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BS: De-Cluttering August - progress

31 Jul 08 - 10:46 PM (#2402793)
Subject: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Okay, it's probably midnight in the UK now, so I'm starting this one for August.

How many months have some of us been working on this? We can see progress, but we're not finished. I want to be able to entertain this fall and have plenty of room for the holidays, so I'm making a push. What is going to make this possible?

The kids are going on vacation with their father for two weeks.

It's just me and the cats and dogs. Empty boxes, bags and whatever it takes, I'm going to take my vacation days during the same time they're out of town and I'm going to push more of this out of the house one way or another.

This series of threads has been very helpful, and I've been reading books by Don Aslett about de-cluttering that provide some philosophical views of why we save what we do, and all of the avenues this stuff takes to get into our houses.

I can say that I haven't brought in more to replace what has exited, I've been good at passing up the garage sales and the thrift shops, except to drop off donations. I've whittled down the stuff here via documented donations that will be helpful come January at tax time. There has been discipline and thought that goes into the process, but it has always been done on the "second shift," after the work day and the family maintenance activities.

I've spoken about visualizing where I want to be, and Kat has realized that she has to work on more than just her stuff. Liz is working on health issues, and others are moving, retiring, digging out, some have gone missing (Lin in Kansas, did you get buried under JunK's stuff again?). We're coming at this work from a lot of different directions, but it has been fascinating. I love the stories of progress and try not to run on too much myself. So I'll stop now and work on some eBay listings.

Here's hoping August sees us finally finish this work so we have nice roomy houses for the rest of the year. (You might want to save some of those white elephant clutter items for your Secret Santa. That time is just around the corner!) Entertaining, crafts, holidays, kicking back and enjoying your space, here we come!


01 Aug 08 - 12:59 AM (#2402836)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Managed to dump hundreds of old emails from my work account. After they drop off the screen I never think about them, but if I have to search for something useful there was all of this virtual clutter. I'll do more tomorrow, but I'm tired so I might cut a little too close to the bone if I'm not careful.


01 Aug 08 - 09:04 AM (#2402995)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

Thanks, SRS. The threads have been helpful as well as interesting. I have made progress, yesterday pushing several boxes out the door, with more ready for the recycling center.

Kat, I'm doing some of the inner work also. And books...oh my yes. It's time for lots of them to be handed on.

Like Stilly, I do this kind of clearing after my day's work is finished. The trouble with that is our day begins by 3 or 4 am and ends fairly late at 9 or 10 pm. Not much brain or body energy left by that time. I wonder if I can set aside a block of time after morning chores but before making noon dinner, when I'll feel more positive and strong?

We'll schedule a yardsale, but mostly I just want Things/Stuff gone out of our lives.

Think of the thinking/writing/painting/photography/family time we'll have as we clear out the shadows and let in the light.

Our word for August? Stilly has named it already: Progress.

01 Aug 08 - 09:06 AM (#2402996)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Bat Goddess

I'll get rid of another book tonight at The Press Room -- passing the lovely picture book of Ireland from the air to someone who deserves a few hours edification and entertainment. Maybe they'll keep it moving, too.

Laser printer and assorted techno crap loaded in the car for delivery tomorrow, plus a few other things to hand over to Micca.

Yeah, there's still quite a bit of de-cluttering to do, but it'll get done -- as long as we keep at it!

The encouragement on this thread (plus the deadlines of ClaireBear's and Micca's arrival in Sept. & Oct.) really helps!


01 Aug 08 - 08:05 PM (#2403374)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Down to fewer than 75 posts in my work email account, most of them flagged for some promotional follow-up.

We're under a heat advisory that they announced this morning and will run through Monday evening. That kind of heat pretty well kills a weekend. Maybe a little morning work outside, but after the rain it is so humid it's miserable. Work indoors is indicated.


02 Aug 08 - 06:14 PM (#2403936)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I have identified a couple of dozen of the old pamphlet style cookbooks that can be easily scanned, slipped into padded envelopes, weighed, and listed at eBay. There are a lot of other big things to list, but these mean I can sit quietly under the fan in a darkened room and work without generating too much extra heat.

I invited the dogs into the house for a while this afternoon, but they indicated that they'd rather be outside, despite the heat. The difference between yesterday and today is that the humidity is 23%, not near 100% after our rain. It feels so much better out there now. Heat + Humidity = Hell. Dry heat isn't so bad. I gave the dogs each a bath and we all felt pretty good when we were wet (I hosed down my t-shirt and have dribbled water on myself each trip out. I'll do it again in a few minutes when I go to get a load of laundry off the line.)


02 Aug 08 - 09:42 PM (#2404050)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: GUEST,pattyClink

SRS, congratulations on coming so far with such stick-to-it-iveness.

Made little dents around the edges this week, threw a few baskets of stuff out, but astonishing how time-consuming it is to sort things! I can't imagine how much time off work it would take to really go through the whole place. I feel like all I can do is rearrange the crud into neater piles!

Anyway, I am a fan and these chronologues have been helpful to so many of us.

03 Aug 08 - 01:34 AM (#2404147)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

pattyClink, you're in excellent company! We all know about neatening the piles of crud! I just moved some from my Hoosier kitchen onto my dining room table. I should discard it, not just move it. But first some of it has to be sorted or assigned a new home. Arrggghhh . . .

I decided to lump some of the cookbooks, though I found them individually on eBay. You can nickel and dime yourself with all of the stupid listing and PayPal fees on individual items, so I listed them in a lot.


03 Aug 08 - 03:05 PM (#2404402)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Yuck--I found fleas on one of the dogs this morning. We've used Revolution for years and never had a one. Now I have to go into high gear and knock these suckers out. They won't stay outside if they're around. Flea declutter is taking precedence over other types today, but I did already list some eBay items and found an owner's manual for an item I'll list later.

Off to the store for more vacuum cleaner bags, then to the feed store for beneficial nematodes. . .


03 Aug 08 - 03:40 PM (#2404434)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Mrs.Duck

To my shame I've hardly got rid of anything. I have good intentions and then life seems to get in the way. Will start again tomorrow!

04 Aug 08 - 12:26 PM (#2404943)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I decided on a practical eBay approach yesterday--list the items first that are the most in my way now. Let's see if I can eBay my sun room back into some kind of order! :)

On an unrelated note, did you know that if a clean dog (bath yesterday) rolls on the spot where a dead possum decomposed that the dog will get another bath today?

She needs to bring these to me right away, not wait a day when it's so hot out.

04 Aug 08 - 01:48 PM (#2405021)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Micca

SRS, can I take it from this that "Eau de Dead Possum "is not your fragrance of choice?

04 Aug 08 - 02:20 PM (#2405058)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: mouldy

I had my sister in law over to stay this weekend, just as I got back from 2 weeks' camping; as usual, Ruth had swanned off down to Stafford to stay with her boyfriend, and all she had done in her old room after I messaged her the day she was going to tell her of the visit, was clear a bit of the floor by neatly arranging shoes. (not that I didn't ask her a month ago to start sorting it). And all this in her old bedroom. There is NO way she is going to inhabit 2 rooms, just to keep her new one looking pretty, so I emptied the floor and drawers (and what was on top of them) into her new room, then I photographed the mess on my phone and sent her the pic!
There is still a lot more to get out of the old room, but what I did made it usable as a guest room for a not too particular guest.

Ruth's reaction was conspicuous by its absence!

However, I did find that my "bloke who 'does'" had reroofed my shed and made me a new door for it while I had been camping in Scotland, and all the gear was out of it. I now have a pretty light green metal roof on it! Looks quite smart.
Still got all the pile of stuff for the boot fair in the hall as I haven't been around to do it. (When I get back from Whitby, perhaps...)


04 Aug 08 - 07:33 PM (#2405272)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

Just got back home from a long weekend in Munich, decluttering the cases will start tomorrow.

In the meantime, I bought some more clutter home with me.... some beautiful Christmas things that some Secret Santa will be receiving (possibly... if I remember I bought them for other people and not me!), another book of cross stitch patterns and a rather lovely tablecloth embroidered with dandelions.

Ho hum... we start afresh tomorrow.


04 Aug 08 - 08:27 PM (#2405321)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Andrea, you have a "bloke who does" . . . now that is a thought!

I've been clearing out the kitchen counter. Again. Short term goal--a friend of my son's is visiting overnight, the family moved to another town across state. They're in town and scattered, everyone staying with friends, but they're all together somewhere else for dinner. When she brings him back, I want my counter completely clear, and not just moved around other places.


05 Aug 08 - 06:45 AM (#2405585)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: mouldy

My bloke who "does" is also in holy orders (a Deacon) and is entitled to wear a dog collar! He will be made a full vicar next June, all being well, and will still continue to do his "day job"!

Actually, he's 51, married with 3 kids, smokes cheroots, and normally struts his stuff in a pair of combat style shorts and a T shirt. He also drives an old Jeep Cherokee. I have known him for years and years as he also ministers in our parish.

Now I am awaiting the tarts and vicars remarks - after all, he did refit my bedroom last year...

Seriously, it's nice to have somebody I can trust with my house key, and who I am happy to have come and do work while I am away. He also knows how to get his own cups of tea!


05 Aug 08 - 08:12 AM (#2405622)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

My TL made wonderful decluttering progress while I was away; boxes and boxes of stereo equipment and other excess disappeared into the community swap shop at our little recycling center.

What a nice welcome home!

05 Aug 08 - 02:07 PM (#2405870)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Irene M

Andrea, thanks for giving me the best laugh of the day, with your report of tipping the bedroom contents in and then sending a picture. I am willing to bet there are vast numbers of parents out there who would like to do something similar, perhaps involving a skip. (Shame skip hire is so expensive!)
Now me, I would make some more greetings cards and do some sewing, if I could just find the table under all the crap.....

05 Aug 08 - 04:07 PM (#2405965)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Welcome to the group, Irene M!

What is a "skip"? A local term for something found in the UK?


05 Aug 08 - 04:22 PM (#2405982)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

A skip is a large metal container that is traditionally put outside a house that is being cleared, and filled before dawn by everyone else in the vicinity, before the person who hired it has put so much as a housebrick into it.



05 Aug 08 - 04:34 PM (#2405999)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Think Dumpster, SRS!:-)

Andrea, I love that picture in my mind, too!

05 Aug 08 - 05:57 PM (#2406068)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

30 yard at least!

06 Aug 08 - 01:58 AM (#2406280)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I wish I had something to add that enumerates progress. I de-cluttered a half bottle of wine? Oh, well. . .

I think I'll chill out this week and make more of a push on the weekend. As we prepare for the upcoming school year I have appointments that tie up a couple of days. In the meantime, I enjoy reading remarks from folks who discover this series of threads and add insight into their own predicaments. Every new burst of "I want a cleared out house also!" gives me momentum to keep working. Thank you, all, for that.

Hazarding a guess here, I think I'm not the only child of parents who lived through the Great Depression, who were from frugal families anyway (truly pioneers, to the Pacific Northwest in the late 1880s!), but who really tightened the belts during hard times and never quite learned to loosen them again. The non-verbal message plus the "take care of your stuff" overt lectures created what I am today--someone who examines everything twice before letting go of it or figuring out where it needs to be use or reused or sold.

In an ecological sense, this isn't a bad set of hard wiring. We SHOULD look at what is right here first and reuse it if possible. Too much is disposable in our modern society. But when it comes to living comfortably in your space, it is a troublesome mindset.


06 Aug 08 - 03:19 AM (#2406298)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: open mike

well, one solution i would not wish on any one
is a fire...complete and utter clutter removal
well, not exactly, still piles of rubble to go

06 Aug 08 - 04:58 AM (#2406330)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: mouldy

The stuff I lobbed into her room was only small fry compared with what's on top of the wardrobe! I hadn't got the energy for that.
I must admit, it may soon be a trade-off between the cost of hiring a mini-skip, and the fuel required for the repeat trips to the dump.

My late husband was brought up by a mother who got married at the start of WW2 and who was later widowed relatively young. "Make do and mend" was her life's philosophy, therefore he would mend things until they couldn't be mended any more. I am beginning to think that we will all be heading back that way soon!


06 Aug 08 - 05:00 AM (#2406331)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

There's a song that Coope, Boyes and Simpson do, to which the chorus is:

You've got to make it, mend it, wear it out;
Make it do or do without.

A good message to try and adhere to, but very, very hard to do in real life...


06 Aug 08 - 08:40 AM (#2406432)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

Early this morning I sorted out a whole storage bin of beautiful infants' and children's clothing to pass along. Out the door with it. There's lots more like it waiting, but there's a start.

06 Aug 08 - 09:26 AM (#2406460)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

One of my problems is that I love to shop, antiques & old stuff especially. But lately I've been successful in limiting the amount of stuff that comes into the house. I consider that a good start. Now I just go thru the flea market and say "I've got one of those" or "I used to have that same thing", and just keep on going.

This is shaping up to be a busy weekend, but I'm going to try to focus on the kitchen. And maybe carve out a spot for a home office-- the cat will have to share her bedroom, I think.

My mother also was a child of the depression, and she was-- how shall I put this?-- frugal. She saved everything-- paper bags, rubber bands, screws & nails, you-name-it. When I cleaned out her closet after she died, I found many things that still had the price tags on them. She was saving them for something "special", but I never knew what that might be. I've tried not to fall into that way of thinking. If I buy something new, I wear it right away. My mother always said I was like my dad in that respect.

But, to her credit, she was adament about not going into debt. She used a credit card, but always paid it off at the end of the month. I don't think she ever paid a finance charge in her life. I try to do the same.


06 Aug 08 - 01:47 PM (#2406743)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

Cleared out the weekend mess from the kitchen, and there's laundry soaking and laundry waiting. I hope it will drip mostly dry in the greenhouse. It's pouring down rain outside.

06 Aug 08 - 03:26 PM (#2406877)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm loving having a clothes line out back. I time when I wash it so I can hang it out and bring it in dry before dark. It isn't a system suited to throwing in a load to wash right before you go to bed. In the last month I've only actually used my dryer one time (last night--we've had a threat of rain in the last 24 hours).

Nibbles on the eBay stuff, one batch of Pillsbury Bake-Off cookbooks have a bid. Time to push more out there, get it off of my tables and shelves.


06 Aug 08 - 03:36 PM (#2406887)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Irene M

I cannot believe that people would pay for electricity to run a dryer rather than have a washing line. I have never had a dryer. Ever since I bought my own house, I have put up an overhead airer, and as heat rises, the laundry dries up there, if it cannot go out on the line.

Remember Billy Connolly talking about David Hockney's mother visiting him in LA? She looked down the canyon on a beautiful clear blue day and commented that it was such a shame that no one had a line of washing out.

06 Aug 08 - 04:00 PM (#2406902)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

A line of wash can be a beautiful thing. At the moment it is also a luxury. My former washing lines went down along with the young peach orchard when the septic sustem had to be replaced last Thanksgiving.

What I have is three wash boards, three drying racks and a bunch of plastic clothes hangers. I need to scrub at least one if not more bathtubs-worth of dirty farm clothes most days. The racks can't really do the job, in or out, especially in this cycle of wet weather. I've been doing it this way for nearly ten years. I had a wringer washer for about 1 1/2 years, but it died.

A dryer would be heaven. I can't imagine a washing machine. :)

06 Aug 08 - 06:45 PM (#2407073)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

If I had to choose I'd get the washer, skip the dryer. I can't imagine all of that washing, and in a bathtub? Oh, your aching back and knees!


06 Aug 08 - 07:12 PM (#2407095)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

Thanks, SRS. We're savng up for a washer and for the plumbing required.
I found a yard sale dryer at a neighbor's house for $20, but it's waiting for a place to be made. We do need both with so many heavy denim jeans to wash. The dryer, and a washer when we can get and install one, will go into the guest-room-to-be (the nursery). It'll be a while before that can happen.

07 Aug 08 - 03:28 AM (#2407318)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

I can sympathise. For a year I did all of my laundry - from undies to jeans to bedsheets in a bedroom vanity sink a little smaller than the average keyboard.

At least I had a line on which to put them in the garden but wet weather was a bummer. Then it was the old standby of hanging them on every available chair back and bedstead and steaming gently with the heater on.

Getting away from laundry, I have managed to declutter one chair so far... and today I'm making myself some more trousers out of lightweight material for summer wear... I can read a book through the seat of most of my others!


07 Aug 08 - 05:14 AM (#2407360)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: mouldy

I've always used a washing line when possible, except for when we lived in Africa and it used to bake hard on the line. But then we also had the advantage of free electricity, and I was washing pit overalls daily!

I do have a dryer - have had for years, since Ruth was born, and Ian swore he wasn't living in a drying room over the winter! It mainly gets used when the weather's too damp for drying (Winter) unless I need something quickly, or by Ruth who doesn't think ahead, and always washes her stuff at the last minute or when she has run out. A couple of years ago I strung a line under my roofed gazebo that runs off the kitchen, so now I can put a small load out when it's rainy, or if I can't be bothered to walk any further.

Have also now emptied the wardrobe in Ruth's old room. Her sister says she will probably not come home now, but that it's high time I changed from being a chilled mum to a regular mum. She says some mums she knows would (and have) slung out what they themselves have considered to be rubbish.
She also told me of a TV show on de-cluttering on New Zealand TV where they take EVERYTHING out of the house, and set it up in a warehouse or store. The people then have only 30 minutes to decide what they want to keep, and apparently it's amazing that when something that you are sentimentally attached to is out of context, it stops meaning so much.

Wish I had the courage to do something like that!


07 Aug 08 - 10:34 AM (#2407577)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

It's not like it hasn't been suggested--I know if I had super powers I'd be tempted to open the side door and tip the house on end and let it all land in the drive way.

One thing about the clothes line, it doesn't have a lint filter to to get cat hair that the wash left behind. We have two cats. The vet has a brush that is supposed to do a fabulous job in removing extra hair from animals, and I may buy one. It would eliminate loose hair and the daily fur-ball vomiting (that gets really old, especially when they hit furniture).

I found a source for my vacuum bags (should have bought it according to the bag it uses, not according to the size and design of the cleaner). I need to vacuum more to remove hair from the environment, especially now that more furniture is cleared of clutter.


07 Aug 08 - 10:48 AM (#2407589)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

Amen to the cat fur thing. When I washed sheets the last time, I collected enough fur from the lint trap for another whole cat.


07 Aug 08 - 11:48 AM (#2407635)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Yes! I frequently refer to this problem as "having enough hair to knit another cat."

07 Aug 08 - 12:08 PM (#2407656)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Since we got rid of all the carpeting, cat hair is not a big deal. It's the dog hair which is everywhere, in wispy clumps along the baseboards, etc. enough, every two weeks, for another whole dog!

There is a program on TLC called Clean Sweep the hosts of which come in, put everything outside on tarps and help you eliminate down to one tarp, I think it is, and have a yard sale. They usually do it with some kind of couple configuration, so there is some fun tension about who gets to keep what.


07 Aug 08 - 12:27 PM (#2407681)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I used to watch a couple of those programs. The one that seemed funniest (though sometimes most painful) was Clean House with Niecy Nash.


08 Aug 08 - 01:45 AM (#2408177)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Have managed to list something on eBay every day this week. Slow and steady is slow and steady, but at least it's moving.


08 Aug 08 - 05:40 AM (#2408260)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: mouldy

I have a dog which is part corgi, and corgis shed hair constantly. Fortunately/unfortunately I have a carpet which doesn't always show the hair, unless she also having her seasonal moult. However, I also have a Persian rug in front of the fire, and every couple of days I notice that the colours are looking paler!

I LOVE it when the vaccing process makes it look like one of the commercials, and you get the clean stripe on the rug! Trouble is, the hoover doesn't cope with it very well, even though it is a pet hair model. The entry hole for the waste into the canister is quite small, and it can't cope with the amount my dog chucks off. Sometimes it overheats and cuts out. I have to empty it out about every 10 mins if I am doing a through-the-house clean. It doesn't help that I live in a dusty house in a dusty area.

Still no word from Ruth of when she's back - she's off again at the end of next week to a rock festival, as her boyfriend has won VIP tickets for it, with backstage access. So she may not show her face at Whitby!

- intending to have a clothes repair and ironing day. 10.35am and so far it's washing up put away and a load of washing on. I will own up to having put a load of towels through the dryer last night to get them out of the way as it was rainy, and I have other stuff to go under my gazebo today, which will hopefully dry faster.

08 Aug 08 - 10:10 AM (#2408393)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

Made some decent progress on the kitchen last night-- made space for all the small appliances (coffee-maker, mixer, popcorn-popper, etc) on the shelf next to the pantry, so they're easy to reach/use. Plus, now the popcorn is near the popper and the coffee is near the maker--what a novel idea! And the catfood has a corner of its own. Also cleaned the stove.


08 Aug 08 - 10:29 AM (#2408406)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Andrea, I have reverted back to an old-fashioned carpet sweeper in a couple of areas of the house with carpet. I have several antique Persian carpets that the cats seem to love to lounge on (good ta$te!) and the sweeper peels off the layer easily.

This weekend looks like the storm before the calm--the kids will be here getting ready to vacation with their dad for 12 days, leaving Monday. I have a batch of potato salad, fresh bread, a cold roast chicken, ready for snacks or quick lunch. I don't expect my kitchen to continue to improve until the traffic subsides.

My neighbors two doors up are doing a garage sale. I'm tempted to take a few items up and plant them in their stuff. I still have a couple of small televisions to sell and lots of toys. They have two small children, I might even sell the toys to them! :)


08 Aug 08 - 04:06 PM (#2408728)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

De-cluttered my bank account today... sometimes it just has to be done - much to my bank manager's disgust!


08 Aug 08 - 08:21 PM (#2408931)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Mine is running on empty right now, Liz, I had to put gas in the pickup.

Friday night, the PBS pledge drive is over so my usual British mysteries are on tonight. The Olympics are on (I guess it's running now--long program) but will end before my mysteries start. I can putter around the house clearing up (my kids will be through getting things for their trip, but they won't contribute measurably to the disarray here for the next two weeks).

I'm going to clear out my fridge first. I'll empty out jars of stuff past the shelf date and clean the shelves and bins. I have a bunch of veggies from the garden, so I'll blanch, chop, and freeze some tomatoes and make a batch of salsa. I'll turn on a couple of televisions so I'll move around and watch these programs as I work.


09 Aug 08 - 01:43 AM (#2409075)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I cleared out old jam jars, an old batch of pickles, various thing like that. Scrubbed the glass shelves. The fridge looks great inside.

I also picked off ALL of the magnets and pieces of paper on the outside. Made two stacks, one magnets, the other is paper. I've been planning to put the paper pieces in a notebook and the emergency phone numbers in a more streamlined system one could flip through. It will probably still go on the fridge, but take a lot less space. That time has come.

The fridge is bare, it looks almost naked. But when I arrange the appliances on the counter next to it, it looks rather elegant.


09 Aug 08 - 06:05 AM (#2409144)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Lin in Kansas

Not buried under JunK's stuff--buried under my own, mostly. I've been sidetracked with a couple of proofreading jobs, and some sewing projects, so haven't been doing much on the de-cluttering front. Also took a trip to my hometown for its annual Will Rogers Day ceremonies: parade, school reunion, etc. Pickup broke down on the way with a burnt up alternator, so like Liz I've de-cluttered my bank account, although not in a fun way.

The place is in chaos because of packing for Winfield music festival, so I'm much afraid that de-cluttering will have to wait until we get back from that. Then it will be a real mess trying to find places to put away all the camping stuff...sigh...there really is no end to this, is there?


09 Aug 08 - 09:47 AM (#2409231)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

The objective is to create permanent places for the camping stuff so it has a place to go right when you get home, it doesn't sit around waiting for a storage place to reveal itself. Right now my camping stuff is in at least four places. It used to be worse, but it can certainly be better.

There are at last count three garage sales within a block of the house today. I should pull out stuff and take it over to the one two doors up. I did buy a new Panama hat for 50 cents yesterday. I have one already, but this is a spare for guests who might tour the garden with me on a hot day. They had a whole stack of them, many still with the $25 price tag; the folks with this sale own retail clothing stores. I was good and didn't get more than one. I suspect my daughter will cart this off and I won't keep it long.


09 Aug 08 - 09:59 AM (#2409239)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

I decluttered all the camping stuff into one box but now that box is too heavy to go into the loft where it belongs... It's living in the bathroom for now, until I go camping in 2 weeks time.


09 Aug 08 - 10:14 AM (#2409253)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Shouldn't one point of this decluttering also include "accessibility?" Maybe you need to covert this system to two boxes so you can easily move the camping contents around. When I was moving around the country a lot as a seasonal ranger (all my stuff in the back of my pickup), and when I moved the household contents a couple of times, I used small enough boxes that I could carry almost all of them by myself. I was too cheap (and broke) to pay for commercial movers. Treat everything like books, keep the boxes to a manageable size.


09 Aug 08 - 02:50 PM (#2409434)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Lin in Kansas

Stilly, you forget...when we "camp," we have everything but the kitchen sink with us, and we'd have the sink if the camper didn't already include one.

I keep trying to convince JunK that we're not in the wilds of nowhere and we can actually go BUY some supplies at the Wally World or the Dillon's. So far, no luck. So our camping stuff won't fit into several boxes, let alone one. "Manageable" sounds great, but so far is only theory here.


At least I'm decluttering my fabric stash, in between creating more scraps (save them or throw them...eenie, meenie...)

09 Aug 08 - 03:11 PM (#2409446)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

I can't image what my fridge would look like without all the little scraps of paper. It really serves as my phone book for my most-called numbers.

Total jumble of thoughts in my head, but maybe writing them down will help clarify. I went computer shopping this morning, because I really do need a new one. But there were so many different things to consider, I came away more confused than before. And I'm not computer illiterate—hells-fire, I'm a programmer. But there are questions about how I will use this thing, that I'm just not ready to answer right now. And, besides, it's not like it will be the last computer I buy. It doesn't have to be all things for all times. I think, for the time being, I just want something to surf the internet. My old laptop is perfectly good for Word & Excel.

Anyway, after I left the computer store, I went to the bookstore, and was browsing through the home decorating magazines. My cellphone rang, and it was somebody from work with a question; I answered the question and went back to browsing.

But this whole retirement thing has me looking at everything differently. I started thinking that 1) whatever WORK I decide to do in the future cannot be allowed to invade my home. And 2) I need to start thinking about my house differently.

Right now (and for the past 20 years) it has been the place that I sleep at night. It is about to become the place where I live during the day. Sure, I putter around in the garden some times, but I never really took possession of it.

I've been thinking about making some changes in the kitchen, but now I need to re-think them. I expect that I'll have a different relationship to my kitchen, now that I live here. Instead of just heating things up in the microwave, I may actually cook.

One thing I have decided: take things easy. I have SO many books that I want to read. And I've had thoughts of a novel (don't we all) sloshing around in the back of my head. These next 12 months should be the best time of my life, so my first resolution is to enjoy myself. And not rush into anything, but "if it feels good, do it". Whew! Thanks for listening, guys.


09 Aug 08 - 05:53 PM (#2409520)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Sounds luxurious to consider all of those options, but it doesn't sound restful! Still, it should be quite satisfying!

I worked on the fridge, now Moby Dick naked in the corner. When I cleared out and rearranged the inside I realized I had to freeze more garden stuff, tomatoes and peppers today, and while I was at it I might as well make a batch of chicken stock with the carcass of the bird that was there for snacks.

Made enchiladas with the rest of the meat then boiled the skin and bones and drippings for stock (this will be great for making rice) and then I blanched tomatoes and used some in a batch of beans that I'll freeze in small jars. My shopping list is growing as I use up or weed out things.

The thing about gardening is that you have to use or preserve it all or there's no point in gardening. I have a recipe for salsa that I'm going to make and can after a trip to the store for pint jars. Garden tomatoes are perfect for this because they have the necessary acidity. (I feel like I eat cardboard tomatoes most of the year, until summer and my vine ripened crop comes in.)

I'm ready to knock off this kitchen activity for a while.


09 Aug 08 - 06:03 PM (#2409526)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Sorcha

Oh my.....I feel bad. I managed to de clutter the place one room at a time and finished about a year ago. I have so much space it's unbelievable. But, yes...there ARE still boxes on closet shelves. Mostly my mom's stuff that the kids might want someday. I DON'T want it which is why it is in boxes.

Now, the resident Mr has NOT even begun to deal with the garage. That is Off Limits to MY decluttering. He doesn't even see the need to do it. (male thing?)

The Attic is still chock FULL of the daughters stuff and she has moved out (again). is 110 degrees F up there and it can wait til winter when it isn't so hot out. She does WANT to do it. Might actually NEED some of it at her new place. I'm more than willing to help. I'm MUCH more ruthless than she is!

Fabric scraps...I never just toss them (unless they are really small). I take them to the local Sr. Friendship center for them to make quilts and sunbonnets out of. The books go to the library used book sale. I only get rid of books that I am sure I will never want to read again and make room for more (from the used book sale!)

I did try to get the son to help me with the garage...he turned me down cold. Said he never wanted to SEE that garage again! LOL

A lot of what is in there is tent camping stuff. We have an RV/5th wheel now, so tell me why I need this stuff? Cause I can't bear to think of never tent camping again.....and I just am not ready to sell the 'Circus Tent'. 16x16 Medieval pavilion....I did TRY to sell it...but took it off the market. Just can't. I LOVE that tent...and it only takes up 4 LARGE plastic tubs....LOL

09 Aug 08 - 09:01 PM (#2409623)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I discarded some really old spices from the cabinet next to the fridge, and since I cleared off canisters the fridge top, I relocated them there. I try for logical groupings, and have put some things I always have to stretch for on lower shelves. The beans are put away, some for now, most of them in the freezer in small jars.

The kitchen is clean, all of the dishes washed, so it is now time for a quiet evening adding to my eBay listings.


09 Aug 08 - 10:57 PM (#2409651)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Sorcha

Uh....Maggie...the top of the frigde gets pretty hot...and spices really shouldn't be stored where it's either hot or sunny.

10 Aug 08 - 12:32 AM (#2409685)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I had baking pans and plastic containers mostly, with a couple of canisters of sugar and dry milk. I've moved it all off the top. The spices are in the cooler dark cupboard.

The other fridge thing I forgot to mention was that when I wiped the whole thing down I also took off the kick plate and removed a heavy layer of dust and cat hair from the coils underneath. That should help it run more efficiently.


10 Aug 08 - 09:53 AM (#2409830)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Sorcha

oh. ok

10 Aug 08 - 12:03 PM (#2409881)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage


I vote you hold onto your camping stuff, or at least a good array, even if you're culling old or deteriorated items.

I haven't been tent camping in quite a while, but I don't have a trailer or motor home (used to have a trailer but the ex talked me into selling it. Bad advice.) Last trip we did a mix of tent camping and motels. It was one of those trips where we spent the rainy nights in the tent and the alternating dry nights in the motel. :-/

Anyway, I think a baseline level of camping material is a good thing to have around the house. You never know when something will come up when either it helps to have it there for yourself, or you can loan or give it to those suddenly needing shelter. It's like the extra blankets and towels I have in cupboards here. I can get rid of a lot of extra clothes and gadgets and even books, but some of the absolute low-tech basics like those are there for "in case."


10 Aug 08 - 01:14 PM (#2409906)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Bat Goddess

Well, didn't do much de-cluttering this week, between trying to catch up from the fun/lack of sleep at last week's Portland, ME festival and this hideous, rain-foresty weather we've been having. Can't do any painting, as the humidity is waaaaay too high, and I seem to be mildewing as well. (Or maybe I just have Oak Blight...) Not sure if my maladies of the past couple days are allergy, atmospheric pressure or cold-related, but I'm doing my best right now to de-clutter sinuses, etc.

I did spend some time this morning sorting out a catch-all jewelry basket in the bathroom and added to my jewelry de-accession bag. Has anyone had any experience selling vintage costume jewelry or other interesting but pre-owned jewelry on eBay?

(The rest of the time was spent polishing silver jewelry, finding the mates of some lonely earrings, and figuring out how to make a wide silver cuff with a hinge and clasp fit better thirty-some-odd years after I commissioned it.)

Now that I've gotten rid of the Postscript laser printer that took up so much space, I can attempt to pull out and sort out some of the storage boxes (all nicely labeled, thank goodness!) in this catch-all roof/office. The box I'm in quest of is, of course, in the back on the bottom, but after I extricate that, I think I can call the magazine guy and trade a lot of cubic footage for a few pieces of green paper.



10 Aug 08 - 01:48 PM (#2409924)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I am feeling better, so packed up two and half boxes of books today, from the office, and will call the library to pick up them and more, when I get the rest done, for their annual sale. Also had Rog haul off a heavy wooden office chair which needs repairing. I am now off to remove said books from amazon and feels good to have made a definite decision to make my life less *busy*. If I don't have the tedious and time-consuming listing of scads of books hanging over me, I can concentrate better on those things I do want to get done, i.e. re-edit my novel after my readers get back to me; maybe finish up the ranch book and/or my dad's history book. Things that are important to me, but had been put aside for a variety of reasons. It's all part of my trust in the Great Spirit for direction!:-)

11 Aug 08 - 01:53 AM (#2410269)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Kat, I have some books I'm going to pull from the "sell on eBay" stack and take them down to the local used book store. It's the kind they pay something for (the healthy cooking books, general self-help, and self-diagnosis/health type). I never seem to read those books, so someone else might as well have a crack at them!

My fridge is looking good inside and out, and I used up a bowl of garden tomatoes to make a small batch of salsa. And I canned it! Three pints isn't a lot, but this is part of the learning curve. Each lid did a happy "pop!" a couple of minutes out of the boiling water.

I wish I hadn't decluttered my wallet so thoroughly. I seem to have a lot of month left without any money. I have a few small items listed on eBay and will place some larger ones in the next week. That should help.


11 Aug 08 - 01:34 PM (#2410757)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I have to de-clutter one of the dogs of the fleas she picked up last week (she is affectionate toward the critters she hunts down and she evidently got a pack of fleas off of a possum she didn't hand over to me right away). On my way over to the vet late this afternoon I'll swing by the recycling station with some stuff and then drop a donation at Goodwill. I'm sure I can come up with something in the next few hours!

Several eBay items are moving along.


11 Aug 08 - 02:28 PM (#2410808)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I have filed a bunch of paid bills from on top of my desk and cleared the rest of the paper which had been accumulating on it. Got in some jewellery supplies, today, so can now finish a couple of pieces and get that clutter done and over with!

Maggie, our used bookstore doesn't want to pay much at all for most books, so I've given up. Just decided it'd be quicker and I'd feel happier helping out the library. I have very fond memories of this one, taking my son there for his first ever card and now, my grandson, too.:-)

I do still have some things to put on ebay, but not books or LPs.

11 Aug 08 - 03:48 PM (#2410878)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

You remind me that in a shopping center fairly near here we have a bookstore run by the friends of the Fort Worth Public Library. I've never been in it, I don't seem to find myself over there much during their operating hours. I'll look into it. You're right--I don't get much for the books except the space on the shelves once they're gone.


11 Aug 08 - 04:32 PM (#2410930)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

Limpit and I decluttered a whole pile of stuff today - got rid of a load of scrap paper to the recycling, some rubbish to the bin and tidied a whole heap of craft stuff into really useful boxes. As a result we've acquired a whole clear shelf and space in the cupboard. Then I vaccuum packed 3 double duvets and 2 pillows into 2 bags, reducing their volume by over half and thus fitting all three into one box. That still leaves one duvet spare, one on the bed and a spare single one somewhere....

A good day for a change. But not for the diet.


11 Aug 08 - 08:21 PM (#2411088)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm going to explore Craig's List for my area to sell some of the larger items I've been moving out to the garage. I spoke with the neighbors who had the garage sale last weekend--it was very successful and they advertised only on Craig's list. I don't really want to go to all of the trouble of a garage sale, so I would advertise stuff individually. Small things are still okay on eBay, but that 100-year-old bear skin rug in the garage--that's no way to keep a rug but maybe someone wants it for the teeth and claws. Rugs like this don't sell on eBay (you can't) but I could list it locally.


11 Aug 08 - 09:49 PM (#2411146)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Well, Rog got the boudoir lamps (cut glass with fountain wires with hanging prisms) outta the closet and weighed them for me, so I was able to get them listed on ebay. There seems to be a robust market for such thing, so here's to luck!

Goodonya LtS and Limpit! It all counts!

11 Aug 08 - 11:23 PM (#2411183)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I sold two chandeliers for $250 that I picked up at the curb (yup--they were going to the dump!)

I'm really glad the neighbors reminded me about Craig's List. It does have its limitations, brief descriptions, kind of sleezy people out there (take a look at the personals--whew!)


12 Aug 08 - 04:37 AM (#2411278)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

Hey Stilly, that's not Craig's List, that's my Little Black Book!


12 Aug 08 - 11:29 AM (#2411560)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I am cranky beyond belief today. The straw that broke the camel's back was yesterday when the vet said one of the dogs tested positive for heart worms, despite being on monthly Revolution for years. They are supposed to cover it if I buy it from the vet and the dog gets heart worms, but I buy the doses 7 at a time (6 plus one free) and since the dogs are the same weight they share it and I refill it every three months. Poppy's refill was far enough back that they might argue she's not covered, but I pulled out my bills and I can show that I have bought 24 doses in the last 12 months. She tested fine last year in July. The other dog tested okay in March, but I'm going to have her retested just to play it safe. She/they get treated then have to spend a month "quiet" in the house, walk on leash to pee, etc. Geez. These are outside dogs. That is not going to be fun.

This pushes me way past my ability to pay, so I'm looking at the financial options, and that always makes me cranky. I don't approve of people discarding pets when they get expensive--it's a commitment, so I'll have to do something and make choices. This isn't a treatment to prolong the life of an ailing elderly animal, this can result in many years with a healthy younger dog. But if this vet (via Pfizer, who offers the guarantee) stiffs me for the treatment I'll go to a different vet, closer to home and probably less expensive (my dogs get immunizations every year at a shot clinic at city hall run by this guy. He's not supporting a "pet resort" with his practice.)

I'll look at the Craig's list route as a way to maybe sell some of this bulky stuff faster than eBay, and easier, if people pick it up versus shipping. It's not just clutter now, it's cash. :-/


12 Aug 08 - 11:53 AM (#2411575)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Jeez, Maggie, did they explain WHY one tested positive when you'd been giving them preventative meds all along? YOu might want to take a look near the bottom of THIS PAGE for funding help. Our vet recommends Care Credit for assistance with large health care expenses, including veterinarian. Good luck!

You have inspired me to try craigslist here, again. I've just listed the pottery kiln I have been trying to get rid of. It's in the shed, so it's not direct clutter, but it will help if it sells!

12 Aug 08 - 06:07 PM (#2411983)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

The pharmaceutical company has a big asterisk in their "guarantee" of their product--I apparently didn't get a heartworm test for Poppy last year, so though she has been on the medication continuously, they won't pay the nearly $900 for the treatment. I had Cinnamon retested this morning, she is still negative. She had her last test in March (I did this test today just to be sure, since the dogs are on the same schedule). I suggested I swap the dog's names. Seems that has been tried before. . .

These dogs were so vocal at being separated. Poppy is going to be one noisy patient. Cinnamon went in back for the blood test and when she came back to the room it was like old home week. And I'm supposed to keep Poppy quiet in the house for a month. That'll be a trick.

I'll go over to the Container Store this evening for a couple of specialized shaped boxes for more eBay stuff, and I'll set out a couple of things to photograph for Craig's list, and we'll see what happens. Anyone need a large almost 100 year old grizzly bear rug, all teeth and claws intact? (It has been in attics and garages for decades, so I'm sure the fur is bound to slip. Maybe someone wants it to tie flies and make Native American jewelry.) I think my great uncle Edward brought this back to Connecticut with him when he returned from a few months spent mining gold in Alaska in 1912.


12 Aug 08 - 07:57 PM (#2412081)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Micca is in love with bears, but I don't think he wants one skinned.:-) What about donating it to a museum or some such?

12 Aug 08 - 08:17 PM (#2412095)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I suspect museums that would display a bear rug are up to their eyeballs in this kind of thing. I've made a good dent in the taxes for this year with the items I've donated so far, but now I need to pay a few bills!

It's a nice evening, cooler for once. Time to go poke around in the garage with the camera, pull a few things toward the door to photograph and offer on Craig's List. I will report back!


13 Aug 08 - 12:15 PM (#2412573)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Okay, I've taken some initial photos of this bear. The skin, despite as old as it is (1912 or earlier) is in great shape. The hair isn't slipping, I don't think it has been out of the box since Edward brought it home to Connecticut. It stayed in it's box in his attic work area.

The original pads and claws are on the feet, but a form would have been used for the head and it has wax plugs for the back teeth, kind of crumbling painted plaster for the tongue and gums, and it has carved ivory upper and lower fangs and far front teeth. Amazing.

I have the original box it shipped in, and I have a musty but intact shroud thing (complete with a sewn slot with ties for the head to be slipped through, probably for shipping.)

eBay won't let skins and animal rugs be sold there. They're non-PC items (yet they will let clearly "genuine fossils" manufactured in Romania be listed as if they're the real thing). Anyway, I wonder if I sell a toy bear (I have lots of Beanie Baby bears and other toys here) and in the auction include a link to "my other non-eBay sales" without any mention of the bear. It would be a process of discovery, but if the toy is sold as a grizzly bear toy, it would turn up in a search and I would have to rely on shoppers to find it. I wonder if the PETA folks who patrol the site would consider this a breech and report it?

Does Amazon allow sales of stuff like this? Are there other legitimate online auction sites I should be considering?

I'm also looking for hunting and taxidermy publications where I might run an advertisement. I looked into this before then set it aside; I'll pull out that research material. I had a back-channel discussion with a guy who thought I was nuts to ask a high price for it, but he shut up when I told him how old it was, that it went from a musty bear rug to an antique. Maybe he was tired of arguing, or maybe he was into a field he couldn't respond to.

Thinking out loud, but I would like to see this critter move on to someplace where it would be appreciated. It scares the cats and is a tripping hazard in my house. :)


13 Aug 08 - 12:20 PM (#2412578)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Maggie, check with some auction houses. Here's one which sold a similar rug for $1,000!

13 Aug 08 - 12:55 PM (#2412619)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

That was quite a unique situation, that White Birches sale. Too bad it was scattered--better the contents and all go to the state to open to the public. But the owner was entitled to sell his property and the people who bought items did get pieces of history!

14 Aug 08 - 01:46 PM (#2413792)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

The dog days of August seem to be working against we de-clutterers. The thread even fell off the bottom of the page!

I ran errands this morning and let my curiosity take me into several antique/collectible/whatnot stores that are a few blocks from here. In the general scheme of "familiarity breeds contempt," I drove past these for ages, didn't even realize they were all there. Anyway, I wasn't tempted by most of this stuff, and the stuff that was interesting I already had one so I walked past it. I won't offer to sell these folks stuff because they'd give me nothing for them and then mark them up to the price they hope to get. I'll keep up with eBay.

And hey, if I can throw the last couple of year's worth of wine corks that accumulated in a pretty casserole in the kitchen (no synthetics!) into a box and sell them for $5, you know there's still hope for this de-clutter regimen I'm trying to follow! Seriously! (At the rate of a ~ 1 bottle a week minus the synthetic corks, I came up with 65 corks. One of the kids said "Don't throw them away--people buy them on eBay!" It was almost a joke to do the search, but yup, craft people and people who fish buy corks online!)

This listing one item a day is slowly building up the coffers. I have five items active right now, four have bids, and I average between $5 and $10 per listing. Doesn't take long, I don't do a full-fledged FrontPage listing for little stuff, but I can write out enough quick html when I do the listing that they include a couple of photos.


14 Aug 08 - 03:10 PM (#2413891)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Good for you, Maggie. Maybe when I get stuff out of the closets and trunks, I'll try the one thing a day on ebay. Right now, I remain unconvinced when it comes to my own stuff. I have about two days left on teh boudoir lamps...only twenty-some looks and no trackers. They are nice enough, I might take them to an antique consignment shop downtown if they don't sell.

14 Aug 08 - 03:43 PM (#2413925)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

Nice to hear about progress. I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow, and the first order of business is to straighten out the garage so I can get the car inside. During the summer, I usually leave it in the driveway, but this morning it was all wet with dew & I had to wash the windows. The garage has BBQ/picnic gear where the car usually goes. Hope I can get it done in a couple of hours; don't want to turn it into an all-day job.


14 Aug 08 - 03:49 PM (#2413931)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

One more (temporary) complication in my life. This Saturday, the Woodward Dream Cruise will be going on about a half mile from my house. Some of us, who are not "car people" call it the Nightmare Cruise. People actually started driving about 2 weeks ago (what gasoline shortage?). I plan to spend the day as far away as possible.


14 Aug 08 - 04:15 PM (#2413954)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Some of those things need a couple of category listings to take off. I did a fair amount of research to get some keywords in the listing that I really hoped were correct. (!)

I'm selling some of Mom's souvenir jackets and a sweat shirt from attending the opening of the Women in the Military Memorial in 1997. They didn't go first try as a group of things, but individually I am finding that if they are listed as a regular garment and also as "militariana, other" (something like that) they get a few more hits and do sell. The corks are a hoot, just a game, really. I'm getting ready to list a hammered dulcimer on eBay. With more information about the makers (still in existence) and perhaps a reserve price this time, I hope it does better than the last dulcimer.

I found an interesting taxidermy web site that I'm going to read through pretty carefully to see what I can find out about old time tanning and mounting of skins in bear rugs. Keyword search again, again, but I am also hoping for comprehension of what the actual condition of this might be in contrast to the relative scarcity of some of the stuff with it.


14 Aug 08 - 04:54 PM (#2413991)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Good point about the categories, Maggie. I've just added a second one and I notice I now have one watcher.

14 Aug 08 - 05:35 PM (#2414040)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage


Much easier to spend another 35 cents to reach a wider audience than to wait and run it again and pay that same amount over. eBay will nickel and dime you all along if you let them, with boxes and bold text and extra big photos, but the categories are where you get the most for your money.

PM me your item number, I'd like to take a look (you'll have to discount at least one on the counter, but I won't set it up to watch so you can be sure those who are watching might actually be buyers).


14 Aug 08 - 06:22 PM (#2414080)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

I really ought to give this Ebay thing a go... I have almost a complete set of Ngaio Marsh books (New Zealand born crime writer - they were all reprinted about 20 years ago) that I've only read about half of, will probably never read again and wasn't that impressed with when I did. Someone might be interested... if I didn't stick my bookplate in them then!


14 Aug 08 - 06:30 PM (#2414085)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

If you have almost a complete set sometimes it is worth the trouble to get the last book or two then sell them as a lot. I had some John D. MacDonald "Travis McGee" novels (I think there are 21) of my father's, and realized that with 19 I wouldn't get nearly what I would with the whole set. They sold for about $75 on eBay; incomplete it would probably have been in the range of about a buck a book. Look around on eBay and see if she sells. (I enjoyed the PBS dramas from her books, but I don't think I've read any. My Mom read them all).

14 Aug 08 - 07:59 PM (#2414150)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

Seems like I read some of the Marsh (paperback)books back in the 70s, but didn't keep any. They probably went to the library's used book sales.

Worked on the garage tonight and made enough room for the car. Took a rusty shelving unit out to the trash (somebody will pick it up just for the metal) and a ratty old chair.

Found a nice (small) wool blanket, without any moth holes, so I'll get that dry cleaned.

Now that I'm in & out of the garage, I've started bringing in firewood to the front porch. I keep a canvas bag out there & bring in a few logs each trip. Next item of business: get the chimneysweep out here (it's been 2 years since it was cleaned).


14 Aug 08 - 09:08 PM (#2414189)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I read a lot of Marsh back in the early 70s, too.

Maggie, I will get the item number and PM you. I may have started them out too high, but not willing to give them away, either.:-) Tks!

14 Aug 08 - 10:56 PM (#2414235)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Very pretty lamps! I sent via PM some remarks and a couple of lines of text I used when I sold the chandeliers last year.

I should have listed something again tonight, but haven't gotten to it. I'll grab a collectible t-shirt my daughter's boyfriend left here and put one up quick, just to keep up the work.


15 Aug 08 - 06:29 AM (#2414410)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: mouldy

Got rid of an old bedside cabinet, and a cabinet that housed old tapes, videos and my LPs. Now I have to find storage for the Lps etc. However I plan to sort some more space in the study shelves and put them there.

I got my friend to help me haul the cabinets off to the local council dump, and the guy there looked at them and said they could go to be reused in social housing and the like. That made me feel better about getting rid of them. I just wish my deltoid insertions felt the same!

I am getting packed up for Whitby at the moment, but I intend to get cracking again in a week or so...

I unpacked Ian's cross country skis, which have been languishing in bubble wrap in a corner of the study ever since they got shipped back from Moscow a year ago. I have moved them to the dining room and propped them up against the dresser. At least they will make a conversation piece! I don't ski, and have no intention of doing so. They may end up on Ebay.


15 Aug 08 - 10:17 AM (#2414577)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Maggie. I did some revising this morning. I will relist them if they don't go this time.

Andrea, good for you!

15 Aug 08 - 11:12 AM (#2414620)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm sure I show up in the views, and maybe a couple of other Mudcatters, but you have had 45 hits now. I see the new wording.

I've concluded that eBay is like gambling--don't put things out there that you can't afford to not get the money for. If you can sell it in the newspaper or some other way for a set price and have someone come buy it when you're wanting to sell it, that's best. If that option isn't there and you're willing to take a chance that someone will see it and buy it, hopefully for a reasonable price, then list it at eBay.

I've only scratched the surface on the strategies but through trial and error one of the most off-putting phrases out there is "no returns." I think people will move on over choosing to buy something when there's no chance of fixing it if it is completely wrong--people worry that the description might be misleading. I've bought things that were so unlike the descriptions and even though I had to pay return postage, I sent them back. The way the rating system was set up I didn't dare complain at the bait and switch those sellers were doing, but now sellers aren't supposed to be able to blast unhappy buyers.

It puts sellers in a tougher position if they run into a crackpot buyer, but it means sellers also have to be sure they're selling exactly what they say they are. If this had been in place when I bought a couple of different rugs I would have been frank and said those sellers didn't know what they were talking about to pass off acrylic rugs as wool, or to hide big tears from the camera and describe them as intact. Etc.

It has been my observation that people who sell the same thing for a good price over time develop a following and some momentum. People who sell various things tend to get lucky sometimes and not others. I think that if you're looking for an online business you would have to either decide on a set of products to sell, or have such a broad base of sales going so that averaging would make it act more like an income.

It's Friday! I have to work today, I took yesterday off, but I'll take a couple of days next week. Gotta move more of this stuff, and I am going to create a larger photo area in my sun room so I don't need to lay my cutting board on the floor in the living room. The cats leave it alone, but I'm going to have a dog in the house for the next month (recovering from heart worms). I need to put things out of harm's way. I don't think she is a chewer, but she will be bored.


15 Aug 08 - 01:12 PM (#2414746)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: mouldy

Ah, Kat, but from what I was told, cross country skis are specific to a person's height, and I may be on the tall side, but I ain't 6'1"!! But then, maybe 5'7" falls into the same size. I'll have to find out.

I must admit, if I was to attempt any form of ski related exercise, it would have to be cross country because I know dam well I'd end up in a plaster cast if I tried downhill! - (both my girls ski and Ruth boards as well).

Packing for Whitby all done. Only tidying I have done is to sling the stuff that won't get used out of the fridge, change bedding, do washing and sort the ipod out a bit!
Oh and I have tidied the dog into the boarding kennels.


15 Aug 08 - 06:23 PM (#2414998)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

My sisters all cross country ski. I never liked being cold that much!

Maggie, I think you are right about ebay. My friend who supports himself is known for specific types of items and has a loyal following. I see I have 55 views, some of which I know are you, but that's still better than I've had before, but I've lost the one watcher I had.:-<

This weekend, I am going to have Rog help me get the rest of the books off the shelves in the office and in boxes for the library. I am also going to see if he can put up some kind of small set of wall shelves above my desk.

Oh, and the kiln sold on craigslist. The person's parents will come get it within a week or two and the buyer is paying me by paypal, so that's worked out well! That will really leave some space in the storage shed.

15 Aug 08 - 06:35 PM (#2415007)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

I decluttered the freezer today... and promptly filled it again with pre-cooked meals to take camping next weekend! It saves me about ÂŁ60 if I take and cook my own food, I love doing it and it's healthier too!

Now I need to declutter the fridge so I can get the veggies in properly.


15 Aug 08 - 09:01 PM (#2415103)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

My fridge is looking good and I'm not losing tomatoes or peppers that have rolled out of sight behind tupperware. We had a heavy rain today and that usually encourages a growth spurt, so maybe next week I'll put up a couple of pints of tomatoes.

Kat, if you relist before too much time passes they often refund one of the listing fees if your item sells. Running it twice sometimes is what it takes to get the attention of collectors who don't have alerts emailed to them every day. I have an air filter running again and it has a bid this second time around.

It's Friday, and I have Poppy the heart worm dog home. I took Cinnamon down to the vet with me and after doing a few tricks for the receptionist for treats on the counter she realized something was up and stood staring at the door to the examining rooms, tail wagging in a steady hopeful way. Listening for the clink of Poppy's collar. They were sweet--and when we got home she was crying at the back door for a while because Poppy does have to stay quiet. I'll put her out in the kennel after it cools down and let the cats out and feed them. It is going to be a month of "who's on first" around here.

This evening I found some big shooping bags from a local shoe store and have assigned myself the task of filling them with donation items to drop off at Goodwill tomorrow.


15 Aug 08 - 11:25 PM (#2415200)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Yes, I do plan to relist them if they don't go this time, Maggie. Thanks. I have had 60 views now and my watcher is back.:-) Only baout 22 hours to go.

16 Aug 08 - 01:23 AM (#2415228)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

When watchers come and go, I assume it means they're shopping. Your first one may have left because they bought a different lamp that was also for sale. They checked out of anything else after they made their choice. When I'm selling something large and unique I tend to look around to see who else has a similar item for sale. Often you'll see the same bidders on several auctions, but when they finally get one they drop off the rest.

A reserve price is something eBay lets you use, but can be an off-putting part of an auction. I didn't use one on the dulcimer I sold before, and wished I had, but I spoke later with the buyer and it turned out that the instrument was a mix of solid wood (the top) and veneer on plywood (the sides), so it was probably a fair price in an auction environment.

What we think it is worth and what it sells for aren't always the same. Starting low, like at 9.99 or thereabouts, people think "I can afford that," and they're hopefully hooked and bid it up. If not (like my air cleaner that I'd like to sell for $50 at least because new ones sell for several hundred) we end up moving it out of the house and the bidder covers the costs for eBay and shipping and I'm a couple of dollars up. This can be disappointing, so you need to think about what is important--moving it out or getting the price--either find a different way sell to get what you feel is the fair price for sure, or join the eBay crap shoot.

It's late and I'm tired. I'm not saying do one or the other, just laying both out for consideration, if it doesn't sell this time around.


16 Aug 08 - 11:47 AM (#2415411)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I agree, Maggie, good points. My friend has always said to start low, too, as folks like the excitement of watching the bids go up. I guess I didn't with these because the past few items I did and they went nowhere. Don't want to just give these lamps away. I may relist them, but if they don't go for a decent price, I think I'll put them on consignment in the shop downtown.

Thanks, again!

16 Aug 08 - 12:38 PM (#2415437)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

My de-cluttering took a small stumble today. I went out to Ann Arbor (about an hour away) to the monthly antiques market. Lots of furniture, which I'm not on the market for right now, so I didn't buy anything. But, since I was in A2, I stopped at my favorite used records store Encore Recordings, and went WILD!!!. Bought 5 CDs and 14 vinyls. Even found an Art Thieme vinyl from 1983, so I had to buy that, right???

Managed to avoid the Dream Cruise on the way home, but it takes extra planning to figure out how to come and go between now and tomorrow morning.


16 Aug 08 - 05:33 PM (#2415613)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

My decluttering also took a tumble. I bought a DVD that would have replaced 3 VHS videos, but I find that despite the box stating that all episodes were on it, there are 8 episodes missing, so 2 of the videos have to be rescued, whilst I check out the manufacturer's details... I'm not a happy bunny.


16 Aug 08 - 05:46 PM (#2415620)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

We are slow going here. Rog took pix of the kiln and I sent them off by email. He got the books off the topmost shelf of the office for me. Now i have to go through and box them up. We did get our sheets washed and the bed remade, but that's not really de-cluttering. I've got no energy, today, for some reason. I keep falling asleep and feel sapped with any exertion. Ho-hum...:-)

16 Aug 08 - 06:33 PM (#2415659)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I did a lot of small things today. Paint cans and gardening pest control stuff from a top shelf in the garage went to the hazardous waste drop off. Haven't used that kind of stuff in years. I went through the book shelves and took out volumes I knew I wasn't going to read to make space for books I actually want to keep. A sack went to the Half-Price folks (got a few dollars). Returned a couple of items to stores along the way and picked up the right sized box for a large item soon to go on eBay. Forgot to drop off newspapers, but the will ride around in the back of the pickup until I go by a recycle bin.

Low energy is par for the season, Kat. It's the dog days of summer and my pooches are pretty quiet too. I actually kicked the sick dog out in the yard because she's quieter there than if she's in the house. :-/ She's a prima donna in the house and misbehaves more than if she's outside where the other dog is the Alpha dog and keeps her in her place.

Bonus of today's running: I found two packages of beef tenderloin steaks in the "marked way down has to sell today" bin at Albertson's. I can't afford those good cuts unless they're over there. They're a couple to a pack so I'll freeze three and have one for dinner. Mmmmmm!

eBay tonight.


17 Aug 08 - 01:03 PM (#2416116)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

It's lovely cooler (relative) weather today so I can't resist the garden. Maybe eBay later, maybe decluttering.


17 Aug 08 - 05:39 PM (#2416311)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

Acquired two more vacuum seal bags today so tomorrow evening's job is to pack all the old clothes I don't wear but can't bear to throw away into them and put them in the top cupboard. That way, the cat won't drag them out whenever he gets up there.

Must remember to make sure he's not in the pile when I start to vacuum the air out....


18 Aug 08 - 09:03 AM (#2416745)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

Yes, Liz. I always count tails before I close anything up.


18 Aug 08 - 09:18 AM (#2416758)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I've been working on eBay stuff, identifying, describing, photographing. I didn't get anything listed while working on the latest, a camera that I used for many years, but one that I haven't touched since the mid-1980s. I seem to have a camera collection and I could keep this to display, but this is one of those de facto collections, it just sort of arrived via family estates. There are a number of much older family cameras, then there is the 30-year-old Canon A-1 that I would default to if I need to use film.

If I keep the older cameras but don't keep my camera, what does this say to my kids? Mine is the "familiarity breeds contempt" camera and I'm selling myself short? After all, I'm the only one in this set of people who actually made money with photography, a lot of it using this camera. This is where de-cluttering makes me examine "what constitutes a collection?" and what am I willing to do with it? Do I want to add more cameras? No. These would be interesting on a shelf in the living room, but none of them is usable, that I know of, except for this old camera of mine. People collect them. Since I've decided I don't plan to extend this set, I think I'll send it on it's way.

I post this mulling because I'm sure some of the rest of you have had that same internal conversation. Because it's old, because it's family, because it has value to someone, somewhere, does that mean you need to keep it? This is where Don Aslett is so helpful in his de-cluttering philosophy. He doesn't advocate getting rid of everything, but he has some good insights into why people keep way too much.


18 Aug 08 - 09:21 AM (#2416760)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

The house chicken crate and medical supplies are cleared from the bookcase by this desk. Our intelligent millefleur bantam hen lived for 4 1/2 months as a charming and lively companion before finally succumbing to the eye injury and subsequent infection. Gone yet remembered.

In the kitchen, we cleared tools from the corner by the back door. Finally carried in the corner pot stand and I've been cleaning and assessing pots for that spot. When I'm finished we can remove the bookcase that has offered dusty and unsatisfactory storage while blocking the door from opening wide.

I also cleared canning and baking supplies from the temporary work table. Voila: table top is ready for actual baking and canning.

18 Aug 08 - 09:30 AM (#2416767)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I picked up a few more tomatoes this morning; my plants seem to be developing a second wind, putting out healthy new branches from the brown and bitten lower set. I am accumulating canning supplies and last week picked up a deep pot for processing (it's on top of the fridge now, but when not in use it will live in the other room on top of the freezer, next to the plastic bucket for brining turkeys). Anyway, I've been clearing my pantry shelves so that when I do can tomatoes and other things (salsa and jellies so far) I have a neat place that is also cool and dark for them. This is good clutter!


18 Aug 08 - 11:44 PM (#2417450)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

One more eBay box ready to go out the door. And it has taken a couple of days to get the information together, but a bigger item will go up soon. Maybe in the morning.


19 Aug 08 - 12:13 AM (#2417461)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I went through that with my mom's antique bottle collection, Maggie. This thread, or the current one at the time, really helped me to let go and that means a great big THANK YOU from me to you'all!!

19 Aug 08 - 10:54 AM (#2417745)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

We're working on the child's room today... if I can get in through the door....


19 Aug 08 - 11:11 AM (#2417757)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Backslide alert: Good thing I don't have the money to fix this baby or it might be in the back of my pickup.

Good luck, Liz. My kids are out of town still this week and I've slowly been pushing back the mess, though they aren't bad like last year at this time. I did a thorough cleaning last year before school started and I haven't allowed him let it get so bad. My daughter's room is actually looking pretty good since she's not in it any more, just her stuff (I had to put the cats in there while the dogs spend the nights in the house, and I put away everything a cat might think about peeing on, in case they get bored in there).

The kitchen needs work, even if I don't plan on picking up that old stove.


19 Aug 08 - 01:10 PM (#2417845)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Your kitchen and mine, too!

I have managed to look over the few books from the top shelf. Not getting rid of too many...these are some of the special ones. I did manage to package up 3-4 other books to send out to friends and have three I may try to sell or give to my kids. Small steps...

19 Aug 08 - 04:48 PM (#2418030)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

Bookshelf made, space found for it and loaded it up already, clearing half a shelf here in the computer room, so that now I can put my box of useful boxes in their proper place!

Slow, but sure....

Oh, and the child has enough Lego bricks and things to fill 2 X 64ltr boxes - they're the ones big enough to fit a 12 year old child in... we know, we tried it.


20 Aug 08 - 12:58 AM (#2418363)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

The semester starts next week on Monday. I'm racing the clock to get a lot of events posted on the various university calendars and newsletters. Clearing my desk may be best I can do for a day or two.


20 Aug 08 - 03:17 PM (#2418848)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Don't sweat it, Maggie.:-) The end of August...nothin' much gettin' done. I'll be lucky to get my desk cleared off. I did relist those lamps.

20 Aug 08 - 03:20 PM (#2418850)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

The women who stopped at our farm stand turned out to be a former coworker and her daughter and granddaughter. The smart little girl understands about bees and pollination, and she loves chickens. She also happens to be growing from a size 4 to size 5. Guess who has lots of pretty and practical clothes in size 5? I'll sort out those that she may be able to use, and bag them up tonight.

20 Aug 08 - 06:30 PM (#2419034)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I'll poll the group: I picked up several antique arm chairs back in the 1980s at my great aunt's house. All needed reupholstering, but the "bones are good," one might say.

Does anyone reupholster furniture any more? Do I need to reupholster these, then sell them? Or do you think I can ask a minimal amount, like $50, then they can put another $50 in fabric, plus sweat equity, and have a great turn-of-the-last-century chair with wooden arms and legs?


20 Aug 08 - 06:33 PM (#2419037)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

Stilly, if it were feasible, I'd take them! (Postage would be too much). If you look around the Yellow pages or online, you might be able to find an old fashioned upholsterer or furniture restorer who could at least help you out with advice and stuff.


20 Aug 08 - 07:42 PM (#2419083)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

So, I'm not the only one with official hoarding syndrome?

This staycation was specifically to get crap like this done, and so far -- I've managed to fill the garbage can with yard waste (not compostable).

I do stuff like, pet the cat, go work out at the Y, read a book ...

Meanwhile, it's terminal cant-have-anyone-over syndrome.

20 Aug 08 - 08:24 PM (#2419102)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Isn't that frustrating, the embarrassment when people come in, and all of the people you don't have over? It's time to cure that situation, MAG! Start a bag or box of stuff for donation and report back! The cat can help. :)


20 Aug 08 - 08:44 PM (#2419114)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

OK, I moved one box of books from the living room to the den, and put it on top of another box of books.

OK, that's it for today.

Seriously, what do YOU do when one hour of this crap spaces you out so you can't do anything?

20 Aug 08 - 09:28 PM (#2419125)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I am not sure it's a good idea to say a vacation is going to be used for such runs counter to what a vacation is supposed to, relaxation, doing something fun. I know every time I try t get Rog to take time off to help, he always wants to veg out and rest up and I cannot blame him because he works so darn many hours and so hard. Either that, or just set apart a specific time, i.e. from 9a-11a for that kind of work and gear yourself up for it...treat like a part-time, temporary employment thing. (Trying to avoid saying "job"!**bg**)

We have lots of re-upholsterers here and in WY, Maggie. I gave away two overstuffed, 40s chairs to one when we moved down here. Wished I hadn't, though! People do not want to pay much for something that needs to be redone, but I don't think you'd get that much if you redid them anyway as it might not be the right material or whatever for potential buyers. I dunno, that's just my take. I love chairs and am a sucker for them, so...probably the wrong person to take advice from...:-)

20 Aug 08 - 11:13 PM (#2419163)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

MAG, if you didn't go anywhere on your vacation, what will help you feel good about the time away from work? Try an incremental de-cluttering. Would a beautiful, usaable room make you feel relaxed, regenerated? Then how do you get there?

Go to the smallest room in your house. A closet could be that room, but for most of us, the room we chose was the laundry room or a foyer. Take everything out and put back only what needs to be there. What are you going to do with the rest? Do you need it? Should it be someplace else? Can you donate it, or sell it?

It's something that we each have to tackle in a way that makes us comfortable. I'm amazed that months later I'm still doing this. How could it take so long? Because I wasn't letting myself include "big things" like furniture, chairs, tables, sofas. I feel like I'm at a point where I can choose and evict some of the larger pieces, but I can't afford to give it away if I can sell it, since I do have debt. I have to compromise--clear it out and get what I can without spending so much time selling it that it's a waste of time.

Does that help?


21 Aug 08 - 01:21 AM (#2419211)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah Stilly, that's a great theory, but it only works in big houses where you've got room to put the stuff you've just taken out... in my house it's like one of those sliding tile puzzles you had as a kid, where you can only make the picture of a fish by sliding one tile at a time, and only into a single space. I'm stuck with a wedged tile at the moment and only half a tail done!


21 Aug 08 - 10:42 AM (#2419405)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

To re-upholster or not to re-upholster, that is the question. If I were really going to use the chairs (personally, I don't have enough space for any more in the livingroom) I'd get them re-upholstered in a fabric that fit my style & taste. But if I were going to sell them anyway, I'd sell them as-is and let the buyer select the fabric. I've had almost all of my upholstered furniture re-covered at least once. One chair is on about the 5th re-upholster-- once it was a bilious green, another time it was a big floral print, and now it's a plain kinda-gold color.

One of my problems is that I just move stuff from one place to another, without really finding a home for it. Now my diningroom table is cleaned off, but I have a growing pile hidden upstairs in the spare room. I plan to use Labor Day weekend to do some heavy-duty cleaning. At least I'll be able to get past the I-can't-have-company-in predicament, as long as I close the door to the spare room.


21 Aug 08 - 10:53 AM (#2419418)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Becca72

I am going through my shoe collection. We're talking massive amounts of one point I had no fewer than 50 pairs. I know, I have a problem. I'm down to about 1/3 of that in shoes I can wear post-herniation. I'm going to Vermont for the weekend and I just happen to have overheard that my friend's 15 year old daughter LOVES shoes and wears the same size I do. Nikki is getting that ginormous bag of shoes. :-)

21 Aug 08 - 11:03 AM (#2419428)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I am back to one watcher of the lamps on ebay. Maggie, did you know as of late October ebay will not allow any paper payments, i.e. no checks or money orders! Not sure how I feel about that.

21 Aug 08 - 11:20 AM (#2419447)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

OK, my task for today (one hour) will be to fold all the clothes which have taken over my dining room table. Small galley dining room; looks kinda nice when it's tidy, with my Grannie's china and all.

Then I'm going to the Nstive Peoples museum 40 miles down the road.

21 Aug 08 - 11:24 AM (#2419454)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Becca72

That sounds like a great start, MAG

21 Aug 08 - 01:11 PM (#2419565)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Bat Goddess

Meanwhile, it's terminal can't-have-anyone-over syndrome.

LOL! That's been my situation for YEARS! (Did you notice that the acronym is CHAOS? -- Very, very accurate!)

Been either sick (disgusting summer cold that initially disguised itself as allergies) or otherwise distracted (work plus singing on board a couple wonderful ships) from de-cluttering for the past couple weeks, but today Curmudgeon spent the morning in the cellar extricating the copper pipe from the old furnace and he just left to take it to Harding Metals to convert to cash.

Since he was threatening to sell our accumulation of lead type (some purchased along with several small hand presses and some that came with the purchase of a vulcanizer and other rubberstammaking tackle) as scrap, I sent off a couple exploratory emails to local letterpress printers.

And I got a bite immediately!

So what I need to do today (besides go down cellar and get a rough idea of what all I want to sell) is to spiffify the house enough that I won't be totally embarrassed by someone coming in to look at and probably buy the type.

I also spent some time kneeling on the guestroom floor (a major feat in itself) snagging stuff out from under the bed in search of bed linens -- all I found were books (and more books) and back issues of Dirty Linen. And a few small items to get rid of.

But that's the problem! Where do I temporarily store stuff I'm getting rid of without making the place look more cluttered than it already is?!?

I find I get a lot more done if I stay away from the computer...


21 Aug 08 - 01:18 PM (#2419568)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Kat, I see that eBay has sent out one of their missives with new rules and policies. I haven't read it yet, but I guess we shouldn't be surprised. I don't get many payments by check or money order, but I offer it. eBay wants to get their cut of all of the payment transactions, and they don't get a PayPal fee if someone spends the price of a stamp to send a check. I listed a camera and gear this morning, and have a couple of other things to go soon, when I finish the research.

Liz, can you get rid of enough stuff in other rooms that you can then move everything out of a small room into those new spaces? It is a slower, Chinese puzzle approach, but unless you pile it outside on the sidewalk I think that's what you'll have to do.

MAG, folding laundry is a good start. Amazing how much temporary clutter can build up. I have a couple of baskets full on the living room sofa--we've had rain for several days so I had to use the dryer. When I hang laundry on the line it gets folded as it comes off of the line and is ready to put away. Though it has that step of taking it outside that seems extra, it seems to make the process more efficient. Enjoy the museum, but don't buy any souvenirs.

Becca, I got rid of a lot of shoes after the bunion surgery. If a shoe isn't flat or with a very slight incline, out it goes. If it doesn't feel perfect the first time I try it on, no buying it and hoping it will stretch out a little with wear. I want no new or returning bunions, and this may also head off a possible hammertoe.

Maryanne, I'll take a look at the upholstery fabric in my nearby Joann's and see if there is something that is nicely neutral that would work on at least one of these chairs. One was reupholstered probably 15 years ago in a pretty floral pattern. The cat sleeps on it on a pillow. I could pull that out and put one of the ones needing work for the cat. My favorite one that sits in a corner but isn't used needs to be re-done to support weight (my aunt's household had several very heavy people who stressed out the webbing inside). The can can have that one for a while.

On a small note of personal accomplishment (on paper), after 8 years of trying, the life insurance pool at the university has let me back in. Uterine cancer surgery in 2000 made me a "bad risk" and when I asked they offered lots of hoops to jump through and doctors forms to have filled out, only to deny the addition of extra coverage. I was stuck at the level of 2x my salary from when I was first eligible. During open season this year I again signed up, wanting 3x my salary, and it worked.


21 Aug 08 - 01:37 PM (#2419583)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Linn, good luck. There is a great sucking sound of available time long-gone where the computer is involved. i.e., I have dressed to go mow the lawn so now need to walk away from the computer.

The camera has been up for 15 minutes and has a watcher. Is that one of you, or a *real shopper*?


21 Aug 08 - 07:38 PM (#2419806)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

Three trash bags of beautiful children's and infants' clothing ready to go to two families.
More tubs of clothing to follow when I can sort it.
Thanks to the friend who kept me company for the duration.

22 Aug 08 - 12:36 AM (#2419899)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Good for you and your friend, maeve!

The kiln buyer's parents are coming to pick it up tomorrow, once they give it the once over, but I will have already been paypal-ed before they come.:-)

Also, I now have TWO watchers of lamps on ebay! Whoo-Hoo!

22 Aug 08 - 01:36 AM (#2419907)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Researching chairs--talk about a crap shoot! I wonder if I could get away with listing them as "Shabby shabby chic!" :)

I have picked up a couple of more watchers--if you've ever had something you always look up you can run a search then save it and get an email every day. I think on some items a lot of people watch and don't intend to bid, so though high numbers of watchers feels nice, it doesn't mean any more than just a few watchers (serious shoppers, of course!)

Last night the dogs stayed out--it was misty so they were happy to stay in the garage. Now it's warm again they want to be running around. I brought in Poppy, Cinnamon is protesting. Looks like I'm stuck with dogs in the bedroom again tonight. Week one down, three more to go.


22 Aug 08 - 03:01 AM (#2419918)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: KT

Hi all.
So, I've been cheering you all on from afar...(outside the thread that is) with enthisiasm and admiration! I've not opened any of these threads 'til this one, tonight, but have thought , "good on you!" every time I see another month come up.

Now one might think from my lack of participation, that my house is the picture of order... NOT so! I've got plenty to sort and clear out, but also among those who give 100 % at the day job and find there's not a whole lot left at the end of the day to tackle that project. SO my purposes for posting now are two - to say to you "Way to go! Keep it up! You're on your way!"      AND -

If you had 10 "rules"   ie., words of wisdom on decluttering that you would pass on, what would they be?

Yours for lightening the load -

22 Aug 08 - 10:01 AM (#2420047)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

Hi, KT and welcome to the group. We can always use applause from the sidelines.

If I had wisdom to share, I probably wouldn't need to be in this thread. But, for what it's worth, I've come to believe that clutter is a natural by-product of a busy, productive life. The only way to really avoid clutter is to do nothing.

I've decided that my goal is simply to manage it. If the house looks reasonably neat, and the health department doesn't need to condemn the kitchen, that's good enough for me. As long as I can find what I'm looking for when I need it, I'm satisfied.


22 Aug 08 - 11:31 AM (#2420108)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I agree, there will always be some clutter, barring a really drastic thing such as a fire and starting over from scratch, literally.

1. Don't beat yourself up
2.    ditto
3.    ditto
4.    ditto
5.    ditto:-)
6. It helps to have company while going through stuff, imo, just someone to visit, cheerlead, encourage, lift, shift, help

7. Start out shelf, closet, counter, room, etc.

8. Do your research, as Maggie has done, and find places to which you may helps one to feel good that they are not just throwing stuff out...reusing, recycling, etc. give one a better sense of accomplishment, imo

9. Don't let go of anything which you may regret, i.e. something you have to spend money to replace, or something you feel you "should" have sold instead of given away or vice versa, sold something you feel would have been better going to someone as a gift

10. One of the best lessons I've received help with, in these threads, is not feeling duty bound to continue a loved one's colleciton/clutter/etc. i.e. it is OKAY to let go of your mom's tea towels, antique glass bottle,etc.:-)

Bonus Rule: HAVE FUN!

22 Aug 08 - 11:32 AM (#2420110)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Oh, and I now have three watchers on ebay.:-)

22 Aug 08 - 11:50 AM (#2420121)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage


First, welcome to our group. Second, as far as "10 rules," you must recognize that in this endeavor the inmates are running the asylum. We have good intentions, but most of us, as you say, have full-time jobs so follow-through is the biggest challenge.

I know, we all know, that the easiest way to declutter is to haul it all to the dump, but that is an irresponsible way to do it. How many times have you driven by people's trash or swung by the drop-off for municipal bulky waste and wondered at the "good stuff" that people just throw away? Wondered why useful materials are going to be plowed under in the landfill?

As an environmentalist who has been a first-class packrat most of her life, I am trying to redistribute this responsibly. I don't have the income to give it all away if I can get a good tax deduction or sell it. So I'm having to handle it more than I would if it all went out to the curb. I've been thinking this morning about a set of shelves and cabinets that I don't have room for. I'll photograph it and list it on Craig's List, and if I don't get my price I'll donate it to someplace like Habitat for Humanity. I have a huge vet bill this month or I'd just go ahead and donate it.

Books can go to the Friends of the Library or the used book store. The used book store has a network of places they filter books through before they go out to the paper recycling bin, so I really don't have a problem with either place. I get a deduction from the Friend's donation, and our library is hurting for funds. But I may simply send a cash donation to the library.

The heat of summer down here has slowed some of my work, and I think also for Kat. You're fortunate with your climate this time of year, but in winter your work may be much harder. No garage sales in February for you, I suspect. We all have to plan, and to pace ourselves.

When I've dealt with bouts of depression I have benefited from talking about it ("The Talking Cure"), and learned that forming a plan really helps. In this series of threads it is clear we have, at the very least, depressed households, weighed down by all of the "good stuff" and not-so-good stuff that crept in. We've shared our visions of where we want to end up, and we should probably revisit them occasionally.

We need a "Philosophy of De-Cluttering" (a spin on a wonderful undergraduate class I took where the professor said that before we became parks and recreation professionals we needed to know what we stood for, we needed a philosophy of recreation. Best class I ever took to help define who I was and defend my choice to be a park ranger for a living. That exercise can be applied to just about anything you want to get serious about.)

I'll let this stand on it's own and report the morning's progress in another post. I hope that in discussing our individual approaches you can craft one for yourself.


22 Aug 08 - 11:59 AM (#2420129)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Kat, your 9 and 10 were interesting--I was highlighting 9 when I read 10. They go hand-in-hand, but are also contrary. I've fought that battle many times now of regretting getting rid of things that maybe I should have kept. This is one of those struggles that I've found a lot of help with in Don Aslett's books--I just finished reading a section about 'personal baggage' that addressed this. It recurs through his books for a very good reason. We need lots of reminders about this.

If the house was burning and you could grab a few things, would you grab that thing? If you receive insurance money to replace what you lost in the house but have the discretion use the money for other things instead, would you still choose to replace that item?

I'll just add that if you find you got rid of something that you think you should have kept, consider why you were supposed to keep it? Is the giver gone, and would they have insisted you keep it, or would they (we hope) have given you their blessing to give or sell something that is a burden in the long run?


22 Aug 08 - 12:07 PM (#2420136)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

The museum was well worth a visit, and no I didn't buy any pretties. It has been there for 10 years, and this is my first visit. They had a pre-hydroelectric photo exhibit of the Columbia /river which was lovely. The documentation of what was done to the Natives when settlers moved in was horrific, but nothing I didn't already know.

and now I'm trying to settle on a task for today. After I go the the Y and work out.

Getting the living room ready for the electrician I need to have in needs to be broken down into manageable chunks, and not just shoving more stuff into the den. The spare room is already crammed full. I'll work on the pile you see when you first walk in the front door.

22 Aug 08 - 10:53 PM (#2420475)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I did it! I set up some custom-made cabinets, took several photos, measured them all, then put them back in the garage before loading the photos into Photoshop and then describing them in a table I did in FrontPage. I copied that into a simple form after signing up at Craig's List and it says my ad will appear in about 15 minutes. I didn't give my phone number, but I will receive email (anonymized) about this. I said I'd deliver up to 50 miles for $50 extra for my time and gas, asking $400 for the set, cash or PayPal only. I figure I might have a better chance of selling if I offer to move the pieces.

Meanwhile, a few folks are discovering my eBay listing, the watchers list is growing, as are the hits. I have two days before I can post another ad on Craig's List (limited to one every 48 hours) so that gives me time to decide which arm chairs and get that ad ready.


22 Aug 08 - 10:58 PM (#2420476)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

Wow! I'm impressed with both your initiative and your technical skills! Our computer can't handle anything like that. I hope the cabinets and chairs and all sell fast and give you a good financial boost.

23 Aug 08 - 12:12 AM (#2420505)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

The moon must be in something else 'cause things are shaking loose here, too, finally!! One of my watchers made three bids, enough to meet my reserve on the lamps and there are still two more watchers and a day or so to go, on ebay. And, I got the paypal payment for the kiln and her parents picked it up this evening, so there is space in the storage shed for the lawn mower this winter!

Rog had to go back to work this evening and won't be home for another half hour or so, but I am still going to try to get him to make a dump run, tomorrow, to get rid of some stuff in the driveway that has to go.

23 Aug 08 - 12:47 AM (#2420514)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I had to go repost it--someone "flagged" my ad and it was gone. Of course, there was no clue. I went back and changed a couple of things (I had offered to deliver it, but I found a note in the blogs that said if you say you'll deliver you sound like a business.) Rather anal bunch.

I do the web design stuff all day long, so putting my ad in a table to paste into the sight gave me more control of how it looked.

I took a look at your auction, Kat--congratulations!


23 Aug 08 - 12:51 AM (#2420516)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: KT

Hi all, and thanks for the warm welcome. I appreciate all of your thoughts, suggestions, etc.

I think my "plan" is to work on one area per week.    Last week I cleaned up and reorganized the pantry, pitched some stuff, and set up brand new recycling bins for the plastics, cans, glass, etc. I deliberately made the bins on the smallish side, so that I can move stuff out faster.

There's a person in our neighborhood, who periodically puts something on the curb in front of the house with a "free" sign. It's always gone by the time I go by on my return home.

I found your # 9 interesting, kat. It's been my experience that sometimes, I'll get rid of something and then miss it or think I "need" it the following week . Then I never need it again.

I sometimes think about how little I can get by with, when I'm traveling. If I can apply that to daily leaving, I realize I don't need much of what I've acquired. My biggest obstacle is procrastination.

I admire alla y'all's ebay abilitiesl


23 Aug 08 - 01:23 AM (#2420521)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Maggie's the ebay expert, not I! This is the first time I've had any luck on there and I only stuck to it with her encouragement and sharing of strategies! Thanks, Maggie!

I know what you mean, KT, about getting by with little. There's not that much I use everyday. I've got my clothes down to a few favourite pieces, so the stuff hanging in the closet needs to go...when will I ever wear it? And, that's after getting rid of alla of my fancy work clothes years ago.

When I can get to it, i have a lot of stuff I want to try on ebay, but until then...the little things will have to do.

23 Aug 08 - 08:22 AM (#2420607)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

One policy that is helpful to us, KT, is that for anything we bring into the house X number must immediately leave. So today for example we're taking a load of recycling to the village center. While there we'll leave some records, pottery, and various other useful things for our neighbors to take as needed. If we see something we NEED we can bring it home but must immediately get rid of two or more other things we already have.

I'll also be dropping off one of those bags of children's clothes on the way to the recycling shed.

23 Aug 08 - 12:07 PM (#2420702)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

maeve, I make myself get rid of a pair if I buy a new pair of shoes. I go dig around every so often to see what I haven't been wearing for a while.

I cleaned a couple of kitchen drawers last night and relocated the items that had briefly resided in the spare microwave cupboard (now in the garage for sale). I evicted several kitchen non-starters from my gadget-happy father.

My goal--to finish this job of cleaning my kitchen and clearing the dining area by the time my kids walk in the door tonight (they're getting back from their vacation in Florida. Poor guys--soggiest vacation on record). LATE BREAKING NEWS: a friend visiting her family in the region for a couple of weeks called and is coming over to spend the night tonight. Clean-up goes into high gear as soon as I hit "send."

re: eBay, the main change that Kat made that reassures buyers is to offer a refund under a set of normal conditions. People want to know that if is isn't any good they can return it. Saying "no returns" is like code for "it's junk, I don't want it back if you're dumb enough to risk buying it." People are happier with the process if they know you stand behind it. This change is what makes you more professional, and you assume some of the risk that the buyer doesn't want to take on by themselves that the transaction will be successful.


23 Aug 08 - 03:15 PM (#2420811)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I am sure that has a LOT to do with it, Maggie. Thanks again! Good luck with your company, soggy kids and all!:-)

23 Aug 08 - 04:18 PM (#2420844)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I took down the cafe curtains (4.5 sets in all) in the living room and dining room and have laundered them. I think I am going to put them away and leave the windows open with just the blinds. It really opens up the room.

23 Aug 08 - 07:06 PM (#2420908)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

Our Alzheimer's MEMORY WALK took place this morning at the Detroit Zoo. It was a great day for the walk, and this was the biggest turnout ever. Now I just wish we'd get some rain, we need it so badly.


24 Aug 08 - 01:44 AM (#2421051)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I hauled two arm chairs outside, photographed them in the driveway, then put them in the garage. They're not off the property but they're out of the way in the house.

Dropped off a sack of books at Half-Price, dropped off a bag of toys for donation at Goodwill. Left recycling and some trimmed off branches at the dump and recycle station. The rest of the branches are at the curb for the trash on Monday.

I took a bunch of cards and notes that had been on my fridge (remember I cleaned it off a couple of weeks ago?) and taped them into a spiral notebook. Stacked a bunch of papers to file in one place, left dirty dishes soaking.

Start from that point in the morning. The kitchen is looking marginally better. My friend is here, and sleeping in my daughter's room, that actually is looking pretty good--as long as you don't look at all of the boxes stacked in the closet.


24 Aug 08 - 08:03 AM (#2421118)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: mouldy

Back from Whitby to find a message on my phone from an ex neighbour - I think I am about to inherit their Arts and Crafts carver chair. So I am removing storage from my living room and acquiring chairs. I also have ordered a slide-rocker and stool the same as the one my daughter is getting for baby nursing. Luckily that isn't coming until October.

Oh yes. I am also getting a 10 year old cat this afternoon, as his owner has terminal cancer, and only a few weeks to live at the most, and the family, who can't take him, need a home for him to put his owner's mind at rest. The dog's going to love having her home invaded!

(The cat's due to arrive in about an hour....plasters at the ready!)


24 Aug 08 - 09:58 AM (#2421161)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

Thanks, Andrea, for taking in an older cat. I hope everything goes smoothly for all the members of your household.

Last night I turned off the tv and played a bunch of CDs that I haven't listed to for a while. It was a better use of electricity, that's for sure. Then I poured myself some wine and started sorting thru my CD collection-- grouping by type & alphabetizing. Got about one-third back onto the rack. That group is what I want to listen to first, to see whether I find things I want to learn. That will by my autumn-into-winter project.


24 Aug 08 - 10:21 AM (#2421172)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

If you encounter noisy skirmishes when they meet, you might want to get a wire kennel for the cat for a while. Put the litter box, a perch, some food and water, and make it a safe retreat and a place to sit in an look around for a while. It wouldn't hurt to put the dog in one for a while also, give them time to observe from afar. Good luck--you can merge household pets, but it does take patience. I don't usually keep my dogs in the house, so my cats and dogs don't easily commingle, but this is how I introduced the cats to each other and it worked perfectly.

I'm going to list my cabinets on eBay today, and if they sell there or Craig's List I'll take down the other ad or auction. Craig's list is an asylum run by the inmates.


24 Aug 08 - 11:23 AM (#2421194)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

So I picked up a couple of magazines at the village recycling center yesterday. Each had promising articles on ways to organize one's home.

The first one had to do with bathroom clutter. Esentially, it dealt with removing unnecessary stuff and making the bathroom sink cupboard both functional for storage and attractive.

The other article focused on closet space; how to refit shelves, hanging space, and containers for the best and most appealing storage.

Now if only I had a bathroom sink, a cabinet to organize, and closets I'd be ready for action. LOL

I'm beginning to realize that once we pare down to bare bones I may still have to use unconventional storage solutions.

24 Aug 08 - 11:29 AM (#2421198)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Jack Blandiver

Yes, this de-cluttering sounds like a good idea; to this end I offer....

A corner of our back room, the new Ikea shelving unit & assorted oddments, including an original pressing of the first Back Door LP, a rare slab of Peter Bellamy vinyl, a very cheap but beautiful Appalachian Dulcimer, ditto Black Sea Fiddle, a York Minster Green Man etc.

24 Aug 08 - 11:33 AM (#2421199)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

That's the case in so many of those old houses back there, maeve.:-) I had all kinds of inventive storage solutions when he lived in OLD houses with little or no closets, etc. I wished i'd had the money for a good wardrobe back then.

24 Aug 08 - 11:52 AM (#2421213)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

Looks a bit like a shrine, Insane Beard.

Vacation half gone, and the house is still a pit.

No way am I ever going to post pics of MY house.

24 Aug 08 - 12:00 PM (#2421217)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Bat Goddess

Oh, I could probably post pictures -- of small areas and well cropped -- of a few tableaus in our house.

Very, very tightly cropped...

(Or else I could post "instructional" photos of creative clutter. Sigh. Sort of how NOT to do it.)


24 Aug 08 - 12:31 PM (#2421237)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Shrine indeed! Linn, I had the exact same thought--how close could I crop it and still have the subject large enough to see, even in a web format? LOL!

I built a set like he shows for my daughter, six high five across. She used it for both display and storage and it really freed up the floor space in her room. Now we need to dismantle the displays (waste of space) and decide if what is ON display is something she still wants or has outgrown. I'm repacking some of the cubbies with like stuff (so she doesn't have to dig behind the books to discover her sewing items, etc.) and we successfully used her room as a guest room last night!

I'm looking at nibbles today. It would be so nice to move some of this bulky stuff out to someone who can use it. If the Craig's List stuff goes I'll take the ad down, but for now you can see it here. As usual more information than most folks provide, but I was ever the storyteller. I figure if people know why it was designed they can visualize how they would use it to solve a problem. And it is a very clever set of shelves, I've liked using it, but it just doesn't really fit without everything else being shoved out of the way (and it intrudes into the window space in the kitchen.)


24 Aug 08 - 12:44 PM (#2421250)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Jack Blandiver

Looks a bit like a shrine

Maybe it's my lack of religion? Whilst Quakers favour plain empty spaces, Roman Catholicism is bending down with trinkets, imagery, and gew-gaws of every description. Culturally, and personally, I'm inclined to the latter which I've always equated with the cultural clutter of folk music to be honest - a-gathering as we go!

24 Aug 08 - 01:32 PM (#2421274)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I've tot 5 hours and a little more to go on the ebay auction and had 80 lookers, plus still the three watchers. I wonder if one of them is hoping to drop in a fewll swoop and outbid the one who really seems to want them? What fun! finally!

24 Aug 08 - 01:34 PM (#2421275)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Now this is weird. When I click on Insane Beard's link, it shows a closeup of the lamp I am selling on ebay. If I copy and paste his link, exactly, it still shows my lamp?! I suppose I need to clear the cookies, eh?

24 Aug 08 - 01:41 PM (#2421281)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Ah, had to dump the cache, too. Nice bits and bobs, IB!

24 Aug 08 - 03:04 PM (#2421317)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Sorcha

Uh, I'm not making much progress. Have accumlated 2 more is a rescue foster that WILL go away soon, the other is a boarder for the winter months. Can I sell dog hairballs on eBay?

24 Aug 08 - 03:08 PM (#2421319)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Bat Goddess

Sigh. Of course, one thing ALWAYS leads to another.

Just finished doing some desperately needed computer housekeeping and de-fragging. Brought down some laundry, which I'll start when the electrical load in that area is not as high. Did some MAJOR vacuuming in the area around the back door (bottom of the stairway, wide open hallway leading to and part of main living area. It's very satisfying because the rug actually changes color... (Sorry, I'm probably the worst housekeeper on the face of the planet.) Vacummed the cobwebbs adorning the posts, beams and rough ceiling boards...and discovered that the beams in that area are spotted with mildew or something.

It's been soooo damp here in New Hampshire that I probably should have expected something like that -- even though it's never happened in the almost 30 years that I've lived here. Even when it's not raining, the humidity has been close to 100% for MONTHS.

Sounds like a job for Lysol spray -- to get into all the crevices of the rough cut posts and beams, ceiling, too, I suppose. And it will have to be done overhead, so scrubbing it down with a bleach solution is NOT an option.

That's one of the things I hate about cleaning (other than the fact that it's NEVER done) -- doing something always uncovers yet another thing that needs to be done.



24 Aug 08 - 03:50 PM (#2421338)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: mouldy

It is around 840pm. The cat has discovered the stairs and landing. He is very placid and affectionate, and my dog wants to be friends, but is scared of him. He growls when she approaches, and she has had one bat on the nose. I have moved his gear into the vicinity of the hall and stairs, and the dog is happily at my feet in the living room. The door is open, so he can come in if he wants to.

My daughter and I planned to keep them separate for much longer, but he seemed so placid when she approached his box, that after a while we put her on a leash while he wandered about. (He has had contact with a mad springer spaniel in the past). Later I settled him onto my lap, and let her approach gradually, still on the leash. He hissed at her once, and she backed down very quickly, so on the strength of that, we let her loose. She was very wary of approaching, and only got the bat on the nose after he got off me, and she decided to lope over and have a sniff. The hardest thing is stopping her from snacking on the nice tasty kitty food! My daughter has now gone home to her 3 cats.

Luckily I have no plans to go anywhere tomorrow.


24 Aug 08 - 04:01 PM (#2421350)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Bat Goddess

Rufus, our young red tabby, recently discovered the new water dispenser we decided to try to use again -- it was new to him. It's the kind where a 2-litre bottle of water is screwed into the base and feeds the dish clean water until the 2-litres are gone. It started out innocent enough, but evidently it gurgled while he was lapping water. Cat toy!!! (Of course, to Rufus, EVERYTHING is a cat toy.) He batted the water with his paw until it gurgled again while large bubbles rose in the bottle. Aha! This is fun! Do it again! (And again, and again -- splashing water all over the kitchen.)

We decided that perhaps it would be best (and a lot neater and less wet) to return to the previous water dish. Tom put the empty contraption on the countertop. Next time he walked into the kitchen, it was on the floor, bopped down by Rufus, I'm sure. He knocked it on the floor a couple more times, too.

I think it's going out in the FREE box I'll put out at the head of the driveway. Nice idea, but it sure doesn't work in this household!


24 Aug 08 - 06:51 PM (#2421448)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

LOL, Linn, I can just see a curios cat doing that!

My ebay auction ended. I got the one bidder, who met my reserve, so I am happy about that! Now, I need to put more stuff up with the tips Maggie gave me.

We haven't done anything but the usual chores this weekend, except with my dau. and her partner's help we moved the swing set to the front yard. I've only been asking for that to happen for a month or two, so that's a relief! Morgan is much happier about it as I am.

24 Aug 08 - 07:48 PM (#2421471)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I still need to copy that tape for you. I got distracted. I'll go check to see if it's on the DVR or on a tape.

De-cluttered fleas from the dogs with soapy baths today. . . washing mats, vacuuming carpets, etc. I'm still trying to knock them out before they get too entrenched.

I also am teaching myself about canning, so with the advice of a friend, I did two pints of tomatoes today. They've been building up in plastic bowls in the fridge, and I had enough for two pint jars (so the fridge looks better!) Two jars is not a lot of output for the long cooking time, but I figure I'll start small and see how they work before I commit myself to a big batch (they talk about a bushel at a time on the National Center for Home Food Preservation site.)

Had a nibble, asking if the cabinets are available still, but nothing more. I'll list it on eBay also, local pickup only. I have to pay eBay, but I suspect the eBay marketplace, while it might overlap Craig's List some, covers mostly different territory.

Congratulations on the sale, Kat!


25 Aug 08 - 12:02 AM (#2421569)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I've been kind of scattered in my work today, but since Friday I can count two bulky chairs and a free-standing kitchen cabinet moved out of the house. Not off of the property yet, but at least not in the house. The stacks around the kitchen counter (the peninsula, my kitchen isn't big enough for an "island"--ha!) and the dining table have clutter, but less of it. I'm slowly dispatching the stuff I sort, not just moving it but clipping what I want, taping it in a notebook, tossing the rest. Ruthlessly tossing catalogs.

No movement yet on that camera, Kat, but more watchers and the hits are growing. Fingers crossed that there is a flurry of bidding at the end and I get more than the opening bid. I try to have several things listed at once, but with a house guest and family coming in, it hasn't happened. I even sat through most of a movie with my guest last night (I did stand for a while and tape business cards onto my notebook, but I was watching and listening as I made a little headway.)


25 Aug 08 - 12:12 AM (#2421572)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

Did most of the dishes; does that count?

25 Aug 08 - 12:48 AM (#2421586)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Yes, MAG! Sometimes that's all that gets done, but at least it is done!

Thanks, Maggie. Don't worry about the video; just when and if you have time. I am pleased with the tips you already gave me and maybe i can find it online? If you can give me the name of it or the gal?

Ugh...fleas. I loved watching the drop off and die the higher in altitude we drove when moving back West. That's the one thing that would keep me away from New England living, again.

I hope you get better bidding on the camera, too.

You know what would help with organising all of your notes, etc.? A tickler file. I don't mean regular files, either. When I was in sales and needed to quickly look up info on a client, I had a flat small leather flip file. It was kind of like a photo album in that it has 3 x 5 plastic sleeves, with index cards, lying, one on top of another in a vertical fashion with just enough space between each that the alphabetical title of each, handwritten, could be read at the bottom of each. Pick the one I want, flip the whole thing open to that one and voila! So, it wasn't so much a To-Do tickler as a file of useful info, contacts, etc.

This has the guts of the one I had, but not the nifty holder: click

One thing I did with all those pieces of paper, notes, etc. was to buy a recipe box, 3 x 5, alphabetised tabs for it, and then each paper/note is filed under an appropriate letter, i.e. CDs of music which I've heard and want to order would go under "M" for music, etc.

There's some neat info HERE.

Darn it. I cannot find the kind of binder i had. When I find mine, I'll take a picture of it. It was SO handy. Oh, well, there are some good ideas up there. I like the idea of setting a timer for working on something. I used to do that!

25 Aug 08 - 09:49 AM (#2421727)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

I've cleared out some paper goods, books, cds and tapes this morning. Next will be the task of sorting through some of my stored clothing, most of which must go as there is no room for it. I'll drop off a couple of big bags of clothing at the hospital thrift shop in town.

It seems that one of the next cost-cutting measures may be ending our internet access, and similar nice-but-not-necessary expenses.

MAG- action of any kind counts. Thanks for the reminder- I'll do the dishes before I sort the clothing.LOL

25 Aug 08 - 10:41 AM (#2421760)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

maeve, I'm on the point of changing my Internet provider, to get better speed to compensate for having dropped the satellite dish. We're using HD converter boxes for local viewing and get films (2 at a time) via Netflix, but they also have a lot of programs you can watch on demand. In the end, I'll be paying a little more for the Internet but a lot less for the entertainment (a luxury). If I dropped Netflix then I'd be going to the library for all of my videos and DVDs, but that's reasonable (except that they're cutting funds to the library and recreation centers drastically this year--parks and libraries, who needs them if everyone is losing money in the community, right? But hire more police to deal with all of the people who now don't have anyplace to go and can't afford their old entertainment forms at home. . . off my soap box)

I happily de-cluttered my garden this morning of three spectacularly beautiful eggplants (I've been picking them for weeks, and they're all beautiful, but two of these were hidden so were a complete surprise), banana peppers, jalapeno peppers, and tomatoes. Since I have to keep cleaning and clearing for friends over for dinner on Wednesday I'll use as much of this produce in the meal. I am going to smoke some chicken breasts or grill them and make chicken fajitas with the peppers, and I'll roast a couple of eggplant and make baba ganoush as a dip for an appetizer.

I'm going to try to avoid stuffing things in spare rooms out of sight as I prepare for dinner. I'm going to keep filing and sorting and clear space without making the problem worse in other areas.

Kat, I have a variety of organization systems around here, and I like those little plastic holders for business cards. I have to pick some up one of these days, because I think I'll create a space next to the phone with those cards and my list of family and neighborhood and local business numbers. For now, the notebook I'm taping them into is a way to capture information I don't want to lose. It can be rearranged later, but to thumb through and look isn't difficult, either. I found a lot of interesting information about how we organize information when I was researching the lead article in this newsletter. I had saved a Malcolm Gladwell review from The New Yorker a couple of years ago and was able to use it as a segue into my topic. (It's a PDF) The gist of the Gladwell section, if you don't want to download 1.something meg, is that our stacks of paper are not just so much compost, it is a system. (The article itself is about restoring and preserving paper.)


25 Aug 08 - 10:50 AM (#2421768)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

SRS I hope you get exactly the service you need for an excellent price. Netflicks, converter box, all that is likely to go as well.

I'm eyeballing the electric bill too. We may be able to manage without that service, though that would mean no fridge or freezer so I don't know. Maybe just stop using everything electric except those necesary for food. We have plenty of oil lamps already.

TL wants to make salsa from our veggies that aren't pretty enough for the stand. I'd better get the worktable cleared again.

25 Aug 08 - 10:59 AM (#2421770)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

I'll stack more boxes of stuff in my den today. I have picked up the floor so there is room.

I have managed to drop a few pounds, so I have some 3X and 2X clothes to get rid of. I'll take them to the resale shop in Portland next time I'm there -- they have to be in perfect shape though, and thanks to my cat I don't know if anything is.

25 Aug 08 - 11:40 AM (#2421800)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

Wow, MAG, good for you!

You are all are making such impressive progress!

25 Aug 08 - 03:33 PM (#2421939)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

Thank you Maeve. Maybe I just needed last week to rest and decompress from work.

All the boxes are now off the living room floor and it is vacuumed. Volume of paper in boxes reduced by about one half. (REcycling bin is full.)

Old vacuum I haven't used in years and one small abg of clothes dropped off at HumandSociety thrift shop.

Bed made. Almostall the laundry done. (Since my household is just me, this is not so impressive.)

Thanks for this thread. Havi g company for this most onerous of tasks (to me) makes all the difference.

25 Aug 08 - 07:10 PM (#2422059)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress

Is my dishwasher half full or half empty? The dishes in it are clean.

25 Aug 08 - 07:29 PM (#2422063)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

All the way empty,when you put the clean ones away. :)

25 Aug 08 - 07:42 PM (#2422070)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

Hi, everybody. Well, things are looking up here. I started out the day with a phone call from work at 4:45am, but it turned out to be somebody else's problem.

The handyman from the senior center came by this afternoon and installed my new Dishmaster . It's so pretty and shiny and I don't have to crawl under the sink to turn the hot water on. And it didn't cost too much, either. Now I can put the cleaning supplies back under the sink.

I fixed a delicious broccoli salad for supper: raw broccoli, bacon bits, cashew pieces, some raisins, some onion and a little Ranch dressing. Yum.


25 Aug 08 - 10:34 PM (#2422149)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I've never heard of one of those things. I've had under the sink "instnat hot" tanks with a six cup capacity for cooking and making tea and such. I wash the dishes in a dish pan on one side of the sink and rinse them in a pan of hot water on the other side, then they drain in the dishwasher. I rarely ever use it to wash dishes.

School starts for my son tomorrow and I have to go to the office as well. I probably won't get much done before late in the week, but here is a little photo essay of stuff I've been doing this week. I have the same shot with a flash, but I like this darker version with existing light.


25 Aug 08 - 11:43 PM (#2422184)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Bee-you-tee-full, Maggie!

26 Aug 08 - 10:31 AM (#2422457)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

This morning's preparations for school were orderly and neat--something we don't achieve in all years. A summer of decluttering is showing up in small efficiencies around the house as the new school year begins. Good!


26 Aug 08 - 12:43 PM (#2422553)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

Stilly - I could move stuff to another room whilst clearing one if Manitas were to move out for a week or so.... he doesn't like living in chaos.

However, decluttering the camping box way back in May paid off... this weekend was much more sensible, the cork tile on the top of the box was the perfect addition and stood up to it's intended use with flying colours.

Now I have to declutter the mud from my boots.


27 Aug 08 - 12:15 AM (#2423053)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

We need a pledge from each de-clutterer here that if we draw each other's names as Secret Santees we'll send gift cards. . . no stuff! :)


27 Aug 08 - 06:10 AM (#2423149)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh no you don't Stilly - that's half the fun!

I'm pretty sure there are people who gift on the unwanted stuff they got last year.... there's a CD or two in our collection that I don't remember buying but do remember gifting on, yet I still have them!


27 Aug 08 - 08:24 AM (#2423219)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Okay, how about "gift cards and/or chocolate."


27 Aug 08 - 09:07 AM (#2423257)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

How about gift cards FOR chocolate? It gets a little messy to send the real thing thru the mail.


27 Aug 08 - 11:00 AM (#2423355)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Can you believe, Kat--100 looks, 10 watchers, one day left, and still no bids. I hope they go off like a Roman candle with their bids in the last 30 seconds. :-/

Day for cleaning and de-cluttering, but it is another air pollution watch orange, it's hot and humid, and after yesterday's red pollution day I have a headache. August hasn't given up it's hold on summer weather, but the acorns are dropping, the pecan trees are getting ready to drop the really good stuff, and fall is on the way.


27 Aug 08 - 11:06 AM (#2423366)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Master Baiter


27 Aug 08 - 11:48 AM (#2423397)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Scant wit went into your name selection, MB, you seem to bait people regularly and clearly generate the response of "Fuck you," so it works.

But that seems to be where your wit ends--the useful content of your posts here is slim to none.

27 Aug 08 - 01:28 PM (#2423492)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

Jeez, Maggie, I hope there is a bidding frenzy at the last minute, too!That would be maddening!

27 Aug 08 - 02:40 PM (#2423555)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

11 now. Is one you? It's a great package of stuff, and I think it is all camera folks waiting to swoop in at the last minute.

27 Aug 08 - 02:48 PM (#2423557)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

No...but I'll go look, at least!:-)

27 Aug 08 - 10:50 PM (#2423958)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Dinner over, we got a little noisy, but we always get along. (The discussion turned to illegal immigration, and even with opposing views or understanding, it is still cordial).

Note to self: next time the Hatch chile peppers need to be seeded, wear the protective gloves. The fingers are still smarting!

Before dinner I cleared the dining table by putting things in the rooms where they need to go to be sorted or filed. Lot's for eBay. It wasn't perfect, but the stuff wasn't moved to the wrong place, I can work with it where it landed.

Kat, it got a bid finally, lots more looks, and more watchers. Let's hope this isn't a tempest in a teapot, that it actually goes somewhere. I even have a watcher on my cabinet listing. If it doesn't sell I'll take it to a consignment shop I stop at sometimes. I'd forgotten about that place, but he said I should send an email with the photos. If I want to sell the chairs over there I'd have to recover them first. They want stuff that is passably good-looking, they're not offering weekend project material. :)

I took my vacuum in to have it repaired, but when I called around trying to get my weed trimmer repaired they listed prices way above the cost of a new trimmer. I need to find some little old guy in the neighborhood who putters with engines to fix this thing. It's stupid to throw it away if it needs a simple adjustment, but the way these businesses are set up, they have too many layers of management that forces the hourly rate way too high because they need to cover the overhead.

Off my soap box. I guess I need to Google "small engine repair" and learn to do it myself. (It will slow down the de-cluttering if I do that, though).


28 Aug 08 - 11:21 AM (#2424368)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

I bought a new 35 gallon tub to store stuff in. It's something else which will be sitting around, but it looks better than piles.

I have started on the car. What a mess!

28 Aug 08 - 01:59 PM (#2424568)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I washed a ton of dishes which had been piling up for two weeks! Poor Rog has been stuck doing them for the past month or so because of my foot. Today, I was finally able to stand long enough to get them done AND cleared some clutter off the counter while I was at it. My kitchen is finally cleanER!:-)

28 Aug 08 - 02:42 PM (#2424627)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Bat Goddess

I've been trying to make my way to the cellar to pull out canning jars for a friend -- been trying since I got out of bed this morning, but haven't gotten there yet.

In the meantime I de-cluttered the car of trash and put some stuff there that is going to various friends -- that way I'll have it with me when I see them. Also put a bag of clothes for Goodwill in the backseat -- one step closer to being gone.

Then I started pulling stuff out of the cupboards to de-accession, either through Freecycle, giving to someone (more dishes for my boss), my friend's yardsale or something. Nice stuff, but we just don't use it or need it. This de-cluttering, by the way, also involved contorting my body into some pretty interesting positions -- probably good exercise/stretching, but I'm going to feel it later! I was also able to put some of the stuff that didn't have a home INTO the cupboard into the unoccupied spaces left by the stuff I'm getting rid of. Empty space doesn't stay empty around here long!

Then I ate lunch on the quarterdeck -- which made me feel guilty about the yard work not getting done, so I pulled weeds (the tall ones, at least) up on the bank, hauled some downed branches and stacked them where I can more easily dispose of them, and exposed the bank side of the loam pile (I've been using the loam pile as a holding bed -- which means I can't actually remove and USE the loam...) so I can start spreading it where it needs to be.

One little step at a time on each of many projects. Sigh.

Laundry is being done right now and, after I pull the meat from a roasted chicken carcass, maybe I'll actually get down cellar and do what I need to there.

Oh, yeah, and maybe find the phone number of the magazine guy and the LP guy. And I need to email the guy interested in the lead type and remind him that he said he'd call and set up a time with Tom to come over and look at the type.

My next day off is Sunday, but we've got several parties to go to (and leave early from). Alas, I DON'T have the holiday off. The district manager ordained that the shop would be open (who goes looking for eyeglasses on Labor Day?!?) and, since I haven't been there long enough to get the holiday paid, I volunteered to work alone for the day so my co-worker can enjoy the holiday. (It's the manager's regular day off.)


28 Aug 08 - 08:04 PM (#2424981)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I hope you earn some good will from your sacrifice of your Monday, Linn!

I shipped out the camera this afternoon, one less thing on the table. I'd been holding onto an item sold in late July for a woman with a hard luck story, but today I see she must have pulled that a lot and was kicked out of eBay. I promptly relisted it and reported the auction she bid on unpaid for and got my fees back from eBay.

Mow the lawn, then clear out the front room and get ready to clean the carpet. Goddammed cats have started peeing in one corner. I caught one of them right after today (peed on a bunch of newspapers I put over it to try to soak it up and cover the smell until I clean.) Both are banished to a bedroom with a tile floor. They can rot in there tonight. Grrrrr. They have a box, food, and water, a window with a view, and each other.

What's up for this weekend? Anyone making a big clear-out-the-trash push? I have the quarterly bulky waste pickup coming after the second weekend in September, so I'll be hauling some branches out and maybe borrow a chain saw to take a few small weed trees out of the fence line.


29 Aug 08 - 09:33 AM (#2425360)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

No real plans for the weekend, but I am also taking Tuesday off. Saturday, I plan to head down to Eastern Market , and may can up tomatoes if I buy some. While I'm down there, I'll pick up some of the chutney ingredients, too. I need to make a list.

Lots of general clean-up to do, and laundry. If I can get the hardwood floors (on the main floor) all dusted & cleaned & polished, that would be a BIG accomplishment. I may try to start winnowing out some of the books. They've begun to overflow onto tables & chairs, and simply buying another bookshelf is not an option.


29 Aug 08 - 10:05 AM (#2425387)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

I'm heading out to de-clutter the farm stand. The potted perennials are showing signs of drought and being root-bound. I'll pull everything that doesn't look wonderful, and sort the rejects into Compost, Repot, and Plant-in-the-nursery for next year.

No doubt we'll have to keep up the all day, through the night pace for a few weeks yet. We're working inside making space, processing food; and working outside in the veggie gardens, on the farm stand, in the greenhouse, moving and rebuilding sheds, and at night keeping critters at bay.

Lots of little steps.

29 Aug 08 - 10:40 AM (#2425421)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

For Maryanne. Give it a listen. :)

I'm going to dismantle my weed eater and see if I can clean it and get it running again. It costs so much to take it in somewhere I might as well buy a new one as spend the money on the old one. My neighbor across the street was telling me what to look for inside. I do have a vacuum in the shop--he said they're not making these any more and I should just keep getting it fixed as long as it holds up.

Long weekend, starting today. Gotta make a shopping run first, cat food, etc. Must finish mowing and borrow the neighbor's trimmer to edge. And I'd love to clear this bulky stuff out of the garage.


29 Aug 08 - 11:09 AM (#2425456)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maire-aine

Will have to wait until I get home to follow the link. Office computer has youtube blocked.


29 Aug 08 - 11:25 AM (#2425482)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: MAG

I'll be at the Tumbleweed Festaturday and Sunday, so today is my last day of holiday to get stuff done. At least one basket of weeds into trash, find one bag of summer clothes which have been lost all summer, have one big push to find some lost keys.

Got some green beans at a farm stand and cooked 'em up in cream sauce, but they're kinda tough.

May toss the beans and use the cream sauce for those big,plump, wonderful, Walla Walla sweet onions.

29 Aug 08 - 12:41 PM (#2425572)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

ohgawd, I love Laurie and Mirren is a perfect foil for him!

29 Aug 08 - 03:20 PM (#2425734)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

"Pooooof - cinque!"

Thunder rolling in this afternoon, might push my plans to finish trimming in the yard and working in the garage until later. Better go put the truck away. Sometimes these storms have hail.


30 Aug 08 - 12:10 PM (#2426291)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

It's Saturday!

I cleared out the fridge a little, this time by chopping up the bell peppers I picked during the week. Freeze them loose on a pan, then I'll pour them into a zip lock bag and they're easy to scoop out for use this winter. I'll be cooking something with eggplant this weekend, and giving a few away.

I think I need to attack the garage, and I know I need to attack the pile of limbs in the back yard. The weekend after this is our bulky waste, the time to load up the curb with stuff that I'd chip if I had a chipper.

What's up for the rest of you, who have a long weekend and know how to use it?


30 Aug 08 - 12:11 PM (#2426293)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: maeve

It was a hot and muggy day...and we hauled out many LP records, an outdated computer once owned by my dad, a complete stereo system including speakers, mismatched canning jars, all sorts of things.

30 Aug 08 - 04:47 PM (#2426450)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: katlaughing

I mentioned a few things to Rog, but he worked until about 1230a this morning, so we didn't get to bed and sleep until about 2a, so we're both kind of tired. I decided not to let him or that stop me, SO...I got out the sewing machine and got ready to finish a baby quilt we started for Morgan almost five years ago.:-) Well, we had to go buy thread because I didn't have any, then we went for a drive to get some sweets, which turned into a great nap for me. When we got home, I did finish the blankie. It's in the wash now, but I did get a picture of it. It's not my best effort as for sewing, uneven seams, edges, etc. BUT I think my daughter and son and I did a good job on the characters. My sister started a tradition of baby blankets done with colouring book characters stencilled on, then coloured in with fabric paints, then quilted. Oh, I still have to do the yarn tie thingies, but essentially I am done and THAT clutter is gone off my dresser and outta the kitchen. I do not like straight pins!

30 Aug 08 - 11:48 PM (#2426601)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

Finished the yard, finished most of the laundry. Started roasting Hatch chile peppers, but I'll finish that tomorrow on the grill. It's too much work in the oven and heats up the house to much to broil them.

I found an old-fashioned card or tag inside one of the arm chairs I am going to try to sell. It was under a layer of fabric that covered the bottom of the chair (hiding the springs). You see it if you turn the chair upside down (it's lying on it's side in the garage, so it came into view.) I'll take a photo of it--maybe it will help me sell it (or decide to keep it!)


31 Aug 08 - 11:25 AM (#2426804)
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
From: Stilly River Sage

I am trying to race in to fall full of energy--after the summer doldrums there will be a day, after a couple of false starts, that screams out "Autumn is Here!" The air will be clean, a slight breeze perhaps, and we will smell the grass and leaves on the ground. The sky will be bright blue, the day will be crisp, after a cool night. It will be my favorite one day of the year. Sometimes it isn't as good as others, but it always arrives.

Here is the next thread in anticipation of this month being the one with that day in it--somewhere.