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It's August so it's the Beech

29 Jul 08 - 07:15 AM (#2400176)
Subject: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Ok I guess I have flogged the Beech / Beach and it's summer to death.

On Wednesday 6 August, around 8.30, we will all be welcome at the Beech, Beech Road, Chorlton, Manchester. Songs and tunes mostly but not exclusively traditional. Good Beer, good music, good room, great company.

Who's up for it?


Les in Chorlton

30 Jul 08 - 09:35 AM (#2401196)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

I could sing solo?

30 Jul 08 - 09:38 AM (#2401200)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Dave Hanson

How low, are you a bass or a baritone ?


30 Jul 08 - 09:42 AM (#2401206)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Jack Blandiver

It's in the middle of a busy week, but as you know The Beech is special to us so with the prospect of a perfect summer evening in such dependably merry company then I reckon it's more likely than not that we'll be there...


30 Jul 08 - 09:42 AM (#2401208)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

kind of cracked 8 - just below a tenor....................... sorry

30 Jul 08 - 09:44 AM (#2401210)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Your corner is being prepared as we type!

31 Jul 08 - 03:21 AM (#2401978)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Dave Hanson

Make that just below a fivor and your on.


31 Jul 08 - 03:58 AM (#2401988)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Well, Eric we have no charges,not even a whip round so you couldn't be more welcome. Will you have to travel far?

L in C

31 Jul 08 - 04:40 AM (#2402016)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Phil Edwards

Hearing Les sing Ranzo at the last singaround but three was a bit of a turning-point for me - not least because of the way the rest of the room walloped in on the chorus (I hadn't even known a chorus was coming). Hmmm. Tell me more about this old stuff that's still alive and sounds great and just needs voices to carry it...

So I'll be there next week.

Pip (a.k.a. Phil)

31 Jul 08 - 08:59 AM (#2402142)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Dave Hanson

If I was a bit closer I would be there Les, I'm in West Yorkshire.


31 Jul 08 - 09:18 AM (#2402161)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Fair enough Eric, them Lancashire Border Guards can give migrant singers a tough time!

31 Jul 08 - 05:03 PM (#2402580)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: GUEST,Dave Bishop

West Yorkshire? That's not far! I often walk there and back in a day!

Actually ... that's a bit of a fib ... I've driven to Bradford a few times ... sorry ... I'll get me coat ...

02 Aug 08 - 03:29 AM (#2403505)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Wednesday approaches!

02 Aug 08 - 08:22 AM (#2403563)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: McGrath of Harlow

Bit dangerous isn't it? Don't they always say "Life's the Beech and then you die"?

02 Aug 08 - 08:40 AM (#2403568)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Yes, that's true but people say all sorts of things don't they?

I suspect that if the garden is really sorted and all the rubbish is thrown out of the garage then you die!

Ff their is one thing i would like to know it's where I am going to die. If i did, I just wouldn't go there.

02 Aug 08 - 09:07 AM (#2403576)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: McGrath of Harlow

Like Baldric in Blackadder who wrote his name on a bullet and kept it in a safe place.

02 Aug 08 - 09:32 AM (#2403588)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

That's brilliant!

I seem to remember Mr & Mrs doodlegug being at worried in the same way!


06 Aug 08 - 03:59 AM (#2406312)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Well, it's tonight so any out there gasping for a pint of Landlord and some old songs and tunes will find them at the Beech tonight!


L in C

06 Aug 08 - 07:31 PM (#2407113)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Phil Edwards

May I be the first to say... well, I think I'll just say

TWO! TWO! the lilywhite BOYS!

What an excellent and yet rather odd night that was. Many thanks to Les for making it possible.

06 Aug 08 - 07:43 PM (#2407121)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: 8_Pints

I'll second that!

Must just say Les, because you didn't include Chorlton in the thread title I missed it completely yesterday so just turned up on spec, as they say.

It always seems to be unpredictable, and special because of that!



07 Aug 08 - 03:39 AM (#2407321)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Rapunzel

Well it's always different at the Beech, but last night was truly bizarre - in a good way.

As Les pronounced - "Fucking Priceless!"

Maybe that should be our motto.

I could get used to singing in the dark.

Looking forward to September...

07 Aug 08 - 04:02 AM (#2407331)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Well it surprised me more than a bit!

I realised at 4pm that Man U would be on TV. I rang the Beech and asked if they had it on and they said yes! But it's ok they said it will be a quiet night.

I stumbled to the Beech expecting it to be overflowing with Man U supporters only to find it empty.

Well a great night I'd say. With thanks to Dave, Phil, Alan, Kate, Bob, Sue, Matthew, Rachel and Sean. Also Gordon and Jed as first timers, Ingrid for two excellent stories and Kate for the candles.

The dog was ................ well the dog, what can you say? It didn't bite anyone and only pissed on the carpet once and as the owner offered to share his fragrant smoke with us all it was all a special night.

Thanks again


07 Aug 08 - 07:01 AM (#2407402)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Jack Blandiver

Our first Wednesday monthly routine begins with a romantic dinner for two, gazing lovingly into each other's eyes over some exquisite delicacy or other in one of The Trafford Centre's more exclusive eateries. Actually, I love the Trafford Centre, and I'm sure Sun Ra would have loved it too, but The Beech, by way of contrast, is a genuine heaven-cum-haven from the seductions of such post-modern razzmatazz - dodgy lights, mad dogs & all...

Fucking priceless indeed, Les - see you all in September!

07 Aug 08 - 07:31 AM (#2407427)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

We believe you have been sighted in Ann Summers, is this correct?

07 Aug 08 - 07:48 AM (#2407436)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Jack Blandiver

Is it true you can buy t-shirts there ready moistened?

07 Aug 08 - 08:54 AM (#2407495)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Alan G

It would have been fucking priceless if that effin dog had succeded in pissing on my leg as it was trying to do.
Other than that it was a wonddeful evening.
Hope to see you all next month, or next Wednesday at the Saracen's Head if you can make it - I can't guarantee a pissing dog though

07 Aug 08 - 12:33 PM (#2407685)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: 8_Pints

Ironic that the dog's name we were told is the "Wee Man"!


07 Aug 08 - 03:05 PM (#2407807)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Jack Blandiver

The weird thing is, I actually sing The Wee Wee Man (Child #38) but not on the kemence; next time I promise!

What happened to my conker anyway?

07 Aug 08 - 04:04 PM (#2407839)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: GUEST,Dave Bishop

Oh, it was your conker, was it?

It was thoroughly masticated (steady, Les!) between the doggy's mighty jaws.

07 Aug 08 - 04:33 PM (#2407864)
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
From: Jack Blandiver

Hobley, hobley, honcor, my first conkor;
Hobbley, hobbley ho, my first go;
Hobley, hobley ack, my first crack.