14 May 08 - 01:39 PM (#2340468)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel

I hope I get to meet the Galacto-bamians.

14 May 08 - 03:01 PM (#2340540)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Rapparee

Aw, dang it, I thought maybe they'd found the ship that left the garbage on Earth from which life here evolved. Shucks.

14 May 08 - 03:08 PM (#2340547)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Amos

British UFO FIles Released

14 May 08 - 04:38 PM (#2340628)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Donuel


Rapaire there is an animated Itlaian movie called somthing like Fantasia II in which aliens leave behind a coke bottle and the bacteria in the bottle eventually evolve into beings that travel to another planet and leaves behind another coke bottle.

14 May 08 - 05:02 PM (#2340646)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Joe Offer

I'm afraid the anti-Catholic detractors will be sadly disappointed. My guess is that the announcement will be boringly rational, as is the Vatican's failure to deny the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
-Joe Offer-

14 May 08 - 05:30 PM (#2340669)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Bill D

Funny how the 'secret' files resemble the NOT-so-secret stories we have heard for years.

   I'm ready...send 'em 'em on MY lawn. I'll be glad to see one. I'd even gape admiringly at pics of 'em on YOUR lawn. But 'more' **stories** of what some folks have seen don't move me much. If we have 'interesting stories' for another 500 years, and still no hard evidence that NO ONE can doubt, what is the point?

(Hey, aliens...if you do pick my lawn, be careful of the Azeleas!)

15 May 08 - 04:13 AM (#2340972)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: CarolC

Perhaps they've discovered something beyond Uranus.

Maybe it's Klingons.


15 May 08 - 06:41 AM (#2341026)
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican telescope
From: Rapparee

I think that CS Lewis dealt with the original sin thing in his novel "Perlandia."