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BS: What are your 4th July plans?

02 Jul 08 - 09:58 AM (#2379059)
Subject: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: GUEST,guest

Grilling on the patio and music! Friends and family! Yippee!

02 Jul 08 - 10:15 AM (#2379079)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: catspaw49

I dunno' but I'm sure that this little village where I live will never see any 4th of July to match the, uh, .......hmmmm......let's say "extravaganza" when we tried to reclaim khandu from his Joe Offer brown nosing and things went sadly and tragically awry.......Here's the way I told it then, when it went down as many will remember..........

Well it's over.......The first, and I hope last, Super Mind Altering and Semi-Patriotic Fireworks and Flaming Asshole Gala. I don't know why or how this stuff starts but anytime I use Cletus for anything, the one sure thing is that I'll end up with a long list of people wanting money from me. It started off so well............

The plan was simple. All we wanted to do was bring khandu back to his senses and knowing that a good cross burning might do the job, we started there. I mean hell, he's Mississippi boy and cross burning is a genetic trait. He had become a slave and a brown noser to, of all people, Joe Offer. Something had to be done. Somehow we got carried away. Tweed acquired through Bobertz, some Patty Poopchute and Harry Hardtool anatomically correct party dolls and we thought we might possibly use them as well. It's my fault though.....Has anything ever gone right when Cletus, Paw, Buford, and the Reg boys are involved?

Paw went down to the lumber yard and liberated some skids and the Reg boys ripped them apart. The plan was to make 143 crosses with the skid wood and duct tape. Buford got involved and said the first one didn't look right to him. Why in the hell anything would look right to Buford is beyond me as the boy is always tanked up on Iron City and when he's not burping, he's whizzing on Mrs. Clanahan's peonies. But Paw agreed with him and they headed off to find a cross for a model. They ended up going to the Church of Evangelical Hollering and Tongue Talking Mohunkers where the good folks were happy to oblige. Of course the Rollers misunderstood the reasons here and, this being Good Friday and all, thought the crosses were being made for a religious ceremony and Paw told them to come by at 8 PM, or a little before so as to get a good seat. I wish he had told me........
About 3 PM the crosses were finished and the Boys started taking things up to the little picnic grove on 664 adjoining Ol' Man Rafferty's place. For all his faults, Rafferty is a religious old coot and was excited to see the crosses being erected on Good Friday. I guess he thought Cletus had turned over a new leaf. Paw went over to talk with him even though Rafferty still held him responsible for the destruction of his mailbox and a Buick hubcap after the Great Magnetic Ass-Healing Ring debacle. Paw commented on the new mailbox and hubcap while once again Rafferty was washing the aging Buick deuce and a quarter. Rafferty said he and his very religious wife would certainly be sitting out on their porch and it would be even better than going to Church as they had planned. Once again, I wish someone had told me..................

Since the Reg boys aren't any too talkative they were given the job of blowing up the Harry Hardtool dolls and stuffing their "tools" with Roman candles and bottle rockets (with whistle and report). It was a big job but they got it done. Meanwhile Cletus and Paw had filled the Patty Poopchute dolls with propane. They all worked together to drive the crosses into the ground and attached the Patty Poopchute dolls to the top. Cletus said they wouldn't be soaking the crosses in kerosene until just before they lit them which seemed okay to me.

I had arrived to check in on all of this at about 5:30 and truthfully, I was impressed at what they had accomplished! Now I knew that these good feelings were generally the portend of bad things to come, but the mind is a funny thing and we often forget the past in an effort to hold out hope for a new beginning. This seems to be what happened to me as I felt genuinely good about trying to bring this thing off and that perhaps, for once, Cletus, Paw, Buford, and the Reg boys may have gotten it right.   Once again, I should have relied on past experience.............

The crosses were in the ground on a slight embankment with a propane filled Patty Poopchute mounted atop each one. Leaning against the embankment and in front of each were the Harry Hardtool dolls with their dorks pointing skyward and filled with Roman candles and bottle rockets (with whistle and report). This is a pretty conservative little place so I thought maybe the dolls would be better if they were covered or clothed and I ask the Boys to do so and they told me they'd do it....."No Problem Spaw." That should have clued me in but it didn't. My other suggestion was that because a light breeze had come up, it might be good to tie the Harry Hardtools to something so they didn't blow away. Again, I don't know what the fuck I was thinking..................

I should now take this chance to thank those who so valiantly helped in this and I want to extend my thanks to them for their part in trying to save Brother khandu. Carol, Tweed, Young Will, even Bobertz.......You all did your jobs and performed magnificently. I cannot thank you enough and to prove it, I have kept your part in this as well as your names out of the Sheriff's report. Additionally, you are free to disavow any knowledge of me or that you were ever even within a hundred miles of here. You have to admit though, it was one helluva' show!

On the chance that we might need the services of the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed, I asked for the Insanevac Chopper to be standing by. I spent the next few hours at home with Karen and the kids, eating supper and coloring Easter Eggs. When I heard the sound of the chopper I realized that several hours had passed and I was almost late for the show. I leashed up the two Weimaraners and headed for the park. Karen and the kids wanted to go but I suggested they stay home in case something went awry. This was the only good decision I made in the entire day. Besides, the "Royal Forkers" khandu had sent to surround my house had instead turned out to "mortar forkers" and had just completed the new barbeque out back and were busy working on a smokehouse. I told Karen it was better for her to keep an eye on them to be sure they were working according to plan. With Jaeger and Sissy happy to be going for a walk, I headed for the gala event.

When I arrived, a few things caught my eye right away, but it was too late to turn back. First, each Patty Poopchute doll had a purple robe like affair on them. I realized right away that the material had come from a hot air balloon that Cletus and Paw had accidentally shot down a few years ago (that's another story). Sitting atop the crosses in their purple robes, they were really quite attractive. Additionally, the Harry Hardtool dolls all were wrapped about the waist with old towels in a loincloth sort of get-up. To keep the Harry dolls in place, they had tied each wrist to something or another which left their arms outstretched. Also, out front of everything was the biggest Dago Bomb I ever saw. It turns out Cletus and the Boys had bought it down in Tennessee on one of their trips south to a festival where they had contracted for the porta-potty business with their company, "Crappers on Casters." And....they had been good enough to park one of their C on C's about 50 feet to the left, over toward Rafferty's place. I stood for a moment and took it all in. Suddenly it hit me. In the purple robes and loincloths, with the outstretched arms and crosses, this looked like some Christian tableau from Hell! There they were, 143 Virgin Marys, atop 143 crosses, with 143 Jesus Christs below! My mind went numb as I began to realize that somehow this extravaganza was not going to go well at all.............

Before I could utter a word I saw Ol' Man Rafferty and his wife on their porch in prayer. About then the Church Bus bearing the members of the Church of Evangelical Hollering and Tongue Talking Mohunkers arrived in the grove.   They literally ran off the bus dropping to their knees. I tell you they went down faster than a cheap whore on a Liberian tanker. I was rapidly becoming almost paralyzed. I couldn't speak although I wanted to scream. The main thing I wanted to scream was "NO" but the best that came from my throat was a tiny croak like a dying frog with laryngitis. Not over yet though................

Tweed drove a van in and he and Carol emerged from the front with a look of trepidation on their faces as they took in the scene before them. Wrongly figuring that I had this planned, they opened the back doors and Will and Bobertz hopped out. They all four then removed khandu. Okay, it wasn't their fault they had to subdue him...I know that. And frankly it was very creative the way they had wrapped him up in duct tape from head to foot with only his eyes looking out. Even from where I was I could see he was mad. But I still thought that this cross burning gone haywire might cure him of his shameless brown nosing of Joe Offer. But the way he was wrapped reminded the church folk of Jesus in the tomb I guess, with the duct tape as a sticky Shroud of Turin. In any case they turned and started praying in that direction also. Tweed, Carol, Will, and Bobertz, were busy propping khandu up so he could see when I noticed that the Reg boys were liberally soaking the crosses and the ground in between with kerosene. I had to stop this...............

Cletus and Paw were all smiles, quite proud of what they had done and when I came stammering up to them they were a bit confused. I tried to somehow make them see what I saw but it wasn't working because my mind was moving faster than my mouth and these guys were never too sharp on the best of days. Each of the Weims was licking one of Paw's hands when I finally got through a bit to Cletus. After listening to the whole thing he said, "Don't worry Catspaw, even I know that Jesus had blonde hair and that guy don't look nothin' like him." This made no sense and once again I was so dumbstruck I was speechless. Cletus capped that with, "Besides look how happy Jaeger and Sissy are!"   After what seemed like an hour, but was probably only a few seconds of pondering that inanity, I blurted, "You stupid shit!! They're fucking DOGS!!!!" This didn't bother ol' Clete in the least as he thought it was fine they were dogs I guess. He and Paw walked off happily to get the show started. I swear to you all, I would have done anything to stop it, but the whole thing had moved not only beyond my control but into another dimension as well. From this point on, it seemed as though I watched what happened as a sort of out of body experience; just a casual observer noting the events unfolding.

In a scene like none imagined by Machiavelli it all began. Paw bent over by the crosses and flared off a monster fart. The flame shot across to the nearest cross, much like what happened in their Christmas tree disaster, and within seconds, 143 crosses were burning brightly. Cletus ran to the front and lit the monster Dago Bomb. There was one more realization to go though. Turns out they had tied the wrists of the Harry/Jesus dolls to the ankles of the Patty/Virgin Mary dolls which explained the outstretched arms. This realization only came to me as the flames ignited Patty/Mary's poopchute where the plastic was thinnest and melted first. The propane ignited and up they went......each dragging a Harry/Jesus behind. Maybe halfway to the top of their trajectory the flames ignited the Roman candles and bottle rockets in the Harry/Jesus dicks.

I gotta' tell y'all........It was a sight to behold. 143 Virgin Marys launched off of flaming crosses with their assholes trailing flame while 143 Jesus Christs ascended behind them, twirling gaily with their cocks spouting red, white, and blue balls and rockets (with whistle and report) screaming off in all directions followed by a series of bangs. Simply amazing. The church members lost all control and began flopping around on the ground, talking in tongues, and generally having a pretty good time. Rafferty's wife on the other hand seemed to be having a possible heart attack. But it gets worse..........

Cletus was so shocked at the sudden ignition of the crosses that in trying to get away from the Dago Bomb he knocked it on it's side. A massive fireball shot out and smashed underneath the porta-potty. Obviously they hadn't cleaned it or something and the methane fumes had built up. The crapper shot skyward too and the methane must have been in prodigious quantities as the fiery outhouse travelled over a mile before crashing through the roof of the condom factory, setting it ablaze. Several explosions have come from that direction and a paramedic attending Mrs. Rafferty said that a vat of latex had blown and completely covered the Church of Evangelical Hollering and Tongue Talking Mohunkers which is located just across the street.

The missing outhouse now opened the range and the Dago Bomb fired off another even more monstrous ball of fire. This time the charge landed underneath Ol'Man Rafferty's Buick and it blew up right there in his driveway. About this time the cops showed up and an ambulance was called for Mrs. Rafferty. Tweed, Carol, Bobertz, and Will were shell shocked as I was, but what was really important to us was our friend Ken. Had we brought him back? We quickly ripped the duct tape off removing small portions of skin and hair in the process. The church folks were gathering up the tape remnants which I suppose they think are now Holy Relics. I dunno' what the hell they're going to think when they arrive back at their church....which should be about now.

Khandu lay on the gurney and the anger was gone from his eyes. As a matter of fact, everything was gone from his eyes! He was completely catatonic. We loaded him aboard the NYCFTTS Insanevac Chopper for a trip to the new wing where the James Taylor Rehab Unit on Catatonic Blandness is located. We can just hope I guess.......

As for me, I foresee a long night of police and fire reports, possible fines, lawyer fees, and threats of incarceration, racing around my brain. Sweet Jesus, I need some drugs..............

Damn but that was a day....and a lot more thereafter with various attorneys and police-type folks. The Mohunkers sold the church to a doctor's group that started a contraceptive clinic......and I never did get any drugs......and I still need some.


02 Jul 08 - 10:16 AM (#2379080)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Dave the Gnome

I'm hoping to go to the cinema. Then again I suppose being an Englishman in England is not realy conducive to celebrating it in the usual US manner.

Anyway, in advance of the event, have a good 'un you lot. We will let you back into the empire if you ask nicely:-)



02 Jul 08 - 10:23 AM (#2379088)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: irishenglish

Going out to my sister's place on Long Island and chill by the pool. Drink lots of beer. Do some shopping. Drink lots of beer. Barbecue. Drink lots of beer. DO you see the pattern!

02 Jul 08 - 10:27 AM (#2379090)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Wesley S

Grilling by my brother in laws pool with some friends. As long as my boy is in the pool he's a happy camper. One local grocery store offers "cowboy burgers". They grind up bacon with the ground beef and it's all mixed together. Yum.

02 Jul 08 - 10:29 AM (#2379096)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: irishenglish

Wesley, as Homer Simpson would say....Mmmmmmmmm.....bacon.......aaaaaarrgghh

02 Jul 08 - 10:37 AM (#2379101)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Newport Boy

Cycle to Newport, train to Holyhead and cycle home over 5 days. About 265 miles with a few serious hills - and Welsh rain, by the forecast.

Much healthier than beers, etc - although we'll probably manage a few on the way.


02 Jul 08 - 11:23 AM (#2379159)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: EBarnacle

Go sailing to the local fireworks show. No bugs, no electricity...Aaah!

02 Jul 08 - 11:47 AM (#2379184)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Rapparee

Thought you said "Grilling my brothers-in-law."

02 Jul 08 - 12:05 PM (#2379204)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: greg stephens

Nothing particular. Is the date special in any way?

02 Jul 08 - 12:07 PM (#2379206)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: PoppaGator

I'll have to come back later to read 'spaw's long story.

His mention of khandu reminds me that, once again, Fourth of July weekend marks the annual little festival at the Mississippi John Hurt Museum and that, once again, I won't be making the trip.

One of these years, I'll find my way there and, with luck, maybe get to meet Ken (khandu), my email buddy Frank Delaney (volunteer webmaster for the MJH Museum's), maybe Tweed and few others.

02 Jul 08 - 12:15 PM (#2379214)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Bobert

Well, this ol' hillbilly is booked to perform at a 4th of July Festival in Luray, Va... But we're slotted from 6:00 to 7:00 so there will be plenty of time after packin' up our gear for the important stuff like, ahhhhh, drenking beer and checkin' out the womenz... You know, men stuff...

BTW, Spawzer... That was one fine tale, son...


02 Jul 08 - 12:31 PM (#2379232)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Schantieman

Big party - there are 12 of us retiring (or getting out early) and Friday's the party night! Whoopee!


03 Jul 08 - 09:03 AM (#2379987)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: EBarnacle

For your retirees:

When I retire in due time,
Way down to Florida;
Mine Miami Condo will be devine,
And we'll roll the U-Haul down.

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling the U-Haul down,
That Sweetheart of mine's on the Flatbush line;
And we'll roll the U-haul down.

A redwood hot tub there will be,
Way down in Florida;
With Champagne and a Jacuzzi,
And we'll roll the U-Haul down.


Mine condo will have an ocean view,
Way down in Florida;
That the hurricanes will come right through,
And we'll roll the U-Haul down.


My condo, it will be so neat,
Way down in Florida;
With Plastic covers on every seat,
And we'll roll the U-Haul down.


Add verses as needed. When Bernie Klay moved to Florida, we added
The folks in Tampa had better flee,
Right out of Florida;
'Cause Bernie is the terror of the streets,
And we'll roll the U-Haul down.

03 Jul 08 - 02:26 PM (#2380310)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: gnu

Whatever your plans, I wish all my Yankee brothers and sisters a great day. Celebrate the wonderful country you have built and it's proud history that continues to evolve and grow each and every day.

03 Jul 08 - 03:56 PM (#2380375)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: jeffp

Getting up at 3:00AM to catch a plane with my fiancee to San Francisco. We'll see the fireworks over the bay there, spend a couple of days in Frisco, then off to Napa for a couple more. After that, it's three days in San Jose for the US Fencing Association Summer Nationals, where I'm in the Men's 50-59 Foil championships. Then a night in Monterey and back home to Maryland where I need to find a new job.

Well, you asked.

03 Jul 08 - 04:20 PM (#2380394)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Emma B

I'm off to a music festival in the UK but I will be thinking of the good friends and kind hospitable people I met in the US last month; have a great day everyone.

03 Jul 08 - 04:31 PM (#2380398)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Rapparee

Jeffp, I'm gonna GET you! The Nationals! Well, I hope you get beat by someone from our Pocatello Club, so there!

But me? I intend to spend it in leisure, perhaps traveling around the nearby mountains with my wife, or doing some good reading:

None of these thought, or ever dreamed, of robbing the colonies of their constitutional rights. That was to mark the era of the late administration: not that there were wanting some, when I had the honour to serve his majesty, to propose to me to burn my fingers with an American stamp-act. With the enemy at their back, with our bayonets at their breasts, in the day of their distress, perhaps the Americans would have submitted to the imposition: but it would have been taking an ungenerous and unjust advantage. The gentleman boasts of his bounties to America. Are not those bounties intended finally for the benefit of this kingdom? If they are not, he has misapplied the national treasures. I am no courtier of America; I stand up for this kingdom. I maintain, that the parliament has a right to bind, to restrain America. Our legaislative power over the colonies is soveriegn and supreme. When it ceases to be sovereign and supreme, I would advise every gentleman to sell his lands, if he can, and embark for that country. When two countries are connected together, like England and her colonies, without being incorporated, the one must necessarily govern; the greater must rule the less; but so rule it, as not to contradict the fundamental principles that are common to both. If the gentle- man does not understand the difference between external and internal taxes, I cannot help it; but there is a plain distinction between taxes levied for the purpose of raising a revenue, and duties imposed for the regulation of trade, for the accomodation of the subject; although, in the consequences, some revenue might incidentally arise from the latter.

The gentleman asks, when were the colonies emancipated? But I desire to know, when were they made slaves. But I dwell not upon words. When I had the honour of serving his Majesty, I availed myself of the means of information which I derived from my office: I speak, therefore, from knowledge. My materials were good; I was at pains to collect, to digest, to consider them; and I will be bold to affirm, that the profits to Great Britain from the trade of the colonies, through all its branches, is two millions a year. This is the fund that carried you triumphantly through the last war.... You owe this to America: this is the price America pays you for her protection. And shall a miserable financier come with a boast, that he can bring a pepper-corn into the exchequer, to the loss of millions to the nation? I dare not say, how much higher these profits may be augmented. Omitting the immense increase of people by natural population, and the emigration from every part of Europe, I am convinced the whole commercial system of America may be altered to advantage. You have prohibited where you ought to have encouraged, encouraged where you ought to have prohibited. Improper restraints have been laid on the continent, in favour of the islands. You have but two nations to trade with in America. Would you had twenty! Let acts of parliament in consequence of treaties remain, but let not an English minister become a custom-house officer for Spain, or for any foreign power. Much is wrong; much may be amended for the general good of the whole....

Well, that didn't do a lot of good. So then I'll read this:

   1. That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

   2. That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people; that magistrates are their trustees and servants, and at all times amenable to them.

   3. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation or community; of all the various modes and forms of government that is best, which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and that, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.

   4. That no man, or set of men, are entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments or privileges from the community, but in consideration of public services; which, not being descendible, neither ought the offices of magistrate, legislator, or judge be hereditary.

   5. That the legislative and executive powers of the state should be separate and distinct from the judicative; and, that the members of the two first may be restrained from oppression by feeling and participating the burthens of the people, they should, at fixed periods, be reduced to a private station, return into that body from which they were originally taken, and the vacancies be supplied by frequent, certain, and regular elections in which all, or any part of the former members, to be again eligible, or ineligible, as the laws shall direct.

   6. That elections of members to serve as representatives of the people in assembly ought to be free; and that all men, having sufficient evidence of permanent common interest with, and attachment to, the community have the right of suffrage and cannot be taxed or deprived of their property for public uses without their own consent or that of their representatives so elected, nor bound by any law to which they have not, in like manner, assented, for the public good.

   7. That all power of suspending laws, or the execution of laws, by any authority without consent of the representatives of the people is injurious to their rights and ought not to be exercised.

   8. That in all capital or criminal prosecutions a man hath a right to demand the cause and nature of his accusation to be confronted with the accusers and witnesses, to call for evidence in his favor, and to a speedy trial by an impartial jury of his vicinage, without whose unanimous consent he cannot be found guilty, nor can he be compelled to give evidence against himself; that no man be deprived of his liberty except by the law of the land or the judgement of his peers.

   9. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed; nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

10. That general warrants, whereby any officer or messenger may be commanded to search suspected places without evidence of a fact committed, or to seize any person or persons not named, or whose offense is not particularly described and supported by evidence, are grievous and oppressive and ought not to be granted.

11. That in controversies respecting property and in suits between man and man, the ancient trial by jury is preferable to any other and ought to be held sacred.

12. That the freedom of the press is one of the greatest bulwarks of liberty and can never be restrained but by despotic governments.

13. That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that, in all cases, the military should be under strict subordination to, and be governed by, the civil power.

14. That the people have a right to uniform government; and therefore, that no government separate from, or independent of, the government of Virginia, ought to be erected or established within the limits thereof.

15. That no free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.

16. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore, all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other.

03 Jul 08 - 04:36 PM (#2380405)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Bat Goddess

Our small New Hampshire town of Nottingham (tucked between the Seacoast and Concord, the capital) has one of the nicest small town Independence Day celebrations I've ever experienced.

We gather at Demmon's Old Country Store on Rte. 152 at 7 a.m. for a free breakfast (eggs & homefries on the grill, red white & blue berry cup, etc.), then sit around and play music and sing from 8 to 9 a.m. Then, traditionally, David Behm would read the Declaration of Independence (the whole thing) from the store's porch. Alas, David passed away a year and a half ago. Last year, as a memorial to him, we used a recording of him reading the Declaration. This year, I understand, someone else will read it.

Fairly often a local piper plays a tune or two from the hill across the road, and friends from Massachusetts arrive in their 1954 MG-TF (or other piece of Brit iron) to be "representatives of the Crown".

Then we all traipse off to a local party. And this year, because it's a Friday, most of the party will then head to Portsmouth for the Press Room session at 4 p.m.

Because of Tom's work schedule the past couple weeks, we'll probably go home before the party for a nap!


03 Jul 08 - 08:05 PM (#2380578)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Bat Goddess

In seventeen hundred and seventy-six
A group of American mavericks
Denounced the yoke of tyranny --
The tax on stamps, the tax on tea.
Our Fathers felt that they were fit
To tax themselves...and you'll admit,
They have don e VERY well at it.

Bit of doggeral I found in a magazine circa 1959 (and can't seem to shake).


03 Jul 08 - 10:06 PM (#2380628)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: jeffp

Rap, it's not quite as impressive as it sounds. For veterans (fencers over 40, regardless of military experience), all you have to do to qualify is fence in a qualifier. How you finish matters not a whit. Also, the top 64 finishers get national points. There are 58 registered in my event for nationals. That's the most there have been in a national level event where I have fenced. Accordingly, I am 35th on the National Points List for my event. I love it!

03 Jul 08 - 10:12 PM (#2380637)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Rapparee

Well, come on up here and we'll show you some real fencing. Electric, barbed wire -- we got it all!

By the way, our Club will be wearing cobalt blue long-sleeve tee shirts. If you see them, ask for Barb Steele (yes, that's her real name) and tell her Mike sent you -- and ask her if we're going to do the party in August.

I mess around with epee and a little sabre -- all steam. I also have a steam foil. Now, there IS a cavalry saber, a small sword, and a double-clamshell, swept-hilt rapaire just sort of hanging around the house, and a 17" blade bayonet for my 1917 Enfield rifle, and....

03 Jul 08 - 10:21 PM (#2380646)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Beer

That was good stuff Spaw.
And everyone I hope you do celebrate and be safe.

03 Jul 08 - 10:51 PM (#2380660)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: jeffp

My main weapon is foil, but I'm doing some epee now as well. I'm also learning to coach. That's a lot of fun. I'll keep an eye out for your friends.

03 Jul 08 - 10:53 PM (#2380663)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Alice

plan to sleep and also finish mowing lawn

03 Jul 08 - 11:27 PM (#2380670)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Don Firth

On the night of July 4th, there are two fireworks displays visible from where I live. One is at Myrtle Edwards Park north of the Seattle waterfront, and the other is at the north end of Lake Union. To see the one at Myrtle Edwards Park, one needs to go to the street corner half a block south. But one can watch the Lake Union display from one of the common area balconies upstairs in our apartment building.

Bernice, Denise, Jo, Mary, and possibly Nora are joining Barbara and me (six women and little ol' me) at 7:00 p.m. for a picnic-type supper (chicken, potato salad, other stuff). Then at 10:00, the fireworks displays begin, and it's either down to the corner or up on the balcony. Probably up on the balcony.

Since it's not real easy getting my wheelchair up and down two flights of stairs (I hate that sickening crash when I hit the bottom!), I usually watch it on television. Both displays, carefully coordinated with appropriate music (invariably including the finale of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture) are televised, and I often switch back and forth between the two channels.

Then, when the displays are over, it's back to our apartment for strawberry shortcake.

Don Firth

04 Jul 08 - 06:07 AM (#2380819)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: GUEST,aloyalisttokinggeorge

Enjoy your day of national ingratitude. I shall celebrate by buying tea in Starbucks and then pouring it in the river. See. Not so funny when we do it to you, is it?

04 Jul 08 - 08:41 AM (#2380898)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Leadfingers

I think we in UK should celebrate 4th July - After all we DID get rid of those troublesome Colonials !

04 Jul 08 - 09:05 AM (#2380919)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: billybob

Bill has a large stars and stripes flying on the top of the garden shed.We will bar b q and drink beer and listen to some music then phone Bill's sisters in New Jersey. So, we shall be celebrating over here in th UK.

04 Jul 08 - 12:11 PM (#2381043)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Peace

I wish a great day for my American friends.

04 Jul 08 - 05:26 PM (#2381236)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: GUEST,Barry Devine

Independence??? It pretty much depends upon your point of view, doesn't it? Though 'born in the USA' I can't say I feel any pride whatsoever at these faux-patriot picnic parties.

Democracy having gone pretty far a field, and haywire at that, we don't "do" 4th of July, beyond enjoying places often crowded in summer that are deserted on the 4th.

So today it will be out for a hike, eating some tasty food, watching an Almodavar film w/popcorn and a few cold ones, and avoiding Americans celebrating the destruction of North America.

BTW, fireworks and making pointless road trips aren't exactly environmentally friendly. Are we just supposed to ignore those facts, in order to party guilt free, hmmm???

04 Jul 08 - 08:52 PM (#2381321)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Stilly River Sage

BTW, fireworks and making pointless road trips aren't exactly environmentally friendly. Are we just supposed to ignore those facts, in order to party guilt free, hmmm???

You have to get over the view of "patriotism" espoused by those who have appropriated it in recent years.

I feel quite sure that you live in a glass house, so check out those food miles on that tasty food and those few cold ones before you start throwing stones at those who would go to one place to watch a firework performance over, say, all of the smoky little displays in driveways across America.


04 Jul 08 - 09:21 PM (#2381336)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Don Firth

The true patriot doesn't just love and approve of his or her country in spite of how it neglects many of its own citizens' well-being and how it behaves in the world, the true patriot is one who insists that the country live up to the principles and ideals upon which it was founded.

Don Firth

04 Jul 08 - 11:04 PM (#2381383)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: GUEST,Barry D

No, it isn't difficult to keep a small carbon print to celebrate. We buy local micro-brew, organic foods locally produced, and have a share in a CSA farm.

As to the pollution, hey--it is my world too, and I have a right to protest dumb asses polluting my enviroment for their jollies. The pollution doesn't stay in the driveway.

Living in an urban area, we are surrounded my major fireworks displays going off every night for over a week. Add to that the THOUSANDS of groups setting off illegal fireworks--as we speak, as they too have been doing for well over a week, starting countless fires, injuring a whole lot of people, including innocent bystanders, and suddenly it doesn't seem so fun anymore. My car was nearly hit by bottle rockets driving home three times this week.

From the Los Angeles Times
Pollution Is Fireworks' Dirty Little Secret

Los Angeles Times
    July 4, 2008

When the rockets and the bombs burst in the air tonight, spectators will experience more than a spectacular show celebrating America's birthday.

Chemists say fireworks are the dirtiest of the dirty bombs: When their blends of black powder, metals, oxidizers, fuels and other toxic ingredients are ignited, traces wind up in the environment, often spreading long distances and lasting for days, even months.

Although pyrotechnic experts are developing environmentally friendly fireworks, Fourth of July revelers this year will be watching essentially the same, high-polluting technology that their grandparents experienced decades ago.

Public health officials warn that people with heart problems or respiratory diseases, such as asthma, should avoid the smoky celebrations, staying upwind or indoors.

"I enjoy a fireworks display as much as anyone else but we do have concerns about exposure to high levels of smoke and particles," said Jean Ospital, health effects officer for the South Coast Air Quality Management District in California.

Also, traces of poisonous metals, which give fireworks their bright colors, and perchlorate, a hormone-altering substance used as an oxidizer, trickle to the ground, contaminating waterways. One Environmental Protection Agency study found that perchlorate levels in an Oklahoma lake rose 1,000-fold after a fireworks display, and they stayed high in some areas for up to 80 days.

02 Jul 23 - 03:03 PM (#4175989)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: keberoxu

A modest party I have been invited to.
THere will be a lot of people, but no fireworks.
Ice cream sundaes along with the grilled and barbecued foods.
ANd the guests are encouraged to bring their pet dogs, on leashes.

03 Jul 23 - 08:55 AM (#4176024)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Donuel

As for me, I foresee a long night of police and fire reports, possible fines, lawyer fees, and threats of incarceration, reports of mass shootings replacing fireworks. Sweet Jesus, I need some drugs.......which are now legal for anyone here over 21.
Guns however are legal for the kids and concealed carry laws in Florida have been expanded.

BANG BANG those aren't fireworks anymore.

03 Jul 23 - 10:55 AM (#4176034)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Stilly River Sage

Texas is truly the Wild West when it comes to guns; fireworks are illegal in city limits but that never stopped them before.

I've vacuumed the closet where the dog bed resides for hiding during thunderstorms and for New Year's and July 4th fireworks; maybe I should bring my little white noise sound machine from the bedroom and set it up in there. It probably wouldn't fool the blue heeler, though.

04 Jul 23 - 03:35 AM (#4176068)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Dave the Gnome

Happy Independence Day US friends.

I'm off to the gym!

04 Jul 23 - 09:17 AM (#4176086)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Mrrzy

Great refresh!

Happy birthday, great idea!

04 Jul 23 - 03:27 PM (#4176092)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Donuel

I'm having independent hot dogs and liber tea.

04 Jul 23 - 07:48 PM (#4176110)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: keberoxu

After our backyard picnic for the Fourth (table under a tent),
the able-bodied among us played kickball, although it was hot.
Rain interrupted the kickball game, and cooled things down,
although it stayed humid all day.

04 Jul 23 - 11:07 PM (#4176116)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Rapparee

I'm in my basement office, waiting for the explosions to start.

06 Jul 23 - 08:33 AM (#4176193)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Donuel

There were over 20 mass shootings this holiday 4th season. CNN

28 Jun 24 - 07:45 PM (#4204646)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: keberoxu

It's that time of year, so
it's time to refresh this thread.

The Fourth falls on a Thursday, which is kind of inconvenient
for those who favor long weekend schedules.
I know of one party which is being held on Monday,
the First of July, rather than the Fourth.

Anyone else with quirky scheduling?

28 Jun 24 - 08:59 PM (#4204650)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Stilly River Sage

I heard fireworks in the distance last night, probably part of an outdoor performance. The dogs didn't respond, but once the local firecrackers and m-80s start, they'll be unhappy.

29 Jun 24 - 03:58 AM (#4204661)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Dave the Gnome

We shall be celebrating in the UK this year but for an entirely different reason:-)

29 Jun 24 - 07:21 AM (#4204666)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: gillymor

Some of us are going to kayak out into San Carlos Bay from Punta Rassa, (where Ponce de Leon first came ashore in 1513 and subsequently started the Florida cattle industry, it's mostly condos and a tennis center now) so we can view the fireworks from both Ft. Myers Beach in the east and the Sanibel Causeway in the west. I've been doing it on and off for 30 years and when the weather cooperates it's spectacular. The first time I went I didn't get out far enough initially and had to paddle like hell to escape the bombardment from the folks on the shore.

29 Jun 24 - 08:54 AM (#4204668)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: SPB-Cooperator

My plan, from the first light of dawn dropping off leaflets to remind voters to vote, followed by the rest of the day knocking on doors to get people out to the polling station, and after 10pm heading down to the trade union club to watch the election results through the night.

29 Jun 24 - 03:09 PM (#4204690)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Bat Goddess

Early morning music circle in front of a historic schoolhouse at Nottingham (NH) Square prior to the reading of the Declaration of Independence.

Last year this event, which had been discontinued in 2018 or 2019, was resussitated and the venue changed from Demmon's Old Country Store to this location.

But as we've done for over twenty years in the past (and did again last year), a bunch of us from the old Press Room session and other local musicians will sit in a circle and sing and play.

We're carrying on the tradition started several decades ago by the late David Behm.


30 Jun 24 - 02:42 PM (#4204734)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Tattie Bogle

Not telling: postal vote (Scotland) already in so the die is cast. Won’t be staying up all night to see results coming in.

01 Jul 24 - 07:16 AM (#4204755)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: DMcG

In the UK, so I will vote fairly early.

I was planning to go to a National Trust property (the Vyne), then in the evening to a sing-around.

Because we *may* have covid in the house, I might not do those later things, but I will still vote.

Then overnight I plan to stay up until about 5am watching the results come in.

01 Jul 24 - 07:23 AM (#4204756)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

Well, we might go to a music session as we will be home before the results really start coming in, I don't trust any of the polls this time and the vote is the only one that matters.


01 Jul 24 - 09:39 AM (#4204762)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Charmion

That’s Thursday, right? Dominion (Canada) Day shenanigans will be over, so I’ll go to the gym in the morning and then make a grocery run. In the afternoon I’ll work on the choir library.

Nothing to see here …

02 Jul 24 - 12:35 PM (#4204836)
Subject: RE: BS: What are your 4th July plans?
From: Charmion's brother Andrew

I will wish my friend from Montréal a happy birthday.