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The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)

07 Aug 08 - 04:35 AM (#2407346)
Subject: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman

I see that Saltburn is billing itself as "The Proper Folk Festival".... and I'm not arguing with that, it is undoubtedly a great (and proper) Folk Festival. I hope everyone who attends has a great time as we did last year.

However, I wondered if this made Pickering "The Improper Folk Festival" happening this weekend and if that meant that we reprabates who are going would have more fun.......

Any suggestions around what should happen at a "proper" or "improper" Folk Festival?

(This is just meant to be a bit of fun, if we could avoid a row that would be great!)


07 Aug 08 - 04:53 AM (#2407352)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: gnomad

Well clearly at an improper one the chaps would have to stand on the right.

Or maybe everyone should just undress a bit, or make saucy suggestions.

I have no beef with Saltburn being A proper folk festival (never been, but I know enough of its regulars to be sure that it is) but THE proper folk festival implies that all the others are not proper, which is quite some claim. OTOH, who seriously expects truth in advertising?

07 Aug 08 - 04:56 AM (#2407354)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

Well, I think it should involve listening to some great music in a wide variety of folky styles, getting disgracefully drunk, singing and playing into the early hours, meeting lots of fantastic people, maybe doing a conga round the site and....hang on, isn't that what happens at any self-respecting folk festival?

If that doesn't happen, it isn't a 'proper' folk festival - and certainly not an 'improper' one.

Personally, I intend to do what I usually do and paint my toenails a lurid colour.

07 Aug 08 - 05:05 AM (#2407357)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: GUEST,OldNicKilby

I have done many of this organisers Model Engineering and Wood Shows and every one has been really well run with great staff and the RIGHT attitude. I think that we can be sure that Simon will do his very best to make sure that this event will be a cracker. The venue is new clean and light and has a really good feel to it.
I reckon that this could end up being a very proper do.

07 Aug 08 - 05:09 AM (#2407358)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Jean(eanjay)

I'm going to sample both festivals so I should be illuminated about it all at the end.

Perhaps you need the sewage problems they've got in Whitby at the moment to get the full flavour :-)

Well you did say bit of fun LOL

07 Aug 08 - 05:09 AM (#2407359)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

The dictionary says that 'proper' means 'correct; according to the rules' does that mean that everyone going to Saltburn has to sign a declaration that anything they sing or play will be according to the 1954 definition and anyone not abiding by this will be thrown out of town (or worse)?

"The venue is new clean and light and has a really good feel to it."

Hmmm...probably won't be when we've finished with it. LOL!

07 Aug 08 - 05:34 AM (#2407366)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: George Papavgeris

Where does it say "a Proper Folk festival", Paul? I can't see anything like that on their website. Is it on some flyers or other advertising? Another thought - is it sponsored by Proper Records, perchance (which would explain things)?

07 Aug 08 - 05:44 AM (#2407370)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

Nude morris dancing would be hilarious!

07 Aug 08 - 05:45 AM (#2407371)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman

George, try MySpace ....... I repeat this is just a bit of fun, I'm not having a go at anyone. I'm just intrigued what the the creative minds on Mudcat can come up with as to the entertainment at an Improper Folk Festival.

I hope your gigs at Saltburn go well George.


07 Aug 08 - 05:49 AM (#2407372)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman

Here's the link George:

Saltburn MySpace

07 Aug 08 - 05:52 AM (#2407374)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: George Papavgeris

Thanks Paul!
I guess it's as you say, which sort of makes sense - after all they booked me! :-)

Seriously though, point well made.

07 Aug 08 - 06:04 AM (#2407379)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Paul Burke

I suspect a Precession of the Equinoxes would have to be part of the entertainment. I suppose an equinox is a sort of horse-bull, so the precession would no doubt involve the bulls nutating to the Horse's Brawl.

07 Aug 08 - 06:12 AM (#2407381)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

Banjo-player baiting would be good fun, too, and, unlike bull or bear-baiting, totally PC!

07 Aug 08 - 06:27 AM (#2407385)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman

"Banjo-player baiting would be good fun, too, and, unlike bull or bear-baiting, totally PC! "

Pete, I would have expected this "sport" at a "proper" Folk Festival rather than improper one....they're even allowing mine on stage at Pickering (though they didn't confirm that they would switch on the mic).


07 Aug 08 - 06:33 AM (#2407388)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

We'll be there at 10.30 on Sunday to cheer you both on before adjourning for a proper Sunday lunch of beer followed by more beer.

07 Aug 08 - 06:53 AM (#2407393)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: GUEST,Betsy at Work

Hiya Paul ,
Proper Folk Festivals like Saltburn do things and organise events that other occasions possibily don't, for example, innocent song competitions and the like.
BTW Did Wendy return the large trophy to Saltburn,which, in addition to £150 she most deservedly won last year. We shall miss you both - even if you don't miss us. Good luck whatever you do.
One of the highlights of my weekend will be finally meeting-up and hearing George P. for the first time.
Apart from that I look forward to meeting all the delightful and varied characters I always meet at Saltburn and sharing a few bevvies, stories , songs and laughs with them all.

07 Aug 08 - 06:57 AM (#2407398)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: GUEST,Cliff

I am giving JT a hand at whatever he needs during the festival BUT will be trying to attend your Fri night spot in the Marine.
Will have my recorder so may FINALLY get the deed done :-)

See ya there

07 Aug 08 - 07:08 AM (#2407408)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman


We will certainly miss being at Saltburn, we had a great time last year as I've made clear above. We would have been there like a shot if......well let's just say you have to go where the work is.

Trophy returned to Trevor when he kindly came and did a spot at KFFC in June.... I think the £150 you mention must be allowing for inflation!

I would also like to have heard George P (amongst many others gracing the Saltburn stages)..... I haven't had the pleasure yet.

This thread is really just supposed to be a bit of fun.... I have the utmost respect for everyone at Saltburn and am grateful for the opportunities it has given Wendy (which includes Pickering funnily enough).

Maybe they'll be on seperate weekends next year and we can all enjoy both?


07 Aug 08 - 07:14 AM (#2407414)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Tig

The Saltburn My Space says "a Proper Folk Festival". Not the same meaning as "The Proper Folk Festival".

The Badger

07 Aug 08 - 07:18 AM (#2407417)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

How about a filthiest song competition?

07 Aug 08 - 07:20 AM (#2407419)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Paul Burke

That would have to include:

The bitches who put itches in the britches
Of the boys who put the powder up the noses
Of the floozies of the whorum of the court of King Erectecus
Were just passing by...

07 Aug 08 - 07:27 AM (#2407423)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman

or Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud?.... oh, you meant a different kind of filthy.....

07 Aug 08 - 07:40 AM (#2407430)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

"Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud?.... "

Aaaaargh, don't say that! I'll be wearing my best white stilletos.

07 Aug 08 - 07:41 AM (#2407432)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Tim Leaning

SO just for a bit of fun eh?
Oh foolish bodrahn on a stick person.
How about \Pickering is a proper fest too
I happen to know that at least one of the lady stewards and one of the |Von Trapps are very proper.
Enjoy Saltburn El George,

07 Aug 08 - 08:13 AM (#2407459)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)

I have heard a rumour just now that Pickering has just been pulled due to risk of flooding.

07 Aug 08 - 08:16 AM (#2407465)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: George Papavgeris


07 Aug 08 - 08:33 AM (#2407478)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)

UPDATE: Thursday 9am
Following a site inspection at 8am this morning the site of the Pickering Folk Festival is covered in standing water. It is raining now and more heavy rain is forecast over the next three days so the event has been cancelled in the interests of public safety. The Events Office will be in contact with you after the weekend.

DISCLAIMER: Although every reasonable safeguard is assured, the organisers cannot be held responsible for any alterations, cancellations or postponements to any event or part thereof.

Hmmm wasn't there when I looked at the site at 11am this morning. Not a very customer service focussed announcement is it? What happened to 'we're very sorry and will refund your tickets in due course.'?

I also have it on good authority that the site is NOT currently under standing water and am half minded to go and photograph it.
    Please note that anonymous posting is no longer allowed at Mudcat. Use a consistent name [in the 'from' box] when you post, or your messages risk being deleted.
    -Joe Offer-

07 Aug 08 - 08:38 AM (#2407483)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: GUEST,Betsy at Work

Albeit George's blue clicky posting it is a bit naughty "Guest" informing the threads that it has been pulled - could have done with a traceable / legit name. ( I know you can't catchem all Joe!!! )

BigDrummergirl wrote in a thread - Pickering Camping tickets .....
I received a numbered paper ticket this morning with a note saying that camping tickets will be issued on arrival. My ticket is numbered 494 which is a bit worrying as I only booked yesterday so maybe only about 500 there.

Perhaps helped to sway their position.

Let's hope we get one decent Folk "do" out of all this so we can all have a drink, laugh, and a sing as 'im upstairs intended.

Paul SURELY you must feel another thread coming on ?
    Hey, it was posted at 5:30 AM California time - ain't I allowed to SLEEP???
    You're right though: posting with a consistent name, makes posts far more credible.

07 Aug 08 - 08:44 AM (#2407492)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: George Papavgeris

I fear that the vultures may descend any minute now, no doubt dressed in GUEST attire. But I don't think it would do anyone any good to speculate about the reasons for the cancellation. Take it at face value, give organisers the benefit of the doubt and move on.

07 Aug 08 - 09:08 AM (#2407505)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

Astonishing! We were packed and ready to go - decided to go to Pickering instead of Cambridge this year. Really, really disappointed, not just for us and all the folk fans who have given this festival their support, but also for the traders and the artists who, I presume, will now have to accept a cancellation fee instead of full payment.

I really can't believe that an established showground could get so flooded.

Anyone fancy a signaround at our house?

07 Aug 08 - 09:23 AM (#2407515)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

"Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud?...."

Paul, I'm holding you personally responsible for putting a jinx on this. You now have to buy the beer all weekend at Osmotherley (and, boy, those Mawkin fellahs can drink).

07 Aug 08 - 09:24 AM (#2407516)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Charley Noble

Perhaps the coffee will be brewed in a proper copper coffee pot.

Charley Noble

07 Aug 08 - 09:42 AM (#2407534)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: r.padgett

Is this correct has Pickering been cancelled?

You having us on here!


07 Aug 08 - 09:45 AM (#2407540)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: r.padgett

WEll it does look like it

Never did go for green field sites

See you at Saltburn ff then eh?


07 Aug 08 - 09:46 AM (#2407542)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

Seems it's true. Ray. There's an announcement on the website.

07 Aug 08 - 10:07 AM (#2407554)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: nutty

I'm saying nothing

07 Aug 08 - 10:17 AM (#2407567)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: GUEST,Betsy at Work

Nutty - You're saying Nutting !!! - see ya sometime over the weekend best of luck with the internet seesion

07 Aug 08 - 10:57 AM (#2407598)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: George Papavgeris

Nutty, how is that session going to run? Do we need to bring our own laptops?

07 Aug 08 - 11:04 AM (#2407609)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: GUEST,Betsy at Work

George - she usually has quite a few desk tops already set-up.
Save you lugging your laptop around

07 Aug 08 - 11:20 AM (#2407617)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Peace

1) Call it a music festival.

2) Have a good time.

07 Aug 08 - 11:49 AM (#2407637)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: gnomad

Regarding whether or not the Pickering site is under standing water, I viewed those parts of the showground visible from the road one hour ago, and took pictures too.

The area has certainly had some heavy spells of rain, with more forecast for tonight and through Saturday. While I would not have described the ground as being under standing water it is certainly well soaked, with some rather muddy access points and some puddles.

My experience of camping in the area as a lad is that the soil is pretty moisture-retentive, so prone to becoming a mudbath. I did wonder what damage would have been done by last weekend's traction engine rally at the showground; less than I thought, but more than I would care to camp upon.

In summary, the various access points to the ground could be used by a modest number of vehicles, but would easily become impassable if either more rain were to fall, or significant numbers of vehicles were to attempt to use them.

As the lineup billed is an ambitious one this would require very significant audiences to cover costs. I doubt that the ground could safely host such audiences in its present state.

PS: I have no connection with the festival (didn't sound my cup of tea) but had hoped for its success.

07 Aug 08 - 12:04 PM (#2407653)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

Thanks for that gnomad. I've just had a call from the organisers saying that they have had to cancel on grounds of public safety and that they are devastated. They will be in touch with ticket holders on Monday to arrange a refund or a rescheduling of the event.

I've just found out that the campsite I was going to in Northumberland, after Pickering, is also closed until at least Wednesday becuase of waterlogging so it seems my summer hols are a total washout!

07 Aug 08 - 12:08 PM (#2407658)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: r.padgett

Yes I do recollect that the weather report yesterday specifically said that Pickering had been deluged by heavy rainfall

This is sad all round

Safety is paramount


07 Aug 08 - 12:25 PM (#2407676)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: nutty

Definitely not a Glastonbury in the making

07 Aug 08 - 12:51 PM (#2407701)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman

hhhhmmmmmm, just got back from a meeting and seen this.

Don't know what to say really. I've got a very upset family to cheer up.

Still at least there is only a little gloating on the thread above.


07 Aug 08 - 01:01 PM (#2407709)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Dave (Bridge)

I was telephoned early this afternoon from the events office to tell me the news. Returned call and was told that ticket money would be refunded. Ah well!!!!

07 Aug 08 - 07:19 PM (#2407981)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Betsy

Thanks Muppitz, your heart is in the right place.
Just been to the prefestival night which was a nice "rounded" do and packed out.
The "other place" which has "called off" was extremely divisive, and as a different Thread devoted to the matter was splitting us all asunder i.e. Big Stages versus parochial Festival.
Big stages appeared to have won - hands down, but ……….
There was NEVER good reason for the "other place" to organise it's dates to compete with an established simple (or from another thread) "proper" Folk Festival.
Shit happens.
Enjoy your self at Saltburn - and Banjiman learn not to count your chickens know your "fun" thread about "The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering UK)" was quite mischievous - next time think about it - you were doing the gloating.
Otherwise everyone have a great time at Saltburn - there will be a bit of rain, then eventually the Sun will be hot enough to crack the pavements - hopefully.

07 Aug 08 - 07:35 PM (#2407993)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman

No Betsy, you are misjudging me.... this was intended as fun. Re-read my posts above....I think the Saltburn advertising was mischievous but I liked the idea of an Improper Folk Festival and thought we could all have a laugh with it.

...and I have agreed all along that it would have been better on another weekend, re-check my posts on other threads.


08 Aug 08 - 04:13 AM (#2408222)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

Totally agree with you. Paul.

We've been through all the arguments for and against Pickering and each made our own personal decisions, which we have every right to do despite the smug shit from dinosaurs like Betsy. I don't get your problem - we wouldn't ever have been going to Saltburn anyway - we simply don't want to mix with people who have your attitude; people who car soi little about the future of folk music that they want to keep it as a microcosm of exclusivity.

Yes, we are very disappointed, too. Holly is in tears. Ah, well, still got Osmotherley to look forward to - and the Big Birthday Bash. A cnahce to have a great time with NICE people.

08 Aug 08 - 04:33 AM (#2408230)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: nutty

At last we agree on something leveller - may there be enough festivals that we never have to meet.

08 Aug 08 - 04:56 AM (#2408240)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman


I don't think falling out about this is doing anyone any good.... that was not my intention with this thread (it was supposed to be funny.... remember funny?).

There is undoubtedly room for festivals like Pickering and Festivals like Saltburn, personally I enjoy both. It would have been preferable if they had been scheduled on different weekends.

Pickering has gone, at least for this year, jury seems to be out if it was due to waterlogging or poor ticket sales......but it has gone.

I'm disappointed (as are my kids who do find green field festivals easier than those in scattered indoor venues..... they get more freedom to amuse themselves), but I have no intention of slagging off Saltburn or those who attend it....I've been and enjoyed it immensely, I also count quite a few of those who are attending as my friends.

I hope Saltburn is a resounding success as usual and hopefully Pickering will return next year on a different weekend.... we can then go to both!


08 Aug 08 - 05:47 AM (#2408263)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman

BTW.....I have no evidence that ticket sales were poor....just reflecting the rumours I've seen on here.


08 Aug 08 - 05:56 AM (#2408266)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

Sorry, Paul, but now I'm really angry.

I had hoped that we would get away without the nasty, smug glee of the likes of Betsy and Nutty but, no, they seem determined to use an act of nature to open an old debates that, frankly, they chose to make devisive. It was they who took the, frankly, fascist attitude that Pickering had no right to exist and that people who had no desire to be bored rigid by their inane attitudes to folk music, which they insist on pushing down our throats ad infinitum whilst they pick the ear-wax from under their fingernails, could actually gain pleasure from attenting a different festival to theirs.

Why is it that people like that hate the idea of others enjoying themselves in a manner different to theirs. How can they live with such a hateful outlook? Do they have so little experience of real life that they think their little island is the only one that has a right to exist? Quite honestly, I have no desire to be in the company of people like that - life's too short.

I hope Saltburn is a great success and that those who attend enjoy it. Why could they not have had the good grace and good manners to wish Pickering the same?

08 Aug 08 - 06:12 AM (#2408271)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: nutty

People like what? ..... you are the one who is trying to pick a fight and whose attitude has been objectionable throughout.
I merely expressed a personal opinion which you took exception to. It's you who have a big problem .... just don't take your frustrations out on me.

08 Aug 08 - 06:18 AM (#2408272)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: nutty

- and as for me questioning the experience of the Pickering management (which I admit to doing) it appears that I may have been justified.

08 Aug 08 - 06:33 AM (#2408279)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Banjiman


Not wishing to fan the flames.....but what dealings have you had with the Pickering management?

Mine have been quite extensive, they have been nothing but professional, pleasant, responsive, generous and they are clearly experienced in running succesful events.

They have even handled the cancellation in a thoroughly professional manner....... they have phoned eveyone who was booked or had bought tickets and let them know personally that it was cancelled. They have also promised everyone a full refund. I believe the weather is probably outside their control........

I don't believe that they deserve your stinging criticism.

Please stop.


08 Aug 08 - 06:48 AM (#2408282)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: nutty

I agree Paul ..... they have vast experience of running country fairs - steam rallies and the like but to my knowledge they had never run a Folk Festival.

This is really just taking is round in circles - If you re-read the first thread you'll find we are back at the beginning.

I have my opinion - you have yours.

Hope to see you at Saltburn

08 Aug 08 - 07:57 AM (#2408316)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

"People like what? ..... you are the one who is trying to pick a fight and whose attitude has been objectionable throughout." do you work that out? I'm not the one who has hijacked this thread to take delight in the fact that hunderds of people have been deprived of an enjoyable weekend listening to the music that they choose to, in an environment that suits them and at a time that's convenient to them. But I don't expect your perverted outlook on life would be able to see that. Maybe you should take your head out of the sand now and again.

08 Aug 08 - 08:00 AM (#2408319)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

Just had an improper folk festival here at home - listening to The Waterboys whilst doing the ironing and having a beer.

Brilliant therapy. Anyone mind if I bring my ironing board to Osmotherley?

08 Aug 08 - 09:07 AM (#2408353)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: nutty

I do not take delight in such happenings .... I'm as sad as you are that so many people have missed out - particularly the artists.

It's just that I'm not pretending to be suprised.

08 Aug 08 - 09:13 AM (#2408359)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: GUEST,Betsy at Work

Nutty , forget it, and get ready for a lovely weekend in Saltburn.
I really look forward to seeing you.


08 Aug 08 - 03:05 PM (#2408638)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

I sincerely hope it is.

08 Aug 08 - 04:42 PM (#2408766)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Tim Leaning

Told you there there was no such thing as fun with some on here mate.
Got a load of shite from the same parties last year for mentioning a music do that they though somehow detracted from the one they favour.
Oh well
Bless you all and keep safe

08 Aug 08 - 05:07 PM (#2408798)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Dennis the Elder

Hi Ray, Nutty and all,
I have had a few years experience working for the management at Pickering at many functions and will, when I return to England in about ten days do my best to tell you the reasons for the cancellation. At this moment in time I believe to be the weather as stated by the management. I know from personal experience rain has been a serious problem on many occasions in the past for health and safety reasons.

09 Aug 08 - 08:24 AM (#2409193)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Mrs Banjiman

In the spirit in which this thread was initiated...I reckon an "improper" folk festival needs to have lots of electronic keyboards featuring throughout the performances of traditional songs (just to really wind the other half up!!!), it should be compulsary to enter and leave the singaround while the singer is at a particularly vital and moving part of their song, and all children will be given an item of percussion when issued with their wristband to be used at all times - day or night!

09 Aug 08 - 08:43 AM (#2409199)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Snuffy

So you've been to Blitherscrum then, Mrs B!

09 Aug 08 - 03:33 PM (#2409459)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: theleveller

How about sticking your finger in someone else's ear while you're singing?

11 Aug 08 - 05:56 AM (#2410367)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)


I am one of the Pickering festival team and take great exception to you questioning my ability to put together a folk festival. Do you honestly believe that the atrocious weather that caused us to cancel our event had anything to do with our ability to stage it? If you do believe this then perhaps you are more bitter and twisted than you appear. The Events Office team are mortified that this decision HAD to be made. Not only for ourselves but also for the many artists, traders, caterers and ticket-buying customers that this decision affected. For all of those people we are truly sorry. Unlike yourself who seems to be delighted.

For my part, I have spent nine months planning this event on behalf of The Events Office and to see all my hard work unravelled in just 24 hours is heart-breaking. I hope that I will be asked to do this again in 2009 and I can assure you all that, if it does happen, Pickering Folk Festival will come bouncing back as just an impressive event in the festival calendar as it was in 2008.

Many thanks
    I probably should have deleted this, but I didn't. The writer is entitled to disagree with Nutty's opinion, but to do so anonymously and with a nasty tone, is a classic display of cowardice. Subsequent anonymous messages were more clearly personal attacks, and they were deleted.
    -Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-

11 Aug 08 - 06:28 AM (#2410383)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: Paul Burke

Can someone explain for outside parties why Heartburn and Bickering folk festival supporters find it necessary to insult each other in public, rather than as consenting adults in private? As they are 25+ miles apart, and appear to address different audiences, it can't be that they are worried about saturation, so what is it?

11 Aug 08 - 06:37 AM (#2410388)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (PickeringUK)
From: George Papavgeris

I think it's love - they just haven't realised it yet.

11 Aug 08 - 11:01 AM (#2410573)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: Santa

Different audiences? I don't understand that one.

Excuse a serious response, but there were acts at Pickering I'd love to have seen, and 25 miles is pretty close for simultaneous festivals, in my book. I did consider that a quick dash over the moors to catch Bella Hardy would not be unreasonable - as long as she didn't clash with the Wilsons, of course.

11 Aug 08 - 12:01 PM (#2410620)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: GUEST,Betsy at Work

Paul and Santa - maybe you haven't followed the story.
I think many people from The Saltburn Festival would have liked to see some of the attractive line up at Pickering.(Whether they could afford tickets for 2 Festivals is another matter).
Pickering has never held a Folk Festival before, and the dates it chose to organise it's first one, was the same weekend as the established Saltburn Folk Festival.
The effects of the clash in dates are well documented in this thread.
If Pickering has the expertise and management which it claims, then it appeared to some that it was an extraordinary decision to choose the same weekend as an established festival some 25 miles away.
The rest is history.

11 Aug 08 - 01:10 PM (#2410718)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: nutty

I had decided to ignore this thread but as people who do not know me continue to attack me personally (GUEST 5.56AM) I feel the need to reply.

I have never attacked the management of the Events Office personally or their ability to organise a Folk Festival - only their decision regarding the date but as they were filling the only available date in their calendar if/when it happens in the future it is likely to continue to clash with Saltburn.

As for the cancellation - we are told that this event had been on the cards for 9 months yet the publicity only appeared a few weeks before it actually happened rather late to attract the thousands expected. Most folkies I know have their festival calendar organised by early Spring.

The ground itself had been flooded the previous weekend - the steam rally (organised by The Events Office?) but pumps had been used to make the event viable - was this not also possible on the Festival weekend or were there financial considerations at work.

And if such an problem raised so many Health and Safety issueds that cancellation was neccessary then perhaps (given the English Summer) this was not the best venue for the folk festival.

When you organise an event you can expect to be criticised if things don't happen - particularly when you are (as you maintain) an experienced management organisation.

I have attended Folk Festivals for over 30 years and have camped on green field sites but have never known a festival be cancelled because of rain.

11 Aug 08 - 01:20 PM (#2410736)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: nutty

before I'm corrected - It was a Traction Engine Rally that was held on the Showground not a steam rally and it was organised by the Events Office.

11 Aug 08 - 01:53 PM (#2410778)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: Banjiman


You had no intention of going.....why go on about it?

You had the weekend you intended to have, why is this bothering you so much? From what has been posted on here, Saltburn was as succesful as ever (and probably would have been whether or not Pickering went ahead), venues were packed apparently.......why should you care?

I just don't understand.


11 Aug 08 - 02:05 PM (#2410788)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: nutty

You were not the one being personally attacked Paul.

When someone I have never met or who fails to disclose him/her self calls me "bitter and twisted". Then I feel I need to reply as I'm sure you would given the same circumstances.

11 Aug 08 - 02:08 PM (#2410790)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: nutty

Had the lady/gentleman concerned bothered to join this forum - then such a conversation could have been carried out via the 'personal message' facility.

11 Aug 08 - 02:18 PM (#2410798)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: Banjiman


No, and I didn't launch a personal attack on you. I asked you politely why Pickering has bothered you so much.... your attack on the festival started long before the anonymous guest post to which you refer.

I really would appreciate an answer, PM me if you'd rather..... I'm not trying to cause an argument, I just don't understand the basis of your sustained attack when it had no impact on you or how you choose to spend your time. Or am I missing something?



11 Aug 08 - 02:41 PM (#2410821)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: nutty

Paul ..... this is now into 3 threads and is becoming boring. All I have ever done is ask why the organisation chose that particular date ,,,anything else I am supposed to have said has come out of other peoples imagination.

As long as people do not attack me personally I am very happy to let them get on with it.

And please note out of the 79 posts to this thread I have only posted 9 times. I presume the other 70 all made comments that you agreed with.

11 Aug 08 - 02:58 PM (#2410841)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: Banjiman

"anything else I am supposed to have said has come out of other peoples imagination."

"As long as people do not attack me personally I am very happy to let them get on with it."


In that case you have my apologies...... I have to confess that is not how I have read your posts though, but that could just be me of course.

If it is becoming boring, I'm more than happy to leave it, in fact I had until I read your 1.10pm post..... I should probably still have controlled myself but the (imagined) insinuation that the organisers had cancelled for reasons other than waterlogging really needed addressing.

..... and no, I don't agree with all of the other posts above..... I have stated my views where I needed to.


11 Aug 08 - 03:10 PM (#2410846)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: Kelk Brigade

Hey Guys, just returned from the other "small" festival that took place over the weekend at Cropredy. Rained every day and continuously on Saturday, but did not dampen spirits too much - buoyed up by Wadsworth 6X.

Seems we missed out on nothing although the line-up at Pickering was tempting, but in the end our 26th trip to Cropredy beckoned too strongly.

Hate to see good friends falling out over something that never happened, so come on Hazel and Paul, life's too short, there's always another year and then we will all know how serious Pickering are in developing a festival.

Must say that they did pick a strange weekend though, and it was always going to be difficult going head to head with two such established events, still it ain't our money and they are promising to recompense ticket holders.

See you both at Whitby (I hope)!


11 Aug 08 - 03:39 PM (#2410865)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: Banjiman


You are of course correct. I'm off this thread.

Hope you had a good time at Cropredy.... we won't make Whitby (some of us have to work for a living and having wasted some holiday this weekend........!!!!) but I'm sure we'll see you soon.

Have you seen the Osmotherley gathering schedule, should be fun?


11 Aug 08 - 05:12 PM (#2410956)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: GUEST,Leila...

I'm rather shocked reading this thread...

12 Aug 08 - 03:12 AM (#2411230)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: theleveller

"As long as people do not attack me personally I am very happy to let them get on with it."

The whole point is that you're not. All you want to do is whinge.

This thread was started as a bit of fun, but you and Betsy decided to hijack it to continue your vitriolic and totally unreasonable attack on Pickering that you have conducted since the festival was first announced. Now you whine when people defend the festival and its organisation. You really are pathetic.

If you can't stand the robust debate don't start it in the first place. Who the hell do you think you are? Certainly not representative of the Northern folk scene as I know it, and have known it, for over 40 years.

Just get off your high horse and let people enjoy the folk scene in their own ways.

12 Aug 08 - 07:27 AM (#2411356)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: Lowden Jameswright

Two great folk festivals scheduled at the same time and only 25 miles apart - just proves the folk scene is thriving!

... and all these folk prepared to debate it ad infinitum too

12 Aug 08 - 07:34 AM (#2411358)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: nutty

I have nothing more to say in this thread ..... Please note that whatever I may have said (and you need to read all three threads to find that out) I have not personally attacked anyone nor do I intend to do so.

Sadly, I always believed that in a free country I was allowed to hold and express my own opinions.

Any member wishing to further communicate with me can send a PM.

12 Aug 08 - 02:30 PM (#2411732)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: theleveller

"I have not personally attacked anyone"

No, of course not. You prefer the snide remark and the backhanded comment; lots of inuendo and then feigned outrage when someone dares to contradict you. Personally, I prefer to be upfront with my comments and let the people reading them judge for themselves if I'm being unreasonable or aggressive. Then I hope they'll tell me straight.

12 Aug 08 - 02:49 PM (#2411759)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: stallion

When I first heard about the Pickering festival I thought the organisers were brave to put on so many top acts at a new festival and wished them well in a thread somewhere in this place. I wouldn't, for commercial reasons, have pitched it on the same w/e as Saltburn but in all probability it would have drawn some new people in, anyway, difficult one to assess really.
The weather was foul, bloody awful, for an established festival they might have got away with it but for something new there would have been too many unknowns, a logistical nightmare and a lot of extremely disgruntled, wet, miserable punters to deal with. One might have suspected they had a "wet weather plan" (what in August!)but I doubt if that stretched to a "flood plan" and if it didn't flood there was an exceedingly strong chance that it would, the Vale of Pickering was an inland sea and is as flat as a pancake and the water doesn't run anywhere at any sort of pace.
Having dealt with all that, the ticket sales are of relevance to the knockers in an "I told you so" sort of way and to the organisers who will hopefully come back next year having learnt a lot and not been put off with the experience.
There are concerns in this place about whether this festival was solely for personal gain, well events need to make money to succeed and if everyone grafting was to be paid, from artists to lavatory cleaners it ain't cheap if I wanted to make money I would have put a few rock bands on and filled the place with screaming teenagers and got sponsorship from the record labels ( do teenagers scream these days, oh dear, I am so out of touch)
Anyway to the organisers, give it another go, hindsight is a wonderful thing, and maybe work a bit harder to get more people on board.
See you all on next years thread!

12 Aug 08 - 02:56 PM (#2411766)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: Tim Leaning

"SO just for a bit of fun eh?
Oh foolish bodrahn on a stick person.
How about \Pickering is a proper fest too
I happen to know that at least one of the lady stewards and one of the |Von Trapps are very proper.
Enjoy Saltburn El George,"

Well mate,I dont like to say I told you so but...........

12 Aug 08 - 05:14 PM (#2411904)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: Betsy

Hi Stallion you talk a lot of sense, a Pop / Rock scene might have paid dividends - Glastonbury seems to, regardless of bad weather.As for the other halfwit who accuses me of being vitriolic in commenting on this matter, far from it, it is not exactly in my nature to be vitriolic , although like Nutty (who I admire), I reserve the right to express, and comment, on situations such as this especially when I and Nutty live within easy reach of both Saltburn and Pickering.
I have a most enjoyable time meeting for the first time El Greko and making a new friend - and he made a new fan , in addition to meeting many many old friends, mudcatters and acquaintances which made Saltburn a most pleasurable weekend.
This other person says that the (or she) " Who the hell do you think you are? Certainly not representative of the Northern folk scene as I know it, and have known it, ".
None of the Mudcatters I asked at the weekend knows who you are , and when I find out - I'll decide whether you have been around "the Northern folk scene" for over 40 years as I can certainly equal THAT.

12 Aug 08 - 05:33 PM (#2411935)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: oggie

Pickering and Saltburn may be 45 miles from each other (is it only in the North that we think of that as being "next door") but the bills were very different as was I suspect the target audience. If we're saying that there are only enough folkies to support one festival a week in the north-east of England then we've got big trouble.


PS Feel sorry for the traders who have lost a weekend's trading and whilst they may get their pitch fee back don't get a cancellation fee or recompense for loss of earnings.

12 Aug 08 - 07:51 PM (#2412075)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: theleveller

Ah, so I'm a halfwit am I, Betsy? On what basis do you reach that conclusion? Neither your arguments nor your weird take on the English language lead me to assume that you have any great intelligence or have ever progressed beyond the lowest stage of the educational system. Perhaps you'd like to put up your academic qualifications against mine. Should prove interesting! Or am I just getting into a battle of wits with an unarmed person?

As to the fact that no-one at Saltburn knows who I am - why should they? Unlike you, I have no pretensions in that respect. I have to admit that I don't know who you are and no-one on the folk scene around here does, either. (Er...who the hell do you think you are?)In 40 years I don't think that I've ever come across you or the Nutter. Thankfully.

Hey, just goes to show what a great an varied scene the folk community is in Yorkshire. Why don't you realise this and let people enjoy it in their own way? You are certainly NOT representative of the Northern folk scene. You are a nonentity who wants to appear to be someone who has some credibility.

Oh dear! How sad is that? Is that the whole raison d'etre (that's French for 'reason for being')of your existence?

What a load of pretentious twaddle you do utter: "I'll decide if you have been around the Northern folk scene for over 40 years"... ah well, we await your opinion with baited breath. I'm sure the whole of Britain is awaiting the verdict of the great, ubiquitous Betsy -whoever she might be.

As I said to the Nutter - "Get a life!".

13 Aug 08 - 01:34 AM (#2412249)
Subject: RE: The Improper Folk Festival (Pickering, UK)
From: nutty


You pathetic individual - all this venom simply because I said something you disagreed with.

So much for it being a free country.

Your inability to construct an argument without turning it into a personal attack shows a lack of intelligent thought and the fact that you continue to hide behind your anonimity while spitting out such puerile comments commends you to no one.

Your behaviour would be considered childish even if you were a 10 year old.

Grow up and accept the fact that there are two sides to every argument and that such things can be debated without it turning into all out war.
    That's enough. This thread is too full of personal attacks to bother cleaning it up. We cleaned it up once, and now you children went and shit all over it again. Thread closed.
    -Joe Offer-