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BS: Big Bang Day

10 Sep 08 - 03:10 AM (#2435903)
Subject: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Mr Red

Is that a Higgs Boson you've got in your pocket, or are you just pleased to Big Bang me?

Make it quick, there are only 20 minutes left.

10 Sep 08 - 03:13 AM (#2435906)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: CarolC

What if they bang a whole new universe into being and it blows this one completely away?

10 Sep 08 - 03:19 AM (#2435914)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Paul Burke

Especially if the new one starts exactly where the old one left off- the Universe could come to an end AND WE COULDN'T TELL.

10 Sep 08 - 03:21 AM (#2435916)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: CarolC

Do they ever think of these things when they design their little toys?!

10 Sep 08 - 03:24 AM (#2435917)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Mr Red

But in the parallel universes it creates I wouldn't have got divorced - because I wouldn't have married "thing".

I can't wait to slip into that universe.

As they say - use your branes.

10 Sep 08 - 03:37 AM (#2435925)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: The Fooles Troupe

The thread title gave me quite a thrill at first...

10 Sep 08 - 04:28 AM (#2435946)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: fat B****rd

Large Hadron Collider, sounds like an Indie Band. It can't be that important The Sun (UK Tabloid) is featuring Posh Beck's new hairstyle.

10 Sep 08 - 08:03 AM (#2436066)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Backwoodsman

All this stuff about it resulting in The End Of The World seems to be grounded less in the science of nuclear physics than in the science of selling tabloid newspapers.

10 Sep 08 - 08:30 AM (#2436086)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day

This will no more end the world than the first atom bomb did. But it does sell papers.

10 Sep 08 - 08:36 AM (#2436091)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Mr Red

Well - did anyopne feel the earth move?

10 Sep 08 - 08:39 AM (#2436094)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Donuel

I'm listening to NPR intently as they describe the Hadron collider and then they go to a recorded audio of the countdown that occured 4 hours ago; "5 4 3 2 1 0YAAAAY" then the radio went dead. I switched to Pacifica, no signal, I turned off the car radio and came inside. The battery radio did not get any FM stations below 84.

They came back 5 minutes later.

damn black holes sucked my signals.

10 Sep 08 - 08:46 AM (#2436099)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Ruth Archer

"Large Hadron Collider, sounds like an Indie Band."

The Wikipedia Band Game:

1. Go to
The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2. Go to Random quotations:

The last four words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3. Go to flickr's "explore the last seven days"

Middle picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

This may need its own thread...

10 Sep 08 - 08:54 AM (#2436106)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Rasener

My autistic daughter has taken this issue literally and is so scared and we can't convince her that it will be OK

Damn the shit stirrers

10 Sep 08 - 09:02 AM (#2436111)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Lox

But didn't you know that tabloid editors understand the science much better than these irresponsible specky geeks and their dangerous experiments?

10 Sep 08 - 09:05 AM (#2436114)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: George Papavgeris

There's a Black Hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza...

10 Sep 08 - 09:44 AM (#2436158)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: olddude

It just happened, I am reading the thread backwards ... now it is sliding off my screen ... doomed I say doomed

10 Sep 08 - 09:49 AM (#2436160)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day

You old fool - you are standing on your head with your glasses on backwards. Get a grip!

10 Sep 08 - 09:50 AM (#2436162)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: GUEST,Fife

A waste of a ridiculous amount of money that could be better used. Billions spent on a fun day out for a handful of university bores.

10 Sep 08 - 10:01 AM (#2436179)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: olddude

you are right thank you, now I can see it clearly

10 Sep 08 - 10:11 AM (#2436194)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Rapparee

I can see clearly now, the air has gone....

I ain't worried cuz I live in Idaho an' we don't care what them Yurpean syentists do. 'Sides, we got five (5) nuklur selleraters rite here in town and the whole damned Idyho Nashunal Labradory out bout sixty miles from here. They got more nuklur re-akters out there than you kin shake a stick at.

10 Sep 08 - 10:19 AM (#2436205)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Ruth- cool game!
My band name : Yamil Chade
My album name: The horse will go along, too. (I had to add "the horse" for interest)

My photo is a blue broken-down house.

I love it!

10 Sep 08 - 10:40 AM (#2436234)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Becca72

My band is Bernadino MB-3 Tamoyo
Album is "Out of personal opinions" (I actually kinda like that!)

10 Sep 08 - 10:57 AM (#2436254)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: GUEST,Joe P somewhere else

My band - Better Than Chocolate
Album - Can Only Be Given

and the photo is a snow white figure kissing one of the seven dwarves.

Couldnt do better if I tried.

10 Sep 08 - 11:06 AM (#2436266)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day

"A waste of a ridiculous amount of money that could be better used. Billions spent on a fun day out for a handful of university bores."

I strongly suspect that something similar was said about the first guy to toy with a wheel.

Followed by "Nothing good will come of this."

Read about the fact, nevermind. It will probably be a waste of your time.

10 Sep 08 - 11:30 AM (#2436285)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Paul Burke

I'm disappointed- I thought it was the Large Hardon Collider.

10 Sep 08 - 11:52 AM (#2436304)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Ruth Archer

Band: The Cairns Post

Album: Keeps On Writing Prose

Album Cover

10 Sep 08 - 12:07 PM (#2436319)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Rapparee

Band: Kelambakkam
Album title: Side in a quarrel
Cover: A peaceful grove of trees.

I had to do the band name twice because the first one was Topsider, which was already a band.

10 Sep 08 - 12:11 PM (#2436323)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: ClaireBear

Band: Muhwagwa

Album title: To Fulfilling Your Dreams

Photo: Table set with full English breakfast, tourist brochures and air tickets for Japan

10 Sep 08 - 12:14 PM (#2436327)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Alice

band name "Pilgrimage Centers"

album "our adversaries are insane"

coverclick for image

This is fun!
Yes, it needs its own thread!

10 Sep 08 - 12:53 PM (#2436372)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Mr Red

Hey this is Big Bang Day not Big Band Gay


10 Sep 08 - 03:24 PM (#2436554)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Mrs.Duck

Now I'm really miffed. I was promised the world would end today so I spent all my money! And that Geoffrey is why we haven't got any honest :0)

What shoes????

10 Sep 08 - 03:41 PM (#2436577)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Bill D

These scares are not new.

year,, on my paper route, find a tiny tabloid magazine about 4"x6" (well, I picked it up because it had Marilyn Monroe on the cover)..but one article was titled: "Can the H-Bomb destroy the world?"
...the answer: Um...we dunno, but rhetorical questions about it helps sell magazines.

10 Sep 08 - 03:56 PM (#2436601)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: fat B****rd

Hello, Ruth and everybody.
My band's called Correctness
Our Album's Called Themselves Contend In Vain
My cover is an old bloke leaning on a fence with his back to camera.
(Sorry I couldn't do the clicky thing)

10 Sep 08 - 04:11 PM (#2436630)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Rapparee

My band is going to play Celtic-Cajun Klezmer. Just think of those DJs trying to say, "Kelambakkam: Celtic-Cajun Klezmer" and not injuring themselves in the process.

10 Sep 08 - 04:33 PM (#2436653)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Donuel

One more cosmological pun and I'll implode.

Anyone remember the TV show Time Tunnel?

It sure looks like their stage set

you don't suppose...

10 Sep 08 - 04:42 PM (#2436661)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: CarolC

Have some people actually taken the tongue-in-cheek playing around in this thread seriously? My goodness!

10 Sep 08 - 05:29 PM (#2436699)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Dave Masterson

I wonder how much power this little toy uses? Bet their electricity meter didn't half whizz round when they switched it on.

And they tell the rest of us to switch off the stand-by on our TV's because it's a terrible waste of energy? Beam me up Scotty, beam me up...

10 Sep 08 - 06:31 PM (#2436749)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Rapparee

!reguoy gnitteg m'I ylnedduS.

10 Sep 08 - 06:51 PM (#2436779)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: The Fooles Troupe

fat B****rd

You got the wrong thread... :-)

10 Sep 08 - 07:01 PM (#2436787)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

!reguoy gnitteg m'I ylnedduS.

I am falling around over here....*that is *so* funny! LOL

10 Sep 08 - 08:07 PM (#2436856)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day

I get my yougers at the bakery downtown. Where did you get yours, Rapaire?

10 Sep 08 - 09:00 PM (#2436887)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: GUEST,Brian Stein

not exactly spectacular today:

big bang ?

more like a wet fart!

10 Sep 08 - 09:10 PM (#2436894)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Bill D

Funny, all the bosons around here seem to be just fine, and....wait...there's! I'm too young and

10 Sep 08 - 10:38 PM (#2436942)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Rapparee

Did King Hadron sit in a boson's chair?

11 Sep 08 - 08:43 AM (#2437237)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day

The particles are flying around in both directions now. Just a matter of a few weeks before we see. Very exciting stuff when you are getting updates periodically from the press. But I wonder who gets to sit and watch them go round and round and round like clothes in a dryer.

11 Sep 08 - 11:03 AM (#2437381)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: MaineDog

Dan Brown has done considerable research on modern particle physics and potential problems. Read "Angels and Demons"

12 Sep 08 - 08:39 AM (#2438248)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Donuel

Due to an unusual temporal flux the first test of the Hadron will be in about 2 weeks.

13 Sep 08 - 04:09 AM (#2439024)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Liz the Squeak

My Band - Modes of Limited Transposition
Album - New one holds water
and the picture - aptly enough - the Higgs Boson thingy!

To be honest, I didn't know about it and thus my world is not ending.



13 Sep 08 - 10:19 AM (#2439153)
Subject: RE: BS: Big Bang Day
From: Bill D

If a boson falls in a forest, and there's no collector to document it, do we have to mobilize Boy Scouts to find it?