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BS: Completely unexpected gifts

19 Aug 08 - 04:48 PM (#2418032)
Subject: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Jerry Rasmussen

A long time ago in a land called Connecticut, I walked out to my mailbox one day and found a passage with the return address of A. Thieme. At that time, I didn't know Art Thieme, although he insisted later that we had talked briefly in the hallway at a Folk Legacy Festival in Hartford. I'm sure he was right, but being a performer at a folk festival was a new experience for me, and everything was slightly out of focus. Including Art, I guess. When I opened the package, there was a new copy of Folk Songs of Wisconsin. It was a completely unexpected gift. Enclosed was a two sentence note, saying that Art thought I should have the book, me being from Wisconsin, and all. Such generosity is always unexpected. Art warned me that he didn't write letters, but that didn't stop me from writing to him. forty years later, we're still great friends.

A few years after that, I went out to that same ordinary-looking mailbox and found another package. This time, the return address was from Sy Kahn. I knew who Sy Kahn was, but had never met him, or exchanged even a "Hey!" Enclosed was the Sy Kahn song book with a warm inscription saying that he enjoyed the songs I'd written, and wanted me to have his songbook. It was a completely unexpected gift.

Everyone needs an occasional completely unexpected gift. They are a reminder that there are good people out there whose only motivation is to give you something because they found something in you that they appreciated.

Over the years, I've sent my share of completely unexpected gifts. It is a real delight, doing it. I just sent 5 CDs to a pastor of a small church whom I barely know. I appreciate what he's doing, and felt a strong connection with him. We know each other's names, but I've never said much more to him than "Hey, Rev!"

Everyone loves to get presents. They even look for them on their birthday or at Christmas. How much better to send someone a gift whom you hardly know, when they aren't expecting it.

Make someone's day.


19 Aug 08 - 05:13 PM (#2418053)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Liz the Squeak

That's part of why I sort the Secret Santas - I get the warm glow of sorting all those gifts to people who don't know what is going to hit their mailboxes!

Do tiny little nuns count? :D


19 Aug 08 - 06:13 PM (#2418092)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: katlaughing

It is so much fun to do surprise gifts, isn't it, Jerry? I have been doing that for several years, now, for Night Owl, after she lost everything in a house fire. She and I found we had a lot of the same tastes in books, music, and other things. So...every once in awhile I find something to send to her. Today, it is an old children's copy of Black Beauty.

I have been the recipient sometimes, too, and really cherish those things, esp. the thoughts behind them.

19 Aug 08 - 06:14 PM (#2418093)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Barry Finn

I went out to my mail box this afternoon hoping for a bonus check from the government cause I heat my house with Oil (I heard something about oil tax breaks). All I found will a request for more my with the return address of Bill

Some guys have all the luck, sigh


19 Aug 08 - 06:58 PM (#2418124)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: The Fooles Troupe

I went to my email this morning, and there was no word from Norman...


19 Aug 08 - 07:21 PM (#2418142)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: olddude

I love to do that. Many times I will get NFL stuff because I help out for free their foundations for special needs kids. Out of the blue I will get something in the mail from a player or former player completely unexpected. I usually then send it to someone else to make their day. So much fun

19 Aug 08 - 07:36 PM (#2418162)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: kendall

I gave my son in law a nice fishing rod yesterday. He's a typical Mainer, so there is a lot of Mr. Spock in him. I think he is pleased.

Today, I gave one of my tapes to a clerk at the local hardware store. She is always helpful and she knows what she is doing, unlike some of the people there! She was very pleased.

19 Aug 08 - 07:46 PM (#2418173)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: artbrooks

We got a nice home-made cassette a few years ago from a guy named Jerry Rasmussen....

19 Aug 08 - 08:08 PM (#2418199)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Jerry Rasmussen

And then there was the Christmas when I found a large box sitting on my doorstep. It came through the mail, but wouldn't fit in the mailbox. It was addressed to me, with the correct address and zip code, so there was nothing unexpected about that. There was no return address on the box, but that wasn't all that unexpected. I brought the box into the house and sat it on the kitchen table. When I opened it, it was filled with several presents. Even though I figured that they must be Christmas gifts, none of them were wrapped. The gifts looked quite expensive and had obviously been selected with great care. But, they were definitely unexpected, as all of the gifts were for a woman... a pair of leather gloves, a nightgown and two or three other gifts. I had been divorced for a few years, so I didn't think they were for my ex-wife. The box was addressed to me, anyway. After calling the post office to see if there was any way that I could return the box and being told that without a return address they could do nothing, I ended up giving the gifts to the woman I was going out with at that time.

They were completely unexpected weird gifts.


19 Aug 08 - 08:12 PM (#2418204)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Emma B

Most of all I love to send them to the folks I love

19 Aug 08 - 08:17 PM (#2418210)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Me too, Emma, but there's something particularly enjoyable about sending them off to someone who you know is going through hard times, even if you hardly know them.

No one has ever returned them...


19 Aug 08 - 08:32 PM (#2418221)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: EBarnacle

At the Clearwater Revival this year, David Rosen, the owner of Adirondack Guideboats, asked Lady Hillary and me whether we would like one of his boats. We looked at each other for validation and said "You betcha; we'll be at the shop in Vermont on our way to Old Songs."

He gave us a trade in boat as we expected and the parts to make it nearly new. Looks great! As soon as we slow down, we'll launch her.

19 Aug 08 - 09:29 PM (#2418263)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Cool, Barnacle! A great gift!
Then there was the cd of the Gospel Messengers that showed up in my box one day...
And then there are the shawls...

20 Aug 08 - 01:34 AM (#2418373)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: KT

Just last week, I was in the local florist shop picking up some flowers for someone's birthday. As is commonplace amongst those who have endured a summer of rain, the discussion turned to the gloomy weather and how it was beginning to get to us.

Later that afternoon, I walked into my office and there on my desk was a bright, beautiful bouquet of sunflowers, with a card that said, "In lieu of the sun" from the owner of the florist shop!! I am still delighted by that unexpected, very sweet, very kind gesture!


20 Aug 08 - 03:44 AM (#2418401)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Morticia

Shawls, definitely. What a wonderful world that has friends in it.

20 Aug 08 - 05:15 AM (#2418434)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Sandra in Sydney

last year I received an unexpected parcel from Joybell. She was her cousin's executor & thought I'd like a few little items - a beautiful crystal bear, a rubber stamp of bear paw-prints & a bear punch (a metal thingy that punches bear-shaped holes in paper for those who were wondering!)

not a PM or email or any forewarning, just a parcel full of great stuff from a thoughtful person!


20 Aug 08 - 05:53 AM (#2418446)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Anne Lister

We've just lost my father-in-law (who lived with us). Last week a parcel arrived from a well-known store, which puzzled me as we hadn't ordered anything. Inside was a beautiful double picture frame - it was from my brother and his wife, with instructions to use it for my husband's pics of his late mother and father ... so very thoughtful, and much more enduring than flowers.


20 Aug 08 - 06:43 AM (#2418460)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Many years ago, when John Lennon was living at the Dakota in New York City, they ran a long interview of him in the New York Times. I was especially interested in his conversation about skiffle groups and Lonnie Donegan. I looked up the address of the Dakota, and sent him a long letter about how much I enjoyed the article and how I'd been strongly influenced by Lonnie as well, and sent him a copy of my first album on Folk Legacy. I didn't expect an answer.

A few days later, I received a copy of the double album that John and Yoko did together, with the return address of the Dakota, but no note inside. I was surprised on several levels. For starters, they'd doine a skit that weekend on Saturday night live with Dan Akroyd as a doorman at the Dakota, talking about how people were rumaging through the trash, hoping to find a copy of the new album, because it hadn't been released for review. There was great anticipation for the record, and no one had heard it. Except me. I wrote back and thanked John and Yoko for the record and told them how much I appreciated it. I didn't get a response back. A couple of days after I mailed it, I heard the news. Lennon had just been killed outside the Dakota.


20 Aug 08 - 08:31 AM (#2418538)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: GUEST,Dani

I have been the recipient of two amazing unexpected and mighty generous gifts, both percussion-related, the most lovely of which was from mudcatters : )

Both are treasures in my life, and have taught me to share more generously than I might have otherwise, of gifts AND encouragement.

KT, your lovely flower story is so timely! Yesterday I stopped at a flower store to splurge on a few beautiful stems to celebrate my new/gorgeous office. I probably went a little overboard, both because the colors were so appealing, and because I wanted to share with my officemate. As they were being wrapped, the reason for the purchase (and the place, which had some meaning to the owner) was revealed, and magically, the total came to $8!

I just figured I was living right (for a change)!

The interesting thing was, the young women where I work asked who they were for: "me". well, who are they from? "me". for you? "yes, me". from WHO?! They are folks very used to being on the receiving end, and had not considered there are those of us who have to keep ourselves in flowers : )


20 Aug 08 - 08:34 AM (#2418541)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts

I usually find my unexpected gifts on the front lawn or standing in the back yard. The last was what appears to be a mutated metal flamingo.Quite revolting but chosen with love and care by Jacqui's grandson Louis. So it remains in front of the house much to the neighbors' dismay.

20 Aug 08 - 10:03 AM (#2418610)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: kendall

I went to put the rubbish out this morning and there on our raised flower garden was an unexpected gift. Two of the ugliest Gnomes I have ever seen!

20 Aug 08 - 10:38 AM (#2418649)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts

Sins, Lewis has the gene, then?

I dunno, Kendall, I have two pretty ugly gnomes, here......hmmmmm, I've been wondering where the rest of their family went. Sounds like they're going on a little trip for a family reunion.

Dani, cheers to you for being good to yourself! And congrats on your new office!


20 Aug 08 - 11:13 AM (#2418673)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Not all gifts are physical, of course. Not everyone is blessed enough to find two gnomes sitting in their year like you, Kendall.

A completely unexpected gift that I received recently was a phone call from someone I hadn't spoken to in over twenty years.   It's great to know that someone still remembers you after all that time, and wonderful to get back up to date. That doesn't always work, though. I tracked down an old highschool "best" friend a few years ago, and while the phone conversation was enjoyable, he never responded to e-mails, letters or packages of CDs that I sent to him.


Unexpected gift, indeed.

But, the re-connections that can happen after many years are definitely gifts.


20 Aug 08 - 07:46 PM (#2419085)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: kendall

A couple of weeks ago I received a cd in the mail. It was from my good friend, Jim Stewart of New Brunswick Canada, and among other fine pieces, was his tribute to me, a tune called "Kendall's Reel" How does one express gratitude for such a gift?

20 Aug 08 - 07:54 PM (#2419087)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Emma B

I had a beautiful piece of music named for me too - it was a wonderful 'gift' that I will treasure always.

20 Aug 08 - 11:15 PM (#2419164)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts

We have played Kendall's Reel......and a fine tune it is, too!


21 Aug 08 - 12:44 AM (#2419194)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Rowan

Twice in my life I have found that people I once knew well (but had lost contact with, for a fair while) have had an offspring they'd named "Rowan"; both times I felt quite humbled.

And twice I received a CD, quite unexpectedly, from the Angel of Annandale.

It's a wonderful feeling to know you're held in such esteem. I try to pass the feeling onwards.

Cheers, Rowan

21 Aug 08 - 01:13 AM (#2419207)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Liz the Squeak

I went through a little spate of finding random gifts on the doorstep - a pound of potatoes, a set of tupperware bowls, a bunch of dahlia flowers.... all very welcome and I never did find out who they were from.


21 Aug 08 - 03:13 AM (#2419238)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Anne Lister

LTS - beats the various offerings of dead voles etc from the cat!


21 Aug 08 - 04:42 AM (#2419262)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: jacqui.c

Laast year I asked a friend in Canada to do a drawing of Kendall from a photo. When I opened her package, on my return from the UK there were two drawings, one of Kendall and the other of Kendall and me on our wedding day. That has pride of place in our living room now.

21 Aug 08 - 07:28 AM (#2419297)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: kendall

When I first met Gordon Bok 49 years ago, he was driving a 1950 Jeepster. I used to do some repairs on it, and 18 years ago I told him, "If you ever want to get rid of it, let me know." He said, "I just might. Do you really want it?" I said, "Yes, but it depends on how much you want for it." The conversation went like this:

Bok. "How about a cup of coffee"?
Me, "Sure"
Bok, "And a meal".
"Me "Yup"
Bok, "If you don't cook it."
Me, "Done".

21 Aug 08 - 10:24 AM (#2419397)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: olddude

Talking to a buddie last night, I want him to join mudcat.   Showed him this thread .. his reply

My high school girlfriend
"she gave me 10 days of antibiotics"

LOL had to share this sorry

21 Aug 08 - 11:51 AM (#2419479)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: Bert

One day I received a parcel, It contained a couple of oldish cameras. They were from our own AllanC. He had remembered that I collected old cameras and took the trouble to pack them up and send them to me.

21 Aug 08 - 02:23 PM (#2419609)
Subject: RE: BS: Completely unexpected gifts
From: kendall

Hey, Allen C, I collect old 50 dollar bills!