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BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...

23 Jul 08 - 05:36 PM (#2396286)
Subject: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Bobert

Well, well, well...

I mean what would one expect of a man who took part in outing Valarie Plame???

Yup, seems ol' Robert has been charges with hit 'n run of a pedestrian today in Washington, D.C.... When he finally stopped he said he didn't know he he had "Plame'd" the 60 year old pedestrian...

Novak wasn't hurt... The pedestrian??? He was...


23 Jul 08 - 05:42 PM (#2396292)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: PoppaGator

There's already another thread on this subject. Novak's name isn't in the title ("DWS ~Driving While Senile") because the person posting the original message didn't realize who he was ~ the story is outrageous enough to be noteworthy even if none of the persons involved were public figures.

Of course, a regular anonymous citizen like you or me wouldn't get a $50 slap on the wrist for a hit-and-run. You need to be owed a lot of favors by a lot of politicians with secrets to hide before meriting that level of kid-gloves treatment.

23 Jul 08 - 05:57 PM (#2396304)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Donuel

This is just awful. This city has more than their share of drivers who hold pedestrians in contempt. My county has nearly one a day struck pedestrians.

23 Jul 08 - 05:59 PM (#2396305)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Riginslinger

And he always looked like Mr. Magoo to me.

23 Jul 08 - 06:23 PM (#2396324)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: pdq

There is something wrong with Bob Novak.

I have seen him agree to do political talk shows where he is outnumbered 3 or 4 to one and is nothing but the punching bag.
A masochist or someone who really needs the bread.

23 Jul 08 - 06:26 PM (#2396331)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor


SharonA beat you to it.

23 Jul 08 - 07:29 PM (#2396379)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Bobert

Danged, I hate gettin' whupped up on by a womenz... Ya' think I'd got used to it long time ago, you know being married to the P-Vine... lol...

Yo moderators... Please combine the threads if you will...

23 Jul 08 - 07:40 PM (#2396389)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: The Fooles Troupe

"a regular anonymous citizen like you or me wouldn't get a $50 slap on the wrist for a hit-and-run"

In Oz - immediate loss of licence for 12 montghs - maybe 2 years jail, and a large fine... unless you are a Judge... :-)

I'm not making this up you know....

23 Jul 08 - 07:44 PM (#2396393)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Bobert

Shoot, F-troupe... If I had hit a pedestraian in D.C. and then run off and got caught, the cops either woulda shot mje dead in the street or put me in jail for 99 years...

You can bet some "markers got called in"...


23 Jul 08 - 07:54 PM (#2396404)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: pdq

I can't see any reason why the DA won't file serious charges. Anything up to 'hit and run'.

My guess is that Novak will try for a change of venue Chappaquiddick.

23 Jul 08 - 07:59 PM (#2396409)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Bobert

Too late, pdq...

The fix is allready in....

23 Jul 08 - 09:52 PM (#2396467)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Riginslinger

Hopefully they gave him a breathalizer test. And why would somebody like Rober Novak be driving a Corvette?

23 Jul 08 - 10:04 PM (#2396472)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

>> And why would somebody like Rober Novak be driving a Corvette?

Here is my guess.

24 Jul 08 - 02:35 PM (#2396950)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: gnu

WTF? My post was deleted? It was a joke. It was not offensive. It was damn funny, too.

Yo, clone who deleted it, PM me and tell me why. I REALLY wanna know THIS time, becasue if this is gonna continue, it must be personal.

If it isn't personal and if any of you have rules for acceptable humour, I would like to know what they are. I certainly would not want to offend any moderators.


24 Jul 08 - 03:09 PM (#2396967)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: PoppaGator

I've never had a complaint about the volunteer moderators here, but I am perplexed that, in this case, they couldn't find the time to combine two threads on the same subject (as is customary), but they were able to delete a post submitted by a regular member whose generally inoffensive demeanor is pretty well established.

Maybe it wasn't deleted after all, but somehow failed to post in the first place. That's what I'd like to believe, anyway...

Needless to say, my curisoity is piqued and I's really like to know what kind of witticism gnu had to offer us...

That other thread on this subject, by the way, seems to be dropping off the bottom of the page. I suppose this one is getting more attention, or at least getting more messages added to it, because Novak's name is in the title.

24 Jul 08 - 03:39 PM (#2396988)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

Is your joke here gnu?

24 Jul 08 - 04:12 PM (#2397010)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: gnu

Holy shit! I must apologize profusely. No matter that I was on stage at a pub for the first time in years last night and was bought many beers by appreciative friends, relatives and even strangers. I guess I am too polite to refuse such "compliments" and I KNOW I am too stupid to just shut up.

Oh dear. Oh my. I feel such an ass.


Thanks Rob.

24 Jul 08 - 04:20 PM (#2397018)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

I made the same mistake yesterday, but, luckily, I noticed before I spoke up.

24 Jul 08 - 04:21 PM (#2397020)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: PoppaGator

I feel pretty stupid as well. It had occurred to me right away that gnu might have posted his little joke to that other thread, took a quick peek over there, but failed to see his name listed among the posters. Only then did I post my message blaming the mods. Mea culpa (or, in American English, my bad)!

Rob, congrats on returning to the bandstand. I know what it's like, having begun a little one-hour/once-a-month pass-the-basket coffeehouse gig just over a year ago ~ after a 35 year hiatus from performing!

Fun, innit?

24 Jul 08 - 05:35 PM (#2397093)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Liz the Squeak

I#m really confused, please can we merge threads?


24 Jul 08 - 07:23 PM (#2397197)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Charley Noble

Dah! What's this thread about?

Charley Noble

24 Jul 08 - 07:27 PM (#2397201)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Ebbie


24 Jul 08 - 07:32 PM (#2397202)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Bobert

Okay, as the originator of this thread, I would reqiest that it wither be closed or merged...

Please 'n thank u....


28 Jul 08 - 04:08 PM (#2399724)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Donuel

Ahha Nowak is FORGIVEN

He has a brain tumor. A brain tumor trumps a claim of lieing about the accident.

28 Jul 08 - 05:04 PM (#2399783)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

Dr. Lynne Taylor, a neuro-oncologist at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, said residents at the hospital are taught to check for brain tumors in patients who report having a recent car accident in which they didn't realize they struck something.

"People get spatial and visual neglect of a certain part of their bodies and they don't realize they've done what they've done," said Taylor, a fellow with the American Academy of Neurology.

28 Jul 08 - 09:24 PM (#2399982)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Charley Noble

I'm utterly convinced that Novak doesn't have a clue what he did. He would be the first to express amazement of what he has left in his wake.

Somewhere there should be a very small island where he could be sequestered so that he do no further harm.

Charley Noble

28 Jul 08 - 09:28 PM (#2399988)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Riginslinger

That's the first sign when looking for a brain tumor. Find a blind journalist in his late seventies driving a Corvette and running over pedestrians.

28 Jul 08 - 09:55 PM (#2400002)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Leadfingers

I still regret NOT picking up and keeping as a souvenir the wing mirror of the car that I knocked off with my right arm when he shot a Red as I was crossing the road on the way to the day Job .

28 Jul 08 - 11:44 PM (#2400050)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: SharonA

Charley says: "I'm utterly convinced that Novak doesn't have a clue what he did. He would be the first to express amazement of what he has left in his wake."

Why? Six years ago he expressed a hatred for jaywalkers and a desire to run them over. I don't suppose he had the tumor that long.

According to reports he has a long-standing reputation as an aggressive driver. Hitting-and-running is one of the things aggressive drivers do. Note that when the bicyclist stopped Novak as he was driving away, Novak said to the bicyclist, "I didn't see him [the pedestrian]." Not "I didn't hit anybody." I find that very telling. Sounds to me as if he knew what he'd done but was fishing for excuses because he'd been caught at it. Remember too that Novak was trying to get away from the bicyclist and to continue driving away (i.e. escaping and intending to hide the evidence of damage to his car) -- again a thing that aggressive drivers do.

I'm very sorry to hear that Novak has a brain tumor, as I would be very sorry to hear that anybody else did. However, I will wait to hear more about his medical condition and type of tumor before I'm "convinced" that it affected his judgment that day or that it rendered him unable to see the man on his windshield.

29 Jul 08 - 10:31 PM (#2400921)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Riginslinger

He sounds like somebody who shouldn't be driving, tumor or not!

29 Jul 08 - 10:35 PM (#2400924)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

You think he had a brain tumor when he committed treason and outed Plame?

30 Jul 08 - 01:17 AM (#2400983)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Ebbie

Evidently the man he hit is 86, not 66, years old. I have no doubt but that he raced up to Novak's car and hit it.

86- and living in a homeless shelter?

30 Jul 08 - 04:42 PM (#2401660)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Riginslinger

From now on, when ever somebody hits an elderly homeless man with a Corvette, the authorities ought to rush that driver in to be checked for a tumor.

30 Jul 08 - 04:51 PM (#2401668)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Bill H //\\

Has anyone wondered why the press paid so little attention to the original incident---the hit and run? They sure blow up many other petty things out of all proportion.

Lots of chips called in?

Bill Hahn

30 Jul 08 - 05:39 PM (#2401707)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Bobert

Man, I hope to be in goos enough shape when I', 86 to get hit by a car and amke jokes about it the after...

BTW, seein' as Novak has this history of hating pedestrians, a hit 'n run under his belt and a brain tumor, I think it would be a good idea to get him the heck outta the driver's seat...


30 Jul 08 - 08:12 PM (#2401816)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: dick greenhaus

(paraphrasing Colbert)...calling torture "enhanced interrogation" is like calling hit-and-run driving an "enhanced turn signal"

04 Aug 08 - 09:22 PM (#2405365)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Jack the Sailor

I just heard on MSNBC that he has officially retired. His doctors say that his condition is dire.

05 Aug 08 - 12:41 AM (#2405473)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Stilly River Sage

Cancer is a helluva way to beat a traffic citation.

05 Aug 08 - 12:47 AM (#2405475)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

Ahh SRS, Dark humour! Foolestroup will think you are an Aussie!

I have to say that I've enjoyed ridiculing Novak for several years now. But now I don't. At least Tucker Carlson is young and healthy.

05 Aug 08 - 02:00 AM (#2405492)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Stilly River Sage

There is a hint of an old Tony Snow thread in this conversation.


05 Aug 08 - 02:03 AM (#2405494)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

I disliked Novak a lot more than Snow.

05 Aug 08 - 08:48 PM (#2406157)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert Novak hits pedestrian and runs...
From: Bobert

Didn't have much use fir either of the sumabiches but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone...
