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BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough

20 Jun 08 - 09:15 AM (#2370648)
Subject: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough

20 Jun 08 - 09:17 AM (#2370651)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Ebbie


20 Jun 08 - 09:34 AM (#2370662)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Amos

Our society certainly has a keen sense of relative importance.


20 Jun 08 - 09:50 AM (#2370678)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Wesley S

That's creepy. "Don't cremate the whole body. Just enought to make about a two carat ring. Then we can bury the rest"

20 Jun 08 - 10:25 AM (#2370702)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: lady penelope

This is a fairly old idea, although the carbon reclaimation rates seemed to have been vastly improved since the last time I looked at this.

Mostly I'm amazed people spend the money on it....

20 Jun 08 - 11:19 AM (#2370755)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: katlaughing

Do they use the whole body? All I could find was "DNA from a lock of hair" and that it was now available for those who want to be cremated or buried. I don't think they use the whole body and those prices are really steep for manufactured diamonds, imo!

20 Jun 08 - 11:22 AM (#2370760)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Peace

"I've lost mother!"

20 Jun 08 - 11:28 AM (#2370769)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough

You're a rock!

20 Jun 08 - 11:29 AM (#2370770)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: katlaughing

I can just see a *scenario* of one spouse doing in the other so they can get that new diamond ring they've been wanting!**BG** (maniacal laughter...No more cheating. Now he'll always be with ME!

20 Jun 08 - 11:31 AM (#2370774)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Micca

"I'd like to give you this engagement ring, it was my mother...."

20 Jun 08 - 11:33 AM (#2370778)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Peace

"Everybody must get stoned."

20 Jun 08 - 11:38 AM (#2370783)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Houston_Diamond

That's what my gf said she wants to do with me. They can only use the carbon present in the ashes after cremation or (if not cremated)in a load of hair.

Sound like a nice idea though despite being expensive.

20 Jun 08 - 12:02 PM (#2370806)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough

Diamonds are a girl's best friend...

20 Jun 08 - 12:22 PM (#2370826)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Houston_Diamond

Yeah, girls keep telling me ;)


20 Jun 08 - 12:25 PM (#2370831)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Ebbie


20 Jun 08 - 01:54 PM (#2370893)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: gnu

If it was made from a penis, would it be hard as a... rock?

20 Jun 08 - 02:52 PM (#2370937)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Wesley S

Not at our age.

20 Jun 08 - 02:56 PM (#2370939)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Peace

Soft rock, maybe . . . .

20 Jun 08 - 03:01 PM (#2370943)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough

ore like Rock of Ages

20 Jun 08 - 03:28 PM (#2370957)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Peace

Well, next time I get it up I'm gonna have it bronzed.

20 Jun 08 - 03:55 PM (#2370978)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: RangerSteve

Is it Judgement Day when everyone is supposed to rise from their graves? This could be really inconvenient for a woman wearing her husband on her hand or dangling from a necklace.

But it would be good for a few laughs.

20 Jun 08 - 04:51 PM (#2371003)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: frogprince

If I were to hit the lottery for 300 million or so, I might get the notion of saving up some clipped hair from my live snugglebuddy and having it done.

20 Jun 08 - 05:13 PM (#2371017)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Slag

Oh? Your Mother? She certainly has a familiar ring.

Speaking of hardening you carbon footprint, did you know that the average person in a sevety-five year life time expends enough enegry to lift a Saturn IV rocket six miles straight up?! That's a lot of energy and CO2.

20 Jun 08 - 05:18 PM (#2371023)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: gnu

I can manage that some mornings after.

20 Jun 08 - 05:20 PM (#2371026)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Bobert

Let me see if I got this right... Back in high school one of my teachers told us the stuff found in the avrege body was worth about a buck... How much is one of these real "fake" diamonds worth??? Fifty bucks??? A hunert??? Like how much??? And how much does it cost to get yerself diamondized???

Nevermind, I'll put the Wes Ginny Slide Rule on this one 'cause this calls for real deep thinkin'...


20 Jun 08 - 06:29 PM (#2371069)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Melissa

We had a flyer for these things at the funeral home a couple years ago. I still haven't decided whether I'm fascinated or a little bit freaked out by the idea.

We get peculiar product information sometimes..

20 Jun 08 - 06:47 PM (#2371085)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Peace

If that were done to the remains of Bob Hope, what would it be called?

20 Jun 08 - 06:49 PM (#2371088)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Amos

The Bob Stone?


20 Jun 08 - 07:24 PM (#2371112)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Slag

A stone worth a bob?

Speaking of Bob, Bobert (name Bert and suffix -bert on a name means "bright and shining", you know, kinda like a diamond), Bobert! It ain't the stuff so much that gives it worth. It's how it's arranged! A Barbecue biscuit (brickette) or a graphite pencil has a lot more carbon than your average diamond. It's just not put together the same way.

20 Jun 08 - 08:52 PM (#2371163)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Bobert

Yeah, okay, Slagster... If you gotta a few diamonds sittin' 'round collectin' dust I'd be more than happy to trade a few of my #2 leaded pencils with ya'... Might even let you come an' clean my BBQ grill 'cause it's got lotta goo-ey carbon in the bottom of it just waiting to be liberated... Whaddayathink???

"Bright 'n Shining" Bobert

20 Jun 08 - 10:49 PM (#2371188)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Janie

Were you researching ways to dispose of a body, Sins? Is that what led you to the website?

20 Jun 08 - 11:01 PM (#2371195)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Peace

Put it in the mail with no return address.

21 Jun 08 - 12:05 AM (#2371207)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Janie

Now there is a man who has thought things through.

21 Jun 08 - 02:31 AM (#2371248)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Liz the Squeak

And I thought this was Houston on a golf course....

Think about it.


21 Jun 08 - 08:20 AM (#2371340)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: lady penelope


21 Jun 08 - 10:25 AM (#2371410)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Houston_Diamond

There are other "in the rough" places ;)

:o or :$ even!!! lol

Oh dear, 70's and 80's British TV has made my mind difficult to leave the gutter! lol

21 Jun 08 - 11:23 AM (#2371428)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: George Papavgeris

The sun could then clearly shine out of their arse... wherever that might be.

21 Jun 08 - 02:30 PM (#2371526)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Peace

"Put it in the mail with no return address."

Of course, it might cost you an arm and a leg to post it . . . .

21 Jun 08 - 07:17 PM (#2371662)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough

I found it on line while searching for fake diamonds. Forget why I was searching for fake diamonds.
I can't believe that this really turned up in a funeral home - pretty offensive. A vet's office, maybe.

21 Jun 08 - 09:04 PM (#2371685)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Slag

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, carbon to diamonds. I see nothing offenisive in this. If Grampa can sit in the urn on the mantle why can't Grandma sit in a diamond on one's finger? It's just different and your not used to it.

22 Jun 08 - 10:19 AM (#2371863)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Liz the Squeak

What if you don't like diamonds (not the human named ones Houston!) ?

I've always preferred sapphires.


22 Jun 08 - 10:32 AM (#2371875)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Houston_Diamond

Liz, you can get them made as a blue, white, red or yellow diamond, the blue one looks a bit like a sapphire except stronger.

Thinking about it... if your partner was really lazy in life you could get them set as a glass cutter or the tip of a drill in their after life and then at least they'd be doing work for once ;)


22 Jun 08 - 10:47 AM (#2371880)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Liz the Squeak

No comment. . .


22 Jun 08 - 12:18 PM (#2371909)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: frogprince

I'm thinking "Rocky, the final chapter"...

22 Jun 08 - 04:39 PM (#2372079)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: John Hardly


22 Jun 08 - 07:58 PM (#2372185)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough

Wonder how you can know for sure that the cremulet or diamond are actually your loved one?

22 Jun 08 - 09:21 PM (#2372220)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: Peace

Just look. Is your memory so SHORT? My Gawd, SINSULL.

23 Jun 08 - 05:25 AM (#2372346)
Subject: RE: BS: We Are All Diamonds in the Rough
From: mouldy

Speaking as one whose late spouse suggested a piece of coal for an engagement ring.... said it was all carbon anyway....

I haven't got all his ashes now, but I find the thought of his big toe trying to catch up from the bit of Indian Ocean a small amount got put in earlier this year quite amusing. Not to mention the various other places he has been left. (My son Alex, in New Zealand would love to get him into the upper atmosphere by lobbing some into an active volcano - well he did say he never wanted to stop travelling). As it happens, a small amount of him went into the sea on the north side of the Cook Strait last month. here is plenty more left there, so he may end up exploring the Pacific.

Back to the point - anyone who has met me knows my fondness for the sparkly things in life. As it happens, when my husband (who couldn't see the point of getting excited about minerals stuck to bits of metal - bloody mining engineers) got himself blown up in a coal mine, I went and paid off on the layby I had at a local jewellers for some briolette cut diamond earrings - and wore them to his funeral. I had been asking him for years that he buy me diamond earrings.

It would be some sort of irony if I turned him into jewellery. The trouble is, there wouldn't be enough of him to make a decent stone now, so I guess we will just have to carry on and keep him travelling - which we think is what he would like! ;-)
