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BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...

11 Aug 08 - 04:16 PM (#2410910)
Subject: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Well, that's what the doctor says... Yeah, been feelin' kinda puny and have has a little cough and this mornin' when I went down to the Veggie garden I couldn't quite get me a food breath coming up the hill to the garden so I called my reg. doc and he said to go to the ER... Thay took exrays an' listened to my ionnards thru a stethascope and...

...said that I got bacterial pneumonia... Man, that's a kick in the chest...

Put me on 5 days of antibiotics... Hope that takes care of it 'cause if it don't then it might be viril, or even worser, and that would be a bigger kick in the chest...

So, yeah, the ol' hillbiily sho nuff appreciate yer thoughts and if yer of Faith, ya' might want to drop a few thoughts with the Big Guy...

Thank you ahead of time...


11 Aug 08 - 04:19 PM (#2410918)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...

What the hell, bobert! Take care of yourself, man.
I had it last year - viral - a bitch! In May if I remember right.
Rest, lots of fluids and more rest.

11 Aug 08 - 04:19 PM (#2410919)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: katlaughing

That is NOT fun! Dang it, take care and do whatever the docs say. I had a vaccine for it after suffering through a bout last Fall. Rest, rest, and rest, darlin'.

All good wishes and positive thoughts and thanks givings coming your way.


11 Aug 08 - 04:23 PM (#2410922)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: bobad

A little song to cheer you up Bobz:

Woody Guthrie
"Dust Pneumonia Blues"

I got that dust pneumony, pneumony in my lung,
I got the dust pneumony, pneumony in my lung,
An' I'm a-gonna sing this dust pneumony song.

I went to the doctor, and the doctor, said, "My son,"
I went to the doctor, and the doctor, said, "My son,
You got that dust pneumony an' you ain't got long, not long."

Now there ought to be some yodelin' in this song;
Yeah, there ought to be some yodelin' in this song;
But I can't yodel for the rattlin' in my lung.

My good gal sings the dust pneumony blues,
My good gal sings the dust pneumony blues,
She loves me 'cause she's got the dust pneumony, too.

It it wasn't for choppin' my hoe would turn to rust,
If it wasn't for choppin' my hoe would turn to rust,
I can't find a woman in this black ol' Texas dust.

Down in Oklahoma, the wind blows mighty strong,
Down in Oklahoma, the wind blows mighty strong,
If you want to get a mama, just sing a California song.

Down in Texas, my gal fainted in the rain,
Down in Texas, my gal fainted in the rain,
I throwed a bucket o' dirt in her face just to bring her back again.

11 Aug 08 - 04:25 PM (#2410924)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: gnu

Ya gotta dry the weed REAL good afore ya light er up. Ere yer gonna get whatever's on er, no matter the fact she's afire. Safety first, eh?

11 Aug 08 - 04:43 PM (#2410940)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Man, I don't smoke no weed before its time, nu-zer... You can take that to the bank... Hmmmmmmmmm??? Well, okay, I mighta toked on some green bud last week but it was good an' dry... I swear... Actually, it weren't bud... Is was just some leaves that I had dried... No matter fir now... They say no weed until it's gone completely away... I think that's what they told Robert Johnson just before he wrote "Lord I don't mind diein'..."

(Hey, wait, Boberdz... Look what happened to Robert Johnson???)

I'z screwed...


11 Aug 08 - 05:37 PM (#2410972)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: jacqui.c

Gawd! It's one thing after another for you this year, isn't it melove?

Lots of good thought coming from Maine - just get yourself well PRONTO!

11 Aug 08 - 06:39 PM (#2411021)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

It's prolly God gettin' even with me fir teasin' the Capt'n about his Chevrolet... No maybe it was the crack about Taylor Geetars??? You don't reckon that God plays a Taylor and drive a Chevy, do you???

But, no, I can't remember a year since I was like 6 years old with polio that I've had quite this much stuff happen...

But from what I read, 95% of folks survive this stuff so the numbers are on my side even if I do feel kinda crappy...


11 Aug 08 - 06:46 PM (#2411029)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Peace

Yo, Bobert. You keep an eye on your lungs. (You'll look funny with . . . .) GET BETTER, PLEASE.

11 Aug 08 - 07:14 PM (#2411050)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Hey, now look here. You have that shoulder/neck thingie and now this. So you lissen to me:


Or else I'll come down there and...well, don't make me come down there, ya hear?

11 Aug 08 - 07:47 PM (#2411067)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Stilly River Sage

Take it easy, and watch that going in and out of a cold house into the hot garden and back, that just aggravates it.


11 Aug 08 - 07:50 PM (#2411069)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Well, I reckin that cokin' down here is sposed to be scarey... Kendall threatened to come down here 'cause I said his Chevy was slow and now other's is followin' suit... Maybe we should quit going to the Getaway and start a "Comin'Down-away"???

Yeah, Iz drenking that nasty water stuff (8 glasses a day)... I figured that seein' as I wasn't officially daignosed 'til 'round noon that I'd prorate the H2O to 6 glasses fir today and do 8 tomorrow... Actually, I like water... Beer gotta a lotta water in it, don't it??? So does anyone know how much beer I'd have to drenk to get my 8 glasses??? I might send the P-Vine out for another 6 pack...

Hey, just followin Rap's advice... You know, knockin' off a cold six of Iron City... Hey, doctor's orders...


11 Aug 08 - 08:05 PM (#2411080)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Amos

Look --- Bobert -- this is no silly business. Your gonna be a while getting your full energy level back, as this fades, thanks to the miracle of antibiotics.

You absol-fucking-lutely MUST :

1. Take it easy and do nothing to over strain your oxygen levels; let them recover at their own pace and be gentle on them lungs.

2. Do NOT smoke any goddamn thing. Teach PVine to bake brownies if you must.

3. Do NOT be a tough guy--just get in tight and friendly with your body and work it out on the right gradual slope.

4. Do NOT go out in the rain and be a hero.

Take care of yourself, buddy.


11 Aug 08 - 08:24 PM (#2411093)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Stilly River Sage

Hire a local kid to work in the garden, and let him set up a veggie stand down on the road and keep the proceeds after he drops off a few of everything at the house. That ought to keep everything picked for a while.


11 Aug 08 - 08:26 PM (#2411096)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: topical tom

Bobert:Rest and drink lots of fluids (some alcoholic if you're allowed and if you drink at all).Hang in there! Hope you're fit as a fiddle soon!

11 Aug 08 - 08:35 PM (#2411105)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

How'd you know it was rainin', Amos??? You ain't got one of them cameras stuck in one of me trees, do ya???

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I gonna be real smart... I'm gonna drenk my eqivelence of 8 glasses of water.... I'm gonna take my pills... I ain't gonna go buildin' nutin'... I ain't even gonna have sex...

(What was that Boberdz???)

Nevermind that last one... I'm gonna get lotta rest and an' not play on the Pac Man 'chine too much other than jus' now and then, you know, like now... I'z ain't gonna do no performin'... I ain't gonna spend more than 10 minutes a day on my tractor an' if I'm gonna kick up dust I'z gonna put on a mask...

I ain't gonna drive in the fast lane 'less I'm passin' but I'll try not to pass nobody...

What else??? I ain't gonna rant about Bush and Cheney 'er Condi...

(Why's that, Boberdz???)

I donno??? Lemme go reread that list the doc gave me... Seems there was nuthin' in there 'bout none of them folks... Okay, until I find my destructions that they gave me I won't rant against 'um...

I'll help old ladies 'cross the street... I won't smoke no reefer... I won't sing no blues... I won't have no bad thoughts about stuff I can't control... I love my neighbor but not his ass... (he ain't gott much of an ass anyway) and last but not least...

...I'll spend my recovery time catchin' up on all the "Three Sttoges" reruns that I had forgot all about...

Life is good...

Oh yeah, I won't be a tough guy but then again I really passed my "tough-guy prime" a few years ago so that shouldn't be too hard...

But thanks for them Doctor's orders, Amos...


11 Aug 08 - 08:58 PM (#2411116)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Peace

One beer is OK. Too many beer will stop the effect of the antibiotic. That's a no-shit statement, fyi.

11 Aug 08 - 09:10 PM (#2411124)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Ebbie

Bobert, I'm going to scare the socks off'n you. This is serious stuff, as you know, but I want to be sure you KNOW it. So here goes:

In June I spent a week in Fairbanks Alaska where I stayed in a hostel (had a great time).

There I met this Englishman, from Dorset, I think, who had half of all of his fingers, except his thumbs, missing. He said his toes were also mostly gone. Being from Alaska, I assumed that he had lost the digits to frostbite in mountain climbing or some such.

Instead, he told me, he'd had pneumonia a few years back. The beastie went through his lung-walls and into his bloodstream. He had very little warning: didn't feel too hot one Saturday morning and went to the emergency room on Sunday afternoon. By Sunday night he was unconscious.

He said he went from being a working man to probably never working another day in his life (he is now in his early 60s, I think.)

His message? If you are told you have pneumonia, take care of it.


11 Aug 08 - 09:21 PM (#2411129)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: The Fooles Troupe

Started last week to get the signs of flu again - I had the shots, but it's a bit of a lottery whether what gets you was thought to be 'important' enough to be loaded into the shots.

I went out and bought a 3 Kg bag of oranges - and ate several a day for first few days, then a couple a day thereafter.

Knocked it back, now just slight sniffle. Won't hurt you Bobert. Vitamin C - with the flavinoids and minerals - much better than just tablets - can use any citrus, lemons are good too.

We used to get lemons that had synephrine (a natural relative of pesuoephedrine) naturally in them, but now they seem to have bred that out - anybody know what strain of lemon will still have it?

11 Aug 08 - 09:23 PM (#2411130)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Lissen Dude: I BEEN THERE!! More'n once, too. Couple times it come close to closin' my doors completely and it was only by the grace of God and antibiotics and good medical care I come through.

You don't do nothin' except what the doctor says, hear? Take it easy, too -- I remember one time I was in the hospital with this stuff and they'd pumped antibiotics into me via my veins. When they took the needle out and all I felt pretty good so I decided to walk 10 feet to the toilet.


I sat up, slipped out of bed, my feet hit the floor...and my knees, and my elbows and my chest and I had a helluva time pulling myself back into bed. I sank down like a stick of ice cream in front of a blowtorch.

It was then I decided to pee in the bottle and poop in the pan and let the medical staff worry about it.

Takes a while to recover. And when you HAVE recovered, go get the peenomia shot. It's worth doin'.

11 Aug 08 - 09:46 PM (#2411142)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Sandra in Sydney

"Get Well Soon, You'll Feel Better" as my favourite Get-well card says.

& as everyone says, look after yourself & follow Doctor's orders


11 Aug 08 - 10:53 PM (#2411167)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Neil D

My wife tells me summertime pneumonia is especially treacherous, so you take REAL good care of youself. Our thoughts are certainly with you, hoping for a speedy recovery.
                            Neil and Christina Devore

11 Aug 08 - 11:07 PM (#2411175)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

I wouldn't recommend drinking much beer, Bobert. Water. Drink water. Other than that, I think you already have all the advice you need. ;-)

Look, if you like I will send Chongo down there for a visit and he will scare that there pneumonia right clean outta you. He has his ways. Just say the word.

11 Aug 08 - 11:34 PM (#2411185)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: SharonA

Two simple words, Bobes: "Bernie Mac".

Do NOT mess with pneumonia. Stay off the tractor, let the veggie garden go to seed, drink the water and forget about the beer and brownies. Just follow the doc's orders and no cheating.

Now go do as you're told. >:^/



12 Aug 08 - 12:03 AM (#2411188)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Escapee

Best to you. I'll just send a prayer along, you seem to have enough advice.

12 Aug 08 - 12:46 AM (#2411196)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rowan

Pneumonia has another name; "the old one's friend". Mostly because it shuffles you off the mortal coil in your sleep. With friends like that....

Just make sure it and you are none too friendly.

Cheers, Rowan

12 Aug 08 - 01:29 AM (#2411203)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: catspaw49

Let's have a word about antibiotics here..............Great stuff but over the years they have become so misused as to be far less effective and newer bacterial strains have come along that are resistant to many. One of them ain't real pleasant and you already have it in you!!!!

Got this bacterai we'll call C-Dif..........C-Dif is one of the many naturally occuring bacterias in your colon and its very resistant to antibiotics. See, when you take antibiotics they kill off all sorts of bacteria in your bowels and sometimes so many "good" bacteria that you're left with a whole lot of C-dif...a bad bacteria that will give you the shits like you never had 'em before resulting in serious dehydration and will also eat away at the lining of your colon making it bleed and eventually perforating it. Result=peritoneal infections and death. Ol' C-Dif is real friggin' serious.

And of course the only thing that kills it is..........a very specific antibiotic. C-Dif is on the rise as a result of antibiotic mis use. Do yourself a favor. Eat shitloads of yogurt or go buy some "pro-biotics" which are pill form bacteria to replace the ones the antibiotics are killing and this has been shown to be effective somewhat. Its a damn good idea in any case.

Happy sickness Bobertz!


12 Aug 08 - 02:29 AM (#2411214)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

Right on, Spaw. There are various types of acidopholis (in capsule form) that will replace the friendly bacteria that your bowels need. Take it 2 or 3 times a day. It can't hurt you, but it sure can help if the antibiotics have killed off all the good bacteria.

12 Aug 08 - 03:33 AM (#2411243)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: JennieG

Geez Bobert - this is not good news! Do what everyone else has already told you to do but be careful with that know what fish do in water, don't you!

Seriously, take care of yourself and do what the doc and P-Vine says.


12 Aug 08 - 04:32 AM (#2411276)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: fat B****rd

Take very good care, Bobert. Best regards from Dunfermline, Charlie.

12 Aug 08 - 07:16 AM (#2411346)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Love coming over from England too, Bobert..

Heck, I'm putting you in for 'Pneumonia Dude of the Year' award.. because you have me falling off my chair with laughter over here, despite you being so poorly.

So long as you can laugh Bob, and make others laugh too, you'll be just *fine*

You be sure and take very good care of yourself.


12 Aug 08 - 07:26 AM (#2411352)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: catspaw49

Good gawd......You're laughing at him? Hell, that's real cold. He's being serious and your lighthearted take on his posts is crude and callous.

I am going to ask for the removal of your post regarding Bobertz as a personal attack!


12 Aug 08 - 08:04 AM (#2411380)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...


A 6-pack of Iron City? Why would you want to do that to yourself? I'd think that by itself would be enough to disable a normal person. No wonder pneumonia has hit you. You take care--and stay away from that Pittsburgh poison.

12 Aug 08 - 08:05 AM (#2411381)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: GUEST,Ron Davies


12 Aug 08 - 08:48 AM (#2411418)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Well, okay... The sumabich din't get me last night so, Yaahoo, Cowabunga, etc...

The advice on killin' off the ggod bacteria in my tummy and innards was one that I hadn't thought of... I hate yogart... It tastes like someone ground up chalk or spaking compound and mixed it in there but I'll do the "acidopolis" and have the P-Vine check out the "pro-biotics", whatever that is...

Okay, no tractor...

Okay, less beer... Maybe 2 'er 3 but no more... Didn't say nuthin' in the destructions about beer... Not even in the info sheet on the pills which is write in small type so you need a magnifyin' glass to read it and talks about everything but who kidnapped the Limburgh baby...

Yeah... Water, more water... rest 'n more rest...

I did go down to the garden and picked zucinni, yeller squash and cut some okra this mornin'... Think I'll make that my daily fun... The destructions do say to get up and move around a little 'er it can get worse so ain't like it's gonna be just sleep and "Three Stooges"


Don'tcha worry none... I can be a very good sick boy... I learnt it when I was 6 years old and had to be in the hospital for 6 months with polio ans then another years of rehab... See, I have experience to fall back on... I ain't gonna do too much stupid other than watchin' TV... That is about the stupidest thing I'm doin'... I know I'm sick and I know that when you ain't 16 anymore that when yer sick you just gotta be sick and do what yer told...

The P-Vine just told me to get off this PacMan 'chine so, for now, that's what I'm gonna do...

Okay, I'll try some yogart... Yuck!!! I like cottage cheeze... Will it do the same as yogart??? I mean, it comes in a similar containerm don't it???

Gotta go... Larry, Curly and Mo just bought this old hotel... Maybe I can learn somethin'???


12 Aug 08 - 09:05 AM (#2411428)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Donuel

Bernie Mac aint laughin at his pnumony.

12 Aug 08 - 09:10 AM (#2411438)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: SharonA

Exactly my point, Donuel.

12 Aug 08 - 09:15 AM (#2411443)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: jacqui.c

Bobert darlin'

Cottage cheese won't do the trick.

I hate yoghurt too - can't even get the spoon close enough to my mouth to swallow but I do get a very bad reaction the antibiotics.

Each time I have to start an antibiotic regime I take a couple of acidophilus capsules about 30 minutes later, to repopulate the gut with the friendly bacteria it needs. If I don't do that by day 4 I'm extremely unwell and have to stop the antibiotics, with the medico's agreement.

Don't take the acidophilus with hot liquids and keep the container in the fridge. Make sure that you leave time between the two lots of pills, otherwise the antibiotics will counteract the acidophilus.

Take care of yourself sweetie - we're counting on you making it to the Getaway on the Sunday.


12 Aug 08 - 09:47 AM (#2411463)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: kendall

Bobert, seriously, be very careful, that is nothing to mess with, and the older one gets the more dangerous it is.(Not that there's anything wrong with getting old)

12 Aug 08 - 09:52 AM (#2411469)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Yeah, I forgot to tell you to do the yogurt/acidophilus/probiotic thingie.

Spaw's right for a change. Either you repopulate yer gut with the good stuff or inhabit the porcelain chair until it does it naturally.

Iffen ya don't like yogurt just get some of them "Smoothie" drinks, hold yer nose, and gulp 'em like they was that piss from Pittsburgh. But be sure to get the kind that have "active cultures" in 'em -- the more "active cultures" the better. Strawberry or raspberry are probably the easiest to get down.

And the stuff that makes beer AIN'T the stuff that that makes yogurt.

12 Aug 08 - 12:31 PM (#2411615)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

I allready took the acidopolis this mornin'... Unless someone has better knowledge the pill should do it... Right??? I mean, all we're tryin' to do is just maintain the good bacteria and that's what the pillis for... As for Vitimin C, I'm eating tomatoes, and drenking cranberry juice (8 ozs. and 4 oz. of water one hour and then 12 oz. of water the next...0

As fir taking this sumabich seriously, I'm serious as a heart attack... I been upgrading my will between pills, rest, fluids, foods and "The Stooges" just in case I end up in the 5% category of folks who don't make it... But, of course, Iz prayin' real hard the the Big Guy gets me into the "95% Club"... I'd ven learnt up the secret handshake if I gotta...

Yeah, I'm gonna knock off the beer tonight... Of course, that will mean no sleep but what's a guy to do??? Maybe borrow one of the P-Vines sheepin' pills...

Okay... Back to the regiment...

So far, so good other than feeling crappy and can't breath too good... Things could be worse... Like my dog coulda died...

(But you ain't gotta a dog, Boberdz...)

I ain't gotta a dog, ya' say??? Well, that's a releif...


12 Aug 08 - 12:52 PM (#2411633)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

Hey, Bobert, but just think how much you would have to worry about if you DID have a dog. I have one here, a dachshund, and I worry constantly that something might suddenly terminate his fat, lazy little life. Something like...

A bear might come out of the forest and eat him! (he worries about that too)

I might back over him with the car, as he is too lazy to bother getting out of its way.

He might die from overeating! (this is exactly the way he hopes to go...)

He might expire due to terminal smelliness. He's working on that, always looking around for something organic and utterly vile to hasten the process.

He might yell his head off. He practices hard every day.

The Rottweiler across the way might finally get loose one day and kill him for parading disdainfully up and down on the safe side of the fence and peeing ostentatiously on the Rottweiler's fence posts just to be provocative. Dachshunds do that sort of insulting thing when they know that a large and vicious dog is unable to reach them.

That unidentified bird that's about 2/3 the size of a 747 might swoop down and carry him off.

I think there's little danger of that last thing, actually, cos that bird usually doesn't bother with anything smaller than a cow or a horse...


Well, hey, be glad you ain't got a dog to worry about!


You know, you might like the fruit flavored yogurt. Try getting some of the strawberry type, stir it up good...tastes great!

12 Aug 08 - 01:03 PM (#2411648)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bill D

I see you have all the advice you need....maybe MORE than you need! Just remember you ain't as young as you used to be.....heck, you ain't even as young as *I* used to be!

If you are reading this.....why aren't you in bed?

12 Aug 08 - 01:06 PM (#2411652)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bee

Bobert, I see all the good advice has already been handed out for while you're sick. Here's some for after you start feeling better: you won't really be better! Which is to say, take it easy when you get to feeling more like your old self, no rushing around to catch up on things or staying up late drinking a bunchabeers. Pneumonia can hang around and come back atcha if you give it an opening. I figure you can start acting up around the middle of September, earliest. Good health to you, eh?

12 Aug 08 - 01:11 PM (#2411662)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Yeah, and take ALL of them antibiotics. Don't stop when you fell better, 'cuz that's just that p-monia backing off ta fool ya. And ya gotta keep up the assydufusloss stuff, 'cuz the medicines will keep killing off the intestinal flora.

(What a nice picture: "Here, my dear. A lovely bouquet of intestinal flora for your birthday!")

12 Aug 08 - 02:09 PM (#2411713)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Now, now Spaw...just 'cos Bobert's going to win the Award, there's no need to go getting all uppity with me. ;-)

You's just feelin' green 'cos Bobert can write the backside off Beyonce!

You feeling any better this evening, Bobs? I hope you are..

"Intestinal Flora" Briliant!

I bet this thread is doing you more good than all those anti-biotics put together Bobs. :0)

Look after yourself now... xx

12 Aug 08 - 02:14 PM (#2411715)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Tanks fir the eraly (or late) birthday present, Rap...

Ahhhh, the destructions tyhat the hospital gave me said that every so often I needed to get up and move around, Bill, so I juts following destructions...

Man, LH, now ya; got me worried about **yer*** danged dog... Shoot the bird and let the dog eat it... No, that's gross... Just shoot the bird an' hope it falls in the Rotwiller's yard... If it don't, pict the sumabich over the fence for Rottie to eat... Then tell Rottie that it's from yer dog so Rottie will think yer dog is okay in his Rottie book and then you will have ellinated 'bout half yer worries...

BTW, speakin' of worries, the P-Vine is worried that this stuff is catchy and refuses to kiss me until I find out so... it catchy???

Anyone ever see the "Three Stooges" one when they were sent to work in a hospital??? Fir the unsick I reckon it'd be purdy funny... I din't get much outta it, myself...


12 Aug 08 - 02:34 PM (#2411735)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

I'm guessing that the hospital was not in such good shape by the time they left?

12 Aug 08 - 03:52 PM (#2411825)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Larry took a couple doozies in the eye, too...

BTW, thanks, Lizzie... Didn't know I was up fir an award... Any money involved??? I'm sure the ER is gonna send me a big bill...

Well, got in another 45 minutes of sleep/nap... THe Three Stooges got pre-emted by some danged war... I thought the world was safe with Bush in China at the Olympics... Guess not??? Oh well, lemma go back to the couch and see who he's invaded this time...


12 Aug 08 - 04:46 PM (#2411875)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

Just wait till Liechtenstein makes its move. THEN the shit will definitely hit the fan.

12 Aug 08 - 05:19 PM (#2411914)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

If the shit hits the fan, can't we say with equal certainty that fan hits the shit?

If Bobert hits the bottle, does the bottle also hit Bobert?

If Little Hawk walks a dachshund, doesn't the dachshund also walk Little Hawk?

12 Aug 08 - 07:42 PM (#2412069)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

I thought Liechtenstein died in the 70's??? Great painter but ain't gotta alot o' moves these days...

BTW, Iz still- no, the P-Vine is cocrened- no, we are both concerned about if this stuff is catchy, ahhhhh, contageous... She refuses to kiss me fir fear that she'll catch this stuff... That's where the "we are both concerned" comes into play...

And, Rap, I'd have to say yes to the first question and no and no to the last two... Has somethin' to do with transcience and objects of verbs but fir the life of me I am neither sure nor have 'nuff of my school teacher velcro left to explain...

Plus, I'z sick...


12 Aug 08 - 10:12 PM (#2412163)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Iffen you'll take some of that waterless hand cleaner to yer lips and then dry 'em with a propane torch you'll kill all the germs and she kin kiss you all she wants. Ya also will save on shaving in the future.

14 Aug 08 - 02:28 AM (#2413222)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Richard Bridge

It was a bacterial lung infection that got Jacqui. With a fair amount of help from Medway hospital.

I am sure the advice you are getting on drinking alcohol is wrong. My dentist (who is a Moslem and anti-alcohol) has been right over it with me. Certainly with the 'cillins (Ampicillin, Amoxycillin, etc) so long as you don't drink enough to puke your pills out, it makes no difference (except that alcohol never does you any good really).

Metronidazole, however, is from the same chemical group as Antabuse, the drug they use to make alcoholics unable to drink alcohol, and the reaction between the two can (isn't always, but who wants to take the chance) be very severe. Look up the symptoms on the'net. In extreme cases, can include death.

14 Aug 08 - 02:40 AM (#2413231)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: catspaw49

And guess what Bobertz.....Richard gives you another good reason to avoid that bad-ass C-Dif............Metronidazole, aka Flagyl, Its one of only two known antibiotics that kills C-Dif. When you're on it you can't even use mouthwash with an alcohol component! I had to check everything that might be absorbed by my body! Then, if that doesn't work, you have a last resort one, Vancomycin, which costs 5 bucks a pill and you need 3 or 4 a day!


14 Aug 08 - 03:54 AM (#2413268)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: KT

Aw, fell better soon, Bobert, k?

14 Aug 08 - 08:58 AM (#2413418)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

KT!!! Thanks... Jus' weein' yer name make this ol' hillbilly feel better...

Richard and Spawz...

Iz takin' "azithromycin 250mg"... The destructions, which I have read and reread don't say a danged thing about Iron City beer but, being the somewhat senseable(?) person I am I figured that rather than drenkin' 6 of 'um like normanl I'd cut back to two which is what I have done... I mean, it's bad 'nuff havin' pee-moanya and I figured that if I went colf turkey too and went thru detox that I might complicate things... My regular doc has tolt me that if I ever decide to go cold turkey that he wanted me to come in and talk about detox...

I don't know if that makes any sense at all... Prolly not..


14 Aug 08 - 08:58 AM (#2413419)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Really and truly Bobert, you keep this up and you'll be broker than you are. You'd haveta go down to DC and sit on them steam grates downtown and ask fer spare change and carry a sign that reads "Help A Pore Banjo Player" (people always pity banjo players, if they don't just beat them up for fun).

14 Aug 08 - 09:10 AM (#2413432)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

I don't know, man...Shane always figures that if he is sick then the best thing to do is drink as heavily as possible "so's I don't feel the pain". Mind you, Shane usually gets sick because of drinking heavily, so it's a bit of a conundrum. He has been known to briefly swear off drinking whilst going through an extended bout of communing with the porcelain god, but he always reverts back to the habit within a day or two after that, and he's still alive, so maybe he's onto something, eh?

On the other hand...

14 Aug 08 - 09:17 AM (#2413442)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Excuse me, but didn't I hear recently that "Shane" was shanked in jail (or gaol, as the case may be)? That he is laying in the hospital, hovering between life and death and a guard?

14 Aug 08 - 09:19 AM (#2413444)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Donuel

It can be a teeny bit catchy but they let my MOL do volunteer work in a hospital with walkin newmoanya anyway

14 Aug 08 - 10:42 AM (#2413536)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Ebbie

Aw, fell better soon, Bobert, k?
KT!!! Thanks... Jus' weein' yer name make this ol' hillbilly feel better...


Love to ya both

14 Aug 08 - 11:06 AM (#2413566)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: frogprince

I was going to behave and let that pass, but Ebbie went and brought it up. I've never heard of anyone bothering to wee anyone's name except in snow where it would show...

14 Aug 08 - 11:17 AM (#2413580)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: frogprince

I wanna jump but I'm afraid I'll fall
I wanna holler but the jones' too small
Young man really got the hold to it too
I got the Folkin' Pee-moanya And The Boogie Woogie Flu

Want some lovin', baby, that ain't all

I wanna kiss her but the girl's too tall
Young man really got a hold on it too
I got the Folkin' Pee-moanya And The Boogie Woogie Flu

I wanna scream, I want you all to know
I would be runnin' but my feets are too slow
Young man really got a hold on it too
I got the Folkin' Pee-moanya And The Boogie Woogie Flu

14 Aug 08 - 11:24 AM (#2413583)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bert

Get well soon mate.

You might like your yogurt in this form...

Mango Lassi Recipe

1 cup plain yogurt
1/2 cup milk
1 cup chopped mango (peeled and stone removed)
4 teaspoons sugar, to taste
A dash of ground cardamom (optional)

Put mango, yogurt, milk, sugar and cardamom into a blender and blend for 2 minutes, then pour into individual glasses, and serve. Can sprinkle with a little cardamom.

The lassi can be kept refrigerated for up to 24 hours.

Makes about 2 cups.

14 Aug 08 - 11:37 AM (#2413599)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...

yeah we kin type real good, can't we Eebie?

guffaw back atcha!


14 Aug 08 - 11:50 AM (#2413612)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: kendall

Bobert, try Activia yogert. Comes in a variety of fruit flavors. Delicious.

14 Aug 08 - 12:20 PM (#2413651)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bill D

"Jus' weein' yer name make this ol' hillbilly feel better...

It's that Iron City beer that makes those S & W keys move closer together....and maybe the need to get rid of the last 2 cans that determines which one you hit.

14 Aug 08 - 12:43 PM (#2413682)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Leave the stone in the mango when you put it in the blender. You'll get a surprise.

14 Aug 08 - 01:25 PM (#2413760)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: katlaughing

Bobert, as far as I know, the acidopholus capsules ought to be enough, so no need to try to get yoghurt down.

According to what I am finding in a google search, P-Vine is right not to want any kisses for awhile: Click.

Keep doing exactly what the docs say. Here I am, nine months past having that crap, and still on extra oxygen for a while longer. Getting up and moving around is very important, but i don't think you need to be picking veggies! Prevention of pneumonia is one reason the docs etc. get a person up right after surgery...keeps crap from settling in the lungs.

14 Aug 08 - 01:33 PM (#2413776)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Amos

Well, there was the worried mother who was all a flutter because her fair daughter Esther was going out on a date with a young man one winter's night.

She woke Paw up at midnight and was all upset because the boy had left his name in a snowbank in pee. Paw reckoned that was just a thing all boys did, not to worry, until Maw pointed out it was in Esther's handwriting.


14 Aug 08 - 06:53 PM (#2414108)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Amos


I ain't one to point out fur to a bearcub, but I could suggest that you might reflect on whether there is a connection between yer pee-neumoaning and yer moaning about Olympiuc class naggery. If you can take responzbidillidee fer one, you can whup the other, too.


14 Aug 08 - 08:02 PM (#2414152)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Well, gol danged, Amos, ol' buddy... U hadn't quite seen it like that but, yeah, now that you point it out... Actually, the P-Vine has been Nurse Ballbuster... Every time I come near this pudder she reminds me that I need my rest... But when her garden sprayer quit sprayin' she didn't mind wakin. me up to fix the sumabich...


14 Aug 08 - 08:38 PM (#2414172)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Hollowfox

Only you would get this in the summertime. (The $#@!-reduction candle gets fired up when I get home from work).

14 Aug 08 - 10:06 PM (#2414214)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Janie

Been off-line Bobert and just seeing this.

Rest up and GET WELL, damnit!


14 Aug 08 - 10:12 PM (#2414217)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Bobert, this means you won't have dress for PE this coming semester!

15 Aug 08 - 07:06 AM (#2414427)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Thanks, Rap... But I was signed up for bowlin'...

15 Aug 08 - 08:49 AM (#2414488)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

You won't have to shower afterwards and have the other guys make fun of your puny body, man! While all the guys are running around the gym or lifting weights, getting in shape for bowling, you'll be lounging the library talkin' to girls!

15 Aug 08 - 09:16 AM (#2414522)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Cool Beans

Take good care of yourself and get well soon. And watch out for the Boogie Woogie Flu.

15 Aug 08 - 05:17 PM (#2414952)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Hey Bobert, you get better soon man. This forum can't get by without some of your down home common sense

And remember........Pee-Moanya is not the worst you can get. Might have been Dick-theria. Get well soon

Don T.

15 Aug 08 - 08:54 PM (#2415091)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Or gone-areea. That'd be fatal or worse, considering the P-Vine.

15 Aug 08 - 08:56 PM (#2415094)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

And here was Bobert, always hoping he'd grow up to be someone "impo'tant".

15 Aug 08 - 09:02 PM (#2415104)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: jimmyt

Hope you are on the mend Bobert! Look forward to the Sunday Fat Bottomed Girl, Blues and Medicine show extravaganza

15 Aug 08 - 10:50 PM (#2415186)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Amos

If it's dicktheria its a whole different story--you'll have to dress up in a suit and wear a tie.

I mean if you're gonna be impo'tant, you should look impo'tant, man!!


16 Aug 08 - 01:11 AM (#2415224)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

What if he's suffering an attack of acute wangeritis?

16 Aug 08 - 04:00 AM (#2415276)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

We in the UK have an advantage here. All such difficulties can be determined at our Hampton Court.

Don T.

16 Aug 08 - 11:04 AM (#2415386)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Don't know about Hampton Court but I had a bad case of the dick-theria back in the 60's... Took 2 big shots and a month's worth of pills to clear it out... I went back to tell that girl that she had messed me up but she had moved out...

Nevermind that...

The P-Vine has declared me "cured" 'cause she is tired of me sittin' 'round watchin' the Chinese gymnastics women team... Anyone other than me see the Panpers line under one of them "womenz" bathing suits???

Nevermind that one, too...

Ahhhh, I guess I am on the mend 'cause I went out last night to sit on my glider only to discover that bees had made a nest in a blanket I had drapes over the back an' one of the sumabiches stung the back of my hand and made it blow up like a blow toad fish so I drove myself down to the Stanley Food Lion and bought a big can of bee spray and just before dark last night put a sting right back on them sumabiches... And then I pulled the glider out from the wall, pulled the blanket down on the porch and stomped the livin' crud outta them sumabiches!!! So maybe the P-Vine is right... I wouldn't have felt like doin' that a couple days ago...


16 Aug 08 - 11:12 AM (#2415391)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

You're just feeling better, you ain't cured yet. Keep taking the pills til they're all gone and taking it easy or you're gonna keel right over. That p stuff is just hiding back of your liver someplace, like a crook waitin' for the cops to leave.

Meanwhile, tell the P-Vine you have to take it easy and be waited on hand and foot for the next twenny or thirty years so's you can make a full recovery.

16 Aug 08 - 12:41 PM (#2415441)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

That's the spirit, Bobert. What's this about your "glider"? Is it a real flying type glider like the fledgling Luftwaffe was using to train with in the 20's before they got to equip with real airplanes? Full size gliders have always been very popular in Germany, Switzerland, and all around those parts of central Europe.

16 Aug 08 - 01:12 PM (#2415475)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: GUEST,dianavan

Be careful, bobert. Pee-moanya has a way of lying low then coming back with a vengence. Drink lots of water, eat yogurt and remember to breathe deeply at least once an hour (even if it hurts) to keep those lungs flexible.

If its truly bacterial, antibiotics can save your life. Remember to take the full prescription, even if you're feeling better.

16 Aug 08 - 05:47 PM (#2415621)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Hey, I've took all the pills... It was just 5 days worth of some mean anti-biotics...

So we did venture out a little today... Went to Harrisonburg (45 minutes) in the truck to pick up a freezer we ordered... I had the P-Vine drive down while I slept... Then she had to do grocery shoppin' and they have a nice lounge in the store and I got in another 30 minutes of sleep...

I frove home and then laid down fir half hour... I been drenkin' my juice and water so I don't know what else to do... I'z feeling tired and have a smlla headache but the chest pain is gone and the breathin' is okay...

I ain't sayin' Iz cured but I think I'm well on the way which is good 'cause statrting ina couple weeks I have at leasy one gig every week for the next month cept one week in the middle of September when we're goin' down to S.C. and sniff 'round for a winter shack...

Yo, LH... Nah, this glider is like porch furniture... It's like a wooden sofa that is suspended so you can push it back and forth... I reckon when we pushed it back last night it squished the bee nest againt the house wall and mad 'um mad... Tough beans... The all dead or soon to be all dead... Hey, I like bees just fine but these is meany bees... Not honey bees 'er bumbly bee but meany bees... Meany bees suck...


16 Aug 08 - 07:07 PM (#2415689)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bee

Well, I ain't visitin' you without a good warnin' and reassurances of not gittin' squashed or poisoned, Bobert. I ain't usually a Meany Bee, though some, like my husband, might argue that once in a while.

Glad you're feeling better, though. Keep resting lots.

16 Aug 08 - 07:07 PM (#2415690)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

Oh, I see. Yes, I've seen those kind of gliders too. They won't get you far off the ground, but they're nice for relaxing in.

I've also seen those kind of bees. Yellowjackets, right? They are humorless little bastards, those things.

16 Aug 08 - 08:11 PM (#2415716)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bee

Over on there's a recent set of photos of a small Paper Wasp nest. Fella that took the pictures said every one of the wasps was staring at him as long as he was there. Another fella commented he'd taken some similar pics (people on that site, all bug-nuts) and noticed when he looked at the pics later that they were all looking at him.

I find that a tiny bit creepy.

16 Aug 08 - 08:52 PM (#2415737)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Amos


I ain't telling you what to think or nuffin, but the time I cam ethat close to keeling over from pneumonia, I was a full eight to ten months getting my breath back and feeling up to snuff.


16 Aug 08 - 09:29 PM (#2415765)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: katlaughing

It does seem to take time and can be deceptive, Bobert. As I said, nine months out and I am still feeling the effects.

16 Aug 08 - 09:34 PM (#2415768)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

When you're up to it, get the goddamn shot, okay? It don't help with everything and you gotta repeat it every 5 years or so, but somethin' is better than nothin'.

16 Aug 08 - 10:08 PM (#2415785)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

Bee - Wasps, hornets, all those types of creatures are extremely aware of it when you watch them. I don't know if it's only that their visual sense is very keen (and it is) or if it is also that they can actually "feel" someone's attention being put on them. They may have some additional senses in that regard.

Spiders are also extremely aware in that way, as are many types of birs and other animals.

The best way to keep a wasp or hornet calm (under normal circumstances) is to deliberately NOT look at him and put your attention elsewhere instead. Just don't even think about him if you can manage it. Shut your eyes if necessary, and move off slowly. I discovered this through trial and error, having had quite a problem with those creatures when I was younger, because my fear of them made me focus on them far too much...and that makes them nervous, and quite apt to go into attack mode.

Dogs are like that too...if they're the type who are somewhat inclined to be hostile. They regard a direct look as a threat.

This is natural, because in Nature when something looks at something else directly it is very often thinking about attacking it or eating it.

16 Aug 08 - 10:38 PM (#2415801)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Amos

Why would eat a wasp?


16 Aug 08 - 10:45 PM (#2415805)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bee

Little Hawk, I've been aware sometimes of an insect looking at me, but not in groups, like the wasps - learn somethin' new every day! I've never worried much about bees, but I do tend to get twitchy around wasps, and try to leave their territory soonest.

17 Aug 08 - 12:14 AM (#2415834)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

Some birds eat wasps, Amos, and enjoy them thoroughly. I can't remember which type of bird it is, but they do. Also, various forms of wasps and hornets will fight vicious territorial battles with neighbouring hives from time to time, so there are numerous violent threats to a wasp's existence.

If you intend harm to a wasp's nest, they're usually pretty sharp at detecting it...even when you're not too close yet. That's why you'd better darned well plan your attack in the best strategic way (like after darkness falls).

There's a good deal of evidence to suggest that wasps, bees, ants, and other hive animals share a sort of group mind. If you get the attention of some hive members in any serious way, the whole hive is often alerted almost instantaneously. I've seen this with ants, and it's very interesting. Disturb some of the ones on the surface of a hive, and the whole hive can become agitated in an amazingly short period of time, and many more ants will come running out from underground.

Another interesting example of the possible effects of group consciousness at work: Watch how a huge flock of birds veers and suddenly changes direction in midair, as if they all got the idea at once. They become almost like a single multi-celled organism of some kind.

17 Aug 08 - 01:23 AM (#2415859)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: katlaughing

LH, that would be the *Borg*!

The Borg are depicted as an amalgam of cybernetically enhanced humanoid drones of multiple species, organized as an inter-connected collective with a hive mind, inhabiting a vast region of space with many planets and ships. They operate towards one single-minded purpose: to add the biological and technological distinctiveness of other species to their own, in pursuit of perfection.

17 Aug 08 - 07:57 AM (#2415950)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

I got wasps in my equipement shed... Also mud dobbers and bum,bly bees... I work on stuff there and they buzz 'round me, sometimes just inches from where I'm dixin' this or that and I pay them no attention and they don't sting me...

Yes, LH is right... Yellowjackets have a different mindset... All they want to do is sting ya...

BTW, my hand is still swolen...


17 Aug 08 - 09:41 PM (#2416463)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: The Fooles Troupe

"a full eight to ten months getting my breath back and feeling up to snuff"

That's Snuff from you mate!

18 Aug 08 - 03:24 AM (#2416589)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: akenaton

Hey Bob...didn't know you were ill.

Just rest and plenty fresh smoky bars!
Come to Scotland ..we've got a smokin' ban and loads of mountains, trees an' stuff....and we need "bravehearts".

Take care of yourself...Ake

18 Aug 08 - 08:40 AM (#2416719)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Ummmmmm, now I know that I'm 'sposed to be sick fir months on end here, folks, but I think I caught this real early and I do think is was bacterial from using an organic pesticide that has bacteria in it... I took the heavy duty anti-biotics last week and, though, just a tad tired in the afternoons, feel purdy good... I have no pain in the chest and my breathing seems normal so while I'm not yet ready to day that I am 100% over this I think that I'm not that far from it either...

I know that some folks have viral pee-moanya and that stuff hangs on and hangs on but I reckon if we've kilt off the bacteria in my lungs that, hey, I don't have to be all that concerned with 10 months of down time...

Am I wrong??? I feel purdy normal...


18 Aug 08 - 09:10 AM (#2416752)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

You're wrong.

Trust me. I've had both kinds and both of 'em keep you from doin' what you wanna do for months after you feel like wrasslin' bears.

19 Aug 08 - 12:11 AM (#2417460)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Escapee

Take it easy for a long, long time. Good time to listen to new music, catch up on TV shows, see what the birds are up to, read all of Patrick O'Brian, etc.
Fair winds,

19 Aug 08 - 12:16 AM (#2417464)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: katlaughing

I am full of thanks giving that it is so for you, Bobert, but experience tells me it might not be quite over. There are always exceptions, though! Just listen to your bod and P-Vine, okay?:-)

19 Aug 08 - 08:04 AM (#2417606)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

I listen to every word that drips from the lips of my beuatiful P-Vine, Kat, and am sometimes amazed that, she being a womenz, make sense... lol...

But really, folks, it ain't like I'm pushin' myself but I really do feel purdy much normal... Is there any chance that bacterial and viral pee-moanya are different ebough so that if you catch the baterial early that you can recover in a couple weeks instead to the months that ya'll are talklin' 'bout???

I mean, I was lookin' at my schedule last night and I have 6 gigs between now and October 5th with the next one on August 30th (11 days from now) and if it is a given that I'm gonna relapse then I need to start letting folks know, including the Bobert's Getaway Blues Band...


p.s. I feel good...

19 Aug 08 - 08:13 AM (#2417611)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"p.s. I feel good..."

Good Heavings! You men are just so unbashful about yourselves! ;-)

"I listen to every word that drips from the lips of my beuatiful P-Vine, Kat, and am sometimes amazed that, she being a womenz, make sense... lol..."

I'm sending all the Mudcat Lassies round, Bobs, to 'get you' for that remark....and trust me, you *will* be a little breathless by the time we're finished! ;-) Glad to hear that you're at least feeling OK, even if you're still not quite back to normal yet. Look after yourself.

I Feel Good (too) ;-)

19 Aug 08 - 08:24 AM (#2417619)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Is there any chance that bacterial and viral pee-moanya are different ebough so that if you catch the baterial early that you can recover in a couple weeks instead to the months that ya'll are talklin' 'bout???


But...if you take it easy, like don't move them four-story-high speakers and that 20 ton amp you own, you should be okay for the gigs. Just stick to acoustic or maybe some very light amp and you'll be okay. might find yourself running out of breath at inconvenient times, like in the middle of a word, when you're singing (I guess that's what you call what you do). Try out the songs before the gig so's you can gauge what's going to happen. And you might get someone to drive you back home, cuz you could be AWFUL pooped-out afterwards.

19 Aug 08 - 08:59 AM (#2417655)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Sheet fire, Rap... Why not just take me a Ox tank and a tow-behind coffin just in case...

Ya'll done everything but send out the funeral announcements fir the poor ol' hillbilly...

And geeze Louise, Lizzie... I love the womenz... I really do... I loves each and every one of them... Okay, ya'll don't make no sense but, hey, I loves ya'll anyway... Plus ya'll is alot purdier then men... By far... Jus' don't make no sense???... But nobody is perfect, right???

But I'll tell ya'll why I think I'm better... The P-Vine says so and say to get my butt off this pudder and carry her about 10 five gallon buckets of water to the veggie garden to water the lima beans and okra... So I say's, "Hey, P-Vine, there's a hose down there... Why not use it???" and she says...

...'cause "that's too much trouble" (???)

See what I mean??? She have poor ol' pee-moanya'd hillbilly carry 10 buckets of water down a steep hill and huff-n'-pee-moanya-puff my poor ol' pee-moanya hillbilly butt back up the hill 5 times just to avoid turning the little spigot on for the hose to the veggie garden??? Like can any womenz expalin that with any logic???

I din't think so...

I rest my case...


19 Aug 08 - 10:19 AM (#2417716)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Little Hawk

You must strictly avoid having sex with particularly athletic and lively types of women like Italian trapeze artists and Russian gymnasts while you are recovering from pnuemonia, Bobert. It can cause a relapse. I don't think you are at great risk of this happening, since you seem to be happily married, but I thought I'd better mention it anyway. Better safe than sorry.

If you can get hold of a rare Midwestern Jadrool and eat its flesh, all danger of any such things occurring will pass. Men are rendered incapable of sex and/or higher mathematics for up to 3 months after consuming the meat of the Jadrool.

19 Aug 08 - 12:24 PM (#2417812)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Assuming that you can get near enough to eat the thing. The smell of the jadrool will drive a buzzard offen a gut wagon.

19 Aug 08 - 01:39 PM (#2417874)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"...See what I mean??? She have poor ol' pee-moanya'd hillbilly carry 10 buckets of water down a steep hill and huff-n'-pee-moanya-puff my poor ol' pee-moanya hillbilly butt back up the hill 5 times just to avoid turning the little spigot on for the hose to the veggie garden??? Like can any womenz expalin that with any logic???.."

She loves you Bobs!   It's terribly simple. She wants you to exercise those lungs, albeit slowly. And, of course, she secretly wants to see you trim and tanned...ready for when you get the "ALL Systems GO! Bobert" from your doctor, as he finally lifts that Hanky Panky Ban.

I'd not tell her about the Italian Trapeze Artists though, else she may make you carry 50 buckets of water. This, of course, would be so that you'd only have the strength to have eyes for her alone..and all thought of Tantalizing Trapezey Women would be banished forever from your mind.

Because, altogether now...She Loves Ya, Baby! ;0)

19 Aug 08 - 01:51 PM (#2417889)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Amos

SHe's just testing your love, Bobes. THe right thing to do is go down there and fire up the damn hose and show her how easy it is.


19 Aug 08 - 06:23 PM (#2418100)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Well, first of all, I is allready to trim... She complains all the time that I'm too thin (6'1", 166 pounda) and second of all las' night I was watching the 'Lympics on the TV... The womenz volley ball was on and there were two American and two other team an' I lioke volley ball and couldn't care less if them womenz weren't wearin' nuthin' at all... So the P-Vine walks in an' sees what I am watchin' and got all offendercated 'casue she thought I was watchin' these wpmen 'cause they were wearing them skimpy bathin suits... I tolt her that I couldn't care less if they weren't wearin' nuthin' but she din't believe me... Hey, that's the truth...

But nevermind the truth 'cause we are talkin pee-moanya an' womenz here... lol...


19 Aug 08 - 07:01 PM (#2418126)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Ahh yes...but, she's complaining about you being 166 pounds because she secretly wants 166 pounds of rippling muscles, hence the body-building-bucketloads.

She's also worried about you watching bathing suits, belles and balls, because the doctor has put you on a highly strict 'nuthin' at all' diet, and the very fact that you've mentioned that phrase, twice in one post, means that you're probably shouting it in your sleep, all night long, causing her great alarm and concern.

You just have to face it, she loves ya, Bobs. It's very plain to see and makes perfect sense.


19 Aug 08 - 07:46 PM (#2418174)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Women thinkin' above^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

19 Aug 08 - 10:38 PM (#2418312)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Ebbie

Makes sense to me. *g*

20 Aug 08 - 08:01 AM (#2418518)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Exhibit B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

*g* back atcha, Eb...


20 Aug 08 - 08:52 AM (#2418554)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Back some years ago an old neighbor from back during my growin' up years was the captain of the US women's volleyball team.

But Bobert, ya see, what yer yellin' in yer sleep is stuff like "Over here!" and "Spike it!" and "Net ball! We win!" and yer bashin' poor ol' P-Vine in the kisser cuz you think she's on the other side. Bashing women in the face in yer sleep don't make 'em happy. And then stepping on top of her like you wuz climbin' that Olympic winners' box and standin' there on top of her with yer arm raised, waitin' fer her to sing the National Anthum...that's probably what really ticked her off. Women can put up with a lot, but not many kin put up with a guy who stands on 'em in his sleep waitin' for the National Anthum.

20 Aug 08 - 09:19 AM (#2418575)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Wait jus' a minute there, Rap, ol' buddy... I don't do none of that stuff 'er she'd tell me to go sleep in the danged trailer at the back of the farm... And she'd mean it an' I'd grab my little "feely blanket", put on my ol' sneaks and head for the trailer... That's the way it is in this house 'causwe there's only two ways to do stuff 'round here and that's the P-Vine's way and...

 guessed it... The P-Vine's way...

And you can take that to the bank...

(You are a wuss, Boberdz...)

And yer point???


20 Aug 08 - 01:53 PM (#2418758)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Surely she wouldn't do that to a sick, sick, sick man!

20 Aug 08 - 05:06 PM (#2418930)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

First of all, I think I'm dopwn to just 1 "sick" and not 3 and secondly, you don't know the P-Vine...


20 Aug 08 - 08:33 PM (#2419108)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: The Fooles Troupe

"go sleep in the danged trailer at the back of the farm"

... wonder if that toidy flushes now...

(Haha! NOW it all makes sense...)

20 Aug 08 - 08:48 PM (#2419116)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Bobert

Sorry, F-Troupe but bwtween gettin' sick and all the rest of the things I'm behind on I ain't rigged bought or rigged up the pump... I got mah main man, Sparky Rucker, comin' next week so I have alot of other stuff to do so it won't get done before3 he leaves... I do have the toity flushin' fine as long as y6ou pour 2 1/2 gallond of water in the tank first...

Hey, 'bout the only one gonna be wantin' to stay in there before Sparky leaves is his son, Jamie, and he's like 16 now so he won't care if he has to pour a couple gallons in there to flush it... He prolly just wants to get away from mom and dad...


20 Aug 08 - 09:56 PM (#2419136)
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
From: Rapparee

Yeah, with his girl and a couple kilos, which means the cops are gonna be crawlin' all over yer place, Bobert. Yer goin' down as an assessory before, during, and after the act or somethin' like that. Anyway, repeat after me:

"But Officer, I swear I thought he had a big bag of oregano there!"