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BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges

07 Jun 08 - 08:54 AM (#2360022)
Subject: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning
From: GUEST,Eye Lander

I have recently found 2 items on my Bank statement that are fraudulent. The first one was for a Tesco Mobile Phone Top Up £30. I phoned the bank and was told to destroy my card which I duly did. Today I received a form from the bank asking if there had been any other transactions, checked on line and sure enough there was another. This was from Vue BSL Ltd £6.60, a name I didn't recognise. I typed the name into google and up came several forums of people saying the same as me. The amounts are fairly small but there is a lot of it going on.

Just thought I share this with you all.



10 Jun 08 - 04:34 AM (#2362109)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: Jack Campin

So somebody's using your card to buy cinema tickets. That doesn't suggest VUE BSL is engaged in fraud - rather the opposite, they're going to be out of pocket when you report it to the credit card company.

10 Jun 08 - 09:55 AM (#2362255)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,LTS not pretending to work

Vue BSL is not a Ltd company in the UK.... check Companies House UK for lack of info. They're certainly not registered for Corporation Tax here.

Anything coming up with Vue BSL Ltd is going to be a fraudulent entry.


10 Jun 08 - 06:13 PM (#2362674)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: Liz the Squeak

OK, so Vue Booking Services Limited is registered as a company, but to my knowledge they don't create entries that basically read 'Vue Booking Services Limited Limited' which is what Vue BSL Ltd is. Be very very wary about that entry.


30 Jun 08 - 05:55 AM (#2377196)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,colin

found a transaction on my statement today regarding vue bsl ltd they have charged me 12.75 which is a fraudlent once again

07 Jul 08 - 10:36 AM (#2382982)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,me

found a transaction on my account to vue bsl ltd for £112.40 who r these people

08 Jul 08 - 01:23 AM (#2383501)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charge
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Sounds like a widespread class action

04 Aug 08 - 01:00 PM (#2404973)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Audrey Caddy

Today have rec'd my credit card bill and on it there appears a small amount of £5.30 out to Vue BSL Ltd. I decided it was NOT something I had transacted and on searching found your comments. Can these people by reported to Trading Standards? I have cancelled my card.

04 Aug 08 - 01:47 PM (#2405018)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Reported in UK since April.

07 Aug 08 - 05:02 PM (#2407889)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges

Just had a VERY large amount stolen from my account. Phoned the bank, they cancelled the card and tell me the next activity to go out the account tonight is... you guessed it VUE BSL Ltd. After some initial research on the internet VUE seems to having tons of fraudulent activity going through it. I read that the fraudsters take relatively small amounts to check the card is still active, before going for larger drawings. They also get the benefit of going to see the new Batman film, because VUE is a chain of cinemas.

I can only echo the comments here, CHECK STATEMENTS REGULARLY.
    Please note that anonymous posting is no longer allowed at Mudcat. Use a consistent name [in the 'from' box] when you post, or your messages risk being deleted.
    -Joe Offer-

10 Aug 08 - 04:15 PM (#2410019)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Mike Richards

I have just had a charge from Vue BSL Ltd. As with everone else it is nothing to do with me, My C.C company are putting their fraud team onto the case

14 Aug 08 - 12:21 PM (#2413652)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges


15 Aug 08 - 03:29 PM (#2414853)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,patricia

I found out today that I have been charged £13.50 to Vue BSL for cinema tickets. We never go to the cinema. Also Tesco top up for mobile phone of £30 and other transactions, amounting in all to approx £700. My CC Company rang me today to tell me because one attempted purchase was made for £500 and the three digit security code was not submitted, which is how the Bank noticed it, and have refunded without delay. I think this 3 digit code should be required on ALL internet payments as it obviously works. This is the second time I have had to change my card number in less than 12 months for the same reason and I am seriously considering phoning in the number for purchases, rather than putting them on the PC.

15 Aug 08 - 04:58 PM (#2414935)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charge
From: Mr Red

My Boss had an entry we could not resolve.

which amounted to 25 GBP plus VAT

I am going to my on-line statement right this minute.

Mind you, I rarely buy on-line and I know where i spend, mostly petrol and groceries.

15 Aug 08 - 05:03 PM (#2414941)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charge
From: Mr Red

all clear (as it were) in rouge towers.

15 Aug 08 - 06:33 PM (#2415004)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: Liz the Squeak

Another check on the Companies House UK Website shows nothing immediately identifiable as Ideal Ind Ltd, although a company called Ideal Independent Ltd was dissolved 13th Aug 2008.... They'd been around for a while though, and were dormant in their last years, so it's doubtful that it's them. If I remember, I'll check on the work site when I'm in on Monday.

Many - if not most major online shopping outlets require the 3 digit code from your card as standard. I have a different account that I use exclusively for online shopping. That way, if I get stung, it isn't so bad and none of my working account details are passed on.


15 Aug 08 - 07:23 PM (#2415043)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charge
From: Mr Red

There is an Ideal Industries that sell stuff we might buy at work, with a UK (Ltd) branch, but it doesn't tally with out records. If anyone was going to fraud they would pick names that fit in a lot of areas. I would have thought the credit card company has to reveal the full address if challenged. I changed to an ethical company when the MBNA took over my company and decided to phone me, selling. Their answers were not strident but totally unrepentant, when they addressed the questions at all.

19 Aug 08 - 04:49 AM (#2417542)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

Oh how nice it must be to not bother about companies taking money from people for no reason... I too had a lovely time the last time I went to the pictures, but that's because I paid cash for my ticket and knew that my account hadn't been plundered for my hard earned wages.

I've checked the other company. Ideal Ind. Ltd is not registered for Corporation tax in the UK. There is, as shown above, 'Ideal Industries UK Ltd', they are a Wholesale distributers.


19 Aug 08 - 10:53 AM (#2417743)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: Liz the Squeak

OK, the first bit of my last post refers to a missing message so ignore it folks!

(Incidentally it was 'The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor' which has been slated by the critics and the lady playing Evie isn't a patch on Rachel Weis, but if all you want is mummy on mummy action and a bare-chested Brendan Fraser (who is ageing really, REALLY well) then it's the right film for you).


27 Aug 08 - 04:49 PM (#2423674)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Mr White

Yep, me too, £5.20 for vue bsl ltd. The bank spotted this and rang me, so they are obviously aware that something dodgy is going on. All I can say is check your statements on a regular basis.

29 Aug 08 - 05:15 PM (#2425830)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,jc

Me too. Found three on my account during August for a total of £15. This on a crd that is hardly ever used. How on earth they got the issue number I have no idea. Anyway I've had to cancel the card as I had provided the security number to Easyjet when I made a booking late July.   Swines!!!

02 Sep 08 - 06:46 PM (#2429273)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,John Boy

i too am a victim of this ongoing sham.

I have an Australian credit card that has a VUE BSL transactions, along with some shoes bought online from a site called

Lucky I checked my statement this week, they could of had me for 20k.

BSL = Bull Shit License

10 Sep 08 - 10:40 AM (#2436233)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Pixxed off bloke

Me too! I also used Easyjet a couple of months before. Is this a coincinence??

10 Sep 08 - 12:57 PM (#2436376)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: Mr Red

But it may not be Easyjet, more likely an employee or someone planting a bug in their offices.

Was it on-line or phoned? bit of a clue there if it was phoned.

24 Sep 08 - 05:59 AM (#2448789)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Grumpy

Have just read your comments and they so relate to my siuation. 2 x £2.10 entries for Vue BSL Ltd, followed by a £30 O2 topup, then hit with a larger £246.86 Morecomputers. Have used this card for both Easyjet and Cloggs this year! Have now stopped cards!

24 Sep 08 - 08:34 AM (#2448874)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,redhorse at work

We got caught similarly: Phone top-up, pizza, cinema and then they got greedy (£200 sunglasses)and the bank stopped payment.
My personal opinion is that this is result of a crooked employee who takes a copy of a legitimate phoned-in credit transaction. Provides enough information to make a purchase as long as it's something that doesn't have to be delivered to the cardholder's house.

03 Oct 08 - 05:30 PM (#2456718)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,vee-dee

Me too 1x vue bsl ltd exeter then 5 more to Amazon total 96.24
don't shop at Amazon but more importantly have not used this
credit card for nearly a year so it seems it's a large scale fraud   
not just the odd employee here and there.

14 Oct 08 - 07:45 AM (#2465145)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges

Vue BSL Ltd Carlisle charged me £5.20 this month. My bank have investigated it - even they can't find what the charge is for. Cancelled my card and in future i'll be more wary about where I use the new one, and what's on my bank statements.

According to my bank, the amount is too small to look in to the charge further. This thread is the only reference to these charges I can find on the internet - maybe someone should start investigating it. I'm going to inform my bank, who are refunding the fraudulant charges.

14 Oct 08 - 08:52 AM (#2465191)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: sapper82

As this is still going on, I've e-mailed the URL of this thread to the BBC R4 programme You and Yours as they are doing a lot regarding ID fraud at the moment.
Might be worth others who have been affected getting in touch with them too.

15 Oct 08 - 05:34 AM (#2466070)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: sapper82

OK, just had phone call from a You and Yours researcher and they are interested in anyone who has been a victim of this scam getting in touch.
They are going to put their own guest posting on here, it is not a scam, but a respected R4 programme and they will be worth getting in touch with.

30 Oct 08 - 05:55 AM (#2479713)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Mike F

What is going on, Yesterday 29/10 I noticed that someone had used
my Debit card to purchase goods from Tesco by Phone to the value
of £86.56, (bank informed me of this) now Vue BSL Ltd have taken
£5.35 out of my account, Who the hell are they.
Card has been stopped, but this was in the system. Banks tell us   
their systems are secure, I don't think so.

30 Oct 08 - 08:43 AM (#2479808)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges

2 days ago £16.90 to Vue bSL Ltd, followed a day later by £1000+ in Italy.

30 Oct 08 - 11:05 AM (#2479933)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: Donuel

Wow this sounds like they are making off with millions of pounds.
Extrpolate from this small population of people here who have discovered that they have been defrauded, and the total number must be huge.

01 Dec 08 - 04:36 AM (#2504658)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges

We too have had these theives taking money from our account.

they have bought 4 lots of high street vouchers at 44.50, pizzas, republic?, and lots of vue BSL ltd!! it totalled about £700.00

do these people not have a concience? (silly question, i know!!) we are 3 weeks away from christmas, i suppose that is why they are doing it, maybe if they worked harder at legal work they would do ok for them selves!

12 Dec 08 - 10:26 AM (#2513522)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charge

Wow, I am amazed by this site. I'm in Chicago and I just woke up to a phone call from my bank reporting over $5,000.00 in charges all within the span of an hour. I'm a bit confused as to how these perpetrators would be able to charge anything to a cinema at 6:43 a.m. Obviously not, I'm assuming they are using the cinema's technology in order to attain funding. Whatever the case may be, I'm a bit flustered and feel absolutely invaded. These people will get caught, they just took the wrong persons info. I give them exactly 3 days, 3 hours and 3 seconds for their game to be over!!!

18 Dec 08 - 01:22 PM (#2519061)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,julie

i received a phone call from my credit card company asking me if i had used it on that day(02/12) for t-mobile top up for two amounts of £2.00 and also a previous amount the day before of £6.50 from Vue BSL Ltd fortunatley the card company have cancelled my cards.

15 Jan 09 - 07:34 AM (#2540096)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Norfolkjim

I too have just been caught by VUE BSL but not for a small amount like everyone esle - mine was for £91.50. Prior to that it was the O2 £30 top up and then 4 tries of 1p! Then they went for a larger one which to me seemed really stupid - for £156 but having spoken with them they were able to identify when it took place and what for - stupid lot it was for a service and MOT so reg number of car would be needed and you wouldn't have it on a stolen car would you. My card was my bus debit card and LloydsTSB were excellent and money and charges refunded in 2 days and asked if i'd be happy to attend court if needs be - answer was oh yes! like others mine wasn't PIN authorised and only place i can think of was actually Ryan Air earlier in year.

04 Mar 09 - 08:58 AM (#2581004)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Marty

I'm an American, and I haven't used my card in the UK since September, but suddenly in early February I got hit with a bunch of fraudulent charges in the London area. Two VUE BSL charges for £16.70 & £16.65, a rather large £257 at "Altindis Supermarket", five charges ranging from £5.50 to £87 at "Cost Cutter", and even a McDonalds restaurant charge. Everything but the Altindis charge were on a single day. Seems my thief eats like a horse. The total was a little over £500.

04 Mar 09 - 11:54 AM (#2581125)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: sapper82

Could I refer people to my earlier postings regarding the BBC R4 Consumer Protection programme "You and Yours?"

If you are being hit by this scam please get in touch with them via their website.

You and Yours

11 Mar 09 - 11:56 AM (#2586411)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,scammed1

I also have to report being a victim of this scam. Whoever they may be obtained enough personal details to reset a password I had set up on my cards secure code system - the form you are asked to sometimes further submit so called security details after making a purchase online which then enabled them to use my card. This is how they were able to then use my card. I reckon these details were somehow passed onto/sold to them by a purchase I had knowingly made online previously (maybe a dodgy website). I am not impressed the password can be reset with so much ease however especially given this is meant to be an added layer of security. Luckily the Bank and I picked it up within hours as I was checking my statement and the charges and the card cancelled. Be wary of entries made by Sports World international as well. All mine were for 100GBP plus.

17 Mar 09 - 02:21 PM (#2591203)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Eileen


Today i checked my bank account and had £22.50 deducted from VUE BSL Ltd so i telephoned my bank the confirmed that this was for cinima tickets. I informed them i had not been to the cinima for months and they informed me the transaction was actually made in November and that was VUE just collecting the payment now. I did go to the cinima around november so checked back my bank statments and the amount had never came of my account at the time. I dont know if this has the case with anyone else.

24 Mar 09 - 11:15 AM (#2596150)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,James

I have just had a similar experience to Eileen. Only problem is I cancelled my card already because I googled Vue BSL Ltd, saw all the comments about fraud and I had not been to the cinema since November.

The division of my bank (Lloyds TSB) that could have told me the truth was closed until the morning which is why I cancelled my card before finding out.

Oh well, better than actual card theft (which has happened to me in the past).

**BUT** does anyone else think this a really odd coincidence? I mean that a company that gets fraudulent payments put through in its name a lot also does something as irregular as not processing a load of transactions for 4 months... Seems a bit suspect to me.

25 Mar 09 - 04:23 AM (#2596743)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,LTS actually working!

I can't do blickies at work (don't ask why, it is blocked for some reason...) but Companies House has Sport World International as a non-trading company. Not only is any payment to them highly suspicious, it's also bringing them into a whole world of tax liability.


12 May 09 - 11:29 AM (#2629949)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,kailryu

I spotted £16.70 as having been paid yesterday on 11th May 2009 to Vue BSL Ltd Sheppards Bush [wtf?] and knew it was wrong as i haven't left the house in three days plus the spelling was ridiculously wrong.

I spoke to my bank who took far too long to tell me that the payment was actually from 11th April when i did go to the Vue Shepherds Bush.

i called them to ask why the big delay in charging the transaction and they said they'd had problems with their system at that time when i went to the cinema.

I'm still not satisfied - doesn't explain why they can't spell competently and will be keeping a beady eye on my account over the next few weeks to make sure nothing else goes awry.

13 May 09 - 03:12 PM (#2631061)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Guest Ralsy

i have got it too a little bill for £12.90, bunch of W@nkers!

13 May 09 - 06:15 PM (#2631159)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Ali G

I just checked my online banking and I got £23! I'm really scared because I'm very carful online and only use paypal. I always shred my bank statements and ANY letters with my name on them.

I'm calling my bank right now @ 11:15PM

13 May 09 - 07:10 PM (#2631197)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Ali G

The thing is I went to VUE cinemas A MONTH AGO! but it surely wouldn't have taken this long to take the money out?
The bank gave me a number to ring in the morning.

14 May 09 - 03:44 PM (#2631934)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Cookie

Just checked my account and found a transaction from Vue Bsl Ltd, no idea what it was and checked google to find out and there we go fradulent. Havent used my card in ages, how on earth can these people get your details and charge things to your account. Wasn't alot, £9.30 which I thought was weird but if they are doing it to everyone they are making loads from people. Hopefully something will be done to stop this!

17 May 09 - 11:43 AM (#2633910)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges

I checked my bank statement today & found a charge from Vue BSL ltd for £6.50 following 11 charges for I-TUNES GBP for the total of £103.02. Never downloaded any I-Tunes.
Also I had 2 x £50 charges from W.H. Does anyone know what is it for?
Rang my bank & cxl my card quickly. Hope this will never happen again. Banks should take more action / security to secure peoples money. I am vary carefull with my credit / debit cards. Still can not believe this happened to me.
Please, check your statements regularly!!!


19 May 09 - 11:08 AM (#2635733)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Hampshire

Three transactions on my statement, 72.10£ on Saturday..51.50£ and 41.20£ today from Vue BSL ltd. Card has been stopped.

15 Jun 09 - 12:00 PM (#2656974)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Joanna from Chile

I visited London between May 17th and May 26th and I have 2 charges made to my credit card on Jun 10th (when I was already back on my country) of US$ 22,89. I can't believe that no one knows which company is this, when is apparently related to some many fraudulent charges. Of course I canceled my card.

02 Nov 09 - 10:44 AM (#2757929)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Mandy

I have just noticed a charge from VUE BSL LTD for £15.50. ALthough i did attend a VUE cinema about 3 weeks ago i rang my bank and explained for them 2 say that it was from the exact date i was there! And that VUE take a while for the transaction 2 b authorised!This did put my mind at rest for the minute but having seen all these comments on here i am now woried more things will come out of my bank! My bank said everything is fine but i dont have much confidence in them in the 1st place!

12 Nov 09 - 10:22 AM (#2764774)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,sally

well it does appear to be going on as had the same thing happen to me on the 8th oct, then they dont start using your account till a few weeks later!! so even if you have been to the cinema ( which i hadnt) keep an eye on your account, they normally try and use your cloned card again to top up a phone, mine was used to top up o2, then they normally try a bigger payment for something!! i hear the cloning of cards is happening at petro stations, so be on your guard.

14 Nov 09 - 03:44 PM (#2766097)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Helen, cookieless

Hi all,

Recently there were some articles on Australian news about ATM card skimming, and a major international operation was intercepted within the last month or so when card skimming devices were found by Australian Customs, being imported into the country.

Did any of you use the ATM machine on the same day that you were at the cinema? Or can you link use of an ATM machine to the fraudulent transactions?

Here is a link to recent Australian ABC news items about ATM card skimming.

If you are using an ATM be careful to check whether the machine, specifically the slot where you put your card, appears to have been tampered with, but then again, the thieves would be clever enough to make it look like a normal ATM slot.


14 Nov 09 - 04:23 PM (#2766113)
Subject: RE: BS: Vue BSL Ltd - Warning - fraudulent charges
From: GUEST,Helen, cookieless

Hi again,

I was just Googling to see if I could find out what the ATM card skimming devices look like. A major Australian bank has a .pdf file on it. It appears to be aimed at the bank employees, because the last part is about checking for skimming devices during the day, but very useful for consumers as well.

A document showing how to recognise ATM skimmer devices
