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Music in Edinburgh

18 Jul 08 - 11:19 PM (#2392676)
Subject: Music in Edinburgh
From: Cats

Jon and I are coming up to Edinburgh for a long weekend next week and wondered is there was anything on that we might get to? Arriving Friday lunchtime, going Monday night.

19 Jul 08 - 09:23 PM (#2393193)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: GUEST,Bill the sound

Try the Royal Oak in Infirmary Street(Just off the Bridges) Probably the best folk venue in Edinburgh-They also have a web site.

22 Jul 08 - 12:20 PM (#2395189)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: GUEST,Rob the Roadie

I will second that> Pick up a copy of Whats on probably available at The Royal Oak .It tells of all kinds of music all around the area.
Oh yes Sandy Bells is also a must. Pity you miss the Leith Folk club night. Big acts appear at the Pleasance.

29 Jul 08 - 09:57 AM (#2400267)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: Cats

So we got there and found Runrig were playing at the castle in a sell out concert. We had 3 options... sit in out hotel room which overlooked the castle just in case we could hear, or sit in the Grassmarket at the bottom of the castle in case we could hear or go to the Royal Oak. We are so glad we went to the Royal Oak, downstairs bar. Eveyone was incredibly friendly and we joined in a really good song session. Thanks to everyone there. If you are in Edinburgh, don't miss it.

29 Jul 08 - 08:36 PM (#2400861)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: Tattie Bogle

Might have seen you then: I was at the Runrig concert, then came back to the Royal Oak afterwards! Didn't come downstairs until late on, after upstairs got a bit too noisy!
The Royal Oak festival run has just started now, something great on every night as well as the usual sessions.
Any other visitors to Edinburgh Fringe, also check out the "Acoustic Music Centre" at St Bride's Centre, off Dalry Rd: not quite in the centre but on a good few bus routes. (44, 4, 25, and several others)

30 Jul 08 - 08:30 AM (#2401138)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: Cats

Hi tattie bogle,
I was the woman downstairs with the long reddish hair sitting with the singers. Short, very round and drinking pints! We left at about 1am. Excellent evening.

30 Jul 08 - 02:04 PM (#2401528)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: Dave the Gnome

Sandy Bells is indeed a grand place - And right near the Elephant House where Ms Rowling fist dreamed up the exploits of a young wizzard called Potter if that's of any interest. While there visit Blackfriars Bobby and see if there's owt on at the theatre over the road - Brilliant little corner once you get up the hill:-)



31 Jul 08 - 09:53 AM (#2402190)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: Northerner

Don't forget the Scottish Storytelling Centre if you're up in Edinburgh. Music and song as well as stories.

31 Jul 08 - 09:59 AM (#2402196)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: GUEST,Jack Campin (cookieless in Transylvania)

You don't mean What's On, you mean the Gig Guide.

(Typing this at an internet cafe in Gyimes, Transylvania, with five people having a gardon workshop in the same room, with a whistle player leading with the tune. The floor is rattling).

31 Jul 08 - 11:40 AM (#2402304)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: Cats

We missed the storytelling on Friday as we didn't pick up on it until Saturday morning! Pity as I am a storyteller.

31 Jul 08 - 01:33 PM (#2402426)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: Murray MacLeod

..." five people having a gardon workshop in the same room" ...

a typo, methinks, but will give the benefit of the doubt and assume that the misspelt word is "garden".

the alternative is too horrendous to contemplate ...

31 Jul 08 - 08:05 PM (#2402702)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: GUEST,Bill the sound

So "cats" have found the Royal Oak.
Good on you Cath I hope you find Lechlade this weekend
Allthe best to you and John
From Bill

01 Aug 08 - 06:05 AM (#2402917)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: Cats

Hi Bill, Jon is at Sidders this weekend and I have my nephew and his family staying so I'm going to miss both! :-(

12 Aug 08 - 02:42 PM (#2411747)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: Tattie Bogle

I THOUGHT I saw them in Edinburgh, aand it WAS them! Met up in Sidmouth too, where the mystery, if you can call it that, was solved!

18 Aug 08 - 05:32 AM (#2416619)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh

Was at Royal Oak last night heard Martin Boland and a few others. Particularlygood was a lass Angie???? laft handed guitarist and lovely singer. super. Going back for more next week after work on Friday.
    Please note that anonymous posting is no longer allowed at Mudcat. Use a consistent name [in the 'from' box] when you post, or your messages risk being deleted.
    -Joe Offer-

25 Aug 08 - 10:30 AM (#2421752)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: GUEST,Mad Jock

The lassie was Angie Wright and yes she was there again on the Friday night but without a guitar. She sang unaccompanied and what a voice! Doesnt need a guitar. She will be on at The Songwriters Festival at the Taybank Hotel in Dunkeld on Saturday Sept 6th ,along with lots of others giving 12 hours of FREE music.
Those of you who want to hear more of Angie Wright go to her web site
You can even get some free downloads from it.

She is also on at the Amber Festival in Pitlochry on Saturday Oct 25th. at the Open Mike in the festival theatre. and probably in the odd session either in the bar or at Taybank.

05 Sep 08 - 08:08 AM (#2431717)
Subject: RE: Music in Edinburgh
From: GUEST,Rob the Roadie

Yes Angie was there again and will be on at the Songwriters Festival at Dunkeld on Saturday Sept 6th. Angie will be on stage at 12.45.

Angie also has a spot at Dougie MacLeans Amber Festival At Pitlochry ob Saturday October 25th at the Open Mike session in the Festival Theatre.
She hopes that the sessions in the bar are good as previous years. If time allows Angie is hoping o do another spot at the Open Mike if there is space on another day.

Angie Wright