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BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony

08 Aug 08 - 02:54 PM (#2408628)
Subject: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

A Zhang Yimou spectacular. Not to be missed.
Got up early to see it live on CBC. Anyone who has seen his films knows the magic he can create.

08 Aug 08 - 03:02 PM (#2408634)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: PoppaGator

It'll be on NBC-TV in the states in about 5 hours. Must be a tape-delay if you're already watching...

08 Aug 08 - 03:37 PM (#2408674)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

I'm hoping that the Dalai Lama is going to win Gold in everything.

I'm also hoping that ALL the athletes pull out at the final moment, to show their utter disgust at what China has done in Tibet.

Now wouldn't *that* be something!

08 Aug 08 - 03:43 PM (#2408685)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Kampervan

I think that the opening ceremony was a criminal waste of money; and it gets worse with each successive games.

But will any country ever have the guts to stop it?

Here's hoping.


08 Aug 08 - 04:00 PM (#2408715)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: PoppaGator

Lighten up; the governments and corporate sponsors are always trying to portray themselves in the best possible light, of course, but in doing so they create a major payday, AND a terrific opportunity to perform on a worldwide stage, for countless musicians, composers, dancers, experimental multimedia artists, etc., etc., etc.

And once the cermonial showcase is over, the athletes get to perform and compete under the same global spotlight. Many of us actually enjoy witnessing that, too.

08 Aug 08 - 04:08 PM (#2408731)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: greg stephens

I liked thoise big rings standing up (No, this is not meant as an endorsement of the Chinese Empire's treatment of its satellite nations).

08 Aug 08 - 05:19 PM (#2408817)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

CBC (Canada) broadcast the Opening live, so by early I meant 5:50 AM.

As far as I could tell, only two professional entertainers- a Chinese male singer and Sarah Brightman, who did their duet gratis- among the thousands of volunteers, plus a number of Zhang Yimou-trained stunt men. The sets and fireworks were expensive, but as PoppaGator said, a major payday.

08 Aug 08 - 05:24 PM (#2408823)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: McGrath of Harlow

If I was in charge of trying to set-up the opening ceremony for the 2012 Games in London, I would not be a happy bunny.

My son commented that it'll be a bit like being told you have to go on stage after the Beatles.

08 Aug 08 - 05:25 PM (#2408825)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: gnu

05:50h way the hell out there!

Now... it's on CBC here in New Brunswick at 19:00h... in about 35 minutes.

I was told by me mum not to miss it.

Not only are the rites great, but, whatshisname and that there hockey guy say a lot of stuff about China what ya don't get everyday day, eh?

08 Aug 08 - 10:07 PM (#2408992)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Beer

I throughly enjoyed the openings. I'm a 100% with you PoppaGator.
Beer (adrien)

08 Aug 08 - 11:01 PM (#2409017)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Accidentally turned on the CBC French channel, and saw it from beginning to the first Greek entering the stadium, all without adds.
I will dig out one of my Zhang Yimou films tonight.

09 Aug 08 - 12:23 AM (#2409051)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: CarolC

Did they really play Scotland the Brave for half of the countries when the athletes were walking around the ring, or is that just something NBC did for the benefit of those of us in the US?

09 Aug 08 - 12:26 AM (#2409054)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Alice

that really was bagpipes
weird, eh?

09 Aug 08 - 12:39 AM (#2409060)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Incredibly moving. This had to be the most spectacular ceremonies I've ever watched.

I don't think it was a waste of money. One can only hope that something in art and sport can bring people together and create change.   China certainly has a long ways to go to correct themselves, but this is a step.   I still remember the motto of the 64 Worlds Fair - Peace through Understanding. If we can only learn to follow through.

They kept showing George and Laura. He looked like he was looking for a hot dog vendor most of the time.   Even with that ugly moment, it was worth watching.

09 Aug 08 - 04:48 AM (#2409116)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: fat B****rd

Not to worry, Tessa Jowell says we can top that !!

09 Aug 08 - 04:59 AM (#2409118)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: DMcG

Did anyone else feel sorry for the athletes and other representatives of their countries having to stand to attention and unable to look around while all that was going on? :->

09 Aug 08 - 07:37 AM (#2409173)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Raptor

The Fireworks were lost in smog.

Bob McCowan from the fan 590 put it best when he said that "If our countries workers worked for 20 cents on the dollar we could afford to put on such an extravagent display of showing off." That "Birdnest" stadium cost $400, 000,000 dolars.

I love the olympics and will watch as much as I can but I thought it would have been better elsewhere. I'm glad our Prime minister chose not to attend, But I fear that it was because he forgot it was this week due to his lack of a brain.


09 Aug 08 - 09:30 AM (#2409222)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Caught Geedub at the opening today, slouched in his seat with his jacket off using a pair of binoculars, probably sorting out targets for the next black ops session (he actually had 'em right way round, the brain cell must be back from the laundry).

Don T

09 Aug 08 - 10:22 AM (#2409259)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Newport Boy

Re the bagpipes - story here


09 Aug 08 - 11:21 AM (#2409299)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: gnu

Whatever the slings and arrows... it was awesome! Glad Mum told me about it. Glad I taped it, on accounta I am gonna watch it again.

As for the bagpipes, they were actually invented by the Chinese, but shortly after that, they also invented gunpowder and blew the crap out of most of them. However, some survived, and, even though they had built a great wall to try to make sure they were contained, a few were smuggled out and hidden in the mountainous region of a far away and isolated island amongst heards of sheep.

I know... baaaad story. What did ewe expect fer nothin?

09 Aug 08 - 11:25 AM (#2409301)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: pdq

They gave a set to Marco so he could entertain his Polo ponies.

09 Aug 08 - 12:08 PM (#2409320)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Mrs.Duck

It was incredible! Whatever the politics it has to be said that they know how to put on a show.

09 Aug 08 - 01:20 PM (#2409370)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Credit Zhang Yimou for the format and organization of the show. His films are spectacles of ancient China, the art work and execution are fabulous, the stories old legends.

The stadium is designed as the National Stadium for China, and will be known as such folowing the Olympics.
Design was competitive- some 12 designs were considered (all shown at this website) by the Beijing Municipal Planning Group. B11 was chosen.

National Stadium
09 Aug 08 - 01:22 PM (#2409373)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Peter T.

Aesthetic totalitarianism.


Peter T.

09 Aug 08 - 01:32 PM (#2409377)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: CarolC

I noticed they even played Scotland the Brave for North Korea (which JtS and I both found rather amusing). I thought it was customary to play the anthem of each country as the athletes of that country were passing by. Is that no longer the case?

09 Aug 08 - 02:02 PM (#2409394)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: gnu

Lard sufferin Moly Joly Japers! It was great. Why do some have to shit on it? Here is the largest and second most powerful entity on earth espousing peace and understanding in a BIG way and you choose to take a dump on that? I am outta here.

09 Aug 08 - 02:17 PM (#2409406)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

China is putting the equivalent of the last 150 years of industrial and cultural development and evolution in the West into 30 in their country. I think that they are doing a great job- there is unevenness and problems, but overall progress is miraculous.

09 Aug 08 - 02:22 PM (#2409410)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: RangerSteve

Playing the national anthem of each country wouldn't be practical, as some of the countries are only sending a few athletes, meaning that there were sometimes more than 2 countries marching through at one time. I thought it strange at first, then I realized the band was playing a medley of national tunes, which kept repeating.

09 Aug 08 - 02:24 PM (#2409413)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: CarolC

Sorry if I offended. I was just wondering.

09 Aug 08 - 02:58 PM (#2409439)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Newport Boy, lets credit the pipe band by name:
Mains of Fintry Pipe Band, Dundee, Scotland. They will play at Pipefest Japan 2008, Osaka.
Mains of Fintry

09 Aug 08 - 03:07 PM (#2409443)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Nancy King

I thought it was pretty neat. I didn't see the beginning, but came in during the dancing-on-the-scroll number. I don't think much of China's politics (or products, for that matter), but this was a VERY ambitious show, and as far as I could tell, it was performed flawlessly. Really quite spectacular. The torch-lighting itself was very cool, and the little boy earthquake survivor being held up by Yao Ming was a nice touch.

Thanks for the news article about the bagpipers, Newport Boy -- I'm glad they got the chance to perform, but it did seem oddly out of place. (LOL, Gnu...)


09 Aug 08 - 03:39 PM (#2409461)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Concerning the show segment, piano, with a child adding notes-
China is the world's largest maker of pianos, good quality, from concert grands to home instruments.
Pearl River makes the Essex, sold in the U. S. and Canada by Steinway.

Pearl River pianos

09 Aug 08 - 04:19 PM (#2409479)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Beer

also a great line of blueridge guitar's

12 Aug 08 - 12:41 PM (#2411620)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: katlaughing

The little girl lip-synced because the one who sang wasn't "pretty" enough AND the fireworks we saw on tv were non-existent in the stadium, as well as the breeze which blew the flags! Read about it HERE!. Wankers!!

12 Aug 08 - 05:26 PM (#2411925)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

That part of the Olympics is ENTERTAINMENT, and where will you find 100% authentic entertainment today. Reality shows certainly don't show much that is true, or real.

It would greatly surprise me if any of the nations who have hosted, or will host, the Olympics would fight shy of doing exactly what the Chinese did.

They might, however, be less honest than the Chinese, who told everybody themselves, rather than waiting for some gutter journo to spill the beans.

There is only one thing about this that gives me some reservations, and that is the thought of that sweet little seven year old growing up knowing what her COUNTRY thinks of HER.

That is VERY sad indeed!!

Don T.

12 Aug 08 - 05:33 PM (#2411934)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Another thought!

About a quarter of the World's population living within the Chinese borders, and they couldn't find a pretty kid who could also sing.


Don T.

12 Aug 08 - 05:41 PM (#2411946)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Been done in the movies for years.

I fail to see what that LA Times reporter is complaining about. A great show, magnificently handled. All the 'tricks' announced and above-board.

Zhang Yimou, who had much to do with the show's format, has done the same thing with his film epics. Included on the DVDs of his epics is a film on the making of the movie and how problems were handled.

12 Aug 08 - 05:53 PM (#2411968)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: 8_Pints

Of course, the really ironic thing is that the ancient games shunned any form of nationalism, to the extent that wars were suspended in order for the individual athletes to compete 'man to man' (women weren't permitted).

It now seems nothing more than a showcase to earn more medals than the next nation, 'Team GB' included. With so much UK Lottery funding going to elite athletes, it would appear that the grass-roots folk are being sidelined. Little wonder that we are accused of becoming more obese and unfit.....

What do others think?


12 Aug 08 - 09:09 PM (#2412126)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Donuel

If the technology had not been explained to me, some of the things I saw would qualify as true magic.

12 Aug 08 - 09:33 PM (#2412136)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: Gurney

Yeah, Katlaughing, much play in the press here about the CG 'footprints' and the lipsynching pretty child (to a slightly plainer one's voice.) The musical director made the decision.

So why then didn't they get rid of the guy who sang with Sarah Brightman? He looked as if he'd been rammed into the front end of a torpedo!

Loved the show.

13 Aug 08 - 12:10 AM (#2412215)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: katlaughing

Bob, a lot of it does seem that way. I was surprised to hear that professional athletes such as Kobe Bryant are now taking part in them. Talk about disparities when one considers what some of the kids have to do to raise funds to train and travel, etc. then someone like him whose been paid beau coup bucks to play professionally just jumps right in. I don't get it.

I feel for the little girls, both of them. One wasn't pretty enough, the other could sing well enough, apparently. What's wrong with the parents who allowed such judgements of their children? I know it is a different culture and I try to understand, but this is beyond me.

I did not watch the whole thing; I flipped back and forth, but I was not seemed very disjointed to me.

13 Aug 08 - 12:27 PM (#2412588)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: GUEST,Tunesmith

It always depresses me that the most sought after tickets at the Olympics are always for the opening and closing ceremonies, and not for a sporting event!

18 Aug 08 - 07:10 PM (#2417302)
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics Opening Ceremony
From: McGrath of Harlow

Why? For me the opening and closing events are just about the only bit of the Olympics that is remotely interesting.